
The rise of Demon God Whiro

In the brightest days the shadow lurks deep. A kid that learned the harshest truth in life vowed to keep a silent heart and swears to embrace the sins of everyone in all eternity.

heavenly_dao666 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The 6th

A quadrupedal horse and the upper half of a human enchants in front of Whiro.

Roots starts coming out of the ground and shapes itself into a ball.

Did the same thing to Kira and picks them up at the handle that naturally formed from the spell.

It was singular horseman. The roots are so thick that it gives minimum view of the outside.

Click clack as the horseman walked for minutes and Whiro passed out somewhere in between.

A few moments later, the horseman splashes him and Kira with water.

They both get startled from the water and brightness shunned their eyes. They felt warmth and when their eyes adjusted the first thing they see is a large u shaped podium filled with horseman, Minotaurs and fawns dressed in fancy clothing.

A silver chest armor, silver faulds, silver cuisses, silver poleyns, silver greaves, silver sabatons, and a red robe on top of it.

Their horns have silver or gold rings and their ears have different varieties of piercings ornamented with precious jewels. They all have staffs of what seems to be a black root of some sorts that wraps around to all sorts of item.

One of the biggest Minotaur's staff has a Minotaur skull with multiple six horns and a purple gem on the forehead in it.

Behind them are the horseman also with fancy clothing.They are wearing tailored armor that sits on their horse body part and reaches to their somewhat human counterparts. The entire armor is white and has a texture of leather and metal. Their face is not in any shape or form similar to human but more hairy animal like with pointed ears and a sturdy horn that wraps sleekly in the back. They are holding a spear and a sword that sits unsheathed on the left side of their armor. Their spear is also made of the same materials as the Minotaur's staff. A solid black stick all the way and the roots starts forming close to the blade as if the blade was picked up by root. The blades have different varieties too. One of them looks more like scythe than a spear.

At the very top are Called Faun they are half deer, goat or sheep and half human like. They are bipedal who walks on two legs. They have black armor and a little bit of gold hints on details on top of it is a black robe. Their horn varies from singular to dual or even four and some have deer horns. However their face including their horns are covered in black mask.

They wield two swords similar to a samurai but the swords are not katanas. They don't have any staff but a large horn made of the same black roots as Minotaurs and centaurs have. It is sitting In their back.

There are 100 on each row and they are all quiet and seemed to be waiting for something.

Whiro then turned his head only to see thousands of them watching the podium in silence. There was no inch of movement from anywhere and the silence is very creepy to the ear. This went on for minutes and Whiro sat there also in silence. Then after sitting there long enough at peace with no guilt in his mind. A big realization comes to his head only to realize that they are in a middle of judging him and Kira for trespassing. What gave it away is that Whiro used the same concept on his barrier but with a different way of detecting the target's intentions.

They were freed and was taken to a guest house outside the citadel with food and other assistance. Whiro managed to borrow one of their books that teaches young ones the language and it helped Whiro to understand their language a little better. Proficiency of 35%

He can communicate to them in the lowest level. The language is hard to crack and is complicated to decipher. It took Whiro days to understand just the symbols and letters but not all words that makes their language unique.

Whiro also learned their way of living and major laws that affects them as a stranger to the kingdom. In total he borrowed 5 books that will help navigate and ask around.

Whiro then wrote a letter to the king asking permission to access their library.

The letter was written in a scroll and it says

" king of the great domain in paradise I request an audience with you. I praise your kingdom for the mercy and the grace you had shown us and in return let me compensate you in great amounts. Let me show gratitude in return of your kingdom's kindness. Whiro"

Whiro used a certain leather from the surface. It is nothing like they have ever seen in the paradise wrapped around silk and Whiro's handmade rope and seal. He appeals to meet the king so he can find clues about the witch without coming out as suspicious.

The servant sent it and the only thing they can do now is to wait for response or summons.

Two days later Whiro is summoned to the citadel's garden. It is called vertido, a sacred place used by the nobles, generals and royalty. The servant that was sent for summons explained " this place is a healing place of tranquility and is the only place in citadel that allows the king to meet those who seek company. The only rule is to hide nothing and show everything. The moment you lie and hide anything the garden will immediately use you as the fertilizer. Also in there formalities is not required so talk to the king with your hearts content. "

When Whiro arrived he was surprised by the amount of plants and flowers. In the middle is a golden hut filled with etching and details. Another he noticed was that the king himself is already sitting there in a more casual clothing.

As he gets closer to him the aura around the king is immense and radiating very intensely. The aura have no color but it Vibrates the air making the whole area heavier than it had been.

He got closer and the king signaled him to sit down and be comfortable. The king started to introduce himself to Whiro. "I'm king Asterio, nice to meet you Whiro of tenebris. "