
Diverging points

|A few hours later|

Late at evening, the once warm and lively house grew calm and the serenity of the night started to permeate through the whole place.

The young were already asleep but the same can't be said for the older ones.

In the living room, three people could be seen seated on the sofas.

Taiyang Xiao-Long, Summer Rose and Qrow Branwen, the three members of the former team STRQ, were seated solemnly and sported varied expressions showing tension and worry.

It was very clear that whatever they were going to discuss, it wouldn't be something pleasant. Especially considering that they waited for the children to go to sleep to do so.

Qrow was sporting the most somber expression, but while Tayang was doing a good job of trying to make himself look composed, his wife couldn't help but show some melancholy in her face.

So she is the one to break the silence which was making the tension in the atmosphere palpable.

"So, you're returning to your job with Ozpin?" She asks to Qrow, knowing very well what the 'job' as Ozpin's agent entails.

"Yeah, Ozzy sent me a message, he has reasons to believe that things are a bit worse than they seem on the surface, he wants me back into the fray." He says, clearly trying to avoid sharing too much information.

"Any idea why?" Tayang then asks, recognizing his former teammate's behavior and knowing that things are bigger than it was made to be.

"Don't know, he's been tight-lipped about the matter as usual but he seems to be quite serious about the importance of it. It's worth checking out."

"Does it involve 'the queen's forces' in any way?" Summer then asks, going straight to the point.

"..." And she just hit the bullseye, since even without any proof, Qrow knows Ozpin well enough to assume that the old Wizard wouldn't be so careful as to keep information even from him otherwise.

So Tayang and Summer decided to take his silence as a confirmation which didn't give either of them relief in regards to the matter.

"That's enough Qrow! It's bad enough for Ozpin to have not told us anything about this, now you're also trying to hide this from us?" Summer seems to lose her patience as Qrow insisted on being quiet about the matter, so she ended up raising her voice against him.

"Come on, spill it." Tayang supports her and also start making pressure on him.

After this, the room became silent and tension rises as both sides enter into a standoff with each other, but it doesn't last long as in the end of the day, it's two against one.

"Alright, alright, jeeez... He's got some suspicions about the unusual amount of huntsman going M.I.A(missing in action) in Mistral and he's sending me to delve deeper into it. This has been investigated for some time without much gains but apparently he's gotten some info that may finally solve the case." Qrow then lets it loose and shares what he was given with his teammates.

"..!" This takes the other two by surprise. They are well aware that Mistral is currently suffering from a lack of huntsman after a series of teams failing to report back but this being mentioned now has some very worrying implications.

"So... This means that the queen might be the one behind it? I mean, she's certainly capable of it, but I thought that she preferred more 'covert' methods of striking at Ozpin, this is simply too brazen!" Summer speaks, showing worry and also a bit of frustration at not being able to stop their enemie's actions.

"Nothing is confirmed, but I don't see anyone else doing it besides her, but more importantly, after receiving this info I took a look at the old files on this case and found something very interesting." Qrow says with a very somber expression, but his eyes held killing intent.

"..?" The other two squinted their eyes and curiously waited for the reveal of whatever got him so rattled.

"This increase in huntsman going missing just happened to start a short time after Lionheart became a member of Ozpin's inner circle, and it also coincidently only affected those affiliated with the Kingdom while the freelancers remained mostly unaffected."

"So, you mean..." Summer pales as she realizes what he's implying.

"He's a Oum damned snake! And you could have been the next one if Ozpin hadn't kept you from going to that mission, To think that a headmaster of all people would be the traitor..." Qrow shouts out, his hands clenched and his teeth grinding. Summer's well being is his reverse scale, and Lionheart has clearly touched it.

"Do you have proof?" Tayang questions, but considering how fierce his stare became, it's clear that he's just as enraged by finding out who tried to send his wife to her demise.

"No, nothing solid. But I'm almost certain that Ozpin knows it, when I reported this to him he didn't seems surprised in the least, he just casually refuted it, but his behavior at that time was strange, it's as if the idea didn't bother him all that much." Qrow continued with a conflicted expression.

"So you're saying that Ozpin is aware of everything but is just leaving him to his own devices despite that? But why? What does he stand to gain by letting him go?" Summer says showing some incredulity at the information and some difficulty believing it.

"Maybe he's planning something big and doesn't want to 'startle the snake', I don't know, but I can only hope that he knows what he's doing. It isn't the first time he's taken actions that I don't understand."

"And what do you intend to do with this information?" Tayang says, knowing that they can't do much without any evidence and Ozpin has clearly some sort of plan he's working on that requires the traitor to remain free.

"I'm going to Mistral to do some investigation anyway, might as well pay him a visit and introduce him to my 'friend' while I'm at it." He says with a wicked grin, it's very clear that this 'friend' isn't referring to a person.

He's more than willing to take matters into his own hands regardless of Ozpin's wishes or plans, his trust in the wizard's wisdom is one thing but his care for his team is simply several levels above it. That's what his sister failed to realize when she accused him of being 'Ozpin's dog'.

"Qrow, please tell me that you're not planning to go there interrogate him." Summer weakly says, knowing that there's not much she could do to stop him from doing something reckless, especially when his emotions are this involved.

"I just want to introduce him to 'Harbinger' and ask a few questions, what's wrong with that?" He says while pretending to be innocent.

"You could get detained and arrested, don't forget what position he still holds on the outside." Tayang intervenes, seemingly dissuading him from taking drastic measures. "It's better to come up with a solid plan in order to get him." But he quickly reveals his true intentions, Tayang might have mellowed out substantially after settling down and raising a family, but he's not someone who would be willing to let someone go after discovering that the person is a threat to those close to him.

"Haaah... You two." Summer sighs in exasperation, but internally she supports him in taking action against the traitor, especially knowing how many huntsman teams might have been affected by his actions has made her completely disgusted with Lionheart. She's just worried that Qrow might do something stupid and get himself in trouble as his semblance has a tendency on doing.

She doesn't want to have one more member of her team go astray.

"I know that I can't stop you, but be careful okay. I don't want to see you putting yourself at risk while working as Ozpin's agent." She finally says, knowing that they probably won't have a chance to meet as often in the future.

"Don't worry, I can handle myself." He responds, showing a bit of cockiness in his voice.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to the kids? Ruby and Hanzo will surely miss their rarely sober uncle when you're away. Not to mention that I'll have to fill your position as a teacher in Signal." Tayang says, knowing that his presence will be missed.

"I bet they will, I can already picture the pipsqueak pestering me for having 'gone back in my word' and prematurely ending her training. But I was never someone that's very good with goodbyes, so I think it's best that I leave before they wake up." Qrow lazily says.

"And besides, I'm confident that with her own talent, she'll shine among her peers on her own, all I did so far was give her a direction and the youngest takes after his father in almost everything, so he's already got someone else that can better train him." He says confidently, letting be seen how proud he is of her niece and nephew.

"*mumble*, maybe keeping my misfortune away from them would be for the best." He says quietly under his breath, but to the two trained huntsman in front of him, it was very clear.

Hearing this Summer and Tayang can only internally sigh, Qrow's semblance was always a source of insecurity for him despite him being pretty good at hiding it most of the time, especially when he starts blaming everything bad that happens to them on it, making it impossible for them to convince him otherwise.

It's no surprise that his life was heavily shaped by this semblance and he ended up not making many deep connections outside of their team because of it, always with the idea that getting involved with someone will just bring them more harm.

But that's something that he'll eventually have to figure out on his own, so trying to raise the topic wouldn't serve much purpose, with this in mind they just let the comment pass.

But with firm eyes, Summer decides to give an explanation of her own that she's been holding on to.

"Uhmm... I also have something to say." She starts off, trying to find the words to say.

"..?" The two men look at her in silence, letting her think about whatever she wants to reveal.

"Well, I'm thinking of taking a break from missions, so I guess I can use the free time to train Ruby in your stead. Furthermore I could cover for you as a teacher in Signal, I don't believe that I'd be any worse than you at teaching." Summer suddenly says, surprising the other two as getting her away from her work is harder than keeping a stray dog from a piece of meat.

"..." The two become lost in regards to what to talk, this revelation from summer is something that neither one was expecting.

"You're saying that you're finally taking a break? After we tried to convince you to try to put your work aside for your children for years? Am I dreaming?" But beyond surprise, Tayang was also feeling relief after hearing it, it can never be said that Summer was a bad parent, but it's undeniable that she was very absent during Ruby's first years and not to mention the risks.

When it became known that Summer became was being targeted by the enemy, he and Qrow tried to dissuade her time and time again, but her altruism and sense of duty simply didn't allow her to stop. At this point, the very idea of of her retiring before she becomes physically incapable of continuing was becoming no more than a fantasy to them.

Until of course, she just went ahead and dropped a bombshell on them when they least expected it.

"Wait, really? What caused the change of plans?" Qrow questions, curious to know what could have convinced her when even the threat of death couldn't

"Well, I've been thinking for some time-"

"Did it hurt?" Qrow interrupts.

In response she just showed her clenched fist and gave him a look of 'do this again and the only place you're leaving to today is the hospital'. Which was very effective considering the silence that followed and she then continued without interruptions.

"I thought about the subject and realized that just because I've avoided one of its traps doesn't mean that I'm no longer a target of elimination, instead it's more likely that they'll change their strategy. What if they instead decided to use the opportunity while I'm away to take hostages to lure me out, what if I'm threathened with your lives or Oum forbids it, the children's! I don't know what I'd do if that was the case."

But the other two knew exactly what she'd do in this situation, a result of knowing her for so long. So it's safe to say that such a scheme would go exactly as expected.

"So, realizing that going out not only puts myself in danger but also the ones I love, especially with Qrow not being nearby in the foreseeable future, I decided to stay and help make our house safer. That's what I feel I have to do, despite not wanting to quit my job when so much is at stake."

After hearing this, the other two have all their questions dispelled and in their hearts they vow to become even more watchful to any danger that may come to them, especially realizing that the kids may also be in danger.

And as far as reasons for retiring go, that's as good as you'll get from her.

"Really? I-I mean that's bad, the kids being under threat is a notion that horrifies me, but I can't help but be happy that we'll be able to spend more time together, as a family." Tayang stumbles on his words as the dread of the realization of the situation they're in and the elation of not having to be separated from his wife for long periods of time collide with each other in his mind.

Qrows remains silent but he always supported his best friend and his team leader getting the peace that they deserved and hearing Summer's reasoning only reinforced that.


But after that was said, the room once more returned to silence as what had to be talked about was spoken and the departure seemed eminent.

Qrow then got up, ready to leave without saying goodbye.

"I'll miss you drunkard." But Summer was never one to become flustered in this kind of situation, she gets up from the sofa and gives a strong hug to her former team member and friend.

Qrow for his part, tried his best to hide the surprise and embarrassment from Summer's sudden action, but after a bit of struggle, he decided to just give in and reciprocate the gesture. Anyway, it would be a lie to say that he wouldn't miss his friends as well.

But the two quickly break away and next up, Tayang aproaches him.

"Take care of yourself. And don't worry, I'll continue making sure that no boys aproach Ruby while you're away." He then offers a fist bump to him.

"Damn right you will!" He reciprocated the gesture and the two bid farewell to each other in their own way.

Taking a step back, Qrow pick up his things. Which consists of only his weapon, a few supplies and his trusty booze flask.

He then made his way to the front door, but before he does so, a voice comes from behind him.

"Qrow, I know you're still going after her, you'll probably use this opportunity to find her once again. So I just want to say that for what's worth, I've moved on from what's happened, I don't need nor care about receiving answers at this point." Tayang says, in a very calm tone that reflected how little this matter bothered him at this point.

As he said this, Qrow paused for a moment. Summer showed a concerned look as she stared at the two.

"Before being your ex, she is my sister. That's why I'll never stop, not until she gives me answers I want. Besides, even if she wants to return to that hell-hole, she should at least let you meet your daughter, it's your right." Qrow says without turning back, making impossible to see his expression.

But Tayang's become quite complicated after hearing the word 'daughter', despite having made peace and gotten over his old relationship with the help of Summer, the daughter that he never had the opportunity to meet is still a sore point, one he's been trying to solve but to no avail, Qrow has been the only one of them to have seen her thanks to her mother's refusal to allow her child to leave the Branwen camp.

"I think it would be wonderful if we could all be together, even if just once. The team could catch up with each other and the kids could get to meet each each other for the first time. Back when we were at Beacon, I did make her promise if we had any in the future to have our children be each other's playmates afterall, even if at that time she scoffed at the notion of having kids." Instead of being in a sullen mood like the other two, Summer starts imagining the scenario where they all can finally meet each other again and take a trip through the memory lane to back when they were at Beacon.

But no amount of grumbling or fantasizing will change situation, they can only move on and hope that an opportunity may come in the future.

So shortly after, Qrow finally opened the front door and went outside. After the door was closed, behind it could be heard a sound of flapping wings becoming more distant before it was all quiet once again.

So the couple quickly moved on and prepared themselves to sleep. Tomorrow would be a new day and with it would bring surprises, but now they're going to be on the watch, ready for anything that may come.


At that time, in a place very far from civilization.

In the midst of the great wilderness which would intimidate anyone with the prospect of having to deal with the Grimm that inhabit it. A group managed not only to survive but to also thrive thanks to raiding other villages for their resources.

They act like hyenas, preying on the weak and using whatever methods they see fit to survive. Not caring for the laws that couldn't reach where they were or the morals that when faced with the prospect of death, are valued lowly.

They are the Branwen tribe, a group of bandits that reside in Anima.

It was still dark, it was very early in the morning and most of the tribe members were at their own tents sleeping, only a few patrols on night shift were seen scattered around carrying dust fueled lanterns(They're akin to oil lanterns) as they roamed the camp.

But despite that, near the biggest tent that was located at the center of the encampment, the day was begining very early for a particular pair of people.

"Not enough, again!"

The two were sparring with their bare hands, or to be more precise one was desperately attacking their opponent with great fervour while the other was just casually swatting away the attacks that were coming to itself.

One was wearing a mask and by the figure and voice, it could be easily identified as a woman, she was the one instigating the other to attack herself with gradually increasing ferocity. While the other party was much shorter and appeared younger, a girl with age of 10 years old at least.

She was unbalanced and had a labored breath that made it obvious that they've been at it for quite some time, but the masked woman seemed to pretend not to notice or simply ignored it since she showed no signs of wanting to let the girl take a break.

"That was pathetic, again!"

Everytime the girl failed to meet the woman's expectations, she would gain a new bruise and her body would get acquainted with the soil. But if that wasn't enough, she was also verbally insulting the girl whenever she made a mistake.

"Are you expecting pity from your opponents? You're going to hit no one with such telegraphed attacks." As the woman says that, she easily dodges the attack sweeps the girls legs with a kick.

*Thud* And as a result of that, the girl has the wind knocked out of her lungs as her aura is already so low that it can barely take a bit of the impact at this point and she has some difficulty breathing for a short while.

"Urgh..."At this point, each of her breaths are an achievement as the air burns her lungs as it gets in, but despite that. The girl had shown no signs of asking for the training to stop or at least taking a break.

"Get up! seeing you rolling on the mud is unsightly, your enemies won't politely wait for you to recover and neither will I."

And the girl barely had time to prepare as a stomp came her way while she was getting up, but maybe because of her instincts, she managed to roll away before it could connect.

"Hmmm, it seems that you didn't lose your senses just yet." The woman says in a light tone, not showing happiness or praise for the girl.

And the girl in turn, just continued attacking as she was doing before but there was something different, her attacks started to become wilder and her pace was all over the place.

And seeing this, the woman just shook her head and showed disappointment.

"How many times have I told you this, you must use your anger and not the other way around. Swinging wildly won't get you out of your predicament." And just to get the point across, she gives a punch to the stomach that forces the girl to her knees.

Luckily, it's been a while since the girl ate anything, so the only thing she vomited was saliva and gastric fluids.

Seeing this scene, the woman knew that the fight couldn't go on and turned her back to leave.

Before doing so, she uttered "That'll be all for now.", then she started walking away without looking back, showing no concern or intention to help the girl.

And the girl for her part, recovered quite quickly and started making her way to get patched up while clutching her stomach. As the adrenaline of battle wore off, all the wounds and fatigue seemed to finally catch up to her.

But like she's already used to it, she showed incredible resilience and had not uttered a single complaint during the whole process. Which is not at all, normal for someone her age.

She was the daughter of the chief of the tribe, but she didn't have any of the benefits that one would imagine from the position, only issues. She wasn't respected in the tribe since this place only respected strength and her's was limited due to her age, she had no luxuries and lived on the same standard of other tribe members, with the only saving grace being that she had her own tent and didn't have to share it with others, the pressure and expectations were unreasonably high and she had to endure merciless and grueling training everyday.

Her mother was someone she admired due to her strength and intelligence which were the things that kept the tribe afloat. But as far as parenting goes, she's been cold and dismissive to her daughter, not showing any love or sympathy in the attempt to make her stronger and more independent.

The only life the girl knew was that of a bandit, being raised in a environment which her only worth was how much she could contribute to the tribe and nobody gave a damn about her personal thoughts and feelings.

And in her eyes, there could be seen a deep hatred taking root, an effective fuel for growth but at the same time, very dangerous for some one of that's in her development stage both physically and mentally.

So alone and wounded, she continued making her way through the encampment, until she arrived at a small tent and entered it.

Just like that, the tribe continued with its usual routine, waiting for its next prey to show weakness.

That's the life in the Branwen tribe.

(An: I'm thinking of keeping her name the same just like Neo just to avoid confusion later on, but I'm planning to change her weapons since it doesn't make much sense for her to become a brawler when she won't be trained by her father and Jaune has kinda taken that role, so leave your suggestions of what her new weapon could be.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DaoistyaSOLacreators' thoughts