
The Rise Of The Dark God

Battlepope · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Born Again

I try and move around to get a better idea of where I am. But I can't move much and I get tired so fast. Sleepy so sleepy a nap sounds good.

Who turned on all the lights and what's with all the screaming and crying? I open my eyes and see for the first time my new parents. My mother panting from all the effort of child birth. Even in this state she is beautiful all lithe features and smooth grace as she reaches out to me.

I am cleaned and handed to her I look up at her face in wonder. She has the sun bronzed skin of someone who spends lots of time outside. Honey colored hair and a a smile you could see from space it was so bright. I see her eyes next bright green, so bright in fact its almost like they are giving off light of there own. I can't help but get lost in her eyes, its as if I'm looking at jewels they appear to be so old yet timeless. The man next to her moves her hair out of her face and that's when I notice pointed ears she is an elf? So it was all true. The system, the rebirth I remember everything from my last life and here I am in a new one.

As I gaze in wonder at the most beautiful person I have ever seen I am overcome with hunger. its like I have not eaten in days it becomes all I can think about. I can't help but start crying. Now I know what you are thinking big tough man who grew up on the streets crying because of hunger doesn't make much sense but I have literally never eaten in this life and my body is responding accordingly. My new mother seams to know what is wrong with me and begins to nurse me. As I drink I can feel myself getting more and more tired. I decide its a good time for a nap i have to get used to this new body and this new world.

As I'm drifting off I hear hushed voices around me speaking. I can not make out what they are saying I do not understand the language. I have to make that a priority learn the language. I can't do much without being able to understand the people around me, but for now sleep...

When I wake up next I'm so comfortable, I'm warm and on a soft bed I can hear a fire crackling in the room and smell the woodsmoke. Voices slowly come closer as they notice I am beginning to move around.

I look up to see a grizzled and scared man I can tell right away he is a fighter he is heavily muscled but not like a body builder but more like a martial artist. He has short cropped brown hair graying at the temples and a neat beard flecked with gray. His nose has been broken and reset many times. His smile is wide as he sees me and he comes and picks me up. His hands are callused and scared. He brings me over near the fire and I can feel the warmth from it and that's when I notice that I could not hear his steps for a big man he did not make much noise at all, this is someone dangerous this is a man that knows what he is doing in a fight.

The man that I presume to be my father sites in a chair near the fire and holds me tight against him I can hear his heart beating. Its then that realize that i never knew my parents. I have never had a family of my own. i can feel the love coming off of this man in the way he holds me so careful not to hurt me. Its kind of dizzying.

I know the system is not active but i cant help but offer my thanks for being able to feel this at last. It took me dyeing to get here but this... this is worth it.

The man...no my father starts to sing I don't understand a word and the poor man cant hold a tune to save his life but i like it. this is something i will never forget and will always cherish this night and this feeling for as long as I live.

I must get stronger. I must find a way to never lose this happiness. I finally have a reason to fight that is not just survival. Something to protect.