

Paula Crock's Apartment, Gotham, 6:00am, September 22, 2010

I parked outside of Paula's Apartment as I head inside.Paula's called me asking for a favor and I decided what the hell, shouldn't be too hard.Turns out she wants me to drive Artemis to Gotham Academy for her first day of school.It made my morning much more boring.I knock on the door, it opens revealing Paula."Matt, welcome.Come on in." She says as I nod.It's been a while since I've been here, or on Gotham in general."She just getting ready." Paula says as she wheels out of the kitchen with a tray with breakfast filled plates."I didn't know if you had eaten so I whipped you up something." She says as I nod and take the plate from her."I haven't.Thank you." I say gratefully as I hear a groan and see Artemis walk out of the hallway."Hey, Mom.Hey, Matt." She says as she does a double take and walks into the kitchen doorframe."Ow.....what the hell?What are you doing here?" She says as she rubs her arm.Me and Paula are laughing at her as I wipe fake tears away."Oh, if only a certain redhead saw that." I say as she glares at me.

"I called Matt for a favor.He will be driving you to school." Paula says as she eats her bacon and eggs."I don't need a chaperone." Artemis Gros as she sits on the couch."Trust me, I do to want to be here any more than you want me.....but Paula was adamant so I relented." I say as she raises an eyebrow."Plus...it's quite a long way from here to Gotham Academy." I say."I could have taken the bus." Artemis argues."You would take the bus...in Gotham?I would sooner walk than trust those buses.Kids are bad....Gotham kids are worse." I say as Paula laughs.

Artemis takes her plate and heads to her room."I don't need this." She says as I just smirk."She likes you." I hear Paula say as I raise an eyebrow."Not like that.....though, I wouldnt mind.She might not show it but I see that she likes you.Likes talking to you." She says as I have a pondered look on my face."She never really had anyone to look up too.Her father is not a good role model and...Jade left." Paula says."Artemis's been alone for a long time, long enough that she doesn't connect with people like she should...it makes me guilty that I was never here for her." She says as I get up and rest a comforting hand on her shoulder."You made a mistake Paula.The past is written, we can't change it.....but what we do now, that is all that matters." I say as she smiles gratefully up at me.Artemis walks back into the room wearing her uniform.She is fixing it as she notices us.Paula smiles proudly as I hold my laughter."Not....a....single...word." She growls as I raise my hands."Got it, my lips are sealed." I say as I pick up my keys.

We head out of the apartment block to the Charger."Hop in...touch the radio and you can walk." I say as I get in.Artemis hops in as she buckles herself in."First time, I've been in here." She says as I start the car.While we are driving, she just stares out of the window aimlessly."Exicted for school?" I ask her."Oh yeah, spending the day with posh snobs while wearing this ridiculous uniform.Super exicted." She says sarcastically as we stop at the lights."Feels weird, doesn't it?" I ask as she nods."School is for normal people and we are far from normal.....but school is necessary." I say to her as she laughs."I don't need it." She says as I sigh."Your mother thinks you do." I say as she turns to me."Paula wants you to have the opportunity to be more than what you are." I say as she glares at me."This is none of your business.Why do you care anyway?" She says as she turns form me."I don't.What you do with your life is ultimately up to you.....but Paula wants you to have the choice, to have the skill, to be something other than what you were trained to be." I say to her."Paula told me that you agreed to go to school for her sake.To have the opportunities that she didn't have or refused to accept.She doesn't want you to end up like her, Artemis." I say as I resume driving."It's not up to her." She says as I nod."True...but ultimately, she'll be right in the end." I say as she looks at me."I don't have your opportunities, Artemis.Zarathos is a determined spirit that will not let me have a shed of normalcy but you are not me.You have the opportunity." I say to her as she sits back.

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The rest of the drive was spent in silence as I drive up to the for t of the school.The posh kids are all admiring the car as Artemis gets out."Artemis." I call out to her as she looks at me."Have a good day." I say sincerely as she nods and walks off.I sigh as I drive off, heading towards the boom station.Time to get to cave and get to work.As I'm driving, I Bluetooth a call to Bruce Wayne."Bruce Wayne speaking." I hear him say."Bruce, it's me." I say as I hear the shift in tone."What can I help you with?" He says as I notice that talking to Batman now."Just calling to see how Rachel is going?" I ask him."She's doing well, a few mishaps here and there but Zatara is helping...do you want to talk to her?" He says."Yes please." I reply as I hear silence for a few moments."Matt?" I hear Rachel says as I smile."Hey, how are you?" I ask as I hear the joy in her voice."I'm doing ok.Zatara is really helping me.I feel great." She says as I just smile at her happiness.After what the vampires did and her experiences, it's nice to hear that she's doing alright and is happy."Hey, how about later?After work, we go to a waffle house?" I say as I hear her squeal a little."Yes please, please, please!" She says as I laugh."After work though." I say."That's ok...have a good day." She says."You too, have a good day." I reply back as I hang up.Rachel has completely turn my lift upside down.She's quiet and reserved around new people but when she's comfortable, she's an angel.She speaks monotone but when it comes to waffles, she acts like any girl her age.She has captured a part of my heart that I never thought would be filled again...Luna had that part and I never thought I would care for someone as much.Rachel reminds me of her.It makes me happy when I see and hear her happy.A surprise...but a welcome one.

Mount Justice

"Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." The zeta opens as I walk into the hanger.I see Kaldur talking with Red Tornado.They turn to face me as I recongize the serious expression on Kaldur's face."What happened now?" I ask."Aqualad was explaining to me about this 'mole'.Care to share your thoughts?" Tornado asks."Well for one, I'm not trusting Sportsmaster word.But to take the information and not acknowledge it is stupid.I don't think there is a mole but we can't be sure." I say as Kaldur raises a question."Can't you use your soul reading to find out?" He says as I shake my head."Soul reading is not the same as mind reading.If someone is the mole, they would be trying to hide it, hide the knowledge.Soul reading doesn't work like that.Besides, if it did, we would have found the mole by now." I say."Maybe we should contact Batman, get him up to date on this." Kaldur says."Generally, the Batman expects the team to handle its own problems.But the decision is yours.I will return after monitor duty on the Watchtower." Tornado says as he walks past us."I thought that you didn't have to do monitor duty.Not since you volunteered to watch over us." I say to him as he puts the Watchtower zeta code in."Recongize.Red Tornado.1-6." The zeta lady says as Tornado walks in."I agreed to cover for Green Arrow.He has an interpersonal event with Black Canary- a hot date." He says as he beams away.

Myself and Kaldur are left in the training hall.Kaldur has an uneasy expression on his face."What's up?" I ask."I don't know what to do.Should I tell Batman or should I not?" He asks as I think for a minute."The mole could be anyone, anyone who knows about our operations.The team, Tornado, Batman, Flash, Canary, Aquaman etc. Not that I believe any of them to be the mole but we should be cautious.Tipping our hand in any direction could spell disaster.We wait...we wait and see but ultimately, the decision is yours." I say as Kaldur nods and walks off."Kaldur." I call out to him as he turns back."I know that this isn't easy for you but whatever you choose to do...I'll back you up." I say as he nods gratefully and walks off.This mole business is starting to piss me off.It's getting to Kaldur's head, I can feel it.He feels like he's betraying the team but also trying to keep them safe.The responsibilities of a leader falls that he or she does what's best for the team, regardless of whether they like it or not....Batman told me that.No wonder he leads the League.

I enter the zeta hanger as I see Wally helping Connor and fixing up his bike.M'gann is standing close as she levitates tolls to him.The Sphere is also close by sitting near Connor."Torque wrench." Wally says as M'gann levitates said tool."Thanks, green cheeks." He says as I roll my eyes.Still immature."Hey, everyone.I've been meaning ask something." Kaldur says as I walk up beside him."Yeah, whats up?" Wally asks."Any problems juggling schoolwork with your responsibilities here?" He asks as I raise an eyebrow.What's your plan Kaldur?"Nope." Connor says simply."Juggling's just one of my many talents." Wally says as I laugh."Yeah, that along with running your mouth." I say as he glare at me."Socket wrench." He says as M'gann levitates the tool."Daily cheerleading practice has presented a challenge.But my first loyalty is always to the team.This team, not the Bumblebee's." She says as I smirk."Artemis started school today.Do you think she will have trouble maintaining her loyalties?" Kaldur says as I glance at him.That's a weird way to present a question.Plus, it's also rude to talk about Artemis like that, being that she's not here."Nah, she'll manage alright.I mean, how much more hostile and annoying can-."

Wally doesn't finish as the adjacent explodes as we are all sent flying.The blast sends me crashing into one of the rock wall, fracturing said wall on impact.I come too and see the water reaching up into three large arm like tendrils, sending water all through the hanger."What is it?Any one got eyes on?!" I shout out as a blast of water sends me back into the water.Zarathos fuels my muscles as I release Hellfire from my hands.The water boils away as I try to get away.I reach the others but another explosion sends as fire enters the hanger.Wally and Connor are sent flying into the water.Kaldur shields M'gann from the blast as I cover my myself with Hellfire.This matchstick of fire is barely anything against me.

The fire moves as I see a red robot in the shape of a woman backhands me away.I groan under the pain as I feel something grab hold on from behind.I glance back and see another red robot, this shaped like a man hold me and squeeze.I groan as I burn with Hellfire.The robot let's go of me as I whip my chains and wrap it around him.Roaring in rage, I swing the robot into the other one."Who are you?What do you want?!" I scream out but water is ent flying at me as I crash against the floor.The robots walk down the stairs in sync.The Sphere charges at the robot who simply catches him and throws him into the wall, the Sphere completely indents it.I hear a roar of rage as Connor leaps at them.The robots expertly dodges and deflect his attacks.The male one punches him across the face as the female raises a knee to his gut.The female grabs his arm and slams hi.To the ground twice with the authority, the stone floor cracks under the impact.Wally dashes forward but the male robot catches him and headbutts him.The robot spins and lands a side kick which sends Wally flying.Kaldur, manipulating the water catches Wally before sending a full frontal attack.The female blasts searing fire as the water evaporates.I burn with anger as I charge forward.Theale intercepts me but I don't give a damn.Dodging his punch, I level a strong blow to his knee which brings him down to a knee.I grip his hand level Muay Thai knees to his head, the metal is super strong or he would have hold a knee size dent in his face.The robot breaks free from me and wrapping my fist with the chains, I level solid blows agaisnt his torso, he sends water at me but I dodge and swing a backhand chain which him flying.The female burns a ring of fire around M'gann who collapses from the searing heat."Leave her alone!" I shout as I whip the female to me.She punches me with such strength, that it reminds me of Blake.The punch lands a kick which sends me back.I kick up to my feet as I charge her again, this time I level punches to her head, elbows, knees and kicks to wherever I can.She dodges and deflects but I mirror her skill.Maneuvering behind her, I wrap my chains around her neck as I pull back, her body becomes upside down as I drive her head into the floor.She levels her torso as I grip her face."Get out of our cave!" I shot as I kick her in the chest which sends her flying to the other robot.

The both of them stand and stare at me.The male levels a barrage of water at me as the female blasts fire.Both elements level agaisnt me as I'm pushed back.The barrage stop as both of them coverage on me and punch me down the hallway.Ok, that's enough.Zarathos, your turn to play.I feel his anticipation and his anger at the disrespect that these robots have.This is Zarathos's home and these robots dare to disrespect it.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I change but I don't light my hellfire yet.Let's see if these robots can be intimidated, I doubt it but dramatization is always appropriate.I drag my chains along the ground as I step into the light of the hanger."I'm only going to say this once, you sons of bitches."I growl as I light my skull with Hellfire.Whipping the chains into my arms, I glare at the robot duo."Get the fuck out of our cave!" Cahrhing fowrad, myself and robots meet in the middle.The female's fire does nothing to me and the water from the male evaporates before it even touches me.Now, I could just cut them up with the Hellfire chains, but where's the fun in that.This...this is personal and I'm going to make them regret ever coming here.Bashing the female's head with a backfist, I catch the male and drive my fist into his chest, he backs up but the female grabs my arms as the male punch after punch.I kick up and kick him away.Breaking free of the female, I pick her up and slam her into the wall, gripping her leg I swing her anover my head and slam her into the stairs.The male tackles me but my strength overpowers his.Gripping the stone floor with my feet, I drive an elbow into his back as he collapsed to the ground.He kicks up and goes for a punch but I deflect and kick him away.The female jumps on me again as the male adjusts himself.Grappling the female, I bash her into eh ground but the male runs up and hops onto her back before driving a knee into me, I feel back as the male grabs the female and sends her barreling into me.I crash to the ground as they stand tall.I growl and rush them again.The both of them attack me simultaneously.I dodge, block and deflect their attacks but their unrelenting in their attack.Pushing the male away, I block a punch from the female, only to get pummelled by her other fist.The male comes back and lands a punch to me but I swing back and deflect his next fist into the female.Kicking his leg out, I grab his head but he blast water at me, while it evaporates, the female comes up and kicks me away.I slowly get to my hands and knees, these guys are not playing around.I hear metal tearing.I turn and see the feamle kick me in the face as the man begins wrapping steel around me, incasing me in a metal cocoon.The female blast a stream of fire at me that doesn't even bother me but the metal starts superheating.She drops her hand as I stare at her."Is that all you got?A little heat?" I say mockily but the male reaches up as water comes crashing down on me.The steel behind hardening as it's melted form begins covering my face and hands.I take in rage as I become trapped in the super storng metal wrap.I'm becoming exhausted from the combat but also the level of strength that I'm trying to exert.I'm trying to fuel Hellfire but it's becoming difficult when I can't focus.The male robot wakes up to me and lands a thunderous punch to my cranium.That's it, I'm done.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I come too after Zarathos gave up control, he didn't realise that I would be knocked out.I feel everything that he feels.And the last punch, that rocked me.I open my eye and see that the hanger is virtually destroyed.Sphere still lodged in the wall.Wally and Connor are trapped in a similar situation that I'm in.Because the worst it Kaldur and M'gann trapped in a cage made of fire.I try to push my arms out but the metal is too strong.But I don't give, the metal behind to warp and bend from my force as I get my arm free.I reach into my jacket and pull out a phone before dialling the only number on it.I hold the phone up and out of the way of the robots as it rings."Hello, Matt?" I hear the voice of our salvation."Crystal, thank God.Is Blake with you?" I ask quietly."Yeah, we're in Hawaii.What's up?" She says as I curse under my breath."Ok, listen.I need your brother's help." I plead with her."What do I need to do?" She says seriously."I need you to tell your brother to fly back to San Francisco and head to Shotwell Street.In the alley, there is an out of order phone booth.Tell him to put his codename in with the buttons and follow up with Ghost Rider, afterwards, type in C-O-D-E, then the numbers 69258.Afterwards, tell him to press the leveler, he should have access to me." I say her.She calls out to Blake as I can hear the air whooshing over the line."He's on his way." She says, before I can say anything.A red hand pulls me over and rips the phone from my hand.The male robot breaks it before kicking me in the head, knocking me out cold.

I come too and see everything is still the same."What happened?" I ask as Wally answers me."You hot knocked out.It's been hours.Robin and Artemis are here trying to help." He says as my eyes widen.I couldn't stop them, Zarathos couldn't stop them.I know that Robin and Artemis are capable, I'm holding out hope for them to help us.The male robot comes back as he lifts me up and throws me up to where M'gann and Kaldur are.I land with a thud as I grain in pain."You could've been more gentle about it!" I shout out.I see the male robot lift the water from the cave bay.The water levels at Wally's and Connor's neck as it stops."Nine minutes and 45 seconds." The male says, very reminiscent of Red Tornado.Seems that Robin and Artemis have very little time.I push the metal off as I start slipping out."8 minutes." The male says as he dives under water.The female walks about while staring at me."It is pointless to fight.You can not win." She says as I rip a piece of the metal off and throw it at her.She blocks it."Piss off, you piece of machine fuck." I growl out as I keep trying to get out.

I hear a gasp and see Robin and Artemis breach the surface."Look out!" Wally shouts as they dodge a fireball.The female robot forms a projection of fire hair which lets her hover over the water.She blasts Robin and Artemis with unrelenting blasts.They dive under the water and breach up near Wally and Connor."You guys ok?" I hear Robin say."Forgot about us.Help M'gann!" Connor shouts as they look up."Aqualad!Is she?" Artemis shouts out."She's unconscious.I fear she-we cannot survive for much longer.I reach over and draw the fire into my palm.Kaldur relishes in the less heat as the feamle comes back.She makes the cell hotter as I fuel Hellfire into my palm, sending her a blast.She dodges and lands before punching me.I groan in pain before I start slipping in and out conisicousness.I come too again as I look around.The male has returned and there is no sight of Robin and Artemis."Six minutes." The male says.I reach out with my senses as I feel Artemis distraught and self doubt.She doesn't believe we can be saved.The zeta tube glows as everyone turns towards it."Access granted.Black Bolt.A-02." The tube says as Blake stands there with his civilian wear on.He stands there stoically, the Reds turn to him as does everyone else."Black Bolt!" I shout out as the female robot shoots a stream of fire at him.I see Blake's eyes widen as he flies to avoid the flames.He levels out and blast his electron blast at the female who is sent flying.The male shoots water at Blake who flies inbetween the water before charging the male.Blake hoists him up and flies him up to the ceiling.Forcing the robot deep into the stone, he lets go and watches as the male falls.Blake speeds around and spear tackles the fallingachine into the wall, completely cracking it.

I hear Robin's voice as I turn and see a birdarang near Wally's head."What's going on out there?" He says as I notice Blake going ot town on the male robot."Apparently we have some back up." Wally says."Cool.Listen up, we have a plan.Kid, is a EMP doable with the time that we have?" Robin says as I try to push the metal off.Blake is being pushed back as the female comes back, Blake's flight is giving him an advantage over the machines who can not reach him with their abilities.Blake's strength, flight and his electron blast is giving the machines a really hard time.Blake batters the female away with a shoulder tackle before blasting the male.The male robot appears to have some damage atounndhis torso.Blake charges him again, punching with relentless strength.The male tries to surround Blake with water but the metahuman simply flies through the water.With his new height, Blake hits the male machine with a devastating blast of electron energy.The males left arm is torn off as most of his torso and right side of his face is blown off.The female fires a surprise attack which Blake narrowly avoids before speeding towards her.He grips her face as he scraps her face along the rock wall.He lets her hover for a split second before he punches her away.The force sends her agaisnt the stone.The male jumps up and grabs Blake by the leg who had a surprised expression on his face.The male slams Blake down near me as the robot forces him down.Blake has a scowl on his face as he tries to blast theachine but the robots leverage and strength, keeps him down.Blake looks and sees the female approaching him with her hands incased in fire.I look to see Blake open his mouth....horror fills me face."Black Bolt, don't!Cover your ears!" I shout out as I do.

"No more!"

Blake's sonic wave whisper blasts out as the female robot is nearly shattered apart from the massive soundwave.Connor is screaming in agony of the sonic wave.I can only imagine what he is feeling with his hyper senses.The male robot is sent flying as the rock, stone, metal, anything and everything around us begins breaking, bending or shattering from the echoing whisper.

P.O.V Change: Artemis

Muscled and Robin follow up along the vents until we reach a vatange point above the hanger.We look out and see the newcomer, Black Bolt, throttling the Reds.This guy is indeed very powerful...glad he's on our side.Robin places a anchor point on the wall as he swings down to the generator.I load my last arrow as I follow the battle.The male robot grabs Black Bolt's leg and slam him into the ground.The machine holds him down as the female approaches."Black Bolt, don't!Cover your ears!" Matt shouts.I hear the worry and fear in his voice as I do.

Black Bolt whispers something which echoes across the hanger as the sonic wave is blasted from his mouth.I groan in pain as the wave is quite literally pounding my ears and brain.Connor's scream is very piercing, his senses must be really, really, feeling the pain.The noise stops as I see Robin slip from the generator as he uncovers his ears, he falls back into the water below."Robin!" I call out.I change my arrowhead as I aim but a blast of fire buckles me as I miss my shot.I look back to see the male robot, pieces on him are almost completely broken.The female only has one functioning ark while the other hangs loose.The male lands a blow agaisnt Black Bolt's head which knocks him out.The Reds are looking at me as I fell no other arrows.I run as more fire comes my way as I hop back into the vent.

I escape the flames as I see a broken portion of the vent, I look through it and see all of my friends completely out of it.Robin is lifted from the water by the male Red.Black Bolt, despite his sonic whisper, was still not enough to take them out.Even Matt and Zarathos weren't enough.What am I suppose to do.I cradle my knees close as I feel nothing but despair."No, no, no, no, no." I cry out as I fall onto my side, curd up in a little ball.We're doomed.We are all going to die and it will be my fault....my fault.

"This is not the end, child." I hear a familiar voice as I look up and see Zarathos, in his flaming form before me.I back up as he holds up a hand."This is all in your head.Time is not passing on the real world....if you wish to say something...now is the time." He says as I hold my knees close."It's hopeless.I can't beat them.Black Bolt couldn't, so what chance do I have?" I say as I hear him laugh."Hopeless?No, Artemis, nothing is ever hopeless.You are not hopeless.You think you have failed?" He says as I nod while wiping tears away."You failed.So what?Failure is never the end, it's necessary for growth.You think you have failed and I say no, you haven't.Because you haven't given up.You may think you have but you haven't.Your heart demands you stand and fight.You might not believe you can win...I believe you can because you possess the one thing that no one on this time has." He says as I look at him."What?" I say as he smiles."Unbridled tenacity." He says as his spectral form disappears and I walk up from where I was originally."I surrender.....I die with the others...bit of I find a way out.Out of the cave, out of the mountain, I can get help.Contact the League." I say as I miss the drop and fall right down.I fall out of the vent and land with a thud.I groan in pain as I shake my head.I look around and see that I'm in Wally's souvenir room."3 minutes." I hear the male Red say over the P.A. "Who am I kidding?I don't know why you believe in me, Zarathos, since I can hardly believe in myself." I say as I see Cheahire's mask on the shelf, along with Doctor Fate's helmet, the cultist hood and mask.Mr Twister's eyeball, my arrow that I shot at Amazo and the sword that Wally and Matt found on their adventure a fees days ago.I stare into Cheahire's mask's eye holes.I imagine that the owner of the mask is staring back at me."I know you understand." I growl out as I remember the memory of when she left.She abandoned me, left me alone.Saying that I would be a drag to carry.She thought of me as a hindrance more than her sister.I should have turned her in the day that I saw her again.I had her right where I wanted and she manipulated me, played on my insecurities to let her go.And even after everything, the betrayal, the false promises....I still love her.I miss her.....everyday.Every night, I remember the town that we had with each other.When we would act like normal girls, not worrying about what the next day would bring.I miss those days.I miss her.She was my best friend, my protector.Even when she left, I loved her.She told me before she left that in our family, 'its every girl for herself.' I used to believe that but these people.Robin, Kaldur, Connor, M'gann, Matt....even Wally.They took me in and treated me like family.....better than the one I grew up with.

I pick up the mask."That might have been true for our family.But I found a new family.And I'm not going to abandon them like you abandoned me." I say with a growl as input the mask back on the shelf."One minute." The male Red says as I gaze at my arrow."Zarathos was right.I'm not hopeless." I take the arrow and hoisted it in my quiver.I make my way out of the room and into an elevator.I step out of the lift as I collapse my bow.The Reds turn to me, I notice the damage that they have taken, now I'm really glad that Black Bolt is on our side."I surrender.Stop the clock." I say with fake sadness.I stand in front of the Reds as I gaze at everyone.Matt is still pushing against the metal, which surprising is still holding strong.Kaldur is sweating up a lake in the fire cage.M'gann is still out of it and the water level has nearly risen over Wally's and Connor's heads.Black Bolt is suspened in a small fire cage as Robin is laid out, unconscious.The male Red holds out his hand for my now as I jump up and kick off of him, the female Red snrdss a stream of fire as I push her arm out of the way as I bkackflip.I grab my arrow and fire it at the EMP in the generator.The arrowhead connects the EMP to the main generator as I activates.A blue ripple is sent out as I waves over the Reds who fall disabled to the ground.

The fire cages around Kaldur, M'gann and Black Bolt all honour as the Easter level goes back down to its natural level."Kaldur!How's M'gann?" Connor shouts from below."She breathes.I believe she will recover.What if Robin?" He says as I rush over to the boy.I roll him over as he spits and coughs up water."He's breathing, too." I say as I hear metal tearing and I see Matt stand while pull pieces of metal off of himself."That.....took.....way.....longer...than.....it...should....have." He says as I stare at him."The metal burrito that I was in, not what you did.You did great today." He says as I smile gratefully.Matt walks over to Black Bolt."You are a sight for sore eyes, my friend." Matt says as Black Bolt comes too.Black Bolt smiles and places a hand on Matt's shoulder, he nods as they pay each other on the back.

We all gather around Wally and Connor as Matt tries to free them from their confines."So I figured to pretend to be unconisicous so I could have the time to figure out a plan.Blacked out, though." Robin says as I try to figure out this laser weapon thing."Will you quit playing with that thing and cut us free already?" Wally says sarcastically as I glare at him."It's not working dumbass.EMP took out all the machines, remember?" I say sarcastically back as I hear a chuckle.I look down and see Matt looking at Black Bolt who is communicating in sign language."Yep, right you are, my friend.They indeed fight all the time." Matt quips as I kick him."Oww, ok.Why are you violent all the time?" He says a we hear a botex coming.Red Tornado appears as black Bolt stands on front of us with a blue energy forming on his forehead."Wow, easy, big guy.That's Red Tornado.He's a member of the Justice League." Matt says as Black Bolt calms down and moves back."What has occured?" Tornado asks.

"We had a little visit from your family." Robin says as I follow up."Your extremely nasty family!" I shout."I was not aware I had relations." He says as he walks past us and towards the Reds."Where have you been?" Connor asks."Monitor duty on the Watchtower.When it became clear, cave communications were down, I attempted to investigate.But only one of your zeta tubed were functioning, which Ghost Rider had used to transport Black Bolt.The last of the zeta energy was used getting him here.So I teleported to Providence and proceeded here.We hear whirring as the Sphere breaks off from the wall."Hey, boy." Connor says.I feel recoil as the laser turns on and off."The pulse wore off!" Robin and Wally say in tandem.Red Tornado turns back to us with evil dead eyes as he hovers above us as he draws in all the sit around us.I clutch my throat as M'gann and Kaldur collapse.Robin soons follows as does Wally and Black Bolt.Matt and Connor are able to hold out longer but they soon fall unconisicous.I collapse to my knees.I see blurry images and than nothing but black.

I come too, hearing a voice."Artemis?Artemis, can you hear me?" I open my eyes and see Superman looking down at me."She's all right." He says as he helps me to my feet.I see Green Arrow and Batman standing off to the side, Robin standing close to the Caped Crusader.Flash and Captain Atom are working on getting Wally and Connor freez Matt and Black Bolt are also helping.M'gann is being comforted by Manhunter.Kaldur is speaking with Aquaman as I remember something."The Reds!Tornado?Where are they?" I say as Robin answers my question."Gone.All three of them.Gone."

Mount Justice, 6:34am, September 23rd, 2010: P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

The cave was being repaired.Manhunter and Captain Atom were fixing the power charges.Jon Stewart was helping Shazam repair the zeta generator.I was in the boiler room, fueling small pieces Hellfire into the furnaces.I come up to the hanger and see everyone sitting at the table, I notice Blake leaning against the wall.I approach him as I gesture to the table.He nods and follows me.We sit at the table as everyone looks downcast.Artemis sits across from Blake as she looks at him, he stares back with narrowed eyes.He nudges me and signs."Why is she looking at me?" He asks as I chuckle."Must like you." I say as both of them narrow their eyes at me.Green Arrow walks over an puts down a bowl of pretzels."Thanks, but no thanks." Wally syas dejected."Yeah, what we want are answers.About Red Tornado and his siblings." Robin follows up."Exactly." Wally says as Green Arrow takes the bowl and begins to walk away but Wally grabs it."Leave the bowl." He says as he eats a pretzel.I look over and see Kaldur speaking to Batman, I notice Connor staring as well.I sense great anger as Connor marches forward."Oh boy." I say as I get up.Everyone follows after me."You knew?!" Connor shouts as he pushes Kaldur up against the wall."That android and his manic family nearly killed M'gann!" He shouts as M'gann flies over to him."Connor, why are you doing?" She asks."Kaldur knew that we had a traitor on the team and said nothing!" Connor shouts as I march over and pull him off."You need to back off." I say as I push him away.

"Wait.Matt?Did you know about this?" Robin asks as everyone looks at me."I was in Taipei.Kladur had told me that he was told about the possibility of a mole.The source is unreliable and we don't believe there to be one." I say as Kladur follows up."But we couldn't risk the possibility.I sought to protect the team." He says as Artemis speaks up."Protect us from....what.That one of us is a mole?That knowledge could have saved our lives when Tornado attacked." She says as Connor walks over to M'gann."You almost died...and they didn't care enough to try and prevent it." Connor says as he clenches a fist and walks over to us.Blake holds him back, Connor looks back in surprise as Blake shakes his head, no."Enough." Batman says as he glares at everyone.We are calm down but the tension is still very high."With Red Tornado missing.The team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors.Shazam has agreed to take the first shift." He says as Shazam walks up to us."I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." He says cheerfully.I hear Connor says something to Kaldur."After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna-." He doesn't finish as Batman interrupts the conversation."Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League.Which makes him the League's responsibility.You will leave him to us." He says that last part threateningly and with his signature glare.

"I have another assignment for this team." He continues as a hologram popa up of a newspaper.'Guerilla Gorilla'?"Gotham mayor attacked by Guerilla Gorilla?" Wally says questioningly."Batman, please!Tell me that you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase." Robin says as Batman glares at him."I never joke about the mission." He says as Robin looks away."I've checked the sources.Studied the patterns.Mayor Hill's encounter is only the lastest in a series of incidents.Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out.Ghost Rider will serve as your second in command.Black Bolt." Batman says as everyone turns to Blake who stands emotionlessly."You have a choice.....we can send back home...or you can join this mission." Batman asks as Blake looks at me.I shrug my shoulders, not up to me.Blake nods and walks over to join us.Looks like we have a new team member."Good choice.Your sister will be notified of your decision but for now.I have something for you.Ghost Rider requested it." He says as Manhunter passes a case over to Blake who raises an eyebrow.Blake opens the case and lifts a cowl, it's black with silver markings and a metal pitchfork prong on the forehead.Blake smiles as he nods his head in thanks.

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As we head to the hanger.Wally shoulder checks kaldur before scoffing at him."Your team?" He says sarcastically as I feel Kaldur's sadness at the turn of events.I rest my hand on his shoulder."Come on.We got a job to do." I say as he nods.We arrive at the hanger, we wait for Blake who is getting changed into his new gear.We hear someone approaching as Batman and Blake step into the light.Blake has his new gear on and I got to say, Batman has out done himself.The black suit has padding and Kevlar armour similar to Batman's own suit but the design is vastly different.Silver markings in the shape of a 'V' with silver lightning as the shape.Small wings are connected from his back to his triceps, Batman deemed it for smoother flight.The metal prong stands proud above his eyes.All in all, he looks like a hero but also something that you wouldn't want to mess with.And that's without knowing his abilities.

"Damn, that's terrifying." Shazam says as I smirk.You have no idea.I walk up to him."Looking good." I say as I clasp his hand in a handshake.He smiles and signs to me."It's surprisingly comfortable." I laugh."Can't imagine, come on.Let's get you sorted into he Bio-ship." I say as he looks confused."It's Miss Martian's ship which is alive so technically, you are being eaten right now." I say as his eyes widen."Don't listen to him, he makes jokes whenever we get here." M'gann says to Blake who stare back at her.He signs something as M'gann loos confused."Jokes are not something that I'm used too.Laughing is not something that I can do." I pat him on the back."Sorry about that." I say but he waves me off."I'm sorry, I forgot, you don't speak.I'm sorry." M'gann says but Blake just smiles and pats her on her shoulder.He walks into the bio ship and looks around.He turns back before giving a double thumbs up.

M'gann enters the ship, as does Artemis who gives me a glaring look.I hear someone coming and see Shazam entering the hanger."You're coming with?" Robin asks him."Sure.We'll have a blast." Shazam says as he passes me."Translation: he blames us from Red fiasco, he doesn't trust us." Robin says as Wally scoffs and turns back to Kaldur and myself."It's one big club." He says angrily.The both of them walk into the bio ship as I look back at Kaldur."They'll come around..... eventually." U say as I enter the ship.

Northern India: 9:36pm September 23rd, 2010

The bio ship flies in camouflage mode as we enter India.The ships belly opens up as Robin, and Artemis wire down to the ground, Blake floats down after them.The ship lowers as the back hatch opens.I step out and reach my senses out."All clear." I say as Kaldur switches to his his stealth tech."Switch to stealth.And we'll review mission parameters." He says as M'gann changes to her black uniform, Wally presses his insigina, turning his yellow suit black."Parameters?We don't need stinking parameters." He says angrily as Robin follows up."Its recon.We know what to do." He says as both of them walk away."Robin, Kid." I call out to them.Robin turns sharply back to me."You kept secrets from us.Just like the league.We made this team because if those secrets." Robin says as Wally follows up."Or did you two forget that, like you forgot to tell us about the mole?" Wally asks sarcastically as both of them bolt into the jungle.

I stare as they leave.This is really starting to get annoying.I knew that they wouldn't like it but I didn't think that it would make them forget about the mission.We need to leave our personal opinions behind and focus on the here and now.But apparently that's too much for some people."Come on, I'll keep you safe." Connor says but M'gann pulls away from him and stares angrily at him.M'gann looks away."I...just want to protect you." He says awkwardly."Oh, just like Matt and Aqualad protected us?I'm not sure your protection or hour patronizing is good for our health." Artemis says as she points her bow onto Connor's chest.Both her and M'gann walk off."Why didn't you stop them?You're supposed to be in charge!" Connor shouts at us."By the way everyone is acting.....would they they or you have listened?" I say sarcastically as Connor just leaps away."Um, did I miss the part where you actually said what the plan was?" Shazam says as Kaldur sighs."Rider....you and Black Bolt scout out those mountains.See if you can find any trace of the Gorilla." Kladur says as I nod.Black Bolt lifts me by my arms as he flies us up to the mountain.

We land as I sense any presence and it's just animals, nothing else.I feel a tap as I turn to Blake.He points and I see footprints in the dirt."Seems we're close." I say as we search around the mountain peak.After a while, I ask Blake a question that has been nagging me."Why did you defend me and Kaldur.It's not something that concerned you but you intervened.Why?" I ask him as he signs."You showed me that heroes defend everyone.While you and Aqualad did something that the team didn't like, you didn't deserve to have all that hate and blame put on you.I haven't know you for very long but you have showed to be honorable, you wouldn't have done what you did if you didn't have a good reason." I nod my head on thanks."I appreciate your support.And your right.I wouldn't have done without a reason.The possibility of a mole was something that I took with a grain of salt but I couldn't ignore the likelihood....no matter how much I hated it.Secrets are something that isn't new to me, but to keep this from the team.It's not something that I enjoyed doing but I felt it necessary.Kaldur felt the same but he felt worse.He has known Robin and Kid for years, to keep secrets from them, especially after what the league kept from them.I can't imagine the hardship that Kaldur felt." I say."You care about your teammates.It's that mentality that made you choose this path.Your team is hurt because they don't understand.You and Aqualad need to explain to them, the why, the how, and the who.Only than can they move past this animosity." I nod my head at his distinction."I will.....thank you." I say as he nods.

We hear a snap of a twig as we turn to the jungle.We watch as the leaves rustle.A screech sounds as Blake is tacked by a large monkey.Another pops out as I catch and throw it away.Another pops out, followed by another, and another.I battered them away as Blake flies up and bashes the monkey down to the ground.He flies in and grabs tow by the trees before swinging them into a rock.I grab one monkey and twirl him around into another as both go over the edge.More keep on coming.Blake flies above and focuses his electron beam into the metal prong.Batman designed to so Blake could focus the amount strength into the beam.The range can be from a simple stun to the blast of an anti tank ordinance.Blake shoots the beam at the monkeys who dodge and avoid.A monkey jumps at me a so catch it.He tries to claw me as I notice the harden skin and the cracked skin.Kobra Venom.I headbutt the monkey and drove his head into the rock face before throwing him away.The monkeys surround us, I notice collars on their necks."Remove the collars." I say to Blake who nods.He shoots in blazing speed and grabs a monkey beofee pulling the collar off.The monkey screeches and runs back into the jungle.Seeing the success, I bolt ahead and break the collars of any monkey who attacks.Blake focuses his beam and cuts the collars off three monkeys simultaneously.The last monkey leaps at me which I catch and slam into the ground, I rip his collar off as he backs away in fear.He runs off into the jungle.

I feel a probing in my head as I see Blake's hokding his head in pain."Link established." I hear M'gann say as Blake looks around."What the hell?What was that?Am I speaking?I'm speaking." Blake says as he covers his mouth."It's Miss Martian's telepathic link, Black Bolt.Nothing to worry about." Kladur says as Blake calms down."This is so weird.I haven't heard my voice unhindered in a long time." Blake says as I hear Artemis speak."Question.Should we really be taking orders from him and should we really be following them." She says."Listen, please!" Kladur says with a pleading tone."Oh good, Aqualad's voice in my head, I've so missed that." Wally says arrogantly as I groan."We don't have time for this." I say."Oh and Matt.We were just attacked by Giant killer vultures.Course though, since you think we're moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves." Robin says as I growl in frustration."If he did.He wouldn't tell you." Artemis follows up."This bickering is getting out of hand.We should focus on the mission." Blake says."Hey, newbie.This is our conversation, butt out of it." I see Blake narrows his eyes in anger at the insult.

"Superboy.Are you online or are you just pouting?" M'gann asks him."Busy, call back later." Connor replies as myself and Blake move away from our area."What gets me is how nonchalant they both are about not telling us." Wally says as I feel my anger spike."He should be chalant.Way chalant.Extremely chalant." Robin follows up as Artemis follows him."How can we be a team if the both of them don't trust us with their secrets?" M'gann puts her two cents in."Or if Connor doesn't trust us to take care of ourselves?" Wally now talks again."Did they really think that you or I could be the mole?" My anger is reaching a new level as I feel Zarathos getting pissed off."Trust is a two way street." Artemis says as that finally ticks me off."THAT'S ENOUGH!" Zarathos screams as everyone shuts up."This arguing is getting us nowhere!What are you, fucking children?We kept the mole a secret because it was the best course of action.If you all are too arrogant or stupid to realise that then do us a favor and fuck off.You are not wanted nor are you needed.If you can't see past our mistake and get over it than leave!" I shout as everyone goes silent.Matt is right."This is pointless.Shazam has been captured and we must work as a team to save him." Kaldur growls out as Wally scoffs."Under you two's leadership, I think-." Kladur interrupts him with anger."This is not up for debate!You all chose me to lead.When the mission is over, if you wish to select a new leader, I'll happily step down.But until that time, I am in command here." He growls out as silence is heard over the link."And that is why he is the leader, because the rest of you are idiots." Zarathos says over the link as Blake looks at me."Yeah, he's here's too." Blake smiles as we continue out trek.

We meet up with everyone as we spot an old bunker."I'll fly over." Blake says as Wally grabs his arm."There's a force field.It is stamped like a dome over the whole compound." Blake stares down at him as Wally let's go of his arm."The pylons are insulated.But one good shock could cause a momentary gap." Robin says as Artemis follows up.I see a target." Kladur than speaks up."Be ready to hit it.Be ready, all of you." Kaldur rusntot eh norsde of the dome and shocks his water bearers against it.He struggles but he is able to breach a hole."Now!" Wally says as Artemis fires her arrow through the hole and it hits the power pad on the wall.The pylons shut down as we rush down to him.Blake taps my shoulder and points up.I follow his hand and see some the same species of monkey that we fought earlier.One of them screeches loudly as alarms blare.The monkeys jump down and attack us.I batter them and throw them off."Remove the collars." Kaldur says as Robin struggles with one."Sounds easy when he does it." He says as I whip a chain at monkey and pull him to me.I grab the collar and tear it off as the monkey runs off.Soo enough, all the monkeys are freed as the compound doors open, revealing a massive gorilla with a Minigun.M'gann tries to sneak past but the gorilla grabs her and slam her to the ground."Get your stinking paws off her, you damn dirty ape." Wally says as he charges the gorilla, he simply bounces right off.Blake floats above and stares at the gorilla with indifference.Blake charges his electron beam, he fires it as the gorilla is hit, the blast from the beam, cracks the stone walls as the gorilla is sent flying down the hallway.

We rush in as the gorilla gets up and fires the Minigun.I stand in front of everyone as I form a Hellfire shield which melts the bullets into ash.The gun jams as the gorilla tries to fix it.M'gann levitates him as Blake shoots forward, the force of the impact breaks the wall, revealing a Kobra Venom tiger, Shazam strapped to a table and...a robot with a brain?"It's the Brain!" Wally says in surprise."Uhh, I can see it's a brain." Artemis says."Not 'a' brain, Rhe Brain." The Brain moves as it speaks with a French accent."In the flesh, so to speak.Mallah..." He says as the gorilla, Mallah presses a button.Pylons shoot up and force us to our knees.Only Blake is standing tall, the pylons emit a electron wave.He can manipulate it."Who are you?" The Brain asks as Blake walks out of the field.M'gann telekinetically takes the device from Mallah's hand before shifting her eyes to match his.The device beeps as the pylons are disabled.A loud boom is heard as the opposite wall breaks, revealing Connor and a big white wolf.The wolf charges the gorilla who avoids it.Robin swings for a double kick but Mallah moves out the way.I level a chain covered punch to his skull as he reels back.Connor leaps and punches his across the face before sweeping his leg.Blake, who has been hovering speeds down into Mallah's chest, creating a crater in the ground from the force of the impact.Mallah recovers as he beats Blake off.Artemis shoots an arrow as Robin throws his birdarang.Kaldur is going toe to heel with he Brain who is firing lasers at him.The Brain and Mallah join together as M'gann and Blake floar above us.Artemis point her bow, while Robin has both his hands filled with birdararangs.Kalfur had his water bearers sert to a mace and a sword.I stand with my eyes glowing with Hellfire.I notice Kaldur feeling Shazam."Thanks, form one good deed to another." Shazam says as he breaks the collar of the tiger.Brain and Mallah are surrounded on all sides as Connor approaches with the white wolf.Mallah roars as Connor smirks."Try it, I hate monkeys."No Mallah.This will not be our Waterloo." The Brain says as he begins transforming."Au revoir, mes amis." The Brain says."Get down!" Wally shouts as Blake flies over to cover Artemis as I cover Robin.Suddenly all the lights turn off, leaving us in pitch blackness.After a second, the lights turn back on and Brain and Mallah are no where to be seen."Wait.....that big weapon thing was...a light switch?" Wally says as Blake floats back down next to him.Blake rests his hand on Wally's shoulder before shrugging.

We leave the compound as I turn back to it."The Brain could come back to this place." I say."And we'll be there to defeat him again." Shazam says as I shake my head."This compound can be defended.The Brain will learn from his mistake...Black Bolt." I call out as Blake walks up beside me."Care to do the honours?" I say as he smiles and stands in front of the compound.I cover my ears as everyone else does as well.Connor covers the wolf's ears as M'gann forms another set of hands to cover his and hers.


I barely hear what he said but the echoing sonic wave blasts into the stone building which absolutely destroys it, the sonic wave makes it seem like a small isolated earthquake hit the compound.Barely anything is left standing.Blake truns to us and smiles at his handy work.

We walk back to eh Bio-ship."What are you grinning about?" I hear Artemis say to Wally."One word: souvenir." He says as he puts Mallah's beret on his hand."Two words: gorilla lice." Artemis retorts back as Wally shakes the hat off.Kaldur breaks the collar off a monkey that was hanging around the ship."That's the last of the collars?" Shazam says as he kneels down to the tigers level, Said tiger just growls in responds."And I can count on you to keep the other animals out of trouble?" Shazam continues as the tiger chuffs, apparently he agrees."Good, I'll be back for a visit, I promise." Shazam says as the tiger runs off."Think I'll call him Mr Tawny." He says as I laugh."Never change...it's too funny." I say as he looks confused.I look over and see the white wolf stay here.Guess Connor's got a new pet.Kladur walks up to the bio ship as Robin intercepts him."Look, I need to know.Why did you keep the mole intel to yourselves?" Robin asks to me and Kaldur as everyone gathers around."The source of the tip was Sportsmaster." Kladur reveals as I feel Artemis high anger and fear."What?You can't trust him!" She says as I speak up."We don't.But he had intel that was only told to a select few....intel like Bialya." I say as everyone's eyes widen."We didn't think there was a mole, we thought that he was seeking to create division with the team with false information." Kaldur follows up as Robin realises something."And given how this mission went, he almost succeeded.But you both had to consider that it might be true." He says as Kaldur nods."As leader I did.I confided in Matt because he knew of the tip, he helped me with my decision.Nothing Matt did was his doing that wasn't my choice.I wanted to tell you but I didn't wish to alert the traitor, if there was one." He says as Robin sighs."Hate to say it....makes sense." He says as I scoff."Could have told you.Wait, we did." I say with no real venom."I am still prepared to step down.If you feel that it's necessary, I will revoke my tenure as leader." He says as Wally speaks up."All in fovor of keeping Aqualad as leader?" He says as my arm shoots straight up.M'gann, Artemis and Connor lifted their arms after.Robin soon followed.We stare at Black Bolt who has his arms down.He smiles before raising his hand as well."Well it's unanimous." Shazam says as he skhkes Kaldur's hand."Well, see ya later." He says s I raise an eyebrow."You don't want to come back with us?" I ask as he shakes his head."Nah, not to be rude but I have somethings that I remembered to do.I got to fly.See y'all later." He says as he flies away.We all enter the Bio-ship."So.... Black Bolt.How was your first mission?" Robin's asks Blake who smiles and signs.I translate for him."It was entertaining.....I look forward to the future." I say, thanking Batman for the sign language lessons."Well that's good.And don't worry...things only ever get better with us." He says as I laugh."Ain't that the truth."

Matthew Spectre's New Apartment, Gotham City, 10:24pm, September 30th, 2010

Bruce has outdone himself now.The condo, I'm in now used to be an old GCPD building before the city converted it into apartments.And lucky me, Bruce gave me the top suite.Large windows, open floor, so much space to myself.(1) Bruce did tell though that if I wrecked this one, street will be my new home.Let me tell ya, that man is terrifying.It's not has strength or how he fights, no.It's his fucking mind, he can fuck you up in 100 different way but when he puts his mind to something...it's fucking terrifying.I feel my phone vibrating as I check it.A text from Jade.

'I have something.Where can we meet?'

'240 Centre Street.Top suite.'

I reply back as I wait for her.Batman is pleased with the little bits that I'm getting but he needs something more solid but he is worried that I'm getting too...attached.I won't deny that I am......but I'm not going to let it affect me, I do what needs to be done.I sense someone on the roof.My bedroom door slides open as Jade reveals herself in her Cheshire gear."Hello, dear.Love the new place." She says as she takes off her mask and approaches me."Needed a new place, especially after the one I wrecked." I say as I pulled her in close as she wraps her arms around my neck."Ain't that the truth." She reaches up and kisses me as I respond in kind.We break as I smile down at her."How have you been doing?" I ask as she breaks from and walks into my kitchen."Same old, same old.The Shadows are really quiet, Ra's has been leaving the compound a lot lately.But just last night, he came back." She says as I stand across ftom her."Why?Why leave than come back?" I ask as she shrugs and pours some wine."I don't know.But I found out who he's been talking too.Or at least one of them." She says as my eyes widen."Who?" She slips her glass before pulling out a photo.I recognize that smug smile and bald head anywhere."Lex Luthor?"

I say in surprise as I say her smirk."Imagine my surprise?" She says sarcastically as I look at the photo.Ra's and Lex together."This doesn't make sense.Ra's wanted Luthor dead....unless.Taipei was just a big show." I say in frustration."Seems that way.Both of them got what they wanted." She says as I raise an eyebrow."A peaceful Rhlesia with Luthor's weapons...peace doesn't last long when you have animosity like North and South Rhlesia." She says as I nod."Peace means bankruptcy for assassins." I say as she laughs."Now that is the truth." She says as she sits at the table across from me.I look at the photo again."What do they get out of this though?What do they want?" I say as she shrugs."Pier, money, influence.Do these men want anything else." She says as I shake my head."This has to run deeper than just wanting that.....anything else on the others that Ra's is talking too?" I ask her but she shakes her head."It was hard enough getting that photo.I don't have a lot of movement nor influence with what Ra's or Luthor or whoever they are and what their planning." She says as I nod."Not even their voices?" I ask as she ponders for a minute."I do know that he was talking to two possibly three poeple." She says."An idea?" I ask as she points to the photo."Well we know one.But I do remember a woman's voice." She says which surprises me.Ok, new details."Any accent to pinpoint a suspect?" I ask as she thinks."A Middle Eastern dialect but I could be wrong.I don't think I am though." She says which sends me thinking.A Middle Eastern woman, who had to have the influence of power to communicate discreetly with Luthor and Ra's.One person comes to mind."You have an idea of who it could be?" Jade asks as I nod."I have a hunch but I'm going have to talk to Batman about it.What of the other voice?" I say as I notice her shiver."This one is very calm, almost unnerving so.He speaks with a deep commanding voice.I picked up a conversation between this voice and Ra's and the voice seems to be giving orders.Ra's obeys no one.He doesn't take orders, he gives them." She says as I widen my eyes."Any idea of who it could be?" I also as she shakes her head."No idea.But if he is giving orders to Ra's than he must be pretty powerful or influential or both." She says as I nod.

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"Whoever these people are, they are manipulating a lot but they are keeping their identities close to the chest." I say as Jade chuckles."You could find out who.You know one already." She says as I shake my head."No, too much of a risk.If I get the information from Luthor than the rest of them will figure out that their discretion is not as strong.And for people this secretive and paranoid, they'll look for any leaks.Can't risk your cover like that." I say as she laughs."Ah, you worried about me?" She asks."Isn't it obvious?" I sarcastically say back to her."Yes it is.It's very endearing.Didn't think you would care." She says as I clench my fist."Of course I care.What makes you think I didn't?" I ask her.She just sits there while drinking her wine."You really think that I don't?I do care, Jade.I don't you to risk your life for this.Especially for this.I care because because it's the truth.I do care about you." I say with a tinge of anger as she looks at me."Why?Why do you do?" She says as I sigh."Ever since you approached me about looking out for Artemis.I saw that Hinton of hope.That after all this mess, you would be with your sister again.I want to make that happen!I want to be able to see you, Artemis and Paula all together, happy to be together.So sorry if this is a big shock to you but it's the truth... I want to see you, Artemis and Paula together because I know it will mean everything to them because.....all three of you deserve to have some happiness in your lives.So don't think for a minute that I don't give a shit." I say with anger as she stares wide eyed at me.I get my anger under control.I don't know where all that came from.....but I'm glad that it's out.

Jade stands up and walks over to me.She gently places her hand across my shoulder blade as she caress my cheek with her other hand.I turn to her and look down into her eyes.She stares back with tears as I reach up and cradle her face, wiping her tears in the process."Thank you." She whispers as I lean my head across hers."Do you want to see them?" I ask her as she stares back at me."You don't have to approach them but I think you should see them." I say quietly too her as she nods slowly.

Building across from Paula Crock's Apartment:

We kneel down against the roof wall as I pass Jade the binoculars."302...second last window from the top left." I say as she focuses the binoculars.I look ahead and with my heighten sight, I can see Artemis and Paula on the living room, eating dinner.I can see that they are laughing about something.I hear a sniffle as I glance at Jade wiping her tears away."I shouldn't have left her...I shouldn't have left her." She says as I move over and hug her."You were a child, Jade.It's not your fault." I say but she shakes her head."I abandoned her.I said that she would slow me down.I left her with him.I should have taken her with me." She says with anger as she wipes her tears.I say nothing because nothing I say will help her now.She needs to get it out of her system.I just hold her comfortingly as she snuggles into me.

Matthew Spectre's Apartment:

After Jade had exhausted herself with her crying.I brought her back to my apartment so she could catch some sleep.I lay her on my bed as I move back into the living room.Before I leave, I feel a hand grab onto my own.I turn back to see her looking at me."Please stay." She says with sadness in her voice as I nod.I remove my clothes, leaving me in my sweat pants.Jade removed her kimono, leaving her in a bra and underwear.I lay in the bed as Jade pulls the covers over.She snuggles up to me as I pull my arm over her, keeping her close."Ah, that's nice." Zarathos says as I smile."It almost sounds like you approve." I think back to him."Not approval...just acceptance.You care about her.Possibly maybe something else.Being mad about it will get me nowhere because you'll just ignore me." He says as I laugh to myself.Thanks, Zarathos, appreciate your opinion.I think sarcastically which he just growls in response.

Next Morning:

I woke up slowly as I rolled over, my hand gals and hits nothing.I open my eyes and see that Jade is gone.I see a note on the bedside table.'Thank you for being for me.I had to go, sooth I couldn't be there when you woke up.P.S. you are very adorable when you sleep'.I chuckle at her humor.I get up and go about my morning.I try the TV on and see the what's up in the news.I nearly trip when I see a massive plant creature thing sprouting from Metropolis.The plant however gives way and collapses onto the street."What the fuck?" I say to myself as I bolt back into my room and change into my gear.

I walk up to the old phone booth."Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." The zeta lady says as I'm teleported to the cave.I walk out and see that no one is around.I walk out but I sense someone in the corner.I turn and see Zatara walking up to me."Ghost Rider." He says with a tinge of anger."Zatara.Are you out supervisor?" I ask as he stares at me."Why ask questions, you already know the answers to?" He asks sarcastically as I feel his mistrust and anger at me.I nod my head in understanding."You don't like me very much.I can understand some level of why." I say with an obvious tone."Yes...imagine my surprise when I found out that the boy that I ran into a few years ago was the host of the Spirit of Vengeance." He says.As he stares down at me."I'll be watching you very closely." He says with a veiled threat as he walks past me.I feel Zarathos anger at the disrespect but nonetheless, I reel him back in.I turn and walk into the main common area where I hear giggling.I enter and see M'gann in the kitchen while Connor leaps over the couch and stares at the static TV.M'gann is furiously stirring the cake mix as I stare inbetween them."Everything alright in here?" I ask."All good, nothing to see." Both M'gann and Connor say in tandem as I smile."O....K." I walk past them while keeping my gaze.I walk into the gym area and close the door.I reach out with my heightened senses as I hear a dual sigh."That was close." M'gann says as Connor follows up."Too close." I smile at that.The poor fools, they have no idea.I think joyfully as I turn to the large concrete and granite pillar in the centre of the gym.This bad boy was Connor's idea to improve our strength.Since myself, Connor and Blake have the strongest strength, we needed something other than a punching bag.I crack my knocking before leveling quick technical punches agaisnt the stone.Batman had made this with Superman's help, creating a concrete granite pillar is not easy.I punch quicker as I twirl into a spinning elbow.My elbow cracks the stone but it holds strong.If I was using all my strength, this pillar wouldn't even exist.Connor uses this to test his strength.While myself and Blake use it for our technical strikes and combos.Much better than asking someone to spar, especially with the risk of cracking a ton or erupting their heart.I leave one last solid punch to the pillar which makes small cracks.

I walk out of the gym and see Kaldur and Blake having an arm wrestle.Kaldur is strong, no doubt about it but he is having a really tough time with Blake's strength.Kaldur got so desperate he even tried to use his other hand but Blake just smirks and slams Kaldur's arm.Blake smiles as Kaldur laughs."You are indeed very strong.Very strong.You might be stronger than Matt." He says, hold on a minute."Hey, hey, now.Those are fighting words." I say as veryone starts to gather around."Wanna bet on it?" Artemis says challenging as I raise my eyebrows.I look at Blake who simply shrugs and holds up his arm."Alright than." I say as I sit, I grasp Blake's arm Robin covers our fists with his hand."Place your bets.Place your bets.Who's gonna win?The Notorious Ghost Rider or the Mighty Black Bolt.Ready....set.....wrestle!" Robin says dramatically as he releases our hands.Blake and I push with force against each other as the others cheer for their favourite."Come Bolt, kick his ass." Wally says."I got ten bucks riding on you Matt.Don't mess it up." Artemis says while Robin and Connor cheer."Go!Go!Go!Go!" Me and Blake are trying with as much strength as the table can handle.I am able to push Blake's arm down before he suddenly starts smiling at me.My eyes widen in shock as Blake starts to push agaisnt me.He oweverpowers me as my arm is almost against the table.I glow my eyes as I fuel Hellfire into my muscles.The table starts cracking under pressure as Blake grits his teeth.The prong starts glowing with electron energy.We come back to he middle as no one seems to be going anywhere.This is it...what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object....this.The floor underneath is starting to break as the table begins bending from our pressure.

"Batman to team.Report to zeta hanger."

Batman's voice sounds as Blake and I let go."Goddamn it." "This sucks!".These are some of the complaints from the others."Seems we won't find out whose stronger." I say as Blake smiles."Well, let's go see what the Big Bad Bat wants and than later, we can come back to me bearing you." I say as Blake shakes his head."No?What do you mean?I am stronger than you." I say as he levels his hand and tilts back and forth."What do you mean 'so-so'?You think you're stronger than me?" I ask as he nods."Oh, Oh.This was all business before but now....now it's personal." I say jokingly as Blake smiles.

We walk out and see Zatara and Shazam in the zeta hanger.Shazam is eating one of Wally's granola bars."So if Zatara is our babysitter for the week.Why is he still here?" Wally says as he point to Shazam."And why is he eating my snacks?" He says which we all just laugh.Batman enters the zeta hanger."Computer, national news." He says a the hologram pops open."The attack as short lived but Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve.And despite the intervention of the Justice League, there seems to be no end in sight." Cat Grant says as we watch as monstrous plants, like the one from earlier attack Metropolis.Superman and the other Leaguers were able to save who they can but the plant is relentless."Should we get our there?" Robin asks as Batman turns to us."No, the League will soon have the situation under control.That's not why I'm here.According to your intel, Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus's Blockbuster formula to Kobra." Wally follows up."Who combined it with Bane's Venom to create Kobra Venom." Robin then speaks up."Which the brain used to create his animal army." Connor then follows while petting the wolf."And upgrade Wolf." He says, yep.Still with the very generic names.

"The Brain also used the same collars like the ones used at Belle Reve." M'gann says."Batman, is it possible that these plant thingys are on Kobra Venom, too?" Artemis asks worriedly."I had Green lantern run a spot analysis.Divine cellulose does contain traces amounts of a Kobra Venom variant." Batman says as he brings up a hologram on the plants cell."These can't be coincidences.Unrelated criminals cooperating with one another worldwide." Kaldur says."Exactly.It's now clear that our enemies have formed some kind of...secret society of super villains." Batman says as he glances at me, I glance back with a look."The attack on Metropolis is only the beginning." He says as Robin types away on his holo computer."Got that right.Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham City, Paris, Star City, Taipei..." He doesn't finish as the computer screen goes static."Dude." Wally says questioningly."It's not me.Someone's cutting the satellite signal.All satellite signals." He says as the screen fixes on a pale man with green hair and a sick smile.Myself and Zarathos growl at the image."Joker." I growl with anger at the man."Ladies and Gentlemen.bwe interpret your regular scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement....." The sicko says as he takes out a knife and pans the camera to 6 other individuals.".....from the Injustice League.Ha!Ha!Ha!" Joker laughs as the camera zooms on the blond hair man in the middle."We are responsible for the actions on your cities.If you wish to save them.A ransom of 10 billion American dollars is required." He says with a thick Eastern European accent."Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations.There is no time limit.But the longer your governments wait...." The man stops speaking as the camera pans back to Joker."The more we get to have our jollies." He says as he starts laughing with insanity ridden in his voice.The screen goes static once again.

Batman glances at me while I shake my head, no.He nods discreetly before reaching his hand to his ear."Roger that, Aquaman.The UN will prepare the ransom as a fallback.But it won't come to that." Batman says as Robin starts typing vigorously."The screen rewinds to the image of the 6 individuals."Count Vertigo, The Joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra-Humanite, Atomic Skull, Black Adam, Wotan.7 heavy hitters.Probably behind everyone and everything we've faced." He says as I mentally groan.Don't jump to conclusions."There's your secret society." Wally follows up."Not so secret anymore." Artemis says as I decide to play along."We have disrupted their operations.Maybe that decide to not bother to conceal themselves anymore.Which means, we now have the intel to go after them and stop them." I say as Wally fistbumps the air."Well that's their mistake.Right now, I say we go kick some plant creature butt." He says but Batman ends his train of thought."The Justice League will handle the plants.I have a different job for this team." He says as Wally complains.Artemis punches him in the arm."With he pants attacking so many cities simultaneously, there must be a central control system.Your mission is to destroy it." Batman says as Zatara questions him."You realise what you are really asking them to do?" My brain kicks in....oh.This will be a fun one."They are ready." Batman says as Wally questions him."Ready?For what?" Artemis punches him in the arm again."Oww, what the hell was that for?" He says."Hello, Wally.If the big guns are fighting the plants, who do you think we'll be fighting?" She asks sarcastically."I do to know, I guess we'll...." He doesn't finish as Artemis oijts to the screen.Wally follows her arm as his eyes widen in realisation."Oh....that makes more sense." He says as I laugh."It made sense, you just didn't get it." He glares at me while myself and Blake smile.

"Well, Batman.I trust you're correct." Zatara says."I trust you can locate the enemy." Batman throws back at him."Indeed, Wotan's informants suggest sorcery is part of how the plants are controlled.Robin, if youl will provide a holomap, I'll search for signs of concentrated sorcerous activity." Zatara says as Robin pulls up the map.Zatara hods his hands up and starts speaking in a foreign language.The map stops spinning as a red dot pings on a location."There.That's where you'll find the Injustice League's central control system." Zatara says."Coordinates locked in.Louisiana Bayou." He says as Kaldur speaks up."We're on our way." He says as we all run to get changed into our gear.

We are now flying over the bayou as everyone sits in silence.This will be out biggest challenge yet.Robin is checking his birdararangs.Artemis fixing her trick arrows.Wally getting some more energy in.Connor is petting Wolf, keeping him form falling over.Black Bolt is fixing his uniform as he breathes in and out in a calming fashion.I clench my chain covered fists before opening them again."What's in he duffel?" Wally asks to Kaldur."Plan 'B'." He simply responds as I hear a groan, we all turn to M'gann."You ok?" Connor asks worriedly."Dizzy." She says as Robin raises an eyebrow."Martians get airsick?" I look at him with a deadpanned look.Really?"She does look a bit greener than usual." Wally says as I mentally slap myself.You idiots, she can fly, why would she have airsickness now."Not me, her." M'gann says as we look to Artemis."I feel fine." She says but M'gann waves her off."Not you, The Bio-ship.She's trying to shield us but..." M'gann doesn't finish as suddenly the ship shakes violently back and forth.I brave myself.The ship is suddenly hit as everyone, par Black Bolt, scream in panic as we crash down into the swamp.We look out the windows and see large plant tentacles breach the water and wrap around the ship.We hear a thud as Black Adam pulls the top of the ship open.M'gann groans in pain."He's hurting her!" She says as I speak up."Black Bolt!" Blake shoots from his seat as he flies into Adam with so much force, that Adam is blasted from the ship.Bolt flies from out of the hole as he tries to pull the ship up but Adam comes blitzing back.Water starts to fill the bridge as Artemis gets pissed off."No.No way I'm nearly drowning 3 missions in a row." She says as she puts a breather in her mouth beige epassing Wally one.I let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

The change releases Hellfire which boils the water around me.I dive under the water as Kaldur'ahm points to the hatch that M'gann opened."Out.Everyone out." He says as they swim through the open hatch.We make our way far from the ship as we breach the water.My fire had been put out.I look ridiculous.I burst hellifre out as I'm instantly dry.That's much better.We watch as the bio ship is pulled under by the plants."She's in shock.She'll need time to recover." M'gann says worriedly.I feel someone coming as I dodge out of the way of the vertigo wave.The team is driven to the ground by dizziness as I step out of the shadows."Vertigo." I growl out as I hear a boom and see Black Bolt and Adam shooting past us.Bolt drags Adam's face along the ground but Adam blast him with a bolt of lightning.They resume their chase away from us."You seem to have brought a strong foe." Vertigo says as he glances at Bolt."You are out numbered Vertigo.You can't beat all of us." I say as he snarls."Arrogant peasant!" He screams back Kaldur'ahm juggling's him on water that sends him into the trees."Robin, Miss Martian.Disappear.We will keep them busy.You too complete the mission." I hear Kaldur'ahm say in my head.Adam comes back from wherever and punches Kaldur'ahm.Wolf tackles him but Adam throws him into Artemis and Wally.I swing a chain at Adam and pull him to me.Swing my fist downwards, his face is battered from my fist into the dirt, as he skids past me, I hear Black Bolt coming back.I whip Adam around and throw him towards Black Bolt who blasts him with his electron beam.The blast sends Adam flying through several trees.

I run after Adam with Black Bolt above me.Adam roars in rage as he swings a tree at Bolt who is sent flying miles away.Adam turns to me and swings the tree nut I cut down it with my chains.Grabbing one of the seperated trucks, I swing it back to him.He crashes to the ground with the tree on top of him.I run forward and feel a thunderous blow to my head, Adam pullmels me into another tree.I catch his fist and head butt him before punching him with a chain covered fist.I whip my chain around as he tries to fly away but I pull him back down.He tries to overpower me with his strikes but he is weak and unrestrained.I punch his fist with my own as he reels in pain.He swings again, as I fluidly duck under and land tow blows to his liver, he groans a she punches again but I feel back and land an uppercut which sends him up.He doesn't get far as I wrpa him in chains and pull him back down.I swing him around but he changes his trajectory and kicks me in the head, he pulls on my chains as he swings me into the truck of a tree...head first.He lifts me up but I elbow him from behind my back as he reels.Knowing that he's outclassed, he flies faster than my chains wrap around him."Damn." I growl as I make my way to where the control system is.Take it out and then take out the Injustice League.I hear branches breaking as I see Robin runaway from....Ivy.So she didn't take my warming.The plants around are all burned as I breath hellfire.Ivy panics in fear as she escapes the blaze.Walking through the fire, I keep my gaze on her."I know you...you were in Arkham some years ago...I let you live because of your dedication to The Green.Now....you pay the price for your arrogance." I say as she backs away in fear.She sends plant after plant to strike me, grab me, drown me but theybsre burn before even touching me."Please!I'm sorry!Don't kill me.I didn't know.They paid us.Please!" Ivy pleads with her life."Wait.....she knows something.Someone is pulling the strings.Please find out what." Matthew says to me as I growl."Who paid you?Who told you to do this?" I ask as she starts crying."They wanted us to attack.They said that if we get captured, we would be freed within hours of our deal.They said that we would be paid behind our wildest dreams!" She says as I step closer."Who?I want names." I say to her."Lex Luthor and a woman.I do not know who she is but she was dressed like royalty." Ivy says as I feel Matthew in my head."Queen Bee.It matches what Jade said yesterday.A woman, with connections to Luthor and said that they would be paid.Queen Bee is a dictator of a powerful and reach country.Money is no issue especially not with Luthor either." He says as I nod and caress Ivy's cheek."I won't kill you....but no good deed goes unpunished." I say as I leave molten scars, like a brand down her cheek as she whimpers in pain.I softly chop my hand on her head as she is knocked out.I lean her agaisnt the tree.

I look overhead and see Wotan, Vertigo and Adam transporting the others in a magical cage.The Bio-ship comes flying down which takes out Wotan.The cage breaks as everyone falls.Adam rushes and catches Vertigo.I hear a boom as Black Bolt comes flying back and picks up everyone out of the sky.

Bolt lands and places everyone down as I run to meet them.Ultra-Humanite, the intelligent Gorilla stands before us with a specialised gun."I hate monkeys." Connor growls as both him and Wolf charge the gorilla.Vertigo and Adam come back down as myself and Bolt charge the disgraced champion of Shazam.Adam attacks us as I notice Wally, Artemis and Kaldur'ahm attack Vertigo.Adam throws a punch which I deflect, raising a knee to his chin, he reels back as Bolt flies forward and tackles him into a tree.Bolt blasts his beam at point blank range which explodes.Adam is sent flying through the trees.We hear beeping as we turn to the large plant in the centre of the control system.The beeping comes from all the bombs that Robin laid.The beeping stops as they all go off.

We see Robin and M'gann be blasted off the roof by Atomic Skull who lands in front.I stand before him."Let's see if you can handle Hellfire." I growl as he blasts a severe amount of radiation at me.I hold my hand up and take the blast, Atomic Skull applies more pressure as I buckle to a knee.Taking the radiation and fuleing it into my Hellfufe, I am reaching a level that I didn't deem possible.Fiery wings sprout from my back as flames covered my entire body.bi March through the fire and grab hold of Skull's face.His radiation stops as everyone stares in amazement of my new appearance."Not much apparently." I say as I slam him into the ground.I stare at Joker who is laughing at me.You dare!I speed to him while grabbing his tie lifting him up above my head."Oh, are you going to end me?Go on!Do it!Show them who you really are!" Joker screams as I narrow my eyes at him."Zarathos!Don't do it!" Kaldur'ahm calls out to me but I read this man's, no this....evils...soul.The thousands who have suffered.The innocents that have been taken.I throw the man to the ground behind me.I hear him chuckling."Guess if demons want to kill me.Ha!" He says as I turn sharply and knock him to the ground.He looks at me as I gaze at him with fiery rage.Hellfire is balzing so much that my skeleton is revealed and the wings shape into that resembles a dragon's wings."NOW YOU DIE!" I roar but before I cover him in Hellfire, I'm blasted away but a magical beam.I crash into the command centre.My energy levels are plummeting come the making of control to keep the Hellfire from spewing is catching up to me.I give control back to Matthew so I can get this fire under control again.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I'm shifted back as I get up with a groan.All that power, if Zarathos held out for any longer, my body wouldn't be able to handle the strain.I walk out of the centre wobbly as I see everyone being shocked with magical lightning from Wotan.I notice that Kaldur is holding something shiny.The Helmet of Fate."No, Aqualad.Don't!" Wally screams but Adam bashes him away which Connor returns in kind.Kaldur puts the helmet on hisbhead as sheet bright golden light is blasted out.The light dies and there stands Doctor Fate.I fear Wotan's fear as Fate flies up to him."Wotan, you are mine." Fate decrees with his deep commanding voice.Wotan blast his magic at Fate who returns with his own.Fates magic proves superior as it cuts through Wotan's magic.The golden hits him as he into he command centre.The beam changes into golden chains which wraps him.I see Robin dealing with Joker.Connor and Black Bolt are hammering down on Adam.Artemis and Wally are making Ultra-Humanite's life miserable with speed punches and trick arrows.Atomic Skull is almost out of it but he is still giving his all agaisnt M'gann.I turn to Vertigo who gazes at me."You are weak.Your form was most impressive but now....you are nothing." He says as I speed up to him, really close.He backs away in surprise as I hmgrab him and headbutt him.He collapses to the ground completely dazed."But still better than you." I say with indifference.

I watch as Wotan is gaining an upper hand on Fate.I notice Adam flying at me as I duck, Martix style as I grab his leg and swing him back as Black Bolt flies in and delivers a flying knee to his head, knocking him out cold.I nod to Blake who nods back in thanks.I feel other souls inbound as look up and see the Justice League arriving.Wotan is knocked down by Zatara.I run over and whip him up before delivering a mean hook to his head, knocking him out.The Injustice League carry their unconscious allies to a circle as we all surround them."It's over." Batman says as Vertigo comes too to see the League.He goes wide eyed but eventually holds his hands up."There.....will be another day." He says with a groan."Another day?Another day!" Joker screams out."There won't be another day.Not for any of us." He says while laughing as he lifts his hands and starts typing, more like piano playing.Plants sprout from the ground as it's spores explode, releasing a toxin gas.The gas almost reached us as Fate hovers above."Feat not!" He shouts as an arkh forms which draws in all the gas."Fate has intervened." Fate declares as Joker begins laughing.I match over to him in anger.Batman tries to stop me but I battered him away.I grab Joker by the neck.He is still laughing as my eyes glow bright with Hellfire."Do it...kill me." He says while still laughing."Matt!Don't do it!You do this....and he will win." Robin shouts at me.I breathe in before...twisting.

A loud crack is heard as I drop the Joker.I watch him crash tot he ground with lifeless eyes.The only running through his mind, was that he was surprised that I did it.I feel judgement looks from everyone, par from two."He didn't win.....I just sure that we didn't lose." I say as I walk off, Fate floats down in front of me, preventing me from leaving."I do to want to fight you.But you try and stop me from leaving...I'll fight you too." I say but Fate nods his head and steps aside.I feel everyones surprise."The Spirit of Vengeance is a necessary evil.To hinder you is to hinder Order.You may go." He says as I walk past him.

I sit on a broken tree trunk with Ivy's unconscious body sitting close."It's done." I hear someone say as I look to see Kaldur standing before me."How did-." Kaldur interrupts me."Kent was able to convince Nabu to let me go.....I want to talk about what happened with he Joker." He says as I notice Batman and the others approach.I sigh before looking at him."I read souls.This you know.Imagine the horrors that Joker inflicted on the innocent, all those people dead and in the dirt, while he stood.I didn't do what I did so I would feel better.I did it because it had to be done.Joker was always on Zarathos's list, we just couldn't find him.It's done now and I don't regret it.Everyone that Joker killed can finally rest, now that their killer is being punished." I say.Batman stands before me."Do something like this again...and you can find somewhere else to go." He say as threateningly as he walks away.Everyone par Blake follows him as I feel their judgemental eyes.Kaldur oats me on the back before going with them.I feel Blake's hand on my shoulder as I look up at him.He has a comforting smile on his face as I nod thankfully.At least I have someone in my corner.

Unknown Location: No P.O.V

"Impressive.The plant creatures have proven their usefulness as potential weapons.More importantly, the so called heroes, now believe that our secret society has been revealed and crushed.Most interesting is the wedge that the Ghost Rider was splintered in the team of the young heroes.The nature of the Rider can not be hindered for long and soon he will see his true purpose." A man says as he steps into he light.He is a towering me with a long cloak on, as well as a formal uniform.Three scars run down from his left side of his face to the right."With the Injustice League as our proxies, we are once again free to operate with impunity." The man says as he gazes at his allies.Queen Bee, Ra's Al Ghul, Ocean Master, Lex Luthor, Klarion and The Brain."And shadows still conceal our Light." The man finishes with a pleased smile.