
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · Fantasía
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280 Chs

Chapter 19: Is it the giant mosquito monster on TV?

The night in one's hometown is something a wanderer can never get enough of, no matter how much they gaze upon it.

However, there are times when even the most captivating sights become tiresome. After flying for a while, Jia Yan ceased to pay attention to the nocturnal scenery.

The giant mosquito swiftly took flight, its speed astonishing!

The notebook bag on its back had been hidden in a concealed spot on the rooftop of Jia Yan's house.

When it came to hiding things on his own rooftop, Jia Yan had plenty of secret spots!

A distance of three kilometers was nothing for the current Jia Yan; he arrived in an instant.

Just as Jia Yan reached the tourist development zone.

Hovering in the sky, he watched the flames shooting into the air below, unable to suppress a slight sigh in his heart!

He had just been speculating whether the explosion was caused by those metallic monsters.

But he had been unwilling to think in that direction all along.

After all, Jia Yan didn't want to see his hometown become as tragically doomed as those other towns.

However, upon arrival, he immediately realized that his worst suspicions were confirmed!

It was indeed those metallic monsters!

"Sigh... this kind of thing is unavoidable!" Jia Yan sighed deeply in his heart.

He had deluded himself into thinking that his hometown wouldn't be attacked by metallic monsters, which was simply impossible!

Coastal cities had all deteriorated into that state; there was no reason why this city would remain unscathed.

He just hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

Indeed, beneath Jia Yan lay a place where metallic monsters were rampaging without mercy!

The red light weapons atop their heads continuously emitted beams of light, striking the tourist facilities below!

Those facilities seemed to have been rigged with explosives, exploding one after another rapidly, with deafening booms echoing through the air!

Watching the apocalyptic scene below, Jia Yan couldn't help but admire himself a little. Escaping from these monsters time and again seemed impossible from an outsider's perspective!

After some contemplation, Jia Yan noticed that one of the metallic monsters below seemed to have detected his presence. Its head, still emitting a red glow, suddenly aimed its barrel-like structure towards the sky!

"Oh no! I let my guard down!" Jia Yan was startled!

However, due to flying at high altitude and not being particularly fast this time, he couldn't accelerate to top speed immediately!


The red light shot out!

Jia Yan had barely spread his wings when he was hit head-on!

Bang!! —

A dazzling explosion erupted in mid-air!

The giant mosquito had taken a direct hit! Seeing this, the metallic monster below ceased paying attention. To it, this flying creature was clearly doomed.

It continued moving its four legs, searching for any possible living beings nearby!

Their mission was to kill any living creature they encountered, hence the rampant carnage they caused on the ground!

What this metallic monster didn't expect was that amidst the unnoticed blaze, a dark creature with hints of azure slowly emerged from the inferno...

Its body was massive, flying out from the flames almost unscathed!

This mosquito monster, Jia Yan, had already withstood an attack from these metallic monsters back when he was beneath Mount Fuji!

Although back then, he had to unleash the azure color within his body to withstand it, he managed to withstand it nonetheless!

And now, he had evolved and mutated once again compared to back then!

There was no reason why he wouldn't withstand it this time!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! —

Amidst the sea of flames, the form of this giant mosquito monster quickly emerged.

The faintly sparkling brilliance in Jia Yan's compound eyes flickered with intensity!

This brilliance might have been reflecting the moonlight above, or perhaps it was the reflection of the flames rising below. At this moment, he looked down at the metallic monsters with an extremely eerie expression!

"You struck first..." A hint of killing intent finally appeared in Jia Yan's compound eyes, flickering with brilliance.

He couldn't care less about other cities, but this city housed his family. Now that he had reincarnated as a powerful giant mosquito, there was no reason why he wouldn't create a safe environment for his family!

Swish! —

The giant mosquito moved directly!

Swooping down towards the ground below!

The metallic monster on the ground, its metallic barrel-like structure resembling a muzzle, emitted a faint red glow. It was aimed at a building ahead, from which faint cries of humans could be heard!

The red glow in front of its head grew brighter and brighter!

Just as the red light was about to reach its climax, almost reaching the point of being fired!

Whoosh! —

A figure descended rapidly from the sky!

The metallic monster seemed to have vaguely sensed something. Its head was about to turn to aim the muzzle at the swiftly approaching figure!

Speaking of the metallic monster's speed might make it seem slow, but in reality, they were extremely fast!

However, in the split second that the metallic monster turned around! 

A massive dark figure, accompanied by a strong wind, had already descended from the sky and collided with the metallic monster's body!

A deafening roar resounded!

Coincidentally, the red light of the metallic monster also exploded at this moment, directly bombarding the enormous dark object descending from above!

The appearance of the red light made the deafening roar even more intense!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! —

The surrounding buildings were all affected by the shockwaves from the explosions!

The glass of the buildings shattered one by one!

And those buildings that weren't particularly sturdy collapsed directly!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! —

A building couldn't withstand the force of the explosion, swaying dangerously before finally collapsing.

Muffled screams came from beneath the collapsed building!

But not long after, there was no sound at all!

Unexpectedly, there were still humans here! And it seemed like quite a few.

The battle between the giant mosquito and the metallic monster lasted only an instant, but in that short moment, the outcome was determined!

One of Jia Yan's front legs pierced into the metallic monster's crimson heart. This heart was the metallic monster's vital spot, and without Jia Yan's front leg's super-sharpness, it would have been nearly impossible to damage it during the fight!

Their bodies collided rapidly, crashing into a building in the process. This place might have been intended for performances, so it was relatively spacious.

Although it was supposed to be unoccupied, upon their collision, screams filled the air!

The giant mosquito violently flung off the metallic monster impaled on its front leg, then stood up from the ground!

The scene before him surprised him somewhat.

It turned out that there were many humans here!

Although he had already sensed human infrared heat sources through his eyes, seeing so many humans hiding here still caught him off guard!

This building was originally intended for performances, so it was not small, and thus had the capacity to accommodate humans.

At this moment, there were about seventy to eighty people hiding here. Seeing Jia Yan and the metallic monster collide and rush into the building, each of them trembled in fear, staring at the suddenly appearing giant mosquito monster!

They were worried that this giant mosquito monster might also pose a threat to their lives!

The battle between Jia Yan and the metallic monster happened too quickly for these humans to react. They couldn't move in time before the collision sent them into the building. They were all terrified, afraid to make any moves, for fear of provoking the giant monster in front of them into attacking them!

Jia Yan looked at these humans and quickly noticed the large and small packages they carried with them!

"I know where they came from. Those people in the square and the newly built buildings, they're all refugees who escaped from elsewhere!"

Jia Yan's mind was not slow, and he immediately guessed where these people came from.

It was no wonder that he had seen many people in the intact cities he passed through. Obviously, these were all humans who had fled from elsewhere!

In times of chaos, civilians are indeed the greatest victims. These people all look weary and exhausted, and now they are frightened by the battle between Jia Yan and the metallic monsters!

"Sigh, there are still dozens of metallic monsters left. Before I can eliminate all of them, I hope they'll be lucky enough to fend for themselves!"

Jia Yan still has to fight dozens of metallic monsters, so it's impossible for him to protect these humans. All he can do is wish them luck!

Besides, he's not their savior; all he wants to do is ensure that these metallic monsters don't harm his family!

The six long legs of the giant mosquito stood firmly on the ground, its body towering up to the ceiling of the building!

Compared to those metallic monsters, which, though terrifying, were not particularly tall, its figure was more ferocious, truly resembling a monster!

These humans obviously hadn't expected that, while they were nervously evading the metallic monsters, another monster would appear and kill them!

But this wasn't necessarily good news for them. This monster seemed even stronger than the metallic monsters. Who knew if it would show any mercy to humans? If not, escaping death would be even more difficult for them!

However, to everyone's surprise, after casting a glance at the humans, the dark creature actually stepped out of the hole it had created and left!

"That was close! This creature is huge. Compared to it, the metallic monsters seem insignificant!"

Seeing the giant mosquito's departure, someone breathed a sigh of relief, their face turning paler!

Although a creature reaching two and a half meters in height might not seem particularly large, its long legs were too long, each exceeding six meters. When standing up, this creature could reach up to five or six meters tall. What kind of creature could be scarier than this?!

"Why does this creature look like a giant mosquito? Could it be the same as the one mentioned on TV a while ago, the giant mosquito monster!"