
The Rise of Erebos: Search of the Hidden

This book follows Rose Morgan Evergreen, a homeless teen, who discovers the hidden world of Greek and Roman mythology after a tragic incident. She is brought to Camp Half-Blood by Kai Birchwood and Amethyst Birchwood and discovers who her mom truly is and the full extent of her magical abilities. In quick succession to her arrival at camp, she is sent on a quest with five other demigods with the hopes of stopping a possessed Ares from attacking Camp Half-Blood.

definitely_British · Derivados de obras
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36 Chs

Chapter 24: Aegaeon is a very special giant

The title is quite appropriate, by the way. You'll find out what I mean.

Aegaeon pointed his serpent-sword at our ship, a small wave coming from the lake to hit us. Thankfully, Oman steered the boat out of the way as we squared off with the big serpent man.

"Alright y'all! Get ready to attack this giant fella!" Oman yelled. On the sides of our ship, the cannon launchers began firing at the water giant, pushing him back gradually. However, this only made him angrier.

Aegaeon growled. "You think your petty cannons will slay me? I'm the all-powerful sea god! I'm stronger than those two fools you worship, Poseidon and Zeus!" He said those last three words as if they had done something personal to him.

"How is he even alive?" Amethyst muttered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Briares is the only living Hekatonkheir," Amethyst answered. "Aegaeon is his son in Greek mythology, but he's been said to be dead for centuries."

Aegaeon scoffed. "Dead? Yeah, right. I merely went into hiding after the First Giant War."

"Wow. You're one heck of a coward," Kai shouted back, shooting blasts of fire at Aegaeon.

Aegaeon raised his sword up, bringing up a wave to block the flames. "I am no coward, mortal! I am the all-powerful, stunningly handsome, king of the sea, Aegaeon!"

I rolled my eyes. Why do we always get the egotistical ones?

"How are we going to deal with this guy?" Geneva asked, her knives unsheathed.

Arthur took a brief look at Aegaeon before turning back. "We can't get up close or else he'll just knock us down. We just have to take him down from range."

"Got it," Amethyst said, bringing out her bow and leveling shots at Aegaeon. Kai also brought out his bow and shot arrows side to side with her.

As we all spread out and shot projectiles at the large sea giant, Alexander and Geneva stood in the middle, not knowing what to do.

"So...we don't really have any long range weapons. What do we do exactly?" Geneva asked. Alexander looked just as much dumbfounded as Geneva.

Arthur looked at Alexander blankly. "Can't you morph your shields into any other weapon? Just try changing them into a rocket launcher or a bow."

Alexander nodded as he brought out his shields and changed them into a large rocket launcher. He began shooting at Aegaeon with it, saying "Booyah!" after every single shot.

"Um, hello? What about me?!" Geneva huffed, crossing her arms in frustration.

Amethyst's face lit up, making that classic "I got it" expression. "What if we distract Aegaeon by shooting at him while Geneva and Kai get in close?"

"The problem is that up close, Aegaeon has the advantage. Staying away and shooting him from range is our only bet," Arthur reasoned.

"True," Amethyst admitted.

We continued staying on the boat, Oman swerving past Aegaeon's attacks while we shot at him with arrows, fire, light, electricity, rockets, and clouds. None of them seemed to do any harm to Aegaeon and he continued shooting waves and blasting water at us.

"Stop spraying!" Alexander shouted, blasting another rocket at Aegaeon. "Find a toilet!"

Aegaeon scoffed. "My perfect water blasts are not pee, you impish mortal! And why do you six insist on trying to kill me! It's impossible as long as I am here!"

"What do you mean here?" I asked.

"I mean that Lake Michigan is my territory! I can never be slain here, demigod!" Aegaeon elaborated.

With that revelation, Arthur got an idea. "So, Aegaeon is immortal as long as he is in Lake Michigan. We need to drag him out."

"How do you suggest we do that, Lightning Wheels?" Kai asked.

Arthur continued explaining. "He has a big ego. Dare him to follow us and insult his reputation. That would stir him to come to shore, where we can actually damage him."

"I like this idea. Keep it up, Lightning Wheels." Kai patted Arthur on the back before running to the front.

"Hey, Seaweed Hair!" he shouted, getting Aegaeon's attention. "I dare you to follow us!"

Aegaeon chuckled. "Why would I do that, mortal? I can kill you right here, in this lake."

"Yeah, right," Geneva said, joining in on the idea. "You couldn't kill a butterfly if it had no wings!"

Aegaeon scoffed. "How dare!"

"If you don't follow us, then you're definitely the lamest sea god in history!" I added, maddening Aegaeon more.

"And you don't know how to pee in a toilet correctly! Who doesn't know that?" Alexander shouted. It was a gross comment, but it seemed to work as Aegaeon angrily punched the river.

Amethyst laughed. "Not just that, but you'd be even worse than your dad! At least Briares was strong, not a pathetic seaweed god!"


Arthur turned towards Oman. "Go, go!"

Oman quickly began steering, hauling the ship backwards as we heard Aegaeon's large footsteps splashing through the lake. We eventually reached shore as we all jumped off, ready to face Aegaeon. Oman drove off into the lake, awaiting Aegaeon's defeat. Thankfully, Aegaeon didn't notice Oman drive off at all and kept being fixated on us.

Aegaeon stamped onto shore, raising his sword up. "DIE MORTALS! YOU WILL PAY FOR INSULTING THE GREAT AEGAEON!"

That's when we began our onslaught. Amethyst shot an arrow at Aegaeon's feet, which turned into a rope that wrapped around the giant's ankles. He stumbled a bit forward and dropped his sword, giving everyone else time to beat him down.

Kai ignited Scorcher and rushed at Aegaeon, hacking away at his knee. Arthur shot lightning blasts at the giant from a distance, further making him stumble. Geneva and I came in with our daggers and knives respectively, stabbing away at the back of the giant's legs. Alexander grabbed large blocks of rock and threw it at him, before slamming him with his shields.

Together, we knocked Aegaeon down on his face, his entire body now on shore. Kai took the final blow, raising his sword up and stabbing it into Aegaeon's back. Aegaeon's body turned to dust, his large serpent-sword the only thing remaining.

Oman drove back to us, a smile on his face. "Good job y'all. I wasn't expectin' that to happen but y'all did great! Now, get in the ship, we got a mask to find."