
A Fallen Angel

Just as that member of the Silverdawn sect was about to kill Minos and Maximillian, the newcomer, a member of Armhands, defended his two juniors with just one of his hands.

The enemy's attack cracked before exploding under the human hands of that internal member of Armhands, while Stin, the enemy of Minos and Maximillian, realized who had just arrived.

That being narrowed his eyes as he looked at the winged fellow, with a humanoid body and a pair of wings on his back, a member of a race foreign to Zocarro, a Fallen Angel.

"Stadiel!" Stin said as he took some distance from his opponent, immediately changing his demeanor.

"Stin, you have two choices now. One, come with me and explain the current situation to my supervisors. Or two, leave your body here and now." Stadiel said as his aura surged violently from his body, creating his domain, while his red body began to glow a golden hue.