
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasía
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280 Chs

Chapter 39 Killing the Metal Monster!

Jia Yan lay on the ground, knowing that he wasn't dead yet.

But he was truly scared.

This was the most ferocious attack he had encountered since his rebirth!

The area above his forehead, which had been hit by the red light, had long been pierced and penetrated by the clotting that had been hit once.

Originally, for Jia Yan, it was definitely a sturdy defense, but just now it had become completely defenseless, directly allowing the red light to hit the exoskeleton above his forehead!


The head area of ​​any organism is absolutely sturdy in terms of defense, and this place may be the thickest part of the exoskeleton in Jia Yan's whole body!

Depending solely on the exoskeleton, it might not be enough for defense?!

Well then, if just the exoskeleton isn't enough...

What about adding the azure substance?!


At this moment, there was a azure dot the same diameter as the red light that hit the spot where Jia Yan's forehead was hit!

This dot now had a crystalline feel to it!

Under the terrifying red light, the exoskeleton that naturally appeared in front of Jia Yan's forehead showed a strange azure substance!

But compared to the azure substance used to defend against sniper bullets before, and the one used to create the blade-shaped keratin just now, the azure color on his forehead was even more dazzling at this moment!

It was even close to crystallization!!

Residues of crystalline matter fell from his forehead. This was because the attack power of the red light was too strong, causing the terrifying defense of the azure substance on Jia Yan's forehead to be hit and some substance to fall off!

But fortunately. The azure on his forehead rotated with a blue light. The missing part was quickly replenished.

And because of this attack, Jia Yan's body was hit by the violent force, and because several clots hit the lava on the top of the cave, there were some damages in several places, causing some injuries to his body!

The most serious should be the neck. At this moment, Jia Yan felt a slight pain in his neck. When he lowered his head to observe, he felt that there was also a faint azure color appearing there!

It turned out that when his forehead was hit by an extremely powerful attack, although the red light did not penetrate his forehead, the tremendous force it caused still distorted the entire head and neck area!

At this point, Jia Yan's entire head was about to twist!

Not only could the clot not stop it, even the original exoskeleton would not be able to withstand it!

If his neck were broken. Even if his forehead defended against the red light attack, he would still be dead!

But at that moment. The azure substance contained in the exoskeleton played a role again, protecting Jia Yan's neck, and even because of the extremely powerful force, several parts also appeared crystallized!

It can be said that without the existence of the azure substance, Jia Yan would definitely have died this time!


A metallic foot stepped on the ground.

The metal monster, which was half metal and half flesh, finally fell completely from the metal pipeline to the ground!

At this point, with one foot stepping on the ground, its metallic head with black holes aimed outward.

The smoke and dust had not completely dissipated at this time. The body of the black monster on the ground was still shrouded in smoke and dust, and nothing could be seen at all.

But this metal monster didn't focus its attention on this monster, after all, in its simple wisdom, this was already a dead creature!

It was observing, the damage to the metal pipeline could not have been caused by just one black monster, so there must be other creatures or threats in this place!

The metal monster was performing its mission.

However, what it didn't know was that this 'threat' this time was actually caused by the black monster under its feet!

Even more so, it didn't know that the black monster, which it had hit squarely with a burst of red light, was still alive!

Just behind this metal monster, the smoke and dust finally dissipated!

In the smoke and dust, the originally jet-black giant mosquito.

At this point, its forehead had a faint azure glow!

And below its neck, there was also a very strange azure color, which was like the azure of the sea and the sky, but purer and more mysterious than them!

Just as the metal monster swung its limbs and crawled on the ground, passing by Jia Yan...

The compound eyes of the giant mosquito suddenly burst into terrifying brilliance!

The foreleg moved!

The middle leg moved!

The hind leg moved!

Boom boom boom boom!

Six long legs almost erupted with unprecedented huge power in an instant!

The air, which had only a little drifting dust left, was lifted into violent billowing dust again under this sudden burst of power.

Because of the sudden movement of the six legs, the body of the giant mosquito, which had been creeping on the ground, leaped up in an instant!


Its body suddenly contained tremendous power, and at the same time, its right foreleg, emitting a strange azure light, fiercely stabbed towards the metallic mechanical monster in front of it!


A stab!

The brilliant light burst from the compound eyes of Jia Yan!

He was just pretending to be dead!

This metal monster was obviously not something that could be defeated by strength alone. Not to mention its defense, it also had those extremely strange red light weapons!

Its entire body was blasted away with just one hit, and Jia Yan owed his survival not to mention fighting back, to the azure substance!

So when the metal monster jumped out of the metal pipeline and stopped looking at him, Jia Yan made a decision!

To take the risk of playing dead, if he could deceive it, he would directly attack!

Fortunately, this risk was worth it, and Jia Yan actually succeeded in his sneak attack!

"It's pierced! It seems that after my blade-shaped keratin was enhanced by the azure substance, its defense has obviously improved greatly! Even against such a strong defenseless metal monster, I can pierce its metallic body with just one hit!"

Jia Yan was slightly excited in his heart!


But just as Jia Yan was excited, the metal monster he had stabbed suddenly moved!

The body that had been pierced by Jia Yan broke free from his foreleg.

Then it turned its head, and the muzzle with a faint cold light aimed at Jia Yan's head!


Jia Yan was extremely horrified that his stab had no effect at all.

But at this moment, the instinct that had been trained through several battles kicked in. Jia Yan avoided the next burst of red light!

Just as the muzzle of the metal monster's glowing red light aimed at his head, Jia Yan, although horrified, instinctively made an evasive move!

He used the inertia of the previous stab to roll to his right side!

Whoosh! —

A fiery red light directly entered the lava on the top of the cave where he had just been!

Boom boom boom!

The cave roof hit by the red light seemed to experience a magnitude seven or eight earthquake, shaking violently!

Then, some large pieces of rubble fell to the ground!

The scene was like the end of the world.

Distractedly watching this scene, Jia Yan couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't astonished by the power of the red light; rather, he was amazed at his own ability to withstand such a powerful attack. It was simply unbelievable!

In his mind, Jia Yan thought of the metal monster in front of him as a threat, but in reality, Jia Yan's current body could also be considered monstrous!

This battle, in essence, was a clash between monsters!

The metal monster possessed a highly powerful red light weapon!

Jia Yan, on the other hand, had the defensively aberrant azure substance!

It was a real-life version of a conflict between spear and shield!

So, which was more formidable in this confrontation, the spear or the shield?

This question had plagued the people of China for centuries.

And now, the answer was revealed!

―― Cleverness was undoubtedly more formidable!

"I'm not stupid enough to stand still and get shot!" 

Jia Yan's compound eyes glimmered with a faint light!


Even as he crawled on the ground, his speed was incredibly fast. Under his rapid charge, clouds of dust billowed from his six long legs!



Once again, he plunged his long legs into the metal monster's body!

Hiss hiss!

The metal monster continued to move, but its movements were somewhat distorted!

Its seemingly tough metal defense appeared as fragile as tofu in Jia Yan's eyes. A single thrust was enough to pierce through!

Although the outer layer of the metal monster's body was made of the same metal material as the metal pipes, its defense was much weaker due to its thinness compared to the metal pipes.

Even so, it still boasted formidable defense!

Jia Yan estimated that even ordinary firearms would have little effect on it.

However, the metal monster encountered was none other than Jia Yan himself!

The term "conflict" seemed inappropriate!

Because besides possessing powerful azure substance to protect his body, Jia Yan also had impressive offensive capabilities!

Coupled with his excellent combat intelligence, the outcome of this battle had been determined from the beginning...

It was a foregone conclusion that Jia Yan was the absolute victor!

So much for any dangers!

Hiss hiss hiss!

Jia Yan dodged the successive red beams shot out, causing the cavern space to shake continuously!

Boom boom boom!

Countless chunks of lava, ranging from the size of adult bodies to smaller pieces, rained down from above!

But for two creatures already engaged in a life-and-death struggle, these stones were insignificant!

They continued to battle!

Dodging another burst of red light, Jia Yan seized the opportunity with his left front leg!

Directly aiming at the metal monster's exposed fiery red heart...

And struck!


The metal monster's movements abruptly stalled!

Jia Yan forcefully withdrew his front leg from its body!


The metal monster's body trembled, and its eyes, glowing with red light, glanced at the flesh-and-blood "heart" in its abdomen.

At this moment, the "heart" bore a wound inflicted by Jia Yan's front leg, with a faint blue liquid oozing from the injury. Jia Yan speculated that this blue liquid was probably the metal monster's blood!

"See if you dare to provoke me again."

The compound eyes of Jia Yan glimmered with a faint light, reinforcing his confidence in his own strength!

If he could defeat even this clearly mysterious metal monster, then what else was there that he couldn't overcome?!

And just as Jia Yan started to feel a bit complacent about his strength...

Creak creak creak!

Crack crack crack!

Suddenly, there was noise emanating from the metal pipes!

However, this time, the noise was a bit more pronounced.