
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Acción
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44 Chs

“Embark The Cold”

"That was close…"

There stood Morell, a sudden appearance as everyone looked at her in shock, both Nico and Aku readying their weapons. Morell then tossed the knife back to Rook.

"Careful, Rook.. I wouldn't want you hurting my dear treasure here.."

She ran her finger up Uvie's chin, who jittered in reaction, looking up at Morell with reddened cheeks.

Nico raised an eyebrow to the sight, before deciding to swing his sword towards Morell without care. She merely backed away, pulling Uvie with her, inter her chest as she held hee there.

"I'm afraid I need Uvie for.. bigger schemes. Ciao..!"

She waves goodbye, a portal forming behind her as she leaned back, falling into it well holding Uvie tighly, the portal closing before either of them can reach in.

Nico looked at Aku strangely, Aku looking back at him knowing exactly what he was going to say, slowly shaking his head.

"I was not aware that Morell rolled that way.."

The two sighed, as Nico looked over to Rook, but to his surprise she'd disappeared again. Rook is so illogical, why is a super soldier wielding rings that control concept losing to a girl with knives? Trash ass writer…

With Rook's disappearance, there also happened to be many lines on the floor, something that wasn't here before as Nico decided to follow it, Aku following.

"Why are you following a line.."

Aku asked as Nico looked back at him, beocre his eyes widened and he pointed behind Aku.

"What are you pointing at..?"

Aku looked behind himself, as they world behind them began to fade away. Aku's eyes widened as well as they both began running, following the line before the fading reached them.

"Shit, shit, shit..!!!"

The two yelled, making their way to the end of the line, a mere door which Nico would ram right through, Aku taking his last step to jump out the door, the fading a mere inch from reaching him.

They landed into a city street, it seems they'd returned to the unaltered world, Uvie's powers cancelled, likely due to Morell.

"Well, everything's back to normal.. Now it'll be even HARDER to find Morell and the others…"

Nico groaned, Aku looking at him.

"Why would it be any harder..? Isn't the only reason we went to Uvie to make her turn everything normal so it's easier to travel around?"

Nico brought out his phone, opening the radar. With the return of the normal world, so did the real cicilians, who all showed up on the radar.

"Ohh… We'll be fine."

Aku shrugged, beginning to walk on a specific direction, Nico following.

"How about we go to the castle? I'm sure there's something there."

Nico nodded, the two making their way to the castle. Upon arrival Nico loooked up, the castle VERY similar to the one in Uvie's world.

The two walkes up to the front door, slowly reaching for the handle before a sudden surprise came, two Lizardman carrying spears standing in Nico's path, their appearances quite whimsical.

"Hey, I know you two.. Plickler and Chair, weird names.. How are you two here, you're supposed to be back in the headquarters in my world."

Upon realizing Nico, the two lizardmen saluted to him.

"If it isn't Sir Ryoto..! Our old Ruler, long before Malik, known as Uvie suddenly came to us, requesting our aid.. we're not the only ones she brought..! I suggest you go inside."

The two lizardmen then raised their spears, accidentally hitting themself in the face, and knocking themselves out.

Nico shrugged, Aku looking strangely, Nico really did have some weird friends as the two entered the castle.

The main hall was dark, a giant bell hung on the cieling, as at the end of the hall was a curtain, a light behind it forming the silhouette of a woman sat, facing them.

"They seem too petite to be Morell, but not as small as Uvie.."

Aku looked at him weirdly.

"Are you identifying them off of breast size..?"

Nico shushed him, approaching the curtain as he slowly pulled it out of the way. There sat Kafka, not only having a new set of legs, but a new outfit. Instead of wearing her old maid outfit, she was wearing a dress one would see at a ball.

"It's Kafka..! Aku, I know she like, killed you but don't attack her right now.."

Aku nodded, his eye slightly twitching as Nico poked at Kafka's forehead, no movement coming from her.

"Is she okay..?"

Nico held her bangs up, a pitch black darkness in her eye sockets. She seemed dead, but a presence was felt. Nico frowned, gently putting her bangs back down before looking around.

"She seems.. dead, but I feel another presence."

Aku nodded, reaching for his blade as the two walked around, a clicking sound beginning to play as it constantly got faster, louder.

They began looking around more frantically, worried about the sound, it sounded as if it were approaching. A gasp was heard as Aku turned back to Nico, who'd disappeared.

"Nico..? Nico, where are you..?!"

His eyes widened, his hands beginning to shake as he walked around more quickly, his breathing shaky as his body shivered, Aku rubbing his cold hand.

He sheathed his sword, rubbing his hands together, and breathing hot air into them.

"Why am I so cold.."

It began to become harder to breath, Aku falling on his knees, his eyes slowly closing as he passed out on the floor.

Aku woke up in a dark chamber, a warm towel on his head. He seemed to be in some sort of prison cell, nobody else in here, before the rotting skeleton of the last prisoner to roam this cell.

"Wh-Where is this…"

He walked over to the cell door, grabbing onto the bars as he attempted to rip the door right off, but he couldn't, he felt so weak, so useless…


He spoke in a weak breath, banging on the cell door as, after many pleads for help, a soft voice of a woman was heard.

"You've requested help..?"