
The rise of Demon God Whiro

In the brightest days the shadow lurks deep. A kid that learned the harshest truth in life vowed to keep a silent heart and swears to embrace the sins of everyone in all eternity.

heavenly_dao666 · Fantasía
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18 Chs


King Asterio is a giant muscular faun that has 6 horns and holds a giant totem staff built from the rare metal of obsidian. He told his own story to Whiro so he can understand what kind of place paradise is.

"My kingdom is called Avalon. This kingdom existed since the beginning of time. Every newborn is celebrated everyday in the citadel and is offered to our goddess Terra. She takes and gives and the chosen ones are put trials. The ones that didn't make it will live as an ordinary and is still given a chance to reclaim their glory at the age of 100 years old. I was born ordinary and through efforts I took this position. How about you? What is your story? "

Whiro knows that he needs to answer with honesty. " King Asterion I was born a human from the surface. By the thread of destiny I ended up growing up at a certain witch's care. She was also attracted by this destiny and ended up raising me to who I am today. Now she is missing and that is why I'm here also by the guidance of this destiny. "

The king immediately smiled the moment he heard the part 'a certain witch'

He then asked Whiro a quick question.

"You seem to have been raised by her, what is the real reason you are looking for her?"

That made Whiro think because he's not simply asking the why but the reason beyond the extensive search. After giving it some thought he responded "it's true that after I find her I'd be happy however, that is not what you're asking me. You are asking me what comes next after. We can live again together but then one day I'd also want to leave and that will only flip our situation."

Whiro then looked at king Asterion straight in the eye and nodded.

King Asterion changed the subject. "Will you still look for her or do you want to do something else with your time here in paradise?"

Whiro instantly responded " I still want to look for her. I need to know she's fine."

Whiro then paused before saying. "I'll think about what i want to do after that."

King Asterion is happy with the answer so he just looked at the distance as if he's reminiscing about something.

"You're young and capable than any other kids I've seen but you need to take things slowly and enjoy every minute in life. Do what you need to do, you can use my library as you please but promise me one thing. That when you grow weary of the power you're holding, share the burdens to people you trust and maybe it'll lighten your burden."

The king stood up and patted Whiro in the head and walked off.

Whiro is inspired by the king's words and now found a new acquaintance to go to in times of need.

Whiro immediately left to go to the king's library where he can amass great knowledge and power.

First books he read is about magic, mana and runes.

He learned that every single being that practices magic is a container for mana. The capacity for holding mana varies in 3 different categories.

1. Natural vessel. Is a vessel that has constant give and take relationship with the mana.

2. Unnatural vessel. Is a vessel that has small room for mana but can eventually expand the vessel through hard effort.

3. Exodus vessel. Is a vessel only available to beings that are unique, can generate their own mana and modify the vessel base on their knowledge or experience.

Mana is an essence from all life forms even rocks have them and the excess that leaks out is what's being used by those who practices magic.

Magic is the use of mana formed and constructed into changing reality by replacing it with mana or life essence.

Whiro then learned various applications on mana. He stayed in the library for days sweeping through everything he can learn.

After he's done reading he learned that he's exerting large amounts of mana which is called aura and it was causing everyone around to be either scared or wary of him.

This is what gave him away in the surface and what caused him to get noticed in paradise.

He then tried to close all magical pores that's making the mana leak and creating mana pools to contain them. The leaking mana is dispersing slowly in the air.

Whiro started glowing and it brightened up the whole library. Whiro teleported away as soon as it got out of hand somewhere he can't be seen. His head started hurting and a weird feeling started to emerge from his tail bone.

An extension of his tail bone came ripping out his pants and flesh started to form from it.

Hair also started growing and the tip is more dense than the rest.

Whiro is still experiencing headache while constantly glowing. His back also started to feel weird and this time it was more gruesome than the headache. He passed out from the pain in the random spot he chose.

The next day he woke up feeling light and energetic. A tail started wiggling matching his emotion. Excited or refreshed but as soon as he saw the tail he immediately got startled.

It took him a minute to take everything in.

He got up and chanted " materialize and fix "

Which fixed his clothing. He then checked his back to see if anything changed in there too or if he grew some wings. There was nothing and he was more upset than happy, expecting that he would also have a pair of wings.

He teleported back to the library to clean up the last few books that he read and the few he didn't get to read.

He used the door this time to properly let the guards know he's done reading and the guards were looking at his tail the entire time.

One of the guards left to report it to king Asterion.

Whiro then went back to the house they were given to and he checked to see what Kira is doing.

She was taking a nap at the bed. Whiro then sat down on the floor to check his treasure room about his situation.

After looking up an entire floor of books he could not find an answer for his situation.

His next guess is that the witch might know what's happening. It gave him more reason to seek her out and this time he has a valid excuse to come looking for her.

Whiro started prepping everything, he even went to buy supplies from some of the shops in the citadel. He also bought equipments and weapons so he can learn how to use them.

He had three options for armor. It was a leather, iron plates built in, or high end metal that would cost him a fortune. His and Kira's money came from the materials they sold to a certain guild.