

Taipei Peace Summit: 7:23pm, September 7th, 2010

P.O.V: Jade Nguyen/Cheshire

Watching all these posh people....one thing I hurt about my job.Seeing people who have never fought for anything in life, and yet everything is handed to them on a silver plater.The food truck I'm in is not the best cave but it'll do for now.The arbitrator should be here soon.The mission will soon to be a go...if it wasn't for that Robin Hood wannabe.He thinks that a suit and some glasses will make you invisible, please.That's baby stuff.Not to mention the spikey red hair, making him stick out like a sore thumb.Sirens are wailing in the distance as a police escort shows.The fancy white car pulls up to the summit as I smile.Time to go to work.

I get dressed into my gear while picking up the massive rocket launcher.While not really my style, he said to make it as outlandish and explosive as possible.Oh well, same result in the end.I aim the launcher and was about to pull the trigger but the Robin Hood wannabe shoots an arrow into my hand, diverting the rocket up to the sky.I growl under my breath as I spot the archer, all the posh are running for their lives while the North and South Rhlesian guards protect their leaders.I jump off the food truck and bounce off someone's head as I land near the car.The guards try to take me but I just batter them around, piss easy.I run to the car as a net is fired at me.I cut through it as the archer tackles me into the ground.I get on too of him as the rocket comes down and explodes on my food truck.Damn, I liked that truck.I glare down at the archer and ready my sai.When suddenly, I feel a cool metal wrap around my arm and body, the same is said for the archer.I look down and recongize the chains."Shit." I say as both myself and the archer are pulled along the ground.I look up and see Matthew's amused expression, guards all around us, pointing their weapons."Having fun?" Matt asks sarcastically as I just drop the anger and raise my hands in surrender.

He pulls me up as he gestures to one of the guards for some handcuffs.He releases the chains and before I can even try to escape, he has cuffed me.I decided to tease him while he does."I didn't know you were into this sort of thing." I say as he smirks."Whatever you say." He says as he pushes me to some coos as they place me in the back of the car.

I see our of the corner of my eye and see Matthew staring at the mystery arbitrator....Lex Luthor?Hmm, a surprise...but a welcome one.Oh well.The more interesting....the better.

P.O.V: Matthew Spectre

Making eye contact with Luther, the arrogant bastard decides to smirk at me.I narrow my eyes and make my way over to Roy.The Taipei Police wanted to take him but I decided to intervene.I speak in Chinese Mardain to the officers."Leave him be.He's with me." I say as they look at me incredulously."We have confirmation." I hear Luthor say as he walks up beside me."This one is Green Arrow's pal, Speedy." He says as I feel Roy's frustration."It's Red Arrow." He says as I mentally face palm."He must be questioned." One of the officers says as I step in."He will be.I didn't know that he was going to be here, but I promise you officer, I'll find out why." I say as Luthor and Roy look at both of us.The office turns back to the other cops and orders them to release Roy."I don't need any favors from you, Rider." Roy says to me as I snarl and grab him by the scruff of his neck.I throw him away and out of sight from everyone."Sorry about him.I'll make sure that he doesn't cause any trouble." I say as the officer nods."Ghost Rider, a word?" Luthor asks as I reluctantly nod.He may be a criminal and an asshole but he is the arbitrator, might as well get on his good side.Myself, Luthor and his assistant, Mercy all walk over to where Roy is.And he doesn't look to happy."I didn't need your help." He says to me as Luthor chuckles."Your friend is the only that vouched for you, young man.Or do you want to go with the young lady and be put behind some bars?" Luthor says as Roy moves past me and gets in his face."You may have everyone here fooled Luthor, even him.But I know what you are." Roy says as I push him away."You need to calm down." I say as he scoffs."What are you?Luthor's new lap dog?" Roy says as I narrow my eyes at him."I'm here for security, for the peace summit.The league wasn't available so Batman sent me.And now that you're here, I have to keep an eye on you and to make sure that the summit goes smoothly.Anf like or not, Luthor is the arbitrator, so pull the fucking stick out of ass and get with the program.Or you spend the rest of the summit in a Taipei prison cell." I say threateningly to him.I can feel that he wants to argue but I make my eyes glow, Roy finally backs down."Good."

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I turn back to Luthor who is really amused."Now.....what do you want to talk about?" I say as I walk away, Luthor follows close behind."I thank you for defending me.It was much appreciated." He says cockily as I grab and force him into the wall.Mercy pull out a gun and points it at me."I'm not here to be your errand boy Luther nor am I here to kss your ass.You are here to make sure that a war doesn't break out.I'm here to make sure that you do." I say as I let him go and fix up his tie."The assassin was Cheshire, a known operative of the Shadows.If the Shadows want you dead, then they will send another after you.You behave and be the good little puppy that you are and maybe...I'll make sure that you don't die." I say as I walk away.I can feel his anger at the insult.I might have to protect him, but that doesn't mean I won't annoy him.

I enter the lavish building, I glance behind and see Luthor and Roy enter as well.I make my way to the crowd as I scan around for any souls that could pose a threat.The news lady states that Luthor is the only hope for peace.I wish that wasn't true but yet, here we are."Why should either side trust you?" Roy says to Luthor as I listen in on their conversation."Because Lexcorp is a company founded on peaceful enterprise for all humanity." He says as I scoff."Cut the act, Luthor.I got intel that connects Lexcorp to the sale of weapons in both Rhlesians." Roy says."War profit is pocket change compared to the billions to be made investing in a peaceful, united Rhlesia.And isn't better to have peace even if that scoundrel Lex Luthor profits from it?" He says arrogantly as I step in."You might not survive long enough to make that profit.Like I said before, the Shadows will try again." I say as he looks at me."Which begs the question?Who hired the Shadows?" He says as I laugh."You have a lot of enemies.Both super and mandune.Got any ideas?" I ask sarcastically as he glares at me."Is he really the target?Or is his death just a convenient way to sabotage the summit?" Roy asks as I scoff."Possibly both.The Shadows never do anything halfway." I say as Luthor puts his hands on mine and Roy's shoulders."Allow me to hire you both to find out?"

We turn to Luthor as Roy growls at him."Your money has blood on it and I'm not here to make a buck." Roy says as I follow up."I'm already here to find out why the Shadows are here.So pass." I say as Luthor laughs."So you'll provide your services, but for free?I could live with that, heroes." He says as he walks off."I'm no hero." I whisper under my breath.I turn to Roy and pull him out of the building.We walk over to a secluded spot."That went well." I say as Roy scoffs."You could have done something.I know that you don't follow a lot of rules.Killing people seems to be something your used too." Roy says as I glare at him."Killing Luthor is what the Shadows want.And while I'm not afraid of killing, this summit can't have any interruptions.The peace of Rhlesia is more important than.Especially more important than your pride." I say as Roy glare at me."And what is that supposed to mean?" He asks as I chuckle."You let your pride and your hero arrogance get the better of you when you spoke to Luthor.Whether you like it or not, doesn't matter what he's done, he is the arbitrator here.His motives, we can figure out later.Right now, we need to get answers.You stay by Luthor and make sure that no one kills him.I'll speak to Cheshire." I say but Roy stops me."No way, I'm letting you near the assassin." He says as I make my eyes glow and let Zarathos speak through me."And you're going to stop me?" He says as Roy backs off."Stick close to Luthor." I say as I approach a Taipei officer."Excuse me.Where was the assassin taken?" I ask him."Station, just downtown." He says fearfully.Guess word of the Ghost Rider has reached this corner of the world.Makes my job easier.

Holding Cell, Police Station, Downtown Taipei

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" Jade says as she does a kata, ballerina dance.Just not standing still."You know what I'm after.Whether you tell me is up to you." I say."Hmm, I do know what you want.But I won't tell you." She says as she raises her foot and leg to me eye line."You know I can force out of you." I say as my eyes glow but she Trina around."Not so fast.My eyes are precious to me." She says teasingly.Damnit, can't read her."Who hired you?" I ask as she smiles."Shadows." That's helpful."Who hired them?" I ask while crossing my arms."I don't ask." She says while winking at me."Come now, Jade.Surely we can come to an agreement.You tell me who hired you and I'll let you go." I say as she gets close to the bars."Oh baby, you know that is not how it works." I'm getting frustrated right now."And the endgame?Whose the target?Luthor or the summit itself?" I ask as she makes a mock hand gun."Two birds...one stone." She says while clicking her tongue.

"Where are your little sidekick firends?Are they doing well?They're always fun to play with.Especially, what's her name, Artemis?Yes, Artemis.I like her." She says as I feel Jade's hope at the 'are they well' question, especially pertaining to Artemis.I smile happily at her."They are doing well.Especially Artemis.She is getting along with her teammates, she's happy.Now back to may questions."What's the play here, Jade?Last time I'm going to ask." I say as she pulls me closer to the bars."That's too bad.I like playing with you.Always....dangerous." She says seductively.She drops to the floor while holding the bars close.I look up and hearing a slight ticking."Oh shit." The Wall behind Jade explodes as I'm sent flying.I crash into the wall with suck force that the stone roof above me crashes down.I groan in pain and growl in anger.Letting down of Zarathos's power through I push the massive stone off and see Jade and Sportsmaster.The both of them slide down the roof as I contact Roy."Roy, Cheshire escaped.Sportsmaster is here." I say to him."Right, I'm coming." He asks."No, stay close to Luthor, they could be coming after him." I say to him."I don't take orders from you." He says as he turns off his earpiece.Goddamn it.I Tinto the roof and look down.Both Jade and Sportsmaster are running along the roof.I jump down about 5 storeys to a solid thud on the roof, luckily I held back some of my strength, or I would have gone through.I run at fulk speed.Hellfire fueling my muscles and reflexes.I see a helicopter in the distance as I pick up speed.I see Jade and Sportsmaster jump across a street as I swing my chain at the building and pull myself across."I admire persistence but...." Jade says as she throws a shuriken but I catch it.I notice the little glowing light on it."You fucking bit..." I don't finish as the shurkien explodes in my face, blasting half of my face to hell.I shake it off as I continue running after them.They get in the chopper as it begins to ascend.I throw a chain at the wheel leg as it wraps around.Jade and Sportsmaster look at me as I let Zarathos take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Burning away the rest of Matthew's skin.I pull on the chain as the chopper gets closer."Come here!" I scream at them as they are just a few metres from me."You go no where." I growl out.Sportsmaster pulls a javelin and throws it at me, it explodes which sends me flying, the chain comes loose as the chopper flies away.I get to my feet and brush the debris and dust of me.I look up and watch as the chopper flies away.I pull the chain back in as I feel Roy close by."That was embarrassing." He says while laughing.I walk over to him and pick him up.His feet dangle from the ground."You didn't listen to Matthew and now no one is defending Luthor, you were suppose to stay behind!" I shot at him."Ok, I get it, I messed up.But I did put a tracker on thay chopper." He says as he pulls up a phone with the tracker.I put him down but I pull him close to my face."If you ever disobey an order again...I'll make sure that you never walk again." I growl as I let him go.He backs off from me as we head in the direction of where the tracker is.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

We follow the tracker to an island temple on one of the cities canals.We climb to the roof for an advantage.Roy tried to get a closer look but I pull him back."What was that for?" He whispers to me as I roll my eyes."You stick out like a sore thumb....fucking redheads." I whisper that last bit as I take his binoculars and look down.I see Jade and Sportsmaster talking, judging by the feelings I'm getting, Jade is pissed but remaining calm.Sportsmaster is feeling nothing except annoyance and a tinge of malice for Jade.Damn.I see them look at the temple as I zoom the binoculars and see Ra's Al Ghul.I feel Zarathos get angry but I reel him in."Remember what happened last time.Stay calm." I say to Zarathos who grumbles but does calm down.I see Ra's talk before he suddenly looks directly at me."Great." I say sarcastically as all three of them look on my direction."And there goes out cover." Roy says sarcastically as I push the binoculars into his chest with force.He groans in pain as I jump up onto my feet and throw my chains directly at Ra's.Sportsmaster intercepts and deflects the chains, for which I swing back into him.He is wrapped and thrown to the side as Jade runs up and finds her way to the roof.Jade and Roy engage in combat as I run to support him, only to find Sportsmaster pole vault in front of me."I have some personal beef with you." He says as he pulls out a hammer fial.I grin and charge forward.He swings the hammer as I duck and land two strong blows to his diaphragm and his sternum.He groans in pain as he holds his gut.I'm on him again as he dodges my fists.I swing my chains out, lit with Hellfire as they swipe at his feet.He dodges by the skin of his teeth as the roof catches flame.

I feel the terror that he feels and I love it.I look over and see Toy having trouble with Jade as I jump down to the ground.Moving past Sportsmaster, I swing the chain to the roof as I pull myself up.I stand behind Jade, with Roy in front.She looks back at me and turns to Roy.Sportsmaster jumps up out of nowhere and engages Roy.Jade throws a smoke bomb in my direction which I ignore.However, the smoke is not smoke.I feel drowzy and tired.I can feel Zarathos purging the drug from my system as I see a blurry image of Sportsmaster and Jade standing before a still Roy.I crawl over to them as I get to my knees."That.....was.....un....called for." I say as the last of the drug is purged from me.I throw my chains at Toy who seems to break from his...whatever it was.I grab him as I throw him off the roof.Sportsmaster and Jade look at me with wide eyes as I throw them the bird."See ya, fuxkers." I say as I fall backwards into the water.

I come up to surface as the surrounding water starts evaporating into steam.I swim over to the bank and see Roy coughing up water."You alright?" I ask as I use Hellfire to dry me off."Alright?You threw me off the roof!What the hell is wrong with you!?" He shouts at me as I pull him up."You're fine.Get over it.You were outnumbered and.....I don't know what you were doing but you become a liability, so I got you out of there." I say as I walk to the street."A liability?I'm not a fucking liability." He says angrily as he tugs my arm.I turn and hold him up by his neck.He starts choking as I stare angrily at him."You stood there, absolutely still.If I didn't pull you away, you would've been killed.You became a liability and because of that, you're done." I say as I drop him.He gets his breathing back as he looks at me."What do you mean, 'done'?" He says."I'm taking you off the mission.You don't listen, you insult the ones that we are supposed to defend, you try to do everything yourself, and when you got surrounded, you lost focus, opening up yourself to get killed.No wonder the League didn't let you join.You're a liability.And your pride is going to be the death of you." I say in anger as I walk away.My anger is nothing compared to Roy's.He charges me with a blind punch which I catch and flip him onto his back."You are impulsive." I say as he kicks up and swings a kick at me.I catch it and throw him away."You disobey orders." I continue as he swings again, I dodge and land a short punch to his gut.He bends over in pain as I lift him by his hair."You cry when things don't go your way." I say as I headbutt him and kick him away.He lands on his back as he groans in pain."You're a liability.And if you don't grow up then no one is going to take you seriously.I certainly don't.And neither does the League." I say as I walk off.Glad I got that off my chest.I reach up to my comm and contact Kaldur."Matt?What's the issue?" He says a so sigh and look back at Roy."Get to Taipei as soon as you can and call Green Arrow.Tell him to come to Taipei and pick up his sidekick." I say as I turn off the comm.

Luthor's Quarters and Office:

I walk up to the doors of Luthor's residence for the summit and see two guard standing out front.I go to walk past them but one of them, the taller of the two, decided to get touchy."Hey!The hell you think you're going?" He says a so look down at his hand and see a symbol, eight interlocking swords in a figure-eight.The symbol of Shadows.(1) I look at the man who gazes at me.I read his soul and I can tell that he is afraid, but remains calm nonetheless."Let him in.I want to hear what he has to say." I hear Luthor say from within the office as the big man drops his hand.I walk past him and enter the office.When the doors close, I speak."The League of Shadows went you dead." I say to him.His assistant is currently helping him with his tie as he looks at me with a raised eyebrow."Doesn't every League?" He says sarcastically as I roll my eyes and lean on the window."It's not just Cheshire.Sportsmaster has also been hired.Soon enough, if not now, more will come.Ra's Al Ghul is very persistent on seeing your head on a pike." I tell him which he just chuckles."Can't say I'm surprised.Ra's is something of a competitor of mine." He says as I look at him."This 'competitor is sending two assassins to deliver him your head.If I were you, I would be taking this more seriously." I say."Your worry is appreciated but the summit can't be held off any longer, we'll increase security.You coming?" He says as he goes to walk off.I step beside him and hold him back.He looks at me with a 'are you serious' look."How well do you trust the men outside your door?" I ask him as he smirks."In my line of work.....I rarely trust anyone." He says while pulling Mercy closer to him."Good....call them in." I say as he shrugs."Weathers..... O'Connell.Get in here." Luthor says as the two guards enter the office."How can we be of service, Mr Luthor?" The smaller guard says.Luthor looks at me as I point to the big man."What's your name?" I ask him, I see a little dribble of sweat fall down his temple."Tyrone.....Tyrone Weathers." He says as I gesture him forward.He walks up to me and Luthor as we stand to face each other, Luthor is standing off to the side, looking confused between both of us.I look at Weathers as he stares back.As fast as lightning...I reach up and snap his neck.

Mercy pulls out her gun as does O'Connell.Luthor looks bewildered as I step down to Weather's body and reveal the figure-eight tattoo on his wrist."Seems the Shadows are closer than you think." I say to Luthor as I stare at O'Connell.His arm is shaking and sweat is dropping from his brow.I rush in front of him and grab the gun, it goes off into my hand as it burns through Hellfire.I grab him by the neck and lift him up above my head, my eyes burning."I didn't know, I swear!He only told me to look the other way when things go south.I only thought it was for the summit not anything else.Please don't kill me!" He says in panic as I drop him to the ground in front of Luthor.He looks at me as I stare back."He's telling the truth." I say as the man breaths a sigh of relief.I light a chain and swing it at O'Connell's neck.He screams in agony as he body is burnt and sent to Hell, only a charred skeleton remains.Luthor looks at me with a raised eyebrow."He liked touching little boys....some didn't make it home." I say as I wrap my chain around my arm and leave the office.Leaving a bewildered Luthor and a terrified Mercy.

I arrive at the meet area and see Kaldur and Roy bstanfing there.Roy looks like, he has seen better days.I look around and see no Green Arrow."Where's Arrow?" I ask him as he shakes his hand."He got caught up with League business." Kladur replies as I shake my head."Perfect.....let's go.You.Stay here." I say to Kaldur and Roy respectively."But I can help." He says as I shove him back, my eyes glowing with anger."You stay here!" Zarathos says through me as he shoves Roy back on his ass.I regain control as myself and Kaldur had to peace summit."Did you have to be that aggressive?" Kaldur says as I sigh."He doesn't respond to words nor orders.Violence and force are about the only things that he does understand." I say as I walk ahead.

We arrive at the meet as Kalfur fixes his civilian wear."Stick close to the civilians, don't want to be caught with our backs turned." I say as he nods and intergrates in the crowd.I walk over to where Luthor is as I feel a familiar presence.A short woman passes me as something enters my hand.I look back and see the woman gone as I open the paper.'Get ready'.The note says as I recongised the handwriting.Jade.I look around and can't seem to find her."Looking for someone?" Luthor says as I shake my head."I thought I saw someone familiar.Haven't been getting enough sleep lately." I say as he chuckles."And I have you protecting me.....wonderful." He stares as I growl under my breath.

I'm standing behind Luthor as he delegates between the two Rhlesian leaders."Unification is unthinkable!" The leader-general of North Rhlesia says as the Southern President follows up."Our people have nothing in common anymore.To unifiy is bring disorder and chaos to the streets." Luthor is able to placate the two."Gentlemen, this is all rhetoric.Despite your differences, you still share an appreciation for many things.Such as the exquisite art of the Rhlesian Tea Ceremony." Got to give Luthor credit, he may be a criminal and a major asshole...but he knows how to talk someone out of something.Wouldn't surprise me if he entered politics just for the talks rather than anything else.I look ahead of him and see a figure coming into the crowd.An elaborate dress up and some makeup, while also pushing a cart.While she can blend her body into the crowd, she can't hide from me."Aqualad, on your six." I say as I press the comm.Kaldur turns and points one of his water bearers at her.I can just see her face contort into a scowl.I move beside Luthor as I loosen my chains onto the table and the floor.She smirks and sends the cart towards Kladur as I light my chains.Kladur brings the water from the cups of the leaders and their politicians.He forms a shield as the bomb goes off.Jade is sent flying as the force of the bomb, blows out the window.Kladur struggles against the shield but nonetheless is able to hold it.

I jump forward and stand by Kaldur as he rips the remaining tatters of his civilian wear.I see Jade get back to her feet as she looks at us."It's over.....surrender." I say as I make my eyes glow."You would think so." She says cockily as she stands tall, a chopper hovers up behind her as Sportsmaster steps out, as well as more Shadows."Can you take Sportsmaster?" I ask Kaldur as he nods."Take him, capture him if you can." I say.I hear the Southern President speak as guard charge forward at the ninjas.Kaldur charges and flips over Jade before engaging Sportsmaster.I stare down Jade as we circle each other.My chains leaving a trail of molten fire along the ground."So.....you wanted me to yourself.Should I be creeped out...or flattered?" She says teasingly as I swing my chains at her, she dodges and moves closer to me.Swing her sai's, I block and deflect the blades before whipping a chain up, she leans her body to the right as the chain misses her by an inch."Why haven't you gone full on.Flaming skull and all that?" She says as I smirk."Wouldn't be a challenge....not like it is anyway." I say as she snarls in anger and charges me.Whipping my chains back around my arms, I deflect and block every strike.She spins around my left backhand, she turns the sai in reserve grip and goes to stab me but I catch the blade.I stare at her as I light my hand with a tinge of Hellfire.She helps in pain as she backs away, leaving the sai in my hand.I melt the blade before throwing the molten steel to the ground.She pulls a collapsible sword out as she stands at the ready, sword and sai in hand.She swings the sword as I dodge out of the way, I grip her arm and spin her around, punching her in the stomach, she doubles over in pain, but reels back for an elbow to my jaw.I reel back in shock as she goes to stab me but I deflect her away.I notice the other sword, strapped to her back as I rip it off.She turns in shock as the sword opens for me."So...swordfight, huh?" I say as I control Hellfire to light the blade.No instead of flaming chains.....a flaming sword will do.She backs up in slight fear as I hold the blade out."Want it back?" I say teasingly as she fients a strike which I deflect.Her sword's blade, connecting with the Hellfire, starts to heat.I swing my sword as she dodges and swings back.Deflecting the blow and throwing a massive overhead.She holds the flat of her blade against mine as the Hellfire sword starts to cut through the steel.Her eyes widened in shock as she moved my blade away and rushed away from me.I twirl the blade in reserve grip and throw it like a spear at her.She ducks under as the sword sinks into the wall.

"Aqualad!Let's finish this!" I hear Roy shout as I look up and see him pointinghis bow at the sprinklers.He fires an arrow at one, which explodes in contact.All of them start to go off as steam is coming off my body.I see that Kaldur is right at home with so much water.He raises his water bearers as all the water forms into a colossal sea serpent like creature.The water snake rams into the remaining ninjas, it's attention eventually turns to Sportsmaster.Jade jumps in front of him and puts her mask on.She throws a pellet into the ground as a massive cloud of smoke fills the hall.Roy jumps down beside us as they clear their throats of the smoke.I focus my eyes and reach my senses through the cloud and feel that Jade and Sportsmaster are long gone.

A remaining ninja jumps at Luthor but mercy stands in front of them as her arm opens into a cannon and fires at the ninja.The shot burns through the ninjas sternum, exposing his bones and burnt lungs and heart.Brutal, even for me.I turn back around and see that both Jade and Sportsmaster are gone.I lower my Hellfire levels as the battle had died down.Kaldur puts his water bearers away, Roy has holstered his bow across his back.We turn to see Mercy's arm close up, hiding the cannon from view."Gives new meaning to the 'arms race', doesn't she?" Luthor says arrogantly as I roll my eyes.Of course, shoe off his new toy for the leaders.Invest in peaceful Rhlesia.Yeah...with weapons of mass destruction.Sounds like a great idea.We see the Rhlesian leaders admire the technology and thanj Luthor for saving their lives."Fucking greeddy bastards." I say."They own him their lives?" Roy says as I stare at him.His eyes widen as I walkmiber to him."You disobeyed a direct order.....again.Whole I'm not happy that you did it...thanks for the help." I say as I place a hand on his shoulder.You courage, I'll give you that.But don't make it a recurring theme." I say, a little bit threateningly.

We walk out of the summit.The Rhlesian leaders decided on a treaty.Thank God for small mercies."Can't believe we did a solid for Lex Luthor." Roy says."Nothing we did as sfor Luthor.I couldn't have cared less if Luthor was killed tonight but the peace summit was more important." I say as Kaldur follows up."Matt is right.Not the killing part.We did this for peace.Beyond that, Ra's and the Shadows wanted to break Rhlesian into all out war.Now with the treaty, the contract is rendered moot." Kaldur says as I shake my head."Men like Ra's don't stop at a contract being moot.If he wanted too, he could send an assassin to Luthor's residency and we wouldn't know until his body is discovered.But.....we can never be sure.Maybe it's just my paranoia slipping in....oh my god, I'm turning into Batman." I say as Kaldur and Roy laugh at my joke.

"But in all seriousness, is it over though?" Roy says as we both turn to him."I hear what Sportsmaster said.Do you really think there is a mole on your team?Feeding him intel?" He says as I glance at Kaldur.A mole."I can't rule out the possibility...we will investigate... quietly." He says as he glances at me.I nod my head in agreement."Not tell them?" Roy asks incredulously."I dont want to accuse them with baseless suspicions." Kaldur says as I follow up."And if there is a mole, we don't want to tip them off." Roy throws a mock salute at us."Good luck with that." He says as he walks off.I turn to Kaldur as he turns away from me."You don't approve of my choice?" He says as I put my hand on his shoulder."Your choice is the oy logical one.Sportsmaster dropped news on you.It could be a way to divide us...but if it's true....than we must act cautiously.The team will not like this when they find out, but I will back you up my friend." I say as he smiles at me."Thank you, Matt.I appreciate that." He says as I nod."Let's go home.I'm starving." I say as he laughs.

Luthor's Office, Taipei: No P.O.V

"That went well.Both Li and Tseng were quite impressed with Mercy's equipment." Lex Luthor says as he pouts two cups of a special brandy."And are quite literally buying into the peace.Our plan to ensure the eventual reunification of Rhlesia, under Lexcorp's political and economical guidance was a...complete success." Luthor states as he passes a cup to his guest.... Ra's Al Ghul."And thus, another corner of the world.....sees the Light." Ra's says as both men drink their cups."You are unnerved about something.What is it?" Ra's asks as Luthor brings up the clip of Matthew killing both of his guards."While the assassin being so close was uncalled for.The Ghost Rider showed me that he is a formidable adversary.He is cunning, ruthless and intimidating.I'm be one to admit, he scared the shit out of me." Luthor says as Ra's hmms."The Ghost Rider is formidable...which will make his turn to the Light the more satisfying." Ra's says with an evil smile which Luthor matches.

New York City, 1:17pm, September 9th, 2010

Batman decided to give myself and Kaldur a day off from duty due to our work with the peace summit.I initially refused but changed my mind when I saw Wally's face.Dude was upset that he didn't get one.As of right now, Kaldur decided to go back to Atlantis to spend his day, I decided to head to New York to see the sights....and also because Zarathos insisted on going."Blood is being split here...but it's not innocent." Zarathos says as we sit in traffic, I look up to the rearview and see him staring back at me."So...what do we care?I thought you wanted the guilty to die, well...they are.What's the issue?" I ask as he narrows his eyes at me."Maybe so.....but something is different.I sense great anger and guilt, someone in this city is very hurt.I am curious as to who and why." He says as I sit back."This is our day off, why not take a break from it all?" I ask as he sighs."The guilty never stop preying on the innocent.There is no such thing as 'a break'.We find this person and see what's going on." He says as I just sigh in tiredness."Fine...but you owe me." I say as I turn at the intersection.Batman had set up a safe house in every major city for the League.He had allowed me access, but only on the requirement that I don't wreck it like my own apartment.....I need to fix that little problem.

Entering the safehouse, I deposit everything on crime, watchlist and news feed from every news outlet and police database on the city.Got to love Batman for his thinking ahead.The news is just filled with bodies.Italian mobs shoot up.Russian gangs with signs of torture.Criminals killed execution style."This is some personal level shit." I say as I see something in the background of one of the photos.A graffiti painting.A white skull."Aww, someone appreciates my work." Zarathos says giddily as I shake my head.I look between all the photos, police body-cam, etc. Every single one, has the skull painted somewhere in it."A vigilante, one that gives no fucks." I say as I scan the skull into the League's database for any sort of connection.It pings back, really quickly, as I see hundreds, if not thousands of reports and news feed of a violent vigilante that hunts down criminals.From low thugs to big crime bosses, mobs, gangs, even a case of a corrupt US Senator being assassinated in his own home.The cause of death was a single .50 caliber round.The level of violence and hate to actually shoot someone with that double fister, blows my mind.All that database has on the vigilantes name is an underworld street name....The Punisher.

I spend the better part of 2 hours to try and find anything about this Punisher but nothing.No face recognition, no name, no DOB, no anything apart from his underworld name and callsign.Its moments like these that make wish I had Robin here, he could have figured this out in a snap."He seems very skilled." Zarathos says as I open my eyes."How so?" I ask."It's like you said, there is no information on him or her.They seem to not want to be found, they leave no trace except shell casings and bodies, they can cover up their tracks so nothing comes back to them.The level of training and/or skill is very impressive." Zarathos says as I think about for a minute.That is true, tracks are covered so well, I didn't even notice that they are covered.I reach my hand up to my comm."Hey, Rob.As you're there?" I ask."Yeah, I read you.What you need?" I look at the pattern of violence that has the call sign."I need to trace anything on New York's housing and relocation centres, I need to narrow down a search of a vigilante with some serious training, can you do that for me?" I ask him."Yeah, sure.One second." He says as silence rings for a second."Ok, I got one.Fredrick Chase.He is a member of the New York S.W.A.T team.He is the only that matches your requirements." He says as I get the information on the computer.A name but no picture."Got an address?" I ask."Yeah.....52 West 95th Street." He replies."Thanks Rob, I appreciate it." I thank him as I make my way out."All good, I'm here if you need me." He says as the comm turns off.I hop onto my bike and make my way to the address.

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The house is putting rundown but otherwise habitable.Perfect place for a vigilante to hunker down in.I enter the house and see that it needs some serious touch up, dust everywhere, construction supplies placed everywhere, it seems like this place is in the middle of renovation.I enter the living home and see an old couch, table and.....not much else.The kitchen is the same, empty.It's like no one lives here.I reach with my senses as I feel the presence of a nearby soul.This one, filled with rage.I hear a ping as I turn and see a small cannister flying at me.I catch it as it explodes.Sheer bright light enters my eyes.The agony is unbearable.I hear a yell as I'm pushed into the wall as someone throws heavy hooks to my face.I push him away to get my bearings.My sight is just filled with white lights going off and a blurry image of man in a black trench coat.He punches me again as I block blindly and grab his arm.Using my strength, I pull him into the wall next to me.Reaxhing my arm back, I drive my elbow into he wall, connecting with nothing but the old plastor.My sight is coming back to me as the blurry images come into focus.

I see the man before me.He has a soldier cut hairstyle, black trench coat and a bullet proof vest with a white skull painted on it.We stare each other down as he charges me.I run at him and duck under his punch.Grabbing him and bolstering him up, I charge through the kitchen wall and into the living room.Getting on top of him, I rain punches which he avoids, maneuvering himself into a teaingle choke.I lift him off the ground and slam him back down, the force of the impact breaks the hold.He kicks me away as he gets to his feet.I swing my fist as he expertly dodges and deflects, he replies tenfold with technical strikes.I'm strong and faster than him but he is far more experienced.As he goes to punch me, I get closer to him and push him into the wall, Zarathos is itching to get out.I make my fist glow with Hellfire as I go to punch, he moves out of the wall as the plastor wall is shattered and burnt.He combat rolls away as he pulls a shotgun out from under the couch.He levels it at me and fires a slug.The impact hurts like a motherfucker as he shoots me again.I crash to the ground as I groan in pain.I see him exit out the window, whole pulling a trigger out of his pocket.Beeps are heard as I look around and see steady blinking lights...he rigged the house.He exits out of the window as I slowlykae my way to the door.Soon enough, the boom is heard as I'm sent flying out the door and onto the pavement.

I look up from the ground at the burning house as I rest my head on the sidewalk.Wasn't expecting that.I hear sirens wailing as I get to my feet.I look up at hlthe building across the street.On the roof, is the man.He is staring down at me before walking away."Come on.We can get him." Zarathos says as I wave him off."Not tonight.I'm hurt and I need to sleep." I say with a groan as I cradle my gut.The slugs might have burned on entry into my body but I still feel it.Zarathos is walking in over time to heal me.

Entering the safehouse I crash into the bed as I breath a sigh of relief."Please tell me that you read his soul." I say to Zarathos."Yes, I did.The man's name is Frank Castle.I didn't get enough information but all I got was his name and something about...Central Park?That mean anything to you?" Zarathos replies as I shake my head.I reach up to my comm, which surprises me that it still works."Hey Rob?You read me?" I say tiredly to him."Yeah I read you.What happened to you?Sounds like you got the shit kicked out of you." He says as I laugh sarcastically."Ha ha.I need you to run a name through the database.Frank Castle." I say as I hear him type away."Whoa." I hear him say in shock."What?What is it?" I ask him."I got a hit.Frank Castle.Former United States Marine Corpmen and Scout Sniper.Decorated with tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, you name it, he's been there." Robin says as I shake my head."A soldier....what are his credentials?" I ask as Robin laughs."Its more about what credentials he doesn't have.Demolition, infantry, sniper, recon, infiltration, extraction, assassination.This man is a one man army.He has skills that you don't rarely see.Says here that he served in the Marine Corps since he was eighteen and after serving, he was chosen for a too secret black ops team.He's a lieutenant and.....whoa.He was awarded the Navy Cross.Second most prestigious besides the Medal of Honour.Matt, this man is a war hero." He says as I sigh in frustration.That's a lot, this is trained.....trained to kill with no hesitation.But why criminals, what's his motive.I think back to what Zarathos said."Any connection between him and Central Park.Any significance?" I ask him as I hear him type."Yeah.About 2 years ago, him and his family were having a day out on Central Park with the Russian, Italian and Irish gangs came to a shoot out with each other.Castle's family was killed in the crossfire.Medical reports says that Castle suffered a gazing shot to the side of the head, but the concussive wave had sent him unconscious." He says as I realise why now.A military man, decorated soldier.And his family is killed by thugs.If I was him, I'll be pissed off too."Thanks Rob." I say as I turn off the comm.He killed the Russians and the Italians.Only the Irish remain.

I pull up the database on the computer and triangulate the Irish hubs.I see three locations but only one is not within the police database, either they don't know it or are paid to ignore it.Knowing what I know now about Castle, he would go for this one.Grabbing my keys, not caring if I'm in pain or not, I head to the Irish holdout.Driving through the streets, weaving between the cars, I reach the part of town where the hub is.I hear gunshots go off as I bolt inside, bodies line the hallway as someone jumps out at me."You got to help me!He's crazy!" The man says as I headbutt him, knocking him out and leaving him here.I enter a large meeting area as I see Castle pointing a gun at one of Irishmen."Castle!" I call out to him as he stares at me."You again?How the fuck are you even alive?" He says in a quiet monotone as I raise my hands."I'm not here to fight.....just to talk." I say as he scoffs."You hero types are all the same.Killing is it the way....it's the only way." He says as he levels the gun at the man."I'm not a hero, Castle." I say as he stares at me.My eyes glow with fire as the Irish man's eyes widen in terror."You're the Ghost Rider?" Castle asks in a questioning tone."Expected someone older." He continues as I chuckle."So everyone says." I say but he just glares at me."Doesn't matter who you are.You're not going to stop me." He says."I'm not going too." I say as he raises an eyebrow."I get it.Believe me when I say that I do.I read what happened to your family, it's not my business but I understand your pain." I say as he scowls at me."How can you know?" He says."Cause my family was killed too." I say as I sigh."My mother and sister were killed when a bomb went off in our apartment.Due to my special nature.....I survived...they didn't.I find out who killed them.....I made sure that he regretted for the rest of his life." I say to him."I'm not here to stop you.I'm here to understand." I say, extending an olive branch to him."My family are killed by these.....pieces of shit.These men are a disease and a plight on humanity.Heroes can pretend that they are doing good but they do nothing.The scum will always be here and its up to men like to make sure that they never see the light of day again." Castle says as he fires the gun, the Irishman's brain splatter against the concrete.

We just stand there, amongst all the glory and all the bodies."I'm not going to take you in.Being the Ghost Rider, I see a lot of evil.The torture and horror that people inflict on the innocent.I understand how you feel.While your methods are something that I can't argue, considering my own, I hope that you can at least tone down the level of violence." I say as I gesture to all the blood splattered everywhere.He chuckles a bit as he sits down."Do you miss them?" He asks me as I nod my head."Everyday...my mother was someone that I loved and hated at the same time but I still miss her.My sister, Luna....she was my joy.Living in Gotham was never easy, learners how to survive quick, but Luna always made me smile, always made my day brighter any time I came home.She was just a baby when she died but I loved her more than life itself." I say as he nods."My wife was the exact opposite of me.She was outgoing and happy, not someone that I saw ever marrying but I loved her.My kids were everything to me.My daughter loves singing songs.While terrible at it, I would join in.She would laugh at me but I loved every second of it.My son was a little devil, always causing trouble, giving me a few headaches but otherwise, he made my job as a father that much better." Castle says as I nod and take out a burner phone."If you ever want to talk or need help with something.....give me a buzz." I say as I pass him the phone."You're not going to take me in?" Castle says as I shake my head."No.It would be pointless.You would end up in prison where, judging by your skills, would just kill everyone there.Batman isn't going to like it but....I can't stop you.Even if I wanted to.This path of vengenance.....it's hard to steer out of." I say as Castle walks past me."This isn't vengeance.Revenge is an emotional response.This is punishment...thanks for the burner, if I need to...I'll give you a ring." He says as he walks out.Despite his gruff attitude and violent nature....I like him.Zarathos loves him, finds his killer instinct almost like a turn on.That feeling is not going to go away any time soon.

After leaving the hub and making my way back to the safehouse.I read up on the news of an attack against the Irish gang which resulted in all members deceased.The white skull of the Punisher was found inside, along with the riddled corpses of the gang members.I decided to leave New York tonight, I got what Zarathos wanted, and made a new friend, I think.Time to head back home.

P.O.V Change: Frank Castle/The Punisher.

After leaving the young man behind, I followed him to where he was staying, while I'm not sure to trust him, I'm keeping my distance away from now.He seemed like a good kid, ruthless in how he fights, can take a hit and shares my mindset, maybe.I get the feeling of trying to be a hero but he understands that violence and death is the only thing that criminals will understand.My family may rest in peace now that their killers are dead but my work is not yet done.New York is only the first, there will be more.Gotham is next on the list, that city stinks of crime and is infested with corruption.I will right what Batman refuses to do.The only place where the criminals of Gotham can get help is in a box, six feet under.I turn on the police dispatch as a bank heist and hostage situation is going on downtown.I get up and give one last look at the young man."See you around, hothead." I say as I leave.

New York Bank: No P.O.V

The robbers of the bank hold shotguns and rifles as they force the teller to give them the code to the vault.This bank is filled with money, hold and precious jewels.After news of the gangs, mobs and syndicates being killed, every criminal is staging one last job before they hit the road and leave.One employee tripped over her own heels as a man forces her face down.He points his gun at the back of her head.Before he can pull the trigger however, the lights go dim, casting a shadowy feeling across the bank."What the fuck is going on?" One of the robbers says as heavy boots are heard.A man walks out of the shadows, wearing a black trench coat, his familiar white skull adorned on his chest.Two twins assault rifles hang from his hands."Whose first?" The man says as he pulls the guns up and unleashes bullet rain against the robbers.This....is the Punisher.

New Orleans, Louisiana: 4:53pm, September 14th, 2010

The Terror Twins, Tommy and Tuppence, crash through the roof as they land with a solid thud.Their rampage joyride ends today, Tommy comes too as I march forward, dragging my chains along the ground."Having fun?" I ask sarcastically as I command my chains to wrap around him as Kaldur applies the meta collar."Hey!" Tommy shouts as both he and his sister try to fight but with their powers gone, Kaldur and Red Tornado are able to overpower them.Pulling my chain back around my arm, I approach the twins."I don't feel right.My strength.....but I just gone and went toe to toe with Superman." Tommy says on that strong Cajun accent.I sense Connor's approach as I stare at him.Something that surprised me on my way home from New York, M'gann gave Superboy a name, Connor.I think that it suits him really well."Congratulations.It's more quality time than he's ever given me." Connor says as I stand impressed by the get up.Blond hair, cut to match Tommy's, a chain around his neck, white tank top with suspenders, black leather pants finish the look.I sense the underlying anger at Superman, the big guy needs to get off his ass and just accept the fact that Connor is here and he ain't going anywhere.

M'gann steps from behind Connor and approaches Tuppence.M'gann places her hand on Tuppence's shoulder as Connor speaks in a Cajun accent."Got your inspiration, sister Tuppence?" He says, which just sounds so unnatural coming from his mouth.M'gann turns and shifts into Tuppence as both twins look on bewildered."I believe I do, brother Tommy." M'gann says with a Cajun before standing next to Connor.It's a bit weird seeing two.....and two...in one room."Somebody tell me what's going on?" Tommy asks as I put my hand on his shoulder.He looks up at me."Best not to worry about it." I say as Batman steps out of the shadows."It's simple.They're under arrest." He says as he puts a meta collar around both Connor's and M'gann's necks.This is one of, if not, the most outlandish plan that he has ever come up with....I'm very, very impressed."Me too." Zarathos says as I chuckle.

The day flies pretty quickly.Batman had to hack a few databases and what not to get Connor and M'gann into Belle Reve.A state of the art, super prison.Designed for super villains and meta humans.Myself and Kaldur will stay behind in the bio ship.If either M'gann or Connor give the word for help, then we'll jump right in and get them out before anyone kills them.I think back to the debrief that Batman told us.


"This past fourth of July, four ice villains stages simultaneous attacks- Mister Freeze, Icicle Jr, Killer Frost and Captain Cold, were all easily apprehended.Perhaps two easily." Batman says as I stand beside Kaldur as Batman talks to Connor and M'gann."Cold and Frost were immediately sent to Belle Reve Penitentiary.A federal prison designed to house super criminals.The 17-year-old Icicle Jr was sent to a juvenile facility, while Freeze was sent to his usual cell in Arkham.But Freeze petitioned the court to be declared legally sane.And Jr sued to be tried as an adult.Freeze and Jr are now being transported to Belle Reve, which seems to be the plan all along.I'm sending the two of you in to find out why." Batman says Kaldur raises a question."Will anyone on the inside know their identities?" He asks as Batman shakes his head."We can't be certain the prison staff isn't compromised.Which is why both you and Ghost Rider will be stationed in the bio ship near Belle Reve.If either Connor or Miss Martian sends you a telepathic message for help, you will help." Batman says as I nod my head."Just be ready.We don't know what's going down on the inside.Don't take any unnecessary risks." I say as both M'gann and Superboy nod.

Flashback ends.

Myself and Kaldur wait within the bio ship.Batman had outfitted us with holograms that shows us images from inside the prison.All cameras within the main complex and cells are routed to us.We can't hear anything but actions speak louder than words.We see Freeze, Connor, M'gann and Jr stand in a line, another camera pans to see an older dark skinned woman staring down at them, saying something.A bald gentleman wearing dark sunglasses stands behind her."Whose that?" I say as Red Tornado speaks."Amanda Waller.She is the warden of Belle Reve.The man behind is Dr Hugo Strange.The prison psychiatrist." Tornado says as we continue watching."This prison holds a lot of evil.Bad things have happened here.Or maybe it's just filled with evil people." I say as I gaze at the imposing prison."Not every super villain is evil, Matt.Some can be redeemed." Kaldur says as I scoff."Tell that to the mother's, the father's, the sons and daughters that these....people...kill.Tell them that they can be redeemed." I say back to him."Some people just enjoy killing, some find amusement in seeing people suffer.This place....it's crawling with those people." I say as I feel Zarathos itching to get in there.I reel him in when I tell him that the mission comes first.

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Connor and M'gann are moved to their respective wings.I feel M'gann's voice in my head."Connor can you hear me?" She says."Yes, but I thought that the collars-." Connor goes to think but M'gann interrupts."Designed to hinder Tuppence Terror's strength.Not my telepathy.But your strength-." M'gann replies but Connor rudely interrupts her."Not as strong as Superman's.Got it." He thinks to her."No, that is not what I-." Again Connor doesn't let her finish."Whatever." He thinks again.I had enough of the back and forth."Hey guys.Focus on the mission and then afterwards argue.Oh and M'gann, cut our link to your head but keep yours to ours.We're here for backup, not to hear your every thought." I think to her."Right.Sorry." She thinks as the link is cut from our end."Connor was being rude." I say to Kaldur."He just wants to be like Superman." Kaldur says as I scoff."That's admirable, but he still didn't have to be rude to M'gann.She didn't say anything about his strength being like Superman's, she was going to say that he can access his strength just like she can access her telepathy.He was unnecessarily cruel." I say as Tornado speaks up."The Superboy seems to believe that because he thinks he is inferior to Superman, he might not be worthy of him.Deeming himself unworthy to possess his strength." He says."It's not about that.It's about how he addressed M'gann." I say as Kaldur rests his hand on my shoulder."I heard the same thing you did.Yes, he was rude.But we shouldn't interfere with their personal affairs.Whatever M'gann and Connor need to sort out.They'll sort it out on their own terms." Kaldur is right, as usual, I just nod my head and watch the cameras.

The night had passed and morning had rais.Tornado had told us to get some sleep.I wasn't about to argue, if the machine wants to keep watch than he can.When morning came, Tornado woke both of us, today, M'gann and Connor will interact with the other criminals, maybe they can get some information.We watch as Icicle Jr bring a Connor over to Cold and Freeze, a third, older man sits inbetween.The big fucker from Santa Prisca, now named Mammoth, stands guard as well as another."What the fuck is that?" I say as I see the big shark like creature."That's Nanaue also known as King Shark.(1) He's a metahuman from Hawaii, before the team was formed, me and the king took him down, a lot of people suffered from his rampage." Kaldur says as I look incredulously at him."Moving on from the shark man.The gentlemen inbetween Captain Cold and Mr Freeze is Icicle Sr, based on guards reports and prisoner testimonials, Icicle Sr is in charge of the prisoners." Red Tornado states."Four ice villains plus one.Something big is about to go down." I say as Kaldur nods."Agreed, but what?" He says as I shrug.

We see a skinny man walk up to Icicle and his flunkies, Mammoth and King Shark intercept him.Something about this man is familiar."Zoom in on that man." I say to Tornado who does so.When the image zooms in, all I see is rage.He looks exactly like him.I get up with a sharpness and bolt out of the bio ship and march over to the prison.I hear Kaldur calling out to me but I ignore him."Matt!Matt!Stop, Matt....stop!" Kaldur says as he pushes me back."Get out of my way Kladur." I say threateningly as I make my eyes glow."Not until you tell me what your planning." He says as he stands there with his water bearers in hand.My eyes glow brighter as fire starts to break through my skin, my rage is making me lose control of Zarathos."Move, Kaldur'ahm.....before I make you move." I say threateningly but he stands unflinchingly.I growl and charge him as his eyes widen, I tackle him and rain punches down onto him.He forms a shield as I start pounding at it.The force of my punches form cracks into the shield, Kladur groans in exertion as he tries to hold the shield in place.I smash the shield as it gives way.I grab Kladur by the throat and lift him up."Stay out of my way!" I growl as I throw him into a tree.I hear a vortex forming as I turn to Tornado who is just watching.A small tornado in his hand is more than enough warning.I feel something wrap around me as I look down and see Kaldur using whips to wrap me.He pulls and swings me into a tree which cracks under the pressure."Stop this madness, Matthew!" He shouts as I stare angrily at him."I'm not going to let you jeopardize this mission and the lives of M'gann and Connor!" He shouts as that last piece pierce's through me.I sit down, defeated and lean back against the tree.Tears are forming in my eyes as I hand my head in my hands."I'm sorry.....I didn't mean...." I don't finish as the pain comes back.I feel Kaldur rest his hand on my shoulder."Let's back to bio ship." He says as I nod and get to my feet.

"What's wrong, Matt?" Kaldur says as I hang my head.I look at Kaldur and Tornado."Nothing that is said, leaves this ship." I say but Tornado speaks up."I do not understand." He says as Kaldur turns to him."Matt wants us to keep a secret." He says as Tornado nods."While I find this illogical and unnecessary.My studies with humans tells me that this is a sign of trust.So I shall keep the secret." He says as I nod gratefully."Pull that man's image." I say as the skinny man from before is seen."And pull up a picture of Edward Nygma." I say as the image is drawn up.Both images are nearly identical, say perhaps a few minor differences."The man on the left is Eric Nygma, the brother of the late, Edward Nygma.Since Edward Nygma's death at Arkham, Eric Nygma had taken up his brothers moniker as The Riddler." Tornado says as I stare angrily at both images."Why is this important?" Kaldur asks as I sigh."Because my name.....my real name....is Matthew Nygma.Edward Nygma is...was my father." I say as Kaldur sits back."Why did you react the way you did?" He ask after a few moments of silence."When I saw Eric, I just saw Riddler again.I just felt loathing and hate.I just wanted to see him dead." I say as tears fall from my face."What happened?" Kaldur says a she sits next to me."My mother.My sister....they are killed in a bombing.Riddler sent the bomb." I say as Kaldur's eyes widen in shock and realisation."Because of my 'roommate', I survived.When I found out that Riddler was the one that sent the bomb.....I felt nothing but hate.....I wanted vengeance." I say as I shake my head."You went to Arkham?" Kaldur says as I nod.The unasked question is answered silently."When I killed him, I thought I was past the pain...but I'm not.I miss my mother....I want my sister back." I say as tears fall free as I sniff.Kaldur rest his hand on my shoulder, comforting me."I'm sorry that happened to you.I can't imagine what you're feeling." He says as I wipe my tears and snot away."When I saw him, saw Eric.All the pain, all the anger.....all the memories came back.I just felt that killing him will finally make the pain go away...I was a fool to think that.This pain will never leave.Nothing will ever bring them back." I say as I get up and move away from them."They aren't gone, my friend." Kaldur says as I turn back."Happy memories will forever live in here." He says as he points to my head."And your love for them.Their spirit will always been in there." He says as he holds his hand over my heart.A tear drops as Kaldur pulls me into a hug."No one we lose ever leaves us.They remain...to watch over us...to protect us....they remain...because they are a part of us." He says as I break from the hug and wipe my tears away."Thank you, Kaldur.Thank you." I say as he places a hand on my shoulder."You are my friend.Whenever you need help.....I'll be there to aid you.Whether with the job or with something personal.You are my brother in arms.I'll always be there for you." He says as I nod thankfully.I look back at Tornado."Humans still confuse me, but the friendship between you is something that 'touches my heart', I think the saying is." Red says as the both of us chuckle."I will keep your secret until you are ready to reveal it.Until then.I will not speak of what was said here." He says as I nod thankfully."Thank you Tornado.I don't know how to repay you." I say as he waves me off."I do not require any pay.The team, including you, are under my care.It's my job to make sure that you are well." He says as I nod."Ok, enough about me, what's happening within the prison."

After my little episode, Tornado updated us that Icicle Sr is planning a mass breakout with the other ice villains.After the day passes, Connor getting into a fight etc, nothing much happens, U til M'gann speaks to us."The break is happening sooner than later." She says, hiking myself and Kaldur back online."Time to pull you out." He says as he goes to message Batman."Calling in the League." He thinks but M'gann interrupts him."Icicle will only postpone.We need to learn how they're busting out.Or they'll just try again." She says as I nod."She had a point.The break is going to happen, we wait until we know the how, than we can stop them." I say to Kaldur sighs."Agreed....we remain on alert." He says both to M'gann telepathically and aloud to Tornado."I hope that they can pull this off." I say as Kaldur turns to me."You don't have faith in them?" He asks as I shake my head."Oh, I have pently of faith but it's more of a matter of caution.Both Connor and M'gann are isolated in two different wings, if even one of them makes a small error than their lives become more at risk than what they are.Both of them are strong, no debate, but the amount of criminals that outnumber them.Connor might be able to hold off for a while but even he can't hold out for too long." I say as Kaldur's expression becomes downcast."What do you suggest?" He asks as I think."If worse comes to worse.We go in and get them out, the both of us along with M'gann and Connor will be able to keep the prisoners from escaping or defend both of them if their cover is blown." I say as Kaldur nods.

Hours pass again as I'm slowly dying from boredom.Zarathos isn't enjoying it either."Anything good yet?I'm itching for a fight." I say."Only thing was Freeze and Icicle Sr fighting but other than that, not much else." Kaldur says as I blow raspberries.Suddenly, blaring horns are coming from the prison, I sjhke my boredom as camera pop up with footage of the prisons lockdown system happening."It's going down now....can I go?" I almost plead to Kaldur as he sighs a breath."Fine, but no excessive violence." He says a so smirk."Don't worry, I got this." I say as I bolt over to the prison, the hellfire fueling my legs to run faster.I arrive and jump up to the wall.Glad it's thick, means my force of my fists can make dents to hold onto.Scaling the massive wall proved to be more easy than I anticipated, reaching the top, I see a guard pointing a sniper rifle at me.I turn to him and jump down to the walkway.He fires the shot as it Pierce's my torso.I look up at him with fury in my eyes."Seriously?" I say as I bull rush him and rip the rifle out of his hand.He stand shocked as I swing the rifle across his head, bending the weapon as the guard flaps to the floor.

Entering down the hatch and through the corridors.Red lights glow as I reach a door to the inner complex but is protecting by three blast doors.While I could burn through them, the stone wall next to it is better.As I go to burn through the wall however, ice starts to freeze over it....very smart.They manage to smuggle tech inside and doable the collars, using their abilities and tech to freeze the walls, making those thick barriers more like glass than stone.Very smart.I start burning through the stone, which thanks to the ice is actually making my job easier but the walk is still to thick.I let Zarathos take control, he can deal with this

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Burning always calms me.The pure.....purity of fire.This stone is just unlucky that I can't appreciate the beauty of its new form.Got a job to do.Even with Hellfire, the stone is taking a while to burn but it matters not.Unlike the cons on the inside, I'm in no rush.The final stretch is in sight, the wall is finally burned through as I step out of the smoking and lava filled mess.My flaming skull is a blazing sun amongst the dark walls of the inner complex.I look around a Dundee guards in cells and cons walking about.I step out as all the cons step back.I chuckle as I see that."You feel it, don't you?" I say as my voice echoes against the walls, the cons shiver and it's not from the cold."That feeling of impending dread....of imminent doom." I say as I loosen my chains.Fire is slowly cascading down them as I drag them along the ground, leaving molten rock in my wake."That's terror...the fear of what stands before you.An apex among apex predators.I am the shadow that prowls your nightmares.The monster under your bed.The demon that comes for your soul and after tonight.... I'll haunt your every thought." I say as I tilt me head, hellfire is spewing from my cheeks as one brave.....or stupid con charges me."Fuck you!I'll kill yo-." He doesn't finish as I pick him up before the face as I snap his neck.His head is turned at a full 180° as his dead eyes state back at the rest of the cons.I let him drop to the floor as I stare back at the rest of them."Anyone else?" I say as all the cons rush back and open the cells, letting the guards and officials of the prison out while entering themselves, locking the door behind them.I chuckle as I spot one particular con.I see the skinny man back into a cell as I march over."I know who you are!You're Edward's boy.Not going to say hi to your uncle." He says as I grab him by the collar of his jumpsuit and push him against the wall."Let me speak to him." Matthew says to me as I let him take control again.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

My skin grows back as I stare down a the little man."You don't look like him." He says as I scoff."Good." I reply."My brother wansnt.....the most sane guy but I'm sure that you knew that.....when you....ah....killed him." He says as I shake my head."He's not dead.His soul is locked in an eternal prison within his own consciousness.He will feel all the pain and suffering that be had ever inflicted on the innocent...for the rest of eternity.Seems to me that was a far worse punishemt than Hell's worst demons." I say as he smirks."Touche....you going to kill me too?" He says as I shake my head."No.....I don't know you but your proud to take your brother's moniker.So I'm going to leave you a warning." I say as I push him against the wall."If you ever escape this place and hurt innocent people.....I'll make sure that your punishment is far worse than what he got." I growl out as I light my hand with a small piece of hellfire and drag it along his chest.He screams in agony as he slowly cradles the brand."Just to make sure.Let that be a warning and a show of my mercy." I say as I punch him directly in the face as he collapses against the wall."You should have killed him." Zarathos says as I shrug."Doesn't matter, whether it's today or tomorrow or whenever.That brand is going to be with him whereever he goes, he's going to see it everyday.It'll remains him of ehonis waiting if he even tries to escape.The fear of me will keep him here, locked away until the day the dies.Let him lie in the dark with the fear of me." I say as I walk out of the cell.I walk out into the main quad as I look at each and every single person."And that goes for all of you!When innocent blood is split....it will be me that you'll face.And unlike some....I will show you no mercy!" I shout out as fire erupts from my hands, the cons cower to the back of their cells as I walk back through the hole that Zarathos made.Before I go though, I turn and look at Waller and Strange.Both of them have a set of guards with tasers at the ready.I glow my eyes in warning as they step back."Good choice." I say as I exit the complex.I reach out with my senses and sense Connor and M'gann and....oh.So that's happened....about time honestly.

Later: No P.O.V:

"Belle Reve will be operational come morning.All prisoners are accounted for....except the Riddler.Seems that after the Ghost Rider's little shoe, he was able to escape from the complex.I hope that he takes the Rider's threat seriously though, that man is a monster if I've ever seen one.And I've seen a lot.Still, you must be disappointed." Hugo Strange says as he set ups his new office, as the new warden of Belle Reve."Me?After the risk you took, smuggling our tech inside.You had nearly as much invested in the break as we did.It's a shame that we got beat.Still, our main objectives were all reached." Icicle Sr says as he holds a hand out of Strange.They shake hands as Strange smiles with sick satisfaction."The Light should be quiet pleased."

Central City: 1:42am, September 20th, 2010

Arriving in Central City, I headed over to the meet place.Wally had called and said something about needing my.... expertise.That's fine, but couldn't it wait until the morning.I might have a demon sitting on my brain but that doesn't mean I don't need sleep.I arrive at the League safehouse and knock on the door.It opens, revealing Barry Allen, the Flash."Matt, you're here.Come on in, we need your help." He says as I enter the house.I see Wally munching on a granola bar, how the fuck can you eat at this hour?Barry opens a hologram with camera footage.The footage plays of an underground rave, which is fine.....except the part about blood raining from the sprinklers."Don't see that everyday." I say as the video plays of a man crawling away, the ravers are all stalking towards as the camera changes.The new angle shows a dark skinned man in a trench coat with tactical armour.Black sunglasses admire his face, I can see silver handles along the armour and on his leg.The audio plays as the ravers move back."It's him.It's the day-walker."

Suddenly a raver charges the man who pulls out a shotgun and shoots him.Instead of the usual way someone is shot, the guy is incinerated as his skeleton drops to the ground.All the ravers start attacking but the man just cuts through them like nothing.His skill is a sight to see.His speed and strength is far greater than that of a human.His use of weapons, such as the sword, stakes, guns etc. "Who is he?" I say to Barry and Wally."I haven't got a clue." Wally says as I feel Zarathos is my head."He is Blade." He says as I raise an eyebrow."Blade?" I say aloud as Barry and Wally turn to me."He's a vampire hunter, met him about 2 centuries ago.Known in the vampire world as the bogeyman." Zarathos says as I shake my head."Wait a minute...vampires?" I say as Wally chokes on his granola bar."Yes...slippery pests.Fast, strong but annoying." He finishes as I just hang my head in my hands."Ok, so apparently we are dealing with vampires and a vampire hunter named Blade, who apparently Zarathos met about 2 centuries ago." I say as Barry and Wally stand bewildered."Didn't expect that tonight." Barry says."Ok...magic...I can accept..... minimally.But vampires?" Wally says as I stare at him."You have a clone, a Martian, an Atlantean and a guy with a demon possessing him.That along with an archer and a kid that was trained by the most skilled and intimidating man, the world has ever seen.But vampires is where you draw the line?" I say as Barry looks at Wally."He does have a point." Wally sighs and hangs his head."Alright...fine.What do we do now?"

I sit there and ponder for a minute."We go to the rave and scope it out.Maybe someone went back, and we can catch them." I say as Barry nods and speeds off.He returns a split second later wearing his suit.Wally speeds away and comes back, a little bit longer but he is also in his suit.I look at them with little amusement."Come on, let's go." I say as I step outside hop onto my bike.Speeding down the street with a red and yellow blue by my side.We arrive at where the rave took place and it's a butcher store.Seems like a damn trope to have vampires around meat.We enter the building as Barry and Wally gag at the sight of so much blood."That's disgusting." Barry says as he wipes vomit from his mouth."To be honest...it's not the worst that I've seen." I say as I caress a charred skull which just breaks at the slightest touch.I hear whimpering as I turn and see a young girl holding her knees close to her chest.She is covered in blood as she spots me.She moves back into the shadows.I get closer to her as I see her pale complexion, strange purple hair and the tears in her eyes."It's ok, you're safe now." I say as she shakes her head."You're the Rider...leave me alone." She says as I tilt my head in confusion.She knows me, knows Zarathos.I glow my eyes as I feel Zarathos's rage.I grin in agony as I back away from the girl."Matt!What's wrong?" Barry asks as I push him away, the force sending him across the blood smeared ground."Zarathos, get a hold of yourself!" I scream at him as the pounding in my head gets worse."She is the spawn of Trigon.I'll kill the wretched beast!" He screams as I feel him trying to take control.I feel him back in with great difficulty."You won't touch her!" I scream back."You foolish boy.Her father is the one who cursed me!Tricked me!Tortured me into becoming what I am.My kin abandoned me after I escaped.That thing that you are protecting will be the bridge between this world and Hell.Trigon will bring his armies and humanity will be extinguished.....or worse.Let me kill it!" He shouts as i collapse to my knees.

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I look back at the girl who is cowering in fear.My eyes glow with anger, but it's not my own."You punish the guilty correct?" I ask Zarathos who scoffs."What of it?" He says as I look at the girl again."Read her.Read her soul.You know she has one.You were an angel that protected the innocent.Now you're a spirit that punishes the guilty.If you kill her...then you are no better than Trigon." I say as I feel him growl.He reads her and roars in anger.I feel him calm slightly as I breathe a sigh of relief.I look at the girl and move over to her.She backs away but I raise my hands."It's ok.I promise, you're safe." I say quietly as she slowly comes out of the shadows.Seeing her in the light, I see that she's about 9 or 10 years old.She's scared, whether it's from what happened here or how I reached to Zarathos...my guess probably being the latter."My name is Matt.What's your name?" I ask."R-Rachel.Rachel Roth." She says as I get up and pick up a towel that has little to no blood on it.U walk over to her and wrap it around her, she clenches it and pulls it close."You're safe now." I say but she shakes her head."It's never safe.....not anymore.They'll come for me." She says as a lot of the lightbulbs start blowing and metal starts bending on its own.Myself, Barry and Wally watch in disbelief at what's happening."It's ok, I promise.They won't take you." I say as she starts to calm down."I'm sorry.I'm not very good at keeping in control." She says as I wave her off."You're a kid, it's alright to be scared." I say as she shakes her head."Bad things happening when I feel anything....it's happened before.I'm better off alone" She says as I feel her guilt and sadness.I rest my hand on her shoulder."You're never alone....and from now on, I'll protect you." I say as she reaches out and hugs me.I hear her crying and sniffling as I hug her back.

We went back to the safehouse, Rachel was uneasy around Wally and Barry but she started to ease around them when we got back.She took a shower while myself and the others talked."Who is she?" Barry asks as I shrug."Zarathos says that she's the daughter of a demon.The same one that tortured him." I say as Wally goes wide eyed."She's a demon?" He says as I shake my head."No.....not really.Demon souls are easy to recognise.Her soul has some semblance of a demon soul but it's incomplete.A human soul is also present so she could be both.Half demon, half human." I say as I perk up.Someone is approaching the house."Someone's here." I say as we all turn to the door.A single knock alerts us as I walk over and open the door.There, standing before me, is Blade."Where's the girl?" He demands as I glow my eyes at him."What's she to you?" I say as he raises an eyebrow."Good to see you again Zarathos...going to let me in?" He says as I feel Zarathos vouch for him.I narrow my eyes and open the door wider.Wally and Barry immediately get ready for a fight when Blade enters the room but I wave them down.

Blade stands tall above us.Looking at him in person and he is very intimidating.He walks with a stride that screams confidence and death.His weapons, from what I can see are made only to kill, nothing about this man says that he would have a sit down and drink some coffee while talking about his day.This is a predator and he is hunting."What do you want with Rachel?" I say as the topic of conversation enters the room.He eyes widen at the sight of Blade as I stand protectively in front of her."I'm not here to kill her if that's what you're worried about.I'm more curious about what she means for the blood suckers." Blade says as Barry speaks."What do you mean?" He ask."I've been tracking a vampire human trafficking gig for the past 4 months.Tonight I got a hit that a special case was being reviewed.I found the rave and killed who crossed me but I didn't find anything, no one.Until I went back there and picked up four scents.Three males and one female.The female had the smell of a demon.It didn't take too long to find you." Blade says as the rest of us look at each other.

"The vampires are very adamant of taking her.They want her for something and I don't know what." Blade says as we look at Rachel."Have any leads?" I ask him as he raises an eyebrow."Are you ready for what you are about to face.Zarathos, I know but I don't know you.How can I be sure that you can be trusted?" Blade asks as I make my eyes glow."You can't.But you're going to have to." I say as he smirks."I like you, kid.And to answer your question.I do have a lead.There is a record keeper here that keeps track of all intel that passers through Central City.If any blood sucker knows why they want the girl then it's the record keeper." Blade says.

We were heading to a nightclub that Blade scouted.Said that vampires would capture humans and sell them for slaves.Basically the human slaves would do the vampire's job in the day.Get the blood, deliver etc etc. Barry agreed to stay behind with Rachel to keep her company while myself and Wally would go with Blade."So.....are you one?A vampire I mean?" Wally asks from the back seat of Blade's car."No...I'm something worse." He says."Zarathos said that you were 2 centuries old." I say as he chuckles."I'm actually 3.And to answer your question, redhead.I'm a hybrid.Half human, half vampire." He says as I raise my eyebrow."How'd that happened?" Wally says as I turn back to him with a glare."How about we don't ask personal questions?" I say sarcastically but Blade just laughs."It's fine.My mother was bitten by a vampire while she was pregnant with me.She died but I didn't.A generic mutation happened while I was still in utero.I have all their strengths and none of their weakeness.But the desire of blood is still there." He says as Wally's eyes widen as he moves slightly away from Blade.

We get to the nightclub as Blade arms himself to the teeth while passing a gun to Wally.The speedster is nervous but I take the gun from him and pass it back to Blade."He would shoot himself before he got anyone else." I say as blade smirks.I fix my chains and make sure that they are secure."You stay here, redhead." Blade says as we walk to the club."But I can help." Wally says as blade turns back to him."Your fast...so are they.You are a liability that could get all of us killed so stay here." He says as he walks off.I shrug my shoulders as Wally pouts and hops back in the car.We get closer to the club as blade points out that every here is most likely a vampire.The bouncer stands in front us and keeps us from entering."I'm sorry.You must have invitation." He says in a thick Russian accent.I grab his hand and Brak it as I kick him into the club, the wooden doors giving way to the impact.Blade pulls out two stakes and impales the other two bouncers who disintegrate.We walk in as Blade grabs a human trying to run.He pulls his head down, revealing a skin mark on the back of his neck."He's property." Blade says as he pushes the man against the wall."Tell me, where is the record keeper?" He asks as I glow my eyes threateningly.The man looks between me and Blade with fear."I can't tell you that.They'll kill me." He says as I step closer."And you think we won't." I say as Blade pulls out a stake and holds it up to the man's eye."You tell me and I won't make your brain a pin cushion." He says as the man points out the wall adjacent to us.I walk over an souah on it.The wall opens revealing a secret tunnel pass to a lower level.

Blade retracts the stake but knocks the man out cold.We walk down the stairway as we enter a massive white room with lockers, almost like a bank vault."What is this?" I ask."It's an archive, this is where they Sarah all of their values let assest.Balckmail, dirty money, blood etc." Blade says as a horrible smell hits me."What the fuck is that?It feels like eggs in the sun." I say as myself and Blade, walk around a pillar and see a very large, very obese vampire in the darkness of the vault."He's here.They're here." The vampire says in a squeaky voice which really bothers me."So this is the record keeper...expecting someone a bit more useful." Blade quips as the vampire glares at him."Whatever you seek, I do not have it.You best leave before I make you regret it." The vampire says as blade and I share an amused look."You are going to answer our questions or my friend here will make sure that you get little more than a tan." Blade says as I light my hand with Hellfire.The keeper shrieks in fear of the flame."Ok, ok, ok.Ask your questions!" The keeper shouts as blade holds up a photo of Rachel."This girl...what do you blood suckers want from her?" He asks."Bow should I know?I'm not kept up with the wants of the surface dwellers." The keeper responds as I make my hand glow brighter, edging it closer to the obese vampire.He shrieks in fear and agony as the fire barely grazes him."Wrong answer.Want to try again?" I say with a growl as I retract my hand."The girl is to be used for a ritual.The big bosses want for blood and connection to Trigon, so that demons can cross over into our world.The big bosses have devised a plan on trapping the demons and absorbing their spirits.Making a new breed of super vampire!" He shouts as we look between each other."Demon-vampires." I say as Blade scoffs."Typical."

Blade turns his attention back to the keeper."Who are the big bosses?" He asks but the vampire refuses to answer.I place a single finger on the vampire, the hellfire is burning right through his fat as she screams in pure agony and terror."They are the heads of the twelve families.They are the ruling council of the vampire community!" He shouts as I retract my hand.I see something out of the corner of my eye and see a large vault.I gesture my head as Blade follows my gaze."What's in there?" He asks as he walks over to the vault."It's nothing.Just a storeroom.Nothing of serous importance." The vampire says angrily as Blade applies a gel to the outer rims of the door."Than you won't mind if I take a quick peek." He says sarcastically as the vampire begins screaming."Shut up!" I yell as I send a wave of Hellfire of the obese vampire.The fire burns right through and burns everything to cinder.Blade looks at me while I look back."He was pissing me off." I say as Blade chuckles."I staring to like you, kid." He says as the vault blows, the door is sent flying.

We enter the vault and find a large room filled with artifects, pages of books, stone images, things that I recongise from history.The burning of Rome, the siege of Constantinople, the Salem witch trials.All these historical events and within have depictions of vampires and detailed accounts of vampires."What is all this?" I say as Blade gazes at everything."It's their history.Everything that you think you know, you don't.Vampires have been in existence for millennia.They hid themselves from the humans for centuries.Until they started learning, they infested what humans had created.Businesses, politics whatever.They stashed their history in secluded places...so they don't forget what they are and where they came from." Blade says as I see something that draws my gaze.It's a sword that is put on display.It's a beautiful weapon but I can feel the deep magic within...something primordial forged this weapon.(1)

"You like out museum?" Someone says asyslrf and Blade turn and see a man standing not far from us.A dozen or so vampires rush us, Blade pulls his sword out and a large dagger.I whip my chains as i light them with hellfire.The vampires back away as they realise who they are dealing with."Oh, so finally after all these years, you crawl out of your hole Zarathos.Can't say that I'm impressed with your new host." The man says as I twirl the chains and kill three vampires at attack me from behind.I turn back as a woman jumps up and tries to bite me.I light my hand with Hellfire and place it on her face.She screams in agony as her face is burnt off.Blade seems to be handling himself.I turn around and see the sword I was admiring, coming towards me.Zarathos rips control from me as he pulls me back, but the tip of blade manages to cut me across the chest.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I get to my feet as the man smirks at me.I feel the molten blood falling down my chest as I gaze at the man.He is twirling the sword in hand as he points it at me."Recognise this?It supposedly belonged to your brother, Azrael, the Angel of Death.Forged in the flame of Heavenly Fire.I find it appropriate that I use it to end your pitiful existence." The vampire says as I start chuckling."What?What's funny?" He says."The fact that you think that Azrael is a guy.She would not take too kindly to that insult.And besides...I will not let you, defile the blade of my kin." I say as I whip my chain at him but he dodges and deflects.He gets in closer as I dodge the swings of the deadly sword.The only weakness that I have is a vulnerability to weapons forged in Heavenly Fire or Heavenly Fire itself.The sword in his hand belongs to my kin and I will not allow him to have it.He overshoots a swing as I grip his arm and try to wrench the sword from his grasp.As soon as I touched the blade, I shout in pain as the fire burns me.The vampire swings again which I barely dodge.The man swings again but he is barrelled by a yellow blur.The sword drops to the ground as Wally speeds over and levels super fast punches against the vampire.The vampire swings his claws at Wally who dodges back and rams his shoulder full speed into the vampire, sending him back a few feet.Wally nods on my direction as he speeds over to Blade and helps him out.

The vampire gets to his feet as I whip chains at him.Pulling him close, I stare into his soulless eyes."Your penance stare won't work on me." He says cockily as I grin."I know." I say as I start to burn him."You have no idea what you're doing.I am Alucard!You can't do this to me!" He says while screaming as the Hellfire burns his body.Wally speeds over to me as Blade catches up to him."You kill him?" Blade asks as I nod my head."Good...it's good to see you again, old friend." He says as I smile."Me too, old friend." Wally walks over to sword and picks it up, he grabs the sheath from the cabinet."This is a sweet souvenir." He says as I walk over to him.I hesitate for a minute before I grab the sheath.The fire doesn't burn me but I can feel the rejection of the blade.It hates me....just like it's maker.I hand it back to Wally who stares wide eyed."Keep it safe." I say to him as he nods.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre, League Safehouse, Central City:

"So the vampires wanted to use me to make a portal to Hell and trap some demons before absorbing their abilities...what crazy idiot would do that?" Rachel says as Barry, Wally and myself laugh.Blade just smiles, amused."Well, now they won't bother you, you'll be looked after.I promise." I say as she smiles up at me.Blade walks out of the house as I follow him."It was fun, working with you." I say to him as he stares back with a raised eyebrow."That's the best you could say?" He asked sarcastically as I just smirk.I take out a burner and pass it to him."If you ever want to meet up, go hunting or just want help.Give me a ring and I'll see what I can do." I say as he smiles."I'll keep it in mind." He gets in his car and drives off.I notice Rachel standing beside me as I look down at her."So...what do you want to do?It's almost dawn." I say as she fiddles with her fingers."Can we get some waffles?" She says as I smile."Yeah, let's get some waffles." I say as she hugs me.

P.O.V Change: Zarathos

Within Matthew's mind, I watch as he shows care for this half demoness.I don't understand why he would care for it.She will be his doom and here he is, like she's a normal child."Don't judge too harshly, Brother." A kind, gentle echoing voice sounds as I feel her presence.I glance out of the corner of my eye as I see a beautiful woman, her face half obscured by shadow because of her white hood.Magnificent white wings flex gently behind her, they appear like they are made from pure white light.Though her face is half hidden, her presence brings a familiar feeling of love and affection to my darkened soul."Azrael." I say in greeting as she stands beside me."Zarathos." She greeted me back.An awkward silence befalls as we both watch Matthew interact with the child."You have changed Brother." She says as I glance at her."How so?" I say bitterly, amusing that she was going to degrade me about what I've become."Oh Brother, you could hide your insecurities from our kin.....but never from me.Haven't you wondered wilkt he sheath didn't burn you?" She says as I turn fully to her."The sheath was forged in Heavenly Fire." I say as she laughs."It was, Brother......the sheath was from the hide of a Supernova Serpent...Heavenly Fire is what powers the sword, the sword powers the sheath.....it's a two way land, Brother." She says as I ponder about what she said."The sword didn't accept you.....but the sheath understood...it felt the change within you...just as I do...I sense the angel within you." She says as I scoff and move away from her."The angel is dead...only vengeance remains." I say as I feel her hand trace my back."You are many things, Zarathos but never cruel.I know that you know, you have felt the change....you are not the monster you were 100,000 years ago." She says but I refuse to face her."He's strong.....your host.His will is something that I've never seen before.You will do well with him." She says as I feel her move away."Azrael." I call out as I turn to her.She turns back to me."I'm sorry." I say as she walk back over to me and caresses my flaming cheeks."Our kin might not admit....but.....we miss you." She tells me as I feel the sadness in her voice.I lean my head against hers as I just hug her."I miss you too, Sister." I say as she breaks from me." I wish you good fortunate, Brother.Stay close to your host...for he is the key." She says a she walks away.I tilt my head in confusion."Key?What key?" I say as she glances back at me."Now Brother...that would be telling." She says teasingly as she disappears.I stand there, very confused but I wave it off.Arzael was always playing games and jokes on myself and our kin, but the way she said it.....it has a deeper meaning.Looking back at Matthew eating waffles with West, Allen and the demoness made me realise my mistake.Inblamed the child for her father's mistake.I shouldn't have done that.The child is innocent of the sins of the father.Matthew has deemed himself this child's protector.And I'll make sure that she is.....ironic.Me.....protecting the child of the demon that tortured me into becoming what I am.....life is indeed filled with small ironies.