
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
280 Chs

Chapter 40: The Siege of the Centipede Army!

Jia Yan made a plan.

If he couldn't find that so-called "divine object," he would replenish the mysterious fluid. Then he would wait and see if the fluid would have some mutation effects again!

After all, the previous remnants of the mysterious fluid seemed to have been almost digested.

Even if not, it could be used as a supplement!

Jia Yan's current plan was to stay in this underground world for a while. When he found that the mysterious fluid was really ineffective for his body, he would go to the outside world to see if there were any other opportunities to become stronger!

"Anyway, with my current body, the risk of being seen by humans outside has greatly increased. It's better to treat this place as a 'training ground' for now and see if there is still a possibility of further growth!"

"And the weather on the surface, I guess it's almost autumn. Although it might not affect me much, it's definitely not as comfortable as this warm underground world!"

With these thoughts in mind, Jia Yan planned his life for the next period.

However, plans often couldn't keep up with changes!

Just as Jia Yan was planning.

He suddenly heard several waves of buzzing noises in his ears!

This sound was too familiar!

It was clearly the centipede army he had just managed to get rid of!

Jia Yan quickly looked back!

Sure enough, behind him was a huge army composed of giant centipedes!

Jia Yan felt a huge shock in his heart because there was not just one centipede army chasing him, but at least seven or eight!

On average, each army consisted of hundreds of centipedes, so seven or eight armies meant seven or eight hundred centipedes!

It seemed like all the giant centipedes in the centipede nest had come out to capture him!

One by one, the giants, when viewed from high above, seemed to form a black torrent, rushing towards the direction where Jia Yan was!

Jia Yan's internal alarm sounded!

He quickly turned around and flew towards a nearby small cave!

The centipede army behind him showed no intention of letting him go. These creatures, who ruled the skies of the underground world, seemed determined to kill him before giving up!

This scene of these monstrous creatures flying through the sky directly terrified countless creatures below, even the massive creatures in the water panicked and thrashed around!

Many animals living in the bushes directly fled into the bushes one after another, as if encountering a natural disaster!

In fact, Jia Yan had long realized that these centipedes had a feeling of dominance in this underground world, and now it seemed to be true!

Who could have imagined that in a world full of giant creatures, it was these initially unremarkable flying creatures that ruled the roost? Upon careful thought, it wasn't really surprising. The giant centipedes seemed to be the only flying creatures in this world, and their numbers were extremely large. With their advantage in flight and numbers, they were basically unbeatable!

Perhaps it was because Jia Yan was also a flying creature that these dominant centipedes considered him a threat to their authority, and every time they saw him, they were relentless!

In the midst of his escape, Jia Yan had no time to think about anything else!

His proud coagulated defense was indeed very powerful. Jia Yan even wondered if he could now withstand bullets from small human firearms!

As for the centipede army behind him, he was confident he could defend against those smaller creatures. But what really worried Jia Yan were the beings behind the ordinary giant centipedes!

Those even larger centipedes, numbering about thirty, were particularly intimidating.

Their bodies were over twenty centimeters, with sharper and sturdier tail needles, making them even more formidable!

Especially among them were five, whose bodies were directly purplish-black, and their bodies were so large that they exceeded forty centimeters!

No matter how you looked at it, these five were not simple creatures. Their appearance made all the other creatures, who had been crawling leisurely when they saw ordinary centipedes, suddenly behave as if they had seen natural enemies, scrambling to hide in the bushes!

These purple super-giant centipedes were definitely not good adversaries to provoke. When Jia Yan felt their compound eyes on him, he also had the feeling of being seen by natural enemies, and he immediately put more effort into escaping!


His lightning-like figure darted through the narrow cave!

The cave he entered had an entrance only about a meter wide, and Jia Yan wanted to prevent the centipede army from squeezing in all at once.

But as he flew further, the cave widened to about five or six meters after less than two minutes!


The centipedes chasing him behind found it convenient to fly side by side, swarming towards him in the air!

Jia Yan maintained the highest speed he could fly at, but for him, this narrow cave terrain was rather tricky because he had no experience or training in high-speed flight in such super low-altitude and narrow environments. Therefore, despite seizing the initiative, his overall speed was gradually being caught up by the giant centipedes behind him!

And those super-giant centipedes flew to the forefront of all the centipedes. Fortunately, those five purple creatures remained in the center of the centipede army and didn't seem to think the situation was worth their intervention yet.

However, dealing with just those super-giant centipedes was still a challenge for Jia Yan because he felt the tail needles of these creatures were equally dangerous!

"What's going on? I can hear the sound of centipedes flying ahead?!"

Just as Jia Yan was anxious, he faintly heard the piercing flapping wings in front of the cave!

His body swiftly turned a corner!

But in Jia Yan's compound eyes, a large group of giant centipedes was indeed approaching from the front!

"Could it be that this cave just circles around in the underground world, with both entrance and exit leading to the underground world? Ah, I really picked a good place!"

Jia Yan sighed at his bad luck.

The centipedes in front of him clearly came from another cave to intercept him. Jia Yan was not sure how high the intelligence of these giant centipedes was, but if this was indeed their plan, then their intelligence was much higher than he had anticipated!

"The majority of the ones in front are ordinary centipedes. I just need to pay attention to those two super-giant ones. The others are not a threat. Charge through!"

Compared to the wave in front, Jia Yan was more afraid of the tide of centipedes behind him, so he could only charge forward at this point!

Breaking through the group of centipedes in front was his only hope!

Jia Yan flapped his wings!

Prepared to endure the impact!

Summoning his courage!



The wings vibrated at an ultrahigh frequency, boosting Jia Yan's speed to the limit. In front of him, the sky was filled with giant centipedes, but he didn't have to worry about crashing into cave walls!

He charged straight through!

While Jia Yan accelerated, the super-giant centipedes chasing behind him suddenly slowed down. They didn't want to engage with their fellow centipedes in close combat!

But Jia Yan didn't stop at

 all. He continued to increase his speed to the limit and collided with the encircling group ahead!

In almost the blink of an eye.

Jia Yan's body collided with a normal centipede!


Jia Yan heard the sound of the impact!

The opponent's size was only about ten centimeters, and faced with a giant mosquito like himself, which had a body size of twenty-five centimeters, it could only be knocked away!

But his speed was slightly affected!

"Another collision!"

Jia Yan continued to increase the flapping speed of his wings. Without any reaction time, he collided with the next giant centipede!

This time, he won the collision again, but the angle of impact was different. After the normal centipede was knocked away, its body also hit Jia Yan's right wing, directly causing him to lose balance in the air for a moment!

Pap pap pap!

Jia Yan felt that his wings were probably not injured, but his speed dropped sharply!

"No, no! Stopping means death! Keep going! Wings, flap for me!" Jia Yan, with his huge body, rallied in the air and increased his speed again!

If he slowed down even a little, the centipede army would surround him, and then there would be no hope!

"You centipedes, you must be used to ruling this underground world, so you can't stand the existence of another challenger in the air! Wait for me! If I escape this time, I'll return to the surface first. But next time, I'll come back fully prepared and kill you all!"

After being chased by the centipede army several times, Jia Yan was also filled with anger!

He had just increased his speed a little, but a large black body had already appeared not far in front of him!

"Super-giant class? Perfect, I was just thinking that those ordinary centipedes weren't enough for me to bully!"

Jia Yan's compound eyes glinted!

Just judging from their size, his body was not much smaller than the opponent's twenty-something centimeters!

But Jia Yan's body was covered in layers of coagulated armor, making him much bulkier. Obviously, in terms of weight and bulkiness, Jia Yan believed he had an absolute advantage!

But Jia Yan wouldn't be careless because these giant centipedes were a group that had evolved to survive and reproduce in this underground world!

The creatures in this underground world were much stronger than their counterparts in the outside world, not only in size, but even if the centipedes outside were this large, they might not be comparable to the ones in the underground world!

Blocking Jia Yan's path was a super-giant centipede, its compound eyes shimmering!

The pale green luminescent algae in the cave illuminated their figures!

Some normal-sized centipedes were flocking towards Jia Yan flying in the air!

Even if these were just ordinary giant centipedes, being entangled by them would surely spell disaster for Jia Yan!

There was no time to lose!

"Get out of my way!"

Jia Yan roared in his heart and rammed into the super-giant centipede blocking his path!!