

Jade's Hideout: Matthew Spectre P.O.V

I groan as Jade rolls off of me.She collapses next to me as we get our breathing back.2 hours.2 hours, non stop.She kept on insisting and I just couldn't say 'no, that's enough'.I'm weak."That was the most intense that we've ever gone." She says as she snuggles close.I wrap my arm around her shoulders as I look down."Hmm-hmm." I hmm, she looks up at me with amusement."Did I wear you out, darling?You have a demonic spirit living inside you, that grants you abilities, such as super strength and high stamina but yet.....I can wear you out?What is this inconsistency?" She sarcastically asks as I laugh."Don't know...I have.....no idea.Truly." I reply back as she straddles herself back on top of me."Then you won't mind for a round 9...will you?" She asks as she gyrates her hips.I groan as I look up at her."You're playing a dangerous game, little cat." I say with a light growl.She smiles and leans down to my lips, hovering her own above mine."I like dangerous.....much more fun." She whispers as she kisses me.I grab for arms and roll her over."Remember...you wanted this." I say as I make my way down her toned stomach.She moans as we start going at it again.

The Watchtower: No P.O.V

The League states in silence at the hologram.A tall skinny man with glasses.His suit is form-fitted with wires connecting the suit, exposing his chest.The suit reaches down to his mid thighs."Plastic Man." Batman states which Shazam chuckles."I don't know.The guy's got a pretty substantial criminal record." Flash states questioningly as Shazam breaks out in laughter.Batman just stares at him with narrowed eyes."Sorry, sorry.The guy just cracks me up." Shazam says as he wipes a laughing tear away.He gazes out and sees every member of the League looking at him with unamused expressions."Maybe it's time we talked about the elephant in the room.Should Shazam stay a member, now that we know he's only 10 years old?" Flash questions."He does possess an adult body and the Wisdom of Solomon." Red Tornado argues."Wisdom does not equal maturity." Aquaman argues at Red Tornado's point."Hey, I'm sitting right here." Shazam points out to everyone.Black Canary leans forward towards him."Then, Billy, maybe you should leave until we've hashed this out." She says but Batman interjects."No.Shazam is a member and is entitled to participate until or unless he's voted out." He says in a matter of fact."It's not just his age.It's the fact that he lied about it." Wonder Woman argues back to him."I didn't lie.....exactly.I just left out the part of being a kid." Shazam says to her but she stares back unamused by his deflection."A lie of omission is still a lie.You kept an important secret from us.No one knew the truth." She says but Batman cuts in."I did." He says calmly as Shazam stares bewildered at him.

"I shouldn't be surprised, since you indoctrinated Robin into crime fighting at the ripe old age of 9." Wonder Woman cuts into him but the Caped Crusader is unfazed by her criticism."Robin needed to help bring the men who murdered his family to justice." Batman reasons back but Wonder Woman scowls at him."So he could turn out like you?" She growls at him but he remains unfazed."So that he wouldn't." He states as silence befalls the table.

Unknown Location:

"Thank you for meeting with me, your wickedness." Vandal Savage, the Immortal, respectfully said to Lilith who sat across from him.She smiled as she levitated tea and cups."It's my pleasure, I have to say, it's a surprise to see an immortal amongst the billions of weaklings on this planet.It's been too long since I've had an intelligent conversation.I hope you could provide me with such." She says as Savage nods his head."I'm here at your pleasure.I'm here for whatever you need." She says as she chuckles."Please, Mr Savage.....I'm old but not stupid.I know when someone doesn't like me, so...please, speak your mind." She says as the Immortal shallows his nerves."I'm going to be honest....I don't trust you.I've met many demons throughout my long life, they all have the same goal and/or attitude.They wish to control the souls of mortals to serve at their displeasure and joy.Me and my friends plans for this world will conflict with what your demons desire.I hope we can come to an agreement when this world becomes ours." He says evenly to the powerful entity.Lilith smiles and slips her tea."I know what demons are capable of.I should know, I created them.But you don't have to worry.This world is insignificant to me, I simply want my vengeance on the being that imprisoned me.You know who I speak off." She says as Savage nods."Yes.....Zarathos.I was his host one time." He says as Lilith's eyes perk up."Were you?That's interesting.I'm sure Zarathos got bored of you and abandoned you, did he?" She questions as he nods."It was when he was young.He was the Spirit for 50 millennia before he came across mankind.I was one of his first hosts.We came across a bear one night.I had suffered terrible injuries and he abandoned me for someone stronger.With little life left in me, I was able to land a killing blow against the bear.The scars on my face remain me of my early life but also of Zarathos's mercy." Savage says as Lilith wipes a fake tear from her eye."That's very touching.But unfortunately, your pain means very little to me.Zarathos will pay for what he did you me.I'll make sure that he feels my pain...before I finish him.Do not worry, Mr Savage.My demons and I will leave this world and move to better pastures.Your world is insignificant and the multiverse is vast and always accessible to me.Your mission is admirable, I'll help where I can but when finished.....I'll leave.I can promise you that." She says as she holds her tea up.Savage smiles and clinks his own cup against hers.

The Watchtower: No P.O.V

"We've seem to have reached consensus that 18 years is a suitable minimum age for joining the League.Yet what of Miss Martian?" Martian Manhunter says as the hologram changes to his niece."Though she is a biological adolescent by Martian standards, she was born 48 Earth years ago." He says as Red Tornado follows up."So what is the deciding factor, biology or chronology?Take Superboy." He says as Black Canary perks up."Exactly.He is less than a year old chronologically but yet has the biology of a 17 year old.Will he have to wait 17 years to join us?" She says as Wonder Woman glances at Superman who looks away.Still denying the fact that Superboy exists and is here to stay."The Team has experience and the question of when or how they can join can still be up for debate.But there are certain memebrs that meets our criteria.Ghost Rider and Black Bolt." Red Tornado says as the holograms appear.

"But that raises the question.Should a killer be allowed in the League?" Captain Atom states as he gestures to Ghost Rider."Ghost Rider has proved to be a valuable asset to the team, both professionally and personally.We are forgetting that the Ghost Rider is made of two seperate entities in Matthew Spectre and the spirit Zarathos." Martian Manhunter says."Doesn't change the fact that he has killed.Batman....he killed the Joker.Are you not worried that if he loses control, that he could make a mistake?Kill an innocent or one of us?How can we trust someone to watch out backs when they are suspectible to such violence?" Wonder Woman questions as a deep chuckle echoes across the hall.Everyone turns and stares at Fate who turns to them."You would be a fool to make an enemy of the Spirit of Vengeance.While Order does not appreciate the efforts of the Rider, he can not deny that he provides aid into balancing Order and Chaos amongst the human race.The Rider is a meticulous being that understands, down to a spiritual level, who is redeemable and who is not.Those that suffer the Spirit's wrath are so vile and distasteful that death is the only cure for them.Matthew Spectre is a very strong willed individual and based on what Nabu has seen, he is able to not only communicate but make the spirit heed his commands.That level of control is something that Order had not seen from any previous host of the Spirit.Having the Ghost Rider as a member is a much better situation than having him as your enemy, he is far stronger than he appears and his power is only matched by his limits.....which are none." Fate says as some of the League gulps.

To hear that come from one of the most powerful beings to defend the Earth, it shakes a few heroes at their core."Moving on.....what about Black Bolt?He is nearly 18, he has the power to be one of the League's heavy hitters.He has the potential to be a great defender." Black Canary says but Batman interjects."Black Bolt shows us the potential that the newly discovered meta gene can possess.Having Balck Bolt as a League member can only go so far but the representation that he could bring is what really matters.He could be the bridge between the metahumans and humans." Batman argues on favor for Black Bolt."I'm only worried about the potential danger that he possesses.We've all seen the power that he can command.Flight and strength is acceptable but beams of pure energy that can destroy a building with minimal effort and a voice so powerful, that a whisper could potentially knock the Watchtower out of orbit?" Flash argues to the group."I'm just saying.I know that Black Bolt has undergone very serious mental training in order not to utter sound but come on.Are we not worried enough that if something happens and he slips a sound that you could destroy the tower, knock it down to Earth, with the potential to harm millions?" He says as some Leaguers nod in agreement.The League sits in silence as everyone has reached an impasse when it comes to the two most powerful memebrs of the Team.

Jade's Hideout: Matthew Spectre P.O.V

I buckle my jeans as I make my way out of Jade's too.and into the living area.She fixes her civilian clothing as I grab my keys.I approach her as I wrap my arms around her torso.We say nothing as I lean down and kids her, she returns the kiss with equal passion.I pull back and see a lone tear falling down her cheek.I reach up and swipe it away."I love you." I say to her but she shakes her head."Don't say it like that." She growls lightly at me.I nod and think about what to say."Ok.....I'll...I'll see you later, ok?" I say awkwardly as she smiles and kisses me again."I'll see you later." She says with a sniffle as I turn around and make my way out of the hideout.I hear her cry as the ramp closes behind me, K walk over to the car and hop in.I breath heavily as I feel tears well in my eyes.I soma my hand onto the rim of the wheel as I let my tears fall with a cry.I grit my teeth and sit back against the seat."I'm terribly sorry, Matthew." Zarathos says with worry and sympathy laced in his voice."Me too, my friend.Me too." I say as I drive out and head back to the cave.Along the way, all I can think about is the terrible responsibility that I've dropped off on Jade's shoulders.Basically told her that I'm about to be made a slave of a powerful demon sorceress and the only way to protect everyone is to stab me and kill me with a sword made by the Angel of Death.And all of it is for the greater good for the innocents of the Earth.I realise as I drive that I'm an asshole and that I'll never get to properly make amends with Jade for my decision.I pray that in the end.....I'll be able to heal that open wound.

The Watchtower: No P.O.V:

"No other ideas?" Superman asks to the League.No one raises their hand not has anything further to talk about."Then these are our candidates for new or continued membership." He says as over a dozen holograms show.Names included are Shazam, Doctor Fate, Rocket, Icon, Ghost Rider, Red Arrow, Black Bolt, Plastic Man, etc. "We've debated origin, gender, size, experience, age, temperament and background.But what is the fundamental criterion for membership?" Batman asks the group as Wonder Woman steps forward."When all is said and done.The question must be whom do we trust, trust to have our backs, to fight beside us.And trust who Alcan uphold the high standards and ideals of the Justice League?" She delcares as Batman sits in his seat, followrd by Superman and Wonder Woman."Time to vote." He says as each member of the League casts their vote.

Awhile later, Batman stands as all the votes are counted."All those in favor of ratifying the results?" He says as every member 'Aye's' in agreement."All opposed?" Batman asks as silence fills the hall."Then we are adjourned." He says as everyone stands and nods their nods in acceptance.

Manhattan, New York City: 23:47pm, December 4th, 2010

I wait within the abandoned apartment, I hold my burner hand in as I wait for my guests.I feel the tortured soul of Frank Castle as he steps into the light."What do you want, Rider?" He growls in his usual annoyed tone.I chuckle while looking at him."Good to see you too, Castle.How've you been?" I ask as he narrows his eyes at me.He clenches the pistol that he has as I raise an eyebrow."Come on, Frank, put that away.I'll have to blind, deaf, paralyzed and without a demonic spirit for you to be a threat." I say jokingly as a chuckle is heard.We both look and see my second and final guest show himself."You got a mouth on you kid.....but you're not wrong.Put it away." Blade says to me and Castle respectfully."Who the fuck are you?" Castle says as he backs up."Relax Castle.This is my friend, Blade.Vampire hunter.Blade, this is Frank Castle, the Punisher." I say welcoming as I gesture to both of them, while pointing to the other."Vampires?Seriously?" Castle questions as Blade stares back at him, he pulls the bag from his shoulder and pulls out a charred skull.The skull has very prominent fangs where the canines and incisors should be."Elder?" I ask him as he nods.Castle stares shocked at the skull before holestering his gun."Alright you have my attention.Now what do you want?" He says as she sits across from me as Blade puts the skull away before sitting down as well.

I sigh as I lean forward."I called you both here because, in a few weeks.....I'm going to be taken and made to do things that I don't want to do.I am asking for help in keeping the collateral to a minimum." I say as they both stare at me."Taken?By who?" "And to do what?" Blade and Frank say respectfully as I sigh."Recently, Lilith, the Mother of All Demons, broke free of her imprisonment and is now walking free amongst mankind.She is gathering her forces, her plans...I don't know yet.And for what I'll be doing....well.Anything she forces me too." I say as I take out pictures of ancient depictions of Lilith, as well as pictures from the neighbouring warehouse from when she and her children beat the shit out of me.Frank takes the photos and matches them, Blade gazes at the warehouse picture as he focuses on the tall woman on the centre of the frame."Is this her?" He says while pointing to the figure.I nod my head."This is ridiculous.First vampires.Now demons?You honestly expect me to believe this shit?" Frank says as he tosses the photos across the table."Frank, you've seen the Ghost Rider for yourself and Blade just showed you a charred skull of a vampire.A species that you thought make-believe not 10 minutes ago.Can you honestly sit there and say, even with the evidence in front of you, that you don't believe in demons?" I say to him with a knowing smile as he leans back against the chair on defeat.He knows that his argument is trash, especially since Blade is here as proof for the impossible to be possible.

"So what do you want us to do?Because I don't know about you but an army of demons is a little above my line of work." Blade says as I nod."You two aren't the only ones that know about this.One other does and she has my full trust, but what I do want you to do is help me out with a group of people that I know can help." I say to both of them as they lean forward."For the last half year, I've been a part of a covert team of young heroes under the watch of the Justice League.We have been combating a shadowy organisation known as the Light that has recently made allies of Lilith.What I hope, is that the two of you can help these heroes when the time comes." I say as Frank gets up angrily as he walks to the door."I'm not helping any heroes.I'm done here." He says with venom as he walks past me."Frank, you the worst case scenario comes then a lot of people are going to die.Mothers, sons, daughters.....fathers.Do you want the knowledge of dead children on your conscience when you know you could have done something to prevent it?" I say to him as he stops before the door.I see Blade sitting in his seat, leaning back as he watches with curiosity.I hear a huff as Frank walks back over and sits back down."I'm not babysitting for you." He says with a growl as I laugh."I would never ask you too.What I am asking is for you to help out when needed.The team is strong and trustworthy, but they don't have the killer instinct that the two of you have.....and if worse comes to worse...they need you two to help them."

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I watch their reactions.Blade is complementing while Frank is huffing and shaking his head.Blade stands as he faces me."You helped me with the vampires a while back.It's time I returned the favor." He says as he nods his head to me.I nod back gratefully for his help.We both stare at Frank who shakes his leg in ponder.He huffs and holds out his hand.I smile and shake it."This is the only time that I'm helping you.After that... we're done." He says as I nod in agreement.I take out new burners as I pass them to their new owners."These burners have a single number.When you get the call, it will automatically connect to my burner and the other burner, making a three way call.When this number rings, it won't be from me but from a member of the team.They should have all the information that you two have heard tonight.If all goes right then they'll give you access to our base as well as directions to a meet point.Keep these on you at all times, I don't know when it'll go down so be ready." I say as they take the phones and nod."Thank you.....both of you." I say to them as they nod their heads and head out of the building.I sit at the table in silence and think about everything.Soon, very soon.....things are going to change...I hope that the outcome is less than what I fear it to be.

Mount Justice: 6:56pm, December 5th, 2010

The team, besides Artemis, is gathered in the zeta hanger as Green Arrow and Roy stop out of the zeta."So what's up?More bitching?" I say as I glare at Roy.He stares right back with an equal glare."Team....Roy has been chosen to join the League.But I wanted him to set an example, so he is here to join the Team before entering the League." Green Arrow says to the joy of Robin, Wally and Kaldur but reservations from Connor, M'gann and Zatanna.And total refusal from me and Black Bolt."Since when does the League decide who joins?" I say as everyone turns to me."What do you mean?" "Matt, it's Roy.We can trust him." Green Arrow and Kaldur say as I scoff."You sure about that?All I've seen from him is disrespect, disobedience and an arrogant attitude.I don't trust him to watch my back and to answer your question, Arrow.The League might supervise us but everything about team membership comes down to a team discussion and vote.And last time I checked, we never had a discussion about Roy and I can tell you now, he doesn't have my vote." I say to the shock of Robin, Wally and Kaldur."It's a good thing that you're not in charge then." Roy says arrogantly as Black Bolt signs next to me.Everyone but Arrow and Roy follow."What did he say?" Roy asks as I turn to him."We already have an archer.I know her and trust her.I don't know you and by how you talk to my friend and what he has told me about you, I don't like you.So turn around, walk out of this cave and fuck off." I translate as Roy steps forward angrily to Blake."You wanna go, you damn mute." He says with venom as Blake's fork glows as Roy clenches his fist."That's enough!Roy is here at my discretion.And that's the end of it." Green Arrow says as he steps in between the archer and the meta human powerhouse.

"Your discretion?" I question Arrow as he sighs."Look.....I know that there is tension here but I want Roy to be prepared before he joins the League.So I'm asking you, can you allow me this?" He asks as Kaldur steps forward."He is welcome.....but if anyone starts trouble, then they'll answer to Canary with training and Batman for the lecture." Kaldur threatens which I nod too.Blake nods as well, I notice Roy reluctantly nods but nonetheless, does."Recongise.Artemis.B-08." The zeta says as Artemis walks out of the zeta, her eyes widened at spotting Roy."Artemis.....meet your new teammate." Green Arrow says joyously, like the last two minutes if arguing didn't happen."Sure.... team's needed a real archer." She says angrily as I feel her displeasure and her anger.Looks like me and Blake aren't alone in opinion of Roy."Alright, people.Listen up.The dynamic duo's on a case in Gotham, but Batman have me a heads up." Arrow says as I see Sportsmaster's image pop up on the screen, I glance over and see Artemis's eyes widen slightly."Sportsmaster was spotted coming from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport." Arrow continues as Zatanna speaks up.

"In full costume?Nervy." She says as we look at her."What?It is." She defends herself as I chuckle."In street clothes.Faical recognition software picked up the ID." Arrow continues as the camera zooms in on Sportsmaster's face."Find out what he's up too." Arrow says as he turns to us."All of us?Seems like overkill for a shadow job." Connor points out."Perhaps a small squad.Miss Martians camouflage abilities seem ideal." Red Tornado says but Green Arrow intervenes."I thought that the side kicks, sorry ex-sidekicks could take this one.Aqualad, Kid Flash, Red Arrow." Arrow says as the said individuals smile."Good, stakeouts make me crazy." Connor says as I scoff."I want in." Artemis says out of the blue as she steps forward."You know you don't have too, right?You came off a good night last night, you could use a break." Arrows says to her but I feel her desperation and anger."No.With M'gann and Robin out, no one's logged more hours piloting the Bio-ship than me." She says with conviction.I narrow my eyes, something happened.

When the squad was making their way to the Bio-ship, I intercept Artemis on her way there."Ok, what's wrong?" I ask her as we stand in a shadowy hallway."It's nothing.Don't worry about it." She says as she tries to make her way past me.I grab her shoulder and stop her."I can fell your emotions.....what's wrong?" I ask her.She scowls before releasing a breath."Mom and I had an argument.I told her of my... insecurities with the team, with Roy and she said that the team would never turn their back on me which led to me about my secrets, my past etc. And now, seeing Roy here.....it just brought all that back to the surface.I'm just worried that I'm not good enough." She says as I give her a comforting hug."You never have to be worried Artemis, you are my friend and I trust you with my life.....Roy is a pompous braggart who needs a kick up the arse...never doubt yourself because you are wanted here.You are our archer...and no one is going taking your seat at our table." I say to her as she smiles gratefully and hugs me."Thank you, Matt.I really needed that." She says as I hug her back."Don't worry about it...now get going." I say as she laughs and makes her way to the hanger.I hear a slow clap as I turn and see Roy walk out of the shadows."Wow.That was adorable...almost makes me want to cry." He says as I glare at him."Fuck off." I say as I walk away."I don't know how you can even trust her.You know of her secrets, her true identity.....and yet, you still trust her.You accuse me of being untrustworthy but yet, you claim to trust her with your life.Seems you have double standards." He says as I turn around and push him against the wall."U won't take bullshit from you....I know why you are really here, you think that there is still a molw on the team...well I say bullshit.With my particular abilities, I would have find out if so.eone was a mole so your paranoia is unnecessary and quite frankly, an annoyance." I growl out as I drop him to the floor."Quite honestly, you could be the mole.You are trying to create division within the group and pointing fingers towards Artemis.How do we know that anything you say is even truthful?How can we know that your friendships with Wally, Robin and Kaldur are even real?" I say mockingly to him as he gets up and growls in my face."I would never betray them!You have no idea of the loyalty I have to them?I would never be a mole!" He shouts as I smirk."Prove it.Trust Artemis with this mission, come back and tell me if she is....and only then will I believe anything that you say." I say as he walks away."I don't need to prove anything to you." And...that's your problem, you'll complain and whinge but when confronted about it, you'll avoid and bitch about it later.How the League accepted you as a member, I'll never know.

The squad had left for their mission, leaving myself, Blake, Connor, M'gann, Zatanna, Rachel and Red Tornado.I enter the common room and see that everyone is laying around borwd out of their minds."Hey guys.I'm gonna home for tonight.See you tomorrow." I say as they wave me goodbye.Rachel comes up to me and gives me hug before leaving.

P.O.V: Rachel Roth

Boredom.The bane of teenagers everywhere.I levitate myself above the ground as I chant my mantra."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." I whisper as my power flows in a calm, gentle current.Like a peaceful creek.....a beautiful river.Like a- BARK...suddenly it changes as my focus is lost.I fall on my butt as I open my eyes and see Wolf staring down at me.I narrow my eyes as I feel my energy get worked up."Damn mutt." I whisper as he starts whimpering slightly, his ears drope as I sat my shoulders.I scartch the back of his eyes as he groans in pleasure, tail wagging without a care."Hey Rachel.Wolf giving you a hard time?" Zatanna says as she enters the room."I was mediating when he interrupted.I was upset but I couldn't stay upset for long.His puppy eyes are evil." I say in monotone but Zatanna knew that I joking.M'gann and Connor enter the room as Wolf trails over to Connor."So what do you guys want to do?" M'gann says as we walk to the zeta hanger.

"No offense guys, but even my boredom is bored." Zatanna says as we see Red Tornado doing something on the holocomputer."Mediation is a usual go-to for me but even that is.geetimg boring...even for me." I say."Maybe taking the night off wasn't a good idea." M'gann says as Connor runs his head awkwardly."Red Tornado.You got any good stakeouts for us?" He asks as the robot turns to us."I do not.You must amuse yourselves." He drones as he lifts himself and enters his quarters."That's Tornado's apartment, right?" Zatanna asks."Of course." I say as she raises an eyebrow."But Tornado doesn't eat or sleep, change clothes or well....anything." She says as Connor glances at her."What's your point?" He asks as she looks at us."So.....what does he do up there?" She asks with a devilish smile.

P.O.V Change: Artemis

I wait within the Bio-ship as I hear Red Arrow's message."He's stopped.Hold your positions.I'm moving in for a closer look." I hear him as I dot my fingers of the ships controls.Matt said that he believe in me, while that's true...the team need more than just his word.I make my decision as I move in closer.I drop silently, a good distance away from Red Arrow as I move closer to Sportsmaster.I see him move to the train track as he just stands there."Hey, sis....." My eyes widen as I turn and see the voice of Cheshire.I load an arrow and point it at her."Long time, no reveal who you really are finally your friends." She says mockingly as I grit my teeth."Oh, did I strike a nerve?" She says sarcastically as she jumps down, sword in hand.I fire the arrow but she deflects it.She drops the sword onto me but I catch it with my bow and move in closer to her.I push her sword up as I mauevur my bow to flip her onto her back.She kicks me in the gut beofr hoping to a safe distance."Neat trick.Canary teach you that one?" She says as I growl and load another arrow."Bet you run out of arrows before I run out of sword.Unless you plan on breaking out the pointy ones, against your own sister." She says as I narrow my eyes."Why shouldn't I?You are working with Sportsmaster!" I shout at her.I just see her eyes through the mask as they narrow at me."Not my choice!Not my call!" I pully bowstring back."Then who's is it?" I ask as she tilts her head."Sorry, sis.....but you may keep your secrets.....but mine are very precious to me." She says in a tone that confuses me...almost...affection...care?The fuck?I hear the whoosh of an arrow as I see a red one explode into a net that wraps Cheshire and ties her to a tree.

I turn and see Red Arrow approach us."Well, good to see you again Red....while it would be a nice date, I already have a boyfriend." She says as I widen my eyes."Boyfriend?Him?Date?What the hell is she talking about?!" I scream at Red Arrow who just looks confused."How the hell am I suppose to know?" I hear Cheshire chuckle as I urn back to her."Deny the attraction all you want.But I prefer the ones that leave me...burning." She says teasingly."After all, Arrow, you might be here but the one I'm looking for.....isn't." She says which just makes me confused.What the hell is she talking about?She cuts the net as both myself and Red Arrow point out own bows at her."I'm find of you both, really I am.I couldn't bear to hurt you." She sticks her sword in the ground."Much." She charges me as I fire an arrow, she dodges and sweeps my leg from under me.I hit the ground hard as I shake the dizziness.I look over an see Cheshire sitting on top of Red Arrow with a sai to his face."You aint my type.Maybe in a different life, perhaps." She says as she looks up and is barrelled by Wally.She skids across the ground."And a sigh is still just a sai.And quite the souvenir, by the way." He says as I get to my feet and point another arrow at Cheshire."Artemis!Tracer arrow on Sportsmaster!Now!" Red Arrow shouts at me as I holester my arrow and take out the tracer.I track Sportsmaster on the boat."He's out of range." I say as Red shoves me out of the way."Watch and learn rookie." He says conscendingly as he fires the arrow.

He runs down to his jetski."You're abandoning....." I say to him as he turns his head back to me."In prioritising...mostly because of you." He says as I hear a mocking chuckle."Oh that's got to sting.He made the shot that you were too afraid to take." Cheshire says as Wally points her Sai at her.Cheshire kicks her mask up and puts it back on, I growl at her comment."Fuck you!" I shout as I fire another arrow.

P.O.V Change: Rachel Roth

We see Tornado leave via the security cameras.We look up at the apartmanet as Zatanna hovers herself and opens the door."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." I say as black and purple aura surrounds me, I lift into the air as I slip inside the apartment.Connor lands behind me as the door closes.The room is.....not what I was expecting.A Christmas tree in the corner with gifts underneath.Machinery and wiring, computer store banks line one of the walls.A light shines as we see a human figure draped by a red cloth on a table in the corner."Is that what I think it is?" Zatanna says as I walk past her."Probably." I say a so stand before the red drape.Myself, Zatanna and M'gann look at Connor who pulls the drape off.

We stare in shock at the reveal.A robot.He's building another robot...one without clothes apparently.My young mind doesn't need to see that."So...is Red building a friend or?" Zatanna asks awakardly.We hear the door open as we see Red Tornado enter the apartment."Perhaps you should ask Red." He says as he hovers back to the floor."All right.What's with the new bod?" Connor asks as Red walks past him."I am a robot.This is an android.He will serve as my alter ego, John Smith.And allow me to download my consciousness so that I may walk among humans.Interact and learn." He says as M'gann perks up."I think it's a wonderful idea." She says happily."Your approval is appreciated.But your presence is uninvited.Is this a sign of disrespect?" He questions with a hint of real curiousity in his voice."Um, curiousity." "Boredom." "Perplexity." M'gann, Connor and myself say respectfully."You know, he's cute.But if the goal is human interaction...." Zatanna starts as she chants a spell.The red drape is lifted and magically shifted into pants."He needed really those....thanks." I say to her as she smiles.

P.O.V Change: None

After discussing their problems, the squad had picked up their mission.Artemis decided to find Cheshire and Sportsmaster solo, to try and probe her worth but they were prepared.Luring her into a trap, Cheshire exposed that Red Arrow had placed a tracer on Artemis's quiver.Now with both here, th heroes decides to try and capture both Sportsmaster and Cheshire.The fight pulled to be difficult for both sides but the arrival of Kid Flash was able to tip the favornod the battle to the heroes.

Artemis had spotted a large red glow coming from another room.She barrels in and points her arrow at Klarion, Mallah, The Brain and Professor Ivo."Freeze!" She yells but Ivo laughs."Don't be absurd.With what we created tonight, I could simply-." Ivo starts but is stopped by the Chaos Lord."Why waste such power on her?Do what she says.Please!" He says as red magic engulfs all the villains who become frozen statues.

Mount Justice: 3:22am, December 6th, 2010

The heroes return to the cave to tell the others of their mission."Let me be clear.We failed.Though the Injustice League is in custody, their allies still scheme, and we have learnt nothing of their plans." Kaldur says to everyone par Matt and Robin."Gee, wonder why." Roy mockingly points out as Artemis steps forward angrily."Hey!Who found out that Sportsmaster was working for Brain, Klarion and Ivo?" She questions Roy who is unfazed."Yeah.Great Intel.....except Ivo have been in Belle Reve the whole time.And the guards just checked.It's the real Ivo, not a robot." He says as he leans down at her.Wally barges in and pushes Roy away."I'm getting really tired of you dumping on her all the time." He says as he holds up a tracer."Her tracer, so?Cheshire ditched it." Wally says but Roy shakes his head."No, Artemis ditched that, to send us on a wild goose chase." He says while pointing to one in Kaldur's hand."She put this one on Cheshire." He says while holding up his.Wally turns to Artemis with a look of shock on his face."Artemis?Are you that freaked out about Red joint the team that you had to prove yourself by taking on the bad guys solo?Tell me I'm wrong!" He says angrily to her.She goes to say something but just sighs in defeat."Well, nice going.What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish.Keep the sai.This is the real sovernir for the mission." Wally says as he throws the sai at her feet beofre taking the tracer from Roy.He walks to his sovernir room as Artemis hangs her head on shame."So how will you betray is next time?!" Roy shouts at her but Kaldur pull him back."If making a mistake is a betrayal, then we all would be traitors.I must report to Batman....the rest of you, get some sleep." He says as everyone walks off.

Artemis gets a ping and pulls out her phone.She sees that it's a message from a number that she longed to forget."Not too late to join a right side.Make your choice, baby girl or it'll be made for you." Artemis grits her teeth and throws the phone at the wall.She walks off to her room just as she feels rumbling.The mountain starts shaking as everyone runs out into the main hanger."What's going on?" Kaldur says as Wally zooms out of the sovernir room."The sword is gone.....and what is making the mountain shake?!" He shouts as a fiery circle appears in the hanger.It expands which shoes Matt tumbling out, like he was thrown.The circle closes behind."Matt!" Artemis shouts as she runs over and helps.He collaspes to the floor as she sees all his injuries.He is battered, bruised, bleeding from multiple cuts."What happened?Who did this to you?" Zatanna says as Matt opens his eyes."Run....they're coming." He says as another portal opens as half a dozen demons, led by Kurse walk out.Everyone is completely shocked by their appearance."Children?You have children as your friends?Adorable." Kurse says as Blake leaps forward to tackle him but Kurse grabs him and throws him away, Blake is thrown deep into the mountain wall.The demons attack as everyone is overwhelmed as more demons come through the portal.Red Tornado tries to fight them off but they are relentless.Zatanna and Rachel work in tandem, using their knowledge of magic to keep them at bay.M'gann uses her telekinesis to throw demons away but their sulfuric bodies and spontaneous combustion are being to overwhelm her.Connor tries to batter them away, it proves sucdesfull.....until Kurse walks over and backhands him away.Wolf tries to attack the powerful demon, but he too is battered away.Kaldur, Wally and Roy uses their weapons, abilities and skills to great use but they too are overwhelm by the demons.Artemis gets up to fight but her hand is pulled by Matt."Let them take me....it's the only way." He groans out in pain as Artemis shakes her head."There must be another way." She says with tears in her eyes, she glances at Kurse who smiles as he approaches the duo."You don't have a choice.Let them take me.Take this, callthe numbers, trust them.You'll need their help." He says as he gives her his burner phone.She takes it as she is lifted by the neck and thrown away.Kurse stares down at Matt who stares back with tiredness and rage."The Mother wishes to see you." Kurse says as he lifts Matt up and whistles a the demons.They all stop attacking as the retreat back into the portal.Blake gets put of his indent as he stares angrily at Kurse.He zooms at his max speed but the portal closes before Blake can reach them.The whole hanger is wrecked by the invasion.Everyone is battered with injuerirss from the onslaught not the demon horde."What was that?Who was that?Where's Matt?" Wally says as eeveyone sits and catches their breath back."They took him..." Artemis whispers as she pushes herself up, tears sticking down her face."They took him!"

Mount Justice: 8:49am, December 6th, 2010

P.O.V: Artemis

The League had arrived but the damage was already done.This was worse than when the Reds attacked.Those...things, opened a portal and walked right into our home and took Matt, Batman had dedicated all his effort into trying to find him.Checking everything.ATMs, security cameras, traffic cameras, anything on the digital network.....all of it came up useless.We sit within the common area as Canary and Green Arrow help out with our injuries, we were chewed up and spat out like we were nothing.Even Tornado, one the League's most versatile and powerful member nearly became scrap.

The door opens as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman enter the room."I know that this is diff-." Superman starts but Connor gets in his face."Where's Matt?Have you found him?" He asks as Superman narrows his eyes."We are looking but we found no sign of him." The Man of Steel says as Connor huffs and walks away."Then what good are you?Matt is out there, somewhere, with those things and you are all in here, trying us news that we don't want to hear.So why don't you go out, leave us alone and find our friend." He says angrily as we look between the two Kryptonians."We are trying, but any sign of Matthew has been lost.We don't know where he is nor do we have a good focus to start from." Batman says as I hear a sniffle and see M'gann wiping her tears away.I walk over and hug her, she holds tightly onto me as she just breaks down.

"They're demons." I hear a voice as we turn and see Rachel in the corner."Demons?" Wally asks questioningly as Rachel looks up."Yes.....the horned one.The one that led them, his name is Kurse.He is an ancient and powerful Elder Demon." She says as Robin shakes his head."Ok, wait a minute.Demons?Like...real demons?" He asks as Rachel narrows her eyes at him.Robin backs off as he cowers under her gaze."Is there any way to find Matt?Or find these demons?" Zatanna asks, Rachel nods her head."Yes....a spell.Done correctly can find the spirit and life force of the intended target.It will take some effort but with your help, we might be able to do it." She says to Zatanna as Batman steps forward."What will you need?" He asks as Rachel walks forward."I'll need an empty room, candles and my spell book.That's all." She says as I approach her."Please....find him." I say as she nods her head.Zatanna joins her.

I head to the door as Roy calls out to me."And where do you think you're going?" He questions as I turn to him with anger."My friend was taken!Right before my eyes and I couldn't do a damn thing about it!So do me a favor and leave me alone!I need some air." I say as I walk off, tears are selling in my eyes.I walk out of the cave and head to the secluded beach.I drop to the sand as all the emotions build up, I let them out as I feel nothing but anguish.I could have done something, done something to keep Matt from being taken.....but I didn't.I did nothing.I punch the sand in anger as something falls out of my pocket.I look down and see Matt's phone.He always has this with him, I've seen him message but I never could figure out who.I've asked him about it, and he simply said that it was a date.That's fair but it was quite irregular.Matt never showed any interest in dating.Not with anyone.I pick up the phone and slide it open.I see that it only has calls and messages.What kind of phone doesn't have a clock or at least some games.I click on messages and see three no ID banks.Who has he been talking too?I close messages and open calls.I see the same three ID banks as I randomly click one.

The phone starts dialling.I hold it up to my ear as the dial stops."Hey sweetie, what's up?" I hear Cheahire's voice as my eyes widen.I'm so shocked that I don't say anything."Matt?You there?" She says as I cough."Who is this?" She says with venom as I shallow my nerves."Jade?" I say as I hear silence."Artemis.....how did you get this phone, where is Matt?" She says quickly, fear is in her voice but my brain is going a hundred miles an hour."I.... I can't talk about it over the phone....can we meet?" I ask with hope in my voice.Something is going on.....and I want to know what.After a moment of silence, I hear a sigh."Meet me at 1275 Blackforth Avenue." She says as the phone hangs up.

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Jade's Hideout:

I arrive on Matt's motorcycle.The warehouse is decrepit and needs a serious renovation.I hear a rumbling as a ramp opens, revealing a secret passage."Ooookkk." I say as I make my way down, I enter a large open living area.I go to walk fowrs when I feel a blade press agaisnt my throat."Are you alone?" Jade says behind me as I nod.She starts patting me down."No weapons, no tracers, no nothing." She says as she steps in front of me and removes her mask.We just look at each other."Where's Matt?" She says as I scowl."Wouldn't you like to know?Tell me about what's really going on and I just might." I say as she rushes over and pushes me against the wall.I shake my head and see that she is pointing her sai at my throat."I'm in no mood for games, Artemis.Where is Matt?" She says angrily as I stare back with equal intensity."He was taken.....by demons." I say as her eyes widen.She steps back and drops her sai.I hear a sniffle as she wipes a tear away."So it's happened.He said it would."

I shake my head."Wait, stop.Stop.What do you mean, 'said it would'?You telling me that Matt knew that they were going to take him?And what the hell is going on between you two....wait.Is he...the mole?" I ask as she turns to me and shakes her head."Matt's not a mole...I am." She says as I just widen my eyes.I start pacing as I go through everything."So.... you're telling me.That you are a mole and that you have been delivering information strictly to Matt.Am I on the right track?" I ask as she nods."For how long?" I ask as she sits at the table."Since July." She says to me, I mock laugh."So are of this was for nothing.The Infiltrators?Sportsmaster?It's all a front for you to deliver intel...what do you get out of this?" I ask her."What I always wanted.....freedom.I'm a wanted criminal, I won't deny that I've done some messed up shit.But I hoped that the information that I deliver would give me a chance to escape this life.I.....I wanted to see my sister again...to make amends." She says as I look at her, I see the sadness in her eyes."I know that when I walked out, that I abandoned you.I was foolish and arrogant.....I, left you.....with him." She says in anger as he pushes the chair away and walks over to the fireplace."How did Matt get drawn in all this?" I ask as she glances at me."I met him before.....at the gala.He seemed nice, I thought I could play with him but he proved to be above my pay grade.That night was one of the only few times that I felt real fear.But he gave me a hope that I could escape it.So after a while, I approached him.....I wanted to know how you were doing.I hired him to keep a watch on you."

I turn sharply to her."You had me watched!?Matt of all people!" I shout as she sags her shoulders."Matt was already trying to find you.....I have him an extra reason too." She says as I sit down."So, you told Matt about the Injustice League and their allies?" I ask as she laughs.I raise an eyebrow at her laughter as she sits across from me."The Injustice League are a front.The real masterminds are the ones that you think to be their allies.Luthor, Brain, Klarion, etc." She says as my eyes widen.We were duped and played for chumps."Matt has most of the information and has passed it off to Batman." She continues as my eyes widen."Batman knows about this?" I ask incredulously."Of course." She simply replies a so sit back."This is a lot to take in....Matt gave me his phone before he was taken.The numbers show no ID and I randomly clicked on yours.He said that I could trust the people on this phone." I say as I pass her the phone.She looks at the ID patches."If Matt said that they are trustworthy than they most likely are.....we both know that secrets are rarely kept from him." She says as I take the phone back.Suddenly I remember what she said when I called and what she said two nights ago."Are you and Matt.....you know?" I ask with a knowing look.She smirks."Ewww.....that's.....I don't know why I asked that question.How?Why?!" I ask rapidly."It jaut started as a physical thing.He's very good looking and he just couldn't resist all of this." She says getting to yourself.I fake a gag."I think I'm going to throw up." I say as she chuckles."We never really thought about it going further than sexual, but months of talking, him having his moments of 'ahh, adorable.I began to have deeper feelings for him...and him for me.He made me safe.... especially with my situation." She says as I nod.Seems that things are going well but I need to get back on track."Will you help me find Matt....and bring him home?" I ask her as she stares at me."You have no idea of what you are about to face.You said demons took Matt.He told me that demons will take him and it'll be under Lilith's orders." She says as I raise an eyebrow."Lilith?Who the hell is Lilith?" I ask as I see the fear in her eyes."Lilith is the Mother of All Demons.An ancient demon sorceress that has been freed from her imprisonment.She has a history with Zarathos, which implies that Matt is caught in the crossfire between two very, very powerful beings.The demons you fought are powerful but are nothing compared to Lilith.Matt gave me something which he said could...stop him if he is brought under Lilith's control." She says as she walks over to a chest and unlocks the three locks, she takes out a very familiar sovernir."The sword?" I say as she lays it on the table gently."What does this have to do with Matt?How will this stop him?" I ask her.I notice the forlong look in her eyes."This sword was created by Zarathos's sister, Arzael The Angel of Death.This sword was forged with Heavenly Fire, it's one of the very few things that can harm the Ghost Rider.Matt said to use this sword if the worst case scenario came." She says as I stare wide eyed at her."You would kill him?!" I shout at her as she scowls angrily at me."I do to want too!" She screams as tears start weeklong in her eyes."He trusted me to see him to the end.....he believes that there is no cure for whatever Lilith will do to him.He said only death will free him.....I don't want Artemis, believe me...but there is no other way."

I turn away from her and look into the fire.I shake my head."No, there must be another way.Rachel, back at the Cave.She's half demon, maybe she can do something." I say hopefully but Jade hangs her head."Artemis...do you not think that Matt would have done something by now if there was?" She says, I turn back to the fire as I complement, well.....everything.My gaze into the fire turns to confusion as K see shapes forming."Artemis." I hear Matt's voice as I kneel down."Matt?" I say questioningly as Jade kneels beside me.The fire forms an image of Matt's face."Matt!Thank God.Are you alright?" I ask him as he groans."Uh, could be better to be honest...this is nice." He says after a moment."What?" Jade asks as he turns his fiery eyes to her."Seeing you.....both of you.....together." He says as we look at each other.We smile as he groans.Our smiles become looks of concern."What's wrong?What are they doing to you?" Jade asks in worry."Doesn't matter.Listen....both of you.I don't know where I am but Lilith has an army of demons here.Ra's Al Ghul and his Shadows have been acting as security.Lilith and Kurse have been torturing me for the last day both mentally and physically, I don't know how much longer I can hold out.It's taking all my power to keep this communication between us, any minute now, Kurse is going to come back." I say to Artemis as I turn my gaze to Jade."What ever happens.....know that I love you.....and I'm sorry that we couldn't have more time." He says, tears well in both mine and Jade's eyes.His image disappears as the fire becomes normal.

I sit back on my butt as I watch the logs burn.Jade inches closer to me, I raise an eyebrow and she awkwardly wraps me in a hug.I smirk as I lean into it."You've gotten soft." I say as a tear falls down my cheek."I know... blame Matt." She quips which I laugh at."What are you going to do?" She asks me as I just shrug."Probably head back to the cave.Rachel has a spell that can find him.....just have to wait." I get up and head off to the exit."Artemis...." Jade calls out as I turn and see her approach me.She hugs me tightly as I wrap my arms around her."I'm sorry, sister." She says as I smile happily and tighten my embrace.I back from her as I leave the room.Walking up the ramp, my mind is going a thousand miles an hour.So much learnt in the past few hours.It's a lot to take in, I don't think that everything has hit me yet."Artemis, do you read?" Batman says over the comm as I place the comm."I read you." I say back.b "Rachel and Zatanna has found Matthew, head back to the cave." He says as the comm cuts.I hop onto the motorcycle and ride back to the Cave.

Mount Justice: 1:07pm, December 6th, 2010

"Rachel and Zatanna have located Matt.He is being held in a police station in Gotham." Batman says as our eyes widen."Demons have Matt imprisoned in a police station?Why does that sentence make no sense?" Robin says as a dark chuckle sounds in the shadows.Everyone turns and prepares for conflict.Two men stepmout of the shadows.One of whom, I recongise."Blade." Rachel says next to me as she runs up to the dark man.She embraces him in a warm hug, somethi g that seems out of character for the usual quiet and withdrawn girl.The second man is unfamiliar to me but the white skull on his chest, the pistol on hand and the angry scowl on his face makes me feel a deep, instinctual fear of this man."Who the hell are you two?" Green Arrow asks as Martian Manhunter's eyes glow."Ah, ah, Martian.That's incredibly rude." Blade says as he pouts to his temple."It's not much of a fucking hassle to ask for our names." The other man says with anger."You're Frank Castle.The Punisher." Robin points to the newly named, Castle."Yeah, what's it to you short stuff." Castle says as myself and Zatanna hold a chuckle."First off....rude.And second, Matt asked me for help when he was tracking you down.Your ledger runs red, very, very deep."I know of Castle's actions but never could get his name.You're very good at covering your tracks." Batman says with veiled anger towards Castle who stares back at the Dark Knight with an angry scowl."That's the point.So people like you can't find me." He says with venom."Can we get back on track?And ask, how the hell did they get into the cave?" Roy asks as Blade and Castle take out phones.Phones identical to Matt's."Matt approached us about helping out when the time came.And with the blondie calling from his phone, our phones connected to this cave which recongized us.....so we simply walked in." Blade says as everyone turns to me.I take out Matt's phone and give it to Batman.He sees the ID patches as he looks at the two newcomers."She called you?" He asks but they shake their heads."Nope....someone else picked up the phone, a woman.....never heard the voice before." Blade says as I realise that it was a four way call.I look at Blade who gives me a subtle nod.Castle rains silent."Well...since you're here and Matt believes you can be of use, you can help." He says, much to the surprise of the Leaguers present."Batman, you can't be serious?" Green Arrow asks as Batman states back at him."Matt is the best of the best when I comes to judging someone's character.His particular ability makes that even more.If he trusts them, then they have my trust.....for now." He says in his usual tone.

"Ok, now that all that is cleared up.Why would demons keep Matt in a police station?" Connor asks as Blade steps forward."I know this station.It's a front for human trafficking for vampires." He says as Red Arrow shakes his hands."Wait, vampires now?" He asks incredulously.In the blink of an eye, Blade had removed his glasses and bolted in front of Roy.His prominent fangs expose for all to see.Roy backs in fear as Blade laughs."Best change to the brown pants." He quips as I hold a laugh.Everyone par myself, Zatanna and Rachel are surprised by Blade's revelation."Back to what I was saying.....this station has been on my list to raid for a while but the human presence, not to the mention the horde of vampires that operate the nightshift, I would never get close." He says as I step forward and twirl the hologram around."Why would demons take Matt there?" I ask as Blade laughs."Vampires and demons are chubby buddies, related...faintly but they same similar goals.....which of course.....is global domination." He says as Castle chcukles."What evil people or persons doesn't want global domination?" He sarcastically states."So we have demons that can take on our strongest hitters and now vampires, who I'm guessing are stronger and faster?" M'gann asks as Blade nods."Yes...but we'll have something faster." He says as both he and Castle walk over and place two large duffle bags on the table.We walk over and open them, revealing dozens of guns and bullets.This is going to be a long day.

Gotham City: 6:57pm, December 6th, 2010:

Batman decided that the team had to be small but versatile enough to be able to infiltrate the station and get out with Matt.Myself, M'gann, Robin, Roy, Wally, Zatanna, Kaldur, Blake, Connor, Blade and Castle were chosen to go.We were overlooking the station."So what's the plan?" Roy asks to Blade who simply looks at him.Roy gets the message and backs off."The suckers will patrol the station, my guess is that Matt is lokced in the most secure part of the stations, either the evidence room or the holding cells." Blade says as Castle loads a silencer on his sniper rifle, he puts the gun on the ledge."I'll wait up here, keep my eye on any targets." He says as he loads a round into the gun."So what now?" Robin asks as Blade points to the roof."Two suckers, they patrol the roof.Todd patrols never do their job properly." He says as he fires his borrowed grapple gun as he zooms over.Myself, Robin and Roy fire our own lines as M'gann lifts Wally, Zatanna and Kaldur.Blake and Connor simply leap over.We land on the roof as the vampires notice us.They snarl but Blade had already taken out his two huns and blew their brains out.The bodies disintergrate into ash."That's what silver does to vampires?" I ask incredulously as Wally hurls a gag."They will not hesitate to rip your throat out...so show them no mercy." He says to all of us.We make our way into the station as we silently enter a vent.We crawl through the vents, we hear voices and snarls.I see through a vent crate of a large demon that picks up a covering man and simply sanos his neck.I look away before continuing on.Blade holds us as he points down.I like down and see the evidence room.Matt at the far back, suspended by his own chains."Shh." Blade whispers as he softly breaks the crate and hops down, without a sound.

We follow him as we enter the room.Robin, Roy, Connor and Kaldur check for anything that could alert the demons and vampires outside.I make my way over to Matt."Matt....can you hear me?Are you ok?" I say but he is dazed.Completely out of it."We have to go." Blade says as he takes out a gun and his sword.Wally rushes over and pulls the chains off Matt.He collaspes to the ground but I catch him."Blake, Connor." I call out as they both come over and swing one of Matt's arm over their shoulders."How are we going to get out of here?We can't go back the way we came?" Roy asks as Zatanna steps forward."I can open a portal.I'll need time." She says as we give her space."Time.....such a demanding focus." We hear a dark voice, we turn and a green mist manifest into a tall woman with horns.She is terrifying as we all back away on terror."Such fear...it's almost succulent.....almost." She says with an unnerving glee.Roy loads an arrow and fires at the figure but it passes right through her."Foolish boy.Even if I was here, you think your arrows will do anything?" She mockily says as Kaldur steps forward."Who are you?" He asks with his water bearers formed into maces."I am Lilith.....Mother of All Demons." She says as our eyes widen in fear of who is here."What do you want with our friend?" M'gann says with an anger that I've personally never seen.Lilith laughs mockingly at her."It's not him that I want...it's the spirit within." She says as she paces around us, like a predator stalking her kill."Zarathos and I have a long history.The demon half breed that you have will tell you all about it.So I shorten it for you, he imprisoned me, I break free.....now I want revenge." She says with an almost sad tone."We don't want any trouble.....we just want to take out friend and go....please.....let us go." Zatanna says a she stands in front of Lilith.The demoness gazes down at her with a pondered look."You have power...but are too afraid to use it.....interesting." She says as she looks at every one of us, her eyes particularly focus on me a little longer."Ok.....you can go." She says a she steps to the side.We stare wide eyed in bewilderment."Just....just like that?" Wally asks as Lilith smiles."I already got I what I wanted for him....take him." She says as the door opens.Demons and vampires are looking at us as we slowly make our way through the station.

The demons stare down at us with hunger as does some of the vampires but most of them stare up and down at us girls.Connor was very confused when a male vampire walk by him and pressed him a note with the famiar 'call me' gesture.I had to hold M'gann back from that one.Blade kept his gun ar the ready as the vampires spit hateful and degoraty comments at him.Hisses and snarls, etc. Roy is the most freaked out, especially when a female tentacled demon caressed his cheek."I like the pretty ones.....they always are the first to break." The demon says with lustful intent as Roy wipes his cheek.

Weake our way out as Castle comes down from his vantage point.He stares shocked as the demons and vampires follow us outside.Lilith makes her way through as the demons kneel I reverence as the vampires now in respect.Zatanna chants a spell as a portal begins opening.We stare back at Lilith who has an amused smile on her face.I grit my teeth as I stand before her."What are you smiling at?" I say with venom as she states down at me..... I'm completely unnerved by her stare and feeling that instinctual fear build up through my spine."Oh nothing child...just wondering who will land the fatal blow." She says as I narrow my eyes."Artemis!Let's go!" Wally shouts to me as I turn and run through the portal.I step through and see the cave, I look back and see Lilith still smiling as the portal closes behind me.

I turn and see Matt being laid on the floor.M'gann places her hands at the side of his temple, Zatanna chants a healing spell while Rachel hovers her hand over his heart."Is he alright?" "Come on, guys.We need something." Wally and Robin say respectfully.I see Blake in the corner of my eye as his eyes narrow while looking at Matt."Blake....what is it?" I ask him as he approaches Matt.Everyone stops and watches as Blake twists Matt's head to the side and folds his ear inward.A symbol is revealed before us, like a backwards '5'.I hear an intake of breath as Rachel backs away."Rachel?What's does that mean?" I ask but she shakes her head."Rachel!" I scream as she faces me."What does that symbol mean?" I ask as she sniffles."Slave." She says.

No P.O.V:

Matt's eyes open as they glow with an ominous green.He grabs Zatanna by the neck and throws her away.Everyone looks shocked and surprised by the turn of events, Matt gets to his feet faster than anyone can notice and barrels into Blake.Blake tries to put up a fight but Matt lands devastating blows agaisnt the metahuman.Connor leaps over and grabs hold of Matt."Matt!What are you doing?" He questions but he gets headbutted as he is thrown into Blake.Matt groans as he feels arrows and bullets puncture him as he turns with fire burning in his eyes.His hand glows with green fire as he fires a blast of hellfire towards Roy, Blade and Castle.They dodge out of the way but the intensity of the blast is so powerful, the ground explodes when it is impacted by the fire.Matt gets blinded by a smile bomb but his senses are as sharp as always.He turns and catches Robin's surprise attack before slamming him to the ground, he grabs his arm and slams his fist into his elbow.Robin screams in agony as he feels his arm break, he quickly blocks the kick to his sternum but the force of the blow sends him flying.Wally barrels himself into Matt who tries to catch him, attack or something.Matt blocks his body as Wally increases his speed and begins attacking from all sides.Matt focuses his senses as he feels Wally coming.Enhancing his speed, Matt delivers a powerful blow to Wally's face as he gets knocked out.Kaldur and M'gann work in tandem against him but Matt covers himself in fire and makes the room heat up...so much that stone starts to melt on the walls.

Kaldur has a hard time trying to breath as he collaspes to the ground.M'gann tries to hold out and tries to reach for his mind.Matt reels the fire in and clasps his hand around M'gann's neck before snapping.M'gann falls limp to the ground.While Martians don't have bones, the feeling of a broken neck can be felt, while they won't die, Martians still feel the pain and cut from brain.Matt looks around sand sees most of the team mostly out.Matt walks away but he feels and hears someone coming.He blindly dodges an arrow as he turns and sees Artemsj leaping at him.He catches her by the throat and slams he to the ground.He grabs her bow as he leans his head down."Forgive me." He says with a sad tone and expression as Artemis's eyes widen.Matt pulls her bow from her.He stares down at her as he glows his fist with hellfire."Matt!No!" Artemis screams about Matt throws his fire infused hand down at her.

"Nooooo!" Before Matt burns Artemis, he is blasted by a purple and black beam of energy.Artemis dodges the excess fire but her shoulder is clipped by the demonic flame.Matt gets to his feet as green fire incases his head, burning away his flesh.The Ghost Rider has revealed himself.Rachel, stands across from him, fear etched onto her face as her hands are encompassed by purple black energy."Maggot." Zarathos growls as he breathes a torrent of fire at Rachel.She panics and lifts her hands, subconsciously forming a shield to protect herself.Zarathos heeds his assault as the fire dies down, Rachel is revealed to be unharmed.She looks up in surprise as she lowers the shield."You may be able to withstand Hellfire...just makes killing all the more better." Zarathos growls as he charges her.She levitates herself and blasts him with a beam of energy.He is sent flying back as he lands with a thud and a skid."Very impressive." He growls as he hops to his feet and charges again.Rachel releases another blast but Zarathos dodges out of the way and leaps up, he grabs her foot and brings her to the ground with a thud.She groans in pain before widening her eyes.A flame covered fist barrels down but she quickly forms a shield.Zarathos hammers down onto the shield with relentless ferocity.Rachel struggles to hold the shield as it begins cracking under the pressure."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She chants a spell and teleports herself behind him, releasing another blast.Zarathos is hit but he expected it, he takes it all the excess energy and forms a torrent of flames and fires back.

Rachel matches the flames with her own purple fire.Both purple and green flames meet in the middle, both unwilling to give.Rachel begins struggling to keep her fire ablaze and to hold back against Zarathos who marches closer to her.Rachel keeps the flames up but forms a partial shield as the flames begin to incase her."Now die.....spawn of Trigon." Zarathos growls as Rachel narrows her eyes in anger, her eyes glow with a malicious red as a second set forms on her brow.With a furious yell, she leaps up into the air and bathes the cave in her power.A purple and red raven forms from her mystic power as she stares down at Zarathos."What's the matter.....scared?" Rachel says in a malicious and gleeful tone as the ravens wings arch forward and zoom towards Zarathos.Sharp points line the wings as Zarathos is scartched by one but manages to dodge the rest.The wings reach outward and close with power.The force of the wind blast sends Zarathos hurling into the wall.

Zarathos pulls himself from the wall as Rachel falls to her knees."You're feeling it aren't you?You have truly accessed your demon heritage, your body is not used to the influx of evil nor is your mind strong enough to take the strain.You've made a fatal mistake is believing that your power is something that you can easily control." He says as Rachel returns to normal, she is panting heavily, almost completely exhausted from the fight."Unlike me, who has had eons to perfect my control.....you will die here tonight.....and no one will miss you." He says a she covers his fist with fire and charges Rachel."Not today." She whispered to herself.She holds up her left hand, her ring finger pointed down while the rest sits straight up, her other hand has the same image but is held close to her chest.She twirls her left hand in a circular motion."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She chants as her eyes glow purple as a black portal opens, right before Zarathos makes contact with her, he falls through the portal as she closes it.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Dropping through the portal, I see that I'm on a deserted street, night had fallen and no one was around.I turn back sharply and see the portal close.Damnit...she's resourceful, I'll give her that.I feel a dark feeling well up my spine as I turn and see Lilith's misty figure standing before me."Mmm, green looks good on you beloved." She says as we kneel before her."I am at your service, mistress.What would you have me do?" I ask a sage smiles and graces her hand along my shoulder blades."Let us return back to our temporary room.....we have so much to catch up on." She says as she turns away and opens a portal.I follow her through.

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In the Mindscape: Matthew Spectre

I pace back and forth within my own mind as I see what my body is forced to do.I knew that this was going to happen.Zarathos told me on the magical infection that Lilith planted within us, but to see what we are forced to do.I nearly killed Artemis.I snapped M'gann's neck.....hell, I nearly killed Rachel, the girl is fucking 10 years old and I nearly killed her.While I'm impressed by her skills and abilities, it shouldn't have never come to that.I should have had Jade stab with the sword when I had the chance."The past is set and there is no changing it now." Zarathos says as his orange fiery from manifests next to me."I know that, doesn't mean I have to like it." I say as we stand side by side as we watch my body, Zarathos's spirit being controlled and piloted.While our consciousness is not on sync with our body, Lilith's magic has worked its way in to make it look we are brainwashed, when I'm reality, we are kept in the dark resess of our mind.Everything that my body does is basically responding to Lilith's will.A puppet for her to manipulate.....scary shit.

"What can we do?I know that you said that there is nothing...but there must be something?" I ask him which he just shakes his head."It's hopeless.....my spirit is now tethered to Lilith's aether, her life force.Strong magic is at work and I don't have the strength right now to battle control." He says as I grunt in frustration.....nothing.Nothing can be done.I watch as my body is now with a bunch of demons, Lilith is presiding over them."What I'd you don't wrest control.....but rather cut the strings?" I ask as he looks at me preplexed."Cut the strings?" He asks as I turn to him."You said that Lilith has tethered your spirit to her.....but not your conscience.You also said that she infected us with a magical infection.What does the human body do when it's infected by a virus?" I ask him as his eyes widen."Heats the body.....burn the magic out.That's going to take awhile.Lilith's magic will know if there is a problem, we will have to act slowly, one thread at a time." I nod my head as his form disappears.I turn back and continue watching, hoping that my friends are alright.

Mount Justice: Artemis P.O.V

"Ahhhhh!Stop!It hurts!" I scream out as Connor and Kaldur hold my arms down.Zatanna, M'gann and Blade are working as hard as they can to heal the burn mark on my shoulder.It hurts so fucking much."Artemis, you need to calm down." M'gann says as she tires to cut my conscience feeling of the burn, but the hellfire is so severe that I literally can't stop feeling it."Let's see you with this burn and see how you like it!" I scream as the pain flares."Kaldur, try using water." Zatanna says to him but Rachel shakes her head."Hellfire, wiher in its naturally form or from a burn, it can't be quench by water.We have to heal the skin and muscle on her shoulder." She says as her hands glow with a glassy white and blue."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She whispers softly as my skin nits back together.I scream again.I feel a hand take my own as I glance and see Wally holding it."Come on, you can do this." He says as I grit my teeth.The pain dies down but the feeling still remains.Rachel falls back but she is caught by Blake.He signs to her."I'm alright, just need an hour or so." She says as she sits down.

Zatanna helps me up as she chants a spell.An ice pack and bandages come over and wrap around my shoulder."The ice pack will sooth the burn but the pain won't leave for a few hours." She says as I nod."Well.....that could have gone better....but instead we got our asses kicked." Castle says as he loads all his guns with fresh magazines."Your obvious observation is appreciated Castle." Blade says sarcastically as he takes a red pack from his back pocket.We all stare at him as he punctures a straw into it."What?" He asks as we all stare bewildered at him."Oh, yeah.I'm half vampire, need a snack, don't mind me." He says as he slips the blood."So what now?Matt is gone and we have no idea where he is... we're back to square one." Robin says as he holds his arm and pops his elbow into place.He groans on pain as Zatanna walks over and starts wrapping his arm in a bandage."So Matthew is a traitor?Why doesn't that surprise me?" Roy says as he leans on the wall.I get up with anger as Wally and Kaldur tries to stop me."You selfish fucking bastard.How fucking dare you say that?" I say with venom as I go to deck him one but Wally holds me back."Artemis, calm down.You're hurt." He says but I shove him away, to angry to care."I call as I see it Artemis.He attacked us, nearly killed us.....seems like a pretty good reason to call him a traitor." He says as he is wrapped in a purple and red aura.We look over and see Rachel staring angrily at him, four red eyes stare hatefully at him.Roy is lifted as he begins groaning, the aura begins squeezing him."Rachel, enough." Blade says sternly as Rachel let's Roy down."He's not a traitor.Nothing he did tonight was of his own making." She says as she forms the symbol that found."This is the demonic symbol for 'Slave'.It's typically used for body, spirit and soul thralls who are held under the control of a demon.And since Lilith is a demon sorceress, she was able to to bind all three of Matt's and Zarathos's to her.They are not on control, Lilith is using Matt's body like a puppet master." She says as the symbol disappears.

"So what do we do?Matt will be with Lilith, and now we will have to fight demons, vampires and him?How can we help him?" M'gann asks as she is held up by Connor.An idea crosses my mind but I know that the consequences, it's too much of a risk."Lets stop for tonight." I say as everyone turns to me."Everyone is tired and hurt.I know that we want Matt back, but there's nothing we can do.We'll start back up tomorrow." I say as Kaldur nods in agreement."It's been a hard few days, get some sleep." He says, Connor, M'gann, Zatanna and Robin begrudgingly go while everyone else just nods in agreement.Roy gives me a dirty eye as I flip him off.I watch as everyone leaves as I walk over and pick up Matt's phone from the table.I need to make a call and make this right.

Next Day: P.O.V: Jade

I received a call late in the night from Artemis.Matt has been brainwashed and is now fighting for Lilith.She called saying that she needs help and that the team wouldn't understand.....she needed my help.I shallow my nerves and make my way to our meet point.It was still dark and very early in the morning."I'm here, where are you?" She calls out as I jump from the tree."Hey, sis.....you look like shit." I say as I see her arm in a sling and the burn mark on her shoulder."Yeah." She says sadly as I walk over and embrace her comfortingly."I'm sorry." I say, just trying to make her feel better."It's ok.....let's go find Matt." She says as she breaks from me."How do you even know where he is?" I ask, honestly, how the hell would she know.She holds up her phone and with a smirk on my face, I narrow my eyes at the screen.A green dot, placed not far from here.I look at her with a bewildered look."You put a tracer on him.....clever." I say as she smiles."Thanks.....let's go.Did you bring it?" She asks as I spill the sword off my shoulder."Got it...just hope that I don't have to use it."

We arrive at a warehouse, we hope onto the roof as I see a man walking about.Artemis holds me back as I raise an eyebrow at her.She points to his face as the man turns and reveals a grotesque slob of a face, mixed in with rock like skin.I curl my lip in disgust.Artemis reaches back and grabs the sword before silently unsheathing it.The weird man perks his head as he turns to us sharply, we hide as the weird man comes closer."I can smell you, human filth...but the stench of Heavenly Fire has a foul smell that even demons find revolting." He says with a growl as a clawed hands appears beside me.His face zooms past as he stares at me."Found you!" He screams as J take my sai and stab him in the eye, he groans on pain.Artemis shoots up and slices his arm off before slicing through his neck.The man falls to the ground as he glows with a blue light beofre disintergrating into small blue stars.We watch in amazement as I filter my hand through the stars."What the hell?" I say as Artemis sheaths the sword back on my my back."He was a demon.Come on, let's go." She says as she heads off towards the access door.I stare at the crispy ground as I shake my head, and follow after her.Just as Artemis was about to open the door, a dark chcukle sounds behind us.We turn sharply as I pull out my sais while Artis pulls out her bow."Such little toys." Our weapons are yanked out of our hands as a tall figure steps into the light.I step back in fear at the woman's green, souless gaze.Her horns stand proud, her clawed hands interlocked.But the most terrifying thing was the amused smile on her face.

"Where's Matt?" Artemis growls as the demon laughs."You really think that you can take me, child?You're not very bright, are you?" She mocks as I scowl.No one insults my sister...but me.I sheath my sais and pull out the sword."Give him back!" I shout as I level the sword agaisnt her.Her eyes glow with anger as her smile turns into a scowl."You dare point that at me?I would seriously think about your life choices if I were you." She growls, every fibre of being is telling me to run...but fuck this bitch."Yeah, that's not going to happen.Give me Matt." I say as she trails her eyes to my right, I follow her eyes as Matt steps out from beside us.I intake a deep breath, his eyes turn up to me and I see that his dark eyes are now the glowing green, like Lilith's."You wanted him.....here he is." Lilith says as she manifests a green chair and sits."Go on.....fight us now." She says as Matt swings out spiked chains as I deflect them away.Artemis fires an arrow which forms a hard gel substance.It hardens rapidly but Matt simply burns through it.He swings his chains as I dodge out of the way.Artemis tries to impede Matt but he simply catches the arrows and crushes them or simply burns them.I throw a smoke bomb as he is now surrounded by smoke.I move away to re-gather myself.The smoke clears as Matt's eyes trail around the roof.Artemis fires an arrow, this one explodes which makes Matt stumble.I remember back in Taipei when I injected poison into him.He burned it out but he was still affected.I take out a sai and a small bottle and dose it with a powerful neroutoxin.Let's hope this works.With his attention on Artemis.I sneak up to him and level the sai.He turns sharply, surprising me.I go to stab him but he grabs my arm, I go to swipe at him with the sword but he catches that arm as well.I look up at him as he looks at me with indifference."Matt please.....come back to me." I say to him as Lilith chuckles."He's not yours anymore, assassin.He belongs to me.Now.....kill her, slave." She says as Matt tightens his hands as I drop my weapons from the pressure.I feel my bones starting to crack.He lets go and grabs my neck with both hands.

I gasp for air as I tug at his hands but he tightens more so.I start see blurry white as I start to fade out of conscienceness.Suddenly he lets go, I get my breathing back as I suck in air greedily.I look up and see that the green has left Matt's eyes."Jade?" He says with horror."Slave!Kill her.I command you." Lilith shouts as she stands in anger.The green returns to his eyes, his skin burns away as the Rider reveals himself.He lights his hands on fire, he goes to finish me but I reach down and grab the sai and stab into his gut.The blade melts but the effect takes hold.He moves back with a stumble as his nerves being breaking.The green leaves his eyes again as he becomes Matt again."Jade.You have to do it." He says as he groans as the green comes back, skin burns away.He reaches out to me but I deflect the hand and kick him in the face.I grab the sword but he grabs my neck and throws me away.Artemis runs in and fires a net arrow at him.He is wrapped in the net but he burns through it.He struggles to his feet as his dark eyes come back."You know you have to.The sword.....it will cut Lilith's magic.You have to." He says as Lilith goes to charge us but she is blocked by a purple and black aura.We look to see a young pale girl in the air, her eyes glowing with purple are keeping Lilith at bay."Help him.....I can't keep he at bay for long!" She shouts as Lilith tries to escape her confinement."Half breed!I demand you release me!" Lilith says on anger as green encompasses her, she batters the shield as she tries to escape.I turn back to the Rider who has burned the poison out of his system, his green eyes alight with rage.Tears well in my eyes as I grip the sword."I'm sorry." I whisper to myself as I rush over to him."Jade!No!" Artemis shouts as the Rider swings his chains but I slide under and lift the sword, the poimt slipping through his guard.Our eyes are inches away from each other as we both gaze down."Noooooooo!!!" Lilith shouts as her power breaks throught the shield.Everyone par myself and Matt are sent flying."I'll kill you for this!" Lilith shouts as she charges at me.Suddenly, she disappears in a portal of red energy...very much like Klarion's.

I look back at the Rider as the green leaves his eyes, Matt's skin grows back as he looks into my eyes.He collaspes to his knees as I follow him down.I pull the sword out of him and throw it away.I hold him close as his body gives out.He coughs up blood as he gazes up at me, my tears are stealing down my face as I cover with wound with my hand."You're going to be ok.I promise.You're going to be ok." I say as I wipe my tears away.His hand weakly covers mine."It's ok....it was the only way.I'm so sorry." He says as I shake my head."No, you're going to be ok.....you hear me?" I say.His hand reaches up and cups my cheek.I hold his hand as I tighten my eyes to keep the tears from falling.My heart is breaking into a thousand pieces....I open my eyes and see his staring into my eyes with love in his own."I love you." He says as his eyes blaze over and his hand drops to the ground."No, no, no, no!No!Matt, wake up!Please.....don't leave me." I cry out as I hold him close to me.Even now, I feel his warm body become cold.Two sets of arms wrap around me, but I couldn't care less.I need him.

P.O.V Change: Zarathos

Within my incorporeal form as I look down at my hands.I have my original form back.Dark hair, tanned light skin and a white energy forming clothing on my body.Instead of blue, I'm still coated in my orange flame."You are free, brother." I hear Thantos say as I turn and see him, Arzael and Phoenix standing before me."The Evil has been purged from your aether, you can come home brother." He says as I turn back and see Jade holding onto Matt's body.Artemis and Rachel are holding her as she breaks down.Even before, I could feel the love that she and Matt share for each other.There was no other way, it had to be done...then why do I feel that I've cheated these two from living.Because on reality, I have."I'm sorry, my kin.But I can't leave.This human needs me, this world needs me and the innocents of this world need my help.I can't leave them." I say as I turn back to them.Instead of anger or annoyance, I see love, happiness and acceptance."We knew that you would say that.Kali saw it." Arzael says with love as I shake my head with a smile on my face."Kali and her foresight." I say with mirth as Phoenix approaches me.Even with my greater strength, Phoenix always made me unnerved, she has this presence of protection but also wrathful destruction.Not a sibling that I ever wanted to get on the bad side of."Since you have shown that you still have the qualities that made you an Angel.....we, as kin, have decided to restore your Angel form back to you....you are one of us again.....brother.But, the eons you suffered as the Spirit of Vengeance will remain.....the Evil may be locked away but the rage hasn't left you.You will have to find Balance between them." She says with love and worry, Phoenix has never been one for emotion, but to hear her say that...it warms me.Knowing of the conflict that the Hellfire and Heavenly Fire that will now intertwine within me, wasn't something I expected but it does make sense.Magic, even after so long will leave a faint mark on one's aether.Hellfire is no different.

I smile as my form starts to take on a more blue form."Be wary brother.....as long as Trigon lives, the Evil within your aether will always be present.The Heavenly Fire that you now have again will keep it at bay but beware your anger.Hellfire and Heavenly Fire together is a violent mixture....always be aware of yourself." Thantos says as all three embrace me in a hug as I feel all the love and joy that they have.Tears start to fall as I finally embrace my kin as kin after eons of distance.My brother and sisters disappear as I turn back to Matt's body.A smile graces my face as I hold up my hand as Heavenly Fire gently caresses my fingers.