
The Rise of the Dragon knights

A young man named Pheonix goes to kill a dragon but all goes awry when it turns out he can't kill it

John_Hamel · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Time to Hunt

A young man about the age of 20 goes off into a forest just east of the kingdom of Larion. This forest has been known as the Dragons Nest after many reports of a magical beast going there every night started spreading around even to the surrounding kingdoms. This man only has weak and worn down armor and a damaged sword. "You really think you can take me?" a roar echoed through the forest as a full grown dragon approached the little human. "Well boy, you are welcome to try but I doubt you can do anything against me!" By this time the group following the man had all been wiped out by the animals that didnt fear the dragon. "I admire your bravery little human. I think I will put your name in the ground of the next kingdom I attack, so tell me what your called." The man's first words were shakey but anyone there could understand them. "My name is Pheonix and I'm going to hunt you down.