
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

The Attack!

This meal Yao Jing with Song Siqing ate for a long time.

By the time the two men were pulled from the bottom of the sea, it was already past ten o 'clock at night.

Together they took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

"This is your new car? How cool is that?" Song Siqing standing in front of Yao Jing's new car marveled.

"I didn't think so at first, but it does look good now." Yao Jing said with a smile.

"How did he know you liked pink?" Song Siqing asked.

"I don't know." Yao Jing shook her head, for Lin Zhizhi to buy her a pink car this matter, she felt very confused, because pink is her favorite color, but she did not show it at home, and there are few pink things in her room.

"Every man who cheats and plays with a woman's affections is the best detective." Song Siqing said.

"You really have a deep sense of men." Yao Jing smiled, opened the door and sat in.

Song Siqing also quickly sat on the car.

Yao Jing pressed the start button of the car and then drove out of the parking space.

Just as Yao Jing's car was moving forward, a black SUV came from the side.

The car was moving very fast, coming in a whoosh, and then suddenly stopped in front of Yao Jing's car.

Yao Jing quickly stepped on the brakes, but the SUV stopped too close to her car, so the front is still inevitable hit up.


The Bentley stopped, and the SUV shook.

"What's wrong with the car? How did it come out of nowhere?" Song Siqing frowns, planning to drive down to check.

"Don't drive." Yao Jing said.

"Huh?" Song Siqing doubt looked at Yao Jing.

Yao Jing pressed the door lock, and then picked up the phone to call a 110 out.

At the same time, in the SUV, a woman got out of the driver's seat, went straight to the side of the driver's seat, slammed the window and said, "How do you drive?" Will it open? Come down here and see what you've done to my car."

"I'll pay you what you owe. I'm calling the police. They're coming." Yao Jing said.

At this, the woman's face changed. She reached out and pulled on the door handle. When the door was locked, she reached to her waist and drew out an iron bar.

"Get down to work!" The woman shouted, then grabbed the iron bar and smashed it straight at the window.

There was a crack in the window.

At the same time, in the SUV, three strong men opened the door and jumped out, their hands also holding iron bars.

Some of the three climbed on the hood of the car to smash the glass in front of the car, and some ran to the passenger seat to smash the window.

"I am in XX mall underground parking lot 1 floor B area, someone is smashing my car, my life is in danger, please come as soon as possible!" Yao Jing sat in the car, calm to the police report the situation.

"Ok, we'll arrange for the local police to go there right away."

Yao Jing hung up the phone and looked around.

Bentley's window quality is very good, although it was cracked, but it did not break open.

However, the force of those people smashing the window is very large, and each blow will make many cracks in the window.

"Quiet, who are these people, how can this happen? " Song Siqing cried out in panic.

"I don't know, but don't worry, the police are coming!" Yao Jing said, her face is still calm.

Just then...

There was a crash, and the window in the front passenger seat couldn't take the blow and finally cracked a small hole.

Seeing this scene, Song Siqing called out in panic.

Yao Jing frowned and stepped on the accelerator directly.

The car hurtled forward against the body of the SUV, pushing it straight out.

With the Bentley's powerful engine, the SUV could not stop the Bentley.

The mob banged on the Windows even harder, trying to break them all.


The SUV was pushed against the wall, slammed into the wall.

Yao Jing put the car in reverse gear and retreated.

After three or four meters back, Yao Jing put on the forward gear again, and then suddenly hit the steering wheel, to the right of the underground garage exit.

The thugs chased two steps, found that they could not catch up, and rushed to the SUV, and then drove the car after Yao Jing.

Two cars rushed out of the underground garage, one after the other.

At the same time, under the night, the figure of the greedy Wolf, also rushed towards the two cars.

"Do you want to wait until the situation is a little more critical before acting, it seems better!" The Wolf thought as he chased the two cars.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared from the sky, blocking the Wolf's way.

"Uh-huh?" The Wolf looks at each other.

It was a man with his face covered, and it was not clear what he looked like, but there was a fierce air emanating from the man's body.

"Death?" The greedy Wolf asked with a blank expression.

The masked man did not speak, just stood there, but the intention was clear.

He, to stop the Wolf.

The greedy Wolf no longer speaks, a strong step towards each other.

At the same time, the momentum of the greedy Wolf was also raised to the peak in an instant.

The masked man on the opposite side of the Wolf suddenly stepped on the foot, and the whole person was as fast as thunder, attacking the Wolf.

The distance between two people from a few meters to zero!

Bang, bang, bang!

Greedy Wolf five fingers into claws, sharp nails in the night glow cold, constantly trying to tear each other's defenses.

However, the defense of the other side is also extremely strong!

To be precise, the other side is putting all its strength into defense.

Three seconds, the greedy Wolf at least hundreds of shots, but none of them broke the other's defense.

In just three seconds, the coyote knew what the other was up to.

The other side just wanted to stop him, and did not want to really fight with him.

Seeing Yao Jing's car has disappeared in the night, greedy Wolf eyes in the cold flash.

That pair of circular double pupil, unexpectedly suddenly turned into a seam!

The next moment, the Wolf's sharp nails are once again long, just like a sharp knife.

"You're not human!" When the face of the masked man changed, he turned and tried to run.

But it was too late.

The Wolf's body leaped high and was behind the masked man.


The Wolf's right hand swept past.

The masked man's head just flew.

The Wolf's body fell to the ground, left hand support the ground.

Blood dripped from the nail of his right hand.

"You're not fucking human." Greedy Wolf cold hum, cold to the extreme.

But the next moment, Wolf's face changes, because... He has lost Yao Jing completely.

The greedy Wolf picked up the mobile phone and called Dong Jian.

"Mr. Dong, I... Got into trouble."

Two cars were speeding along the road in the dark.

Yao Jing's driving skills are not good, but fortunately Bentley's performance is superior enough, and her car is still a sports car, so Yao Jing's car always leaves the off-road vehicle behind.

The off-road vehicle driver's skills are obviously much better than Yao Jing, although the performance of the off-road vehicle is not as good as Bentley, but with excellent driving skills, he has always lagged behind Yao Jing tens of meters away.

"Quiet, who are those people and where are we going?" Song Siqing tightly grasped the handrail next to the door and asked nervously.

"I don't know. I'm going to the police now." Yao Jing said.

"Hurry up, they're coming!" Song Siqing looked in the rearview mirror and said excitedly.


Off-road vehicle finally caught up with Yao Jing Bentley, the front of the heavy hit on the Bentley car butt.

Bentley gave a jolt, and the good performance kept him from losing his balance.

Yao Jing firmly grasped the steering wheel and stepped down on the accelerator.

The Bentley suddenly increased its speed by a quarter, pulling away from the SUVs behind it.

However, with the improvement of speed, the difficulty of Yao Jing's operation has also been greatly improved.

Bang, bang, bang!

Yao Jing and several cars on the side of the car in a row, the car a twist, it seems that at any time may lose control.

"Why is it not here yet? Quiet, I'm scared!" Song Siqing shouted.

'Soon! Yao Jing calmly looked in the rearview mirror.

At this look, Yao Jing froze for a moment.

The SUV in the rearview mirror was gone.

Why is it suddenly gone?

Yao Jing was stunned.

Just then, two blinding lights shone from right in front.

'Be careful! Song Siqing shouted.

Yao Jing slammed on the brakes.

The screech of brakes echoed down the street.


There was a loud bang.

The front of the Bentley collided with the front of the earthmoving car.

The airbags all popped in a flash.

Yao Jing and Song Siqing two people were completely wrapped by the airbag, did not suffer any harm, but also can not move.

The whole front of the Bentley? Severely distorted, which also caused Yao Jing to be unable to open the door.

On the co-pilot, Song Siqing struggled to push the door open.

"Siqing, run away and find the police!" Yao Jing shouted.

Song Siqing got down from the car, but did not go, but ran to Yao Jing's position, grabbed the door and called, "Quiet, you don't be afraid, I save you out."

"Siqing, run quickly, don't run too late!" Yao Jing said excitedly.

'I can't leave you here alone, I can't! Song Siqing shouted, while using all the power, but Yao Jing side of the door distortion more severe, with her strength simply can not open.

Just then, the black SUV sped up from the side and stopped next to the Bentley.

Several people on the car have got off, at this time, these people all put on a mask.

"What are you doing? Don't come!!" Song Siqing grabbed a broken piece of the car on the ground and shouted in the face of the masked men.

Those few people came to Song Siqing in front of three or two steps.

"I'll fight you!" Song Siqing shouted and rushed up.


The other side came over with an iron bar, directly hit Song Siqing's body.

Song Siqing flew out of the side of the whole person, heavy fall to the ground.

Several masked men continued to advance to the car, and several of them grabbed the door and tried to open it.

"Stay away!!" Song Siqing stifled the pain, struggled from the ground, and rushed to the masked men again.


Song Siqing took another stick.

The stick, it broke the bone of her hand.

Song Siqing screamed and took a few steps back, but immediately shouted and rushed forward.

Her actions angered one of the masked men, who rushed to Song Siqing with an iron bar and mercilessly threw the iron bar at Song Siqing.

Song Siqing screaming dodge, but can not hide.

On the other side, the masked men finally opened Yao Jing's door.

One of them grabbed Ms. Yao and dragged her out of the car.