
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasía
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280 Chs

Chapter 26 Arriving Just in Time!

"Where exactly is it? I can't find it!"

Walking along the street, the young girl picked up her phone and spoke into it in voice mode, addressing 'Sister Xiaoqi' on the other end of QQ.

At that moment, the girl heard a man standing not far away, holding a phone. The phone seemed familiar, and the man's eyes fixed on her as she spoke, then he pressed a button on the phone.

"Where exactly is it? I can't find it!"

The familiar voice came from the phone!

This sudden realization caused the cute-faced girl to pale!

The man grinned wickedly and approached her.

Even though Jia Lin was just a child, she knew that it couldn't be anything good if Xiaoqi's phone was in this man's hands.

Seeing the man walking towards her, she immediately started to step back.

However, with a signal from the man, three individuals, dressed similarly to him, emerged from the nearby street. These three were his henchmen.

As one of the humans who had become more audacious in the presence of the metal monsters, these three, along with the man confronting Jia Lin, had become notorious. They had managed to control a significant number of women in the entertainment industry who had no one to look after them. Even if some managed to escape, the police were too preoccupied to deal with them. Consequently, these four individuals had gained quite a reputation, controlling numerous women, and those in need knew exactly who to approach.

"Are you Xiao Lin? Your Sister Xiaoqi sent us to pick you up. Come on, let's go see her," the man holding Xiaoqi's phone said to the girl with a wicked grin on his face.

However, his words couldn't deceive anyone!

So, naturally, Jia Lin didn't believe him.

Despite being a little girl, she had the courage to speak up: "Give my Sister Xiaoqi back to me!"

She clutched her small bag tightly, ready to swing it at any moment.

But the four men paid no attention to the girl's threats. They slowly closed in on her, ready to grab her!

Although she was young and looked innocent, they thought that with a bit of grooming, she could become a valuable asset to their business!

But Jia Lin wouldn't let them have their way!

Just as they were about to encircle her, Jia Lin saw an opportunity and dashed out of the circle!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The girl's speed was surprisingly fast, and she quickly ran past the man trying to grab her, narrowly avoiding his outstretched hand!

Meanwhile, Jia Lin maneuvered her way out and ran towards the outside.

Her long ponytail swayed with youthful vitality.

"Chase her! That's a dead end ahead; she won't get far!" the man with the phone ordered his three companions as he realized Jia Lin had taken the wrong route. So, he directed his three henchmen to pursue her!

As Jia Lin ran down the street, her movements, although more agile than the average girl, were still that of an ordinary girl. After running for some time, her face became flushed from the exertion.

"You can't escape. Come with us to see your Sister Xiaoqi!" the man behind her shouted. He was following closely, his pace surprisingly fast.

But even as he pursued her, he couldn't help but be surprised by how fast the girl was. Nevertheless, he thought she would tire out soon, and they would catch her in no time!

In the sky, a massive figure streaked across the air.

The black silhouette seemed out of place in the city, and the reflection of the tall buildings cast on the giant mosquito's body.

Observing from above, Jia Yan regretted not checking the map before coming. He wasn't very familiar with the area, and the view from above was different from the ground. So, he only roughly identified the location of Dongguan Road but couldn't spot any trace of Xiao Mei!


Just as he thought he might have made a mistake and considered checking another suspicious location, his compound eyes suddenly moved!

Not far from the mosquito's body, a petite girl was running through a narrow street.

It was Xiao Mei, Jia Lin!

She was being chased by four men, and one of them had a gun in his hand!

Indeed, Xiao Mei was in danger!

Seeing this, a surge of anger rose within Jia Yan!

How could they dare to bully his beloved little sister!

The massive mosquito's body turned into a blur and rapidly descended from hundreds of meters in the air!

The humans below were running fast, but compared to Jia Yan, who could break the sound barrier, it was like comparing a child to an adult. The shockwaves generated by the mosquito's rapid descent could even cause sonic booms!

The speed broke the sound barrier in an instant!

Jia Yan didn't think twice and charged towards the four men below.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The tremendous sound almost immediately reached the ground.

Countless humans opened their doors and witnessed the scene.

The massive silhouette of the mosquito seemed to carry a trail of afterimages, unbelievably fast!

And underneath the mosquito's body, the three humans also saw the black shadow above their heads.

For the existence of the giant mosquito, known to almost every human on Earth, there was no doubt.

But most people thought of the giant mosquito as a distant, almost mythical creature. No one could have imagined that one day this incredible entity would appear directly above their heads!

The three men were just like that.

Even though they were among the humans who could be considered demons for their lawlessness, they couldn't possibly compare themselves to a monster!

Facing a monster like the giant mosquito, who was virtually invincible to any ordinary human, they might as well have been ants!

They couldn't even see his figure clearly!

Jia Yan's massive body had landed, and in this narrow street, there was barely enough space for him!

With a beat of his wings, he slammed down onto the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!