
Time to Fish 1

After the previous situation, the day of celebration in Vogel went smoothly, with the public feast quickly unfolding to the citizens' happiness.

The more private occasion for the high-ranking people of this kingdom also continued for several hours, following the opening of the parades, to a large banquet that took place later in the royal palace.

Minos and his wives attended every part of this event, mostly paying attention to the behavior of those present, particularly those of high rank.

They did not miss the opportunity for conversations with royalty and low-level nobility members who attended the event. But those conversations mostly covered their purpose of spying on the Spiritual Saints in those areas.

But after breakfast, their group had little result in looking for suspicious signs. Instead, they at most finished identifying each of the underlings of the royalty present at that event for their action that would come in the next few days.