

In 12BC in a powerful kingdom early in the morning there were murmurs in all over the kingdom. The queen by the name sabiano had given birth to a healthy son who was later named prince Erastus .The people all over the kingdom were jovial and the princess took the horses and were escorted by army to celebrate their brother who was the only son of king Bernard III.

The king called for party to celebrate is son birth where various kings and the kings friend came to enjoy together and even is rivals like king peter was there . They celebrate for long for seven days then after that everyone went home .The king cook bravin had alot of work to do while talking loudly with is mates

After fifteen years the boy Erastus had become a big man he always walk down the castle with the commander of army to hunt wild animals .

The king had become more succesful he had conquered many kingdoms by the help of is son, is son looked ahead and had good plans which helped defeat many kingdom. Erastus had a girlfriend by the name princess cathler , who was the daughter of king prest .

They had been in love since erastus had become a youngman both fathers had been rivals since and they did not accept them as lovers .

Early , one morning when two kingdom had gone to fight and Erastus father was on the frontline line was shoot and is army overcome .They raise an army and flew away but the king did not survive and erastus become king the kingdom mourn for one month and erastus was crown king because is mother the queen had died

Erastus become an ignorant king allowed advices from other people and allowed is girlfriend the stubborn queen to act arrogantly and act not wisely .The princess planned with is father to conquer erastus kingdom which it was now in bad form and they managed to conquer badly injured people ,took them captivity burned everything and left nothing erastus was killed with is army and that led to fall of kingdom.