
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Acción
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44 Chs

“Prison of Truth”

"You require help, hm..?"

Through Aku's weak eyes, he looked up, as on the other side of the bars stood Rook, a shit eating grin on her face as she twirled around a key on her finger. Aku wasn't exactly happy to see her of all people.

"I'll help you if you help me.. I need to.. apprehend that red haired ringbearer.."

She shook the keys in front of Aku's face teasingly as he attempted to grab for them, failing.

"Fine, whatever.. just.. just let me out of here…"

Aku coughed as Rook's smile grew, unlocking the cell. She then took out a syringe and stuck it in Aku's arm, injecting the liquid as he quickly began feeling better.

"Huh.. So where are we-"

Room was quick to point a pistol at Aku's head, beginning to walk through the prison as she lead him.

"This is for safety measures.. We're in a laboratory, which also serves as a prison, the prisoners used as test subjects.. Morell was created here, actually."

Aku's eyes widened. It was always strange kn why Morell had no memories of her past, could it be that she was created with no memories in the first place..?

"You're joking, right..? What about Kafka, she's a doll, was she made here too..?"

Rook nodded. As they walked through the prison, a horrid smell of death filled their noses, each cell left with a dead, rotting prisoner, though at the end of a hall, a subtle light of a torch, and an old man cold be seen.

The old man raised his hand, signalling for them to come over, as they did just that.

"Hello you two.. I couldn't help but hear you talking about the dolls made here.. You say your acquaintanced with two.. Might one have black hair..?"

Both of their eyes widened to the old man's question, Aku nodding as he crouched down to face the old man.

"Ah.. Not too long ago I was at my last life, begging for someone to end my suffering… A doll came and freed my from my cell, I've never met such kindness.. But I passed out upon my freedom.."

The old man reached into his cloak, taking out a pitch black flower, with a subtle purple glow, the two of them looking closely at it.

"She must've thought I had died, as when I woke up this was left on my chest.. I never got the chance to return the favor to her.. I want you two to give this to her, the next time you see her.."

"Can you do that for me…?"

The old man coughs into his hand, as Aku gently takes the flower, nodding. Rook stays there in a crouched position, hugging her knees, as for once she didn't have a cocky grin, her face blank.

"You alright, Rook..?"

Aku asked, looking at her. She quickly snapped back to reality, slightly startled as she regained her grin, standign back up with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, I'm fine..! Let's get moving, now."

She placed the gun back to his head, Aku sighing as they continued walking through the prison, the old man waving goodbye.

They made it out of the prison area, now in a room full of hospital beds, curtains around the beds concealing whats within, though the silhouette of children could be seen through them.

Aku tried reaching for one of the curtains, though Rook quickly grabbed his hand, stopping from doing so, with slight disgust on her face.

"I'd refrain from doing that, unless you wanna see something really sick.."

Aku shivered just from thinking of what might be behind the curtains after what Rook said, as they quickly ran out of the room.

"Remember to never expect nice things down here, this place contains things nobody was meant to see or know.. Anyhow, here's your proof of Morell's creation."

She opened the next door, Aku peaking in before his eyes widened, Aku startled well stumbling back, and falling on his ass.

"Shit, give me a warning next time..!"

In the next room sat a large cross, as a doll was nailed to it by it's wrists. The doll looked identical to Morell, the only difference being it's lack of clothes, as well as the blood staining it, which only really made it more disturbing.

"Yeah.. It's a prototype, these dolls were made to find a spirit and trap them inside, so yes, Morell was a real human once.."

Rook helped Aku back on his feet as he gulped. The two walked into the room, walking to the next door as Alu tried his beast to not look at the doll, though it felt like it was staring right at him, despite it having no soul, unlike Morell.

"Say.. Where is Nico, anyways..?"

Rook was surprised from the question, looking back at Aku, sticking her tongue out as she flicked him in the forehead.

"Id you MUST know, I might've failed to catch him.. Don't you dare judge me about it."

She seemed rather insecure about her capabilities, as she faced away from Aku, her head held high. As they walked on.

"Hm.. So what's your plan, anyways. You keep saying stuff that makes it seem like you're plotting something..-"

She pistol-whipped him hard across the face for even asking her such a question.

"My mission is TOP secret, pal. I can't let you blurt it out to someone or the whole mission will be fucked.. I mean, I can tell ya but then I'll have to kill you

Aku got back up with a blood nose, and a sore jaw as he held his sleeve to his face, letting the blood soak into it.

"Shit, sorry…"

Aku sighed, the two walking on, finally reaching the exit to the laboratory, as outside was a junkyard, a huge pile of broken dolls sat down, a puddle of black formed beneath them.

"This is where your Kafka enemy was left after her destruction in the explosion… I'm surprised either of you were alive from that."

Alu raised an eyebrow, suddenly redirecting her gun away from his head, before grabbing her by her shirt.

"Alright, enough of this spy crap.. How do you know so much about me, the others, everything.."

Aku glared down at Rook, as her grin grew, before letting out the laugh of a witch, and shoving him off of her.

"The eye of Truth is all knowing."