
Departure for Oqia

"Father, did you have to test me like that?" Kendrick asked in a pained tone of voice as he clutched his stomach with his arms.

Minos just smiled at his son before looking at the three women in the cultivation room. "Anyway, since everyone is ready, it's time to continue our journey to Oqia."

The four of them put aside their thoughts about how much stronger they were now that they had finished absorbing the items they had acquired earlier.

Kendrick picked himself up from the ground with his father's help as his exoskeleton returned to normal, fully retracted into a crystal embedded at the base of his back.

Despite the pain caused by Minos' blow, he was well enough to walk alongside his parents.

Soon the five of them were on their way to meet up with the rest of the group, from where they would leave for the local harbor.