

Mount Justice: 11:17am, October 4th, 2010:

Three days have past since the Injustice League's attack.Batman and I had an uneasy meet to discuss the Injustice League.He gave me a hard look and nothing else.Not a good job, or satisfactory.Just stood and left.The team wasn't any better, matter of fact, they were worse.Blake was the only one that treated me the same but everyone ws avoiding me.Robin an d Wally were most vocal about their displeasure.Snid comments, veiled insults, etc. M'gann was torn between what everyone thought and my feelings, she didn't know who to stand with.Kaldur wasn't bad but I could feel his slight uneasy and mistrust around me, he tried to hide it and that is what made it worse.He thought that he could hide it from me.Connor gave me angry glares and shoulder checks.Artemis however, seem conflicted.Between going with the group and to me ask something.I enter the common area and see everyone around the dining table, wasting lunch.I grab my portions and make my way over.Robin and Wally get up immediately and walk over to the sitting area.Connor follows with M'gann second guessing before following after him.Artemis sat for a few minutes before walking over to them."Sorry." She mumbled to me as she refused to meet my eyes.Blake and Kaldur were the only ones that remained at the table.I sigh as I sit in a vacant spot and start picking at bits and pieces.I've now lost my appetite.

I watch look up at everyone eating as I slam my fork and knife to the table, everyone jumps from the noise as I leave the room.Black Canary enters the room as I barge past her."Matt, Batman has ordered for a therapy session between us." She says to me as I retort back angrily."Take your order and fuck off!" I shout as I enter the gym.I take off my jacket and shirt before clenching my fists.I walk up to the pillar and began punching with all the pain, rage and hurt in my fists.The stone pillar begins cracking and breaking off pieces as I continuing punishing the stone."Matt." I hear someone callout but I ignore them.I grunt and groan as my skin behins breaking and blooding, Zarathos heals it instantly but my barrage just reopens them."Matt." The voice calls out as I scream in rage as the cracks get larger."Matt!" The voice screams, I send one last haymaker as a large piece of the pillar is broken off as I punch through the outer edge.I turn sharply and see Artemis standing within the doorway.

She has a sad expression and her face as she approaches me.I move back from her as I stare angrily."What do you want?" I ask as she sighs."Kaldur requested a team meeting." She says as I shake my head."Fine, lead the way.....teammate." I say the last part with venom as I walk past her.I enter the living room as I fix my shirt and put my jacket back on.I see the team and Canary gathered around as Kaldur gestures to the vacant chair.I scoff and sit."So, what's this about?I have better things to do." I say.The team looks amongst themselves as Robin speaks."We want to know why you killed Joker?We understand why Zarathos does it, but we have never seen you kill, we are wondering why, you chose to act like him?" He says as I stare at him."You really think that I chose to act like him.You stupid fucking dumbass, I've always been like this, you just didn't see it.And if this is how this intervention is going to go, than I want no part of it." I say as I get up and leave, only for Blake to hold me back.I stare at him as he signs."I know that you are hurt.They want answers, you don't have to stay but I think that this will be good, not just for them but you as well.All in all, it's up to you, my friend." He tells me as I ponder for a minute.An idea pops into my head which I crush immediately."Don't push it down, Matthew.Embrace the chaos that made you what you are now." Zarathos says to me as I nod slowly.I walk back to the chair and sit down.

"Have I ever told you how I became the Ghost Rider?" I say as everyone has confused faces and shakes their head."Figured.It's not a story that I find joy in.Hardly anything in my life has joy in it." I say as I stare at my hands."Growing up in Gotham was never easy.My mother was a prostitute and a drug addict.I basically had to raise myself.The first few years with Mom we're alright but eventually I learnt, pretty quickly, that she liked other men more than me.Her boyfriends weren't any better, if not, worse than her." I say as I feel their surprise and sadness."I learnt quickly to pick pocket the snobby rich businessmen when they leave their jobs.I robbed convenience stores to keep food on the table and in our fridge.Sometimes, I would bring food home and mom would have her fits...my back was a belt rack more often than not." I say as I feel tears well into my eyes."It was about 5 years ago.I was about Robin's age, I was walking down the street, doing my weekly store robbing when I saw a woman walking in the opposite direction to me.Suddenly, a cop car and a van pull over to the side as two coppers and three criminals jumped out and took the woman down in the alley.I walked to the alley entrance and saw what they were doing." I say as I feel Artemis, Robin, Wally and Kladur's trepidation."They were pulling at her clothes, saying slurs to her.She was screaming, pleading for help but no one but I heard her." I say as I see the horror fill M'gann's and Connor's eyes.Blake has an angry and sad look on his face."I grew up not to care about what's happening to other people, just worry about myself.But the woman saw me.I looked into her eyes and saw her plead.I shook my head and kept on walking, not my problem." I say as everyone stares shocked at me.

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"But I couldn't get her eyes out of my head, I couldn't stop her screams.So I did something really stupid.I ran into he alley and just started swinging.Imagine that, a thirteen year old boy, with no training and no idea of what to do against five grown men with guys.I suffered for my heroic act." I say as I hang my head."What happened?" I hear Artemis's quiet voice sound as I look up."One of the men shot me...and I died." I say as they all stare in horror.I open my jacket and lift my shirt.Three bullet scars are seen.One on the edge of my stomach, one to my left pectoral and one directly into my heart."When I died, I saw nothing.Just darkness, no one to greet me, no one to tell me that everything will be alright.Just.....black nothingness....until I heard a voice.A voice asking me if I wanted vengeance, if I wanted to make the people that did this to suffer....to pay." I say as Wally speaks."Zarathos." He says as I nod."For a split second, I was going to refuse but I felt this anger, this rage at what those men did.Two cops were there, they were suppose to protect the innocent and they broke their path to serve and protect.I said yes....more than anything.....yes." I say as everyone looks in shock."I came too and I saw this fiery figure before me.I felt this intense surge of energy and power.He healed me.I got up and I saw the woman.She was beaten, bloody, her clothes torn off.A single bullet hole in her head, right between the eyes." I say as M'gann covers her mouth as tears fall free.Everyone, even Connor and Canary are wiping to tears away.

I checked the woman's wallet and saw that her name was Nicole Walters.She wasn't anyone special, she was just a normal woman and those.....animals violated her, beat her and killed her, for no real reason.Just because they could and no one could stop them.I found a photo in her wallet of a tree that I had seen in Gotham Park.She was happybin the photo.I carried her, across town, in the dark and cold.I buried her under the tree.I didn't know this woman, and she was the one that made me truly see.The world is a cruel place that we prey on thw innocent.Violently prey on them and leave them behind to rot, hist like the men did to her.I felt rage and hate for those men and I made sure that they all payed for it.The Penance Stare is something that I use sparsely but those men deserve the worst kind of hell.To be trapped within their own minds as they experience all the pain and suffering that they have ever inflicted on an innocent.And they will experience that torture for the rest of eternity." I say with anger as everyone is shocked by my story."I realised that the guilty need to be punished for their actions.They deserve nothing but the worst treatment for their actions.That's why I killed Joker.I made a promise that the guilty would suffer.I've made sure that some live for a chance a redemption but the truly evil.Men like the joker and the men who killed Nicole, they deserve nothing but death.And if you lot have a problem with that than you can fuck off.Your moral high ground means nothing when mother's, father's, daughters and sons are taken away by evil men and women.You think yourselves heroes, your nothing but children playing dressup.Until you know the true horror and potential that humanity can inflict on itself, only than can you judge me." I say in anger as I get up and leave the room.

I walk out to the zeta hanger a dinoace back and forth.All the emotions, all the repressed feelings come back as I pick up a crate and throw it across the room.I collaspr to my knees as I feel everything."AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I roar out in anguish and agony.I feel someone coming.I look up and see Batman standing before me."Piss off, Bruce.I want to be left alone." I say as he kneels beside me and hugs me.I feel weird but I collapse into his arms."I'm sorry, Matt." He says as he breaks from me."I was wrong to judge.I shouldn't have done that.My own code and file against killing pushed you away.I shouldn't have done that.I shouldn't have blamed you." He says as I shake my head."What hurt was that you didn't even ask why?You just three me off like I was a criminal.You treated me like I was out of control." I say as I stand and move away."Nothing, I say will ever make up for that.I'm.....hoping that I get a second chance." He says as I look back at him."Second chance huh?Will I get that same chance?" I ask as he nods.I think about it before holding my hand out.He takes it and shakes."I saw the camera feed.I'm sorry that happened to you." He says as I wave him off."What's done is done...I wanted to save her but I couldn't.The least I could do was to make sure that her killers are punished and that it never happened to another person again." I say as Batman nods.I walk past him as I enter the common room again.A green blur barges into me and hugs me.I look down and see M'gann crying with her arms around me.I hug her back as everyone, including Canary, wraps their arms around me.I feel their sadness and regret.They are sorry for what they did and how they treated me."We're sorry, Matt.Truly." Robin says."It's ok.Getting my history off my chest....I thank you for listening." I say as I feel everyone tighten their hold.These people can make mistakes...they can judge prematurely, but goddamn, I wouldn't change them for the world.

Mount Justice Zeta Hanger: 6:58pm, October 10th, 2010:

Combat training was today.Connor had partnered with Blake, M'gann with Robin, and myself with Kaldur.Artemis was sulking because she didn't get picked but also because of Wally's brojken arm, he was exempt from combat training.Which he took full advantage of, using Shazam as personal buttler."Great work everyone.I fact, it's been a very productive week." Canary says as training stops."Yeah, for for everyone except Kid malingerer over there." Artemis says bitterly as she points to Wally."Hey!Arm broken in combat agaisnt the Injustice League here." He says while sipping a milkshake.Canary chuckles as we turn to her."I've really enjoyed being your...den mother, for the week." She says as we all nod gratefully."Recongize.Zatara.1-1." The zeta opens up as we watch Zatara enter the cave.He opens the zeta computer."Access granted.Zatanna Zatara.A03." The zeta lady says as my eyes widen.The zeta opens as a young woman steps out.I recongize the face and the curious eyes.Only now, I see a reserved look etched on her face."Zatanna.This is the team.Team, my daughter.Zatanna." Zatara says as she steps into he light.M'gann floats down to her."Hi!I'm-." She doesn't finish as Robin interrupts her."Robin!Ahem.I'm Robin.Heh." He says awkwardly as I smile at the obvious attraction that he feels for the young woman."She's M'gann.And that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Connor, Blake and-." This time Zatanna interrupts as she and I stare at each other."Ghost Rider." She says as she stands in front of me."How's the doll?" I say to her as she smiles."She's fine, she wants to thank her saviour though." She says as I smile at her humor."I'm Matthew." I say as I hold out my hand."Pleasure to meet you properly....unlike last time." She says jokingly as I smirk."You guys know each other?" Robin says as I feel slight jealously from him.Are you an idiot.She's fucking fourteen.I'm eighteen, nearly nineteen.What's wrong with you?"Not properly, we ran into each other a few hours ago as we were leaving Bludhaven.Dad had a run in with him...but he did save my doll." She says as I nod in a dramatic fashion."I think I speak for all of us when I say...welcome to the cave." Kaldur says as Zatanna smiles."Thank you." She says, slightly reserved, almost bordering upset."So, uh.Are you going the team?" Robin asks hopefully.Reel yourself back in young man.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves.This is strictly a visit.I am sorry that we missed training.It might have been something that Zatanna could have benefitted from.Zatara drones out as M'gann starts a mental conversation."Do any of you think that we're still on probation with Zatara?" She says as Connor follows up."Not just Zatara.I mean, why is Shazam still here?" He points out the topic of conversation."Because we like having him around." Wally says cockily as Artemis retorts."You like having him around because he does everything for you at your whim." She says as Wally raises an eyebrow."And your point being...?" He retorts back as I notice Zatanna's perplexed look."It also makes you nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor." Kladur says as Blake notices Zatanna as well."Um, guys." He says but everyone ignores him."Yeah, at least he trusted us." Robin says but Connor speaks in anger."If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him!He was a traitor." Connor says as I plead with Zarathos."Yo, dumbasses!" Zarathos speaks as everyone looks to me."We ain't alone here." He says as we turn to Zatanna."Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" She says as Canary and Zatara turn their attention to us."Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude." She says as Blake signs."You are out guest and we ignored you.Please forgive us." I translate for him as Zatanna smiles."It's ok.It wasn't something that I expected." She says as we all turn to Connor.He seems to be the most vocal about Tornado."Ok, fine.We were talking about Tornado.It's been weeks since his attack, and the League hasn't told us anything." He says as Canary answers him."The League is searching for Tornado, as well as the other android's that invaded the cave and their creator.T.O. Morrow.Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority." She says as Robin speaks up."But you have found nothing.None of the above." He says but Canary retorts."Not yet.But Tornado is Justice League.The team is not to pursue this." She says threateningly as Zatara follows up."why don't you all take Zatanna on a...your of the cave?" Zatara says as Robin scoffs.We walk into the common room as I feel magic shift in the air.I turn and see Zatanna in a more comfortable, laid back outfit."When did you?How did you?" Robin's question don't form as he is baffled."We're not really taking a tour, are we?" Zatanna asks as Connor turns to face her."No.We're hunting down that robot." He says as he glances at Kaldur."Yes, we are." Zatanna sarcastically whoos."Oh wow.Out loud and everything." She says as I laugh."You have some attitude, don't you?" I say as she smirks."What about the new girl?" Artemis asks as Robin scoffs."I'm sure she won't tell." Blake starts signing as I translate."I say we knock her out an dleave her here." Everyone turns to us as Blake smiles with wide eyes.He signs really quickly."That was a joke." I say as Zatanna laughs."While I don't want to be knocked out.I can't tell...not if you kidnap me." She say as myself and Artemis smirk."Oh, she's going to fit in great." She says as I follow up."Damn right."

We had left within the Bio-ship.I look out the window and see Shazam tryingbto get Wolf to play fetch.The enhanced canine is more focused on Shazam's more than anything else.Poor bastard.We Hear Canary's voice sound over the bridge."M'gann, the Bio-ship wasn't authorised for departure." She says as M'gann perks up."We're kidnapping Zatanna.....to show her Happy Harbour of course.Be back soon." M'gann quickly says as she catches herself."'We're kidnapping Zatanna'?" I say to her with a raised eyebrow as she blushed embarrassingly."Sorry, I got nervous." I just laugh."Right to ruin the 'kidnapping Zatanna' moment but where are we going?" Wally asks as Robin pulls up his holocomputer."Batman is the World's Greatest Detective.And he searched for Tornado and Morrow in every logical location.If we're going to do better, we need an illogical solution.A truly....dumb idea." He says as we all turn to Wally.Wally states at all of us with bewilderment."As a matter of fact....I do have a dumb idea."

M'gann turns the ship southward as Wally explained his idea.Blake had my train of thought immediately."This is a dumb idea." He signs to me as I laugh."The best idea are theost dumb." We arrive at Belle Reve.M'gann and Connor were able to convince Warden Strange to allow us to interview Professor Ivo.Strange was ok with it, returning the favor from M'gann's and Connor's help with the prison break.We all stand in the interview room as M'gann sits I. Front of Ivo."Strange has given us five minutes with you." She says as Connor acts as the bad cop in this situation."Cough it up, Ivo.Where is T.O. Morrow and the Reds?" He says with venom in his voice."Now why in the world, would I know where Morrow is?" He says in that annoying voice of his."Because....and here's a dumb idea.....you're Morrow's biggest competition in the evil android game.Who better to keep track of what he's to and where?" Wally says as Ivo chuckles."I see your point, so let me rephrase.Why would I tell you where Morrow is?" He says cockily as Robin steps forward."Because unlike some.....those two have little patience for these games." He says as he points to me and Blake."One of them will burn you so bad, that soul will get a sunburn.And the other has a whisper that will do more than just leave a ringing in your ears.Your choice Ivo.Tell us where Morrow is it they will force it out of you." Robin says but Ivo laughs him off."Go ahead.....try it." I go to approach him but Zatanna beat me to it.She chants something that not even Zarathos understands.Ivo sits straight out as he blurts."Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park.100 metres south of Old Faithful." Everyone par myself stares in shock as Ivo covers his mouth."Wait.What just happened?" He says as I walk out."Thanks for the assist." I say as everyone follows after me.

The Bio-ship flies at its fastest speed as we head to Yellowstone."Black out all external communications.Soon, canary and Zatara and definity Batman, too, we know of our visit to Belle Reve.We haven't much time." Kaldur says.Robin chuckels before turning to Zatanna."Look, I'm trying to be all nonchalant here." He start but Zatanna interrupts him."Why?Be as chalant as you like." She says as I look between both of them."Oh my god.There's two of them." I say as Blake signs."One was bad enough.....two...... we're all gonna die." I chcule at his joke."I think we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers.Could you teleport Tornado, or More to cell, or force his bots to surrender?" Artemis asks."Or create peace on Earth for all time?Zatara couldn't even do all that, and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level.I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it.Plus, all magic requires energy which usually comes from within.I just can't make the impossible happen at will." She says as I enter he conversation."She's right.Magic can't solve the world's problems.There are rules that must be followed.And Zatanna." I say as she turns to me."You're correct, you're not at your dad's level, but Zarathos saw the potential in you when we first met.Don't cut yourself so short." I say as she nods gratefully to me."So many Z's.Zarathos, Zatara, Zatanna.How many more are we getting?" Wally says as everyone, par Connor and Blake laugh."What's our E.T.A. to Yellowstone?I'm way past ready to stiff Red Tornado into a trash compactor." He says in anger as I speak up."Are you certain he betrayed us?" I say as he turns sharply to me."Aren't you?" He says a so shake my head."I'm convinced that he betrayed us willingly.And even so, if not.It makes him the victim of his creator's programming.I would think that you of Al people would understand when you are created to be weapon for others to use." I say as I feel Connor's shame as he truns away from me.

We land in Yellowstone as Kaldur activates his stealth tech."Stealth mode." He orders as Wally presses his insigina.M'gann shifts in a black bodysuit.Artemis had been outfitted with stealth, pressing her insigina, her green suit changes into dark green and gray.The back hatch opens as Zatanna stand by."I recommend you stay behind." He says as Zatanna raises an eyebrow."Is that an order?" She says."No, you must do as you see fit." Kaldur says as I press him."Great save." He glowers at me as I chuckle.I train back and see Zatanna shift her clothing into something that resembles her father's uniform.But obviously more feminine.

We run through the forest as we reach a large open clearing."Ivo was right.There's something down there." Robin says as he reads his holocomputer.Kaldur runs ahead as we follow him.We are hit by a wind barrage.I hold my ground as Red Tornado appears above us.He sends vortexes that block off our entrance."Why, Tornado?Why are you doing this?!" M'gann shouts out.Tornado doesn't answer as we blocks off the trees behind him, leaving us in a circle of tornadoes."Who cares why?Nail him!" Connor shouts as he and Kaldur charge forward."Bolt!To the skies." I shout as Blake nods and flies above the vortexes."Superboy!Maneuver 7!" Kaldur shouts as Connor levels his hands as Kaldur steps on it, Connor throws him into the air as I charge forward.I try disputing the vortexes with a fire chain vortex of my own but the wind proves to be too powerful.I hear a grunt of pain as Bolt is caught an thrown into Kaldur.The both of them crash into Connor.Artemis and Robin run forward as Artemis fires towo arrows.Tornado simply changes their trajectory and fires them back.I swing my chains over and wrap them and pull them back but he blast of the arrows sends them flying.I run foward, dragging my chains as I swing them around to cut through him.He dodges as he catches them and pulls me up.I grunt in surprise as I feel his fist crash with my face.bi land with a solid thud.I get my bearings and see Wally spinning, making himself into a botex to counteract Tornado's.M'gann is caught and thrown into Wally as they both crash into me.I throw them off as I notice Zatanna stammering with a spell."Zatanna!Watch out!" I shout but her throat is clasped around by Tornado's hand as he stares at her.He chokes her unconscious as he throws her away.I get up and and charge him, Hellfire covering my fists.I swing my fists as Tornado dodges.He grabs my throat and slams my into the ground.He punches my head into a small crater as I lose consciousness.But it's all an act.M'gann had shown us the mental image of the 'Play dead' message in the ground.I hear a new voice sound."Quite a performance, Brother.But we both know that's all it was." I open an eyelid and see a new android standing on a rock pillar that he made.This one is darker, bigger and meaner than the ones we have already faced.

"I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next gen procsssor.I know your next move before you do." He says as he lifts the message rock above his head.Everyone breaks their act as we see the android lift the rock."Blowing a message in the sand?" The android says sarcastically as he breaks the rock and sends it to us.Kaldur, Connor and Blake leap and break the rocks by force.O cut two strays with my chains as M'gann deflects one away."Zatanna?" Robin says viaind link as I turn and see her in the dust cloud."I'm ok.But Red Tornado's getting away." Deb says as I notice him leave."Is he abandoning us?" Artemis says as both her and I charge forward."Forget about it.Focus on the big fucker!" I say as Wally charges the android."You stand no chance against me, humans." He says with anger as he punches Wally away."We're not human!" Connor and M'gann say as they leap and fly respectively at the android."Apologies, I suppose the properly inclusive term is.....meatbags." he says a she forms tow giant rock hands and slap them together, crushing Connor and M'gann.I run at the machine while leaping ahead.I swing my chains but the android forms a rock shield.I break through them as he grabs me and drags my head along the rock before throwing me away.Robin throws a birdarang at The android who catches it, the rang explodes but the robot is unfazed."Tornado's memory files and my superior processing speed allow me to anticipate your eve-." He doesn't finish as he blasted by a powerful electron beam from Black Bolt.The robot gets up."That's not possible.I have all your files.How did I not anticipate that?" He says as Black Bolt floats above him."You have all Tornado's memories and files... Tornado never met Black Bolt beside the day he left.You don't have anything on Black Bolt." I say triumphantly as Black Bolt shoots down but the android dodges by the metal of his teeth.Zatanna chants a spell as the android holds his head.Blake shoots over rand levels two strong punches to his head before blasting him again with the beam."Tornado never got my moves either." Zatanna says as I drop behind her.Robin soon catches up as well."And in betting you have some good ones." He says as she looks at him weirdly."In a good way.Sorry that came out a little bit like Wally." He says chucking but Zatanna chuckles."I don't mind." She says as I smile.You two are going to be such fun.The android stands on a pillar as he fires red beans into the sky.Lava is now spewing from the Earth.Lava is spreading around the clearing.I let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Zatanna turns to me as I gaze at her.She smiles at me."It's nice to finally meet you, little witch." I say in greeting as she nods her head.I push her and Robin out of the way as a lava covered rock is thrown at us.I catch the rock and throw it back.Wally avoids another rock."He's activating a stage 2 eruption.If it gets to 3, you can kiss the hemisphere, goodbye." He says as Kaldur'ahm follows up."Hit him from all sides." I charge forward as the android dodges Black Bolt's beam.He catches Connor's fist and throws him away.I leap and swing my chains at his arm as I pull him towards me.He pulls me back as he tries to clothesline me.I avoid the clothesline as I land and pull his arm down with my strength, hoping to disable him, the arm holds strong and he just is face planted into the rock.He gets up and pulls the chains and I get booted across the clearing.I get my bearings and see Zatanna standing over Wally as smoke and stems changes into duplicates of the speedster.I forward and see the android breaking the duplicates with stones.The really Wally speeds and grabs M'gann bout of his hand.I feel a rumble as we all see a towering water pillar that blasts the android into the lava."Good job." I say as I stand next to Kaldur'ahm."I didn't do that." He says as he points out something.We all turn and see the male android from before, at the cave.He throws more water a the new android.The android tries to lift a stone lava pillar but Red Tornado comes flying in and breaks the stone apart.The android's seems unfazed by the lava as the female android comes, steaming blast after blast of fire.The male and female charge at the new android and pile onto him."Brothers!Sister!Stop!" He shouts as they drag him under.Red Tornado shoots down and pushes him further into the lava.Red Tornado is sinking into the lava but Connor and Black Bolt shoot forward and grab him out.We watch as the volcano that the android made begins its stage 3 eruption, Wally turns to Tornado."Tornado.We are on the verge of a Stage 3 supervolcano eruption.Theres no turning back from that!We need to vent pressure, and fast!But the ash cloud will bring about worldwide nuclear winter unless you divert it!" He shouts at Tornado."Triangulate around the pressure locus." He says to Robin.I run over and and begin sucking the lava and hear into my body.Instead of fueling it into Hellfire, I dispose of it out of the back of my head.My skull's fire is getting bigger and bigger.Artemis shoots three arrows at the locus pouts that Robin pints out, exploding arrows blow the pints.Tornado flies above us into the ash cloud.A massive red vortex forms as the ash cloud is sucked in.I kill tryingbto absorb the heat we all watch.The ash cloud is sent straight past the stratosphere and into deep space.The volcano behind cooling down from the released pressure.Seeing my job down, I give Matthew back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

We run over to Tornado who has collapsed to the ground.Robin reads his power cell levels and sees that they are plummeting.Blake nudges me and points at something.I floor and see a secret cave entrance near the edge of the clearing.We carry Tornado as we enter the secret facility of T.O. Morrow."There.That's should do it." Robin says as he fixes Tornado's voice modulator."Yes.I can speak again." He says as his face plate closes over."You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet." Kaldur says."The planet would have survived.It was humanity that was saved-though not by me." He says a she turns his head to us."My sister and brother were the true heroes this day." He says I step forward."We were wrong to judge you.You were never the mole, never a traitor." I say as I feel everyone in the room who knew Tornado personally, hangs their head in shame."No.I left to protect you from further attack and to find my creator.Morrow." He says as he stares up a true ceiling."Cool!Souvenir." Wally says as he holds up a robot hand.The hand fires a laser from one of its fingertips.Blake walks over and snatches the hand from Wally before pulling the wiring out.Blake hands it back to Wally who laughs awkwardly.Robin pulls a metal leg out of the container."Reddy, we can rebuild you, better than you were before." He says."I do not believe I should be repaired." He says in montone.But I can sense, not literally, the guilt in his voice."Why'd you volunteer to become our den mother in the first place?" Connor says angrily as we turn to him."I was the pragmatic choice.I do not require sleep.I have no secret identity or second life to live." He says as Wally perks up."But you do have advanced A.I. programming.Designed to learn, adapt, evolve." He says as M'gann slaps her head."Hello, Megan.You wanted to become more human." She says as Zatanna approaches."And you couldn't do that with the League.They're stiffs." She says as Black Bolt signs."You wanted to understand not only how to be more human, you wanted to learn what it means to be human.Humans as a species are social, always being in groups and raising families, children, the young.You wanted to learn why with the team." I translate for Black Bolt."Then the cave was not a proving ground only for us.But for you too." Kaldur says as Tornado turns his head to us."I do not know if these statements are accurate, but perhaps they are true.And if I understand the term correctly, I believe I have come to...care.....about you all." He says as I smile."See?Practically a meatbags already." Connor says as he walks up to Tornado."Which remains me." Tornado says as he begins reassembling himself."Where you off to?" I ask curiously."He is evil.But T.O. Morrow is still my father.Caring for him...is the human thing to do." He says as I nod.Tornado flies away as we walk back to he Bio-ship

We are on our way back to the cave."So, good kidnapping?" Robin says to Zatanna who turns to him."Actually, yeah.Best ever." She says."Heh, first of many, I hope." He says flirtatiously to her.Whoa, down boy."If my dad doesn't ground me for life." She says as I laugh."So what?You'll probably ignore it anyway." I say as she smiles.The fly back goes without so much as a breeze.I look at the team that we have now.Regards of Zatara's wishes, Zatanna is here and apart of this team.We have an Altantean, an archer, a speedster, a ninja, a Martian, a Kryptonian clone, a demon, a metahuman with the voice of destruction and now, a sorceress.Who can stop us now?

Mount Justice Zeta Hanger: 4:01om, October 16th, 2010

We were watching as the alien mothership got closer, the massive armada was spotted by Batman's deep satellites.He deployed the Lanterns to halt the approach but the mothership fired unpon them, disintegrating them where they were.Superman, Shazam, Manhunter and Captain Atom were deployed next but they to were disintegrated.Batman soon followed.We watch from the cave as half the Justice League meets their end.Tornado stands in front as the computer pops open a screen showing Zatara."Tornado...did you...?" He says sadly as Tornado replies."Yes Zatara, we saw.Cestial defense's have failed.Initiate all terrestrial measures." Tornado says."Affirmative, see you in the field." Zatara declares as the screen closes.Red Tornado turns to us."I must join the League, we will protect the planet at all costs.But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you." We all stare amongst ourselves, Kaldur steps forward."We stand ready."

We watch as everywhere did attacked.Heroes are being disintegrated like nothing.Canary, Arrow, the Hawks, flash, Zatara.Even Wondr Woman has fallen."Red Tornado to Cave.I fear I am all the remains of the League." Tornado communicates to is as we watch him on the screen as he tries to hold the aliens off in Smallville.We watch in silence as the mothership lands.Robin tries to boost the signal to Tornado."Our team..." Robin starts but Tornado is disintegrated brofr our eyes."We are Earth's heroes now." Kaldur says as Connor turns to him."So what are we waiting here, a theme song?" He says as Blake signs."We need a plan of attack, full frontal charge will only lead to our deaths.We need to find a weakness." I translate to the team."Earth's weapons are ineffective.And Black Bolt is right.A direct attack with end in failure.The Justice League find that out and it cost them their lives." Kaldur says as Robin pulls up his holocomputer."Checking satellite imagery.Let's see how wioespread these invaders are." He says as a map of the globe shows with red blurs.These blurs represent the aliens.One red dot catches my eye."Where's that one going?" I say as I point it out."That's Superman's Fortess of Solitude." He says as I raise an eyebrow."Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?" Connor says in shock, he literally took the words right out of my mouth."It's power source must have attracted the aliens attention.At least enough to send a scout ship." Robin says as I nod."One scout ship against us.We take it down and see what intel we can get from it." I see as everyone nods."So he's got a fortress?" Connor says as he turns away, M'gann tires to comfort him but that's not my business."This scout ship is going down.We'll break it down, hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo." Wally says as Artemis punches him and Blake hits him upside the head."Ow." Wally says as Artemis leans into him."Martian and Kryptonian on the house." She says as said Martian and Kryptonian state unamused at Wally."Heh heh.Not that all aliens are automatically ugly." He says as I roll my eyes.

Arctic Circle: Superman's Fortess of Solitude:

We ride within the bio ship.The team were supplied with warm white jackets and white uniforms for any mission that would require us in the cold.Zarathos didn't like the white jacket and decided that I didn't it.Being a being of Hellfire, why bother.We stealthing exit the Bio-ship as we covertly surround the scout ship.I see a faint glimmer of M'gann as she tips the communications from the ship."Communications disabled." She says via mind link as the ship sways before crashing into the snow."Propulsion disabled." She follows up as Artemis fires an arrow that covers the front screen of the ship.The main cannon starts blasting randomly in the direction that Artemis is stationed."E.T.s are sealed inside." She says as Kaldur breaks the ice and snow underneath the ship.The cannon was about to fire but Connor, Wolf and Blake were able to push it away.I make my way over as I wrap my chains around the cannon, keeping it in its position.Robin pints out the structure of the cannon as M'gann breaks it.Connor tries to break it as Blake works his electron beam to make small explosion to seperate the metal plates.Cables come out with a red pad that starts beeping.Wolf rushes over and knocks Connor out of the way as the cannons defense fire.Wolf is disintegrated before us."Wolf." M'gann says sadly as I shake my head."No indication of feedback...I'm sorry." Robin says as we all look at Connor.He stars sdly into the snow before turning his head up."Can't do anything for him now." He says as he jumps up and pulls the cannon off.He almost fumbles it but Blake is able to tight him.I loosen my chains as I rewrap them around my arms.

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The bio ship fires beside us as Connor rights it on the ship.M'gann uses the shape shifting ability of the ship to connect the cannon to the Bio-ship."Rerouting systems to intergrate weapon into ships biomartix.We'll need to decamouflage for a few minutes." She says a so look up and see how mode scout ships arrive."We might not be here in a few minutes.Black Bolt, see if you can dispute their flight, bring them to the ground." I say as he nods and flies off."Get inside.Me and Bolt will handle these assholes." Artemis says as she fires arrows at the scouts.Blake flies above and fires down on one of the ships with his electron beam.The ship break apart and crashes into the ice.Artemis is able to disable the other one but the cannon is focused on her."Artemis!Look out!" I shout as she turns and is hit with the blast.We watch on horror as she disintegrated before our eyes."Artemis!" M'gann screams in shock.Bolt shoots down and breaks through the ship befote lifting it.He rips it in half before blasting both halves with his electron beam.He flies down over to us as I collaspr to my knees.

"Artemis!" Wally shouts as he charges to whatever but I get up and hold him back."They're dead.Every last one of them.Even if it kills me." He says in rage as I shake him out of it."Than think it through.We have to continue the mission.....for Artemis." I say as he calms down.We ride in the bio ship as I feel everyone's shock, anger and sadness.M'gann's most vocal.Her cries have reached down deep with everyone.Wally was most angry."I should ha r gotten to her....I could have reached her." I hear Blake says as I glance at him."There will be a time to mourn.But we have a job to do.Defend the Earth and ensure that Artemis's sacrifice wasn't in vain." Kaldur says as I clench my fist."Where to now?" I ask him."The Hall of Justice.The human race must know that there are heroes that are still here, defending them." He says as I look away.This, this is not how to do this.....these invaders have crossed a line.This world doesn't need heroes...what it needs toght know.....are monsters.My eyes glow in anger as Zarathos agrees with my train of thought."We'll make every last one them regret ever coming here." Zarathos speaks through me."For Artemis." Wally says as we all nod."For Artemis."

Washington DC:

We arrive on the battle torn city of America's Capitol.The sky is an ash orange and black.The city is nearly destroyed.We see three alien ships firing on the armed forces left standing.The Bio-ship maneuvers above and behind as the ground hatch opens.Myself and Superboy leaps out as Blake flies behind us.Connor lands on one as I whip over to the other.Connor bashes his fist into eh ship which descends from the impact.I jump off and whip my chain around the ship before swinging it around, Blake comes shoulder tackling through the ship which breaks apart.The last shio is disintegrated by the Bio-ship's new cannon.As I fall, Blake swoops in and levels me against the ground.The ship that Connor destroyed comes crashing into the ground, right beige the armed forces."Those bastards are going to be coming back soon, form a perimeter and get an injured to the Hall of Justice." I say as one of the sliders scoff."Why the hell shouldn we listen to you.That's Superman there.I would listen to him before you, boy." He says arrogantly as I let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I turn sharply as Hellfire explodes formmy skull.I grab the soldier an spill homclose to my face."Do it.....now!" I say with rage as I push him away.He scrambles back as some of the soldiers begin forming a perimeter.The Bio-ship lands and decamouflages as the test of the team show.A man walks up to me as I narrow my eyes."I don't know who it what you are.And right now, I don't care." He says as he walks past me and approaches Connor."You wear the 'S' and you got the job done." He says as Connor looks away.I can feel his sadness but.....pride."I'm not Superman." He says but the man, General Eiling, shakes his head."Tell that to the enemy.General Wade Eiling, Air force!" He says as he salutes.Kaldur'ahm approaches him."Aqualad, Justice League.We'll help you salvage as many of the aliens cannons as possible, then we start by taking back what's ours." He says as I approach.Black Bolt and I will keep a lookout for any invaders looking to drive by." I say as I loosen my chains as Blake follows after me.We pace on front of the Capital building as I reach out with my senses.Nothing, not a single soul left in the city.We are all that remains.I try to sense the aliens but I get nothing.....no souls?Strange.I feel a nagging at the base of my skull.I feel like it's important but it could just be my anger.These invaders come to my home, my planet....they will know fear when I'm through with them.

We see everyone move off to the Hall of Justice as me and Black Bolt escort them on either side.Silence rings throughout the ruined city.I feel a presence that shouldn't be here.I run into the hall and see M'gann helping up Manhunter.I charge forward and grab him."Zarathos!What are you doing?" M'gann shouts out to me as I read his soul.Strange, everything is fuzzing, he is who he says he is but something is not right.I let him go as I turn to M'gann."Had to make sure." I walk away as I continue watching outside.The silence is unnerving, even for me."It's ok.Ghost Rider is right to be suspicions.But I can't figure out how I survived, or how I arrived here." He says."Maybe you were density shifting, and the beam passed right through you." M'gann says as Robin follows up."Scrambling your brains along the way." He says as I try to piece everything together.Nothing about this seems right.No warning, no declaration, just destruction and now this.Manhunter has a powerful mind, to make his mind go fuzzy is not easy to do but the fact that reading his soul is hard.It shouldn't be hard."My mind is clouded.I'm certain that I had something important to tell you." He says as he holds his head."Hello Wally.Come on." The speedster says via mind link as he runs out of the Hall.We follow after him.

"I knew it!Look!The cannon is giving off zeta radiation.The same stuff that's out zeta tubes are posted by.These things don't disintegrat.They teleport.Artemis is alive!" He says but I fell Robin's doubt."Maybe-." He doesn't finish as Wally interrupts."No maybes.They're all alive!" He says as M'gann speaks up to Manhunter."That must be what you've been trying to tell us." She says as I hear something coming.Myself and Blake turn around as a whole horde of hostiles come out way."Found out a way out of here.We'll deal with this bastards." I say as Blake lifts me up and we fly towards the ships.Blake tosses me as I land on one.I avoid the cannon baldy as I breathe Hellfire down onto it.The fire burns right through the ship as I leap to another one.Whipping my chains, I pull the cannons angle to the other ships as it fires.I burn through the cannon as I breathe fire onto this one.I whip at another as I see Black Bolt tearing through multiple ships.I whip my chains and swing one ship into three others.The ships keep coming.Everyone we destroy, three more take its place."We're trapped here.Black Bolt, retreat!" I shout as I jump.He flies by and grabs me, we head to the shall as the armed forces retreat the library.Myself and Black Bolt see the aliens coming from the city, using the ruined building as a resting spot."We can't take them all....but we can bury them." I say as everyone turns to me."Black Bolt, use your voice to hold them, giving us time to fall back.Level the city, bury them under it." I say to him as he looks at me and then everyone.He nods determinedly and he flies out of the hall and towards the city.Robin pulls up a functioning traffic camera which shows Black Bolt standing in the middle of the city.All the ships have turned to towards and are flying towards him, all their cannons powering up.

"Go away!"

His voice ain't a whisper and the camera cuts out but the echoing sonic speech is heard, we look to see the city of Washington DC being destroyed as all the ships are knocked out the sky, destroyed as the ruined buildings start crumbling.The whole city falls apart, the echo quitens down."I can't feel his mind anymore." M'gann says sadly as everyone hangs their hand.I hear Matthew's anger and sadness at what has happened."We need to get going.They'll be back." I say as we all run towards the library."We can all zeta to the cave, if you can grant us computer clearance to access the tubes." Kladur says to Manhunter.The library is destroyed as we enter.The soldiers form their defense's as I jump to the broken windows.One ship came flying in, a swing my chain and the ship is cut in half."Send the soldiers first, get the out of here." I shout to everyone a so cut another ship."Belay that!You seven are assests we can't afford to lose." The general states as I jump back down.The computer scans Manhunter, the doors open revealing the zeta tube.M'gann and Robin enter the tube as the library door blasys open.Connor runs to an injured soldier as I grab Wally and toss him into the tube."You're turn." I say to Kaldur'ahm."No, they need you more than me." He says as I stare at the slides and the orange beams coming from the smoke."Take Manhunter and go." He says as Connor takes a soldier through the tube.I growl before taking Manhunter and pushing him through.I stand by the tube as Kaldur'ahm bring ahead, two maces beared.I breathe a torrent of Hellfire which blocks off the tube.I run into the zeta as I'm transported through.The zeta really messes me up.I give control back Matthew.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I fall through the zeta as Connor rights me."You ok?Where's Kaldur?" He asks as I shake my head.I feel the sadness from everyone but Robin asserts himself fairly quickly."We have to finish the mission.The next stage is clear.If we believe the aliens have been teleporting their victims-." He starts as Wally interrupts."We do." He says as Robin finishes."Then the only reasonable detention facility is here." The computer shows a picture of a large spiked vessel."Their mothership.Stop what used to be Smallville.Ring any bells?" He asks Manhunter who shakes his head."No, I'm sorry." He says as Robin turns to Connor."Superboy, you'll create a distraction." M'gann is horrified by the notion."No, he's offering you as a sacrifice.Aqualad wouldn't do that, nor would Black Bolt or Artemis." She says."You're right.Aqualad would sacrifice himself.A mistake that just cost us our leader.Superboy and Matt are the most likely to perceive as a threat and if the mothership is crawling with aliens.We're going to nod Ghost Rider's firepower." He says as he gestures to me.I shake my head, something isn't right."You are correct.I can't put my finger on it but something is happening on your subconscious, it might take me awhile but I can fix it." Zarathos says as I nod.

M'gann decided to send out a global message to the poeple of Earth."Although it may seem all is lost.The one thing the aliens cannot destroy is hope." She says as Connor follows up."Hope survives because the battle is not over.Not as long as even one of us is willing to fight." He says as I look around the room.Roy is stocking up of his arrows.Zatanna is mediating, Icon's partner, Rocket, she's suiting up.The zeta opens as Kaldur's friends, Tula and Garth enter the cave."It doesn't matter how many fall.For new heroes will always rise to carry on.Bringing all their resources, their skills, their talents to Barr, to defeat the enemy." Wally says as I nod, impressed not only at him but everyone else as well."The people of Earth will survive this.We will rebuiid and we will thrive.Never doubt and never forget, the Earth will never surrender." Robin says with pride and determination as Manhunter approaches me."You not going to say something?" He asks as I shake my head."The people need heroes.....but the world needs monsters...how much are you willing to sacrifice?" I say to him as he hangs his head."Is this about Black Bolt?" He says as I shake my head."It was for the greater good, it might haunt me for the rest of my life but if we survive, then I hope I did the right thing." I say as Manhunter nods and walks away.


We wait until Robin gives the word.The mother is in the distance, the towering vessel stands like a looking dread.Only this is not a dread, it's a nightmare fueled horror."First team, deploy!" Robin says as Manhunter and M'gann fly up to the ship.Manhunter and M'gann go invisible as Manhunter uses his intangibility to phase both himself and M'gann through the ship."We're in." She says via mind link.Robin and Connor nod to each other as Connor leaps to the mothership.We watch him break a cannon off the ship but Robin tells not to break the power coupling."Alright, you glorified trespassers!Want see how a real alien fights?!" He shouts as the cannon fires and destroys some of the other cannons.We see that hanger doors open as a horde of ships fly out."Now or never." Connor tells us as Wally picks up Robin and runs.I chase after them, using my hellfire enhanced muscles, I catch up to them.I see Wally jump across a so follow, whipping a chain, it inbeds in the ship's hull as si pull myself over.We run ahead and cover behind a generator of sorts as ships fly overhead."Way's clear.Go!" I say as we continue on.We reach a crossroads as I reach out with my senses.I try to find any souls on board and I get....nothing.There's no one here.I hear a crash and see an alien machine broken as Manhunter and M'gann shoe up.Robin gestures down the hall as I follow.I hear a moan and turn and see M'gann holding her head.Manhunter helps her."No, he's gone." She collaspes to the floor as I run over and hug her.Wally and Robin Coe I've as well."It's alright.We'll find him with Artemis.I know it." Wally says as I turn back to him."They're not here.No one is here." I say as Manhunter follows up."Rider is correct.My mind is clearer now.The disintegration beam is exactly that.There is no detention facility.Our mission holds no purpose." Wally grabs his cloak and pulls him close."No, you're wrong.The zeta radiation proves she's alive.Shes-." Robin pulls Wally off of him."Snap out of it, Wally!Ice been scanning for League and team signals since we got inside.They're not here...Artemis is gone." Wally looks horrified as he turns to me.I get up from hugging M'gann as I look at him sadly."There are no souls on board.They're dead, all of them." I say but Robin speaks up."Our mission still hods purpose.To destroy this mothership." He says as he walks off.I hear whirring and turn and see a machine conning at us, it's beam being charged.Manhunter!Behind you!" I shout as Manhunter turns and is hit by the beam.....he disintegrates before us."Uncle!" M'gann screams as everything metal behind shaking, lifting or being crushed."M'gann!" I shout out as she collapses."Come on!" I pull her by the arm as we enter the main power core room."This is it.We blow this and whole mothership blows." Robin says as he jumps forward, we follow him as he leaps to a platform.I feel my chains being pulled towards the core.Robin tries to get his footing but the magnetic pull is too strong.Wally grabs his arm as both of them are pulled.I throw my chain as Wally grabs of it.I swing my other chain outside the magnetic field as it inbeds in the wall.I use what strength I have left to keep them from being crushed under the pull.A machine is worst to fire at Wally and Robin but M'gann furiously bashes it before telekinetically ripping it to pieces."Matt, lower us to the core." Robin says as I loosen my chain.I see the both of them on the core as Robin lays bombs."You knew .You knew form the beginning why we were really here." Wally says as Robin activates the bombs.Giving us four minutes to escape.I pull them out of the field as we run out of the room.The blast doors close, trapping us."Perfect." Wally says sarcastically as machine show up, they fire their weapons as we dodge.Wally and Robin to one side with me and M'gann on the other.I make a fireball in my hand before sending a stream towards the robots."We can't escape this." I say as I move to the adjacent wall and burn a large hole through it."Take this route and get out of here." I say to M'gann."No, I won't leave you here." She says as I turn to her."You know the feel of intangibility.....if you don't go now than all of this will be for nothing.The human race need a leader, a symbol...you can be that symbol M'gann...now go!" I say as she reluctantly flies out.

I turn back to Robin and Wally."20 seconds." He says as I nod."It was a honor being your friend." I say to both of them as they nod.Robin pulls out all of his birdararangs as I lighten my chains.Wally pulls his goggles down as we charge the machine.....


P.O.V Change: M'gann M'orzz

I land back to the ground.I don't know intangibility but...Uncle J'onn had given me a little bit of a learning curve.I felt what's necessary to do it and I did.I hear a boom and look to see the mothership exploding is a fiery mushroom.I feel my tears build as I collapse to my knees.Artemis, Blake, Wally, Robin, Matt, Wolf....Connor.They're all gone.I'm alone.I hear a whistling as I see a fiery body flying to me.I move out of the way and see it land with a thud.I see that it's Matt.He groans in pain as I race to him."Matt?How are you?" I ask as he sits up."Zarathos protected me from the blast.But Wally and Robin..." He says as I hang my head.We get up and gaze at the destroyed mothership.A shadow befalls is as another mothership lands.I stare in horror."No, no, no, no.We have to get out of here." I says a di turn back to Matt who is hanging his head."I'm sorry M'gann." He says as he approaches me."For what?" I say confused."Forgive me when you wake up." He says as I feel something penetrate my chest.Super hot hear is coursing through my body.I look down and see Matt's fist in my chest.I stare in horror as he gaze sorrowfully at me.

I walk up with a gasp.I look around and see the zeta hanger of the cave.I sit a d gasp as I see Connor petting Wolf.Shazam helping with Wally.Artemis alive and holding her head.Robin with Batman.Aqualad coming too.Blake holding his head and Matt standing over in the corner."You're all alive." I say in joy.I turn and see Batman helping Uncle J'onn."What happened in there?" He asked which makes me confused."The exercise.It all went wrong." He says as Robin asks questioningly."Exercise?" Batman turns to him."Try to remember." I think back on what I can."What you experienced was a training exercise.Manhunter psychically linked the nine of you within an artificial reality.You all knew this going in.What you didn't know was that it was a train for failure exercise.No matter what the team accomplished, the scenario was designed to grow worse.Still, you were aware nothing was real,including the deaths of the entire Justice League." He says as we hang out heads in ponder."That is why you hardly grieved, even when Wolf was disinterested before your eyes.But all that changed when Artemis died." Uncle J'onn says as we look at Artemis who stares at the floor."Though conisicously, M'gann knew it was not real.Her subconscious mind could not make the distinction.She forgot it was only an exercise and her subconscious mind took control, making all of you forget, too." I stare open mouthed in horror.It was my fault.Everyone looks at me."I....I'm so sorry." I say as Connor speaks up."This isn't her fault!Why didnt you stop the exercise?" Connor states furiously."We tried, but M'gann had a death grip on the scenario.The only one that could get loose was Ghost Rider and even that was difficult.Even Artemis, who should have awakened upon her death, was so convinced that she had passed, she slipped into a coma.I realised I had to wrest control form M'gann's subconscious from within.But upon entering the reality.I was overwhelmed by your collective emotion, the rage from Zarathos didn't help, only made worse.The nose from your emotions made it difficult to focus my mind, to remember.....why I was there." Uncle J'onn says as I sit on the table.All of this.....because of me."The deaths of Black Bolt, Aqualad and Superboy helped but the Ghost Rider's anger had clouded my senses.I tried contacting Zarathos through Matt but the Spirit was focused on Matthew's subconscious.The spirit knew that something was wrong and was trying to fix it.But when I was disintegrated.I became trapped within the reality but not as a visible entity.I became a watcher, unable to help or interact.When the mothership exploded and Robin and Kid Flash were silenced.That is when Zarathos fixed the problem.Matt had to do the one thing that would have broken the reality.He had to shock M'gann out of the experience.If the reality wasn't broken fast enough, your comas would have become permanent.My apologies, I had no idea that a training exercise could be so dangerous, so damaging." J'onn finishes a sinturn ftom the group as I cry in shock and self hate.I did this, this is my fault.I feel a hand as I look up and see Matt gazing sorrowfully at me."I'm sorry." He says as I fall into his embrace.My fault, my fault....my...fault.

Mount Justice: 5:21pm, October 23rd, 2010:

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

Silence.That is what reigns within this room.No one here is in a good mood.Good being objective.The training exercise failed spectacularly.A simple exercise, simple......failed, and now we face the consequences of its failure.M'gann is most affected.My senses have been bombarded with guilt, sadness, despair and self loathing.Most of that comes from M'gann.I stand against the wall as I gaze at everyone.Robin is sitting on the couch.A pondered look and feeling of self doubt etches from him.Wally is at the counter, playing with a candy wrapper.He's trying to get his mind off it.Kaldur is leaning on the counter, facing away from everyone, his feelings are filled with sadness and regret.Artemis is leaning on the couch near me.She is shaken by the experience.Something happened after her 'death' that she won't tell to the group.M'gann is trying to distract herself with baking but even that is unable to break her from her self loathing.Blake is sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.I haven't spoke to him but I can feel his despair.We hear doors opening as Connor comes barging through.Feelings of anger, self doubt and guilt are coursing through him, he walks past everyone and continues to the hanger.The doors open again as we look and see Black Canary standing there."Artemis." She says.Artemis perks her head up and follows Canary.I get up and leave the common area and head to the gym.I need to let off some steam.

I get it gym and being laying soft punches agaisnt the pillar.Flashes go off in my head.The League's death, Wolf's death.My punches get harder as I grit my teeth.Artemis's death.M'gann's scream, Wally's rage.The force of my punches get stronger and stronger as the pillar begins rattling and cracking.Black Bolt's sacrifice, the deaths of the soldiers and Kaldur.Manhunter's questions, my apathy.The punches get stronger as I start raging at the pillar.Manhunter's death, Robin's, Wally's..... M'gann's.....by my hand.I scream in anger as I punch the pillar for the last time as a flamed coated fist breaks it onto four pieces and a heap of shards.I breath heavy as I sit on a bench."Matthew?" Zarathos says to me as I just shake my head."Not now, Zarathos.Just leave me alone." I say as I feel him tell himself, giving me some space.The doors open and Canary standing in the doorway.She's looking at the rubble and turns back to me."I'm coming." I say to her as she nods.I wipe off any sweat and make my way into Canary's therapy room.The room is tranquil, quiet....peaceful.Haven't felt that in a long time...and today is not where I'm going to start.I sit in the green chair as canary sits in front of me.

"Care to share any thoughts befote we start?" She asks softly as I sit perfectly still."No." I reply as she leans forward."Matt, I know that this is difficult.Opening up to your pain will go a long way in helping...talk to me.Tell me about your experience?" She says as I stare at her."I watched my friends die...and I didn't care." I say, trying to keep my voice as even as possible."Felt nothing?Do you want to elaborate on that?" She asks as I look down in shame."Being the Rider, you see a lot of bed shit.What people are willing to do to one another.I thought that I was above that, that I could exterminate that...but I'm no better than them." I say softly as I look at my hands.I see blood just ooze out if them.Blood of my friends.Blake, Robin, Wally..... M'gann."I'm trying to understand.How are you no better?" She asks as I look up."Zarathos might have been in control but what he feels, I feel.And what I feel, he feels.I felt that the mission wasn't real, until M'gann took control, I forgot but I still felt like nothing was real in a sense.I told Blake to sacrifice himself, for the greater good.I sent my friend to his death because I was too much of a forward to do it myself.I killed M'gann....I knew that I had to shockbher out of the reality.....but the ease that I had doing it...I killed her with such little effort.It scares me...just how little I care about my friends.I feel like.....a monster." I say as I hang my head in my hands."I have no idea what you could be going through.But you're not a monster.A monster wouldn't care about anyone but himself.A monster wouldn't be feeling guilty for his actions.You do, Matt.You feel guilty about how you conducted yourself.You feel fear at the prospect of hurting your friends.You care about them...a monster wouldn't." She says a so look up and wipe a tear fronmy eye."You are a brave and caring man, Matt.You have the strength to pull through this...I think that we had a good session.If you want to talk about it more...just ask." She says a so nod and head to the door.Beige I leave, I look back at her."How's Artemis?" I ask her."That's not a question that you should be asking me." She says as I nod and walk out.

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I enter the common room and approach Wally."Where's Artemis?" I ask him."She went to the zeta hanger." He was about to say something more but I walk past him and continue on.I enter the hanger and see Batman, Shazam and Manhunter standing and watching the others via computer screen."Maybe, instead of watching like some creeps, you can go to them and actually help them." I say in passing as I put Gotham's coordinates into the zeta."Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." I step out of the old phone booth and make my way out to the street.I reach out with my senses and find her at a nearby cafe.I walk down the street and find the cafe, I scan the tables and find the lone blonde near the back.I walk over and stand before her, she looks up at me as I gesture to the opposite seat."May I?" I ask respectfully, it's nice to ask if you can sit, don't know if she wants to be alone or not."Yeah." She says quietly as I sit across from her.Silence is all that crosses between us.The awkwardness is awful but I steel my nerves."How are you?" I ask aimlessly as she shrugs."Good as anyone, I suppose." She says sadly as I nod in understanding."Canary?" I ask her as she looks up at me."Went...fine, I guess." She replies after a moment."What about you?" She asks me as I nod."Helped me...it's...hard to grasp and understand but she helped me get past my guilt.It's still there, probably there forever but I've come to accept you...how about you?" I ask her, basically the same question before but I hope that with my explanation, she'll reach out."I tried to play it off, saying that I was coma girl, missed out everything.I said that I didn't need the shrink rap.She just said that I was too tough to admit that I need help." She says as I nod."You do.We all do." I say as she nods."I get that.....but.....it's just...hard for me." She says as I nod in understanding.Being raised by Sportsmaster couldn't have been having easy about explaining your feelings.It's why she is confrontational, better to face something head on rather than sit down and talk.I know that feeling, better than most.But having this spirit in my head for 5 years has destroyed that.I notice Artemis shifting about, almost nervously."Anything else?" I ask."She told me that it's not a weakness to open up to my friends.I told her that I know that but she said that I keep secrets from them." She says as I lean forward."I got upset and it just got to me.I feared she was going to tell them." She says as I reach over and hold her hand comfortingly."No one is going too, and no one is going to force you.This is your secret, you decide how to handle it." I say as she looks up at me.

"Why arent telling me to just tell them?Get it over with.You know, so what's really stopping you?" She asks as I sigh."Reading souls means that no one has any true secrets, at least not any that I can't find out.I know the true identities of most of the Justice League.I know many of the darkest secrets that people have.I know your secret...but no one's secret is mine to tell." I say to her as she nods her head."I have secrets, secrets that I don't want anyone to know...so I'm not going to tell you to tell your secrets because that's hypocritical of me.But what I am going to tell you is that your true identity.....it's yours to do what you wish.How you wish to tell them and at what time is completely up to you...and if the day comes when you tell them, I'll back you up, all the way." I say as she nods and wipes a tear away."Thank you." She says as I nod."We might not have started on the right foot.....but you're my friend Artemis, and I'm here for you." I say, the irony at the double meaning is not lost on me.

She nods as she fiddles with a napkin."Can you.....tell me how the others reacted to my.....death?Please?" She asked as I nod."M'gann was the most distraught....obviously.....but the most vocal was Wally." I say as her head perks up."Not kidding, he was the most wrathful, he wanted to make the 'aliens' pay.I've never seen him like that." I say to her as she shakes her head with a smile."Nice to know he cares." She says."You guys may fight.....most of the time but you are still teammates and friends...and to be honest.....might be something else." I say as she looks up at me."I sensed your feelings spike when I mentioned Wally." I say obviously as she shakes her head."He would never go for me." She says as I playefully slap her on the forehead."Oww.What was that for?" She stares at me bewildered while rubbing her head."It was a stupid statement, especially after what I just told you." I say while chuckling.She smiles back before joining in on the chuckling."Wally is...difficult to handle.Especially because he's an attention seeking idiot." I state as she nods while laughing."But he does have his perks.He's loyal.That's the first thing that I really noticed about him.He's not someone that takes betrayal well, look at what happened with Kaldur and me.But most of all, the guy has a heart.He might joke and laugh but when it comes down to it, he's one of the guys who would reach further and beyond for his friends.He will never back down from adversary." I say to her.She nods in agreement."I still think he won't go for me." She says as I remember something."You remember our bet?" I say to her as she stares horrified."No, we were joking.....weren't we?" She says as I shake my head.She smacks her head on the table as I laugh."Come on, let's go visit your mom." I say as I get up, Artemis gets up to follow me."Answer me honesty.Do you think I should tell the team?" She asks as we walk down the street."I honesty believe that it's not up to me.Your secret is just that, yours.I'm not going to force you to do something that you don't feel comfortable with." I say to her as she stops me and gives me a hug.I wrap my arms around after a moment.Artemis had never been emotional, per say.So to see this, it's an eye opener."Thank you." She says as we continue on.As we get closer to the apartment building, I feel a familiar presence a so look up and see Jade standing on a fire escape.I look at Artemis who doesn't seem to notice, I glance back and see the Jade is gone.I look around discreetly and see no sign of her.I shake my head and continue following Artemis.

Paula Crock's Apartment:

"Hey, Mom.I'm home." Artemis calls out as we enter the flat."Back here, love." She says as we walk and enter Artemis's room.The room is technically a shared room.I notice a single, neatly made bed with an Alice in Wonderland poster above.I walk over to the bed and focus on the Cheshire Cat."Artemis, and....Matt?This is a surprise.I didn't expect you here." Paula says as she wheels from the conjoined bathroom."Mom.What were you doing in my bathroom?" Artemis asks as I notice the pregnancy test in Paula's hand."The fuck you been up to?" I say as she looks back at me confused.I point out the test in Paula's hand.Artemis turns wide eyed."Mom!What the hell?" She exclaims as I start chuckling under my breath."I don't know.I thought I heard something, so I checked all the rooms, incase of an intruder.I found this in the bathroom.Something you want to tell me?" She says as Artemis stuuters and looks back and forth between me and Paula."Mom!I'm 15 for God's sake.I've never had sex!" She shouts as I just start cackling, holding my stomach in pain."I can't deal with this, I'm going for a walk." She says as she walks out of the room.I reach out and sense her leave the flat and enter the elevator.I stand up, all sign of laughter gone from my face."Jade was here." I state simply as I turn to Paula.She sighs as she holds the test."Yes....it's negative by the way." She says as I nod."She came here because she felt scared.She was in Gotham and she missed her period.She came to me, I felt relieved and frightened at seeing her.I was estatic of seeing my girl again.But distraught over her worry.She took the test and while we waited, I asked her what was wrong.Why was she so scared?She told me that if she's pregnant, the shadows will take her child away.She was so scared that I held her for the first time in 10 years." She says as I kneel down."You two don't use protection?" She asks."How did you?" I ask questioningly."Jade told me." She says as I shake my head, no."No, we don't." I say as I take the test from her."Aren't you worried about.....what could happen?" She asks as I put the test of the chested draws."No...understand Paula.Technically, I'm dead." I say to her which makes her eyes go wide."The Rider brought me back...that comes with consequences....I'm infertile." I say as she looks surprised."Oh.....I'm sorry." She says but I wave her off."You can't have children...did you ever plan on...?" She asks as I shake my head."I was 14 when I became the Ghost Rider.Children were never in the fore front of my mind." I say as I sit on Artemis's bed.Paula wheels over to me and holds my hand."I think you would have been a good father if you ever did have children." She says as I nod in thanks.I hear someone coming but her presence is second nature to me."Jade." I say as I look to the window, and low and behold.She opens the window and enters the room.She sits on her bed as she flattens her creases, awkward silence just reigns within the room."You heard?" I asked as she nods."If you want me to pull you out of the Shadows, I will.Give me a location and I will bathe in hellfire." I say as she shakes her head."No, we are close to our breakthrough.Thank you for the offer, though.But the reason that I'm here is not only for the test but the Shadows as well.Ra's is meeting with someone, someone young I believe and taking him to the lower levels of the compound.I don't know what's down there and kept possibly due to its tight security, I do to want to know." She says."Someone young?Got a name or face?" I ask as she shakes her head."No, but his voice was very loud and annoying.A heard a cat meowing as well." She says which makes me perk up.I bring out an audio that Artemis shared with me after the Tower of Fate ficaso."You put that on, you may never get it off." The voice sounds as both Jade and Paula shiver at the voice."That's it.That's the voice that I heard in the compound." She says as I curse under my breath."It's Klarion.A Lord of Chaos." I say which makes both of them raise an eyebrow."He's a magic being of primordial origin.He's the ultimate enemy and equal to Doctor Fate." I say as they widen their eyes in fear.Fate is no pushover and Klarion is more than a match for the Lord of Order."What is he doing with the Shadows then?" Jade asks."I don't know.It's possible that Ra's offered something to him but I doubt it....worst case is that Klarion is actually working with the same group that Ra's is working with.Klarion could even be a member.I'll have to report this to Batman, this is vital." I say as I look at both of them."What?What does that mean?" Paula asks as I smile at her."It means that Jade might be in the clear.She presented two members of this organisation, a possible thrid and had confirmed Klarion to be in correspondence to Ra's.This is some serious evidence and if it works, Jade will get that clean slate." I say as Paula cries to high heavens as Jade smiles.Paula wheels over and hugs Jade, who awakardly returns it but eventually gives in."This is great.This is perfect." Paula says as I smile and stand up.Both women look at me as I nod to them."I'll leave you both in peace.You deserve this moment.Both of you.I'm going to find Artemis and head back to base." I say as they nod to me thankfully.As I leave, Paula holds my hand."Thank you, thank you." She says with tears in her eyes as I nod."No worries."

I leave the apartment block.I find Artemis who is back at the cafe, eating a pie to herself."Stress eating?This is a new low." I say as she glares at me."It's not funny.Nothing about that was funny." She says as she hangs her head on the table."I wouldn't worry about it to much, Paula told me that it's negative.But you'll have to go home and talk to her anyway." I say as she look up."What's that suppose to mean?" She asks as a smug smile adornes my face."Well...you're a beautiful young woman, you're getting to that age.You do know of the 'Talk', right?" I ask as she blushed in embarrassment."I'm out.Not having this conversation with you." She says, she gets up and walks away.I laugh as she makes her escape.

Matthew Spectre's Apartment:

Entering my home is both lifting and sad for me.Seeing the living picked clean is nice but memories of Mom and Luna always make their way back.The messiness, the cot, the rubbish.It was disgusting but it felt like home.This is home but....not the same, I guess.It's just the memories really, I want to forget them but I dread doing so.They are a part of me, and it hurts to remember.I shake my head and set up the computer and sound proofing."Rider to Batman.Access.9-3-1-7." I say as the sound proofing seals and the computer bings to lift.Batman's image appears on the holgram."Rider.Report?" He asks as I lean against the chair."I came from a meet with the informat.They decree that the Witch Boy is meeting with the Shadow." I say to him as she leans back and hmms."You positive that the information is accurate?" He asks as I nod."The informat has delivered information on Baldy and the Dictator.I'm positive that the information is accurate." I say to him as he nods."What has the informat said about the Witch Boy's involvement?" He also as I shrug."Not much but has told of the Shadow escorting the Witch Boy to the lower levels of the base.Security is very tight.Informat believes that it's very important for the level secrecy." I say back to him as he nods."Inform the informant that this information is satisfactory." He says as he cuts the feed.I shut down the computer and disable the sound proofing.I walk over to firdge and take out the ingredients for dinner.Lamb chops with a side of pasta salad and veggies.Delicious.The information that Jade presented is very vital, Batman might not have shown it but knowingbhimlike I do...he was impressed.I cook the lamb and viola.Dinner is served.I sit at the table and before I start eating, I sense a presence in my room.I drop the fork and teinnand see Jade standing behind me, within the room's doorway.

"Hey." I say to her as she walk over and sits opposite me.She takes my plate and starts eating."Hmm.This is good." She says as I look at her."Better be.Made it myself." I say a sage laughs."I'm sorry, I didn't tell you." She says, she looks up at me."About he test?" I ask as she nods."No.It's mine.I should have explained my situation moreso with you.If it's anyone's fault.It's mine." I say to her as she nods."I was really scared.I'm nineteen, I don't know how to raise a child and it...scared me, the thought that if I was pregnant....they would take them from me." She says as I walk over to her.I kneel down and hold her comfortingly."It's ok to be scared." I say to he lr a sage scoffs and wipes a tear away."I know...but honestly...I don't want to be scared.Why should I have to be?" She asks as I caress her cheek.She turns her head towards me."Because it's normal." I say softy to her.The simple statement is all that is necessary because that is what she wants.What she must desires out of life.To not worry about anything.To live peacefully.To be.....normal.Our eyes stare into each other as I kiss her.Every other time is always full of passion and just a list for each other.....this.This is not the same.I feel every emotion form both of us.I feel her happiness, her fondness, her fear, her hope.Everything.I'm no different.She stands as I pick her up and carry her to the room.I lay her on the bed as I stare lovingly into her eyes.My own eyes are reflected, literally and figuratively from her own.I caress my hand across her cheek.She leans up and kisses me.Our clothes are torn off as our passion takes over.


Our lovemaking, that is what it was, ends as I spoon her from behind.She graces her hand across my forearm as I leave little kisses along the back of her neck."Answer me honestly...what do you feel for me?" She ask as I sigh."We've already had this discussion, remember?" I say but she turns around and looks at me."Something has changed.I've felt it and I know you have too." She says as I gaze I to her dark eyes.I sigh in defeat."Yes.....something has.This relationship was always just a partnership...with some perks." I say which makes her chuckle and smile."But, with the months of us talking, of our partnerships and the meets.I was starting to feel something more than just physical attraction.I became worried about you, you were going in deep with your mission and it scared me.....I had feelings of dread that I might never see you again.I feel happy when I'm with you.Like, the world doesn't owe me anything...and it's just the two of us.....together.I...feel...at peace." I say as she reaches up and wipes a tear forming around my eye."I always thought I wouldn't be able to find happiness.I thought my life was just one day after the next.Always scrounging to survive...but you have given me hope that I can be better.You have helped me to try and be better." She says to me as she straddles me and leans her forward down onto to my own."Do you love me?" She asks softly.I feel her hope and fear of the question.I reach up and roll her onto her back.She gasps as I lean down and hover my lips against hers."Yes...more than anything, yes." I say as she smiles and starts tearing up."Good.....because I love you too." She says as I kiss her, sending all my emotions and feelings for her across.She wraps her arms and legs around me.I leave her lips as I lean down and leave kisses along her neck.She moans as I continue downward.

Next morning:

I wake up to see that Jade is still here.I smile as I grace my hand down her arm and hip.She stirrs as she turns to me."Morning, beautiful." I say lovingly as she smiles and leaves a kiss on my lips."Morning to you, too." She covers my hand with her own as I interlock them."I have to go soon.And I reckon that you have to too." I say to her but she playfully pouts."Five more minutes?" She says, giving me puppy eyes.I can't say no to that face.I sigh in defeat as she smiles and snuggles up to me."Things I do." I say aloud as she laughs."Suck it up.You know you love it." She says as I smile.Yeah.....she's not lying.

Mount Justice: 9:24am, October 24th, 2010

I exit the zeta tube and see everyone gathered around Sphere."Yo.What's up?" I ask them as M'gann turns to me."Connor, Wolf and Sphere went out yesterday.Apparently Sphere is living technology from the planet New Genesis." She says as Robin follows up."And she can turn into a flying futuristic motorcycle." He says as Sphere beeps."Is that so?" I say as I look at Sphere greedily.I hear Connor coming."You have your own bike.Keep your hands to yourself." He says jokingly as I put my hands up."Alright, alright.Hands off Sphere.Got it." I say as everyone laughs.I might how originally thought that hero business wasn't for me.I still think it's not.....but these people are my family.My brothers...sisters.I'll protect them with everything that I have....everything.

Mount Justice: 7:32pm, October 31st, 2010

"AAAAHHHHHHOOOOO!!!" Wally howls to the high heavens as I enter the room.I sway bacl and forth but am able to keep my balance.I'm not drunk but Zarathos is getting angsty and moody.Halloween is not his favourite night and not for obvious reasons.Halloween, originally, was feared and respected because the realms between Heaven, Earth and Hell were at their closest.Zarathos and his kin used to cross the veil in the real world and interact with the souls of mortals.However, Evil, had also crossed and influenced, possessed and exterimated the souls of mortals.After Zarathos became the Spirit of Vengeance, every year, on this night, he would hunt down any demon, ghoul or vengeful soul that crossed into the World of the Living.Centuries have passed and demons have learnt not to cross, not physically at least.But they can spread their influence into mortals without ever crossing.Zarathos hates that because one soul is bound for damnation...guaranteed.

"Can you shut up....please?" I say as I walk over and sit on the hood of my car."Well, aren't you a mood?" Wally replies back to me as I stare at him.He had decided to dressup as a high schooler werewolf.I personally think that he decided on that because of the large bread that came with the costume.Knowing him, he brought it cause he can't grow one."And back to my point before I was interrupted."Are you going to join in at all?" He says to Wolf who is sleeping away without a care in the world."Wally, stop torturing him." Connor says as M'gann wraps mummy bandages around him."Heh.Sit still." She says joking as she looks at her handy work.I work up to them as I raise an eyebrow."Mummified Superman?" I say as he glares at me."Nice.Good work.So.....exicted?" Wally says flirtatiously to M'gann."Yes.With everyone at the dance.... it'll be fun." She says a swallu stutters."Ah, yeah, sure.Sounds fun." He says as I chuckle."So, what you going as?My favourite Martian?" Wally says as I notice Connor roll his eyes."Not exactly." She walks away as she shifts herself into a zombie bride.Pale skin and torn wedding dress and whatever else.She growls, trying to be scary and it just comes off as cute to me."Whoa." Wally says in surprise as I cough under my breath."Cheater." I clear my throat as M'gann playfully glares at me."What are you going as?" Wally asks me as I wave him off."I'm not a fan of Halloween and besides, Zarathos is getting edgy.Don't want to stress him anymore than what he already is." I say as I hear someone coming."You guys ready for trick or treating?" Shazam says as we turn to him.He looks the same, just with badly putting on zombie makeup.

"Shazam, you look amazing.Are you going to a Halloween celebration, too." M'gann asks as Shazam stares bewildered at us."Well, yes, I'm going with-I mean, you did invite the whole team, right?" He asks confused."Yeah, besides Matt and Blake, we'll all be at the dance.So don't worry about us, go.Have a good time at your party." M'gann says the zeta lady sounds off."Recongize.Artemis.B-08.Recongize.Zatanna Zatara.A-03." Both girls walk out of the zeta tubes.Artemis is dressed as a vampire.Let's hope, she doesn't run into Blade.Zatanna went with he cliche of being a witch.That's too cliche, even for Zatanna."Hey Zatanna.You look great." Artemis says to her as both of them aproach us."Thanks, you too.Oh, zombie Shazam.Is the Justice League having a party, cause my dad didn't tell me about it." Zatanna asks him as he stuuters and looks between us."No, no, no, no.See, I...fine.I'm going trick or treating." He says with frustration and flies to the zeta tubes."Recongise.Shazam.1-5." He stands in the zeta and looks back at us with crossed arms."And I'm not sharing my candy." He says as he beams away.I laugh and walkmober to my Charger.Almost time to head and sate Zarathos's paranoia.I feel intense jealously and slight anger, I trunk and see that Artemis is walking away, Zatanna is running up to catch up.I glance at M'gann and Connor.Ahh.Right."That sucks." Zarathos says as I nod in agreement."Maybe.Maybe not.Depends on how you look at it." I say as I get in the car.I look up at the rear view mirror and see Zarathos staring back."I sensed something...something evil." He says as I raise an eyebrow."Demon or something else?" I ask him as he shakes his head."No demon.They're not that stupid.But this is human evil.Someone has done something, really bad." He says as I hear the zeta open as Artemis and Zatanna, in their hero hear, ride out on their motorcycles, and into he tube."So what do you want to do?" I ask him but I sense someone in the cave.Kaldur, Robin, Batman...and Roy.What the fuck is he doing here?I get out of the car and track where they are.I make my way to the common area and try to open the door."Access denied." Denied?I live here most of the time."Batman.I know you can hear me.Open the door before I burn it down." I say.After a minute of silence, the door opens and within stands.Batman, Red Tornado, Roy, Kaldur and Robin."Appreciate it.Now, what's this about?"

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I say as I stand off to the side."Since that this includes you, I'll get to the point.Do you think there is a mole on the team?" Batman asks as myself, Kaldur and Robin speaks at the sametime."No." "Possibly." Kaldur and Robin turn to me."I said 'possibly'.Do I want to believe there is none?Yes.But I'm still holding out.Someone could be mind controlled, bribed.We don't know all the facts." I say as we turn to Batman and Roy."I personally believe there is none.Sportsmaster was merely only sowing dissent amongst the team." Kaldur says as Robin follows up."His intel could easily have come by comparing notes with the other villains if the 'Injustice League'.And besides, if anyone on the team was working for these creeps." Robin starts as Kaldur finishes."He or she would have exposed themselves during our fight." He says as everyone turns to me."Like I said.....'possibly'.We don't know how deep, the mole is in.I don't want to think of our friends like this but we can't throw out the possibility.I've told all of you this before.I'll believe there is a mole, when he or she spits it from their mouths.And until that time, I'm keeping my eye out." I say to them but Roy scoffs."I'm not convinced.You seem pretty paranoid about who your friends really are?" Roy asks sarcastically as I raise an eyebrow."Look to your right and say the same thing to his face.....and talk to me like that again, I'll break your face." I say to him as he glances at Batman.Everyone knows of Batman's paranoia and his need to know everything.Roy saying that I'm paranoid, while true doesn't make me think of my friends any less.It doesn't make me an asshole.....it makes me a realist."Maybe so but your opinion don't give me a whole lot of confidence.Moving on, Kaldur, Robin and Kid Flash are above suspicion but I know that Artemis isn't shooting straight." He says which perks my head up."For starters, she's not Green Arrow's niece." Ok that's enough.I march over and grab him by the collar of his suit and push him against the wall."You watch your mouth.You come in here and do the same thing that Sportsmaster was doing, who the fuck do you think you are?Artemis is my friend and you ever say anything about her that I don't like, I'll make sure that you'll wish you were never born." I say with a growl as my eyes glow with rage."Matthew.That's enough." Batman says as I drop Roy from my hold."Matthew is right.But so is Roy.Artemis's relations may indeed make her a suspect.But she is entitled to a secret identity." He says as I notice Robin's pondered look."I'm more concerned about Superboy.We still know very little about what Cadmus programmed into their weapon.Connor could be the mole.....and not know about it." He says while looking Tornado.While I hate it, that is a good point.Superboy was made to either replace Superman...or destroy him.It's entirely possible that the latter was the only reason for his creation.Pre developed programming would be a fucking nightmare to unravel.That's if Connor goes along with the idea.And with his temper.....I doubt it.

"What about Miss Martian?She is Manhunter's niece?But he told Black Canary that he has several hundred nieces and nephews.And the first time he meet M'gann was five months ago, when she stowed away on his ship on his last trip to Mars from Earth." Roy says as I glare at him."The fuck is your problem?I don't care who you think you are or what your trying to accomplish but I will not let you talk shit about my friends." I say as he raises an eyebrow to me."So you would rather be blind to the facts than see the truth?Something is not right and the team needs protecting." He says as I get in his face."Last time I checked...you're not part of this team....are you?" I say to him as he glares hatefully at me."Matt is correct, Roy.This changes nothing.I have fought side by side with these people...none are traitors." Kaldur says as he pulls me away.Zarathos pounds my head as I hold it in pain."Evil has been done...we have to go!" He shouts as I leave the room."Matt!" Robin calls out of me as I yell back."Something came up!" I head to the zeta hanger and get in the Charger."Tornado.Vehicle zeta, Manhattan." I say as the zeta opens and I drive through.

P.O.V Change: Artemis: Manhattan, New York:

Zatanna and I drove up to a museum and see a squad of coo cars everywhere.Notjing seems to be going on...boring."Wahtever happened her is over.I'm bored and want some action." I say with frustration as Zatanna turns to me."But maybe you need to talk...about Connor and Megan or whatever." She says as I roll my eyes and drive away."What I need.....to something to beat up." I say as I spot a mugger holding a gun at two people.I point it out to Zatanna as she holds her hand out.She says something backwards and I see that the man has dropped the gun, which is burning bright like it's on fire.I level three arooes and fire at the man's jacket.He becomes lodged in the wall as we drive past."That was alright...need something better." I say as we turn a corner and see two guys holding a store.I fire a ln arooe at one of the men's guns which is sent flying out of his hand.I fire an arrow at the other on, this arrow is reinforced steel club and it knocks the robbr on his ass.The man who has the gun stood up.I jump up and spin a wheel kick to his head before leveling out on the bike.The robber is knocked back into his friend and both are down and out."Happy yet?" Zatanna asks as I drive ahead."No."

We come to Central Park for a quick break.Zatanna sees something as she points it out to me.A blonde woman that is being surrounded by four men.Oh hell no.Zatanna levitates the woman away as I run in.No arrows, no tricks, I'll just beat the shit out of them.I send a flying knee to one guy which breaks his jaw and sends some teeth flying.I land and flip over another guy.Grabbing his collar, I land and drive him over my back and onto the back of his head.Another one charges me and throws three punches which I dodge, I send a spinning heel kick to his cheek, he groans in pain as he wobbles, I grab his head and drive it into my knee, a crack sounds off as his nose starts bleeding.The last one has a knife, he tries to shank me but I grab his arm, driving my fist up into his elbow, he screams as his arm breaks, I hip toss him to the ground before driving my fist right into his temple.I breathe heavily before turning back to Zatanna who has a look of shook and awe on her face."Brutal." She says as I smirk.

We approach our bikes.I'm better now, I needed that stress relief."There were easier ways to take them." Zatanna says to me.I scoff."So.They had it coming.No harm done." Just as I finish, our bikes explode as we are sent flying.I groan in surprise and pain as I look to the fiery smoke and see a tall man walk out.He is wearing a silver trenchcoat with no shirt.Plain black pants.He has four scars that run down his left one.The most shocking is the sword in his hand and the.....arm...in the other."No ideed.Harm is not done.Much Harm left to do." The man says as he approaches us."The It's cannot escape Harm." He says as I take my bow out and level an arrow at him."Escaping is not on the menu." I say as i fire two arrows at him.He lazily deflects them withtnhe sword."Arrows do not impress." He says cockily as Zatanna gets to her feet."Fine." She starts speaking as she holds her hand out.She says the same speel earlier on the mugger.The sword glows bright with heat but the man is unfazed."Neither does Its magic.Both must do better or suffer Harm." He says.He is really starting to piss me off."Ok, we get it.You're name is Harm." I say as I point an arrow at him."Their ridiculous garb and rudimentary skills indicate instruction from Green Arrow and Zatara.Harm will study these two, to learn methods for killing their mentors." He says as he points his sword at us."Oh, you do not just threaten my dad." Zatanna says as she speaks another spell.Harm's sword rattles as he smirks at us."It wants Harm's sword?Very well." He draws his hand back and throws the sword at Zatanna.She manages to dodge, by the skin of her teeth as the sword lodges on the wall behind us."Big mistake, Harmster." I say as I fire row explosive arrows at him.He grabs them and throws them back.Zatanna tackle me out of the way.I groan and look up.I see a shadowy figure on the roof of the building.I can't see clearly but I definity see the sword attached to his back."On second thought.Running." Zatanna says as I get my bearings."Yeah.To regroup." I run past her as she speaks another spell.The fire behind Harm becomes larger as they surround him.

"Nice." I say to her, that spell was pretty cool."Thanks.Something I've been working on since Red-." She starts as I interrupt.I see a young girl, who is silently gesturing us to follow."Wait!Who's that?" I say as I point her out."Do you care right now?" Zatanna says as I shake my head."No." We turn down the alley where she went, only to find nothing."Dead end.Where'd she go?" I say as we hear a ladder dropping.We follow the ladder up as we see the girl on the roof waving down at us."I like her already." Zatanna says as we climb the ladder.We get to the roof and see the girl before us."Thanks you the assist.But who are you?" Zatanna asks."Secret." The grill says softly as I raise an eyebrow."That won't cut it.We need answers.Do you know Harm?Does he have any weakened?" I say but the girl is unfazed by my questions."Secret." She says as she points behind us.We turn and gasp in shock as Harm shows up."At least they make the hunt interesting." He says as he approaches us.Twirling the blade in the process."He's fast.I'll give him that." I say to Zatanna.I fire a crossbow bolt at the water tower.The water spills over Harm as Zatanna furiously casts a spell.The water freezes over him.The sword glows as the once begins cracking.You got to kidding me.The ice shatter s as we make a run for it."Where'd little miss secret go?" I say as we see her on a roof about two building away.She's fast as well."There!Ok, these boots, not working.While cute but for a chase scene-." Zatanna says as she casts a spell and her heel boots change to boot.....sneakers?Useful.We jump to another building but Harm follows close behind."Piss off, asshole." I say as I fire another crossbow bolt but this time at him.He grabs it and throws it back at me with blitzing speed.Suddenly, a sliver...stake... intercepts the bolt which breaks it's momentum."The Its have a third party.Harm wants to know.Who else does Harm have to kill?" He says as I continue running."What the hell was that?" Zatanna asks as I shake my head."No idea." I look to my left and see a shadowy figure running parallel to us.The fuck is going on?