
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Acción
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44 Chs

“Enter The Greatest”

Nico tilted his head, before merely launching whoever placed a sword to his neck away using a shockwave as his ring glowed yellow.

He stood up, dusing himself off as he turned around.

"A simple sword isn't an issue to me-"

Nico leaned back quickly, a suddenly horizontal slash sent to him which he'd avoided. He looked to the perpetrator, a familiar blue eyes seen.


Nico pulled out his own sword as the two began clashing attacks, Nico gaining the upper hand as he went on the offensive.

"Back off..!! I don't have time to deal with you right now..!"

Aku's ring glowed blue as he began delivering much harder strikes well swinging his sword in a flow-like method, causing Nico's offense to bounce off.

"You don't understand shit..! All my friendd have forgotten about me, I've been replaced.."

Nico suddenly bare-hand caught the sword, looking Aku in the eye as he attempted punching at Nico with his other hand.

"If they were really your friends then you'd shut up and listen to me..! They're in trouble.."

Aku's eyes slightly widened, unsure on what to believe as he gritted his teeth, yanking his sword back and looking away.

"And why should I believe you..?"

Nico flicked Aku in the head as he flinched back, then being met with multiple more flicks.

"Quit being an edgy prick, do you see you friends around? No, I'm all alone, I just fell from the sky."

Nico flicked Aku until he fell to the ground.

"Surely you're aware that the world is different, right? Uvie's causing it and Morell's abusing it for her evil intent. Morell's not the same person you know now.."

Aku got back up on one knee, looking down at his hand as he slowly clenched it, getting back up.

"Don't view this as an alliance, I am blatantly using you to get my friends back, got it..?"

Aku asked, Nico sighing as he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, now let's go.."

The two began walking off, Nico pulling out his phone as he accessed a radar on it, staring at the screen as he'd move his phone around every once and a while, Aku glancing at it.

"What are you doing, you look stupid..?"

Aku looked at the screen, slightly surprised. The radar managed to tell the difference between real people and Uvie's manifestations.

"I kinda forgot I had this.. Unless we wanna walk around clueless it's best to use this."

Nico expanded the radar, as it now showed the map of the entire city, four people indicated on it, two being Nico and Aku.

"Ah, so one of these must be Uvie.. and the other must be Morell..!"

Aku got excited to know how easy that was, The two beginning to run to the closest indicator to them.

Hours Later

The two stopped at as they held their knees, catching their breath.

"That was farther then I realized.."

Nico sighed, looking at the radar as he pointed to the street around the corner.

"The indicator hasn't moved an inch, strangely…"

Nico looked closer to the radar, as the indicator began moving rapidly, Nico's eyes widening as he frabbed ont Aku, and uses his free hand to launch explosions out, boosting himself through the air towards where the indicator was heading.


Aku yelled as Nico caught up with whoever the indicator was, a woman, tall and lanky dressed in a business suit, her black hair long and straight as her skin was pale.

Nico let Aku back down on the ground before generating another explosion to spin around in the air, delivering a powerful kick to the woman's neck.

The woman was sent down in an instant, Nico landing beside of it, before pointing to it, Aku coming towards it.

"Ah.. This must be Uvie in disguise..!"

Aku glared at Nico, as he couldn't believe what Nico just did, likely killing a random person.

"I don't think that's the case.."

Nico raised an eyebrow, before flinching as he looked back to the woman, who slowly got back up.


She rubbed the back of her now heavily bruised neck, glaring at Nico with her dark, sunken eyes. Aku rushed to her aid and helped her stand straight as she wiped her bloody nose.

"Look what you just did."

Aku rubbed the woman's shoulder, trying to comfort her. Nico seemed quite skeptical of the woman, there's no way somebody normal could've survived that.

The sudden shot of a gun was heard.

Nico stood forth, holding the woman's wrist in the air as she had a gun in hand. Had he not done this Aku would've been shot as he stumbled back.

"Damn it.."

The woman frowned, before in an instant she disappeared, Nico's gaining surprise on his face, before suddenly being met with an elbow to the back, the woman standing behind him.

Nico was sent back as she then pointed the gun to Aku's head, looking back and forth at the two of them.

"My name is Rook, and you guys are disturbing my peace.."

She spoke in a quiet voice, Nico getting back up before rushing to her. She fired the shot at Aku, who quickly blocked it with his sword, joing in attacking her.

She first ducked under Aku's attack, countering with a punxh to the gut, raising her leg backwards as her heel hit Nico in the face, which she'd then follow with a proper kick to the chest.


Both of them stumbled back, deciding to go full out as they glanced at eachother with a nod, both activating their rings.

Aku began sending slashes of water towards Rook, as Nico added to the pressure by firing off shockwaves. Rook placed her hands in her pockets as she began dodging the attacks with the slightest of movements almost elegantly.

Her facial expression began showing boredom as she held her hand out to he rfsce, yawning into it. Nico and Aku started getting ticked off as they charged a much more powerful attack.

Aku send a giant wave forth, as Nico caused the ground to crack and shake agressively, Rook seemingly having no chance of dodging as they increased the effects.

The ground was destroyed as were buildings in the wave's path, the two breathing heavily as they ended the attacks, expecting Room to be surely dead.

"Hah, easy.."

Aku said before he felt a knife to his ring finger, Rook standing between the two, holding knives out as a threat to remove the fingers which carried their rings.

"Don't move.."