

We are transported to the roof of the Tower.In front of us, floating, is the Helmet of Fate.Nelson reaches out for it but is hit by a red beam of lightning.He groans in pain as Wally catches him.I turn and see Klarion floating above us.The boy smiles and fires another beam as Nelson forms a protective barrier around us and the helmet."No!" The boy screams as a massive shockwave rocks the Tower.Klarion opens a portal to see what's happening and his eyes widen in fear as the Ghost Rider is banging his flame covered fists agaisnt the barrier.He growls in fury before turning around, seeing Klarion who panics.The Ride swings a fiery chain but Klarion closes the portal."Not bad for a former 'Doxtor Fake', eh kid?" Nelson says tiredly as he wobbles.Wally catches him and rests him against the stone floor.I look between the duo and the Klarion.

"The bubble will have another juice to do what you need to do." Nelson says as he points to the Helmet.My eyes widen at what he's asking."I have no idea what I need to do." Wally says i panic."Have faith in what you can't explain.Believe in what you can no longer deny." Nelson says as is breath gives out as his hand drops to the ground, he's dead.My eyes test up as I see his pocket watch that has a photo of his wife, Inza.

Klarion is still firing blasts of energy at the bubble as the Tower continues to rock from Ghost Rider's fists.Wally ties CPR but I pull him back."No!I have to help him!" He screams."Wally, he's gone.We have to take the helmet and get out of here!Klarion is not going to let up!" I shout as the bubble starts fracturing from Klarion's blasts."I want that helmet, and I want it now!" The boy screams.Wally looks up to helmet before looking down at Nelson.Klarion makes a circle around himself as he forms red clawed hands that punctuate the bubble, the force of the blow forces me onto my backside."A test of faith." Wally says as he stands and reaches for the helmet."Hey, dumb kid!You put that one, you may never get it off." Klarion says as he pulls the bubble to pieces.Wally raises it above his head as I scream to him."Wally, noooo!" Klarion fires a stream of red fire as Wally puts the helmet on.I stand behind him as the fire diverts off of him as he body changes.A blue suit with golden armour and cape form around him as yellow energy is all around him, like an aura.Doctor Fate turns to me and speaks in a combined voice of Wally's and someone else's."This is my fight.Get out of the way." He says as he forces me to the wallz away from the strong combatants.

Doctor Fate floats above the roof as Klarion fires a volley of blasts at him.Fate forms an ankh symbol of yellow energy which blocks the blasts."Give up, Nabu.Order went out of style in the 20th Century." Klarion says as the Tower rocks again."NABU!LET ME IN!" The Riders voice roars across the entire city."This battle is pointless.You thought to take the helmet before it claimed a host.And if you manage to escape.The Spirit of Vengeance will hunt you, Witch Boy.He knows your energy now." Fate decrees in monotone as Klarion shouts."I'm not scared of that old fart." Klarion says as the Tower rocks again."NABU!LET...ME....IN!" The Rider says again as I move away from the blasts.There doesn't seem to be a door anywhere so I can leave and I don't know what Abra Kabadra is doing to everyone else.Fate fires a beam of ankh at Klarion who seems to disintegrate but he forms again behind Fate and blasts a beam of red at his back.Klarion fires a red dragon of energy at Fate who dodges but blocks when the dragon comes back."Look out!" I shout out as Fate is hit from behind by another beam of energy.Klarion shoots energy like a gunslinger as Fate holds up a barrier which breaks after a while.Fate is sent back to me as he crashes against the wall."You're out of practice, Nabu.And that pathetic host, zero affinity for the mystic arts." Klarion mocks as he fires more.Fate holds up a shield as I slide up beside him."Matt can help.He's good.Take down the barrier." I say as Fare turns to me."The Spirit of Vengeance can not be trusted why should I trust you of him." He says as he groans under the pressure."Please.You can't hold out forever.You know that you and the Lords have an issue with the Rider but this isn't the time to hold a grudge.Let him help." I plead with Fate as he stares at me."You trust him.Even with your life....if this doesn't work and the Spirit betrays the trust that I'm putting in, then you will suffer my wrath." Fate threatens as he blasts Klarion back before levitating in a mediation position.Fate starts reciting a spell as Klarion yells."No!No!No!" Fates eyes widen with power as a barrier of yellow forms and shatters into nothing.

Klarion looks around panicking as chain shoots into the sky and latches onto the stone.A black and orange figure jumps up and lands with a thud on the roof.The Ghost Rider is here and its his yilurn to kick some ass."You don't belong here, Klarion.Leave this place before I send you back to where you once came." The Rider threatens as Klarion throws fire blasts at him."I'm not afraid of you, you forgetten relic!" He shots but the Rider dodges the blasy and swings his chains at Klarion and pulls him in.The Rider catches him and starts beating him up with a fury that I have never seen before.The shockwaves are very similar to when Superman or Superboy punches something but this has a level of authority and power that terrifies me.This is the guy that I tried to shoot an arrow at a few years ago.Now I see why he was laughing, he saw me as a joke, nothing to be taken seriously.

Fate lowers the shield as he stares at the cat that is nearby."A Lord of Chaos and Order must have a tether to keep them to the plane.I'm bound to the helmet and require a human host.He is bound to the cat." Fate says as I smile and fire a crossbow bolt at the cat who hisses.Fate fires a stream of yellow energy at the cat who is sent flying.Klarion pushes the Rider off as he checks on the car."Teekl!I can't believe you assualt a defenseless pussy cat!" He says in venom as the Rider's fire burns bright."That is no cat.And without your familiar, you are not bound to this plane.Now, GET OVER HERE!" The Rider shouts as his chains shoot at incredible high speeds and wrap around Klarion."No!Killjoy!Damn you!" He shots as the Rider swings him into the adjacent wall.The Rider closes the distance and starts pummeling Klarion.I see the Hellfire from his skull is reaching a blazing heat as the stone around him is starting to melt."Matt!Matt!That's enough!" I shout as I try and pull on his arm but he throws me away and starts pummeling Klarion again."Matt!Matthew!Stop!Matthew!" I shout but the Ride doesn't respond."ZARATHOS!" I scream as the Rider stops and turns his head at me.His fist is glowing with Hellfire as he gazes at me."He's done.It's over." I say quietly as the Rider drops his fist and let's go of Klarion who crawls weakly over to the cat."We're outta here." He says quietly as he portals through the floor and away from here.I turn to the Rider whose fire has gone down as Matthew is in control once more.He stares at me with sad eyes as he falls to his knees.I walk over and pull him into a hug."He told me.Told me his history." I say as I hug him closer."Nelson told me and Wally." I say as I hear soft crying."I never wanted this.I just wanted to avenge what happened to me.I didn't ask for this.I can't do this anymore." He says as he breaks from me and jumps from the Tower.I look down and see him slide the rest of the way.

I turn back and see Fate standing still.I don't want to approach, just in case he has a go at me.After a while, Fate raises his hands and removes the helmet.Wally is back as I run over and give him a hug."This is the only one you're getting so shut up." I say as he hugs me back.We break and step back a few steps awkwardly.Wally turns to Nelson's body and fits the pocket watch in his hand.Wally kneels and let's treats fall from his head as I place my hand on his shoulder, comforting him as I wipe my own tears.

Mount Justice: 3:48am, August 20th, 2010.

After explaining to the others what happened on the roof and what Nelson told us of the Rider's history.Safe to say that everyone was shocked at the reveal."So the Rider is an Angel from the multiverse?" Superboy asks as I point him out."Corrupted Angel apparently but yes." I say as M'gann wipes her tears."And Matt didn't know?" She asks as Wally shakes his head."He didn't know and the Rider-I mean, Zarathos told him and it just overwhelmed him.I don't know where he is.But I hoping that whereever he is, I hope that he's doing ok." Wally says as I nod my head.

Matthew Spectre's Apartment: P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I enter my apartment and head straight to the fridge.I take one, two, three beers and down them in quick succession."Matthew, please understand.I didn't mean to hurt you." I growl in anger."Leave me alone.Get out of my head." I say.I turn and see my reflection in the window, I see Zarathos standing there looking at me."I'm sorry, Matthew." He says as I scowl in fury I grab an empty bottle and throw it at the window.The window doesn't shatter but deep cracks are laid across it."GET OUT OF MY HEAD!LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream as I collapse to my knees.I look down at the wooden floor and see Zarathos staring up at me."Please, let me help." I let my tears out as I growl in fury and get up and throw my couch across the room, I punch the wall several times, leaving massive dents and cracks.I pick up the TV and throw it into the kitchen."GO AWAY!" I shout as I move into the kitchen, I pull the cabinets down as I smash every reflective surface I can find."Leave me alone.Leave me alone." I say repeatingly as I fall to my knees.I see him stare at me from the floor.I scowl in rage and punch the floor, cracks form around my fist and spread as I punch the floor some more.Blood is hissing from my hand and spraying over the floor."LEAVE!ME!ALONE!" I shout as I bring both of my fists down on the floor.I open my eyes and see that he is gone.My tears soak the broken floor as blood drips from my hands.Everything that I've learnt in the past few hours rush back to me as I just cry in complete anguish.

Matthew Spectre's Apartment, Happy Harbour, 7:19am, August 21st, 2010

P.O.V Change: Jade Nguyen/Cheshire

Happy Harbour.Who ever come up with that name either deserves to be fired or shot.It's so corny and what.What's so happy about it.I walk down the street as I gaze at the large mountain in the distance, oh right.The original home of the Justice League, whoop dee fucking doo.I reach the apartment block as I see so many police cars around, what happened here?Suddenly, glass breaks as a couch is thrown from near the top floor.I trace the trajectory and by with ease the couch was thrown, it must have come from Matt's flat.

I slink into the darkness of the alley as I put on my new mask.After my sister and her little squad of sidekicks sabotaged my mission, they took my mask as a trophy.Now, I'm not someone who find valuables in items but to take my mask as a goddamn trophy.That's just insulting.I scale the firescape and make it to the floor.I enter through the corridor window as a cop flies out of the apartment.His back connects with the wall as the fibre and paint peels off.Jesus, fucks going on?I stand in the doorway and see the entire apartment absolutely ruined, furniture is either broken or upturned halfway across the flat.Every window is shattered, the floor looked like a fucking giant went to town on it, the walls were broken.It looked like a tornado had come in and absolutely wrecked it."What are you doing here?" I hear a voice and I turn and see Matt sitting against the wall with a beer in his hand, I notice that all around him, beer bottle, caps, cans etc. "I... I came to ask you how Artemis is doing from the last time we saw each other." I say carefully, I don't want to piss him off any more than he already is."She's doing fine.There, done.Now get out." He says with a growl as he takes a swig of the beer.I take my mask off as I hear footsteps.I turn around and see a cop which I more quickly and place him into a choke head, when her struggles I elbow him at the back of the head, effectively knocking him out."You're getting sloppy." I hear Matt say as I turn to him.

I watch him as I realise the bags under his eyes, looks like he hasn't got any sleep."What happened to you?" I ask as he turns his eyes to me.I see the anger, the hurt and the reject in his eyes.Something really bad happened."Why do you care?" He says as he leans against the wall."Cause you're my friend." I say as he scoffs."We're not friends.You don't have any friends.Nor family.You have no one." He says which really gets to me, I scowl as I walk over and take the bottle out of his hand and throw it agaisnt the wall.He stares at me before looking at the bottle."Struck a nerve, did I?" He says as I swing a kick at his head but he catches it.He stands up as I balance on my leg.I jump and spin a back kick which he dodges out the way of.My foot connects with the broken wall which forms a hole.I feel the air getting sucked out of me as he grips my neck and lifts me above my head.A scowl on his face."You are nothing more than a pest that I can't seem to get rid of." He says as he throws me across the room.I see him turn and glare at something, when I follow his gaze after getting my breathing, he is glaring at a broken window shard.He picks it up and throws it at the wall.With his back turned, I run and jump up, wrapping my legs around his neck in a modified choke hold.He grunts as he tries to reach for my face."Get off me!" He yells as he backs into the wall, the force of the impact forces me to break the hold.He turns sharply and punches me in the gut, I'm sent flying through the wall all the way to the outside to the hallway.

He stand over my as I spit out blood."With all that power....I thought you would hit harder." I say as he picks me up and throws me back into the flat.I stand up as we face each other.I raise my hands in a martial defense.He simply raises his arms in a box stance as I strike, he dodges and bends down and throws me up into the roof.I'm able to move my body before I make connect and fall back down onto him, raining strong technical strikes against him, it doesn't seem to faze him as he grabs me and swings me down into the ground.I land with a thud and a grunt as I dodge at the incoming fist.The force of his fist makes a brand new hole in the floor.I swing my feet as leg sweep him onto his back.I straddle him as I pull him into an arm triangle, while also forcing pressure on his arm."Come on, Matt.Give up!Just tell me what is wrong!" I yell at him as he goes slack and taps me on the leg.I break the hold as he slumps to his back as I do to mine.

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I regain my breathing as I notice that he isn't.It's like he wasn't even trying."I don't know whether to punch you or thank you for this morning workout." I say as I hear him give a light chuckle before sitting back up.He moves to the semi undamaged wall and rests against it.I sit up as Iove to sit in front of him."What's wrong?" I say as he shakes his head."Why do you want to know?Honestly, tell me the truth.Why do you want to know?" He asks as I sit and ponder for a minute."Maybe because I want a friend.Maybe because you're the only person that I can talk to about my sister or maybe because I want to help.I don't know.Maybe I.....I want to do better." She says as he looks away.I sit there as I move beside him.

I look at the carnage of the flat as I wait for him.He really got angry about something for it to be this bad."The Rider told me about himself.About his history." He says as I turn to him."Is that it?" I ask as he turns to me, I raise my hands apologetically as he sighs."His name is Zarathos and apparently he is a multi universal entity known as an Angel that was corrupted by a demon which turned him into what he is now.When he first met me, he saw me as a means to an end and manipulated me into believing that once my vengeance was satisfied and he felt that he didn't need me anymore he would let me go.Turns out, he's not going to let me go because I'm what he considers "balanced spirit" and that my potential as a host is far greater than any that has come, or will ever come.He told me that I will live for centuries because of my potential as a host." He finishes as I take it all in.And here I thought my problems were bad.Horrible father, neglectful mother, hopeful sister.I see that my issues are outweighed by his."And your angry because he didn't tell you?" I ask as he shakes his head."No.....more about the fact that he kept his history from me, manipulated me into believing I could have a normal life when our deal was done.He lied about his promise and changes the terms of the deal.He stole my life from me and I do to want anything to do with him anymore." He says as limps against the wall.

"I'm truly sorry, Matthew." I hear a voice as I stand sharply and see a lightly fiery figure step out of the kitchen.The figure is all flames with sharp black eyes and sharp teeth formed from the fire.Matthew stands as he pushes me away from the figure."What do you want, Zarathos?I told you that I wanted nothing to do with you and to leave me be." Matt growls at the entity who hangs its head."Yes..... you did.I'm here to make amends." The figure says as Matt scoffs."This should be good.Alright....let's hear it." He says."Yes..... I lied about the deal.When I found you that night, I did think you as a means to an end.A disposable body until I find a better one." The figure speaks as I watch in silence."After feeling your soul, I felt that you were suitable for the time being...but things started to change.Your will was greater than anything I've ever felt before.You managed to reel my darkest tendencies in, something that no other host had ever done before.You managed to convince ME, to spare lives.Lives such as that woman." The figure says as Matt turns to me.My eyes widen at that knowledge."I'm sorry about not explaining to you my history and my purpose.I protect the innocent by punishing the guilty and I should never have.....used you like a toy." He says as Matt scoffs."You have the potential to be great.Your spirit is so powerful, I could live off it for centuries, millennia even.But to not tell you that and to manipulate you into servitude is....one of, if not the most regretful thing I have ever done.You have shown me that there is more to me than just a monster.Your actions, as a hero and as a person have made me feel like....an Angel again.I might not ever be like again but I welcomed the change that you brought.So.....it is now said.If you want me to leave, I will leave.I don't know where I'll go or who I find.But if this is the last that we see each other than I wish you good fortunate." The figure says as it starts to shimmer out of existence."Wait."

I turn to Matt as the figure solidifies again.Matt walks over and stands in front of the fig- no, Zarathos."I hate how you manipulated me, manipulated my vengeance and went back on your deal.So...I propose a new deal." He says as looked shocked."You owe me a lot so how about this.You help me defend my friends, protect Earth from dangers both from within and outside its borders.You no longer keep secrets from me and in return...I help you settle your scores....all of your scores." He says as Zarathos ponders before nodding.Zarathos places a hand on Matt's shoulder as he collapses to his knees."Matt." I say as I run over and check on him.His eyes glow in fire as they change back."Yeah...I'm alright." He says as he struggles to get to his feet.

"That was pretty intense.Talking to a demon like that and winning.You should write that down somewhere." I say as he laughs."Maybe but probably leave out the part of him being a demon.He probably complain about it for the rest of the day." He says as I chuckle.We sit agaisnt the wall as we just watch the ceiling."You wanted to know how Artemis is doing?" He asks me as I turn to him."Well....yes.But there is also another reason that I'm here." I say as we hear sirens coming from outside."Maybe we should take this conversation elsewhere." Matt says as I walk out with him following me.We walk down into the garage, dropping any cop who crossed us.We get in the Charger as it roars to life."Purrs like a kitten.I like it." I say as he smirks at me.We drive out of the garage as the cops try to stop us but Matt barrels into two cop cars which fling to the side of the street as we make our grand escape."Your not very subtle are you?" I ask him as he smirks."Why would I be?I can make my skull burst into flames so what's the point?" He says with a smile as I laugh."Turn here." I say as we enter an abandoned warehouse."This it?" He says as I smirk and get out of the car.I walk over to a toolbox and pull on the spanner.The floor opens up as I turn to Matt."Ok, I'm impressed." He says as he follows me down the stairs.The lights flick on automatically as we enter a large living area."Welcome to my home." I say as he nods."Certainly better decorated than what mine was." He says as I laugh.

"So, since you dragged me here.What is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asks as I pull out a photo of my father and Ra's Al Ghul.Matt looks at the photo."Your father has a lot of fingers in a lot of pies.Santa Prisca, Cadmus, now the Shadows.Something is up." He says as I nod."Ra's keeps on going to meetings, I'm not high enough rank to know for sure but there are rumours amongst the shadows that say that these people he is meeting with are very powrful and influential.My father has been hired by numerous peiple but lately its be all hush hush." I say as Matt looks at the picture again."A secret organisation." He says as I raise an eyebrow."Bit much, don't you think?" I question as he shakes his head."Cadmus taught me that enemies of the league are getting smarter and Santa Prisca taught me that enemies of the league are getting stronger.It's all too much of a coincidence to be anything else than enemies of the league combining resources to either control, eliminate or replace the Justice League." He says as I nod at his logic.

"Why are you showing me this?What do you want out of this?" He asks as I breathe a sigh of anticipation."I want out of the Shadows but once your shadow, your a shadow for life.So I want your word.If I provide you and only you with information on Ra's and his buddies, who ever they are, movements and if I can, correspondences.Than I want a garuntee for a pardon." I say as he gets a look on his face."That's a tall order and I don't have that weight to pull something like that." He says as I hang my head in defeat."But I can say something to Batman.He and I have correspondence anyway and if I can explain to him your situation and what you're willing to do at the risk of your own safety, then the least he or we can do is give you an opportunity to start fresh." He says as I smile."Thank you...truly I am." I say as he walks over to me."While I might not know you well enough to fully trust you, believe me, I'm having a hard time too but your Artemis's sister and plus, I've read your soul, you're in the clear." He says as I just laugh at him."I want to help you.Not just for you but for Artemis's and your mother's sake as well." I say as he stands in front of me and gazes down at me.I stare up at him as he lowers his head down to me.I feel his breath on my face as I'm surprised that I can't smell the alcohol that he drank.

"What did you do to get rid of your bre-." I do to finish as his lips cover over mine.I feel his tongue reach out and caress my lips as I grant him access.I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck.He places his hands on my hips, being this close to him, his lips, his body.He's a blazing fire that is more comforting than what I have ever felt before.He breaks from me as he leans his head onto mine, our eyes meet as I see a gentle blue flame in his eyes.I can see the lust that he has for me and based on what I'm feeling, he's probably feeling mine."You are the bane of my existence." He says as I tilt my head at him."You're a vixen, did you know that?" He says with a smile as I chuckle."Yes, I did.Let me show you how much." I whisper to him as I initiate the kiss this time, our passion drowns out our senses, his hands go low and grips the back of my thighs and lifts me effortlessly.I moan softy as he carries me to my room.

*Lemon* skip to *End lemon* to continue story.

He lays me down on the silk cover as he places kisses down my neck.His hands reach and grope for anything that they can find.I grip his shoulders and force him into his back, I straddle his waist as I lean down a give him a passionate kiss on his lips.His arms wrap my body as I groan in discomfort."You ok?" He asks as I nod."Still a little sore from when you beat me up." I say as he apologizes."I'm sorry." He says as I smile seductively at him."Don't be.I like it rough." I say as I sit up and start removing my shirt.Matt leans up and helps me get my shoes off as he places quick kisses on any exposed skin that I reveal.I moan at the pleasure of his caress and attention to my spots.How he found them, I have no idea.

He flips us over as he forces my hands above my head."Stay." He says commandingly as I feel a spike of arousal shoot through me.He removes my shirt as his arms reach around and unhook my bra.He gazes at them as he reaches forward and gropes with them as I moan in pleasure.He places his lips over my nipple as I scream in pleasure.My goes curl at his work.He moves down and pull my pants and underwear off as he sits up and removes his shirt and his pants.I like what I see and I bite my lip in anticipation.He leans down and kisses me as he lets me wrap my arms around him.He hooks my leg over his hip as he looks deeply into my eyes.I reach up and kiss him as he pushes inside of me.A muffle moan from me and a groan from him as he sinks into me.We sit for a minute as he starts rocking."Ah.Ah.Hmm." I moan as I teach down and grip his ass, telling him to go faster.He groans as he picks up speed.He leaves love bites on my neck as I continue moaning.

I grip his shoulders and force him onto his back again.I straddle him as I place his cock back inside me.I start rocking back and forth as he reaches for my tits.As he gropes them.I cover his hands, keeping them there as I ride him faster.He sits up suddenly as he wraps his arms around, pulling me in close.Our fast pace fucking becomes slow as he focus on me.I stare into his eyes as he stares back.I lean my head against his as he grips my hips, he moves me around him as I moan in pleasure.I lean my head back, exposing my neck.He leaves love bites and actually bites down on my jugular.I moan in both pain and pleasure."You're wild." I say as he laughs."You're one to talk." He says as I force him back down as I level agaisnt him.My tits agaisnt his chest as he still keeps my close.We stop of a moment as we stare into each other's eyes.I admit, I'm attracted to him, he's is very handsome and has that dangerous aura about him.I'm only wondering what he is saying if not the same thing.I rock slowly, sliding up and down him as I sit up on an angle."You like this, baby.Do you?" I ask him while moaning.He smirks and flips us around again with me on my back."Let's find out." He replies as he slides within me at a quicker pace.I moan wantonly as he groans into my ear.

*End Lemon*

He spoons me from behind as I angle my head to look at him."You know.I wanted to do that ever since I saw you at that bar during the gala." I say to him as he smiles."You were probably the highlight of MY night, that night." He says as I laugh as I stroke his jaw.His eyes are always the thing that I'm attracted to when it comes to him.When I look at his face, it's his eyes that draw me in.I see myself reflecting off his dark eyes."What do you feel for me?" I ask, finally getting the courage to ash the question.He sighs as he brushes his hand against me."I'm attracted to you, of that there is no doubt.Do I have feelings for you.....I don't know." He says as he looks away from me."Would you want to be with me?" He says to me as I ponder for a minute.With everything going on, this..... impromptu session has made everything that slightly more difficult."I am attracted to you.But right now, with everything that happening with the Shadows, with my father.It's not the right time and honestly, there probably won't be a 'time'." I say as I roll over, facing away from him.I feel him cuddle up to me as I turn my head to him."If you feel like we won't work then we wont.I don't know if I have feelings for you but I do care about you Jade.And if I can't be with you like that, then at least...let me be your friend." He says as I smile up at him."I'd like that." I say as he leans down and kisses me again."Feel like another round, huh Rider?" I say to him as he leans over me."Don't say that you don't want me.Because I know you do." He whispers to me as I wrap my arms around him.Round 2 it is.


After having our fun and getting dressed, I escort him back out to his car as he prepares to leave.He stand in front of me as he passes me a burner phone."If you need me, just give me a call, ok?" He says as I nod."I'll talk to Batman about your plan.I am semi confident that he'll agree but in the case that he doesn't, I'll still try everything in my power to make sure that you get your second chance." He says as I smile up at him."Thank you, Matt." I say as he leans down and gives me a quick kiss but I feel every emotion behind it, lust, care, worry, acceptance, fear and hope.I return the passion as he breaks the kiss."Until we see each other again." He says as he walks to the car."If we fight again, don't expect me to go easy on you." I say to him as he opens the door."Good luck then." He says cheekily as he starts the car and drives out of here.I watch him go as I turn back to my base.I think about alnvthe things that he has done for me, even barely knowing me, he helped when I wanted to know how my sister was doing.He helped me with my injuries after he caused said injuries.And now he has agreed to help me earn a clean slate with the information that I hopefully can get.Being a double agent sucks.But like they say, high risk, high reward.....hopefully.I sit down on the bed that we had our fun in as I feel something in my pocket.I pull it out and read what it says, 'Sprang Boulevard Apartment 302, Gotham.You have family, don't waste the opportunity'.Tears well in my eyes.He told me that they were in Gotham but he never got the chance to tell me where exactly.I wipe the tears away as I hear a ping on the burner phone.'Your welcome.' It says.That tricky, light fingered bastard.I should thank him more....passionately, next time.Yeah...next time.

Mount Justice: Zeta Hanger.11:21am, August 21st, 2010.P.O.V Cahnge: Matthew Spectre

"Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." The automated voice sounds as I drive through the from door and pull up to the zeta hanger and see everyone, including Batman, Green Arrow, Manhunter, Canary, Flash and Aqauam standing present."Oh shit." I say to myself as I get out of the car as a green blue runs into me, hugging me out of dear life."I'm so glad that you're back.I was worried sick about you.Artemis told us what happens and how you fought the Witch Boy and how thneRisr explained everything to you.We were worried that you aren't coming back!" M'gann says quickly as I pull her into another hug, that finally shuts her up."I was taking a break.Me and...Zarathos needed to sort some things out.But now, I can say in full confidence that I'm back and I'm not going anywhere." I say as she squeals and pulls me over to the group.Everyone welcomes me back as the mentors approach me."We do not appreciate you abandoning the team like you did.You should have remained in focus.However we can overlook this one as the revealation of being a host to a primordial being of the universe would be a lot to take in at a single moment." Batman says as I nod."Thank you.What I did was wrong and I should have waited until the mission was completed before running, or not run off in general.I'm sorry." I say as Batman puts his hand on my shoulder."It's ok....what's not is the rampage that nearly levelled your apartment building." He says as holgram screens with camera angles of the apartment building are shown."Ahh.Yes.Sorry about that.Me and Zarathos...had a... disagreement?" I say awkwardly as Batman narrows his eyes as I hear everyone chucklenundrr their breath." The damages are already being paid for but because of your behaviour, you are suspended from further mission until I decree that you can come back.Also.in your suspense you will have mandatory therapy sessions with Black Canary.Am I understood!" He says as I nod my head.Can't really challenge it...I fucked up.Big time.The mentors leave as I turn to everyone.Robin walks up to with a smile on his."So you have an Angel in your head?Where's your halo?" He says as my eyes glow."You're dead now." I say as I chase after him as everyone laughs."Ok, guys.He's actually tryingbto kill me!" Robin shouts as inswing a chain at him but deliberately miss.We all begin laughing as everyone joins in on the fun.I smile as I watch them.Yeah...this is the life.My mind wanders back to Jade as I smile.I'm suddenly wrapped in a net as Artemis looks down at me."Caught myself the most dangerous of all the beasts.....didn't seem so bad." She says as I rip the net open."You are so dead." I say while laughing as I rejoin the fun.

Gotham City: 6:17am, August 27th, 2010

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

"Come here!" I shout as I swing a chain but hit nothing.A blob of brown clay hits my face as I am sent flying into the wall.The crack of the wall forms as a piece drops on my head."Oww." I say as I feel Matthew groan."Can't you be more careful?" He asks as I just growl in response.I see Kaldur'ahm is sent skidding across the ground and thumps against the wall.Everyone else is out of it, completely knocked out.The clay monster simply known as Clayface walks into the light as the skylight shatters, revealing Batman.He throws two batarangs which sink into Clayface and explode, blowing his left arm off.Batman lands and dodges out of the way as Clayface tries to crush him.Batman fires a tazer at Clayface which makes him scream in agony and drop down into a clay puddle."That was easy." Matthew says as I push the rubble off my head and walk over to the group.Batman narrows his eyes at Aqaulad and at me, oh boy.

Mount Justice: P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

"I need to talk to Aqualad and Ghost Rider." Batman says as we walk out of the zeta tube."The rest of you, hit the showers and head home." Batman continues as Superboy gestures his arms open."I am home." He says as he walks past Batman.Kaldur and I stand in front of Batman, I notice that Robin is also here."Just Aqualad and Ghost Rider." Batman says as he narrows his eyes at Robin.Robin looks at us before walking off, leaving us with the Caped Crusader."You first, Kaldur." Batman says, Kladur hangs his head low."I am sorry you had to intervene.I know the team performed poorly and-." He doesn't finish as Batman interrupts."The team performed adequately.The problem was you.You're their leader and your head wasn't in the game." Batman says as Kaldur perks up."No, you are-." He doesn't finish as I nudge him in the ribs.He looks at me while I give him a knowing look.He sighs before turning to Batman."You're correct.Of late, I am not even convinced I belong on the surface world.The mission with we had to the Tower of Fate has made me question my faith in myself.With the Rider fallout, I had the opinion that I could have done better and while it isn't a good enough excuse, it is the truth.I don't know if I am really ready to lead this team or be on the surface.I have.....doubts." Kaldur says quietly as I can feel the self disappointment and sadness at himself after my...episode.I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks at me.I give him a comforting gaze.It's alright mate."Your doubts are what makes you a good leader.To know when you believe you have made a mistake, it's your rates and friends that are there to make sure that you are pulled back from the brink.You have home fever Kaldur, he want to go to Altantis, that is your right.You can split your time between the surface and sea but your mind has to be in the here and now.Either you are here 100 percent.....or you walk away.It's that simple...make a decision before someone makes it for you." Batman says as Kaldur hangs his head."I need to speak with Matthew, give us the room." He says to Kaldur who nods and heads to the common area of the mountain.

Batman pulls a switch and clicks it, a transparent bubble forms around us as I look around."What's this?" I ask."Sound absorbing and diverting Bubble.This was made by myself and Superman for conversation that requires absolute secrecy.Now, tell me about this Jade Nguyen." He says as I prepare myself."Jade is Artemis's sister, she was the one that was hired to assassinate Dr Roquette a few weeks ago and she and myself have been in correspondence for the past month." I say as Batman narrows his eyes."You have been in contact with a criminal and an assassin for over a month and you did not think to tell me." He says angrily as I raise my hands."I was going too.The first night that we met up, I was going to tell you.But she approaches me about keeping an eye on Artemis." I say as Batman just stares at me."Myself, Artemis and Jade already met about two years, during the gala.Artemis already had a run in wirh Zarathos, which is how she got the scar on her stomach.For about a year, I tracked her but I wasn't able to find her, not until Jade approached me.She asked me to find her and report back to her about her sister." I say."Why would she do that?Why wonluld she go herself?" He asks."Jade believes that coming back into Artemis life will not only ruin her standing in the Shadows, plus she felt that Artemis was better off without her." I say."How can you know that?Did she tell you?" He asks as I shake my head."She didn't need to.Zarathos can read souls and feelings, you can't lie to him.After meeting, I thought what the hell, I've been trying to find Artemis for about two years anyway so it wouldn't be too bad.So every few days, I would go to Gotham, after finding where Artemis was staying, and check on her.I would come back and find Jade in my apartment and we would talk and I would tell her about Artemis and that was it." I say as Batman hmms."But a few days ago, during my episode, she approached me at my apartment.I wasn't in the mood and we fought.I didn't bother fighting fully and she was just trying to make sure that I didn't break her in half.After a while, she told me that coming to talk to me about Artemis wasn't the only thing that she wanted to talk about." I say.

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Batman narrows his eyes."Go on." He says."After we fought, we went back to her hideout.She showed me that her father, Sportsmaster is meeting up with Ra's Al Ghul." I say as Batman's eyes widen slightly."I thought as too why he would be there, besides being a mercenary but I thought about it.He had some how acquired the Blockbuster fromula from Cadmus.He sent it to Santa Prisca to mix it with Venom to create the Kobra Venom and now he's meeting up with the leader of the Shadows.It seemed like it was too much of a coincidence." I say to him."Jade wants an escape out of the Shadows.She approached me because I'm, supposedly, the only one that she "can" trust at the moment.She wants to gather Intel and report it back to me.She is offering to be a mole within the Shadows." I say as Batman turns and ponders."How can you be sure she's trust worthy?" He asks as I shrug."Knowing you for how long I have.You really shouldn't trust anyone.But her soul doesn't lie, she wants an out and a guarantee at a pardon." I say to him as he turns sharply."A pardon?You already agreed to this?" He says as he gets in my face."No, of course not.I told her that I don't have that weight but you do." I say as he straightens his back."Our enemies are getting smarter and stronger, Bruce.Something is happening that we are not seeing.A bigger picture is being formed and we haven't see the whole canvas.Having Jade as an informant while be crucial if things start to go south.We don't know what or who we are fighting against.'You need are available assests to combat an unseen enemy', remember that lesson?" I say to him as he turns to me.

"You believe that you can make this work?" He asks a I nod my head.Silence for a few moments."Fine.If she delivers vital intel on the Shadows and whoeve else, and we are able to catch them, then yes.....she will have her pardon and guarantee." He says as I nod my head."I am trusting you to see this through to the end." He says as he lowers the bubble and walks away.I take out my burner phone when he leaves and send a message to Jade.

'We need to meet.I have his answer.'


'Your place, see you soon.'

I text her as I get back is a wink emoji.Very funny, Jade.Very funny, I think to myself with annoyance as I walk over and get on my bike and head out of the cave towards her place.

Jade's Hideout:

I rock up to the abandoned warehouse and send her a text.

'Open up.'

'You forgot to say please.'

I roll my eyes.Fine.


'That's better.'

The floor opens as I stroll down the stairs as the lights turn on.The floor closes over the top of me as I enter the living area."Please?Really?" I ask as i spot her on the couch, just laying lazily."Good manners can take you far." She says as I just scoff."You never had manners when you barged into my apartment." I say."Tomata.Tomato." She says as she stands and walks over to me."What did he say?" She asks while crossing her arms."Well, for starters.He didn't like that we knew each other.If I want able to alm him down, I'm sure he would have knocked my teeth out." I say as she laughs."That's really funny.Go on." I nod my head."I explained to him your situation and what you plan on doing.While he didn't like the idea, he had issues with trust.I simply told him that I have a skill set which makes me see if a person is lying or not." I say as she tilts her head."I can read souls Jade.When you explained to me you're plan, I read your soul to make sure that you were being true and not playing me for a fool." I say as she steps closer to me."I should be mad by the deep invasion of privacy but I understand.I would be naive to believe that you wouldn't take precautions." She says as I nod."I had to make sure that it was genuine.I'm sorry." I say as she waves me off."It's alright, you did want you had to do."

I nod in thanks and continue."Batman is on board with your plan but he wants vital information, he wants something solid about Ra's and who ever he's meeting with." I say as she nods."Risk and reward.I'll will have to be in deep to get that information." She says as I step closer to her."Batman and I agreed that you would have to do a lot of bad stuff to be in as deep as possible to get the information.While he doesn't like it, he is prepared for the necessary action." I say.Now we get to the personal stuff."Plus, he wants a detailed report of everything that we talk about when we meet up.And I mean everything." I say as she smiles seductively and presses against me, she trails two fingers up my chest as she stares up at me."Everything?" She asks.It's taking all my willpower to stand perfectly still.".....maybe not everything." I say as she laughs before a serious expression forms on her face.

"I can not express to you how much I appreciate your help.If I want to anyone else, they would have put me in prison and thrown away the key.Not even bother to hear me out." She says as I lean my head down."I'm not like everyone else." I say as she smiles up at me and whispers."No, you are not." Our lips mash together as I pull her in as close as she can get.Her arms wrap around my neck as I lift her up."How long do we have?" She asks."It's our downtime.We have all day." I say teasingly to her as she smiles."Good, let's make it worthwhile." She says as I she kisses me as I carry her into her room.What a good way to spend my downtime.


Jade falls beside me as she gets her breathing back."How can you go as long as you do?" She asks as I smile."Perks of being a Ghost Rider, I suppose.I never really get tired." I say as she moves close to me and rest her head on my chest."Must be a pretty good.Too have so much stamina." She says seductively as I look at her."Want to go again?" I ask as she playfully slaps my chest."No, I'm fucking done.I'll going to be walking jelly legged for the rest tod the week." She says as she rolls over and I follow her, spooning her and bringing her in close."At least you know what your getting from my visits." I say teasingly as she smirks at me."Oh, that I already know.You are very satisfying.And since I'm underground, it does get cold.Good thing I have you as a furnace to keep me warm." She says as I smile and place little kisses along her neck.She moans as I find one of her spots.This is only the second time that we've had sex, and in all that time, I've been able to find four pleasure spots that sends her into a frenzy.This is one of those spots.She moans wantonly as I trail my hand up her stomach and onto her breast.She grips my arm tightly, I lean over her and place a kiss on her lips, she quickly invites my tongue in as she forces me on my back."If we keep going, I won't walk for a month so instead, we'll do something else." She says seductively as she moves down my legs and pulls the cover over her head as my eyes widen at her idea.Ok, we're going there.

Much, much later:

I'm spooning her from behind as I watch her sleep.She looks so peaceful.Everytime I see her, I always see that she's worried, nervous, angry, or in my case, aroused about something.She doesn't have any peaceful moments to herself but here and now, she's almost like the weight of the world has been taken off her shoulders.I hear a pinging as I roll over and see my eye piece on the bedside table.I move my arms from out underneath her as I get up and put my pants back on.I pick up the eye piece and press it."Yeah?" I ask as I hear Kaldur on the line."Matt, Batman has a mission for us, we need you back at the cave as soon as possible." He says as I turn off the ear piece, pick up my clothes and get dressed."Leaving so soon?" I hear Jade say as I look over at her, gazing at me."Aqualad called.Batman has a mission." I say as I zip up my jacket and walk over to her and kneel down."When will I see you?" She says as I trace my fingers over her cheek."I don't know..... please be safe." I say as she smiles and takes my hand and leaves a kiss on my knuckles."I promise." She says as I lean over rand kiss her on the lips before leaving.

I walk out of her home as I get on the bike.Everything that happens from this point forward is going to change the entire field.We aren't playing games anyomer, this is serious and if it fails, than the consequences will be dire."Your feel something for this woman?" I hear Zarathos say as I ponder about it."Everything in my body is telling me that I shouldn't...but yes.I do fell something for her." I say as I start the bike.I head back to the cave as my mind is being pulled into two different ways.I care about Jade, maybe something else, but I don't want my knowledge of her to affect the team.To keep in the dark is something that I don't want to do but her cover would be better protected if everyone fought her with no knowledged of her infiltration.I don't know what I've gottenyslef into.I thought I was prepared for this but I realise that no one can prepare for this.

Mount Justice: Night

I arrive at the cave as I enter the zeta hanger.Everyone is present including Batman."We've been waiting." He says as I glance at him."Sorry.Hot stuck in traffic." I say as everyone par Batman chuckles a little."You all have had your time to yourself and with everyone now on board." Batman says as he glances at Kaldur."It's time to focus.The Watchtower has detected an immense power surge in the Bialian Desert.Your mission is to covertly detect the reason of the surge and report back.Maintain radio silence the whole team.Bialya is a rogue nation, we do not want a political mess to come about from this." Batman says as the Bialian Desert is expanded on the holgram screen.Great, a desert.What could go wrong?

Bialya: 12:22am, September 4th, 2010.P.O.V Matthew Spectre

Uhh, my head.I come too and see the moon shining down onto me.I sit up as I hold my head.What's going on?I look around and see nothing but sand and dunes."I'm in a desert?" I say aloud as I get to my feet.I look around."Where am I?How did I get here?Why am I here?" I say as I feel the Rider buzzing in my head."Calm yourself, Matthew.This is just temporary." The Rider speaks to me."Rider?What's going on?What's 'temporary'?" I say as I hear him sigh."Your memory has been tampered with.You have been unconscious for the last 2 hours.I've been trying to restore your memories but it's a blurry hassle." He says as I shake my head."My memories are gone?How far are we talking?" I ask."Six months.It's currently September." He says as my eyes widen."Six months!" I shout as I feel him growl in annoyance."Restoring your memories is going to take some time.I have to focus so can you can be considerate and shut up." He says as I shut up, I don't want to piss him off.I hear a solid thud as I turn and see a boy, roughly 16, land not far from me.His shirt is torn as he gazes at me with animalistic fury."Who the hell are you?" I say as he screams and leaps at me.I twist my body, almost like instinct, and grab his arm before tossing him into a judo throw.I force him deep into the sand with such force that it surprises me.Whoa.The boy kicks his feet up and sent me reeling.Damn, he packs a punch.He leaps with a yell and throws a barrage of fists.I dodge out the way with such skill and speed that I'm questioning, 'what the fuck did I get up to in that six months'.I catch his fist and throw a fist back as the feral boy reels back with pain."My turn." I say as I send heavy hooks and uppercuts to him.He tries to fight back but my newfound skill is keeping me from being hammered.

"How the hell am I doing this?" I shout to myself as I block the overhead and duck under the hook before delivery an upwards elbow.The feral boy backs up in pain but I grab him by the head and bring him into my knee, a crack is heard as the boy holds his head.I look at him as I see the broken nose, bruised cheek and purple eye.He roars at me but I duck under and flip him over my back.Channelling the Rider's power, I throw a powerful side kick into the upside down boy's back.The force sends him far as he skids across the sand and lands face first into a rock."I suggest we move away from here before he walks up." The Rider says as I nod aimlessly and just run...not caring where I end up.

Later that day:

After running for hours, it didn't seem to be me any favors, I decided just to walk.The Sun was beginning to rise and I decide to pass the time by trying to wrap my head around the situation."Where the hell has the time gone?What have I been doing?And who the hell was that who attacked me?" I ask aimlessly."First, time hasn't done anything, your memories have just been closed off.Second, you have working on a team overseen by the Justice League.Thirdly, that was one of your teammates, the Superboy." The Rider says as I just can't be bothering asking anything anymore.I'm on a team apparently and one of the teammates wanted to kill me.Perfect.....just great."Hold for a minute.I'm putting some pieces together." He says as I still stand for a minute.After a while, my head starts pounding freciously.I scream in agony as I hold my head.

Memory Flashblack:

"Maintain radio silence at all times." Batman says as he reviews the mission to us."What if something goes wrong?" I say as he turns to me."Miss Martian will maintain a constant mental link throughout your mission.If something goes wrong, regroup and if need be, contact for extraction." He says as I nod in acceptance.

Memory ends

"Aaaah!" I yell out as I fall to my knees."Miss Martian?M'gann?" I say aloud."It seems that the memory wipe is more refined than I thought.I thought I could have gotten more but the strain on your mind is getting the best of me.I can't continue like this.With M'gann's help, we could be able to restore yours and the team's memories." The Rider says which to him sounds normal but to me just sounds like a bunch of nonsense."Ok?Soooo....how do we find this 'M'gann'?" I ask."You might not know her but I do.I know her soul, just walk and reach out with my senses, we should be able to find her." He says as she just nod, he knows more than I do, might as well try.I reach out and sense any souls on the vicinity.The Rider's senses can reach about a mile away but that is stretching the senses a bit much.I walk in a random direction to where some rocks are.I sense the soul of a nearby presence and this one, I do know.I run over as I shout."Dick!Dick, you there?" I shout as I reach the rocks.I turn and see Dick standing there with a black shirt with Superman's symbol on it."Dick." I call out as he turns to me."Oh, Matt.Thank God.You have no idea how good it is to see a familiar face." He says as we boy shake our hands."Trust me, I know what you mean." I say as I look down at the shirt.I take it from him as I look at the symbol."You know something?" He asks."Yeah.The Rider is trying to fix my memories but he's having a hard time.But this shirt, it must come from the Superboy.The Rider said that he was my teammate or something." I say as Dick ponders."A team?What team?Who are our teammates?" He asks as I shrug."The Rider only told me that Superboy and a Miss Martian, I believe are part of the team.He was able to piece together a memory though.Batman told us to maintain radio silence." I say as he perks up."I had the same memory.The team must work for him." He says as I nod."The Rider did say that the team is over seen by the Justice League, maybe Batman is the one who oversees us especially." I say as he nods.We head off into the desert, hoping to find something or someone.Dick pulled out his hologram as he spotted something."Hold up." He says as we stop."I put a GPS tracker down, somewhere east of here.About 15 miles that way." He says as he points east."I hope you have water in that belt because that is a long walk." I say as he shrugs.We head east towards the tracker, maybe whatever is there can help us.

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That night:

"We've been out here all day.I don't know how you managed to go this whole way so I applaud you." I say as Dick mock bows."Well, thank you, kind sir. But I wish I could remember why I put a GPS tracker here." He says as we look over a sand dune as we see a weapons catche.....right in the middle of nowhere."Huh?Guessing that's why." Dick says as he goes to check it out but I pull him back down.He looks at my questioningly."I sense a trap.Over a dozen souls, all men lay in the sand around the catche." I say as we look again, and low and behold, we see just faint outlines of the men."Let's go surprise them, shall we?" He says as he jumps forward and lands near the catche.I follow after him as the men all burst from the sand.One of them speaks Bialyan."Her Majesty wants them alive!" He says as Dick throws a smoke bomb.All the men cough as the both of us work in tandem.My superior strength and Dick's skills are shown to be too much for the soldiers.I throw a chain at one of them, he panics as I swing him to Dick, who throws a spinning wheel kick to the man's temple, knocking him out cold.Three of the men shoot me as they just burn when they enter my body, I trunk back with blazing eyes as I see them shit themselves in fear.A black blue speeds in front of them as it takes their weapons."I hold that.Thanks!" The blur says as one of the men sneaks up behind me as I turn sharply and snap his neck.

The blur stops and grins at the soldiers.I see him and notice that he looks a lot like Kid Flash but with a black paint job.The supposedly Kid Flash runs forward and barrels through some of the soldiers as I swing my chain and cut a man in half as he body burns to cinder.I turn and see a man throw my punch which I catch.I break every bone in his hand as I lift him up and bring him down on my knee, his whole back shatters from the impact.Dick and Kid Flash are dispatching the soldiers like nothing.Some of the soldiers are sent flying by an unknown force as I look up and see a green woman beaming down to us.Must be Miss Martian.The soldiers that are knocked down get up and all charge me.I smile as I let some of the Rider's power out.Lighting one of my chains on fire, I twirl the chain in a 360°, completely incinerating them all.The last man backs off and runs in fear.I whoosh of air and he is wrapped in rope.We all turn and see a blonde girl with a bow stating down at us.She slides down the fun and stares at everyone, when her eyes meet mine, they widen in fear as I read her soul."I know you." I say as she loads an arrow and points it at me.I light a chain but Dick and Kid Flash stand in between is."Matt, what are you doing?She helped us, its alright." Dick says as I stare a hole through Artemis."Been trying to find her for a while, damn bitch shot an arrow at me." I say as she growls."Of course, you would only tell half the story, Ghost Rider, and I haven't forgotten the scar that you left on me." She says as I notice the burn scar."Keep pointing that arrow at me and I give you more than a scar." I growl out as my eyes blow with fire.I feel a force pressing on me and I see the Martian with her eyes glowing and her hands pointed at me and Artemis."Friends, please.Don't fight.We're all on the same team." She says as I growl and back off.Artemis does the same.I growl at her as she stares hatefully at me."Ok, now thats settled.Let's compare notes on how and why we are here and why we don't have the last 6 months of our memories." Dick says as I nod.

"So we really are a team?" Dick asks as Miss Martian answers."The five of us and Superboy." She says as I pull out the shirt."So this is his." I say as she gets exicted."Yes!Did you see him?" She asks as myself, Artemis and Kid Flash scoff."I think we did." Artemis says as Kid Flash followed up."Some teammate, he attacked us.But it did look like someone gave him a beating." He says as I speak up."That would have been me.I run into him almost as soon as I came too.I was able to overpower him.Strangest thing was that I used moves that I don't know but was able to do.The Rider said that instinct can't be affected by memory loss." I say as Miss Martian speaks."Hello Megan!Zarathos can help us, he has knowledge of the telepathy.He can help restore our memories." She says as I look at her confused."Who the hell is Zarathos?" I ask as I feel the Rider in my head."Me, Matthew.My name is Zarathos.You already know this but like before your motors have been erased." He says as Miss Martian's eyes glow as the scenery around us changes.

We appear to be in a black void but with purple lightning.Broken mirror shards float around us as we see the factures memories."Weird isn't it.Being in someone's head." A voice says as we turn and see a fiery figure walk out of the void and take shape.Black eyes form as well a sharp teeth.The body doesn't look solid but just condensed fire."You're him.The Spirit of Vengeance." I say as he chuckles."Yes.....but you already knew that." He says as everyone stares on wonder and fear."I've brought you all into my mind.I was able to piece together a few things but I need your help.Together our broken memories can form a whole." Miss Martian says as the Spirit speaks."I'll also be helping, focusing all your minds together and footing the pieces in.It's a big puzzle in retrospect." He says."Only problem being that our minds have to be open for that to happen." I say as Artemis backs off in anger."You want to go snooping in our private thoughts?" She questions as Miss Martian hold her hands up."I have no wish to intrude.But-." She starts as Dick follows up."You need to hack out minds to restore what happened to us.Got it." He says as the Spirit stand next to Miss Martian."M'gann will piece your memories back together.I'll be keeping any personal information or private thoughts out of the picture.They are your secrets and thoughts, if you want to keep them to yourself that's fine but I'll be making sure that nothing slips through." He says as we all stare at Artemis."This isn't going to overwhelm my brain is it?" She asks."Or underwhelm you.Hey, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Dick asks as I roll my eyes.Artemis sighs and looks at Miss Martian and the Spirit."Last six months only.Plus only what you need." She says as Kid Flash walks over and holds her hand.The Spirit focus his fire while Miss Martian sends blue hands that rest on our heads.

Robin's Memory:

"The Watchtower detected an immense power surge in the Bialian Desert.Spectral analysis revealed elements non terrestrial in origin.Find out what happened at the site, what landed there.Bialya is a rogue state ruled by Queen Bee, and is not a member of the U.N charter." Batman says as an image of a beautiful, dark skinned woman with facny garments is shown.An angry scowl is present on her face.That's a big turn off."All communications are subjuect to intersection.Maintain radio silence at all of times." He says as Matt speaks up."What if something goes wrong?" He asks."Miss Martian will have the mental link up constantly.If something does go wrong, regroup and contact for extraction." Batman says as he continues the brief.The scene changes."You'll land in Kourak, on Bialya's border.I look around with my scopes and see that the cost is clear."All clear." I say as I grin back to the rest of the team.

Kid Flash's Memory:

"The Bialyans control the site." Artemis says as the both of us, look over a sand dune and see a large tent surrounded by soldiers and tanks.The scene changes."Set up here." Robin says as Superboy places the catche down.

Artemis's Memory:

"We'll be up and running in no time." Robin says as he types away."Jackpot!The site's lousy with zeta beam radiation." Wally says as Robin speaks up."Detecting no terrestrial trace elements from the tent." He says as M'gann speaks up."I'll check it out in camouflage mode." Matt walks over to us while wrapping a chain around his arm."I'll go with him, just in case, things go south." He says as Kaldur agrees."Good idea, go."

M'gann's Memory

"Be careful." Superboy says as I smile on the inside.He does care."And maintain telepathic contact." Kaldur says as I nod."I will Aqaulad."

Matt's Memory:

"Please look out for her." Superboy says to me as I go to follow M'gann."Don't worry.She'll be fine.She's tough." I say as he nods."He so has the hots for the Martian." Zarathos tells me through our private mental link.I smile and follow after M'gann while agreeing with Zarathos."They both have the hots for each other." I say as Kaldur comes up to me."Too not to cause to much of a scene of things go bad.This is as covert as we can get.No fire nor explosives." He says as I smirk."No promises." I run after M'gann, time to get this mission done.

The Real World:

We all gasp as our memories come back."Aqualad!" We all shout in unison."Where the hell is he?What happened after that?" Robin says."I don't know, that's the last thing I....we remember." M'gann says.I stare at Wally and Artemis.They look at me as I smile and glance down at their hands.They break about before looking away from each other."We have been out here for at least 24 hours.An Altantean in a desert is already bad news, but now.....we have to find him and find him fast." I say as I turn my attention back to Robin and M'gann."Now that I know to loof for him.....he's close!But he's not moving." Robin says as I reach out with my senses."Found him." I say as I run towards a small cluster of rocks.I jump over one and see Kaldur laying there.He's mumbling something in Altantean but I can't understand what."Zarathos.What's he saying?" I ask."Altantis is not a forte of knowledge.Me and water don't get along, understand?" He says as I nod.Fair enough.

M'gann kneels beside him as she focuses on his mind.He's stilling mumbling though."I can't fix him in this condition." She's says as Robin speaks up."He needs immediate rehydration.Call the bio ship." He tells M'gann."She's out of range.But you can get him there fast." She says to wally who shakes his head."I can't.I'm almost out of juice and he's too heavy.I wouldn't even be able to carry her." He says as he points to Artemis.She scoffs in response."Can't you just levitate him back?" Artemis asks."I can't.I have I have to find Superboy." M'gann says as she gets up."Kaldur needs you help.Superboy can survive, but Kaldur is in critical condition, if we don't get him some water, he's not going to make it." I say to her.M'gann holds her head in pain."No!Superboy's in pain!" She shouts as she flies off."M'gann, wait!" Artemis calls out."We still do t know what erased out memories!It could happen again!" Robin follows up but M'gann continues on flying."We can't stay here with our thumbs up our asses.Robin, track the bio ship.We need to get Kaldur out of here." I say as he nods and brings up his hologram map.Myself, Artemis and Wally make a makeshift carrier for Kaldur.

We make our way to the Bio-ship.I drag Kaldur along the sand, being the only one here with super strength, it wasn't too much of a hassle.Robin holds us up."Quick!Over there!" He whisper yells as we duck behind a rock.A squad of soldiers pass us by.Kaldur is mumbling again, something about...Tula?Wonder who that is."Shh, Kaldur.Quiet now." Artemis says soothingly as Kladur quietens.Myself and Robin look over the rock and see a squad of about a dozen soldiers walking by."We can't risk a firefight with Aqualad KOed like this." Robin says as I glow my eyes."You sure?I can deal with pretty easily." I say but Robin waves me off."Kladur needs help, we can't risk exposure." He says as Wally's stomach starts grumbling."I'm way out of juice." He says as Artemis checks her quiver."And I'm almost out of arrows." She says as I turn and see Robin gone."I hat it when he does that." I say, I keep a lookout as I hear Wally and Artemis talk about something."Hey, you never said why your dad would want to kttk!me." Wally says while he drags a finger across his neck.I glance to see Artemis look in my direction before facing away from Wally."I..I got confused by some old movie I saw the other night.About a ninja girl whose ninja dad order her to kill her ninja boyfriend cause he was from a rival ninja clan." She says as I chuckle under my breath.Smooth, nice save."So, I'm your ninja boyfriend, huh?" Wally says, winding her up."Hey, amnesia, remember?Completely forgot how truly annoying and vexing you are." She's says as I feel an argument coming."Oh, like you're the goddess of congeniality." Wally says as I groan."Fuck sake, just make out and get it over with.God, when we get back to the cave, I'm locking both of you in a closest so you can sort out your problems....if other things don't happen." I say while laughing.The both of them move away from each other and pout."Agreed.They need to get a room." We turn and see Robin behind us."Dude, where the hell were you?" Wally asks as Robin smirks."Breaking radio silence.We trunk and hear Robin's digital laughter as a loud boom goes off and dust and sand kicks up.The groaning of the soldiers can also be heard.

"That's our cue.Let's go!" He shouts as I pick up Kaldur's carrier and drag him away from the soldiers.On our way to the Bio-ship, Zarathos picked up a huge psychic battle going on in the back of our subconscious.When asked why the others haven't noticed, he simply said that they are not him.I asked him if he could cross the link and see if he can help, he agreed and told me that he'll be back.

P.O.V Change: Zarathos

After leaving Matthew, I travelled the link and found where the battle was taking place.Shimmering into existence, I see M'gann fighting against a pale man with his brain exposed behind a membrane material.I watch as M'gann fights this pyshic on equal footing but her experience is showing.While strong in the mental arts, she is not adept to battle agasint as strong or stronger psychics.Maybe something to bring up to the Manhunter.

The pale psychic gets bigger and blasts black beam of brain power at M'gann who dodges while splitting into many copies of herself.She shoots him either own green blast from all her copies as the pale psychic screams in pain.She seems to be holding out quite well.I stay back and watch the battle happening.The pale sound around in a vortex as he sends the copies flying.M'gann slows herself as she conjures a shield, very reminiscent of Superboy's shield.The pale man blasts M'gann with a blast from his brain as M'gann tries to hold agaisnt him.Suddenly, Superboy manfeists in the psychic battle.The pale psychic continues his attack as M'gann forms a bubble around herself and Superboy.I still out of the way as the combatants are so focused on each other, they haven't noticed me..... amateurs."He's too strong." M'gann says, almost finitely."You're strong.And I'm stubborn....together." Superboy says as M'gann smiles.Holding up their conjoined hands."Together." She says as the both of them stare hatefully at the pale psychic."Get out...of my head." M'gann says with venom as both of them throw their hands forward as a blast of M'gann's psychic powr breaks throught the pale man's and hits him dead centre on the brain.He screams in absolute agony.Superboy finally notices me as he nedges M'gann.The both of them stare at me as the pale psychic is banished from her mind.I nod my head at their accomplishment as I shimmer out of the link.

I meet back up with Matthew in the Bio-ship."How are they?" He asks as I chuckle."They will do very well together.Very well indeed." I say as Matthew smiles.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre.Bio-ship, Quarc, 2:32am, September 5th, 2010.

After smiling at Zarathos's statement, I hear M'gann's voice in my head."Hey everybody, I got Superboy.Here's back to normal and we're on our way.".After she finishes, Kladur wakes up with a gasp."Who are you?And how did you get inside my head?" He shouts as Artemis and I ease him back down on the table."Hello Megan.Aqualad's memories.I knew I forgot something." M'gann says as I raise my eyebrow.Sure, whatever you say."Aww, man.Me, too.I didn't get a souvenir from the mission." Wally says but M'gann follows up."Don't worry.Got the souvenir thing covered." She says.Her anticipation and joy makes me both nervous and exicted.Why's the hell did you bring back.....

Unknown location: No P.O.V

"The Martian girl escaped with both the Sphere and the Superboy." The pale psychic, Psimon, says to the unknown entities. "That hardly matters." A new voice, female, responds to Psimon's report. "What matters is the successful test of our new partners delivery system." The woman says as recording comes up. In Bialya, a boom tube opens as the Sphere is thrown out. "More tech will come. Tech that will put the Sphere and the perhaps even the Superboy to shame." The woman says Psimon looks down and then up. "I tried to erase the Rider's memories. The host body did but the Spirit was unaffected. When I tried, he noticed my presence. I left before he could identify me." Psimon says as an old man's voice chuckles. "It doesn't matter. Soon the Rider will be under our control.....besides, soon enough...my benefactor will have him wrapped around her finger."

Mount Justice: 11:57am, September 6th, 2010.

We are sitting in the common area of the Cave.M'gann was in the kitchen, wiping up something for everyone.Wally and Robin were playing fulsball.Superboy was staring at the static tv and for some reason, Artemis challenge Kladur to an arm wrestling comp.She lost, very badly.As for myself, I'm reading up on any crime stories in Gotham, Metropolis and Happy Harbour.Reading these stories and news feed gives me an understanding of even innocent blood is split.Consistent criminal activity and Zarathos will tell me to go out and hunt these scum down."Batman to Ghost Rider.Zeta Hanger, now." Batman's voice sounds over the P.A as everyone stops what their doing."Looks like someone's in trouble." Artemis says as she rolls her arm over.I mock glare at her beige walking off.

Entering the zeta hanger, I see Batman and Red Tornado present."What ever I did.....I promise...I didn't do it." I say as they both stare at me."This isn't about your antics or methods.We'll come to that when you got back but we have a mission.Just for you." Batman says as he pulls up a lot of information about something coming of San Francisco."About 8 months ago, the League detected a new meta human, time, resources and threats have made us unable of contacting the new meta human, but we did keep a close watch." Batman says as video footage plays in a bank of a man, judging by his size, possibly a late teen.He was wearing some jeans and a hood to cover his face.He is fighting the man with great strength, he can fly and some sort of focused blue beam coming from his head.The beam explodes on the ground, sending everyone, including the meta human flying."Who is he?" I ask as Red Tornado turns to me."The identity is not known.Which is why the Batman has selected you to find him." He says as I trun to Batman."This meta human vigilante has been in operation for almost a year.His powers are still an unknown but his potential, when trained, could be a viable assest.Not just for the League but for this Team." He says a so nod."Ok.So you want me to go to San Francisco, find this meta human, gauge his powers and see if he is viable for membership?" I ask as they state at me."Sounds fun, let's do it." I say as Batman types in the coordinates for the zeta."Remember.This is still an unknown.We don't know his motivation nor have a full understanding of his powers.Be cautious." Batman says as I nod while entering the zeta tube.

San Francisco:

I walk out of the empty phone booth to a run down, dirty alleyway.I walk out and see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance."Awesome." I say as I walk down the street.Being in my civilian wear of a pair of jeans and my trademark jacket, no one notices me.I come to a cafe and rest myself on the wall.I reach out with my senses to find the metahuman.Souls amongst meta humans and humans are hard to decipher, simply because the soul is made of concepts and feelings.What your personality is, how your experiences shape that personality, your emotions, feelings, all of these are what makes a soul.Memory is a big part as well but that comes under the experiences.So with humans and meta humans, it's hard but there is a slight change.All metahumans have some sort of feeling of pride or loathing when it comes to their abilities.Everyone can have pride and loathing but when it's directed at one thing in particular than you have what I'm looking for.

After reaching out, I find a soul that is metahuman.No sense of pride or loathing, more....caution?That's a new one.I sense that soul and I trace it to the good side of the city, not the rich, nor the bad nor the poor.But in the middle.I walk towards that side and see a nice little suburb, but what is really strange is all the souls....their metahumans.Every single person is metahuman, the men, the women, the children.He'll, even some of the dogs are metas.As I pass them, I get the feelings of mistrust, anger, and hate coming from a few.The others are just cautious, keeping their distance."Who are you?And what are you doing here?" A voice calls out to me as a teenager walks in front of me.She blond hair and is wearing a yellow dress.She's cute but her soul tells me that she is powerful."I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you but I'm looking for this man." I say as I pull up an enchanced photo of the meta that Batman discovered.I see the girl's eyes widen as I feel mistrust coming from her."What do you want from him?" She asks with slight anger."Just to talk.I'm here at the Justice League's request." I say as everyone feels hope and happiness."The League sent you?" The girl asks as I nod.She grabs my hand and pulls me towards a house."Come.Come!" She says as she pulls me further."Ok, ok.Just slow down."

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She pulls me into the house and the living home."Blake.....the League came.Someone cares about us." She says as a man walks into the room.He's tall, taller than me.About a built as Superboy, an angry scowl on his face as he stares at me.He looks at the girl before signing something.He can't speak?"I know, I know.No outsiders.But the League sent him." The girl says as the stares at me.He signs something again but the girl turns to me."My brother wants to know who are you?And what are you really doing him?" She says as I look back at him.He doesn't seem deaf because she replied back to him in English so is he a mute or something."My name is Matt Spectre.I was sent by the League because of a metahuman vigilante that was in San Francisco." I say a so pull up a hologram to the man, Blake, I believe.The footage shows the man in the bank, tearing through criminals, another clip of him flying down and stopping a rampaging truck."Wow, look at that.How fast and heavy was that truck?You got skills and your activities have caught the attention of the League." I say as the man still stares at me, his eyes narrowing.Batman is terrifying but this man is unnerving.Something deep within is telling me to be extremely cautious."That's just me." Zarathos says in a tone that makes me worried.

The man gestures to the couch as he walks back into the kitchen.The girl smiles as she sits in the recliner."My name's Crystal, by the way." She says as I reach over and shake her hand."Nice to meet you Crystal." I say as Blake comes back with some sandwiches.He sits down as he gestures to the food."Oh, thank you." I say in thanks as I take a bite out of the sandwich."Hmm, this is really good." I say as Blake signs."Thank you, it's my mother's recipe." Crystal translates.I put the sandwich down as I get serious."Ok, let's be real here.This is a metahuman neighbourhood." I say aloud as they widen their eyes."Don't be surprised, the League knew somewhat about you, I would reckon they know for sure about this suburb but I'm not here for that.The truth is.....I'm the Ghost Rider." I say as my eyes glow as both Crystal and Blake stand to their feet.Blue energy forms on Blake's forehead as ice surrounds Crystal's hand.I raise my hands in surrender."I'm not here to fight.Just to talk." I say as they stare at me.Blake powers down the blue energy as Crystal defrosts her hand."I'm sorry if that was a surprise but I needed to get it out of the way." I say as they sit back down."The League is always looking for recruits and Batman sent me here to gauge you and your abilities." I say to Blake as he raises an eyebrow.He signs."The Batman?Sent you?To gauge me?" Crystal translates as I nod."We saw the footage of your abilities in thebank and with the truck.We have seen other clips.You have potential Blake.Batman sent me to see if you were a possible candidate for recruitment." I say as Blake sits there.He signs as Crystal looks at him."What do you mean 'no'?Brother, it's the Justice League." Crystal says as I look at Blake.He signs again, this time Crystal doesn't translate as she runs outside, Blake follows her as I follow him.I come outside and see that Blake is signing away and Crystal had tears in her eyes."This is our chance!To be better than this!To have better than what we have!You think that just because the city gave us this neighbourhood that they'll leave us alone!No, at the slightest hint of trouble, they send everything to get rid of us.I've read the news about other metahuman communities, some have been relocated.....or misplaced.This is our chance, brother and your too stubborn to accept!" She screams as everyone gathers around the argument.Blake signs away."I don't need protecting brother.I can protect myself!" She screams as she forms a vortex and flies away.

I walk up to Blake and put my hand on his shoulder, he turns sharply and backhands me away.I didn't expect that level of strength.I turn to him as he looks at me with anger."Hey, mate.I don't want to fight you but I will if you force me to." I say as he walks up to me and shoots forward.Suddenly I'm in the air as he throws me to the ground.I land with a thud."Ow." I say as I get up but he flies and shoots forward at me in a tackle.I wrap a chain around him and pull him off.I dig my feet in the ground as I turn and throw him away but pull him back into my fist.The shockwave shatters a few windows as Blake is sent skidding across the road."I don't want to fight you!What part of that didn't you understand?" I say to him as he silently snarls and floats above me.The blue energy forms on his forehead as he shoots it at me.I dodge out of the way as the beam connects with the road, making a good size explosion which sends me into Blake's flight path, he tackles me as he forces me deep into the road.He pulls me up as he throws me away.I get up, he packs a serious punch.I see him lift a car and throw it at me as I growl.Lightning my eyes and chain with Rider fury, I cut the car in half and send one half back at him.He takes the hit as I throw my chains as they wrap around his legs.I pull him down with authority.I march over to him and pick him up.Punching with some serious might, he is able to black and dodge with efficiency but my skill is too much for him.I grab his head and knee him in the noise.After all this, he hasn't made a single noise.He has some serious pain tolerance.I throw him into the broken glad of the car as I charge at him.He concentrates a beam of blue energy and shoots me with it.The beam connects as I'm sent flying into a house, the force of my entrance brings the entire front of the house down onto the street."That hurt....a lot." I say as I get to my feet but Blake is already on me.Throwing punch after punch, the force of each making a little shockwave which rocks the ruined house.I let Zarathos take over as I catch his fist.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Blake's eyes widen in shock as I burn through Matthew's skin."My turn." I say as I pick him out of the house.I run out and see him hover above, using his power of flight to get leverage over me.I don't think so.I throw my chains as they warp around his body.He eyes widen in fear as I force him down into the road.I lift him up back over my head before twisting around and forcing him down again.The force of the impact leaves huge cracks in the road.I pull my chains back as he gets to his knees.I swing my chain at him as he inhales a breath.


He whispers as a colossal soundwave barges into me.I scream in agony as the force of the wave sends me flying, the road breaks apart, the houses are shaken as some of them collapse.I land with a thud as the echo of his whisper does down.I lay on the road as I slowly get to my feet.I get up a bit wozzlingly as I colaspe to a knee with a groan.I get up and see Blake floating above me with an angry look on his face.I notice that some of the other metas are waving their hands as all the damage is fixed on a dime.I back away from them as I collapse but someone catches me.I look back and see Crystal holding me as she stares angrily at her brother."We were not raised this way, Blake!" She screams as Blake floats back down.I feel weird, I give Matthew back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

As soon Zarathos have back control, I passed out from exertion.I have never seen Zarathos get owerpowered by someone else.This guy...he's the real deal, he has something really.....really special.I groan as I waknuo and see that I'm on the couch of Crystal's home, I see the sandwich that Blake made for me as I sit up.I hear schuffling as Crystal and Blake enter the room."Hey.How are you feeling?" She asks as I laugh."Feels like I got the shit kick out of me." I say as Crystal laughs and Blake smiles."I now see why you don't talk." I say as he nods his head."I admire your mental discipline, to not make a sound.At all?That must be exhausting." I say as he signs."You have no idea.But I've gotten use to it.Sorry about what I did." Crystal translates as I wave him off."No, don't worry about it.I came into your home, uninvited and made some comments.You felt that I was responsible for your argument.If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." I say as he shakes his head and signs."No, I let my anger get the better of me.I usually am pretty calm but I lost control.I'm sorry." Crystal translates but I just wasve him off and place my hand on his shoulder."Don't worry about it.I was in wrong, just accept it." I say as he smiles.We sit down and eat some new sandwiches that Blake made."So, what are your abilities, besides the obvious." I say as he signs away."I don't really know but one of our smarter neighbours deduced that I can control an unknown particle that can control, change and manipulate electrons and anti electrons.Only problem being that the particle is located in the centre of my speech cortex of my brain.A single whisper and the electrons and anti electrons release a devastating hyper sonic soundwave." Crystal translates as my eyes widen."Jesus.That's.....wow.I felt that whisper earlier.I felt like a thousand trucks ran over me while blasting their horns directly into my ears." I say as Crystal sighs."Blake had to undergo very rigorous mental training, any sound that he makes can have serious consequences.He tries not to use his speech when fighting cause it can possible kill someone." She says as I nod in understanding."So this unknown particle can manipulate electrons.Is that what the beam is as well?" I ask as he nods."And the flight?" I ask as he nods as well.Damn, he is powerful.And still a teenager, what's he going to be like in ten years time."The only other question I have is...why?Why are you doing what your doing?" I ask as he signs."This town was once a rundown, the city had granted us this town to isolate ourselves from everyone else.We didn't know that it was a rundown.I decided to go and find something to help them, at first a stole money from crooks and that.But after a while, with my people not having proper heating, electricity, nor food on the table.I decided to amp it up.I put a hood over myself and starting robbing from organised crime, stealing some of any stolen cash to give to my people.After a few months, we got running water, electricity etc. We were happy.But I felt something when I took down organised crime.I saw what people do metas, even to regular humans.I felt like I had to do something and I did.I went out and stop criminals from hurting people.I made sure that the streets were safe for families, for everyone." Crystal translates as I nod.He started because he wanted to help the metas here.But after a while, he saw what bad people did to others, to the innocent.He's a man after my own heart.He made sure that criminals knew that they were dealing with someone dangerous and determined.Dangerous combination...for them at least.I nod my head and get up."I think that what you are doing is great.You care about your people.As well as the humans of San Francisco.If you ever want to meet and.....talk, I guess or if you need help.Give me a call." I say as I pass him a burner phone."You do good here.And possibly in time....a Leaguer." I say as he smiles and takes the phone.He skates my hand in thanks.I walk out of the house but stop and turn back."I forgot.Do you have a codename or something?" I ask as they both ponder.Blake's eyes widen as he signs.Crystal smiles before turning back to me."Black Bolt." She says as I smile.That's an awesome codename.

Mount Justice: Zeta Hanger

"Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." I stop out of the hanger and see Batman and Red Tornado standing there."Well?" Batman ask as I bring up the database."His name is Blake Burton.He lives with his sister, Crystal Burton in a metahuman community in San Fransisco.He is the vigilante that you are looking for." I say as Batman turns to me."His abilities?" He asks as I scoff."Fucking insane.He says that he has the an unknown particle located in the centre speech cortex of his brain.This particle allows him to control and manipulate the electrons and anti electrons." I say as I bring up a hologram of the human brain."However, the downside is that when her utters a sound, the particle reacts uncontrollably and causes the electrons and anti electrons to react with a devastating sound wave.The wave is so powerful that a single whisper was able to defeat Zarathos." I say as Batman's eyes widen in shock."He defeat you?" He says as I nod."He wasn't too happy when I arrived and was worse after 'talking'." I say."Is he a candidate?" Red Tornado asks as I nod."He is a hero, whether he wants to admit it or not.His community were suffering and he decides to take down organised crime.He robbed them and used the money to make sure that his community was taken care of.But flyer a while, he decided to start helping people, he felt like he needed to help them, to protect them.So yes, he is viable for membership.Maybe in a few years for the League.But for the Team, definitely." I say as Batman hmms before disabling the hologram."the League will set up with Mr Burton for membership.For now....good job." He says as he walks away.

I leave the hanger and find everyone on the common area at the dinner table, I see a roast chicken, some potato and gravy, meatloaf etc. "Hey guys." I say as everyone turns to me."Hey Matt.Come on, dinners ready." Robin says as I sit out the table and take my portions."So, how was your mission?" Artemis asks as I raise my head."Batman told us as soon as you left." Wally says as I snort.Of course he did."The mission was alright.I think that we might have a new team member soon." I say as everyone smiles."What can he do?" Superboy asks as I down some meat."He can control the electrons and anti electrons in his brain.The results of that is that he can fly and concentrate a beam of energy from his forehead but the real kicker is his voice." I say as M'gann raises an eyebrow."His voice?" I nod my head."The electrons are controlled in the speech centre.The only downside is that when he utters a sound, the electrons and antielectrons become uncontrollable and release a massive sound wave, similar to Canary's Cry.Only more powerful." I say as everyone is shocked by that."How powerful?" Kladur asks as I smirk."Powerful enough that a single whisper was enough to nearly destroy a town and powerful enough to defeat Zarathos." I say as everyone is absolutely shocked by that."That strong, damn." Wally says as I laugh."The best part is that when he spoke.He whispered.Zarathos was defeat by a hyper sonic soundwave from a whisper." I say as everyone shivers at the implications."So if he spoke normally or yelled.....?" Artemis says as I look at everyone."Than the level of destruction woukd be astronomical...but he is careful.He underwent some serious mental training to not utter a noise.He is disciplined, very disciplined." I say as everyone breaths a sigh of relief."That's good.That's good." Robin says as I laugh and go back to eating.Blake is very powerful, possibly the most powerful meta I've ever met.He had a good heart and a strong mental fortitude.He will do welll for himself.And if he doesn't, Crystal will make sure that he does.