
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs


Kakashi closely followed behind Rin as Obito lead the way, Obito's Sharingan darting through the trees as they made their way to the edge of Hi no Kuni (A/N:Fire Country, correct me if I'm wrong) to regroup with the other Shinobi at the Mizu Front…


Kamenshi sat in one of the many public parks in Togeyama Town, he had to admit that there was much to see in this large town. There was a sense of quietness that couldn't be found in Konoha, everyone minding their own business as they walked the sidewalks leaving the road open for carriages. Those that greeted him did it with a sincere nod, he kinda liked it…

With a silent whisper a small slot split open in his mask, 'Fuinjutsu: Seal' pulling a jar of soup and a few pieces of bread from a storage seal. He rested it in his hand before grabbing a 'special' kunai from his pouch. The only difference between this kunai and a normal one was that this one had a rounded tip with a dip. It was perfect to use as a spoon, and while it wouldn't prove as lethal when thrown the blade was still sharp… Kamenshi internally mumbled, 'How many times have I cut myself with this trying to use it…?'

He scrutinized the spoonai for a moment before twisting the lid on the now boiling soup, setting it aside he tore a piece from the bread and dipped in… with a slow blow to cool it off he took a bite as he looked around, all the buildings were made from good material he couldn't recognize. Their roofs were solid yet silent when the surrounding 'Defenders' ran and jumped across them on their patrols, the security here was on a whole nother level then Konoha. He could feel their intent gazes from everywhere, each constantly moving… how many sensors did this small country have? However there were two gazes set out from the rest, one was obscenely oppressive while the other felt like it was gnawing at the back of his head… sadly he couldn't tell where it was coming from or how far it was, as for the obscenely oppressive one it didn't even try to hide…

Kamenshi's gaze swiftly eyed the tower before returning to his soup, there was no point in hiding that he didn't know… maybe they could find him… or maybe…

While eating his meal Kamenshi fell into a sequence of thoughts, until he 'felt' someone approach him. Ending his thoughts as he looked up he found a young girl, no older than four curiously eyeing him a little farther back a slightly younger boy hid behind a thin fence post… acting as if he couldn't see the young boy he waved to the young girl.

Her cheeks were shallow and her arms were thin, although her clothes were clean and her hair was neatly brushed her lips were dry, her skin unhealthily pale despite the slight red hue the sun had left on her.

"Are you hungry?" Kamenshi's aged voice rung out, the young girl hesitated for quite a few seconds before meekly nodding, motioning towards the young boy with his head Kamenshi spoke once more, "Is he hungry too?"

The girl flinched, her head slowly turned towards the young boy before her eyes returned to the masked man, her voice was harsh as she tried to speak "Y-yes…" releasing a sigh Kamenshi removed his mask startling the young girl before she saw his kind smile, "Here," like jutsu 4 jars of soup appeared on the ground in front of her and a single loaf of bread sat on top of the jars, with a soft chuckle due to the young girls expression Kamenshi gestured "Go ahead it's yours, make sure you share with your friend… but don't go too far alright? Make sure you eat it before you leave, if you want to save some make sure to hide it well and go straight back to where you need to go, alright?"

The young girl's smile bloomed as she exaggeratedly nodded hurriedly grabbing the food as if it would disappear in the next moment. She went to run away but stopped after a few seconds… quickly doing a 180 she gave a deep bow as she forced out a raspy yell, "Thank you Mister!" before running away once again…

Kamenshi watched for a moment before donning his mask and flickering away… He really missed Hanhai…


Up in the tower a beauty of a women rested her head on her knuckles as she crossed her legs, the thin silk glided across her skin as she let out a low hum, she had been proven wrong… she assumed it was that boy, but it seems as if she was wrong… her eyes narrowed as she looked towards the low sun, "You're… interesting…"

Most people would ignore the young orphans running around, it's not like they were mistreated, the orphanages were well stocked with various necessities more than the kids would ever need… Most of the orphans had already begun their optional 'Defender' training, something every kid could begin at 3 years old…

While it wasn't mandatory, most kids went through this training as they would receive a multitude of benefits, such as merits which could be turned in for various Jutsu, Defender Tools, Seals, or even admission to a special bath house under the city…

Every person over the age of 5 is technically a Defender, although most are simply reserves…

Sighing she refilled her glass before calling out, "Maids! Invite the one known as Kamenshi for Tea…"

Outside the large ornate door a maid which could only be described as exquisite hurriedly ran down the tower once she heard her ladies words, this is the second time the mistress had called upon a man… However the first was a vile one, how many of her fellow 'sisters' had lost their chastity, their lives to that man…