

We wait within the bushes as we watch the last shipment be put on the chopper.We see Sportsmaster walk over to the chopper as Aqualad gives Kid Flash the word.The speedster rushes over and rams into cultists."Take the shipment!" The leader, Kobra, yells at Sportsmaster.The mercenary bolts as I run out and intercept him."Long time no see, mercenary." I taunt him as I feel his anger."You will not stop me Rider!I do not fear you anymore." He says as I feel his fear deep down inside himself.I chuckle as I stare at him."You're a liar.....and not a very good one at that." I growl as I fling my chains at him which he narrowly avoids.I spin around and twirl the chains at him in a wide arc. He ducks as he pulls at a javelin and throws it at me.The javelin lands in front of me and explodes.The blast sends me back but I barely feel the burn.I fling my chains and wrap them around him.I pull myself through the dust and shoulder check him.The force of the impact sends him skidding.I pull my chains away as I approach him."Getting slow, old man." I mock him as I notice Superboy taunting the beast before Aqualad blasts him with a continuous water barrage.I stare at Sportsmaster before heading to the beast.While he is the plan, that beast is a heavy hitter and needs to be taken out."Superboy, let's go!" I shout to him as he nods."Aqualad!Drop the water.We'll deal with this bastard." I shout as he nods and heads to deal with the cultists."Hey, Rider!Let's do that fancy slingshot thing.We are going to take big ugly, out!" Superboy shouts at me as I wrap my chains around him."Batter up!" I shout as I spin him twice and throw him at the beast.Superboy rotates in the air, generating more momentum as he lands a thunderous right hook to the beasts face.The shockwave sends me back as all sound of combat ends.

Superboy stands up and picks up the beast and throws him away, the beast groans and falls back on its face.Superboy walks up to me and smiles as I nod.We turn back to everyone as we walk forward."Whose next?" I say as I pull out a chain and light it with Hellfire.Superboy simply bangs his fist against his palm.The cultist break from their shock and start firing at us.I swing my chains and cut through the weapons....and anyone else for is unfortunate to be there.I notice Sportsmaster heading to the chopper as I call out to Superboy."Stop Sportsmaster!" I say as he leaps away.I cut through cultists as Kid Flash slides under my chains and barrels into a cultist.Her mask is knocked off as Kid catches it."Souvenir." He says as I roll my eyes.I turn and catch a woman's fist as she groans under the pressure.I pull my fist back and force it into her sternum.I puncture her flesh and slip past her ribs as I hold onto her heart.She is breathing really heavily and sweating in a mass panic.I growl as I lift my fist on fire.She screams in agony as the fire burns through her, she incinerates from the intensity of the hellfire.I turn around and see that the chopper is starting to fly away.I run off and throw both my chains as it wraps around one of the legs of the chopper.I can't seem to pull it back but Superboy leaps forward and grabs the chains as well, helping me keep the chopper from flying away.

"Blow it!" Superboy screams as Miss Martian holds up her hand, revealing the trigger that Bane was going to use on us.Aqualad came up with the plan of blowing the chopper and the product if it ever got off the ground.Miss Martian presses the button as the back end of the ship blows.The helicopter loses altitude as Superboy let's go.I swing the chopper towards the factory with a frecious roar.The chopper crashes through the roof as it explodes, burning and blasting the rest of the Venom product with it.I pull the chains back in as I watch the fire spread to the factory, the walls are crumbling as I gaze lovingly."Beautiful." I state as I watch the fire.I try to feel for Sportsmaster soul, hoping that he has finally died.I feel his soul in the jungle, I curse under my breath as I lose him, the souls of the jungle cloud my senses.

I turn and see Robin being overpowered by a bald, white skinned man, this is Kobra.I feel all the sins that he has committed and it sickens me."I am plagued by mosquitoes." He states as he notices my approach."Not even you can best a god." He says as I smile."You're no God.Just a pest that I will purge from this world." I say as I light my chains.Robin kicks Kobra's foot off his chest.The rest of the team stand together as Robin hops over to us.We stare down at the cult leader who backs off."Another time, then." He says as he backs into the shadows.I fling them chains forward but they connect with nothing.Robin rushes and moves the bushes out of the way, but Kobra is long gone.We gather around as we watch the factory burn.Robin walks forward."We picked the right guy to lead.Which automatically makes you the one to explain this mess to Batman." He says as he laughs at the sheer damage done.Aqualad frowns his eyes at the statement...good luck.

Mount Justice: 7:09am, July 23rd, 2010:

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

"A simple recon mission.Observe and report." Batman says as he closes in on Kaldur's face.We stand shoulder to shoulder as Batman walks in front of us."You'll each receive a written evaluation, detailing your many mistakes.Until then....good job." He says as we turn bewildered at him."No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.How you adjust to the unforseen is what determines success....and how you choose who leads determines character." He says as I feel Kaldur's and Robin's pride shoot to the moon.I realise as to what this mission was.It wasn't about the shipment, although that played a part.This was about how Batman can learn about how the team can adapt to the unknown and how they can sort out ego problems amongst the group.I smile as I realise this.Well played, Bruce.Well played indeed."Very much indeed." I feelt he Rider state as well.

Unknown location: No P.O.V

"All I recovered was a simple ampoule of Kobra Venom." Sportsmaster says to six unknown identities."Peut-etre the drug can be reserve engineered.Mais, what of our young heroes?" An accented voice says as another speaks up."First, Cadmus.Then Mister Twister.Now, Santa Prisca." Another voice follows after."Once is happenstance.Twice is coincidence.But three is enemy action.And enemies of the Light must not stand." The voice says as Sportsmaster speaks up."I don't mind thrashing a bunch of kids.But the Ghost Rider is another matter all together.That thing is more ruthless than anyone I know and I want assurances if I have to face him again." He says as the last voice speaks up."The Rider will be dealt with in due time.The Light will offer you a higher pension for your continued service.Do no fret...the Light always keeps their promises." The voice says as the screens cut to black.Sportsmaster stands there in ponder."How will the Light fare when the Rider pulls you into the darkness?How about that?" He says as he walks away, gritting his teeth at the idea of facing the only thing that he ever is truely afraid of.

Matthew's Apartment, Happy Harbour: 7:40am, August 3rd, 2010:

I got up early today, see if anyone is thinking about doing something stupid in the early hours of the morning.Turns out, Happy Harbour is quite chill compared to the other cities that I lived in.The Rider hates the quietness but I told him that we are fighting the bigger fight now.The thugs and scum of the streets are bait fish compared to the sharks that we are now hunting.The Rider accepted my logic but that doesn't mean he doesn't whine about it every now and then.My apartment is nothing truly special, a good part of town, wasn't cheap nor expensive and with Batman's help, I set up quite nicely.When the team asked why I bought an apartment near the cave.I simply said that I'm used to being amongst the people of a city.Being in the cave....it's quiet, too quiet to my liking.I have to hear, see and feel everything that's going on, otherwise the Rider will rip into me for being lax.They accepted the reason, although they didn't like it.I wanted to say that M'gann and Superboy are the only permanent residents but I kept my mouth shut.

I turn on the TV to see what's up and low and behold.....Superboy is in Metropolis helping Superman.The news says the bridge was starting to collapse, Superman flew underneath to keep the weight of the bridge and to fix the tear in the metal.Superboy almost brought the bridge down when he super leaped onto it.I cringe at that, even after all this time, he still hasn't learnt subtlety.He pulled a falling car onto the bridge and tried to pull a bus back on but he couldn't.He flung back on his ass as Superman lifted the bus before placing it back down.The news feed for the news chopper zooms in on the duo as I can see Superboy's frown.Still an uneasy relationship.I thought that the Big Guy would do something about it but it appears he's trying to avoid responsibility....huh, like any other father that didn't want kids....typical.

I scoff and turn the TV off before heading back to the kitchen.I pour myself some coffee as I feel someone nearby.I walk into the living room and hear a tap on the window.I frown as I recognise Jade.I walk over and open the window."What do you want?" I say in an annoyed tone as she pushes past me."Can't a girl just drop by and say hello?" She says as I close the window."You could.....if you were my friend.Which you're not by the way." I say as she laughs."Good, friends are a good way to get either manipulated or killed." She says as she takes in the place."And now I know why you don't have any." I say as she playfully pouts at me."Nice place.It was better than I was expecting." She says as she passes my room."No one to keep you company?" She teases as I frown."What do you want, Jade?It's 8 o'clock in the morning, couldn't it wait until later?" I say as she sits on the couch."I've been trying to find you but you been a ghost....that was until now.Plus, I'm here to just check up on your progress with my sister." She says as I stand behind her."My progress is going to take a while.I've been busy and if I know your sister in the short time that she tried to poke me full of holes.Plus the account of knowing you....I'm sure she can take care of herself for the time being." I say as she stands and makes her way around the couch to me.She stands very close as she graces her hand over my exposed chest."That's disappointing.Surely the great and powerful Ghost Rider can make time to do something that he agreed to." She says as I smirk."I did agree....just not to the speed that you wanted." I say as she smirks."Clever." She states as she moves past me and to the window."You do know where she is, don't you?" She asks as I feel a slight tinge of worry in her voice."Gotham...she's fine, Jade.I checked on her last night." I say as she smiles."Thank you." She says as she goes to leave."Jade." I call out as she turns to me."Take care of yourself." I say as she smiles seductively."Oh, don't worry baby.I'll be careful." She says as she winks at me and leaves out the window.I breathe a sigh of tiredness.Jesus, 8 in the morning and I'm already done for the day.

Mount Justice: August 3rd, 1:06pm

I drive my Charger into the hanger of the Cave.I get out and head to the zeta hanger as I see Kaldur and Wally playing hologram table hockey.I notice that Wally is winning, a smug expression on his face as he eats a banana.Everyone par Superboy is present as I join the group."Is he winning again?" I ask sarcastically as Kaldur turns to me."Yes he is." He replies as Wally eats another piece of the banana as he waves cheekily to me."Recongize.Superboy.B-04." The zeta opens as Superboy walks in, an angry scowl on his face."Hi, Superboy.How was Metropolis?" M'gann asks as Superboy walks right through the hologram, he doesn't answer nor even look in her direction.A throat clears as we turn and see Black Canary and Martian Manhunter walk into the hanger.

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"Ready for training, everyone?" She asks."Black Canary.Uncle J'onn!M'gann says loudly as she flies over to Manhunter, giving him a loving hug."M'gann.I was in the neighbourhood.So I thought I would come by and see how you're adjusting." Manhunter says as M'gann answers."A few bumps but I'm learning." I feel jealousy as I look over and see Superboy walking away.Black Canary catches him and calls out to him."Stick around.Class is in session." She says as Superboy turns back around.

The training floor brightens as it's system comes online."I consider it an honour to be your teacher.I'll throw a lot at you.Everything I've learnt from my own mentors-s-." She groans in pain as she removes her jacket, revealing her figure and the bandage on her arm.Got to give Green Arrow credit, he hit the jackpot."And my own bruises." She says as she throws her jacket out of the ring."What happened?" M'gann asks concerned.I share with her the same thought."The job.Now, combat is about controlling conflict.Putting the battle on your own terms.You should always be acting not reacting." She says as Kaldur speaks up."Like Matt as the Rider.He is unrelenting in his combat.Always pushing towards the enemy, never giving them a chance to focus." He says as he glances at me."I have seen Matt's performance as the Rider and I can say that he is very skilled.But being unrelenting also has its disadvantages, you are heading forward into conflict, with no time nor opportunity to escape if you get outnumbered." She says as I feel the Rider growls."I have been in combat for nearly all of existence.She dares to question how I fight!" He yells as I shake the headache out."I'll need a sparring partner." She says as my arm shoots up without my consent.I look up in confusion as I try pulling it back down.The arm doesn't budge as everyone looks at me."He is very determined." I say as I force my arm back down.The Rider voices his anger at my denial."If he won't do it, I will." Wally says as he bites another piece of the banana.He walks into the ring and stands in front of Canary.

"After this.Swish." He says as he throws the banana peel in the nearby bin."I'll show you my moves." He says as I lean down to Robin."Ten bucks says he gets his arse kicked." He chuckles and leans into me."That's a sucker bet." He says as I chuckle.Black Canary smiles and lunges with a right hand.Wally is able to quickly deflect it but Canary drops and sweeps his legs from under him.We all smile at his failure."Uhh, it hurts so good." He says painfully as the 'Fail' sign displays on the floor."Good try.But did anyone see what he did wrong?" She asks as Robin puts his hand in the air."Ooh, ooh.He hit on the teacher and got served?" He says as I follow up."He arrogantly believed that he could win even though you're assigned to train us?" I say as Wally just glares at us."He allowed me to dictate the terms of-." She doesn't finish as Superboy interrupts."Oh please.With my powers, the battle's always on my terms." He says as Canary turns to face him."I'm a living weapon and this is a waste of my time." Superboy states as he walks away."Why don't you prove it?" Canary challenges as Superboy turns back sharply and steps into the ring.

The both of them ready themselves as Superboy lunges with a wild haymaker.Canary catches his arm and throws him onto his ass."Ha ha ha ha." Robin laughs as he points to Superboy.Kaldur nudges him as Robin muffles his laughter with his hands.Superboy gets up and growls in frustration."You're angry.Good but don't react.Channel that anger into-." Canary's interrupted as Superboy roars as he throws a haymaker again.Canary jumps over him and ducks under the backhand as she sweeps his leg out.Superboy falls to the ground as the 'Fail' sign projects on the floor.Robin muffles his laughter as we look concerned at Superboy.Canary offers to help him up but Superboy shakes it off."Training is mandatory." She goes to put her hand on his shoulder but he shakes her off.A screen opens revealing the big bad Bat."Batman to Cave.Five hours ago, a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary." He says as a video pops up revealing a large red head man that is shown to be overpowering Superman."It was capable of duplicating and replicating the abilities of its opponents.Arrow called in reinforcements from the League but it proves to make the problem worse as our foe proved more and more powerful with which new Leaguer." Batman says as we are all bewildered."Whole.One guy with all the powers of the League." Wally states as Batman continues."In the end, it took four hours and eight Leaguers to defeat and dismantle the android." Batman states as Robin perks up."An android?Who built it?T.O Morrow?" Robin says quickly as Batman shakes his head."Good guess Robin but Red Tornado has ruled out that." Batman says as I feel Superboy's jealousy spike again."The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo." Manhunter says as Kaldur interjects."Ivo?But Ivo's dead." He says as Canary responds."So we all thought....or hoped." I put my two cents in."The dead aren't dead until the soul either ascends.....or descends." I say."To make sure that the threat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to two separate S.T.A.R.S lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation and possible removal.Every precaution is being taken.We'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion, in case Ivo or anyone tries to recover the remains.You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks."

Wally screams in excitement."Yes!Road trip." We all look at him as I feel Superboy's irritation."So we're taking your trash out, now?" He says as Batman holds his gaze."Got something better to do?" He asks sarcastically as Superboy looks away.A ping is heard as Kaldur takes out his communicator slash phone."Coordinates received.On our way." He says as we head to the vehicle hanger.I look back to see Canary saying something to Superboy but he doesn't respond and simply heads in the direction that we are headed.I look back at Canary as she gives me a look.I nod my head at the unasked question before following Superboy.

We reach the hanger as the others go to their allocated civilian bikes as I head to my Charger."Hey Matt, we have our bikes, why aren't you using yours?" Wally says to me as I look back at him."We are supposed to be undercover, if we all go on bikes then it will look more suspicious.I'll take the Charger and keep back from my group." I say as I get in the car and hear it's engine roar to life.I drive out of the hanger and head towards the meeting place.

Litchfield County, Connecticut: 6:53pm, August 3rd, 2010:

We are in an open field as the remains of the android are loaded onto the trucks.We wait in the trees until Batman gives us the word.As I'm sitting in the car, I feel Superboy's irritation and....hurt.I reach out to find the source and low and behold, Big Guy is still not acknowledging Superboy as anything more than a clone.It's really starting to piss me off.Me and Superboy are two big hitters of the team so we operate in sync to take down stronger enemies.Him and I have a level of understanding as I always go out of my way to make him feel that he is more than a clone and that he's my friend.It makes me angry to see my friend being hurt by the only person that could make him feel.....better.But no, life doesn't give us what we want.We all get the ping from Batman and start the engines.Myself, Robin and Superboy will go with one truck while Kaldur, Wally and M'gann will go with the other.

I drive a bit behind Robin and Superboy.Not only a safety issue but also if someone comes up behind me and wants to try something, the Rider will deal with them.The Sun begins setting as I feel the Rider's anticipation for something to happen.While I can turn at any point, the night and its darkness feels like the proper hunting ground for the Rider, he feels so much better when he comes out during the night....which leaves him to be more sadistic as he becomes more happy....ironic, really."If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster?" Robin says to Superboy as I hear him over the comms.I sense Robin's hope to start a conversation but Superboy is having none of it."See, instead of things going wrong, they go right." Robin continues as I sigh."Rob." I say as I see him glance back at me."So you're not feeling the aster.What's wrong?" He asks Superboy."Canary.What business does she have to teach combat skills to someone with super strength?" He growls out as I speak."Our enemies are always getting stronger and smarter.If we can't match strength for strength, then we must improve our skills to outsmart and overcome them.Like it or.It, Superboy, there's going to be someone stronger than you.What are you going to do if you can't match their strength with your own?" I ask him but he remains quiet."Canary has her cry but she still has the strength of a regular human, she doesn't have super strength like you.She must find another way and she did.She's trying to teach you what she knows so you can have it easier than what she had." Robin follows up as I feel pride in his statement.Superboy revs his engine as he speeds away from us and towards the truck."Good job, Rob." I say to him.

Suddenly, flying green and black monkeys fly out of the cornfields and surround the truck.I see that they are machines, but their continuous laughter is really starting to bug me."Superboy, Robin, Ghost Rider.Our truck is under attack!" Kaldur yells over the comms."Kind of figured." Robin replies as I rev my engine and move to the side of the truck."I hate monkeys." Superboy growls out.One of the monkeys jumps on my car as it bangs its head on the windshield."Oh, hell no." I growl out as I let the Rider out.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

As I take charge, I command the car to change too.The monkey robot burns into molten steel as it falls to the ground.I see in the side mirror that Robin has changed his bike to one wheel as the back wheel becomes a combat drone.Superboy leaps from the bike and lands on the roof of the truck.He takes his helmet off as he tears the monkeys apart.I see Robin jump off his bike as Superboy's bike crashes into his.Robin shoots his grapple to the back of the truck.I speed beside the truck, I command the car to drive automatically as I crawl out the window and stand on top of the roof.I swing my chain and pull a monkey to me.I grip it and tear it in half.Superboy is going to town on the monkeys but their numbers are getting the better of him.Robin's drone tries to shoot some monkeys but it too is taken down.Robin bats monkeys away from the back of the truck as I swing my chains to cut the monkeys from climbing to the top or the front.I hear Superboy cry in agony as I see him holding his eyes.Four robots carry him off before dropping him.I plan on going back to get him but he just leaps forward, trailing behind in pursuit.I twirl my chain and pull an unlucky monkey underneath the wheels of the car as its steel body is turned, basically, into glass.

Robin jumps up onto the roof as he pulls out his batons and hammers away the monkeys with skill that impresses even me.I swing my chain at the two monkeys coming behind him as I pull them towards me.I grip them and place their heads behind the blower, the robots are just eating Hellfire as they disintegrate into nothing.Superboy lands on the roof as he bashes more monkeys away.I just noticed two monkeys burning the rubber of the truck's wheels with their laser eyes.I swing my chains but the damage is already done.The truck starts losing control as I kneel down and hold onto the car.Robin pulls the driver out and jumps into the cornfield.The back of the truck explodes as the monkeys fly off with the remains.The truck finally tips over and rolls.I command the Charger to slow down to a complete stop.I stop near Robin as Superboy pushes the truck off of himself and narrows his eyes at the escaping monkeys.He leaps after them as Robin calls out to him."Superboy!" Said Superboy doesn't listen and continues on his way.I see Robin place his fingers on his ears, most likely listening to Aqualad."It's gone and so is Superboy." He says it as it goes quiet for a while."I think he ditched his comm." Robin says as I grunt in frustration.Superboy has gone rogue, we don't know where the parts are going."Maybe we do." Robin says as he kneels down besides one of the destroyed monkey robots.He pulls off the back and plugs his gauntlet computer into the monkey."We'd have heard by now if the decoy trucks had been attacked.So how did these monkeys know exactly which trucks to target?" He questions as I walk up to him."Radio waves?Electro magnetic signal that responds to the android's pieces?" I question as Robin stares at me."I'm thousands of years old, I'm not stupid." I say in a growl as Robin holds his hands up non threateningly.A hologram shows up in his wrist."Ha!The pieces have GPS.The monkeys can track the signal.And with the one I captured, I can track them and the android's parts down.It looks like both parts are converging on.....Gotham?" Robin says surprised as I perk up."Gotham?Looks like we're going home." I say as Robin listens to Aqualad over the comms."Ok.Wally is going to meet us on our way to Gotham.Let me call my bike and we'll get going." He says as I hold onto his shoulder."Your bike is too slow.Come with me." I say as his eyes widen.I call the Charger over as I get in."Hop in.We haven't got time to waste." I say as Robin gets in the car."First time I've been here.....well with you driving." He says as I glance at him."Don't make it a habit." I say as I drive at full speed towards Gotham."Oh my word, this is fast!" He screams as he hangs on for dear life.Fire is left in our wake as I give the car with as much speed as possible.

Gotham City: 9:24pm, August 3rd, 2010:

I slowed down when we reached the city limits.Robin hopped into the back and took his time changing.I made him remember that this was the last time that he will ever be in my car.He is now trying to isolate the exact location of the android parts.I feel something coming and look in the side mirror to see Kid Flash coming."You changed too?" Robin asks from his seat."You kidding?I fell naked in my civvies." Kid says as I roll my eyes."Hey Rider.Since you let Robin ride in the car.Perhaps maybe-." He goes to say but I interrupt him."Don't even think about it." I growl out as I accelerate.Kid catches up as he speaks to Robin."Still tracking the parts?" He asks."They were headed through Gotham but now they've veered.Wait, dude.They're at my school." He says."Let's not waste any more time then." I say as I speed up.Robin hangs on for dear life as Kid is left in the dust."You could at least warn someone when you start doing that!" He screams as I laugh at the irony of the statement.

Gotham Academy:

We arrive at the school as we hear crashes echo through the hallways.Kid speeds forward as myself and Robin trail behind."It's in the gym." He says as he turns a corner.I followed after him as the crashes got louder.We enter and see the android preparing to crush Superboy but Kid Flash had sped through and pulled him out of the way.Robin threw a birdarang."Access Martian Manhunter." The android said as it goes intangible and the rang passes through him like nothing.I swing my chains at the machine."Access Superman." It says as it catches my chains and pulls me in.I get clothesline as I feel the android kick me away."So you want to play rough, do ya?Alright...let's play rough." I say as I charge the android."Access Back Canary." It says as its mouth opens and releases a loud sonic wave.I dodge out of the way and send a punch straight for its face."Access Superman." It says as I make contact, the robot stands and takes the punch but it means nothing as it is sent flying into the wall."How did you do that?" I hear a voice and turn to see a small, older man staring down at me in fright.

"Access Captain Atom." The android says as I feel the full blast of energy as I'm sent flying through the wall and down the corridor.I get up and crack my neck before charging back in.The android is thrashing the others around as I tackle the machine.Throwing no.bs down to the machine, its head making a crater in the floor."Martian Manhunter." It says as my fist goes through it as it gets up."Access Superman." It says as it grips my neck and lays haymakers and kicks.I dodge and block what I can but the machine is fast.Faster than anything I've ever fought before.It headbutts me as I return the headbutt and wrap my chains around the android."Martian Manhunter." It says as my chains drop useless.I growl in frustration at this damned machine.I light my fist with hellfire as I go to punch."Access Red Tornado." It says as it generates a vortex that sends at me.I'm sent flying into the stands.I push myself up as I see Kid Flash being crushed.I hear a twing of a bow."Martian Manhunter." The android says as Kid Flash falls to the ground as an arrow flies through the android's head.Said arrow lodges in the ground next to Robin.I look up and sense a familiar soul."It's her.About time she showed up." I hear Matthew say as the soul begins to leave."One year.She must've gotten away from Sportsmaster.I don't feel his soul nearby.Interesting." I think to Matthew as I turn my attention back for the android.Robin throws some birdarangs at it."Superman." The android says as it fires heat vision.Kid Flash speeds past and pulls Robin out of the way.I leap over and wrap my chains around the machine."Access Martian Man-." The android doesn't finish as I grab it's mouth and slam the head of the machine into the ground, the resulting tremor starts to break the ground and the wi does shatter.I pull the android up and twist the chains to cover its mouth, neck and pull its arms in a crucifixion position."Superboy!" I yell out as he leaps and brings his fist down on the android's head.The head is bent and almost broken off, but the chains had loosened around its mouth."Access Captain Atom." It says as it blasts us away.Superboy sent back into the bleachers and myself skidding across the ground.

I hear Ivo yawn as I stare up at him."Normally Amazon would duplicate your powers during battle but what's the point?You're all, par the match stick, poor copies of the originals.However, Amazo!Duplicate that flaming meta.Priority Alpha." Ivo says as the android stares me down."Scanning.....duplication failure." It says as I grin."What?Scan him!" Ivo screams as I begin laughing."What's so funny!?" The little man screams as I stare at him."I'm not enhanced, nor an alien or a meta.I'm something worse." I say as I swing my chains at the android who catches them and pulls me in.I don't fall for it this time as I level my feet and kick against the machine which sends it skidding across the floor."Poor copies huh?" Superboy says as he leaps for Ivo."That pisses me off!" He shouts as he crashes against the bleachers near Ivo who starts to panic."Great.He's gone ballistic again." Wally complains."Don't jump to conclusions yet." Robin says as Superboy tries to crush Ivo."Amazo.Protect your master!Priority Alpha." Ivo says as he tries to run."Caption Atom." The android sends energy blasts at Superboy as I see my chance.I light my chains as I send them at the android's open arm.The Hellfire chains cut through the metal like butter as it falls to the ground.Robin sends a birdarang."Martian Manhunter." The android says as it goes intangible.Superboy sees his opportunity and punches through the android's head."Access Superman." The android says as it solidifies around Superboy's forearm.The head explodes as I pull up and send my chains in every which direction, cutting through the metal.The android falls into dozens of pieces as we all stand over it.

"Looks like we weren't needed." Aqualad says as Miss Martian flies over to Superboy."Are you ok?" She asks him.I notice him smiling at her concern."I'm fine...feeling the aster." He says as he looks at myself and Robin."Hey!Where's Ivo?" Kid says as we look around for the man, only to find him gone."Was hoping he would stick around.I wanted to see if he would piss himself if I approached him." I say as everyone laughs.

Mount Justice: 11:20am, August 3rd, 2010:

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

"The Amazo android is in pieces, thanks to the quick thinking of the Rider, the pieces won't be able to be reassembled because of the burns.And with the pieces at S.T.A.R Labs, they can study without consequence.But Ivo escaped and since he created the android.He is a much higher threat than the android." Kaldur finishes his report to Canary and Manhunter as we gather around him."Capturing Ivo will be a League priority." Canary says as Manhunter follows up."We understand that your mission encountered other complications." He says as Batman stands in front of us."Complications come with the job.Your ability to handle them has impressed the League." Superboy speaks up."The whole League?" He asks as my heart goes out to his hope."Given time, yes." Batman states."Kryptonians, as you know.Have very hard heads." Batman says as Superboy smiles.

"Of course, there is no shame in asking for help.That's why the League exists.There are some problems that we can't handle individually." Batman says as I feel Robin's anger spike."Please, if we need help, we'd never get the chance to ask.Look familiar?" He says as he holds up the arrow from earlier."You were following us!Babysitting.You still don't trust us." He states angrily as Green Arrow takes the arrow and compares it to one of his."We didn't follow you." Batman says as Robin's eyes widen."And that's not your arrow.But that means-." Robin starts as Wally finishes."Speedy." Kaldur joins in."He has our backs." He says as I shake my head."You're wrong.All of you." I say as everyone turns to me."How so?" Robin asks as I take the arrow from Green Arrow."Because I know exactly who this arrow belongs to." I say as I meet Batman's eye."Well, who?" Wally insists as I shake my head."Everyone is entitled to a secret identity, Wally.And it's not mine to tell." I say as I see Superboy finally accept help from Canary.Good job, mate.

Later that night

The Batcave, Gotham City:

"You know who the arrow belongs to but you didn't tell anyone because why?" Batman asks me."Because her family history would be the first thing that the team would judge." I say to him."Her name is Artemis Crock.She is the second daughter of Lawrence Crock, the Sportsmaster.The team already had a run in with him, the team would have judged her based on that fact alone." I say as Batman narrows his eyes."You think them that shallow?" He questions."I think them human.Superboy and M'gann might not be human but they are close enough.I couldn't take the risk." I say as Batman turns away from me."How did you meet this Artemis Crock?" He asks."She engaged me as the Rider.She said that she was sent to kill me but after reading her soul, I found out that after her mother was imprisoned, she was ritually trained and abused by her father for five years.When she found me, she wanted to die.I didn't kill her but I wanted to help her.I tried at the gala when the Shadows attacked but the Rider had other plans." I say as he hums."I haven't seen her for a year but that arrow belongs to her." I say to him."Do you know where she lives?" Someone asked as I see Green Arrow come out of the shadows."Her father had a safehouse here in Gotham but I never found it.Her mother, Paula, is imprisoned in Blackgate or she was.So maybe both of them live here in Gotham." I say as Batman pulls up a camera and zooms in on a blonde woman walking down the street.I recognise her instantly."That's her.That's Artemis." I say as Batman hums."Looks like we are going to pay Miss Crock a visit." He says as I look back at the screen.Jade's either going to be really happy or super pissed off.I hope it's the former.

Gotham City: Paula Crock's Apartment Building.3:34am, August 4th, 2010

I wait by my motorcycle as I feel the souls of the mother and daughter.I feel someone coming as I recognise the familiar soul."Took you long enough." I say as Batman steps into the light.Green Arrow walks out as well as Batman narrows his eyes at me."You were told to wait." He says as I smirk."And you were told to keep up." I say as he gives me his signature glare."I don't.Know if you're dumbest or bravest person I know." Green Arrow says as I look at him."Want my honest answer?" I say sarcastically which he awakardly laughs off."What flat?" Batman asks."302." I say as he walks forward.I put me hand on his chest, stopping him."Let me go first." I say as I stare at him."Reason?" He questions."She knows me.....or at least the Rider.If she sees you, than she be in the wind." I say as he hmms and nods his head.I walk into the apartment building as I enter the lift as the two leaguers join me.

The scene would be hilarious to anyone else.The fearsome Batman, the elusive Green Arrow and the notorious Ghost Rider.All in a lift listening to its boring tunes.We reach the floor and head to the door.I breath a sigh of readiness as I knock on the door."I've told you people a thousand times!We don't want what your selling!" An angry voice yells out as the door opens, revealing Artemis in her civilian wear.This is the first proper time that I've seen her and I see the strong resemblance to her mother and sister, apart from the striking blonde hair that she could have only gotten from her father.He eyes widen at Batman and Arrow but fear enters her eyes when she notices the familiar white 'U' on my jacket."We need to talk." I say as she glances at all three of us as a voice calls."Artemis, who is it?" Paula calls as Artemis tries to slam the door in my face but my quick reflexes and superior strength overpowers Artemsi as I barge into the flat.

Artemis backs off and pulls a gun from underneath the coffee table and poimts it at me."Really?" I say with a raised eyebrow."Artemis!" Paula calls out as we all turn and see the wheelchair bound woman roll into the room.Artemis lowers her grlun but doesn't put it down.I loosen a chain in threat as she widens her eyes."Matt.That's enough." Batman says as I pull the chain back in."How can I help you gentlemen?" Paula asks calmly but I sense her trepidation."We came because of this." Batman says a she holds up the arrow from last night.Artemis's eyes widen, as does Paula's."You recongize it?Cause I did." I say cheekily as Artemis glares at me."Yes....it's mine." She says."We are here because Matt believes that you tried to help last night.He told me and Batman that this arrow belonged to you, so we are here to figure out the why." Arrow says as Artemis states at her mother.Paula gives a nod as she sighs."I got out, a few days ago.When I signed the disability pension, I came back here and when I arrived, Lawerence was here." She says as I perk up."I told him that I was going straight and that Artemis will be joining me, I wasn't going to let him hurt my daughter anymore." She says as she stares at me.I nod my head respectfully."During the conversation, Artemis heard us arguing and decided to become a vigilante, she went out to help people.And for a week, her actions have gone unnoticed." Paula finishes as I speak up."Till last night." I say as both Paula and Artemis nod.

I look at Batman and Green Arrow."What are you planning on doing?" Artemis asks as Batman looks at her."Your actions will be monitored.We may offer you a position on the league new team but for now, you'll be watched by the Rider." He says as he turns to leave."Batman, wait!" Paula shouts as she strolls forward.Batman turns back."Let my daughter join your team." She says as Artemis's eyes widen."Mom!" She yells."I'm scared for her.She's going out there, alone.Her father is waiting until she becomes lax.I don't want him to hurt her.Please, you have to take her." Paula pleads as I walk over and put my hand on her shoulder.She looks up at me with a hopeful expression."We'll take her." I say as I feel Batman's irritation."Matt..." Arrow drags out a si wave him off."We don't have an archer and Speedy is too arrogant to accept.Plus.....it's the right thing to do.We have to help her." I say as Batman turns to me."If this fails....on your head be it." He says as he throws back in my face the words I said to him weeks ago."Alright...now we need a cover story." I say as Arrow perks up."Why?" He says as everyone stares at him with annoyed expressions."Touche." He says a so roll my eyes."You're an archer.Being Arrow's niece is a good cover.Being blonde helps and...if it comes from Batman, than no one will question it." I say as I look at Batman, he narrows his eyes at being thrown under the bus."What?Just like that?I'm his niece now?" Artemis says as Batman speaks up."It's a good cover.Needs a few more details but it could work." He says."Give us a few days until we sort out your cover.When that's done, we'll take you to the base." Batman says as he walks out.

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Arrow follows him as I glance back at the mother and daughter."I'm sorry for the scar." I say to Artemis as she rubs her hand over the scar.I walk out as I hear Paula call out to me."Matthew." I turn back to the woman as she rolls towards me."Thank you.Artemis told me of what happened.Thank you for sparing her." She says as she shakes my head."I'm not the one who spared her.The Rider did." I say as I look at Paula and turn to Artemis."I hope that we can be good teammates.The Rider gave you the scar for the bad that you had done.He understands that you were trained and most likely forced, its why he didn't kill you.On his behalf, I'm sorry." I say as I turn to go to leave."I don't want your apology, I want his!" Artemis yells as she forces me back around.My eyes glow as the Rider speaks through me.Artemis and Paula eyes fill with fear."I was generous.Don't push your luck." He says as he gives me back control."He doesn't do apologies.I'm truly sorry.But I know that nothing I say will probably be enough." I say my piece and go to leave."It was enough." Artemis says as I stop."Thank you." She says as I nod my head and leave.I meet up with Batman and Arrow back at my bike."How'd it go?" Arrow says as I glare at him."Well enough.What now?" I ask as I turn to Batman."We'll sort out the details of her cover.We'll meet up with her in a few days and introduce her to the team and the Cave." He says as I nod.I hop onto the bike and ride off towards Happy Harbour.

Happy Harbour: 9:58, August 8th, 2010:

Days had passed since meeting with the Crocks.Today was our free day as myself, Robin, Kladur, Superboy and M'gann decided to head down to the private beach near the mountain."Hello Megan!We should hit the beach everyday." She says exictedly as I smile."First a moment of silence for our absent comrade." Robin says dramatically as he puts his hands together in a pray."Poor Wally." M'gann says sadly as I smile.Yeah, sucks to be Wally.Guy had to go school for the start of his sophomore year.Poor bastard.

We are all in the water as M'gann and Robin splash each other, laughing as they do.Myself and Kaldur stands off to the side as Kaldur loos down at my feet.Light steam is coming off the my legs as I look at him, an amused smile plastered on his face."Not funny, fish fingers." I say to him as he laughs.We turn and see Superboy bomb into the water as a massive wave washes over me.Kaldur stands there, absolutely unfazed.....and then there's me.Steam is coming off my body in droves."So.....not.....funny."

We decided on lunch, Robin had set up the barbeque.Before he can light it, I send a small fireball into it.Robin jumps back in surprise before glaring at me."Oops." I say as he laughs.Sausages are cooked over the barbeque as Kaldur hives us a soda and some bread."This is good.Leave it to me to cook." I say as Robin chokes on his sandwich."Cook?I'm the one that's cooking." He says as I smile."It's my fire, means that I'm cooking.Get over it." I say as the others laugh at him.

Superboy had suggested we play beach volleyball.We were surprised that he suggested it but nonetheless agreed.I chose to sit out to make the team's even.M'gann chose Superboy as I smiled at her interaction in picking him.Adorable.Kaldur serves the ball as Superboy hits it up and M'gann spikes it.Robin leaves it as he thinks it's going out.It does...just.but I'm not going to let him have the satisfaction."Team Green, point." I say as Robin throws his hands in the air."Come on, that was so out." He says as I shrug."Sorry.Looked in." I say as he pouts at me."Don't worry.We'll get him next time." Kladur says as he has an evil smile on his face.Fuck.

I decided to catch some sun, nice and quiet.I hear hriggling and open my eyes to see that I'm now buried in the sand with only my head sticking out.I look around and see the others just laughing and pointing.I narrow my eyes."I'm going give you one chance to tell me whose idea this was.And if no one does than the other guy will force it out of you." I say jokingly as Robin, M'gann and Superboy stand to one side and point at Kaldur whose eyes widen in betrayal.I smile at him as I pull myself out."Swim back to Altantis, mate." I say to him as he bolts and I chase after him.I send a small, insignificant powered ball of hellfire at his feet as he yelps.

Hours pass and we all receive an alert from Batman about a new recruit.I nod my head at the new implications at play here.Artemis is not a familiar face, not to the team anyway.How they respond will either seal or break the deal.We are change into out gear as we meet Batman, Tornado and Green Arrow in the zeta hanger.Artemis is standing there with her compound bow and her tactical gear."Team, welcome.This is your new teammate, Artemis." Batman says as he points out her out."Hi." She simply says as everyone walks over to greet her.I walk over as Artemis makes eye contact with me."Ghost Rider." She says as I smirk."Long time no see." I say, playing along with the plan."You know her?" Superboy asks as continue to face Artemis."I was in Star City about a year ago.I was tearing through some thugs when an arrow was shot at me.Artemis here, didn't know who is was and I didn't know her.We fought and the Rider grazed her with one of my chains.It's why I recongised her arrow at Gotham Academy." I say as Superboy nods.I sense Artemis gratefulness as I nod."Welcome to the Team.....no hard feelings?" I ask, holding out my hand as she shakes it."None held." She replies as I smile."Recongize.Kid Flash.B-03." The zeta tune opens up as I see the silhouette of a surfboard, cooler, umbrella and a ball.Oh boy.

"The Wall-Man is here.Let's get this party star-." He doesn't finish as he trips and drops everyhting.The beach ball bounces over Batman and Tornado who look unamused at the display."-ted." Wall finishes as Artemis laughs."Wall-Man?Great name.Love the uniform.What are your powers exactly?" She asks sarcastically as I mentally roll my eyes.You were told to try an fit in, not make someone not like you.Great, just my luck."Uh, who's this?" Wally asks, angry at her sarcasm."Artemis, your new teammate." I mentally slap myself...no one througt of a codename...just her name in general.To be fair, it works but fucking still."Kid Flash, never heard of you." Wally says quickly and rudely but I guess that goes both ways."She's my new protege." Green Arrow says as he walks up behind her."What happened to your old one?" Wally asks as the zeta opens up."Recongize.Speedy.B-06." The voice over lady says as Speedy walks up...I might not like him but the new drip is quite nice."Well for starters.He doesn't go by Speedy anymore.Call me Red Arrow." He says arrogantly as I chuckle internally.Couldn't think of more original name."Roy.You look-." Green Arrow starts back Roy interjects."Replaceable." He says.Still as arrogant as the last time we saw you.

"It's not like that.You told me you were going solo." Green Arrow says as I feel Roy's anger spike."So why waste time finding a sub?Can she even use that bow?" He sarcastically asks.I mentally answer.....yes, yes she can."Yes, she can." Artemis takes the words right out of my mouth as she gets in his face."Who are you?" Wally asks, completely bewildered."I'm his/She's my niece." Both Artemis and Green Arrow say at the same time."Another niece?" Robin questions as I nudge him to shut up."She's not your replacement.We have always wanted you on the team.And we have no quota on archers." The ever logical and reasonable Kaldur steps in."And if we did.You know who we'd pick." Wally says as I nudge him."That's not your call.Nor is anyone else's.We vote as a team and so far.....she has my vote." I say as Artemis smiles at me."So you back up the newbie?" Wally says as I glare at him."Don't push it." I say."It doesn't matter.I'm here to stay, regardless what Baywatch and Unoriginality say." Artemis states....I'm liking her more and more by the minute.Roy starts to walk away as Kaldur I tercepts him.

"You came to us for a reason." He says as Roy speaks up."Yeah, a reason named Dr Sterling Roquette." He says as Robin perks up."Nano robotics genius and claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City.Vanished 2 weeks ago." He says as holograms of the blonde, blue eyed woman and all her credentials show up."Abducted 2 weeks ago...by the League of Shadows." Roy says as myself, Batman and Artemis perk up."Whoa, you want us to rescue her from the Shadows." Robin asks as Wally follows up."Hard core." I put my thoughts in."This is serious.The Shadows aren't your typical street thugs.Nor are they like the cult of Kobra.These guys are all in.It's do or die when it comes to them." I say as the others hang their heads in shame of neglecting that thought."I already rescued her anyway." Roy says conscending as I grit my teeth.You could try and be less of an asshole you know."Only one problem.The Shadows had already coerced her into creating a weapon.Doc calls it the Fog." That doesn't sound ominous."Comprised of millions of microscopic robots.Nanotech infiltrators capable of disintegrating anything in their path.Concrete, steel, flesh, bone." Roy explains as my interest peaks.What did the doctor smile to make this.It's basically yelling to the every supervillian and madman saying 'Hey, I have these microscopic robots that are capable of destroying anything and everything!'."But it's true purpose isn't destruction.It's theft.The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen Intel to the Shadows.This provides them Intel to weapons development, strategic defense's, cutting edge science and technology."

Artemis follows up on Roy's monologue."Perfect for extortion, manipulation l, power broking.Yeah, sounds like the Shadows." She says as I feel Wally's anger peak spike again."Like you would know anything about the Shadows." He says as Artemis smirks."Who are you?!" Wally yells as I slap him at the back of the head."Roquette's working on a virus to render the Fog inert." Roy says as Robin follows up."But if the Shadows know she can do that....." Roy finishes his thought."They'll target her.Right now, she's off the grid.I stashed her at the local high school's computer lab." He says as I shake my head."You left her alone?" Green Arrow questions."She's safe enough for now." Roy answers back."Then lets you and I keep her that way." Arrow says as I just sit back and watch."You and I?Don't you want to take your new protege?" Roy says sarcastically.Batman comes up and stops Arrow from continuing."You brought this to the team.It's their mission, which means it's hers now, too." Arrow says as Roy just scoff."Then my job's done." He says as I breathe a sigh of relief."Thank God." I say loud enough that he glares at me.He chucks me something as I catch it and it's the Rubik's Cube that I threw at him on Independence Day."Recongize.Speedy-." The zeta lady says but Roy interrupts."That's Red Arrow, B-06.Update." He says as he teleports out of the cave.We all look amongst ourselves.

Happy Harbour High School.9:59pm, August 8th, 2010.

I wait in the computer lab with Kaldur, Wally, Artemis and Robin and Roquette I feel a pressure and recongize it to be M'gann."Everyone online?" I hear her say as Artemis groans."This feels so weird." She says as the doctor follows up."And distracting.Coding a distributive algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with less RAM than a wristwatch is hard enough.Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?" Roquette thinks in frustration."Ha, Ha, Ha.She's worse than Roy and that's saying something.P.S to everyone, if she complains like that again, I'm going to start breaking bones." The Rider thinks to everyone as Roquette stares fearfully at me."Better get cracking then, don't want to make him mad, do you?" I say aloud to her as she focus back on the virus."Haven't missed that voice." Artemis thinks."You haven't heard anything yet." Wally says as he eats a protein bar."Also lady, do you always complain when someone is trying to help you?" He continues a si feel Artemis's amusement."Pot, kettle, have you met?" She thinks."Hey, hey.I do not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the team." Wally thinks as I sigh mentally."That is so not on me." Artemis thinks angrily as she crosses her arms."Fate of the world at stake." Roquette complains again as I step in."The doctor is right.Now both of you stop." "Or I step in and force you to shut up." The Rider finishes as Artemis huffs."How 'bout I just help Miss Martian and Superboy patrol the perimeter?" She says as she walks off."Good idea." Kladur says as he watches her leave.

"You might cut her some slack.It was her arrow that saved her ass against Amazo." Robin says as Wally perks up in disbelief."What?No, that was Speedy's-umm, Red Arrow's arrow, right?" He asks as I fill him in."No....it was Artemis's." I think as I see him scowl."Hump.Well, still not giving her the satisfaction." He thinks as I smirk."You know I can still hear you." Artemis thinks as Wally throws his hands up in irritation."I couldn't get the Justice League." Roquette complains again.Kladur approaches her."The virus won't be much use if we cannot find the weapon.Can you track it?" He asks as I feel the doctor's anger."My Utility Fog is not a weapon.It's science, brilliant science." She says with pride as I scoff."Your 'briliant science is going to bring about World War 3...I tell your assassins to put that fact on your tombstone." "Heh, heh.....good one." The Rider laughs at my statement as the doctor hangs her head."I never intended it to be a weapon...I can track it but I would have to go online.Might as well put up a big neon sign with 'Assassinate me' written on it." She thinks in fear as Kaldur puts his hand on her shoulder."We will protect you." He thinks but I still feel her trepidation.

"Soul nearby.Female, keep a lookout." The Rider thinks to everyone.Nothing but silence passes.The doctor had broadcasted her location the Shadows.Now they have sent someone, a woman to take her out."Mmm, that boy." Artemis thinks dreamily.I guess she's checking out Superboy."He can hear you.We all can hear you." M'gann thinks irritately."Oh, I know." Artemis replies nom chalantly."Get your head in the game.You flirt later.I felt the soul pass by near your position, keep your eyes peeled." The Rider thinks angrily to Artemis."Miss Martian.Dr Roquette has tracked down the Fog.Reconfigure the bio ship so Robin and Superboy can pursue." Kaldur thinks to M'gann."Ready." She replies as Robin runs out of the computer lab.The duo leave on the bio ship and head to where the Fog is located.Time passes as I fiddle with my chains."You embarrassed Superboy." M'gann thinks to Artemis."Didn't hear him say that." Artemis's simple reply."Must you challenge everyone?" M'gann asks."Where I come from?That's how you survive." Artemis says as I sigh in tiredness."Someone is coming.They are closing." The Rider thinks as Wally spots something and runs out of the room.I get up and feel the Rider coming.I feel the souls coming to the lab.I let the Rider take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I growl in warning at anyone nearby as I light my chains in a fiery glow.The doctors eyes widen as I stare at her."Don't stop working." I say as she nods fearfully.I hear something whizzing as Kaldur'ahm dives in the way of a shuriken."Doctor, get down." He says to her as more shuriken are thrown but I intercept with my chains.I swing my chains to the door and rip it off its hinges.The assassin rolls in and throws more shuriken, Kaldur'ahm stands in front of the doctor as he takes the blades."Hmm, that had to hurt." The cat masked assassin says as I recognise her voice.I reach out and feel her soul.You got to be shitting me.She pulls her sai's out as Kaldur'ahm pulls his water bearers out and forms two swords."Altantean skin is quite dense." Kaldur'ahm states as he charges the assassin.I turn to the doctor and whip my chain and throw her to the side of the room, she screams in fear as I pull the chains back."And my shuriken are quite poisonous." The assassin states as I fling my chain at her, she flips back as the chain cuts through the beach that was behind her."M'gann, Kid, Artemis.We are under attack in the computer lab." He thinks as he prepares for another charge."On our way." Artemis replies as I stand by Kaldur'ahm.The assassin charges as Kaldur'ahm deflects her attacks.I stand back and read her movements.Like me, she is unrelenting in her advance, uses speed and agility to outmaneuver her opponents to either cut or slip a blade into one of the weak spots.The assassin throws a sai past Kaldur'ahm whichs is about to sink unit the doctor's head.My reflexes are on point as I catch the blade before contact is made."Almost.Poison slowing you down?" The assassin states as she and Kaldur'ahm enter a blade lock."Jellyfish toxin.I'm largely immune." He says as he places his head closer to her.She headbutts as he drops unconsciously to the floor."Largely."

She stares at me as I hold the Sai that she threw."I was hoping that you went with the boy wonder and the clone but this will do for now." She says as I smirk."Too bad.I was feeling merciful, on well.Bad luck." I say as I charge her.She backs away but I swing a chain and wrap it around her.I pull her back as I slam her onto the bench.She moves her legs and arms into an arm triangle as I just glare at her."Really?" I say as I lift her up and throw against the wall but she hangs on.She rains elbows onto top of my skull.Its not painful, just annoying.I crash her into the wall again, before slamming her into the floor.She groans in pain as I stand above her."This is above your paygrade, honey." I taunt her as she throws her feet up and decks me under the jaw.Ok, that hurt.She gets up and pulls a sword out, swinging the blade, I hold my arm out and deflect it but she jumps and levels her feet against me, she forces me back into the wall which cracks.I growl at her as I throw my chains at her.She deflects the chains but I command them to make a turn around.The chains wrap around her as she grunts."Come here!" Is au as I pull her into me.She levels her feet again as she barrels into me as we both go through the cracked wall.

I grunt in annoyance as I feel the chains come loose.I pull them in as she swings her sword at me."You aren't so bad after all.....come on, what's wrong?Scared?" She says mockily as she jumps for a hug knee but I catch her and swing her into the adjacent wall with a thud."You will be." I say as I pull her up and bash her against the wall.I send a flame covered fist which she dodges.The wall cracks fronm the force as she moves away from me.I swing a backhand chain but she jumps over it and knees me into the wall.Forcing herself to stand on my hips, she rains bombs of punches onto my face as I feel nothing."Heh, heh, heh, heh, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, HA, HA, HA." I laugh sadistically as I feel her fear.I grip her legs and slam her back down onto the ground, the force of the impact cracks the marble floor.I pull her up by her hair as I look into her eyes."You have my respect.I see why Matthew likes you." I say as I wrap my chains around her and throw her back into the computer lab.She gets to her feet as she raises a sai.An arrow shoots out and forces the assassin to let go of the blade.She turns and sees Artemis standing in the doorway."Don't move." She says as she levels an arrow at the assassin."Heh, uh.This gig's getting interesting." The assassin says with a groan of pain.She pulls out another sword as Artemis fires some shots.The assassin deflects as I step into the room.Kaldur'ahm comes too and M'gann M'orzz and Kid Flash speed into the room."Maybe a little too interesting." She says as she takes out a pellet.Kid Flash speeds over as the assassin drops the pellet.A bang of light and smoke fills the room as Kid runs through the smoke and crashes into Artemis.The smoke clears as the assassin is long gone."Gone." Kid says as the doctor yells in anger."She's getting away!You're letting her get away!" I walk over and pull her close to me, her eyes just inches from my own."Shut...your....fucking...mouth." I say in irritation at her fucking attitude.She gulps in fear and backs away as I let her go."This is all your fault!You were on perimeter!Kid accuses Artemis, who just glares at him."Thats not really fair.I was outside, too." M'gann says coming to Artemis's defense."Yeah well....it doesn't matter.The shadow still got in.Beside I can't be mad at you." He says as I feel something in my head."You have me mouth to mouth." He thinks as he notices everyone's unamused glares.He yells in annoyance as he walks off."I didn't do half as well during my first battle.And I know you can't have been Green Arrow's sidekick for very long." M'gann says to Artemis as I feel Artemis's gratefulness at M'gann's concern and help."Focus, everyone.The Shadows will be back." Kaldur'ahm says as Artemis speaks up."We sure that she is coming back.It looked like Ghost Rider put her through a meat grinder." She says as I chuckle."Trust me.....if I did put someone through a meat grinder...you would know.I held back against the Shadow." I say as I feel everyones slight fear at that statement.Kaldur'ahm puts his hand to his ear, Robin must have some intel to share.After a while, Kaldur'ahm drops his hand."Rescan for that Fog." He says to Roquette."We're moving the doctor." He says as I step out of the room."Preferably somewhere that's not a high school." I say while grinning.

After Kaldur'ahm explained his plan to the group, he sent me to guard the doctor at a cafe near the docks.While everyone else would play the assassin for a fool.I'm sitting in the cafe as I watch outside."You don't like me very much, do you?" The doctor says as I glance at her."No, I don't." I say as I feel her trepidation."This might seem like a question that I might know the answer too but....why?" She asks as I growl and stand up."Two reasons.....One.You are annoying, you complain and complain when you have the chance.We are trying to help you and all you've done is making my head hurt from your complaints.Two...you created a weapon of mass destruction and a tool that could bring about World War 3." I say as I feel her anger and pride at her work."Before you go into a rant about your science.It's a weapon.Plain and simple.If you die tonight before the virus is uploaded to the Fog, the Shadows will have unlimited ways to get weapons, intelligence.....nuclear codes.They could bring about a nuclear apocalypse.And it will be all your fault.It's men and women like you who create technology to better the world, it'll be the cause of your species extinction.Men and women like you that make me sick about what kind of species humanity has become.Thousands of years ago, all your species dreamed of was food, shelter and to protect the next generation.I have watched as your species has flourished and tarnished its evolution.I know now that it's your nature to destroy yourselves.....and I'm going to be there we you and everyone else learns that fact." I say to her as her eyes widen.I feel her self doubt and shame."I'm sorry." She says quietly as I sit back down."Just do your job, than you can go." I say as I watch the outside of the cafe."You shouldn't have done that." Matthew says to me as the doctor looks up surprised.I stare at her as I reply."She needed to hear the truth.That her arrogance has possibly cost her, her life.Humans believe themselves to be superior to everything they touch.They think themselves at the centre of the cosmos.....they have no idea." I say as I hear Matthew go quiet.

After a while, Kaldur'ahm comes into the cafe."First part of the plan was successful." He says as I nod."I've almost got it!" The doctor says as I prepare my chains.The Shadows will realise soon that they've been duped.I feel two souls on the roof, I recongised them to be Artemis and the assassin.A thimonis heard a Kaldur'ahm turns to the doctor."We have company." The doctor types away as I feel the assassin moving about."Uploading now." She says as rattling is heard as a pellet rolls on the ground.Smoke fills the doorway of the cafe as Kaldur'ahm bring his water swords out.I reach out and feel her presence in the vent above me.I reach up and smash my hand through the vent and grip her leg.I pull her out and slam her into the table.She grunts in pain as the other two turn around.Whizzing is heard as Kaldur'ahm is hit with four shuriken."That hurt a lot." She growls out as she steps out of the debris of the table."Now, let's see the limit of the Altantean's jellyfish immunity." She says as she cracks her neck.Kaldur'ahm charges her but she dodges, though with some difficulty.She levels a vicious head kick against Kaldur'ahm which knocks him out."Aren't you going to do something?" The doctor says to me."I am.I'm protecting you." I growl out as I turn back to the assassin."Besides.....she's in no condition to fight me on equal footing." I say as the assassin leans on the bench."True.It really hurt my feelings that you did that.After all we have been through." She says teasingly.I know exactly what she's doing, trying to play me to the fact that I know who she is and the knowledge that Matthew and her know each other."What you have been through is nothing but you're own arrogance and pride.You can't defeat me, no matter your skill, you are no match for me.Your pride deems you to try and look what had become of your pride." I say as I point out her injuries."I might see the bruises but I know a broken rib.....or two." I say as a beeping is heard as the doctor reveals the finished upload."So you finished the virus.Thus eliminating the reason for your.... elimination.Though not the entertainment value." She says as she takes out a shuriken as I loosen a chain."Lucky for you doctor.My orders are clear.You live to program another day.Afterall doctor, the Shadows may find another use for you." She says as I growl."Your mission has failed.Leave.While I still allow it." I say to her."Don't worry honey.I'll go.See you next time." She says as she walks right past me and out the door.I push the doctor for cover, just in case the assassin turns around.A small explosive is heard as I watch from the window as Artemis confronts the assassin.I notice that her mash is on the ground."Don't move a muscle." Artemis says."Wow.I am completely at your mercy." The assassin, Artemis's sister Jade, is revealed.Artemis gasps."You." I feel Jade's relief at seeing Artemis but also her glee."I suppose now you bring me to justice.Let your new friends interrogate me.I wonder if your position is secure enough to survive them learning everything I know." She says tauntingly as I step out of the cafe."One already knows." I say as Jade turns to me."I told you to leave.Now go." I say."Hmm.Thought so.Oh well, like the cheshire cat.I'll simply disappear." Jade says as smoke fills the path.When it clears, she is long gone.I stare at Artemis as she stares back.I nod to her as she smiles gratefully.I give back control to Matthew.My job is done for tonight.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I stand there as I hear a grunt and see Kladur walk out of the cafe with Roquette carrying him."Artemis, Ghost Rider.Where's the assassin?" He asks as Artemis answers."She...got away." She says quietly.A blur of black shoots up to us."Oh, from you?Big surprise." Wally says as I glare at him."Kid!That's enough." I say as he holds up his hands.M'gann floats down with two others.One with a spider insigina on his belt and a large man with a hook for a hand."You guys were busy." I say to M'gann as she just smiles."It wasn't too hard." I notice Wally look down to the floor and sees Jade's mask."Cool.Souvenir." He says as he picks it up."Her mask?Did you either of you see her face?" Kaldur sys as he pulls a shuriken out of his stomach."It was dark." Artemis says with her back turned from us.Kladur like at me for my thoughts."The Rider can't read a soul if the eyes aren't seen." I simply say as he nods and walks over to Artemis."It's fine.Robin and Superboy neutralized the Fog and Dr Roquette is safe.Thanks in no small part to you." He says as Artemis turns around."Welcome to the team." Kaldur says proudly."I've always wanted a sister.On Earth, I mean.I have 12 back on Mars but trust me, it's not the same." M'gann says to Artemis."I wouldn't know but thanks." Artemis replies awkwardly as I chuckle internally at the irony.M:Gann nudges Wally in the ribs quite hard."Ow.Yeah.....welcome." He says half heartedly as both he and Artemis shake hands.

Later.Matthew Spectre's Apartment.

I walk up to my door for a good night's sleep.I feel a soul within my flat as I recongize it to be Jade.I sigh and enter the flat."This is my home, you can't just barge your way in here when ever you want." I say as I see her on the couch.Her kimono outfit is taken off, as well as her sword, sais and shurikens.She is just wearing a sports bra and some form fitting pants.I see the painkillers, bandages, and ice all over my coffee table."Maybe if you went easy, than I wouldn't have barged in." She growls out of me as she wraps her torso, quite sloppy.I sigh and put my keys in the bowl."Let me help.And for the record, the Rider did go easy on you." I say as I unwrap the bandages, before fixing them up."You could've tried." She says as I chuckle."Yeah, good luck with that." I say."Besides the injuries.....how are you feeling?" I ask, the question about seeing Artemis.Jade smiles joyfully."So happy.It's been years since I last saw her.The gala was the just a cover for a job, I saw her then but it wasn't anything fullfilling.When we got away from you.I wanted to talk but daddy wouldn't have none of it." She says that last part in anger as she groans in pain."I've been trying to find her but I've been busy and haven't had the time.That's why I came to you." She says as I look at her.I nod as I finish wrapping."She's in Gotham.She's living with your mother." I say as she perks up."With Mom?How is she?" She says as I look at her sadly."You should go see her." I say as she shakes her head."No.....it's too risky.It just create more problems that I can't deal with." She says as she downs a painkiller."No risk.....no reward." I say to her but she waves me off."Not this risk."

I nod in understanding."What will you do now?" I ask her as she just sits back."I don't know.Artemis is safe, with you and the rest of the sidekicks, I can't think of a safer place for her.She'll do well with you." She says as I walk over and clean up the coffee table."I'll get out of your hair." She says as she groans in pain before picking up her gear and heading to the window.I notice that she is in pain, I sigh before calling out to her."Your hurt, why don't you stay the night and rest." I say as she turns to me with a seductive smile."Already?Didn't think you had in you." She says as I narrow my eyes."It's not like that and you know it.Plus, you are hurt and I can't go tomorrow and tell Artemis that her sister fell to her death, jumping over rooftops while seriously injured." I say as she chuckles and walks up to me."You are a big teddy bear aren't you?" She teases as I frown."Funny...you can have my room.I'll take the couch." I say as she walks over to my bedroom."You sure, you sure....you don't want to join me?" She says seductively in the doorway as I walk ovwr to her.I feel the lust she has for me, which honestly surprises me but also the slight smidge of actual attraction.Now that seriously surprises me.I stand in front of her and place my hand on her collar bone, she shivers from the touch as I push her into he room as I close it."That's just plain rude." I hear her say as I turn back and chuckle.Too funny.

Mount Justice: 7:39pm, August 19th, 2010:

Within the zeta hanger, Kaldur and Superboy decided to spar today, testing their newfound skills.While Superboy recommended to train with me because of my strength, I told him that sparring is about improving our skills.While I might want to spar with him, there are others to fight.Which is why I recommend that Kaldur takes the spar.Kaldur is strong but not Superboy's level, but Kaldur is quick and resourceful.He would be a better challenge.I decided to bring my Charger into the hanger and give it a quick look over to make sure the engine is in tip top shape.M'gann and Artemis, with their civilian wear walk into the room as they watch the spar.Superboy decided to forgo a shirt, and that decision has now made me sense M'gann's attraction.Sometimes...I can't stand being in the same room as those two."Having fun down there?" Artemis says as I pull out from underneath the car.She is leaning against it so nonchalantly."I'm doing fine.....now get your ass off the car." I say as I roll back underneath.I just heard a chuckle from her.I hear the spar going as the two girls watch.

"Kaldur's, uh, nice.Don't you think?Handsome, commanding.You should totally ask him out." I hear Artemis say to M'gann as I fumble my spanner."He's like a big brother to me.But you know who would make the cutest couple?You and Wally." She says as I spit laugh.I roll out from underneath the car."Yep, spot on." I say as Artemis glares at both me and M'gann."You're so full of passion and he's so full of...of..." M'gann doesn't finish as Artemis butts in."It?" She says as I chuckle."You two are such fun.Loving the gossip and the crush talk.Oh and Artemis, let's make a bet." I say as I roll back underneath the car.I feel her pull the roll board as I look up at her."What's the bet?" She demands as I smirk."Bet is that by the end of the year, you and Wally will be a couple." I say as M'gann squeals, quietly though."That's a sucker bet, I don't even like him." She says as I give her a look of 'really'."What's the prize?" She asks."The prize is that if you win, you can have the Charger....for a week." I say as her hopeful expression lessens but still remains slightly."And if I win......and you two aren't a couple.You have to at least go on a date with Wally." I say as her eyes widen."That's a shit bet.Become a couple by the end of the year and if I lose I still have to go on a date?" She says as I explain."A date can go either good or bad...let's see what yours is." I say as I pull myself back under the car."I think he has put you in a.....what's the say, 'a rock and a hard place'." M'gann says as I hear Artemis sigh."Fine...deal." she says as I wheel out and shake her hand."Pleasure doing business." I say cheekily as she scoffs and walks off.Me and M'gann chuckle before fist bumping.Mission accomplished.

"Fail.Aqualad." The training voice lady says as I wheel out from underneath the car to see Superboy standing tall and Kaldur flat on his back."Black Canary taught me that." Superboy says as he wipes his hands.From the ceiling, a red vortex lower as Red Tornado enters the room.Wally speeds over to him."Do you have a mission for us?" He asks as Tornado turns to him."Missions are the Batman's responsibility." He replies as I walk over with the others."Batman is with Robin in Gotham.We're just wondering if we could be useful with something." I say as everyone nods.Tornado looks at me before nodding.He turns as a hologram popa up with an image of an old man on it."This is Kent Nelson, a friend.He is 106 years old." Tornado says as I nod.Impressive."He has been missing for 23 days." Tornado states as I ponder for a minute."Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society, a precursor to your mentor's Justice League." Tornado continues as Nelson's image changes into that of a strong looking man with a blue suit, yellow details and yellow cape but the most obvious feature was the yellow helmet which covered everything but the eyes and ears."Nabu." I hear the Rider in my head as I drone out the conversation."Who?" I reply mentally to him."Nabu.....two thousand years before the birth of the Son.I met the man Nabu in Babylon.He was a powerful warrior and a wise leader.He along with his father and sister went to battle against a conqueror from the stars which resulted in his death.Based on the insignia on his belt.He was chosen by the Lord's of Order to represent them in this nexus.He is a powerful sorcerer and the only one on this planet at this moment who could rival my might." He says as my eyes widen.An equal to the Rider, never thought I would see the day.But something he said made me confused."What are the Lords of Order?" I ask him."Primordial elementals of the universe.When the universe exploded into existence, the Lord's of both Chaos and Order were born.Their constant conflict is what keeps the universe in balance, it's what makes it flourish.One can never be more powerful than the other, otherwise the scales will tip and the consequences could be catastrophic." He says as I nod.Wait a minute."How do you know all this...how old are you?" I ask him as I feel his pride and amusement."I was old when I saw your Big Bang...still to this day the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen." He says as I choke and cough on that information."You all good?" Wally asks me as I notice that everyone is looking at me."Yeah.I just had something in my throat." I say as I clear my throat."So what's going on?" I ask as they all looked weirdly at me."Weren't you paying attention?" Superboy asks as I shake my head."Sorry, I droned out for a bit." I say as the Ride laughs in my head."Tornado is sending us to the Tower of Fate to find and guard the helmet.With Nelson missing, and the helmet unguarded, it's at risk of being possessed or destroyed." Kaldur says as I nod."Cool.Magic road trip." I say as Wally scoffs but Artemis nudges him to shut up.

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We were in the bio ship on our way to where the Tower is supposedly located."So Wally.When did you first realise your honest affinity for the mystic arts." Artemis asks sarcastically as Wally leans back in his chair."Well, I don't like to brag but uh.Before I became Kid Flash.I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself." He says as I just laugh."Ok Harry Potter, whatever you say." I say as everyone chuckles, except Wally who just pouts."We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but-." M'gann starts as Superboy interjects."Nothing's there." Kaldur tells M'gann to lower the ship.We get out and see a big open field, with nothing within it."What city are we in again?" I ask as Artemis answers."Salem." I roll my eyes at the irony."Ok then, if we can't see it then what?Say the magical password?" I ask sarcastically.Wally runs around the entire field as he speeds back to us."Nothing.This isn't simple camouflage." He says bewildered."So what do you think, adaptive micro-opto electronics combined with phase-shifting?" She asks as Wally perks up."Absolutely...not." he says as M'gann floats down to the ground beside him."Clearly mystic powers are at work here." He says as Artemis just stares blanket at him."Rider, what do you think?" I ask him as everyone turns to me."I sense a powerful anchor here.It's foggy but it is the Tower of Fate.Maybe it's a test...a test of faith." He says as I turn to everyone."He just said it might be a test of faith." I say as Kladur takes out the key that Red Tornado gave him."Stand behind me." He says as he steps forward.He puts the key forward and turns.A lock clicks as the huge tower reveals itself.It's a tower of stone with no windows."That's an eyesore." I say as Kaldur opens the door, we all go to enter.As I'm about to cross the threshold, I barge into a glowing, yellow, transparent field."Oww, what the fuck." I say as I rub my head.Everyone turns back to me."Matt, what's wrong?" M'gann asks as I put my hand through the threshold and the yellow barrier comes alive.I rub my hand over it."Seems that I can't enter." I say as I light my hand with hellfire as I brush it against the barrier.The barrier glows brighter as a single beam of light hits my chest, sending me flying all the way back to the ship."Matt!" Superboy yells as I put my hand up."All good, you guys go ahead without me, I'll stay here." I say as I drop my hand back down."That hurt.Like really bad." I say as I sit up."The Tower is meant to be a fortress against mystic forces.I cannot enter." He says as I rub my chest before walking back to the Tower."Why can't your Hellfire burn through it?I thought that Hellfire can burn through anything?" I ask in ponder."This Tower was built and powered by Heavenly Fire and the Magic of Terra.Heavenly Fire is the only source of power that can withstand and effectively overcome Hellfire." He says as my mind goes a hundred miles an hour."Wait, wait, wait.You're telling me that something from heaven, an angel, built this tower?I know that you're old but how can you know this?" I ask as I hear him sigh in acceptance."Because I built it." As he says that, my mind goes blank.What the fuck."Who are you?Who are you really?"

P.O.V Change: Artemis

As we watch Matt wave at us to go ahead, the doorway solidifies."Where did the door go?Will Matt be alright?" Superboy says as a yellow light shines in the stone room.A hologram of Kent Nelson reveals as he speaks to us."Greetings, you enter led with the key but the Tower does not recognise you.Please state your purpose and intent." Before Kaldur can answer, Wally steps forward.Oh shit."We are true believers.Here to find Doctor Fate." He says dramatically as Nelson's hologram frowns.I feel a rumble as the floor gives way, a pit of lava is revealed as we all scream and panic.I pull out my on hand crossbow as I fire a grapple bolt at the wall.I swing and catch Kaldur.M'gann catches Wally as she floats over to the wall.Superboy breaks his fall by gripping the wall.He slides down, he stops as his feet enter the lava.He screams in pain as he pulls his feet up."Those were my favourite boots.This Nelson guy better be worth it." He says.

P.O.V Change: Kent Nelson

I am pushed forward out of the theatre and across the street.I see a man in black pants and a leather jacket with an upside down white 'U' pacing in front of the tower."Whose that?" Abra Kabadra says as both him and the Witch Boy look at the man.The boy's cat hisses as the boy frowns angrily."Doesn't matter, he can't see us.Open the Tower!" The boy screams as the man turns to us.He walks over and stands in front of me.His eyes glow with fire as my eyes widen as to who is in front of me.After decades, he has found a new host.And I can sense that this boat is extremely willful and powerful.The Spirit chose a great host.The man walks around us, still staring but his eyes are moving everywhere, he can sense us but can't see us."Come on already!" The boy screams as Abra Kabadra pushes me to the Tower door.The ankh glows bright as the staircase is revealed.The man turns back around as he swings a fiery chain at us as we enter but the magic of the Tower deflects the chain.The man looks around, looking for something.He felt the magic flare when the door opened and reacted, he doesn't seem to have much experience with the Rider's mysticism.

After entering, I turn to Kabadra and the Witch Boy."The Tower may not appreciate trespassers." I say but Kabadra waves me off."Mute." He says as a collar floats up and wraps around my neck.This just gets worse and worse.I hope that whoever the Riser brought can help, otherwise we are in big trouble.

P.O.V Change: Artemis

I watch as M'gann has trouble keeping afloat."Having trouble....maintaing altitude.I'm so hot." She says while groaning.Sweat is dropping from her face.Right, of course.Martians can't stand extreme heat."You sure are." Wally says as I shout out to him."Hey, Wally!" What I was going to say is cut off as she speaks."Falling to my death here.I'm entitled to speak my mind!" He says as I turn back to Kaldur.Sweat is forming on his face as well."My physiology and M'gann's are susceptible to extreme heat.We must climb out quickly." He says as I turn back to see M'gann and Wally still falling."Hello, Megan.We never truly answered the question.Red Tornado sent us to see if Mr Nelson and the helmet were safe!" She shouts as floorboards close over the pool of lava."Ok, that is very trippy." I say as myself and Kaldur descend.M'gann drops down in exhaustion as Wally drips on his ass."This platform.It should be red hot, but it is cool to touch." Kaldur states as he feels the floor."Don't worry, Megalicious.I got you." Wally says as he wraps his arm around M'gann's shoulder.I scowl as I bolt over to him."Enough!Your little 'impress Megan at all xosts' game nearly got us all roasted." I say as I push him off."When did this become my fault?" He asked incredulously."When you lied to that whatever it was and called yourself a true believer.You lied and it nearly got all of us killed." I say as everyone gathers behind me.

"Wally, you don't believe?" M'gann asks him as he looks at everyone."Fine!Fine!I lied about believing in magic.But magic is the real lie.A major load." He says angrily as Kaldur steps forward."Wally, I studied for a year at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Altantis.The mystic arts created the skin income that powers my water bearers." Kaldur says but Wally turns to him."Dude, you ever hear of bio-electricity?Hey, in primate cultures, fire was once considered magical, too.Today it's all a bunch of hocus pocus nonsense." He says but I smirk at him."What about Matt and the Rider?How do you explain that?" I say but he just scoffs."Obviously, the Rider is a parasitic alien that has to bound with a host to survive.It naturally has the ability to use superheated fire.Duh." He says as I shake my head."You're pretty close minded for someone who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers." I say but he still fires back."That's science.I recreated Flash's laboratory experiment, and here I am.Everything can be explained by science." He says arrogantly as Kaldur kneels the ground."Let's test that theory." He says as he reaches a door hatch."Wait!The back-draft from the lava will roast us alive!" Wally shouts as Kaldur opens the door.Instead of lava, snow and ice are revealed.Wind blows out snow as M'gann reaches for it."Its snow!" She says in wonder as I look at Wally."Do you ever get tired at being wrong?" I ask sarcastically.

We all jump down the hatch, but as we come out, the hatch is on the side rather than flat.Like we jumped through the hatch rather than down."This place gets weirder and weirder." Superboy says as the hatch glows hello and disappears.We look around at the area that we are in and it seems like we were transported to the Arctic.Huge mountains, snow and ice all over the place.We all turn to Wally."Well?" I say with a raised eyebrow."Ever hear of string theory.We're in a pocket dimension." He says cockily as I grunt in frustration."Ahh!I'm done, I give up!" I hear M'gann say something as we turn and see a floating cane with ice around the base.I walk over to inspect it as I hear Wally."Ooh, maybe it's Nelson's magic wand." He says condescending.He speeds over to me as both of us grip the cane."I got it!" We both say at the same time as we glare at each other.The cane glows as I try to let go."Ahh.I can't let go!" Both of us say as we both are pulled into the air.We scream in panic as we are incased in a yellow glow.

The glow stops as I come too and see a massive labyrinth.I look down and see an old man tied up, must be Nelson.A tall man with a white shirt and a wand in hand but the most confusing is the boy with a devil hair style in a tuxedo with a cat with red eyes.Very confusing."Abra Kabadra." Wally says as we look down from the ceiling?Ground?I don't know."Well, would you look at that." Nelson says as his cane glows yellow as Nelson himself glows as well.He shoots forward and lands on the platform that we are on.He grips the cane as myself and Wally are able to let go."In here!" He shouts as he places his cane forward as an elevator opens up.We enter as the boy yells in anger."No!No!No!I want that helmet.I want it!I want it!I want it!" He screams as beams of red lightning hits the elevator.

The lift is going up apparently as music plays.Nelson is completely at ease while myself and Wally are a little bit on edge."I'm Kent Nelson by the way." He says."Nun duh.Oww." Wally says as I elbow him."I'm Artemis.Miss Manners here is Wally." I say in greeting."Well, Artemis.We're up against an opponent with tremendous mystic power." He says as Wally scoff."Abra Kabadra?Flash has proven he uses futuristic technology to simulate magic." He says as Nelson nods in agreement."Right you are." I turned wide eyed at Nelson."He is?" I ask."Abra is a charlatan.But Klarion, the Witch Boy.The kid with the cat, he's an actual Lord of Chaos.The ultimate enemy of a Lord of Order like Doctor Fate." He says as Wally states unimpressed."Right.And you're a Lord of Order?" He asks."Oh, not me.I just an old coot Fate used to put on.Until my wife Inza convinced me there could be more to life.Ah, she was a real pistol that Inza.Anyhoo, Klarion's after the Helmet.If he gets his sticky little mitts on it then the entire planet will become his playground of pandemonium." He says as myself and Wally's eyes widen at the implication."How powerful is Kalrion?" I ask Nelson."Very powerful.He is a primordial source of Chaos.Despite, his appearance and behaviour, he is as old as the very universe." He says as I gulp but a thought enters my head."What if we could level the playing field?Matt, our friend, is very powerful." I say as Nelson sighs."I've met your friend.He is indeed powerful but the Spirit of Vengeance is forbidden from entering the Tower." He says as I wave my hands up."Fate of the world, we need him!" I say but Nelson remains silent."It can't be helped.The magic that is keeping him out is part of a treaty between the Lord's of Order and the Spirit of Vengeance.Even if I wanted to, only Doctor Fate can break the barrier." He says as I shake my head."Why though?" I ask as he leans against the wall."To understand why, you must understand the how." He says as he taps his cane.The elevator disappears as we enter a black void.

"To understand, you must know the Rider." Nelson says as he walks up to us."Where are we?" Wally asks as a bright light explodes in the distance."We are seeing the dawn of the universe.And the first of its inhabitants." Nelson says as red and gold gems form within the new stars of the universe."The gems are the Lords of Chaos and Order's true forms.Order and Chaos are the primordial forces of existence, everything that will exist comes from their universal conflict.However...when children fight.Someone must make sure that the rules are followed." Nelson says as bright white images come out of the Big Bang."This universe lies in a Nexus point, where the energy of the multiverse flows through it.Thirteen entities came through the Big Bang and set up shop.They are known as the Ones or to you, known as Angels." He says as myself and Wally's eyes widen."These Celestial Gods are some of the most powerful beings to cross the multiverse.Each one represented a different factor of mortal life.Whether it would be past or future.Peace, Death, Rebirth, Destruction, Time, Wisdom and so on.But the one that we are focused on is Justice." Nelson says as a bright light forms as a tall beautiful man reaches through the void, his beautiful blue wings of fire stretch across the cosmos."This is Zarathos, the Angel of Justice.His mission was to protect mortal life from en the strain of Evil and to purge it from the souls of mortals with Heavenly Fire.He was particularly fond of a little planet called Earth.Earth is a Nexus point within a Nexus, Zarathos deemed that this planet and all of its inhabitants will come under his protection.Zarathos and his brother Lucifer, the Lightbringer, were the ones who taught and protected mortal life from the dangers and temptations of Evil.The Lord's of Order deemed that Earth was going to play a pivotal role within the eons to come.Zarathos had helped the Lord's of Order to build and enforce the protection of the Tower.Zarathos had imbued the Tower with Heavenly Fire to safeguard the Tower from anyone with the taint of Evil on their soul." Nelson says as Wally shakes his head."Wait, go back, Lucifer?Like the Devil?" He asks as Nelson nods his head."Yes.Now be quiet.One day, a dark entity had found itself drawn to this new universe.This entity was calculating, cruel, vicious and manipulative.It was able to hide its dark Evilness from the eyes of Zarathos and Lucifer." Kent continues as we watch the bright figures being approached by another bright figure but in the shadows, we can see four blood red eyes staring at the Angels.

"This entity tricked Zarathos and Lucifer into his home dimension, explaining that his dimension is similar to this new one and Goodness and Justice are praised.Both Zarathos and Lucifer didn't trust the entity but their missions blinded them to the entity's true self.When they entered his dimension, they were shocked to see fire, death, torture and cruelty everywhere.The entity had revealed himself, as the very source of Evil, it's embodiment." Nelson says as out eyes widen in horror at the scene."It's hell." I say as Nelson chuckles."Yes.....it is.The entity didn't want his enemies dead, no.It'll be more fitting if they were tortured for the rest of Eternity.Lucifer was able to escape but not before the Hellfire was able to burn the Goodness from his soul.Lucifer fell into darkness.His soul lost for all Eternity.But Zarathos....had a stronger will." Nelson continues as we watch as the angel, Zarathos, screams in agony."Zarathos was tortured for billions of years within Hell.The Hellfire couldn't burn the purity of justice from his heart...but it could corrupt it.Zarathos was driven mad as he was forced to watch as his absence from his universe was plunged into war, chaos, strife, pain.Evil flourishing and spreading to all corners of his universe.Zarathos tried to hold out but it was inevitable." Nelson says as I wipe tears from my eyes as Zarathos's body burns, his beauty is burned away leaving only a skeleton, with wings of pure Hellfire."Zarathos never fell into Evil.His soul was however corrupted, his mission to protect the innocent corrupted.Instead of purging Evil from souls, he would banish them to enternal damnation.No longer was he an Angel of Justice.But rather.....A Spirit of Vengeance."

We watch as Zarathos laughs in sadistic glee."But Zarathos still had a strong will.The evil entity tried to make a slave out of him, but Zarathos would and could never be chained.He escaped from Hell and was able to make his way back to his dimension.Blinding jumping, he crash landed on Earth, 100,000 years old." Nelson says as we watch as Zarathos crashes on Earth."Like the Lord's of Order and Chaos, Zarathos needed a tether to keep himself to the Earthly plane.Deeming that the souls and spirits of a host will be sufficient.Zarathos had forcibly possessed a sabre tooth tiger.Alas, the first host of the Spirit was forged." Nelson says as we watch as Zarathos takes over the body."It wasn't until thousands of years later that Zarathos would encounter early humans.Now able to walk freely amongst them, he forcibly enter an ancient human and took over.This ancient human however was close by to a mammoth that he was hunting.Zarathos deemed the mammoth as an acceptable mount for his new body.Thus the first Ghost Rider rode into the distance, delivering vengeance down on those that he deemed deserved it." Nelson finishes as flashes of history pass.Hundreds of Ghost Riders."When Zarathos had found the Tower, he deemed it his, but the Lord of Order at that present time deemed that his would was tainted by Evil and he would not be allowed to entered.A great battle took place between the Lord of Order and Zarathos.Zarathos had killed him but with his last moments on the earthly plane, the Lord had commanded that the ley lines, the Magic of Terra would safeguard and reinforce the Heavenly Fire barrier.Zarathos had no choice but to leave the Tower.A silent treaty between the Lord's of Order and Zarathos was forged that day, Zarathos would never be allowed to enter the Tower, only if a Lord of Order deemed it so.And since both the Lords and Zarathos have an uneasy relationship, no Lord would take down the barrier." Nelson says as we watch the great battle between Zarathos and the Lord.Their battle had rocked the Earth, and brought about the last Ice Age.The last image we see is of Zarathos standing in an empty field before roaring in fury, Hellfire blazing across the field, more images depict Zarathos abandoning his hosts, leaving them to die when he sapped their energy.The images more on as it reveals that Zarathos will abandon hosts of he deems them useless, soft or have outlived their usefulness.

Nelson cuts the images as the elevator opens."I'm sorry but as long as the barrier is up, Zarathos can't help you." He says as he steps out.Me and Wally look at each other as everything we just heard had changed our opinion about who is in Matt's head.We follow Nelson as we enter another part of the labyrinth with a large golden bell sitting there.A bright light opens above us as Kaldur, Superboy fall on their faces as M'gann floats down."Friends of yours?" Nelson asks teasingly as I run over to everyone.A beam shoots out.Abra Kabadra and Klarion are right above us."Friends of yours?" Wally replies sarcastically as both he and Nelson head to the bell.I follow after them."Artemis!Wait!" Kaldur shouts at me as Nelson rings the bell.The both of them enter as I throw myself in.