
Chapter 1

Evelyn father, Guther, has always hated his daughter, Evelyn. Although he tried not to show it, he was especially cold towards her.

It was when Evelyn was three years old that fell down and reached to him for help when she learned of his disgust towards her. Instead of helping her, she saw her father smiling eerily.

Of course at that age her feelings are vague, but as time passed she could feel the certainty of that emotion.

He was always happy anytime Evelyn made mistakes and denied her achievements. He managed to cleverly hide it from other people, but from his gaze, his touch, and his attitude, she could feel his twisted hatred.

Evelyn didn't know why he was so displeased by her. The person who took care of her was her maternal grandfather, and her mother, Princess Elona.

Only once did she ask her maternal grandfather and the emperor, Reynold III, about the reason.

"Why does father only love Richard?"

Her grandfather, whom she expected would give no answer, unexpectedly replied.

"I guess it's because Richard is his father's successor. You don't have to worry about it."

"Then what about me?"

"You're incomparable with Richard. Because you're my successor."

He replied with a loving smile. If Guther loved Richard and hated Evelyn, then the emperor seemed to only love Evelyn and was indifferent towards


And she did. Although it wasn't publicized, Evelyn directly educated was by the emperor as his successor.

In terms of ranks, of course, her mother would be number one. But she hated politics so much that she refused her position as successor.

But, there was something strange about the emperor's explanation.

"But why isn't Richard grandfather's successor?"

"I'll explain to you when you're older."

The emperor stroked her head without further explanation. That was the end.

Evelyn devoted herself to various studies including imperial studies. She showed remarkable insight in politics, history, and economy.

The throne naturally belonged to Evelyn. Not once did she think otherwise. But it was not long until her father took everything away from her.