
The rise of Demon God Whiro

In the brightest days the shadow lurks deep. A kid that learned the harshest truth in life vowed to keep a silent heart and swears to embrace the sins of everyone in all eternity.

heavenly_dao666 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


Whiro finished preparation and started to head out across middle earth.

He told the chimeras to help out the goblins in case his golems gets taken out.

Whiro stayed a little longer around to survey middle earth in case he missed something.

Middle earth is wide and reaches out very far so he wondered which way goes to paradise.

There's no roads or tracks that indicates where and their only lead is that the atmosphere/gravity in paradise increases two fold.

So Whiro mapped out the entire middle earth and he made a bunch of guess by putting x marks on each direction.

They walked each direction and did a process of elimination.

After going through all the x marks Whiro and Kira are still stuck on middle earth and they ended up camping where they're at.

Whiro then realized how the entire forest is in the cave and thought it could be another cave that separates middle earth to paradise.

They spent more days exploring the edges of the middle earth and at a random spot they found a very large pit with stairs in them.

The steps are so big they are meant for giants.

It goes down seemingly endless with markings on the wall engraved ancient language.

Another thing that is found in the pit are large insects and other animal like monsters as if the whole pit has it's own echo system.

Precipitation and fog are dense and it makes it harder breathe and see.

The most amazing thing about it is that the walls glow enough to see 2ft but not bright enough to lighten up the entire pit.

Kira asked "these carvings looks familiar? Did you not see sun of this from the witch's place on her room?"

Whiro stared at it and nodded to agreement with what Kira said.

So Whiro tried to memorize every marking in the pit.

It took them 5 days to get to the bottom due to Whiro memorizing and sleeping to save the information.

On the bottom a giant opening blew their minds and they were at awe after walking a few more steps in where two giant statues of angels with their wings folded welcomed them to paradise.

A super bright light hits their face and the warmth of it reminded Whiro of the surface.

After a few more steps, the atmosphere changed. Dense yet refreshing breeze, heat that can only be from the sun yet the feeling is similar.

There was a two photo copy of the sun and the skies are so blue that it somewhat darkens the sky. There is no ceiling that should make it believable that they are under the surface. Grassy fields and large mountains peeks from the distance. A massive collection of trees and compare to tenebris forest the trees in paradise is 3 times bigger and wider.

They felt like bugs in comparison to anything in tenebris.

From the entrance there are stone paths tha leads to 2 different location and Whiro is not confident that they'll manage to find the witch any time sooner.

Even though he's dissatisfied with their current situation the amazed look on his face cannot be hidden. For him this is a sight to see and something to discover and look forward to.

Since Whiro never really felt this way he relies on Kira's reaction and when he glanced over to Kira they both laughed and smiled.

They started heading to the left path.

The road is smaller and it seems to lead to another forestry area.

After a few miles of walking there was a huge infrastructure that towers above the trees despite the trees being large enough.

Three pillars in different locations. The tress are placed perfectly making it dense on the outside and less on the inside.

Whiro was using his spell eagle eye to see entirely of the place but it was difficult due to how large this are is.

At the outskirts of the infrastructure there are huts. The house has two floors brick on the bottom and wood on top. They all have chimneys and decent living conditions.

Whiro then questioned something about the place. There seems to be nobody around.

Despite being a large kingdom there were nobody to be found.

When they got closer the houses and huts are bigger than them and the tools lying around are also big.

Kira then told Whiro " they're all in that huge citadel.

But even before they got the chance to move from their spot a large arrow hits the ground close to Whiro's feet.

Whiro grabs the arrow and observes it and looked at the direction it came from.

"Is that a bull?"

Kira added "that is a Minotaur, I heard about them in the folklore."

Whiro then backed up and tried to walk away to not cause any problems however a half deer half human with brown and silver armor appears right behind them before they even get the chance to react.

Three more of them appeared encircling Whiro and Kira.

They started talking but the language is different. Whiro then decided to just be captured because they were the trespassers.

One of them with a stick taps the ground and roots comes out around Whiro and it took a shape of a sphere. It taps the ground again it pulled Whiro and Kira into the ground.

Whiro is amazed by this because even though the sphere shaped cage has holes in it the dirt didn't get into them.

They were pulled deep in the ground in all sorts of direction. They then came back out but inside an actual prison with metal bars and soil on their feet.

Whiro told Kira "we just need to do what they say and see how it goes from there"

Nobody came to check on them and it seemed like the day has passed. Whiro tried to grab food from his inventory but his magic didn't work. He then looked at the bar really close and it has runes marked all over it in a very tiny font.

Whiro wondered who could write such small carvings when everyone they've seen so far are tall and big.

Another day passed and both Kira and Whiro are feeling very weak.

Then they hear footsteps of a horse.

Whiro made a comment in a parched voice "now we got a horse?"

Kira looked at Whiro and giggled.