
The Rise Of A Child

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Shitty_Writer · Cómic
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83 Chs

Save him!

Aria's hair rose like snakes behind her as turbulent mana swirled around her stone grey eyes pulsating with anger, the figure was halted in the air mid step groans left its mouth as the surrounding mana squeezed its body…

Bending over to pick up Jūr as tears fell from her eyes, she carefully cupped her hands… "You… You hurt him…" lifting her head and her eyes met the figure's "You will feel his pain…"

Haru was frozen not knowing what to do, the PPC handbook didn't describe what to do when the princess was genuinely pissed. She could feel the anger rolling off her body in waves taking a physical manifestation, Aria seemingly lost in her anger slowly formed a fist causing the figure's body to scrunch pained screams leaving their mouth as blood leaked through the gaps in the armor, the light of the walls flowing towards Aria as she completely closed her hand with a quick movement. Like a large jaw clamping down on its prey the mana descended upon the figure, blood plastered the walls leaving a scene that would cause many to throw up, but Aria just stood there looking over Jūr with a motherly gaze softly muttering

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry… you got hurt because of me…" softly running her fingers along Jūr's jagged scales that seemed to soften under her fingers, "Haru… go fetch papa's potions"

"But Princess…"

"NOW" a wave of mana followed her scream, leaving no room to argue but Haru stood her ground.

"Princess your father, my king has been notified he should be here soon."

"Who did this… Who sent this meanie to hurt Jūr…"

With an awkward expression Haru spoke "Princess I think you're mistaken" Aria slammed her palm against the table "NO… They hurt Jūr, they must pay…"

Haru in an attempt to coax the young Princess crouched down speaking in a soft voice "They were after you my Princess,"


Lumas faded into Aria's room, Ais had been transported to the frontlines to minimize the damage to his subjects…

"They were after your my Princess," Lumas was already grinding his teeth but Aria's words hit him "THEY HURT JŪR, I DON'T CARE OF THEY WERE AFTER ME THEY HURT HIM… LOOK"

Her words trailed off as her eyes spotted Lumas, running up to him with tears streaming down her face she spoke "Papa, save him… save him please papa"

Lumas looked down at the small snake with indifference, he was about to refuse when she practically groveled "Papa please he saved me, please"

Lumas turned his eyes to Haru to see her nod, he let out a sigh as he pulled out a vial full of a deep red liquid emitting an unreasonable amount of lifeforce, Haru felt her skin crawl at the appearance of the vial, passing the vial to Aria he muttered "Pour this into a basin, lay him inside then leave him alone… he will recover…"

Turning around he plucked the magic stone from the door "Aria, don't leave this room…" his eyes meet Haruhime's then the blood splattered around the room before he faded…

Appearing above the sky Lumas raised his hand 'Ninth Form: Cruel Sun', a new light casted over the land, Ares looked up seeing a blood orange sun forming over head. He instantly went pale ignoring Sebas who stopped his advances "It seems that your conquest has ended here…"

Ares could only stiffly nod at Sebas's words, barely forcing out a few words of his own "He wouldn't really right?"

Sebas let out a hearty chuckle "You sent an assassin after his daughter, you should know he has a certain trauma when it comes to losing people he loves…"

Sebas' words faded alongside him and all of the Freycliff army, only a certain blonde haired woman who seemed like a goddess of war was left behind. As Lumas hand fell the sun shrank becoming a small bead simply resting behind him as he fell to the ground, with an explosion of dust Lumas had descended. Exploding forward he appeared in front of Ares grabbing him by the neck, lifting Ares off the ground Lumas twisted his whole body slamming Ares' face into the dirt with a sonic boom.

As the dust cleared, the once sculpted god looked like a mess, his nose reverted into his skull, his teeth gone… his jaw hanging loose revealing a mouthful of dirt.

"*Putoh*" Spitting on Ares' unconscious frame, Lumas grinded his teeth pulling together every fiber in his being to avoid killing the god on the spot. Looking around he saw the littered dead bodies, running numbers through his head he came to the conclusion that even if hadn't showed his kingdom would've came out on top, only around a thousand of his own troops had fell leaving about 9000 alive and well, he could heal the lost of limbs so he wasn't worried…

Crouching down he spoke to the unconscious god, "I hope you know you just kickstarted the fall of your kingdom, hmm actually I could use more land and you have plenty of that…"

"Sebas," the slightly bloody butler appeared next to Lumas, "Yes?" "Begin marching upon Rakia, enlist all who are interested, make sure you have a few people on counter intelligence. I recommend Darrell, Harold, and Arya for this however work upon your judgement… use this idiot" kicking Ares' body with enough force to send it tumbling "as a hostage, don't halt the march until you sit upon the throne"

"My lord you can't be serious" Sebas was shocked, him sit upon the throne he didn't have the qualifications, "Sebas you have served me much longer then I can remember, if you don't think you can serve me to this degree then maybe you should have stayed in retirement…"

Lumas didn't bother carrying the conversation any longer, opting to walk away until Sebas kneeled "I will show my worth to you my king," Lumas waved his hand "Show no mercy, they think that we are some pushover… Show them what happens when you threaten our kin"