
The Rise of an Emperor

Su Li a child that was orphaned as a baby grew up having learned the way the world works first hand and realizing that rules are irrelevant and only power matters, he strives to be the strongest person that the world will ever see. Growing up as an Orphan inside the Silver Kingdom filled with Experts and Nobility, Su Li is only allowed in the Slums of the 3rd District were the poor reside. When every child reaches the age of 14 they are granted the ability to Cultivate and attend the Kingdom Academy of the Silver Kingdom whether they are poor, rich, noble, or an orphan. Follow Su Li on his journey as he breaks through the shackles placed on him and reaches a level of power no one else can reach. This is my first novel so please don't judge and expect too much but I do hope that you will follow me on this journey and help make me a better writer. The picture does not belong to me so if the owner wants me to take it down please comment! Have a nice day!

Jay78qi56 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 7- The little wolf

As Su Li opened his eyes his first sight was the face of the Silver Kingdom's founder, caught by surprise Su Li jumped back.

The old man wasn't speaking at all just staring at the little beast in Su Li's lap. To Su Li's surprise the little whit fox in his lap was awake and staring at him with wide blue eyes looking like a newborn baby. As he was staring at the little wolf it suddenly reached out with its little paw while looking at Su Li with an expression that seemed to be restless. Looking at this Su Li did what anybody would do and touched its paw with his hand and when that happened he felt a searing pain on his hand when all of a sudden he was in the wilderness fighting what looked like a White tiger, then was in cave by himself shivering from the cold, and then he was in an egg never to be seen or heard.

This process happened in the blink of an eye and when Su Li awoke he looked at the wolf in a different light because as he was immersed in its memories he found out the heritage of the little wolf. The little wolf came from a recluse legendary clan and they were called Raiju, according to the ancient books he read during his free time in the orphanage Raiju were legendary shapeshifters that were usually portrayed and seen as wolves or foxes and right now the little wolf was in the form of a white huskie with blue eyes. Receiving all of this information Su Li was happy because he a had a legendary beast as his companion and his martial spirit was legendary as well.

Su Li looked at the little wolf or (huskie) with gentleness as he decided on his name. Contemplating for a few minutes he decided to keep it simple and call him Xiao lang or little wolf. Su Li looked down and said from now on you will be called Xiao lang do you understand?" Following his announcement Xiao lang nodded its head like a human but this didn't throw Su Li into shock as he realized Xiao lang is a Legendary beast and this amount of intelligence while young wasn't weird especially since Xiao lang was born into the 1st layer of the Spirit force gathering realm.

"Oi little brat did you forget about me the founder of your kingdom the reason why you have that little mystic wolf and twin martial spirits because if you did I'll kick you out right no and not give you a cultivation technique or martial skill."

Shocked by his outburst Su Li apologized and stood up before the old man. " I'm sorry by the way what about my other 3 companions" Su Li wasn't very worried but he wondered what happened to them as he lost all contact as soon as they entered the cave.

" They're fine they passed the trial but didn't choose these 2 items and chose different objects however I gave all of them a peak Human martial skill that should become their foundation for about a year." After saying this he threw a ring at Su Li.

Catching the ring Su Li looked at it before exclaiming with emotion " Th-This is a spatial ring, Oh my god you have a spatial ring.

" Hehe you seem surprised inside the ring you will find a peak Spirit lightning attributed cultivation technique that came with your newfound pet as well as a peak Human martial skill for fist-play and a Saber type inferior Spirit martial skill that came with your Dragon saber. Besides this there are the rest of the rewards from the ancient ruins but I could never open them I suspect you have to be at the Spirit Body realm and must have the Raiju martial spirit or bloodline. Another piece of information that blue spiral is now on your forehead, you should hide it because Xiao lang's bloodline didn't leave just him alone for fun." The old man or the founder spoke all in one breath and after a slight pause he continued " Drip your blood on the ring when you get home I will now send you home and if you ever see me again call me Old silver it has a nice ring to it don't ya think."

Before Su Li could say anything Old silver waved his hand covering him in a bright light that forced him to close his eyes, when he finally opened his eyes about a minute later he was outside of the cave surrounded by 3 familiar figures namely; Chen Yi, Zhang Wei, and Xiao Chen.