

We arrive to where Miss Secret was but don't see her anywhere.I turn and see Harm throw a dagger at me.I block it but the dagger cuts through my string."Hold him off while I restring." I say as Zatanna throws some punches but Harm kicks her away.He swings the sword as I dodge and barrel my bow into his face.He kicks it away as I pull out my crossbow.His sword swipes at me as I deflect it and level the bow at him.His sword tilwirls around and levels against my neck.Standoff."Want to paly without the toys?" I say to him but he smirks."It tries to bait Harm.Leave Harm weak.But Harm has no weakness." He says as he puts the sword through the severed arm sheath and drives it into the concrete.He takes off his trench coat before taking a fighting.Finally...time to end this.I put my crossbow away as I charge him.Throwing the best strikes that I can, he just dodges without effort and blocks lazily.I throw a strike and he knees me in the gut."So unfocused.It struggles with inner demons.And can't fight Harm without fighting itself.Harm doesn't battle his demons.He embraces them." He says as I grit my teeth."Would Harm please shut up?" I say in frustration.I hear a scream and see Zatanna get shocked by the sword."Zatanna!" I scream out but that moment of lost focus is all he needs.He slaps me to the ground."And it cares about others.Another weakness.The sword rejected it's impure heart.It has not made the sacrifices Harm has to become pure." He says as he puts his coat back on.I hear a whistling.Harm's eyes widen as he dodges from something.I look to see a boomerang blade twirling back to an open hand.A shadowy figure steps out into he light.He is wearing black body armour with a black trench coat over the top.Sliver stakes are seen.The man is tall dark skinned and is wearing... sunglasses, at night?"Harm is curious of new arrival.Harm wants to know Its name." Harm says as me and Zatanna back away slowly."Harm can fuck off." The man says as he throws two smoke bombs."Run." The man says as he truns to us.We get up and run, Zatanna spots Secret who gestures to us."What the hell?" I say as we run after her.The dark man followsnis and catches up."Thanks for the help.But who are you?" Zatanna asks."Live first, than talk." He says simply as he runs ahead.I'm no slouch when it comes to running and neither is Zatanna but this man is fast.Not Wally speed but fast enough to be superhuman."This night is a total mind fuck." I say.

We jump down to a building and see that Secret is gone."Uhh, she's gone again.Now what?" Zatanna says as the man looks down the street and back up tot he roof, we were just on."Dangerous place to be." He says as I glare at him."No shit..... we'll zip line to that magic store." I say as I take my zipline crossbow out."Look out!" The man shouts as we jump out of the way of a lightning bolt.Harm jumps down and a look of fury is on his face."This can be no coincidence.They alight on Harm's very roof.How did they know?Tell Harm, now!" He shouts as the man steps in front of us and takes out a gun and his sword."Get downstairs, find your way out of here." He says as Harm charges him.The man deflects the sword with his own and returns with slashes and gunfire.Harm has a look of shock but is able to dodge or deflect the bullets."Better get going." I say as we go through the door.We reach an apartment that is just....creepy.Dolls, toys, ornamental axes on the walls."Weird taste....but expected from a psycho." I say as we enter a bedroom.This is different from the rest of the apartment.It's girly and...spit clean."You!" Zatanna says as we see Secret standing in the corner."You lured us here....why?" She asks."Secret." She says as we hear a grunt as the roof starts dripping dust.Whoever that guy is, he's able to hold his own.Zatanna walks to the bed side.I floor her as she picks up a photo.I look over her shoulder.The photo is of Harm and Secret.Both of them look happy.....normal."Is this hour room?" I ask Secret who is now behind us."Do you live with this nut job?" Zatanna asks bewildered."Secret." She says as Zatanna tosses the photo on the bed."Yeah, secret.Right..... naturally." She says as she walks to the door.I follow after her as we turn a corner and see Secret standing there."Wait....how did you?" I say as I hear floor creaking.We turn to another door as I level my crossbow and Zatanna holds up her hands.The door rayyels as we prepare ourselves.The door opens and I fire the bolt.It's caught by a familiar face."Matt?" I say as Matt looks at the bolt and me."You tried to shoot me?" He says to me."What are you doing here?" I say but the roof breaks as Harm and the other man crash to the floor."Go.Now!" He shouts at his as he pushed us away.

With no choice, we follow Secret.We reach the lower floor as we are Halsted by lightning.The other man lands before in a thud.I look up and see Ghost Rider swinging chains, the fire burns through the wall but Harm is able to deflect.Ghost Rider is blasted down the stairs towards us."The sword...it gives him strength.More so than what it should." Zarathos says as we run into a kitchen.The other man floors after us."Nice to see drop by." The man says to Zarathos."Been busy." He says as I pull the oven open and turn on the gas.I push Ghost Rider out of the room before it blows us to hell.Harm enters the room as I fire a fire starter arrow at him.I close the door as we make our way out.

We find a cellar door.The other man breaks the lock and we hop out.The garden is lovely but something catches my eye.All foir of us walk forward as Zatanna kneels.It's a grave."Greta Hayes.Beloved Sister." I say the words etched into he wood tombstone.Suddenly, a whispy figure merges fromnthe ground as Ghost Rider and the other man pull myself and Zatanna away.The man levels a gun at the figure who solidifies into Secret.Ghost Rider pulls the man's gun down."It's a child, Blade.Not sure your gun would have done anything anyway." Ghost Rider says to... Blade."This.....is your grave.This is your secret.This is you." Zatanna says on shock as Secret hangs her head."A ghost.An actual ghost." I say as Ghost Rider approaches Greta.He kneels down before her."How did you die, child?" He says softly, more so than I have ever heard him say before.Great forms an image of a knife."Harm's dagger." I say as I recongize the blade.The door behind us busts open, revealing Harm."They defile Harm's holy place." He says with venom."We defiled it?You did this.To your own sister!" I say as he smirks."You're proud of that?You are the lowest scum that I've ever met." Blade says as he pulls his sword out."And you had the gall to write 'beloved'.I say with anger."Not gall.Truth.She was the only thing that Harm ever loved.That's why she had to go.Harm's heart had to be pure, Greta had to be cut out.....like an infection." Harm says as Ghost Rider's head glows brighter with rage."I hate souls like you.... I'll enjoy killing you." He says with rage.I look back and see Greta form again.Harm gasps in shock but is able to claim his shock."Ah, it cast another illusion spell." He says cockily but Blade laughs."Except she didn't speak." Harm's eyes widen at that."And Harm knows that It can't cast a spell without speaking." Zatanna says as Greta approaches him.He gasps in fear as he points the sword at her."No, Harm's heart is pure.Harm's not sorry.I'm not!" He shouts but Greta walks through the sword."The soul speaks true to one's guilt...and yours is the most bike that I've ever seen." Ghost Rider says as Greta reaches into Harm's chest, where his heart is and pulls a glowing ball out.Harm collaspes to the ground as Greta dissipates the ball.Harm tries to lift the sword but refuses to move.The severed hand closed on his own as he lets go.The sword and severed hand levitate before the sword resheathes itself."I don't need the sword." He says with venom as he charges at me.Ghost Rider intercepts him and pushed him to the ground."You're soul is strained but the blood of the innocent." He starts.Blade walks over and turns us around."You don't want to watch." He says as we hear Harm's scream.I close my eyes as Zatanna covers her ears.After about a minute of screaming, silence is heard as we turn and see Harm lying still.His eyes are smolodeing with motlen rock.We notice Ghost Rider walking over and kneeling before Greta who is standing on her grave."I'm sorry that this happened to you." He says, I can hear the sadness and guilt in his voice.Greta smiles sadly and wraps her arms around Ghost Rider.He has some trouble but wraps his own arms around her.I notice that his blazing orange hellfire had taken on a gentle blue flame.Greta let's go as the blue flame turns back into raging orange."Secret." She says as she lowers into her grave.Ghost Rider turns back into Matt who is wiping tears from his eyes.

"I still can't believe anyone could do that to his wlown sister.If my...." I start but catch myself."Your what?" Zatanna asks but I wave her off."Doesn't matter." I say as we hear sirens wailing."We better go...fought o explain this to the cops." Blade says as he holesters his sword.Matt stands and nods in agreement."Wait...why did you help us?" Zatanna asks Blade who is about to leave."I was bored." He says before leaving.That's it?He was bored.Matt chuckes.I notice something and walk over to a hole in the garden wall."Zatanna, look!" I say.We look and see the magic store's neon sign has blacked out...all except the word 'secret'."Must be the last thing that Greta ever saw." I say as I walk away.I hear Matt say something with venom and anger."I hate Halloween."

Infinity Island, League of Shadows Compound: 18:32pm, November 5th

No P.O.V:

Ra's Al Ghul escorts the Witch Boy, Klarion, deep into the mountain of Infinity Island.The secrets laid buried here are of the utmost secrecy.The ninjas that guard this secret are mindless drones, they do not think, do not feel, they have no loyalties beside Ra's and what's kept here.The entrance to the mountain is bound by deep magic, only accessible by those connected to Ra's Al Ghul's direct bloodline, seven doors line the tunnel, past the entrance, each door guarded by stone figures of the seven deadly sins."So what do you have for me?I'm not in a particularly good mood tonight." Klarion says as his familiar cat, Teekl meows."I promise you.What you are about to bare witness too, will bring the Light a powerful ally and a means to finally destroy the Justice League." Al Ghul says as they reach the last and final door.The door is a great stone monolith that oozes power, history...and promise.The images depicted tell of a great war.Between the winged beings of pure light and a great army of horrifying creatures of pure darkness.Demons.At the head of both armies are two figures locked in a great duel.The light of the winged being's wings, sore over the battlefield.The being has a very familiar skull but instead of his typical fire, he is depicted with a gentle, bright blue flame.While the dark horned entity, draws a sickly green energy, in the shape for a dark sword, ready to deal a deadly blow.Her horns draw up, almost like rams horns before cascading down her shoulders and chest, like hair.

Al Ghul cuts his hand and caresses it against the stone.The great door opens, revealing a pool of green liquid, the same colour as the energy that the horned entity was controlling."This is the Lazarus Pit...the source of my youth." Al Ghul says to the Chaos Lord who gleams in awe at the pool."I've only heard of Lazarus Pit's, never had the pleasure of seeing one...they are incredibly rare." The boy says in a clam and surprisingly...calm tone.He hovers his hand over the pool.The wispy green steam reaches out to me, reacting to his movements."Do not play what doesn't belong to you." A calm but threatening woman's voice sounds as Teekl hisses at the shadowy corner.Klarion turns sharply to the new being.The tall dark figure glides, almost floating across the shadows.Her pale arm reaches into the light as her hand graces across a broken sarcoughgus."Who are you?" Klarion warns in anger but he turns surprised when Ra's and the other ninjas kneel in reverence.The tall figure steps into the light, revealing herself as the horned figure from the stone door.Her green eyes stare, amused at Klarion's magic and the fear etched on his face."My...my lady....Your wickedness." He says in shock as he prostates himself before her feet.The woman chuckles."It's been so long Klarion...I've missed you." She says seductively as she graces her hand across his back.He shivers from her cold and...evil touch.Teekl tucks herself away from the woman who enters the pool, the energy filling her."It's been too long and my path led only to eternal darkness...my time is now.Ra's tells me of his and his allies goal but what of you Klarion...what is it that you want?" She says as she steps out again.

"I want chaos.....pure and simple." He says truthfully as he glances at Ra's side gaze."Chaos....such a childish fantasy." She says as she approaches a massive stone throne at the end of the room."Why have Chaos....when so much more can be done?You're mission, my most faithful...is admirable....I would let you see it completed." She says as she turns her attention to Al Ghul."It will be done.....my Goddess." He says as she smiles and sits."But first...I want revenge...revenge on the one who..... misplaced me....you will do this for me Klarion?" She says as Klarion looks up at her."Me?Your wickedness...?" He questions as the woman chuckles.The sound unnerving to the Lord of Chaos."Yes...I need to re-gather my strength and re-gather my servants....but I'll need insight into how my enemy has improved since my time away...to see how this... Spirit of Vengeance plays.You will see this done Klairon...or he...will punish you greatly." She says darkly as Klarion whimpers at the threat of him."It will be done, your wickedness." The Witch Boy bows in respect before trying to make a quick getaway."Klarion....aren't you forgetting something?" The woman says amusingly.Klarion swallows his fear and approaches her, she holds out her hand as he places a soft kiss against her knuckles.Green energy wisps from her fingertips as it enters Klairon.He sighs in pleasure as the power fills him.Her hand caresses his cheek in adoration."This power is only temporary." Her hand clasps around his throat and lifts him easily off the ground.He gags under the pressure of her strength."Should you fail...well...let's not find out, shall we?" She says calmly as he dropped to the ground.Klarion picks up Teekl and makes his getaway from the room and the compound.

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Once away, the ancient being of magic gets his breathing back and his fear under control.He starts fiddling his fingers."She's back...the Great One had returned." He says fearfully as thinks about his mission.He has to draw the Spirit of Vengeance to him.....how to do that.....the Chaos Lord perks up as he pulls a gem from his back pocket.The Ambre Jeune Perdu.The boy smiles eviliy.Yes...this will do the trick.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

Matthew Spectre's Apartment:

I sit at the table as I read over some disturbing news reports.Over the last few days, especially since Halloween, reports of strange horned creatures have been seen.Most reports come from forest and other woodland areas but the fact that they all came out form Halloween is getting to me, and even Zarathos.He is very edgy these last few days.He tried to figure it out but it seem to be something that he could place.He was getting very frustrated at his lack of progress.And his frustration, doesn't do me any favours.I feel Jade's presence on the roof.Her presence has become second nature to me, it's so familiar, I could pick it out of thousand people...while blindfolded...and deaf.She enters the window and smiles at me."What's up, good looking?" She says as she wraps her arms around my neck and places a quick kiss on my cheek.I turn and smile at her."The ceiling but other than that, not much else." I say cheekily as she smirks and kiss me.I return it with equal enthusiasm as she breaks form me."So what are you working on?" She asks as she looks down at my work."Just some things that have peaked my interest." I say as she smirks at me."Not other women, I hope?" She says teasingly at me.I smirk back."Like anyone could compare to you." I say back as she chuckles."Flatterer." She says.I sense something hidden within her.Something she's trying to keep away."What's wrong?" I ask her as her expression turns sad and sorrowful."Jade.....what happened?" I ask her as she turns from me.I approach her from behind as I lean in close."Tell me....what's wrong?" I ask her.My voice is tinge with worry.Did something happen?Was she made by the Shadows or the organisation?What happened?"They want to capture you...they want you to fight for them." She says as she turns to me."I'm in deep enough.I know all of them....Luthor, Bee, Brain, Ra's, Klairon, Ocean Master...their leader is someone named Vandal Savage...they call themselves the Light." She tells me as I stare wide eyed.I knew that she was in deep but this deep, to now know all of them...and who the hell is Vandal Savage?But they want me.....to capture me?"How do they plan on doing so?" I ask her as she looks up at me, with tears in her eyes."I don't know...they appear to be working on something.I've seen Ra's carry vials of a green liquid but other than that, I don't know how but they are planning to capture you.For what.....I do not know." She says as I reach up and wipe her tears away."Hey, look at me." I say softy as I gaze into her eyes."No one is taking me away...they will die before they do." I say to her as I pull her into a hug.She wraps her arms around me, almost like she never wants to let me go.I hold her comfortingly.I feel a powerful energy surge course right through me.I back away from Jade as I get my bearings together."Matt.....what's wrong?" She asks worriedly."Zarathos?What the hell was that?" I ask him."Powrful magic.Laws of nature have been broken...the source is obsurce...very powerful magic." He says in my head as I nod."A powerful magical surge....I have to go." I say to her as I place a kiss on the crown of her head.She hugs me a so let go."Be safe." She says to me as I squeeze her hand."I promise."

I head out the window and see a car swerve into a pole.I wrap my chain around the fire escape and jump down to the ground.I run over to the car an spill the broken mangled door open."Are you ok?" I ask the woman within who looks at me in hysteria."My son!Where is my son?!" She screams a so look in the back seat and see an empty baby chair.I look up and see some adults looking around, names are being shouted.I pull the woman from the wreckage as I lean her against the building wall.I grab a man that was walking past."Call an ambulance for this lady." I say to him as he nods.I make my way into alley and contact the cave."Robin?Aqualad?Anyone on comms?" I ask and all I get back is static.....until."Rider, it's Batman.Report to the cave immediately."

I stepmout of the alley and see a car drive past.The driver looks at me, I recognise him immediately.He stares wide eyed as he drives by, even his passenger is wide eyed too.I throw a chain as I grip the axle and pull.The car skids and skids to a stop.I walk up and pull the door off, it to find the occupants gone.Sportsmaster and Eric Nashton...here....in Gotham?Why?Not important.Bigger things to worry about.I run to the nearest zeta booth and teleport to the Cave."Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." I step out of the tube and step out to see Batman and Zatara."Speak to me.What's going on?" I say as Batman enlarges the news screens.All around the world, parents are reporting that their kids are missing, just straight disappeared."So where have the team gone?Where have any of them gone?" I ask but the zeta lady speaks before we do."Recongize.Shazam.1-5." We turn to see him fly into the hanger."All right, guys, I'm here to-." He says as he looks at us in surprise.He rushed over and grabs all three of us in a hug."Your back!Is it over?Where's the team?" He asks as Zatara stares bewildered at him."Where have you been?Every child in the world has-." I stop him before he blows a fuse."Let's hear him out first." I say as Batman follows up."Shazam.Where have you been?" He asks."On a world without grownups." He says in shock as our eyes widen."Holey moley, there are two worlds." He says as Zarathos speaks in my head."Spilt dimensions of the same reality....takes a powerful focus and powerful magic to create that." I nod in agreement, that's a level of energy that I can't comprehend."Two dimensions....one for kids and one for adults." Batman says as Zatara turns to Shazam."And you can travel between?" He asks as we look at Shazam."I think I can.No.I know I can.Shazam!" He shouts his name as a magical lightning bolt hits him.He disappears in a flash as I catch a small glimpse of a small child."Oh.That's rich....Shazam is a ten year old boy." Zarathos says as I widen my eyes."Shazam is actually ten years old.....what the hell?!" I shout in shock as Zatara and Batman widen their eyes in shock as well."Well, now we know what's going on.How do we fix it?" I ask them."I was able to track the magical surge to Roanoke Island.The powerful levels there are stronger than anything I've ever encountered.Multiple magic users must be at play." Zatara says as Shazam reappears."I was able to convince them.I can act as a messenger between the two worlds." Shazam says as Batman nods and approaches him.Red Tornado enters the hanger and stands beside me.

"There will be threats in both dimensions, and we might not be familiar with our opponents." Batman said as Shazam teleports to the other world.We wait for a few moments before he comes back."Aqualad said, 'but the key is this mission is a coordinated, simultaneous attack'." He says as I step forward."Agreed.Our best chance to combat the sorcerys is to strike fast and hard, throw them off their game.With that we can disrupt their efforts." Shazam nods and teleports away.He returns after a few moments."And hope the two dimensions merge naturally back into one." He says as we nod at the plan but I notice something."Where's the rest of the League?" I ask as Red Tornado turns to me."With the disordr and unrest amongst the adults, the League is spread thin to please the masses." He says as Batman follows up."As of right now, we're on our own." He says as I nod in understanding."Let's go fix this shit." I say as we head to Roanoke Island.

Shazam carries me as he drops me behind Wotan.Four sorcerers are here, within a pentgram but the fifth spot is vacant."The Witch Boy is the fifth, his magic is oozing into this world...and another presence.....one that is familiar but I can't place." I look amongst the sorcerers here, Wotan is a recognisable face.The other, I've read and seen on the news.Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust and Wizard.All four them gasp in fear as I let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

"Stop the spell.....or fell the burn." I threaten as I crack my knuckles and loosen my chains.Batman lands behind Wizard who dodges the thrown batarang.The dark knight is wrapped in roots andnbracnvhes of a mystic tree.Wotan fires beams of magic at me which I dodge and cut with my chains.I get closer to him.He fires a stream of dark magic, I twirl my chains around in a fiery shield as it takes the beam.Red Tornado tries to incapacitate Faust but is blasted by fire.Wotan loses energy with the continuous stream of magic.I drop the shield just as all four of them are hit by lightning from Zatara.The lightning pulls into gem.Shazam lands behind me as we narrow our eyes.Thorn throws rocks at us, which I just catch and crush under my strength.Shazam does the same thing, he is crushed in between two rocks but he powers out of it."Ghost Rider, Shazam wait.That mystic g, Ambre Jeune Perdu, it's the conduit of this sorcery.Without it, nothing may keep apart two worlds meant to be one." Zatara says as I light my hand with hellfire."I'll tell the team, get that gem.Shazam!" He whispers before disappearing.Wotan fires magic at me which I return in kind with a stream of hellfire.He's magic is instantly destroyed by the fire.His eyes widen in shock as he ducks under."You missed." He says to me with a cocky smile."Wasn't aiming for you." I say as he turns and sees the ground around the gem has been incinerated.The pentgram has been damaged by the fire.I feel a mystic presence forming....one of great power."Fate." I growl in anger as I dodge continuous barrage of rocks from Thorn.Shazam reappears, I feel Zatara's pain.He is angry, scared and desperate.Zatanna, what have you done?I growl in anger."That's enough." I burst hellfire from my body as it covers the ground.The intensity of the heat, brings everyone to their knees.I walk into the middle of the pentgram, I pick up the gem, I pull all the fire back into me as Zatara gets to his feet."Bring her home." I say to him as I throw him the gem.He speaks a chant as the gem glows bright.

A flash of golden light ensues as Klarion shows up in a magical arkh stock.The other four collaspe under the weight of their magical exhaustion.Klarion turns wide eyed at me a so approach him with fiery rage."How did you do this boy?Tell me.Now!" I say a I grab him and pull him close."Ah.Wish I could tell you but I got to go." He says as green mist slowly extends out of him as it brushes against me.Klairon breaks from his bonds as I let him go.My entire focus is on the green mist.It caresses me gently, it forms in front of me of a incorporeal woman."Darling....it's been too long... I've missed you." The figure whispers seductively as it's hand cups my cheek.My eyes widen at the voice.That's not possible."How.....how are you?" I say in shock before the most dissipates.

I see Klarion holding his car as he forms a portal."See you later, armadillos.Unless I see you first." He says while laughing as he falls into the portal."Shouldn't you stop him?" I hear Kid Flash say as I turn and see Nabu."To what end?Klarion is chaos personified.He can not contained." Fate says with a mix of Nabu's voice and Zatanna's.The team gathers around as Zatara approaches Nabu."Great Nabu....release my daughter." Zatara asks."No." Nabu says as everyone looks in shock but I look in anger."Witness what Fate's absence has wrought in these last few hours.Laws of nature have been tampered with, consequences are insured.Order neeeds to be balanced.This world need Doctor Fate.The girls affinity for the mystic arts makes her the perfect candidate." He says."You can't do that!" "She's got her own life to live!" Artemis and Robin say respectfully as I approach Fate."You know of her potential.It's the only reason you won't let her go...but you know that her destiny isn't bound to the helmet.I know that you feel it too." I say to him."Perhaps.But my answer is still no.And not even you, Zarathos, can change my mind." He says as Zatara steps forward."What about me?Take me instead.My skills are already at their peak.My body is physically stronger, able to hold the strain of your power." He says as Nabu stares down at him."All true....but what guarantee do I have that you'll keep your word?" Nabu asks.Zatara chants a magical promise, sealing his word."Happy now?" He asks sarcastically as Fate hovers down to Zatara's level."You do this....there is no going back." I say to him as he hangs his head."I'm a member of the Justice League...but I'm a father first.And a good father will always protect their child." Nabu removes the helmet, revealing Zatanna with tears in her eyes."I'm sorry.I didn't mean to-." She cries but Zatara hugs her.I walk up to them and take the helmet from her hands.Everyone looks at me as I hold the helmet to my eyes."You are very cruel, Nabu.I will remember this moment.I promise you that." I say before I hand the helmet to Zatara."Do not allow him to rule you." I say to him.He nods to me and turns to Batamn and the rest of the team."Take care of her." He says which Batman nods."You have my word." Zatara dons the helmet as everyone par myself covers their eyes.The light dims and before us is Doctor Fate again.Only this time, he is masculine and has the green eyes of Zatara.Fate gazes at Zatanna who is crying her eyes out, the sorrow reaching within me.Fate turns his back on her as his eyes gazes at me.I narrow my own as he walks past me."Leave these to Fate." Nabu speaks with a mix of Zatara and his own voice.Fate hovers as he levitates the four other sorcerers before disappearing in a yellow glow.I feel Zatanna's despair as I give Matthew back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I turn to Zatanna and knell down to her level.I give her a sad gaze as I wrap my arms around her as she lets all of her emotions out.Robin and Artemis joined in, soon followed by Kaldur, Connor, Wally and M'gann.We won the day.Our enemies were defeated...but at what cost.We return to the cave, Artemis, Wally and Shazam, really Billy Batson, return to their own homes to reunite with their loved ones.I chose to stay behind to keep Zatanna company.The last thing she needs is be alone.

The next morning came and M'gann, Artemis, Robin,myself and Rachel were helping Zatanna move her belongings into her new room.With nowhere to go, the best place for her is here.Rachel had heard what happened and decided to permanently move into the cave, just so that Zatanna wouldn't be alone."If you need anything, my room is right next door." M'gann says as she places the boxes down."Thanks.I, uh, could use some little alone time.If that's ok?" She says as I step forward and place my hand on her shoulder."We are here if you need anything.If you need time to yourself, we won't bother you." I say as she nods gratefully.Artemis and M'gann give her a hug each before leaving the room."Come on, Rach." I say to Rachel who nods and leaves with me.I glance back and see Robin giving her a sad look.I feel his sympathy and his guilt.He follows us out as Zatanna's door closes.Myself and Rachel feel the emotions that have boiled over.The impact of Zatara's choice has finally caught up.The world lost a great hero.....but a young girl, lost her father.Fate is cruel, both literally and figuratively.

Unknown Location: No P.O.V:

The cackle laugh of Klarion sounds over the screens."Happy?" He asks to the Brain and Mallah as all members of the light are present."Qui, mon amie.Your distraction, though a little extreme, proved fruitful.Amid your trademark chaos, no one will notice the absence of our prize." The Brain says as Sportsmaster and Riddler enter the room with a high tech security briefcase."And in time, we will bring it into the light." The Brain continues as the suitcase is opened, revealing a severed tentacle of an unknown creature that was stolen from Altantis."And with the assistance of our new ally.The Ghost Rider will become nothing more than a memory." Ra's Al Ghul states as the tall horned woman steps into the light."My esteemed friends.This is Lilith...the Ruler of the Dark Realms, the Queen of the Damned....the Mother of All Demons." He says as Lilith smiles eviliy.The men, brain and gorilla all feel intimidated by the dark and powerful entity, whose eyes glow in mirth and radiate power.

Mount Justice: 4:05pm, November 11th, 2010:

"Shh, quiet, he's coming." Robin says as Red Tornado dims the lights.It's Wally's birthday today and Robin decided to throw him a surprise party.Flags was also in attendance.Like hell, he would miss his own nephew's surprise party."He's here." I say to group as I sense Wally arrive."Come to me." I hear a woman's voice.....the same one from a last week, sound in my ear.I turn around and see nothing.I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Blake looking at me, concern in his eyes."You ok?" He signs to me which I nod."Yeah, I'm alright." I say to him as we ready ourselves.

"It'll be a tragedy if I missed my own-." We hear him say as Red Tornado brightens the lights."Surprise!" We all, par Tornado and Blake, shout as watches in fake suprise."Whaaaaat?Oh you guys, you shouldn't have." He says."We really shouldn't have." I whisper to Artemis who playfully elbows me."Yeah, it's not like you have been hinting for days or anything." Robin says sarcastically as Wally laughs and removes his winter coat.The cold had really set in, zeta tubes were functioning but I don't know for how long until they go off.Wally sits at the table as Kaldur fits a birthday hat on his head."We made you two cakes." M'gann says as she levitates the two cakes to Wally."Awesome.What will you guys eat?" He asks."We'll split the cupcakes...that's if you don't eat them too." I say, Wally playfully pouts at me.M'gann lowers herself to his level."Make a wish." She says happily."Way ahead of you." He says as he blows out all the candles...on both cakes.If he didn't have super speed.....he could make balloons animals.We all cheer as the candles blow out."You knowIf I tell you my wish, it won't come true.But if you guess...." He says flirtatiously to M'gann who gives him a slice of cake."Nope, guess again." He says as I roll my eyes in amusement.Poor bastard.....fast...but stupid.Artemis is mad about something as I walk by here."One month and a bit till new years." I say as she punches me in the arm."Shut up about that." She says angrily but I just laugh.She drops her anger gaze and laughs along.Soo enough, everyone is mingling about.Not worrying about the world.Rachel is hanging at the back of the room.I pick up a slice of cake and walk over to her."It's a party.....join in." I say as I pass her the cake.She doesn't show any emotikn but takes the cake and nibbles a little piece.I feel her surprise and delight at the food, but she is able to reel those emotions back in."It's good." She says as she takes another bite.I chucle and ruffle her hair a little bit.She glare at me but I can feel her happiness."Ahh, that's nice.....she's cute." I hear the dark voice again as I turn in surprise."Matt?" Rachel says as I turn to her."Sorry.....just out of it lately." I say to her which she nods in acceptance but I notice her concerned gaze.

I see Robin talking to Zatanna about something.I can feel his worry and her trepidation.But they eventually get into the mood about the party.Artemis approaches them as I enhance my hearing."Think we should tell him?" She sasys as all three of them look at Wally.He is flirting with M'gann..... again.I walk over to the group."He is the only one that doesn't know...or just doesn't realise." I say to them."Then please.....allow me." Artemis says as she walks from us and over to Wally.I sense her satisfaction oozing out of her.This will be good.We notice his look of shock as he stares at M'gann and Connor.M'gann feeds the Boy of Steel some cake as Wally states in horror.The three of us laugh at the look on his face."Such a nice little family...watch as they all die!" The vice says again as I blink and see all of them lying on the floor.Blood is splatter everywhere.I back up in horror, I feel something grab my hand, I look down and see Rachel and Artemis trying to crawl up my leg."You could have saved us." Rachel says as she drops to the ground, dead."Why, Matt?Why did you?" Artemis says as she drops dead as well.I back up before I hit something.

I shake my head and see that everyone is alright.I look around and see no change to what was happening before the vision."Matt....what's wrong?" Zatanna asks me which I wave her off."Nothing, I'm fine....I got to go.Tell Wally that I'm sorry." I say as I leave the room and head to the hanger.I get in the Charger and make my way out of the cave.I imbue Hellfire into the wheels so I can at least drive along the road.I see Zarathos in my rear view.Just silent...he's been silent for the last few days."Who was that?Who is that voice?" I ask him but he pays me no attention."Ghost Rider.Return to cave immediately." I hear Batman's voice in my ear.I pull out the comm and throw it out the window."Well....?" I say to him as I hear him sigh."It's...... complicated." He says as I look at him."Than uncomplicate it." I snarkly say."The voice you are hearing is Lilith....the Mother of All Demons." He says as I slam the brakes and come to a stop."I'm sorry, who....the mother of what?" I ask him.

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"Lilith.She is an ancient and powerful demon sorceress.Eons ago, before your universe even existed.Lilith ruled from the Dark Realms.Her power was so great that she spawned an army to fight, to conquer...to enslave.To prevent the spread of her corruption, myself and my kin had gathered a diplomatic force to convince her to heed her conquest...Lilith wouldn't take no for an answer." He tells me as he shows me images.Fiery depictions of Lilith and Zarathos meeting.His kin standing before him, as Lilith's 'children' stand behind her."She tricked us into thinking that she agreed.She was a master of deception and manipulation.After we left, many of kin's own children were captured and turned into slaves.My kin had to kill their own children, this brought about the Great War.Lilith had gathered an army of her children, as well as allies in the forms of other demons, even Trigon the Terrible had made allies with her.I had brought my kin together in a desperate bid to end the war.It failed.Lucifer, Arzael, Phoenix, they were young Angels when the war started.They grew in a time of destruction, depravity, and death.They were innocent, and to see such violence, such horror, you can't imagine what it did to them.It took all of my patience and eons of comfort to bring them back to their usual selves, even then, they were forever changed.Eons of war, trillions of worlds and unknown amount of souls were either captured, destroyed or enslaved.In one final attack on Lilith's fortress.I was able to capture her and imprison her in a Nexus within a Nexus." He says to me as I watch the scenes unfold before my eyes.I stare wide eyed as I realise."Earth.You imprisons her on Earth." I say as he nods."Your universe was young.It's energy was powerful enough to keep her locked away.Where Earth would exist, the energy flowed in a continuous loop through your universe and the multiverse, only an exceptionally powerful being could break her from her imprisonment.Earth formed around her and her sarcoughgus.The Earth is her prison till the end of time.But, what the Witch Boy did, he had a fragment of her power.The Lazarus Pit's are a gateway, they are Lilith's power made physical, they are extremely rare.What I say a few days ago and what you are hearing is only a figment of Lilith's manipulations, she is trying to fracture your mind, she is locked away, it's impossible for her to walk the physical plane." He tells me but I get the feeling that the last part of his monologue was more to convince himself rather than me."So she's the real deal, huh?" I say jokingly, trying to play off my shock at what he told me."It's an understatement.Her power rivalled my own when I was an Angel.She commanded legions of the bloodiest, least trustworthy and most vile beings that have ever graced the multiverse.Her power is matched to her charisma.Trigon made me what I am and he is the personification of Evil, and even he followed her in the Great War.It speaks volumes to her power." He says as I breathe a breath of....wow.I lean back against the car until I see something in the distance.I narrow my eyes and see a man, with no shirt and some beige pants on, just smiling at me.His eyes glow green as he walks down the alley."Ok, man that can handle the cold smiling at me before walking away.Not creepy at all." I say as I drive the car to the alley and hop out.

"There is strange energy here.Give me control." Zarathos says as I give him what he wants.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Burning through Matthew's skin, I look around and try and spot the man.I sense his presence but it's....hidden?Someone is trying to hide from me.I walk into an abandoned warehouse.The winter chill had gotten so bad that the machinery in here was frozen solid."Well, my brothers, the formidable Zarathos had graced our presence once again." A man says and it was the one from before, he steps into the light as many others, some men, others women but most were children showed themselves.In total, about 30 of them surrounded."Who the hell are these assholes." Matthew says as they all start chuckling."I sense your evil.Begone from her or face my wrath." I say in warning as I light a chain."Ahh, he's adorable.You don't look so good Zarathos.Your vacation in Hell didn't do you any favors." The lead one said as his eyes glow with that familiar green.His body bulges as his skin gives way to black armour and scales.His head expands as he takes on a pointed horned helmet.His teeth are sharp as he gazes at me with malicious intent.


"Miss me?" He says sarcastically as I growl in rage."Kurse....how many times do I have to kill you?" I snarkly reply as he laughs.Everyone else starts laughing as their bodies begin changing...this energy.This evil.Children of Lilith.


"One was bad, all of you worse.But you still are as insignificant as you were eons ago!" I shout as they all charge me.I swing my chains as they are disintegrated into ash, green fire cascades down back into Hell.They stab me but they don't do anything, I try and grab one by the head before splitting its skull open.I breathe fire on any that get too close.Their superior numbers start overpowering me.I bash, kick, chain and whatever else but they keep on coming.Kurse pushes his way through as he punches me away.I hit the wall with a thud as I was sent flying outside.I feel the pain from that punch.I look up and see green energy coursing through his body.He laughs as he holds up his hand."The blessing of the Mother...isn't it beautiful?" He asks.I roar in rage and tackle him but his strength is far superior to mine.

He slams me into the ground which leaves cracks all along.For the first time in so long.I feel pain.In places I didn't know I had.I look up and see Kurse kick me in the head which sends me flying.I groan as I get to my feet and throw a punch.Kurse catches it as he headbutts me.He lands blow after blow onto me before picking me up and slamming me into the ground."Come on, get up." I feel Matthew plead to me.Kurse sends a punch down to me but I dodge and roll out the way.I send a chain at him which wraps around him.I pull him to me as I light my fist with Hellfire.I punch him.He dodges and deflects my blows but I increase the barrage, using my speed to target his weak areas.I punch out his knee which brings him down.I land a knee to his head which make him reel.

The other Children leap onto me but I push them away, incinerate them, or tear them apart.Out of the 30, only 13 remain.I turn back to Kurse who punches me into the ground."That's enough." A voice sounds as they all back off and kneel.Green energy surrounds me and pulls my chains back into the air.My arms are hung up like I'm a prisoner.I look to the shadows and see.....her.She steps into he light as she levitates me up to her level."Beloved...it's good to see you again." She says as goes to caress my cheek bit I look away with a growl."Oh, don't be like that.It's been too long to hold such....anger for me.Surely we can act civil." She says as she walks around me like a I'm a prize."How did you get free?The enchantments should have kept you imprisoned." I say to her but she laughed."Beloved..... Trigon as did favor me.....did you forget?" She says as I growl.Always cokes back to that four eyed bastard."Trigon doesn't do anything unless he gets something out of it.What does he want?" I ask a so struggle with the binds."Darling.....what does any father want?Their child to come home." She says as I pull the bindings and get in her face."YOU WONT TOUCH HER!" She blasts me away as I feel all my energy leave."You dare speak that way to me?Your affection for the little abomination almost sickens me.....but you have been living amongst mortals for the better part of a 100,000 years.Sad to see you pick up their qualities." She says as she wraps her hand around my throat, lifting me up to her eye level.

"Trigon will have his daughter.He will have this World and no one.Not even you Zarathos, can stop him.But Trigon owes me a few more favors.This world has the potential to be something of my own.Trigon has waited for a long time.....he can wait a little longer...plus, my vendetta has only begun." She says as she drops me.I stare up at her."If you want to finish me, why stop?Get it over with." I growl at her but she chuckles."You haven't learnt anything.You will be punished for your betrayal, Beloved.Don't mistake that.But death is so final, especially for beings like us.You will feel what I felt, you will suffer.You have grown close to your host.He feels your rage and anger...just as you feel his love and care.He cares for a lot..... especially....oh, the assassin.That's a surprise." She says as I crawl over to her with anger etched into my face."Touch her and I'll kill you." She laughs and walks away from me."You thought that there wouldn't be any consequences.You lied to me, you betrayed me and you imprisoned me...and even after all that....I still love you, Zarathos.You were my everything.Until you betrayed me.Now, I'll destroy everything you ever cared about.First the assassin, then your hosts friends and then this world." She says as I feel rage at her as she begins to open a portal.I reach down deep and feel the rage but also...the protectiveness.Jade, Rachel, M'gann, Artemis, Rabin, Kaldur, Blake.I grew to care for them, just like Matthew has.I won't let you take them from me.I feel an energy that I never through I would feel again.My fire returns to me, as my energy reaches new heights.I let out a loud roar as raging orange fire and gentle blue flame sprout from me and from wings behind me.

I fall to the ground as I look at my hand.It's most orange with Hellfire but has Heavenly Fire licking within it.I look behind me and see my wings.It's been so long.I gaze at Lilith who is staring wide eyes at me."That's not possible.Your soul was corrupted how can you access the Heavenly Fire?" She says in shock as her Children back down in fear of me.I stare at her with a look of anger and amusement."One warning, Lilith.Leave this world and it's inhabitants.Refuse....and I'll do what I should have done long ago." I say with a voice that is less of a growl and more of a calm soft-spoken person.

"I'll will make you pay, Zarathos.Whether today, tomorrow or eons from now.You will rue the day you betrayed me." She says with venom as the portal opens as she and her children escape.As soon as the portal closes, I drop to the ground in exhaustion as the Heavenly Fire leaves, only leaving the Hellfire to remain.My energy has crashed back down as I give Matthew back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I gasp for air as I crawl myself over to the wall, the last few hours have gotten to be the worst of my entire life.That was insane.But something is not making sense."She said she loved you.What does that mean?What did you leave out?" I say to Zarathos as K get my breathing back under control."I'm sorry Matthew..... Lilith...was my wife." He says as I stare open eyed in shock."Wife?You were married to that crazy bitch?" I say a so feel his anger."She wasn't always like that!She was once an Angel, like me." He says as I back up."Wait, an Angel?You said that all the Angels were you brothers and sisters.Soooo.....?" I start as I hear him sigh."Yes Matthew.She was my sister as well, get your head back on track.Lilith was once the Angel of Protection.She was particularly fond of soon to be mothers and taught them how to raise their young.She was the one that taught mortals how to reproduce and taught them how to love and care for their young, and how to defend each other in times of strife.But her mission came at a price.....she loved too much....her mission led to her downfall.A child had wondered into the Garden.A haven were the evils of the multiverse were kept locked away behind the illusion of beauty.The child, Eve, had bitten a fruit of the sacred tree.Lilith in her undying love for children, had taken the child's place for the evils to possess.Lilith had succumbed to the evils of the Garden and become the Mother of All Demons.Unfortunately, my duty to the mortals had outweighed my love for her.I had denounced her, fought her...but in the end, I couldn't destroy her.So I kept her locked away, where she won't be able to harm anyone else.Eons later, myself and Lucifer were tricked by Trigon, he wanted us as his personal slaves but he especially wanted to know the location of Lilith's tomb.I never gave him the answer and I eventually escaped.The rest, you know is history." He finishes saying as I lean back on the wall.I feel his guilt and his self loathing at his past choices and how the consequences of those choices have manifested themselves.

"I'm sorry that happened to you.I can't imagine the feelings you had when you denounced her." I say to him.I feel his thanks but his guilt and hurt is still resting heavily on him."What do we do now?" I ask him."My access to Heavenly Fire came back.I don't know how I was able to access it, let alone, survive it but Lilith will fear it.She'll go underground, re gather her strength and her forces.She won't do anything in the mean time, which gives us time to focus on the Light.When they are done for, we will have to leave the team and face Lilith." He says as I nod in agreement.Lilith and her children would be too much for the team.Hell, they beat Zarathos.While I hate it, he's right.I would have to leave eventually."Let's not worry about it for now, like you said, she'll hide first.So let's get home and get some rest.I check my watch, or what left of it and saw that we have been out her for hours.Let's get back before Batman tips us a new one." I say as Zarathos hmms in agreement.

Matthew Spectre's Apartment, Gotham: 7:57am, November 22nd, 2010:

I hate Mondays.The day is long and the night is short.Waking up is never fun, especially when you have a demonic entity living in your head that doesn't require sleep.Thankfully though, I have ways to distract myself from him."How's breakfast coming?" Jade says as she walks up behind me, embracing me.I smile to myself as I crack an egg onto the pan."Toast, eggs and bacon.Is it acceptable to you, my lady?" I ask as she smiles, she leans and places a peck on my cheek."It's satisfactory." She says teasingly as I shake my head amused."Forgive this humble servant for not exceeding your expectations." I say as I turn and bow my head in playful shame."Do not worry, my faithful cook...you can satisfy me in other ways." She says seductively as she kisses me with heated passion, I return it with equal effort."While I want this to continue, I'm hungry and breakfast isn't going to cook itself." I say as I break from her."Don't worry, I can do it." She says as she tries to handle the egg but I pull her back."How about....you don't play with the eggs?I want my kitchen not to burn down." I say as she playfully glares at me."That was one time." She reasons as I raise an eyebrow."One time to many.I got this." I say as I peck her lips before pushing her from the stove."You're no fun." She says with a fake pout as I reel my head back with a laugh."That's not what you said last night, Ms Nguyen." I say as I take up a British accent.Her eyes gleam with arousal and mirth."I'm sorry I was a bad girl, professor." She says with a sad face and a British accent as well.I set the egg and the bacon on her plate while also putting toast on it."Perhaps, if you behave... we'll have another 'extracurricular time', after class." I say as I lean down to her face as she caresses my chin and jaw."I'd like that." She says innocently as I smile, she smirks and pecks my lips before pushing me away."Now leave me too my breakfast."

I laugh at her twist of mood as I sit across from her and fix my own plate."You know....normal couples would cuddle on the couch, eat their breakfast and watch the morning news.You know this right?" She says as she crunches on her toast."I know.....but we're not normal, are we?" I say as I notice her downcast eyes.I smile before picking up my plate and walking over to her.She stares up with wide eyes."But perhaps for this morning, we can." I say as she smiles and follows me to the couch and sits.She snuggles up to me as I wrap my arm around her.She fits her plate on her leg, while I place my plate on my lap.She smiles and leans her head into the crook of my neck and shoulder.I chuckle at her and turn the TV on.Just this morning, we can be normal.

Mount Justice: 9:49am

I arrive at the cave.I park the Charger and see Batman and the team, par Kaldur and Blake, waiting for me."You're late." Batman says to me as I shrug."Just be glad I showed up." I say with a shrug as he glares at me.Batman turns to the screens as an image of a Middle Eastern man is shown as well as a map of Quarc and Bialya."Rumaan Harjavti is the democratically elected president of Quarc.Harjavti has been praised as a fair, a wise leader, a humanitarian." He says as a video of Bruce Wayne and Harjavti together, shaking hands....ironic."Sure, all friends of Bruce Wayne...." Wally whispers to Robin."But 5 days ago, Harjavti allied himself with the neighbouring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee." Batman continues as an image of a beautiful Middle Eastern woman is shown on screen.My eyes narrow in anger at the screen.Her and her little secret band of scum have been a thorn in my side and a threat to Jade for awhile.I'm more than happy to make their lives a bit more miserable."Not a fan." Connor says with a scoff."Few are.But Harjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's baseless claim that Quarc and Bialya were one nation in ancient times.Harjavti has announced that the countries will reunify in two days in a ceremony in Quarc." He says as a video plays of Harjavti.

"After the ceremony.I will step down as President so that our rightful monarch, Queen Bee, may rule." The video changes to Queen Bee, backed by her soldiers as she speaks."I laid President Harjavti to unify our people.And I will gladly come to Quarc, to be crowned the sole leader of our nation." She finishes as Wally speaks up."And the Quracis are ok with this?" He says as I speak."How would you feel when your peaceful country is about to become governed by a dictator?" I say sarcastically to him."Ghost Rider is correct.The Quracis are well aware of Queen Bee's brutality and that of her regime.But Harjavti has censored the press, silenced all legitimate protests, and has invited the Bialyian military into his country and has enforced martial law." Batman says as Robin steps forward."Queen Bee must be controlling him.Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?" He asks as I scoff."A woman like that doesn't need abilities to bewitch men...and being a ruthless dictator, she doesn't need to control him Bribery, threats, whatever.We don't know the whole picture." I say as everyone looks at me."Ghost Rider is correct.....again.She does possess the ability but not solely to men, some women can also be influenced.But it can't be done over long distances.And we have confirmation that she hasn't left Bialya.Something else is at work.Bribery, death threats, declaration of war.Many variables could be at play.Your mission is to find out what.Robin.....your team leader.Ghost Rider will review your performance when you return from the mission." Batman finishes as Robin stares wide eyed and Wally is estatic."Promotion.Sweet." He says as he holds up his hand for a high five."Me?But what about Aqualad?" Robin asks."Busy.Helping out Aquaman.Ghost Rider has refused to be a leader, making you the next logical choice......this mission will review your leadership skill for your possible selection as this team's leader." Batman says as Robin hangs his head."Great." He says with no real excitement."Dude.You totally left me hanging." Wally says as I punch him in the arm.I feel Robin's nervousness and self doubt....the mind exercise is still affecting him.

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Quarc: 11:56pm, November 22nd, 2010

We loaded up onto the Bio-ship.The five of us are the only ones available for this mission.Artemis has taken some time off to go out with Paula.Some mother daughter time.Blake decided to head to San Francisco to make sure that his community was going well and to make sure that the criminals weren't doing anything rash.He told me that Crystal has shown promise with her abilities as San Francisco's newest defender.He told me of her being a possible candidate for the team, I agreed with him, in due time.And like Batman said, Kaldur is helping out Aquaman, leaving the rest of us.

"We're right on the border of Quarc and Bialya." Robin says as M'gann flies us lower."A border that the Bialyian are in the process of ignoring." Wally says as I see two tanks and some trucks barge into a paddock."M'gann.Open a hatch." I say as I hop onto my bike."Matt, we are here to make sure that Harjavti isn't being controlled or manipulated by Queen Bee."That's the team's mission, I have some pent up energy." I say as the hatch opens, I drive out and let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V: Ghost Rider

I land onto the ground as I leave a trail of hellfire in my wake.My blazing heat sticks out like a sore thumb, the Bialyians notice me as they turn their guns towards me.They fire but their bullets either miss or are incinerated.The tanks fire their shells but I weave in between or catch a shell and swing back.I wipe a chain out that slices through 3 soldiers as they try to run.The trucks are flying their big bullets.While not technically hurtful, they are annoying.I growl as I stand on the bike as I mentally control it.I hop onto the tank as the bike rides away, I move to the hatch and rip it off.The soldier reaches up and fires his whole magazine into my face.His gun clicks as he stares in shock."Really?" I ask incredulously.He doesn't answer as I pull him up and throw him in front of the tank.The quick scream before the...squish.the next soldier comes but I pull him up and twist his head full 180, before I drop him over the side.I jump down into the tank as the remaining soldiers stare in fear."Get out." I growl as they quickly make their way out of the tank.I sit on the drive seat as I fuse my fire with the tank.The tank comes under my control as I feel the power.I turn the gun towards the other tank as I fire a hellfire ball that blows the tank into nothing.The very grass and soil burned to glass.The trucks are flying at me but the hellfire infused tank incinerate the bullets.I turn the tank and ram into a truck, it gets caught under the tank as it gets flattened and spewed out the back.

The other truck tries what its buddy failed.The gunner points a rocket launcher at me as I smile."Heh.That's cute." I say as I fire the gun which blows the truck.The smoke and fire clears as nothing is remaining where the truck used to be.I stop the tank as I hop out and see the remaining soldiers huddled together.The others gather them as a woman and a small boy are standing nearby.I drop down as Robin walks up to me."What the hell was that?You going off like that wasn't part of the mission!What will happen when Bialya gets word of this?!" He shouts at me as I stare amused."What makes you think that they will find out?" I walk past him as I approach the woman.She hides the boy from me."Best cover his eyes and ears.You don't want him to see nor hear what's about to happen." I say as I walk over to the remaining soldiers.Ten are left as they kneel on the ground.None have the courage to look at me.Pathetic."You have trespassed into a territory that doesn't belong to you.Your crimes against Quarc will not go unpunished.None of you will leave this field alive." I say as M'gann walks up to me."Rider.They are beaten.We're not killers." She says but a glare from me sends her back."You might not be....." I don't finish as I whip my chain out and behead all the soldiers, their bodies incinerate as their souls descend down into Hell.".....but I am." I walk past them all as I call the bike over to me."I'm going to check to see if there are other Bialyians.Take care of the civilians.I'll be back." I say as I rider out.Before I go, I hear Wally whispering something to Connor."What's with the green flames on his hand?" I stop a good distance away as I check my hand.I pull the glove off and see green flames intertwined with the orange fire.I shake my hand while bursting with hellfire.The Green is banished as my hand returns to its usual orange.


"Do you like my gift?" I hear Lilith's voice as I turn and see a green wisp of her behind me."What did you do to me?" I growl a si get in her face.She laughs as she stalks around me."I only gave back what you locked away.Your connection to your host has left you weak, Beloved.Compassionate....merciful.Even as an Angel, you weren't so.....gallant." She says as I turn to her."I banished evil from the souls of mortals.But not every soul can be saved, some are just plain evil and needed to be purged.I did what I had to do." I say as she laughs again, this time with mock rather than amusement."But you liked it, pushing those souls.Loved to watch them burn in damnation.Even after all this time, you are still blind to your faults.You haven't learnt..... Justice, Vengeance...it's all the same, Beloved.You just took one for the lesser evil." I've had enough, I draw back and punch through her form, I swing my fists but nothing happens."I'm an incorporeal form, you can't harm me....you're much angrier than what you once were....I like it." She says as her form disappears.I pace with fury and embarrassment.The nerve of her, to mock me.To call me weak!She dare!"Zarathos, control it, you'll burn the whole field!" Matthew screams in my head as I stop and relax.My fire comes back under control as I un-clench my fists."We need to get back to the others.The mission still needs to be completed." He says as I nod silently and ride back to the others.I follow where their souls were and track them to a house and a barn in the centre of the large paddock.

The morning had risen when I arrived.The boy was present but M'gann and the woman were missing."Where are they?" I say to Robin as he glares back at me."Miss Martian is helping Ms Logan with the broken fences.Superboy had injured a wildebeest that you caused to stampede.So we brought Garfield and the animal here." He says as the boy approaches me.He stares at me with a mix of fear and awe."Hello." He says with nervousness.I look down at him and read his soul.....a pure one.Like one would expect from a child."Hello.....sorry if I scared you last night....I'm more in control of myself." I say as I notice Robin's look."That's ok.I didn't see it nor hear much anyway." He says happily as I cheer on the inside.Thank Eternity for that."We need to talk." Robin says as I look at him."There's nothing to talk about." I say as I walk past him."Just wait a minute." He says as he grabs my arm.Anger rages in me as I turn and pull him close."There's nothing to talk about." I growl to him as I feel Matthew on my head."Give me control.Now!" He shouts as I let Robin go and give in to Matthew's demands.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

My skin re-grows as I twist my neck and bone the bubble out.I look at Rob but then look down at Garfield."That was so cool but also gross." He says as I chuckle.I'm beginning to like this kid."Want to talk?Let's talk." I see Rob as we walk inside and see Connor and Wally resting about."Ok.Talk." Robin says to me as I look at Garfield.Soon enough we all are looking at him."Sorry.I'll see myself out." He says as he leaves the room."He's gone.Now, what was that all about?" Wally says as I sigh."I'm not sure..." I sigh again as I look at all three of them.They deserve to know.About Lilith, about my secrets.About everything.But I can't."Zarathos had been having..... the closest thing that I can compare it to is 'relapse'." I say to Rob."What do you mean, 'relapse'?" Connor asks."Zarathos is a demonic being of vengeance.When he sees evil, or innocent blood being split.He goes on a warpath to avenge them.I've been trying to keep his darkest tendencies at bay but sometimes, his habits slip through.Last night, was one of his.....more worse slips.We have an agreement to keep his brutality to minimal.Sorry to tell you but if Zarathos was going at his worst, all the villains we have fought would be nothing but dust in the wind.We have an agreement but he can slip back into his original anger.Last night was just the worst of it." I say to them.It's not the real truth but it's not a lie either.We did have an agreement, Zarathos has been more calm ever since the team was formed but still does have his moments.But I can tell them about Lilith, she's too powerful and I would be damned if I let the team think that they can take her on.Bodies would drop and it won't be demons that do."I guess.....that kind of makes sense.Zarathos had been a demonic being for millennia.Just please, try not to let this happen again." Robin says as I nod as Garfield comes back in."Hey.All good if I come back in?" He says as Wally nods."All good.Grown up stuff down." He says as Garfield laughs.

"So...pretty weird about Miss Martian and my mom, huh?" He says as we look at him weirdly."What do you mean?" Conor asks."You know, she looks exactly like mom, except you know...greener." he says as I raise an eyebrow."Don't know about you, kid.But Miss Martian looks 16.Your mother is a few decades older." I say to him."Well duh, but I mean when she looks like mom when she was a tv star on 'Hello, Megan'." He says as we all stare bewildered."Wait.'Hello, Megan' is a tv show?" Wally asks as Garfield nods in affirmation."I though it was something she said all the time." Robin says as I pipe up."Me too." Garfield than speaks after us."Yeah.....on the tv show.Way before I was born.Only one season.You can't even find it online.I know mom has a tape around here somewhere.

He looks between all the old VHS tapes before pulling one out."Hello, Megan'.The pilot episode." He says happily as he blows off the dust."Whoa.You still have VHS." Wally says as I smack him upside the head."Hey, what was that for?" He says as I stare down at him."Yes, yes.I understand, that was rude.I'm sorry." He says as I raise an eyebrow.Hmm...he's learning.As the tv turns on, Connor turns sharply."Wait.Aircraft headed this way." He says as we run outside.I turn to Garfield who is standing shocked and worried."Garfield.Stay here.Don't move." I say to him before running outside.We look and see M'gann and Marie returning as we look up and see 3 drone aircraft coming.The Minigun opens fire as M'gann shoves Marie to the ground as Connor forms a human shield."Where's my son?" She asks as I jump down."He's inside.I ordered him not to go anywhere." I say to her but I feel something off."He's 8.He doesn't do orders." She says with wide eyes.I turn back and look inside the house and see him gone."Damnit." I ran out and traced his soul to the barn."Mom!" He shouts as I see him open the door."It's ok!I got the animals out!" He waves as wildebeest runs out.I see the drones circle back, their attention on the barn."Garfield!Get away from there!" I shout at him as I fuel my muscles with hellfire.I run as fast as I ever have before.M'gann follows behind me as one of the drones unloads on the barn and the gas tank.The tank blows as Garfield is sent flying."Zarathos!Save him!" I shout as I feel him burst from me.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I jump and catch the boy and shield him from the fiery blast as it engulfs us.I feel and see Heavenly Fire engulf me as it shields us from the flames.The flames calm as the Heavenly Fire resides onto me.That's weird."Forget the fire!How's Garfield?!" Matthew shouts as I look down at the boy.I feel his life force slipping."He's alive.....but he doesn't have much time." I lift him up and carry him out of the flames.His mother approaches me carefully as I hand him over to her.The drones circle back as I feel rage burn within me."Superboy." I growl as he nods.We charge forward.I wrap my chains around him before flinging him into one of the drones.M'gann grabs hold on one and tears it to pieces.The last one fires at me but I breathe in and blow a torrent of fire that burns it to dust.The ash drone crashes down onto me as the ash sprays out over the ground.

I turn around and see Marie and Robin carrying the boy inside.I walk over to them as Marie turns to me angrily."This is your fault!Why did you do what you did?I said that there would be consequences.And because of you, my son could die!Just, go!Leave me and my son alone!" She screams at me as I walk up and snatch Garfield from her."What are you doing?Give him back!" She tries to grab him but I shove her to the ground.Everyone stares at me wide eyed as I place him on the ground.I kneel before.I place my hand over his head and heart, feeling them both.He's weak, and slowly slipping.It's been too long since I've done this...but Justice needs to be served and this innocent life will not be taken today.I watch as my fire changes to a gentle blue flame as I start chanting in a language that has long since been foreign to me.The language of my kin."I call upon the life of the Forge of Creation.I call upon the Angels of the World In-between Worlds.Heal this innocent soul.This soul is not destined for death yet.I calm upon my kin.My brothers...sisters.Heal this boy so that he may take his rightful place in the Path of Fate.Please, brothers.....sisters...help me." I plead to them, hoping that they hear my voice.The blue flame is slowly healing the boy but not at the level that I want."You assume to plead to us for help?You assume much, brother." I hear my brother, Thantos the Angel of Destruction, speak to me."You have the potential to become one of us again.....but you still arrogantly think that we heed to you." My twin, Phoenix the Angel of Rebirth, speaks to me with venom as my head hangs in shame."My sins are my own.They are my to bear.Please...help this boy.For the love you had for me and the love that I still possess....help him.Help him.And I'll revoke all titles and deeds to my name as the Angel of Justice.I'll live with my burden and curse to the end of creation." I plead with every worry and hopeful tone that I could ever muster.Silence reigns."We'll help you....but we can not heal all his injuries.He has a role to play...as does the Martian." Azrael says as I hang my head in thanks."Thank you." I say but Thantos speaks."Remember your promise, we'll help you.But you can never return to the Forge.Should you perish, your spirit will forever roam the Void.Lost and alone, with only your deepest, darkest, fears and regrets to keep you company." Phoenix then speaks."Are you prepared to sacrifice, the one that you most dream of?" She says as I raise my head to the sky."With all my being."

The Heavenly Fire glows bright as his injuries and burns heal but he still is in a really bad shape.I fall back as the fire leaves me, it's familiar energy once again, leaving my body and spirit."Rider?" Robin calls out it me as I turn to them.They all have wide eyes and shocked expressions."What was that?What did you do to him?" Conor asks as I turn to Marie."He's better but still in bad shape." I say as I lift him up and carry him to the house."He still needs help." I say as I carry him inside the house.Relaxing my hellfire as too not burn the house down.I walk into a bedroom and place him down on the bed.I look at him as I reach and go to brush my kneuckles agaisnt his forehead but the sight of my orange coated hand draws me back.I made a deal...now to live with it.I walk out of the room as everyone else enters.

I wait by the door as Marie dresses his surface wounds and his internal injuries."He's in shock.He needs a blood transfusion.Either of you O negative?" She asks to Wally and Robin."No." "Sorry." They say."Neither am I. It's the hardest to match.I had a supply in the clinic but...." She doesn't finish.Wally perks up."I can run him to the nearest hospital." He says but I speak from the doorway.He needs help now.The nearest hospital is miles away and needs this transfusion." I say but Marie turns to me."Can't you do what you did before?You healed him." She says but I shake my head."That only happened because my kin allowed it...and it won't happen a second time.We're out of options." I say as I feel a soul approach."I might be able to help." M'gann says as I turn to her and let her in."My shapeshifting occurs at the cellular level.I think I can morph my blood to match his." She says as Marie holds her arm desperately."Please....try." She says as holds her head."I'll need to concentrate.No distractions." She says as I pull Robin and Wally out the room.As the door closes, I shift control back to Matthew.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

We wait in the living room of the house.We wait for news on Garfield's condition."On top of all this.Harjavti steps down tomorrow, subjecting all of Quarc to this danger.If, can you find a news station?" Robin asks with tiredness."Sure, which remote is it?" He says as the tv turns on.I hear a school bell ring as old 70s music starts playing.We all turn and watch as the tv plays the intro of Hello Megan.We are all bewildered when 'Megan' looks remarkably similar to M'gann's own form, same hair, same build, same goddamn freckles and all.We are just shocked by what we are watching."Maybe.....it's a coincidence." Connor says awakardly as I snort."Keep dreaming, buudy." I say as the intro stops as the episode plays.'Megan' runs downstairs and says to her 'mother' that shes going to study with friends.The whole show feels like those old sitcoms that my mom used to watch.Good times.'Megan' opens the door and welcomes the 'boyfriend' whose name is...Connor.The real Connor looks away in embarrassment as Wally leans closer to Robin."Yeah.Pure coincidence." I feel a familiar soul cross into the room."It's done.All we can do now is wait." M'gann says as the guys jump in surprise.Wall fumbles the remote and furiously tries to turn the TV off.The input changes to Harjavti."My fellow Quracis.Queen Bee's rule is a gift back to Quarc." He says as I notice something in the back."Who's that?I've seen him before." I say as Robin zooms the video on his holocomputer."It's Psimon.The psychic that we fought last time we were in Bialya." M'gann says as I groan."I hate evil psychics." I whisper to myself."He was working for Queen Bee then.He must be controlling Harjavti for her now." She says as Wally slaps his face."I still remember the headache from when he brain blasted us." Robin speaks up after him."We have to get Harjavti away from him." I hear a door opening, I turn and see Marie entering the room, everyone soon follows."I think it worked.Garfield's stable." She says as Robin steps forward."And we have our mission...if there is anythi g we can do.....?" He says to her but she shakes her head."Just do your mission and leave.....you lot have done enough." She says passive aggressively as we all hang our heads in shame.If we didn't interfere, who knows what could have happened but the past is set.No going back now.

Dhabar, Quarc: 10:11pm, November 23rd, 2010:

Sneak into Quarc's capital and make our way to the President's house.Bialya had set a defense around the house, on the face of protecting the president from any insurgents.It's just a death row cell and Queen Bee is the doctor with the lethal injection.The house has become a fortress, almost impossible to infiltrate....almost.

We make our way through the vents via the roof.Got to love M'gann's telekinesis.The vents are just large enough that we came slip through, Connor had trouble getting his large frame around some corners but he manage.We arrive at the President's office as Robin lowers a stealth camera.We see via his holocomputer that Harjavti is alone."We're good to go." Robin says by mental link as he jumps down to the floor.Wally follows up, then me, Connor and finally M'gann.Myself and Robin walk up to him as his eyes turn to us.He doesn't says anything as I notice his eyes.....glazed over.He's still being controlled.I glow my eyes as the natural fear breaks his control.He gasps in fright but shakes his head."What?What's happening?Where's my daughter?" He says in quick succession."Let's get you out of here and we'll reunite you with your daughter." Robin says as I perk my head up."They're coming." I say as we turn and see soldiers enter the room with strange red detailed weapons.These isn't normal technology."Well, well.American Heroes.Here to assassinate the President.Such shame we arrived to late to save him." A dark skinned man says as I recongize his uniform.Supreme General of Bialya.Queen Bee's most faithful commander and skilled tactician."Those are apocolyptan weapons." Connor says mentally."Which they'll use to kill Harjavti.We get blamed and Queen Bee gets to rule all Quarc." Robin says as I growl."Like hell." I swing a chain and pull a man in close, ripping the tech and crushing it.I bash the crippled tech across his head before throwing him into the wall."Whose next?" I say as I glow my eyes as my chains lighten with Hellfire."I find Psimon." M'gann says as she flies away.The soldiers charge the weapons but I unleash my chains, the hellfire chains cut through all the tech as they all power down.The soldiers and the general have fearful gazes as their one up on us is now unless.

"M'gann, wait." "I'll get her." Robin and Connor say respectfully but I turn to them."She can handle herself.Ficus on the mission." I say as I charge forward and barrel a man into the wall.The soldier shoots me point blank in the head as I face him.He fires again but the bullets burn.I grab the gun and melt it with hellfire.I grab the man's neck and slam him onto the side table, he's on his knees as he looks up, I shin kick him in the sternum as he is sent flying across the room.Connor is thrashing soldiers while Wally is speeding around and grabbing all their weapons.Robin breaks arms and shatters jaws."Rob." I call out as I grab one man, break his leg and throw him towards Robin.The Boy Wonder sees and throws a spinning heel kick to the man's head.

All the soldiers are down and out.I feel a soul coming as I turn and brighten my eyes as well as form hellfire on my face.A woman enters the room as I stare at her.I quickly read her soul and see that she is Harjavti's daughter.I calm down and retract the fire."Sorry." I say to her as I let her pass.She runs ahead me as she embraces her father."Thank you.Thank you for saving him.We will take care of him now." She says as Quracis enter the room.We nod our heads and run after M'gann."M'gann.We're coming." Connor says as a loud ringing blasts in my head.I hold my head as the pain reaches new heights.Even Zarathos is in agony.The pain becomes so bad that I black out.

I come too hearing M'gann's voice."Matt?Matt, can you hear me?" I open my eyes and see her looking down at me.I see the rothera have come too as well.I groan as I hold my head and get to my feet."I need a vacation." M'gann smiles at my joke as I lean across the broken pillar.I look around the room and se all the destruction.I spot Psimon at the end with a look of.....nothing.Just staring off into space."What happened to him?" I say as I feel M'gann's nervousness and....guilt."He brain blasted you.I stopped him." She says as I nod.I don't know what you're guilty about but it's not my business.

We wait within Harjavti's office as we wait for M'gann to return.Robin had the idea of having M'gann disguised as Queen Bee to broadcast the image that Queen Bee was trying to take Quarc through deception.It was an ingenious idea and one that holds promise.Plus.....secretly, it would hinder whatever plans that Bee has with the Light.All in a good day's work.M'gann enters the room as Queen Bee, she shifts back as Robin approaches her."Sorry that you had to lie to everyone like that.But I couldn't think of any other way to convince the public that Queen Bee was behind this." He says as Wally fist bumps his shoulder."Dude, saving a country.Pretty big win for your first time as leader." He praises as Robin nods reluctantly."Yeah, thanks." He says as I walk up to him."You have your doubts....good.a good leader has to have doubts otherwise he becomes suspectible to arrogance and pride.You have the potential to lead this team.This mission proved nlthstbyou were born to lead.Batman...will be proud." I say to him as he smiles.

We return to the Logan Sanctuary.We sit in the main living room as we watch to peace proceedings and humanitarian efforts."And I assure you, the Wayne Foundation will do whatever it takes to help you and your people rebuild Quarc." Bruce Wayne says to Harjavti, Marie turns the TV off before it goes any further."Gee, Bruce Wayne sure got here fast.Almost knew like he knew-." Wally doesn't finish as Robin subtly elbows him in the gut."Don't you have a souvenir to collect or something?" He asks as Wally slaps his head."Hello, Megan!" He says as he zooms over and grabs the VHS tape and shows it to M'gann."Something you like to tell us?" He asks teasingly.She looks at all of us, I sense her underlying fear and reservation.She sighs."Growing up on Mars was not a happy time for me.But I started watching the broadcasts my uncle sent from Earth, to teach us about our sister planet." M'gann says as she focuses on Marie."And when I saw 'Hello, Megan', something just clicked.Maybe it was the similarities input names, or maybe the way all of Megan's problems can be solved in 22 minutes.All I know for sure is Megan helped me smile through a lonely childhood.So when I came to Earth, and had to adopt a human form, I chose you.Well, Megan." She says as we all look amongst ourselves."Which begs the question, what do you really look like?" Robin asks carefully, not to offend her.She looks down in eoory but I approach her.She like up at me."Can't be any worse than me." I say with a smile as she does as well.She stands as she shifts.Her hair retracts as well as her freckles.She doesn't look that much different, I sense that she is scared, reserved and...dreading.But not us but rather.....herself.She's afraid of her true form, but this isn't that bad...unless."Bald M'gann...still hot." Wally says as Connor stands up and approaches her.He takes her hand."You know you don't have to put on a mask for me." He says as M'gann steps back from her and reverts back into her original form."I do this for me.This is who I am." She says as I sense...loathing.I hear her heartbeat as it skips.A lie."This is who I am in the inside.Please don't be mad." She says to Marie as we turn to her."Mad?I'm honoured.M'gann, you saved my son.He's says that he's your blood brother now.And I agree.You're family." Marie says as M'gann rushes over and embraces the older woman."Thank you." She says to her.I've seen all the heart warming talks.I need to step outside.

I walk outside and watch as the sun sets.It's beautiful here.A nice place to relax.....besides the dictator that is living next door though but what can you do.I feel someone close by as I look to my left and see Lilith's form."You're world is not as ugly as I imagined.It's almost beautiful." She says as I roll my eyes."It is beautiful.It's a place where the worries of the world are not laid on you.....even then, the world seems to bother you anyway.Like you are doing now." I say to her as she chuckles."You are very brave.....or very foolish.I can't tell.You have something that all the others don't.You have the will to battle Zarathos for control.But you seem to have fallen into his game of becoming a monster.Do not deny it, I've played this game before." She says as she stalks me."I won't deny that I'm a monster...but the world is full of monsters....it takes one to kill one.I don't know your game or what you are planning but I promise you.I will fight you, doesn't matter if it's as Ghost Rider or myself.I'll make sure that you don't hurt anyone ever again." I say as she looks at me with mirth."Such hatred, such anger.You would fight me but you wouldn't fight the one thing that you hold dear...a certain...cat assassin." She whispers in my ear as I realise who she's talking about."Jade." She laughs as she stands in front of me."Yes.....I know what she is to you, how she helps you.But if you don't want anything to happen to her, then you'll play along as much as I desire." She says as she brushes her hand across my cheek."Zarathos thought that he could escape me.You thought that you could fight me...you both are too arrogant for your own good.You fight me...you'll fight for me.See you soon.....beloved." She says as I black out and collaspr to the ground, I see her figure disappear before darkness takes me.

"Matt, Matt.You alright?" Robin says as I come too."What?Head, I'm alright." I say as I sit up."What happened?" Connor asks as I shake my head."I don't know.I was watching the sunset, next thing, you guys are waking me up.....I must be exhausted.I need a drink." I say as Robi and Connor help me up."Come on, let's see if Marie has anything for you." Robin says as I chuckle."I hope she has beers." I say as both of them laugh.

Justice League Watchtower: 6:52am, November 25th, 2010:

No P.O.V:

The Sun breached over the horizon of the blue planet.From the orbiting base of the Earth's Defenders.The Trinity, Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman watch from the artificial garden as the Sun shines on them."It's times like these one feels the very weight of the world pressing down upon us." Wonder Woman says to the two men.A set of footsteps are heard as the three heroes turn and see Aquaman graving them."They're here." He says as the four of them head into the meeting room of the Watchtower.A 'U' shaped table is front and centre as every member of the League is present.Flash, Red Tornado, Shazam, both Green Lanterns, the Hawks, Green Arrow, Balck Canary, Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate.

"Our agenda is clear.What's at stake should not be underestimated." Aquaman starts saying to the group as Superman follows up."The decisions we make here will reverberate for years to come." Wonder Woman then continues."And influence whether or not the world continues to put their faith and trust in the Justice League." Finally, Batman finishes."Please take you seats.We have work to do." The Dark Knight says with his usual tone of seriousness.

All of the heroes take their seats as Batman addresses them."Who's first?" He asks as Martian Manhunter stands."Another expansion of the League could generate another escalation of hostilities.No one needs or wants another Injustice League.If we expand, then we invite our enemies into further conflict.Conflict which could prove disastrous." Manhunter says as Superman argues."Point taken.But the option to vote no for all candidates remains.So, I nominate Icon for League membership." The Man of Steel says as a hologram of a dark skinned man in a red suit with black cross bands and a green cape."Why?Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Shazam." Green Arrow scoffs as Shazam turns to Superman."You thought I was Kryptonian....cool." The heroes stare weirdly at Shazam before Wonder Woman turns to Superman."Icon interests me also.....as does his protege.Rocket." She states as the hologram changes to a dark skinned teenage girl with a full fitting body suit and overall jacket."Athena knows the League could use more female members." Wonder Woman quiply states."Agreed." "Hear, hear." Black Canary and Hawkwoman say in agreement, respectfully.Shazam raises an eyebrow at Red Tornado, Captain Atom and Green Arrow.All three of them say nothing and remain perfectly still.

Mount Justice: 10:25, November 25th, 2010

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

"Gobble.Gobble." Wally says as I enter the kitchen and sees him snacking on the munchies."I love Thanksgiving." He states with glee as he goes to pick up some chocolate.I walk over and slap him upside the head."Oww." He cries out as he rubs his head."Those are for lunch later.Keep your grabby mitts out of them." I say, Zatanna chants a spell as all the seasoning is even out perfectly on the chicken."There we go.Seasoned to perfection and ready for the oven." She says as the tray and chicken is covered in a black and purple aura.The tray is lifted as the oven opens and the tray slides in, the door closing behind it.M'gann states wide eyed as does we all as we turn and see Rachel standing there.She blushes embarrassingly as she lowers her hands and pulls her hood over."That was pretty good, Rach.You're getting better." I say to her as she smiles up at me."Thank you." She says quietly and evenly.Little emotion shown or heard but I can sense for gratitude."Wally, I thought that you were eating with your family." M'gann asks as she stirs the soup.Wally perks up."Oh, yeah.Dad will kill me if I'm late.See ya!" He says as he takes chocolate from behind me.I reach out and tried to grab him but he was already in the wind."Wally!" I shout out in fake anger.I hear a sob as we trunk to see Zatanna wiping tears from her eyes."It's nothing.It's the onions." She says offhandly as she notices us."Zatanna...." I say her name with a knowing tone as she hangs her head."It's just.....these are all the things I used to cook for.....it's my first Thanksgiving without my dad." She says as M'gann embraces her.Rachel, to my surprise, walks over and joins in on the hug.I hang my head in shame.I could have done something...could have told Zarathos to do something.And because of my inaction, my friend has lost her father.Who knows how long Fate will have him.....I just hope that she can see Zatara one more time...before the end.I walk out of the kitchen, Zatanna's sadness has made my mood plummet, this is supposed to be a fun time but it just reminds me that the world is cruel and moments of joy can be tarnished by memories of regret and hurt.I remember one Thanksgiving, I was so excited for the chicken, the ham, the snacks, whatever, but it turned out to be one of my mom's many episodes....we never celebrated Thanksgiving again after that day.

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I sit by my charger when my phone gets a ping.It's from Jade.'My place.ASAP.' So this is one of those messages.I go to enter the Charger but something pops into my mind.Something is going to go down in the next few weeks.Whether it's good or not, something is going to happen.Lilith has made her plans about me and Zarathos loud and clear.While he's not happy about it, Zarathos has agreed for a contingency.I walk into Wally's souvenir room and gaze at the centre piece.....Wally's favourite souvenir.The Sword of Azrael."This is a terrible idea." Zarathos says in head as I nod my head."Maybe.....but you know it must be done.Answer me honestly...m.is it a bad plan or are you just mad because you agreed to it?" I ask him as he grumbles."That I agreed to." He replies as I take the sword off the mantle and swing it across my back.I walk out of the room and enter the Charger."But why Jade?Why trust her with this sword?The blade of my sister?" He questions as I drive out and head towards Jade's hideout."Because Jade will understand the need to use it.The others will question themselves and refuse to do what's necessary.But Jade...she's not going to like it, but she has what it takes to do what's necessary." I say as I stop at a set of lights."You know what you're asking her to do?If worse comes to worse, are you prepared for what could happen?" He asks as the light turns green."I died once....what's another?" I quip as I pull up to the abandoned warehouse.

The Watchtower: No P.O.V

Without the Watchtower, the Justice League continues their meeting.Currently reviewing a size changing hero known as the Atom."Seriously?The Atom?How useful can he be at that size?" Shazam mockily states but Batman sharply responds."It's the size that makes him useful." Flash follows up."Absolutely!Still we can always use more raw power.And Earth has a third Green Lantern.Guy Gardener." He says as she hologram changes to a muscular red haired man with a cocky smile in Lantern garb."No." "No." Both Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart state aggressively."But we could really use-." Flash says but Both Jordan and Stewart respond 'no' with authority.

Jade's Hideout: P.O.V: Matthew Spectre

I hop out of the car and out in the digitals for access.The staircase is revealed as.I walk down and enter the hidden base.I see Jade pacing back and forth, I sense worry coming from her."Jade." I call out to her as she turns sharply to me and rushes me.She hugs me tightly as I hold her."What's wrong?" I ask her but I get a feeling about what it is."They're going to take you.I don't know when or how but they are." She says as I had her cheeks as I brush her tears away."I know." I say as she stares wide eyed as I walk past her."What?How?" She stammers as I place the sword on the table."The Light has gained a very powerful ally.A demon sorceress, named Lilith.She is very powerful and has a bitter history and rivalry with Zarathos.She has a force of demons that obey her every command, some of them can match my strength.Lilith wants revenge on Zarathos and me being his host, making me a target." I say to her as she paces."Demons?You're not shitting me are you?" She says as I shake my head."This just gets worse and worse the more deep it runs." She says as she holds her head."The Light, has reached out to a powerful entity in Lilith.Their arrogance in thinking she can be controlled is folly.Lilith has no superior and she'll never bow to a mortal.Whatever plans she has for them, they'll pay the price for their assumptions." I say as i embrace her.She leans her head on my chest as I hold her close."Lilith has made it clear to me that she'll take me.Zarathos had detected a foreign magical presence within his spirit.He can't shake it or get rid of it.He says that it's Lilith's influence and that when the presence festers like an infection, my whole body and psychic will be at Lilith's command." I say to her as she looks up at me."She'll control you?Is there any cure for what she did?" She asked as I shook my head."According to Zarathos, it's Old Magic.....from when the Multiverse was young.There is no cure.....only death." I say as I break from her and walk back to the sword before showing her.She stares down at the sheath and the handle of the majestic weapon."This is serious.Should I become Lilith's slave, I need you to take this blade...and kill me with it." I finally say as she stares up and horror and backs away."No!I won't do it!There had to be another way!" She screams at me as I shake my head."If there was, I would jump on it with every fibre of my being.....but there isn't.Jade....." I say as I swing the sword over my shoulder and embrace her, every piece of love and affection I have is translated through my embrace to her."I'm sorry to do this to you.But Lilith will take me.Everything that we have been through.....has led to this moment.Just promise me one thing."

I say as she looks up at me."What?" She asks quietly as I kiss her forehead."Please.....see Artemis....not as Cheshire, but as Jade.You both deserve everything that you can give each other...please, for me?" I ask as she nods her head.I break from her and take the sword off my shoulder before passing it to her.She takes it gently before pulling it slightly out of the sheath, the sword glows with a soft heavenly light as Jade gasps at the feeling of the blade's purity.She clasps the sword back in and leans it against the wall."I love you." I say to her as she turns back to me, tears welled in her eyes."I love you too." She whispers as I lean down and capture her lips.I wrap my arms tightly as she raises her hands and grips my neck.I lower myself and lift her up, her legs wrap around my hips as I carry her to her room."Might be our last time together." I regretfully say as I cross her room's threshold.She brushes her hand across my cheek."Then lets make it memorable." She whispers seductively as I close the door with my foot.

The Watchtower: No P.O.V

Back with the Justice League, they are currently reviewing a hero known as Blue Devil.A man with blue skin and horns.His staff harnesses energy and can be concentrated into a powerful beam of energy."If we're considering Blue Devil.Then I nominate Red Arrow.Roy has more experience, and he's no kid anymore.He's 18, a legal adult, he's ready." Green Arrow says as the hologram changes to a projection of Red Arrow."Is he?" Aquaman questions."Red Arrow has been uncooperative and disrespectful.What message does that send if we condone that behaviour?Especially to the team." He points out as Green Arrow sits down.His argument from Roy has met a standstill with Aquaman's own."What about the rest of the Team?Surely some of them could be legitimate for membership?" Black Canary asks but is met with Superman's refusal."No.Red Arrow may be 18, but the rest of the Team is too young.We're not inducting children into the League." Shazam shifts awkwardly at that statement.

"That seals my offer." Doctor Fate states from the end of the table."I've been one with Kid Flash and Aqualad.Both are ready." The Lord of Order says as the hologram changes to said heroes."And what of Zatanna?" Wonder Woman asks as Fate turns to her sharply."Absolutely not!" He yells but his voice sounds more like Zatara rather than Nabu."That sounded almost protective, doctor.At least we know that Zatara is still in that helmet somewhere." She quips to the Doctor.Shazam scowls and stands from his seat."Why is Doctor Fate a member?You coerced Zatara into giving up his life to you.And to save his daughter from your imprisonment.How can you sit there and not feel a shred of sympathy or either Zatara or Zatanna.Not cool." He says with venom as Fate gazes at him."Should such behaviour be condoned?" Red Tornado questions as Fate addresses the room."Zatara desires Doctor Fate remaining in the League." Fate says which Green Arrow scoffs."Oh, please." Fate turns to him."It is true.Zatara's trust in Nabu is measured.He desires the League to maintain a close watch upon us." Fate says as Shazam sits down, an angry scowl still plastered on his face."