
Opening of the Black Plain Tournament 2

The next day, after a noisy breakfast with many people at his residence, Minos and his group made their way to the stadium for the tournament's opening using a special carriage with several arrays.

That was not the only carriage that departed from the royal palace. There were several of them in this convoy, half in front and the rest behind Minos' carriage. Then, they followed a unique path, watched by the citizens.

First, they passed through the core of Dry City, where most of the people there had connections with the army and were already used to seeing the local leaders. But in a second moment, when this set of vehicles left the area protected by the defensive dome, they immediately ran into crowds on the sidewalks where they passed.

The entire path that was to be used by the king's carriage had already been marked out the night before, so thousands of people had gathered around these streets since sunrise.