
The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- Same Universe - |Arpious of the Planes| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/21/25, in other words, it was March the 21st, 2025. Humanities technology advanced exponentially throughout the years. The only thing that they hadn't focused on for a while was space. The endless abyss that they call space was still unknown to them. Once they colonized their solar system, they thought it wasn't enough. They sent a search party out of their solar system but soon lost contact. Not long after, Earth lost contact with all of the other planets. Then a huge earthquake shook the earth itself and then portals opened up around the world. Soon monsters came out ravaging and flattening cities. Only a brave group of humans entered the portals which they then found multiple discoveries on the other side. They found stones that gave them different abilities and monsters a different world with a boss that lets them exit the portal, which was soon called dungeons. Those 6 friends were then later on called the 6 Primordial Braves. With the news of this, countries all over the world sent in people to retrieve stones, and then they would crush them, granting them abilities. They would then go back in to retrieve more and hand them out to the public. 500 years passed... This isn't the story of a hero. It's the story of a weak girl who was ridiculed and bullied every day because of her low status. And due to her cowardly nature, she was unable to fight back, making more people pick on her. While she was laying in an alleyway, with bruises and cuts all over her body, she saw a green, semi-see-through panel that appeared in front of her. It was like a notification you would see in the VR games from 400 years back. The green panel had a black text that said... [Would you like to become an Ancient Being?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- !Spoiler Below! . . . At the beginning of the novel, there will be a lot of going back and forth between the MC's personality. Plus, most of the problems, in the beginning, will be centered around herself. Also, at the beginning of the novel, there is an act of short and sweet revenge that lingers just a bit longer through the story, but this novel is not revenge-based. The Yuri aspect won't be as heavily used compared to my first novel. The girlfriend is mainly used to help the MC get through the mental box and distorted feelings that the MC has to suffer through at the beginning of the novel. You might dislike the characters that I made Lucy's friends, but I promise you'll change your mind later on. I think... Okay, that should be it! Phew... that was tiring. Time to drink my fourth cup of coffee today... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- paypal.me/AuthorEquuip Any money you send will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels. -- Cover is not mine. If the owner wants it removed, plz contact me through discord (Rarely check twitter). Source- https://www.deviantart.com/aoiogataartist/journal/Aoi-Ogata-PAYPAL-Commission-OPEN-828543085

equuip · Fantasía
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614 Chs


The commanders continued to spray hundreds of our organization's name all over the mansion. Even as the government dungeon runners came to check on the commotion, they kept spraying the word "Tolf" until the very last second.

And once the government dungeon runners burst through the front door, they disappeared with very minimum traces. If they did find a clue to trace down the commanders or members, it would likely lead them to their own death.

I mean, they are part of slum organizations, which even the government is afraid of touching due to their seemingly endless connections. The government would hope to try and avoid as much conflict with a powerful force as much as possible.

"Okay, we can probably raid another family member tomorrow since there's no school. But the Write family will definitely increase the number of guards, so we have to take that into account as well," I suggest.

Everybody nods their heads in agreement as we all teleport out of Iceland.

"Wait, before everybody leaves, I suggest we find an interior designer to work on the inside of our base. Of course, we are going to kill him after, but he doesn't have to know that," Mia says.

Everybody nods their head in agreement once more as we all relax in Mia's room. Mia also called in a maid to tell the chefs to make some snacks and refreshments for us as we scour the internet for anybody.

After about 2 hours of searching and filling our stomachs with snacks and lemonade, we finally found the perfect candidate, but…

"How are we going to recruit somebody that big within the underworld. Plus, we're going to make him a commander? Isn't that too much of a stretch?" Aria asks.

"It's not a stretch if we continue to grow our notoriety. Maybe we can recruit him after we've taken down a few more branches… It should be doable, but still persuading him will be hard. Using money isn't a problem, but that's what everybody is doing in the underworld. We have to try something different…" Amanda says.

"Beat the shit out of him," Electra says, throwing another biscuit into her mouth.

Everybody ignores Electra's stupid comment before proceeding with our suggestions.

It took half an hour to come up with a reasonable solution, but after thinking about it for another half an hour, we decided to drop it and try to think of something else.

"Damn, recruiting Ajax is gonna be hard," I mutter while sinking farther into the bean bag below me.

Ajax Veze, a half-French, half-Japanese man who is a popular figure within the underworld. In fact, he's so popular that even people with no connections to the underworld know about him.

He's notorious for being a great observer and information collector… plus, he runs an interior designer company outside of the underworld. It serves as a cover-up for the smuggling and illegal trading he does across the world.

"And we're using that guy to help design the interior of our base. I feel we're getting ahead of ourselves. I mean, he is that famous 'birdman,'" Nuala says.

"Indeed, we are getting ahead of ourselves, which is why if we fail to recruit him now, then we can try to recruit him once we've become as notorious as him… It won't take long for our name to be known around the entire world once we've completely crushed the Write family," I say.

"Well, not the entire world, but I get what you mean," Mia says.


Everybody soon left Mia's mansion while I stayed over. I had nobody waiting at home, so staying with my girlfriend helped relieve my loneliness.

We both had a delicious dinner made from almost overwhelming flavors. And due to my recommendation a week ago, Mia ate much less than before… but it was still more than what I had.

After the filling dinner, I took a bath first, with Mia waiting outside the bath. She really wanted to take a bath with me, which I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't for the obvious light green patches of feathers on my back.

It also didn't hit me until now that I'm no longer human. It left a bitter taste in my mouth as I basically sold my humanity for power. Though I might've wanted it earlier, the more I thought of it, the more I regretted my decision of evolving.

Plus, the scenarios of Tolf or even Mia finding out that I'm a monster flooded my mind. I started to tremble at the thought of betrayal once again and possibly losing the only pillar which had just erected within my life.

I was a monster. The monster that is an enemy to humanity… and I've been walking among the species that are dead set on killing anything related to a demon or monster…

I wasn't that scared, but the sudden reality check hit me hard.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Mia asks me as I walk out of the bath with a towel wrapped around me.

She hands me a white onesie that seemed to be hers.

"Yeah," I reply without hesitation.

If I don't want to be suspicious, all I have to do is try to act as normal as possible.

"Okay," Mia says, showing slight signs of worry.

Ah, my hand is trembling…

As soon as Mia exited the bath, she changed into her pajamas, consisting of some soft pants and a soft sweatshirt. They looked to be almost made of clouds, and when I touched them, they felt exactly how you would imagine a touchable cloud to feel.

After Mia changed, we walked back to her room, where we decided to watch a movie, but my hands continued to tremble.

Once I had that one thought inside the bath, I couldn't forget it.

It seems Mia noticed my state, so she pulled me into her chest, holding me tightly. The warmth of her body immediately made my eyes droopy.

"Y-you won't leave me, right?" I ask through stifled tears.

"Of course not," Mia replies, stroking my hair gently.

"D-do you promise?"

"I promise,"

I proceeded to cry myself to sleep as Mia held me tightly in her arms.

I was so lucky to have her.

The next day I woke up feeling refreshed. After crying my heart out yesterday, I felt like most of the worry had dispersed. The thoughts that clouded my mind were basically gone, and I didn't even have a nightmare last night, so I was able to get a full night's rest.

And just as I had pulled my legs out of bed, Mia pulled me back on, bringing her lips to mine. It seems she was still sleepy, so the bold move came without warning.

"M-Mia, we need to eat breakfast," I say after somehow managing to pull myself back.

"Just a bit longer. I want to hold you tighter than last night. I feel you haven't fully cried your thoughts out…" Mia says, pulling me into her chest.

The squishy feeling made my ears heat up in embarrassment, so I ripped myself out of Mia's tight grasp and stormed out of the room.

"Don't be so embarrassed," Mia says, which was the last thing I heard before heading towards the bathroom.

Just as I finished relieving myself, brushing my teeth with one of the disposable toothbrushes, and washing my face, I opened the bathroom door and saw Mia right in front of me.

"Can't you just use another bathroom?" I ask.

"Ah, I already did. I just came here since I wanted to see you again… It was pretty surprising seeing you flustered like that," Mia says, making my ears flush in embarrassment once again.

"L-lets just go eat breakfast," I respond, pushing past her.

"Wait, before we eat, I can get my barber to cut your hair if you want?" Mia suggests before I ran down the hallway.

"Can I?"

"If you want," Mia shrugs.

"Okay, take me there,"

"Could've at least added a 'please,'"

"Please take me there,"

"I thought you would've been flustered… well, let's go," Mia shrugs once again before leaving in the opposite direction of where I was originally going.

I follow her into another one of the various rooms residing in the mansion. It looked exactly like any barbershop you would see in the city, but with only 4 seats and 1 older man sitting at a wooden desk.

"Old geezer, I brought my girlfriend," Mia says after swinging the door open.

"Oh, what a pretty young lady. Well then, please sit down at whichever seat you would like and don't worry, it's a massage chair, so you just have to sit back and relax," The old man says, grabbing his cane and walking over to the center of the room.


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