

I back up as Robin and the others are taken away deeper into the facility.The clone follows after them but stops and turns back to me.I hide and shallow my breathing.I feel his presence as he just stands there.He leaves and goes to follow where the others are being taken.I release a breath and glance around the corner.The doctor has left and the woman and the man in blue have stayed behind to fix the door.The strange horned-like creature from before has also left.A towering creature, possibly the G-troll, mentioned before, shows up and levels the ripped off door to the hatches.Ok...now to just get past them.

I quickly run down past them and hug the wall before anyone sees me.I see the hallway where the others were transported down as large circle pods line the walls and the ceiling."This place gets weirder and weirder." I say to the Rider who hums in agreement.I find a door which has the others entrapped on the other side.The clone's soul is also there...great.I light my hands and burn through the thick steel."....created from the DNA of Superman.Created to replace should he perish....or destroy him if he turns from the Light." I hear the clone say as I burn the hole through the door.I step through and see that the others are strapped to vertical tables.The clone is standing in front with him facing towards me, his face is narrowed and his fists clenched, he is ready for a fight."Oh junior....those creatures really didn't do you any favors did they?" I say as I walk forward."Stop....don't move!" He shouts as I do."Took you long enough." Robin shouts as I just flip him the bird.

"Aspiring to be Superman is a worthy goal.But to be like him, you deserve a life beyond that solar suit.....beyond your pod....beyond Cadmus." Aqualad says to the clone as he turns back to Aqualad in anger."I live because of Cadmus!It's my home!" He shouts."Your home is a test tube." Kid Flash states as I walk beside the clone."You are just a tool for Cadmus.You are a clone....do you not think that you are the first." I say to him as he turns his attention to me."Cloning can't be easy...how can you be sure that you are the only one.....let alone the first?" I say as I walk forward and try to figure out how to disable the restraints."We can show you the Sun.....introduce you to Superman." Aqualad states.I feel souls coming and they are not welcome."No you can't." The door opens as the doctor, the man in blue and the woman with their little creatures, enter the room."Activate the cloning process." The doc states as Robin complains.I stand in front of the pods."You'll have to go through me first." I say as I feel the Rider coming.I feel the fear that the man in blue has and I savour it."So you're the fourth intruder.What can you do, sidekick?Super strength?" The doc says as my eyes glow."Let's find out." The Rider comes forth.

P.O.V Change: Robin

I've seen the one that Matty calls 'The Rider' numerous times and every time I see him transform, it never does not make me want to shit myself.The form is terrifying, with the flaming skull and the fiery chains of death."What the hell is that?" Kid Flash says as I smirk."That's the Ghost Rider." I say proudly as the Rider twirls his chains, the superheated metal burns the floor, leaving scorch marks and small traces of melted stone.The doctor and Guardian are absolutely scared out of their minds.Batman always made criminals fear him but this is on a whole new level.....I gotta get myself a flaming skull.Superboy charges the Rider with a punch but Matty simply catches it with ease."Don't try it." The Rider says with his echoing voice as he wraps a chain around Superboy and flings him into the walls, denting the metal before throwing him down the hallway.

Guardian has completely backed off in fear.The doctor is whimpering in terror as he runs away.I play with the pick as I try and break the holds on my wrist.The Rider turns his attention to the woman who backed up against the wall, tears Welling up in her eyes, the obvious fear and terror building up when in the Rider's presence.He growls softly as he points at her."You......innocent." The Rider says as he turns his attention back to us.The woman gasps from the Rider's words and does something that I didn't expect.....she just fainted.Right then and there, which I don't blame her for."We're friends, ok.Friends." Kid drones out like the Rider is stupid.He narrows his eyes at Kid who looks away.A crash is heard as we turn and see a massive steel door flying towards us.Ghost Rider steps in front of me and takes a deep breath, fire is sent bursting from his mouth, the heat of the fire melting the steel door to nothing.We see Superboy panting from exertion but his narrowed gaze is focused only on Ghost Rider, who huffs some fire from his cheeks and loosens his chains, as well as setting them ablaze.I finally pick the locks and drop down from my pod.I stand in between Superboy and Ghost Rider."Ok, relax.Chill the F out." I say as the Rider growls.

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"I'm not done with you." Superboy says as I widen my eyes."Whoa, whoa, whoa...guys?Let's not do this right now, I don't want the whole complex to fall on top of us." I say to the the pai of them but they give no ground in response."Anyone who throws a damn door at me, is going to get an one way ticket.....to hell!" Rider shouts in fury as he goes to step towards Superboy but I step in front of him."Ok, big guy....I think that we can come to arrangement here...something that we all can benefit from." I say as Rider gazes a hole through me.I don't give into my fear and stare right back.Rider huffs again and pulls his chains back around his arms."Fine." He says with a growl as I turn back to Superboy.His eyes relax slightly as he stands up straighter."Ok." He says as I release an exhale of relief.I walk over and disable the pods."Help Aqualad.I got Kid Mouth." I say to Rider and Superboy."You don't give me orders." Superboy says as he helps Aqualad.The Rider swings a chain and wraps it around Kid and pulls him to the floor."Seriously!What was that all about?" He asks as the Rider stares down at him."Get over it." He says as he walks to the hallway."I sense hundreds of awakened souls....we have to leave, now." He says as we all exit the room.I leave behind a few explosion rangs at the pods and other machinery."Not whelmed at all." I say as they all blow.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

We run for the elevator.I sense hundreds of souls, even along the walls."We are still 52 levels below the surface.We have to get to that elevator." Aqualad states as we turn a corner and see half a dozen G-trolls.We hear hissing and turn back to see the circle pods along the walls glow red as more of those lightning creatures from before, come from them.I light my chains as we are completely surrounded."Time to burn!" I scream as I wrap my chains around a troll and fling him down the hallway.Superboy has my idea and bashes against another troll.The other three are just trying not to get hit.I twirl my chains as I laugh in joy.All these corrupted souls.I feel their souls leave this world and enter Hell.This is the greatest feeling I have ever had in all years of my existence."Hahahahaha!" Another troll comes as I swipe at his legs, cutting them off before and twirl the chains in a 'X' shape.As the trolls head levels with me, the cabins are cutting through his neck, beheading him before his body burns up.

Superboy is bashing the trolls against the walls.The ceiling and walls are not able to handle the pressure of G-trolls being flung, punched and thrown into them, it's causing rocks to crumble and crash down onto us."Superboy....Ghost Rider!We are trying to escape.Not bury ourselves." Aqualad shouts as Superboy throws a troll towards me as I cut it in half."You want to escape!" Superboy shouts as flings one of the knocked troll's to the remaining ones as I breathe fire down the hallway.The dark hallway is completely lit with Hellfire, incinerating the last of the creatures.

We get to the elevator as Aqualad pulls it open.We look up and see the way to go."Only way out is up." I say as I swing the chain up and embed in the shaft wall.I pull myself up as Robin follows with his grapple gun...seems he had a second on hand.Kid Flash jumps the edges to make his way up.Superboy holds out Aqualad as he leaps into the air.He gets to my level before his eyes go wide.I watch as he starts to fall.I swing my chain down and wrap around him and Aqualad before pulling both of them up."Superman can fly.Why can't I fly?" Superboy says as I pull him onto the ledge."Figure it out later.We have to keep moving." I say.Robin and Kid Flash make their way to our ledge as Kid Flash quips."At least he can leap over tall buildings in a single bound." I stare back at him with no amusement whatsoever.He cowers from my gaze."Guys, this has to be our exit." Robin says as he gestures to the falling elevator.Superboy breaks the door as we hop on before the lift crashes down on us.We run down the hallway trying to find another lift."Go left.Left!" Superboy shouts as we follow his directions.I don't know how he figured but whatever."Now right." He says as we reach a dead end.

"Great job, Supey.You trying to get us repodded?" Kid Flash says accusing to Superboy."No.I don't understand." He says dejected as Robin perks up."This is perfect." He says as he grapples the vent cover off.He goes to hop on but I pull him back."I'll go first." I say as I jump up into the vent.This is just great....humiliating."Hey, matchstick, you mind turning the heat down." Kid Flash says to me as I growl and stop."How about I kill you and just leave you here?How about that?" I say in anger to the young speedster who raises his hands."Sorry.....I meant no disrespect." He says as his fear rolls off in waves."Maybe not for him but for me...I'm getting very warm." Aqualad says I notice his laboured breathing and excessive sweat.I grumble before reeling the Hellfire back in, leaving only my eyes glowing with fire.I hate this.

We get out and find a stairway exit."Finally." I say as I let the Hellfire cover my skull again."I hacked the motion sensors." Robin says proudly.The creatures were gaining so he decided to misdirect them."Finally, now I have a chance to move." The speedster says as he puts on his goggles and speeds up the staircase.We follow after him as more creatures intercept us.The speedster drives through them.I leap off the stairs and swing my chains up and heave myself up a few levels.I found more creatures and I made them pay with Hellfire.I hear a roar and look down to see Superboy breaking the stairs.The creatures closing on him paid for it with a great fall into the darkness.

We reach sub level 1 as the speedster rushes forward.The barrier doors close as he crashes into it.I laughed at his blunder."We are cut off from the street." Aqualad states as myself and Superboy walk forward and try to pull the door open.I light my hands with Hellfire and try to burn through the door but the steel is much thicker than the ones on the lower levels.This could take a while.Time that we don't have.We hear trolls coming."This way!" Robin yells as he breaks down a door.We follow after him , only to find an army of creatures surrounding us.The man in blue is here as well.I light my chains as I make my skull's fire a little bigger.All the little creature's horns glow as the others fall unconscious.I stand tall."My mind is not to be meddled with...you couldn't handle it no matter how many tries!" I say as I am ready to whip my chains.A shadow comes from the darkness."Maybe that's for the better." The horned creature that I've seen before is before me."We want no trouble.....not anymore." He says as I read his soul.He has done a lot of wrong.Blood is on his hands.But he has accepted that his fate is most likely death, he wants to redeem what little honour he has left."No funny business." I say as I wrap my chains around my arms.

The horned creature's horns glow red as Superboy's eyes widen.I feel surprise and acceptance coming from Superboy and the creature.Ahh.....mental conversation...rude.I notice that the man in blue is now very confused.The others are coming too from their slumber.I see Superboy close his eyes."I....choose....freedom!" He says as the horned creature smiles in gratitude."Guardian?" Aqualad asks the man, his name is Guardian?"Go....I'll deal with Desmond." He says but I feel another soul approach.This one is dark and full of vanity and greed...feels like..."I think not." A voice says as the creatures part to reveal the doctor.

"Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." He says as he drinks a blue liquid.I feel his body changing.His soul is becoming more corrupted, more dark.....more animal.The man groans in pain as his muscles expand but also his skin tears as blue shell-like skin breaks out.The doctor grows about 3 more feet.Not as tall as the trolls but big nonetheless."Everyone.Back!" Guardian shouts as he charges the monster.I pull him back before he is swiped by the monster."Finally...a challenge." I say as I smile evilly before charging the creature.He goes to punch but I duck underneath and tackle him into the wall.I feel a massive force crash down on me as I'm driven into the floor.I actually felt that.Superboy leaps overhead and brawls with the creature.I get up and whip my chains at it before swinging it up into the ceiling.The amount of exertion that I pulled into was something that I didn't expect.The creature crashes through the ceiling and onto the surface floor.Superboy leaps to follow as I pull myself up.Superboy is thrown at me by the monster but I catch him with my chains and throw him back.The accelerated momentum drives Superboy into the creature, dazing it.The creature gets its bearings and boots Superboy back, this time into Aqualad and the others.I race over to check on them....they're fine, back to the creature.Aqualad stands next to me with Superboy on my other side.Robin and Kid Flash stand next to him as all five of us gaze at the creature.

"Alright big boy...let's rumble." I say as I light my chains.The creature roars and charges as we meet him head on.Kid Flash speeds ahead as he slides underneath the creature's feet.I swing my fiery chains and wrap them around his legs as Aqualad and Superboy leaps ahead and punch at the same time.The force knocks the creature over as it trips over Kid Flash and my chains.I reel them back as Robin throws his rangs at the creature who just batters them away.The creature turns its attention to Superboy as it bashes him into a pillar.Superboy tries to fight but the creature proves to have superior strength.I run forward and leap, swinging my chains around its neck, I'm able to use my momentum and pull the head back into the ground with force.The ground cracks under the weight of the impact.I reel him up before swinging him into Aqualad who has his.....whatever they are as a blue mace and connects with the creature's head.

Kid Flash tries to ram the creature but it steps aside and catches his arm before feeling back and bashing him into Aqualad.The creature pummels Aqualad through the pillar.I turn my attention to Superboy."Want a ride?" I ask with a knowing look as he smiles.I wrap my chains around and swing him around before throwing him towards the creature.Superboy reels his fist and nails the creature in the face.The force sends them a good hundred feet."We can't beat it by force!" Robin yells as I avoid the creature.I swipe my Hellfire chain at him and it burns it's upper chest.I ponder for a minute...maybe not by force but...by penance."Hold onto it, contain it." I say as I wrap my chains around its arms and legs."How?" Kid Flash says as I growl."Just do it!" I say as I bash the creature's head with most of my strength.The creature becomes dazed as Aqualad wraps his own whips around the creature's arms.Robin has his grapple hook, Superboy is keeping the creature down on its knees.Kid Flash is punching rapidly at the knees to keep it down.I wrap my chains around its neck before sterling it in.My eyes glow hotter as I make contact with its own eyes."Look into my eyes." I say as the creature goes slack.The others move off and watch in confusion."Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent....feel their pain." I say as the creature screams in agony as I show all of its wrong.As a child, as a student.The horrors he inflicted on people here.As the monster that he became.His eyes smolder over with molten fire and the pain and suffering of all his victims.He falls to the ground with no life within him.

"What the hell was that?" Kid Flash asks as I gaze at the body.My work is done.

P.O.V Change: Matthew

My skin grows back as I lean against one of the pillars.I look at the others who are wide eyed."It's the Penance Stare.And let's leave it at that." O say as I get my breathing back."You ok, man?" Robin asks as I wave him off."He just took a lot out of me." I say.I hear a creaking and look behind me and see cracks forming on the pillar, the other pillars are also facing the same issue."Oh crap." I say as the entire building starts to fall down around us.I pull Kid Flash under me as Superboy does the same with Aqualad and Robin.I feel the entire weight of the building fall down on top of us.Don't get me wrong, I'm very resilient but that hurts like a motherfucker.

I lift myself up and push the stone slab off of my back.I see that Superboy had the same idea, I look down at Kid Flash and heave him out and over."Hey!You could be nice about it!" He says as he lands on the another slab."You're out.....now quit whinging." I say as I jump up and join him on the slab.We are catch our breaths as the there three meet up with us."We...we did it." Aqualad says Ain awe as Robin chuckles."Was there any doubt?" He says sarcastically as he and Kid Flash high five.Dumb idea and yep... they've hurt themselves.

I walk over to where the creature is buried under.With the Rider infusing Hellfire into the chain, I cut through the slab and pull the heavy creature out.He eyes are still smoldered over as I check his pulse....very faint but there.I hear footsteps and see Superboy approaching me with his gaze up, a look of awe on his face, as he sees the moon for the first time."It's not the Sun...but still good." I say to him as he smiles.I feel a soul.....scartch that dozen of souls approaching us.Superboy's eyes narrow as we see a shadowy figure fly over the moon.The figure comes into the light and it's Superman."Oh.And Superman.Do we keep our promises or what?" Kid Flash says.Superman lands as he is followed by members of the league.I look around and see the familiar faces.Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Green Lantern, Hawkgurl etc. I just realise that the entire fucking League is here."Someone's in trouble." The Rider says with mirth as I mentally growl at him.'This was your idea anyway.' I see Superboy approach Superman and Batman.Feelings of worry and caution are played between the super powered duo.Superboy pulls his ripped solar suit to reveal the 'S' symbol on his chest.Superman's eyes widen in shock as I feel that shock.Superboy smiles as I feel hope coming from him.I see that Superman's eyes narrow and I feel an intense anger.I feel Superboy's hope crash and burn and is replaced with fear and hurt from the unspoken rejection."Is that what I think it is?" Batman says bluntly as I mentally slap my forehead."Uh.He doesn't like being called 'it'.Kid Flash quips as I mentally drag my hand down my face.I feel Superboy's anger and steps forward, glaring heatedly at Superman and Batman."I'm Superman's clone!" He says proudly to everyone present.Good.....no beating around the bush.I feel the shock and confusion coming from everyone present."Start talking." Batman says....going to be a very long talk.

The Leaguers walk over to the creature as they check it out."Don't bother.He is in a coma that only I can break." I say to them as Canary and two Lanterns look at me."Well, can you?" Canary says.I shake my head.Batman intervenes and tells them that they will worry about it later.The Lanterns, along with Hawkman, Hawkwoman and Captain Atom transport the creature away from the destroyed site Myself and the others are gathered on one of the slabs as we watch Superman talk with Wonder Woman and Manhunter.I can't hear what they are saying but I can fell the feelings of worry and slight disgust coming from Superman.

Manhunter gestures for Superman to look towards us as Superboy looks away with a scowl on his face.Superman approaches us as I place my hand on Superboy's shoulder, which makes him look at me."We'll give you some space." I say as he nods thankfully.I gesture for the others to walk away as they nod in agreement.The conversation is short, Superman flies away and I feel that Superboy, once again, feels rejected by the only person that could make him understand."Cadmus will be investigated.All 52 levels, but let's make one thing clear." Batman starts as Flash interrupts."You should have called!" He says as Superboy regroups with us."End results aside, we are not happy." Batman says as I smile on the inside.He is angry, yes.But I can feel the pride and joy that he feels for what we did.You can have your secrets Mr. Wayne.....doesn't mean that I'll ever let it slide."You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives.You will not be doing this again." He says with his signature glare.

"Sorry but.....no." Aqualad says to the Leaguers."Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman says to Aqualad but I feel his reservation and his dedication.He places a hand over his heart and bows his head slightly."I'm sorry, my king.But no." He says as Aquaman raises an eyebrow in surprise."We did good work here...we might not be a team yet.....but I am confident we can make it work.Tonight we forged something powerful from the skills that you taught us.We will be doing this again." He says passionately as I mentally nod, impressed with his short speech."If this is about your treatment at the Hall.The three of you...." Flash starts but Kid Flash interrupts."Five of us...." He says as they look at me and Superboy.Superboy nods his decision as they glance at me."I'm not a hero." I say as I notice their downcast faces.I smile evilly at that."But this could be fun.....I'm in." I say as they smile and turn back to their mentors.I stand with them as I feel the Rider's happiness."This will be fun...this will be fun." He says in a parroted voice as I smile at his antics."Batman...we are using the skills you taught us.If we are not using them, why teach us at all?" Robin asks his mentor."Why are we letting them decide for us?" Superboy says angrily as we look at him."It's very simple.Get on board or get out of the way." He says as I smile.Leave it to Superboy to get right to the point.

Mount Justice: 8:04am, July 8th:

Days after rescuing Superboy from Cadmus.Batman brings us to a hollow mountain near Happy Harbour.We are all in our civilian attire.Superboy decided on a black and red Superman, shirt, while I was just what I wear normally."This cave was the original sanctuary of the Justice League.We are calling it into service again.Since you five are determined to fight the good fight, you'll do it on league terms." Batman says as he faces us."Red Tornado has volunteered to live here and be your supervisor.Black Canary will be in charge of training.I'll deploy you on missions." He says to us."Real missions?" Robin asks, I don't why he has his sunglasses on but I'm just going to leave it."Yes, but covert." Batman says.Covert is not really the Rider's style but we can try and make it work."And if the covert fails, resort to mayhem." He says as I smile ruefully.Yep....resort to mayhem."The League will handle the obvious stuff.There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest." Flash says as he points to his symbol."Cadmus revealed that our enemies are getting smarter.Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman says.

"The six of you will be that team." Batman as I do a double take.Wait, six?"Cool....wait.Six?" Robin says as he literally took the words right out of my mind.I feel two souls approaching from behind as we turn and see the Martian Manhunter and a young girl that bears a resemblance to him.Another Martian."This is the Martian Manhunter's niece.Miss Martian." Batman says as she waves to us."Hi." She says shyly."Liking this gig every minute." Kid Flash says as I roll my eyes."Welcome abroad.I'm Kid Flash.That's Robin, Aqualad and Ghost Rider.It's ok if you forget their names." You forgot someone, asshole."I'm honoured to be a part of this team." Miss Martian happily says as Kid Flash, Robin and Aqualad approach her.Before I go to follow them, I turn to Superboy."Come on, introductions are important." I say to him as he follows after me.As we get there, Miss Martian shifts her white shirt and blue cape into a black coloured one with the red X still in place, sort of resembling Superboy's own Superman shirt."I like your T-shirt." She says to Superboy who smiles.I can feel the slight attraction that she has for him and I smile evilly on the inside.This will be fun indeed.We all gather around as Aqualad speaks."Today is the day." He says as I agree.This is going to be one heck of a ride.

Unknown Location:

No P.O.V:

"Can the Light really afford to have Guardian in charge of Cadmus.Even without the G-Gnomes?" An unknown voice sounds to five others."We have subter means of control.What concerns me are the children...and the Rider." Another voice sounds over."We now know that the League is willing to employ children to do their dirty work.But the inclusion of the Rider has got me worried.He is a powerful force that has no true equal.....at least, not on Earth." The same voice continues."Yes...but one that can work to our advantage." Another voice says, more soft spoken than the others."The temporary loss of the Weapon may still prove useful.The Rider is not the entity that he once was.He is hindered and chained to the mind of a child.Powerful but now useless.We should still remain cautious.The Rider is an unrelenting force of will...but still, eventually....all will see the Light."

Gotham: 9:47am, July 9th, 2010:

P.O.V: Matthew

I zeta tubed from the cave to Gotham to pick up my Charger.While the bike is good, I can't leave the OG behind...besides it gives me another reason to be in Gotham.After joining the team, I figured that I would finally get something off my chest...my name.My mother's name is something that I hold no joy too and my father's.... I would rather forget about it.So here I am in Gotham....outside Bruce Wayne's house.

I rock up to the front door and knock.After a while, an older gentleman opens the oak door."Hello.....can I help you?" He asks with a British accent."Yes.....I'm here to see Bruce Wayne." I ask as politely as I can."Sorry but Mr Wayne is not taking any visitors today." He says as he goes to shut the door."Perhaps Batman then?" I say as the man stops and stares at me."My name is Matthew and I'm the Ghost Rider.I need to see Batman about something.Something personal." I say as the man gazes at me, unblinking."Follow me." He says as he opens the door wider, letting me in.He leads me into a formal living room with a massive fireplace and mantle."Wait here while I'll go find Mr Wayne." He says as he leaves."I sense a lot of pain and anguish in this house....memories and feelings of a better time." The Rider says to me as I take in the mantle.I see photos of a little boy with his parents.Must be Bruce.....before he became Batman.....of course it was.....dumbass."I can imagine that it must be a reminder.He has all these photos.He could have taken them down at only time but he didn't.He became Batman to avenge them.....over time it became something more.If he removed the photos.....I guess it would be like removing them completely.If I had photos of my sister...I would like to keep them...just to remember the good times." I say as I feel someone is coming."Wise words." I turn and see Bruce Wayne with the older man."Thank you, Alfred.I got it from here." The older man, Alfred, bows before walking off.

I stand before the man behind the mask...and I got to say....he is still terrifying even when out of the suit."Thank you for not turning me away." I say to him.I pulled up to his house.....I am surprised he is even allowing me to stand in here."Alfred said you need help with something.While I wish that you called from the cave, I suppose that I can hear you out here." He says as he gestures for me to sit.I nod thankfully."I didn't want the team to interfere with my personal life.This is something that I wanted for myself.I didn't want them to concern themselves." I say as he nods."I would be hypocritical to say that you shouldn't keep secrets away from your team but I understand the need." He says as I nod in agreement.

I look back at the mantle and the photos."Do you miss them?" I ask, probably, knowing the answer."Not a day goes by that I don't think of them.I heard what you said and you're right...I could have taken them down at any time but that would just be forgetting that they were here once." He says as I nod in understanding."I wish that I could have something of them...something of my sister at least.The Rider helps with the memories but it's like a fog....I can see them...only barely." I say to him as he gets a pondered look on his face."Why can't he help you remember them?" He asks as I shake my head."It's not that I can't remember them.....it's more that they are becoming something that I don't think about anymore.The memories that I don't pay any attention too.The Rider feels that any emotional connection to the past will affect the connection between us.The powers of the Rider can be controlled better when the host and the Spirit are in full concentration with each other." I say to him as he sits there with a concerned look."He decides what you can and can't do?" He asks as I shake my head."No.....not really.He knows that I know that if he wants something done, he can take control fairly easily and go and do what he wants.But he knows that he has to have a bodily host to tether his Spirit to this plane....if he uses me like a body to possess and take control... he'll use me up.Anytime I turn into him, it drains me, like I'm tired and just waiting to die.....it's why, I'm always tired after I'm him, long enough.He drains my life force with each turn.I gain it back though....after a while." I say as I sit there."It seems that you and him have an uneasy relationship." As he says that, I feel a slight headache coming from the Rider's growl."We have a mutual understanding.I help him deliver punishment to those that spill innocent blood." I say as he narrows his eyes."That's another thing, how can you be sure that the people you are punishing deserve it?How can you be sure that the people you are killing can't be redeemed?" He says accusingly at me.

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I growl and glow my eyes at him."Because I can tell the difference." I say as I breathe and reel the Rider back in."Have I ever told you, how do I figure out who lives and who dies?" I ask him as he shakes his head."Their souls." I say to him as he gets a pondered look."I've heard you talking about souls before but I don't really understand it.Zatara told me that souls are the very centre of a living being.....that they make up the life force or something." He says as I nod."Souls are like a battery.They are the very source of life within a person.The Rider can read these souls.....similar to how Martian Manhunter can read minds but unlike minds....souls can't be tampered with.Nothing is hidden and everything is open.It's how I discovered your identity." I say to him."When the Rider makes eye contact with someone, he reads their souls, sees everything about them.Their hopes, dreams, ambitions.But also their greed, their lust.Their sins.The Rider reads the souls and decides who can be redeemed and who can't.But it's a fine line.The Rider deems anyone who preys on the innocent should be punished.I try to teach him the difference but he is a few millennia old entity of Vengeance.It's hard trying to get him to listen." I say finally as Bruce just hums."It seems that I can't stop you from what he wants but know this.If you ever go too far, even in your case.I will find a way to stop you." He says with.....not arrogance but determination.He knows that it will possibly be impossible to stop me but he is determined to try....I respect that.....as does the Rider.

"Well.....now that our philosophical discussion is over.Can we please get to why I'm here?" I ask as he nods."What do you need?" He asks as I take in a deep breath."I need you to change my name...on every database on Earth." I ask as he raises his eyebrow."That's it?" He asks as I shrug."I can't exactly go in and change my name like a normal person...besides....if you do this for me....I'll be in your debt." I say as he ponders for a minute."I'll do this but you got to do one thing for me." He says as I nod."You got to deliver me information on the teams progress.You are the most observant of the bunch and the most effective.You keep personal tabs of their personality, trust and faith and deliver to me." He says as I ride my eyebrows."You don't trust them?" I ask."The only people I trust are the ones I deem trustful and that is a very, very small number.They are young.Reckless, you can be the bridge between the League and them.You are an outsider, not a protege to anyone.You can read them unlike any one else.While I wish that I could trust them.But I can't .Not until I know that they are worthy of that trust." He says as I sit back."You drive a hard bargain.... I'll do this but if this fails and the team finds out....on your head be it." I say as he nods."Agreed." We shake on it as he walks off."Wait here for a bit.Changing your name will take a while.What do you want it to be?" He asks as I think for a minute."Spectre....Matt Spectre." I say to him as he nods.

The Cave, Happy Harbour: 11:12am, July 9th, 2010.

"Recognise.Ghost Rider.B06." I drive the Charger through the 'front door' of the cave.I rock up to the separate hanger near the main square for my vehicles.I get out and lock the car and walk over and see Aqualad, Superboy and Miss Martian standing around a hologram screen."How's it going?" I say to him as Aqualad nods to me, Miss Martian waves and Superboy stands there stoically."We are doing well.Just waiting for Robin and Kid Flash to get here." He says to me as the zeta lady sounds off."Recongize.Robin.B01.Recongize.Kid Flash.B03." The zeta opens as the two thick heads walk over to us."Nice to see the Charger again." Robin says as I look over to the car."Why does he get all the cool stuff?" Kid Flash complains as I just roll my eyes."Did you ask him?" Robin asks Aqualad as I notice the Red Tornado symbol on the hologram."He is just arriving." Aqualad states."Than what are we waiting for?" Kid Flash says as he runs towards the front door.Robin follows as Aqualad trails behind.Superboy looks back at myself and Miss Martian before walking off as well."Come on, let's not be the last ones there." I say playfully to her as she smiles and flies off."Everyone is a damn cheater." I say to no one as I follow after her.

We walk out of the hidden door to see a red vortex of wind coming down to the ground.The android in control is revealed as he descends."Red Tornado!" Kid Flash yells as he waves."Greetings.Is there a reason you intercept at the Cave entrance?" Tornado says in a monotone as he looks at all of us individually."We hoped you had a mission for us." Aqualad says to the android."Mission assignments are Batman's responsibility." Tornado tells us as I cross my arms."It's been a week and we aren't here to play games." I say to him as he holds up his hand."You'll be tested soon enough.For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company." He says."This team is not a social club." Aqualad says as he gestures to everyone."No but I am told that social interaction is an important team building exercise.Perhaps you can keep busy familiarising with the Cave.I ponder about what he said.Yes, we are not a social club but he is right about the interaction thing.If you don't know your teammates, than how can you be sure that you can operate as a coordinated team."Keep busy." Kid Flash says angrily as he nudges Robin.Both of them, plus Aqualad have frowns on their faces.They wanted to be included with the League and now that they are here, they are having doubts about the League's seriousness concerning us."Does he think we are falling for this crap?" Robin exclaims as Miss Martian perks up."Ohh.I'll find out." She says as she focuses her eyes at Tornado who enters the cave."Recongize.Red Tornado.1-6.

"I'm sorry.I forgot he's a machine.Inorganic....I can't read his mind." Miss Martian says as Kid Flash walks up to her."Nice try, though.So uh, you know what I'm thinking about right now?" He flirts with her as I roll my eyes and grab him by the scruff of his neck."We are know what your thinking." I say as I push him towards the entrance."Oww.That hurt." He complains."Good.It was suppose to." I say as I push him further away from Miss Martian."And now we your the clubhouse." Aqualad says scathingly.Him, Robin and Kid Flash went somewhere last night.They didn't tell me but I can hazard a guess.We don't have an archer and I'm guessing since that he's not here that Speedy is still a whiny bitch about the league."Well, since Superboy and I live here.We can play tour guides." Miss Martian says as we all look at Superboy."Don't look at me." He says with widen eyes."We won't.A private tour sounds alright." Kid says to Miss Martian as I slap my forehead."She never said private." Robin complains before the voice of reason speaks up."Team building.We all go." Aqualad says as we all head back through the entrance.I kick back to stand next to Aqualad."Well done." I say to him as he raises his eyebrow."What for?" He asks as I just smile and walk ahead of him, leaving him with a confused look."So this would be our front door....

"....And this would be the back door." Miss Martian finishes as we finish the tour of the cave and reach the supposed back door.Which is just a sheer drop down the mountain."Hmm.Perfect place to dispose of a body." I say aimlessly as I turn back to the group.All of which have wide eyes."Just saying.Not like I'm actually going to do it." I say as I feel and hear the Riders amusement."Moving on, the cave is actually the entire mountain." Miss Martian continues as he head back into the zeta hanger."It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lanterns during the early days of the League." Robin says as we reach the hanger.Superboy perks up at the mention of Superman."Why abandon it for the Hall of Justice." He asks as Aqualad answers."The Cave's secret location was compromised." He says as Superboy tolls his eyes."So they traded it in for a tourist trap.Yeah that makes sense." He says as I put my two cents in."It's also because the League didn't have the following as they do now.With the Hall as their base.If they were ever attacked, the whole world would know about it in split second.Everyone has a phone these days so all it would take is a crazy supervillian to attack the Hall and one person phone recording and the whole world would know about it." I say to him as he ponders and nods, agreeing with the statement."If villains know about the Cave.Then we have to be on high alert at all times." Miss Martian says as she raises her finger.Robin comes up and holds onto it, drawing her attention."The bad guys know that we know that they know about the place so they'd would never look here." Robin says as I raise my eyebrow.How the fuck did I hear that rubbish and actually understand it....we've been friends for too long.Miss Martian has a confused look on her face so I butt in."It means that we are hiding in plain sight." I say as she nods."Ahh, now that makes more sense." She says as I look at Robin with an amused expression.He just childishly sticks his tongue out.

I feel the familiar feeling of burning as Superboy sniffs the air."I smell smoke." He says as Miss Martian eyes widen."My cookies!" She exclaims as she flies off to the kitchen.We follow after her as we enter the common area and kitchen.We arrive to she Miss Martian telekineticlly pull the tray out of the oven and place it on the bench.The cookies are burnt back as I pick one up.The burn sensation is pleasing to me as I place it back down."I was trying Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of...oh never mind." She says sadly as Robin turns to her."I bet they'd would've tasted great.He doesn't seem to mind." He says cheekily as Kid eats one of the cookies.We look at him with worried looks."I have a serious metabolism." He says with his mouth full.....come out mate, manners."I'll make more?" Miss Martian says questionly as Aqualad steps in."It was sweet of you to make any." He says as she shyly thanks him."Thank you Aqualad." Aqualad waves her off."We're off duty.Call me Kaldur'ahm.But my friends call me Kaldur." He says as I raise my eyebrows.Secret identity revealed.So glad that I don't have to call you by your codename forever."I'm Wally.See?I already trust you with my secret identity.Unlike shades over there.Batman has forbidden him from revealing his identity to anyone." Wally says to Robin who glares at him."Mine's no secret.It's M'gann M'orzz.But my Earth name is Megan Morse.Well since I'm on Earth." M'gann says, I don't feel comfortable calling her by her Earth name, feels...like a lie."I'm Matt Spectre.I don't really have a secret identity.....it's just how it is." I say as she nods in understanding.I see Superboy go to leave as I notice M'gann's eyes focus.I hear Superboy grunt as he turns and looks at her, his eyes are wide with surprise and slight pain."Get out of my head!" He screams as we all turn surprised at M'gann, her eyes widen in surprise and fear.

'Whats wrong?I don't understand.Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically.' I feel her voice in my head aswell as the Rider's rage."Get out, Martian!" He screams as I can feel everyones fear at the deep dreaded voice of the Rider.M'gann jumps back in fear as I feel the Rider force his way into my voice, my eyes blaze with fury."You ever do anything like that again.I'll burn your brain into nothing but ash!" He screams as I reel him back in.I breath heavily as I feel the Rider calm down.Everyone, especially M'gann is terrifed of what transpired."I'm sorry.He is very sensitive." I say as I shake the headache out."What was that?" Superboy says as I gaze at him."It was the Rider.He doesn't like it when someone tries to invade my mind...his mind.And trust me, you don't want to see nor hear what he thinks about." I say in warning as I glance at M'gann.She has a sorrowful expression on her face.I approach her as she backs away fearfully."I'm terribly sorry.Things are different on this planet.Your telepathly is an extreme invasion of privacy.I'm sorry about what he said but please try not and do it again." I say as she nods in understanding."Besides, apart from his crazy mind roommate." Wally says to me before pointing back at Superboy."Cadmus's little Genomes left a bad taste on his brain." He says as M'gann turns to Superboy."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-." She goes to say but Superboy interrupts."Just stay out." He says scathingly as she hangs her head low.Superboy walks off and sits on one of the couches in the common area.

"Hello Megan.I know something we can do." She says as she flies off down the hall.The rest of us look confused until Robin shrugs his shoulders.We follow down the hall as I see M'gann fly back.Possibly back to Superboy.I don't hear the conversation but I can feel M'gann's hope and Superboy's anger.I feel her sadness and Superboy's resolution.I see them come down the hallway as I smile on the inside.Cute, almost adorable.We enter the elevator as he head down to the aero hanger.The lift opens as M'gann dramatically opens her arms."It's my Martian Bio-ship." She says as we gaze at the red egg shaped ship."Cute.Not aerodynamic.But cute." Wally says as M'gann laughs."It's at test, silly.I'll wake it." She says as she raises her hand and the ship starts to morp.It takes the appearance of a large pointed ship with wings.I feel the Rider's desire for it as I try and keep total control."Matt.....are you all good?" Robin asks as I clench my fists."Yeah, absolutely.All good, no problem here." I say as I grunt softly as everyone turns to me."He wants the ship really bad.I'm trying to tell him no but he doesn't want to budge." I say as Robin's eyes widen at the implication.I grunt and close my eyes.I feel the Rider relax as he accepts, however reluctantly, that he can't have the ship."Ok.I'm alright now." I say as the ship rotates on its own and opens a door for us."Well, are you coming?" M'gann asks as we look between ourselves and enter the ship.I feel the Rider's anger at not having it but he's wonder and praise for it seems to have no bounds.

We enter the bridge of the ship."Strap yourselves in for launch." She says as we race to find a seat.We do and find that the seatbelts strap us in on their own.I feel the texture and it feels...alive.My eyes glow for a second as I feel....a soul!"This ship is alive." I say in wonder as everyone looks at me."How did you figure it out?" M'gann asks me with a surprised expression."I can feel it's life force...it's soul." I say as everyone becomes wide eyed."You can read souls?" She asks in awe as I shake my head."Not me...him." I say as I point to my temple.She nods in understanding but also slight fear.'You really didn't have to do what you did.' I say in my head."She invaded our minds.She's lucky that I left her with a warning." He says to me as I roll my eyes.'She doesn't understand our customs.Unlike the Genomes who wanted to control us, she only thought thay it was normal to counicate telepathically.She didn't deserve your treatment.' I say to him as I hear him scoff."Now she knows for next time." He says as I roll my eyes at him.Typical Rider, never apologise for something that you did wrong."Ok...Red Tornado.Please open the bay doors." She says as the heavy steel doors at the end of the indoor bay open to reveal the open sky and sea.

The ship hovers above the ground as it speeds out at an incredible pace.As we leave the Cave, I gaze out and stare in awe at the speed and the view from the ship."Incredible." Robin exclaims gleefully as M'gann smiles."Ahh.She sure is." Wally says aimlessly as I narrow my eyes.Everyone turns to him as he fumbles his words."I...I mean the ship.Like all ships.It's a she." He says as Ilaugh on the inside."Fast with his feet but not so much with his mouth." Robin says as I chuckle."Dude!Seriously?" Wally complains as I just laugh at he ridiculousness of this.I see that Kladur and Superboy are having a conversation but since I'm at the back of the bridge, I can barely hear what they are saying.

I notice M'gann's sad expression as she gazes at Superboy."Don't worry.He'll come around." Robin assures her."He doesn't seem to like me very much." She says as I enter the conversation."He's trying.It might not seem like much but he is coming to terms with his existence.He'll come around and if he doesn't, he'll answer to me." I say loudly hoping that Superboy hears me, even with super hearing, I want him to understand that he overreacted.He turns back to glance at me as I hold a hopeful look as I gesture to M'gann.He turns back to the window in front as I sigh in frustration.

"How about you show us some Martian shapeshifting?" Robin asks M'gann, changing the conversation and defusing the tension in the ship.M'gann stands as we all focus on her.She shifts into a female version of Robin, with a quick glance and turn, she turns into a female version of Wally.....flexing her arm as he stares at her with obvious attraction."Is it wrong that I think that I'm hot?" He says aimlessly as I kick him in the leg."Oww." He says a he turns to me."Yes it's wrong.And very disgusting." I say as he turns away from."Very cool but you know that you aren't going to fool any one with that." Robin says to M'gann as she shifts back to her human form."Mimicking boys is slot harder." She says as she sits back down, blushing shyly at Robin's praise and criticism."And your clothes?" Kaldur asks."Their organic....like the ship.They respond to my mental commands." She says a so feel Superboy's anger."As long as they are the only ones." He says as I narrow my eyes."You just had to point it out, didn't you?" I say to him as he narrows his eyes at me."What about that ghosting thing that Manhunter does?" Wally says exictedly."Density shifting?No.....it's a very advanced technique." M'gann replies."Flash can vibrate his molecules to phase through walls.When he tries it...bloody nose." Robin says teasingly to Wally."Dude!" Wally complains as I laugh."Oh.How's anything I can do." She says as we see the ship go invisible to the naked eye."Camouflage mode." She says as I nod my head.Very impressive." Since we are talking about my powers, what can you do Matt?" She asks me as I raise my head."Uhhh.It's....complicated." I say with hestiation.Before anyone else can say anything, a voice sounds over the sound system.'Red Tornado to Miss Martian.An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbour Power Plant.I suggest you investigate.Covertly.I'm sending you coordinates.' Red Tornado says as a hologram screen shows up with the coordinates."Received.Adjusting course." M'gann says as she turns the ship around.

Robin scoffs as we turn to him."Red Tornado's keeping us busy." He says as I pull up the hologram screen of the power plant."Well, Boy Wonder.A simple fire led us to Superboy.Who knows what we may find here." I say as Robin sits back against his chair."Still, we should find out what caused the alert." M'gann says as Superboy speaks up."I think I figure out what caused it." We turn to see what he's looking at and see a massive tornado coming at us at full speed.M'gann tries to pull us out of the way but the vortex pulls us in."This is gonna suck." I say sarcastically as we are pulled into the eye of the vortex.

The joyride has turned into a nightmare.I'm holding on for dear life as the ship is tumbled up and down, side to side through this damn vortex.M'gann is able to get the ship under control and pilot out of the twister.She levels the ship a good distance away from the twister.We get out and watch the twister tear through the power plant as people scream and run for their lives.I feel the Rider come forth but I reel him back in...for now."Robin!Are tornadoes common in New England!Robin?" Kaldur shouts as we look around for the youngest teammate.Only to hear a cackle of laughter."He was just here a minute ago." M'gann says as I run past her."Get used to it.Come on!Let's go!" I say as I run into the power plant.

We enter as Superboy leaps towards the downed Robin."Who's your new friend?" He asks as we look at the large red and blue robot looking villain."Don't know but he packs a terrible punch." He says as the robot starts talking."My apologies.You may call me Mr Twister." He says as he sends two separate vortexes at Superboy who charges forward.The vortexes stop his momentum as Mr Twister changes the tornado around Superboy which spins him and sends him flying into the wall.The rest of us look between each other as my eyes glow.Wally takes out his goggles and places them over his eyes.I feel the Rider come forth, this guy plays rough....let's level the playing field.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I burn through Matt's skin as I'm revealed to everyone present.I feel the Martian's shock and slight fear as I glare at the machine."Some fire will not be enough to stop me." The machine says cockingly as I grin."Let's find out." I pull out my chains and light them with hellfire as Kid Flash charges the machine with a flying kick.The machine simply raises his arms and catches the speedster and flings him outside the building.I charge him and swing my chains, hoping to cut through the metal limbs.The machine blasts the chains away with a gust of wind as he blasts a vortex at me.I brace against the wind but it proves too strong and sends me flying towards Superboy who stands back up.My weight along with the blast of the vortex sends us crashing through the wall.

I stare at the clone who glares at me."What are you looking at?" I growl at him as the both of us hear the commotion coming from the plant."Let's break this tin can." Superboy says as I smile evilly.We get up and charge back in the plant.I look at Superboy who nods his head.I run ahead and wrap my chains around his body, twisting my own, I fling him with full force.The momentum crashes into the machine who is too slow to create a wind barrier.Superboy crashes into him with a punch which sends both of them through the wall and to the outside.I grin at the success, we used the same move against the doctor at Cadmus and look what happens to him.I see the damage to the plant and too the remaining teammates as I run past them.I see Mr Twister thrashing both Superboy and Kid Flash about like they are toys.

"Hey!Bolts!" I shout as the machine turns and sends Kid Flash into me.I duck around and glance to see that the Martian caught him with her telekinesis.I twist back towards Me Twister and fire a barrage of Hellfire from my mouth.The force of the heat is too intense for the machine as it dives away from the fire.I pull back and swing my chains at the machine as it hovers itself above, avoiding my chains."I would have thought that you all would have learned your limitations by now." The machine says arrogantly as I growl in rage."What do you want?!" Aqualad screams in fury at the machine."Isn't it obvious?I'm waiting for a real hero.....the fire-skull one has proved to be very annoying and potentially a threat but even he is beneath me." He says as I scowl in fury."Beneath you?!I will tear you apart!You worthless piece of scrap metal!" I fling my chains towards him.He blasts a wind blast but I command the chains to weave around the wind and wrap around his legs."What?" The machine says in surprise as I pull him down to the ground.I charge forward with my chains lit. "Ghost Rider!Wait!" Aqualad calls out but I ignore him.This piece of scrap has insulted me for the last time, I will make him regret it.I bob and weave out of the air blasts.He sends a vortex of air but like all conflicts....I learn.I twirl my chains around to create a vortex of my own.....only this one is with fire rather than air.My vortex burns through his own as I twist around and send my chain vortex to him.He is blasted by the Hellfire and sent skating across the ground, creating a deep trench in the Earth.I stand and wait until the dust clears.The rest of the team meet up with me as a blast of air sends us back a few feet.Everyone is knocked on their asses but myself and Superboy keep to our feet.The machine hovers above us as a black burn mark is on his chest.A few wires are showing."You'll pay for that, insolent wretch!" He screams as he sends a full blast of his tornadoes.We dodge out of the way."Miss Martian.Read his mind.Find out what he was thinking." Aqualad commands her."But I thought that I can't do that." She says as I growl and pull her up, my face coming very close to hers.She is sweating from the intense heat.I tone it down a little because of her Martian weakened to fire."Get your head in the game, girl.It's fine to read guilty minds.He has hurt people.Now get it down!" I shout at her as she nods fearfully and focuses on the machine.

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She places her hand on her head as she tries to read him.Superboy and Kid Flash are keeping the machine busy as they throw rocks and run circles around the machine."Nothing.I'm getting nothing." The Martian says as she comes out of it."Hello Megan!Mr Twister is Red Tornado in disguise!" She says as she points him out.I look up at the machine.Makes sense.Power to create vortexes of air.Machine and sent us here.But he is very violent, Red Tornado wouldn't go through all this trouble just to 'test us'.To create this mass chaos and cause so much damage.Kid Flash and Superboy come back to us as the Martian revealed the so called villain.I sense Robin's, Kid Flash and Aqualad's rage."Speedy was right.We're a joke." Kid Flash says as I didn't catch the first part of his and the others rant."Damnit." Aqualad says in anger as he turns to Twister."We know who you are and what you want!" Robin says as he points to the machine."Consider it ended." Twister says as he generates two vortexes which shoot straight up and form a massive storm cloud."An impressive show.But we will not indulge you.We will not engage!" Aqualad shouts as the machine generates lightning from his fist.Now I know that Red Tornado can't do that.We made a mistake."Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Kid Flash says uncertainly as I extend my chains."You think I'm Tornado.Ironic." Twister says as he sends a full lightning barrage at Robin, Aqaulad and Kid Flash.I whip my chains forward and wrap around them, pulling them in before they are incinerated by the lightning but the blast sends us all flying, including the Martian.Superboy pulls off his ruined jacket and leaps at Twister who responds with a full blast of lightning.The blast sends Superboy into the fucking dirt, digging a trench all the way back to me I look up with fury at the descending machine.This fight got harder....I'm liking this more and more.

I prepare for a fight but I sense the Martian coming too.I feel a soul coming as something hovers in front of me.I notice that Twister is looking around like he's looking for something."Fine, then.I won't deny that you children have power.Your flaming teammate is more than enough for all of you to challenge me.But even still, you cannot hope to win.So play your hide and seek game, I'll have none of it.My objectives are more important than entertaining you brats.Confront me again, I will show you no mercy." Twister proclaims as he hovers away from us."What happened?" Wally asks as I wrap my chains back around my arms."I put the bio ship between us." The Martian says as Superboy punches a rock."And that's supposed to make it right?You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado." He says angrily as he stands over her.I come between him and push him back from his approach."Let's not point fingers.She jumped to conclusions, yes.But we all did.Don't blame.Fix." I say to him as he backs away from me."None of this was on purpose.She didn't mean for it to happen, Superboy." Aqualad also puts in."It was a rookie mistake." Robin puts his two cents in as well."You are pretty inexperienced.Hit the showers." Kid Flash says as he points to the now revealed bio ship."Just stay out of the way." Superboy says to her as he leaps ahead after Twister.Kid Flash follows with his speed.Robin trails behind.I turn back to the Martian who is drowning in self disappointment."I just wanted to be part of the team." She says as Aqualad walks forward."To be honest.Not sure we really have a team." He says as he follows after the others.I turn back to her who is now staring at me."Are you going to judge me too?" She says as I shake my head."You made a mistake.This is not your end M'gann M'orzz." I say as she perks up."I sense a strength of character within you.Virtue.Sheer will.I believe that you are destined to do great things.I might not be the one that you want to hear from but...you are a part of this team.I judged you too harshly earlier.You are brave and kind and I'll be happy to have you as my teammate." I say to her as she wipes a tear away."Thank you." She says as I nod.I pull two fingers to my mouth as I whistle.After a while, I hear the telltale sign of a motorcycle roar.My Hell-bike rocks up as I mount it."You coming?" I ask her, gesturing to the open seat."I don't do well with heat.Plus I got my own ride." She says as she pats the ship.I smile and kick start the engine."Let's ride." I rev the bike and ride in the direction where the others went.After some time, I hear a loud roar and look up and see the bio ship above me.I smile as we begin racing across Happy Harbour's fields.

After a while, I hear the destruction that Twister is causing.As well as the innocents who are caught in the crossfire.I growl and add more to my acceleration.I reach where the Twister is still owerpowering the others.I see Superboy being thrown into Aqualad as a boat falls towards them.I rider forward and swing my chain, catching the boat before flinging it back towards Twister who is unprepared for the collision.I jump off the bike as I ready my chains.I feel pressure on my mind.'Listen to me.' I feel M'gann speak into my mind."Don't force her out." I hear Matthew speak to me as I just was about to.I ponder as to why she seemed it ok to barge her way in.'All of you.' She continues as I hear Superboy grunt and push some debris off himself."What did we tell you?" He angrily demands of her.'I know.And I know I messed up.But now I'm very clear on what we need to do.Please trust me.' She says pleadingly.I focus my thoughts on her signature and everyone else's."What's your plan?" I ask as I sense her amusement.

After hearing a very thought out and detailed plan.I move into position beside Superboy.I hear something coming and see Red Tornado land in front of us."Hit the showers, boys.I thought that you could have handled this.Clearly you can not." He says as Robin speaks up."But we have a plan now." He says but Red Tornado waves him off."The subject is not up for debate.We leave the field, leaving the two aero powered machines to fight it out."I was beginning to think that you would never show." Twister says arrogantly."I'm here now." Tornado says as he forms a vortex and sends it towards Twister.I move to catch a better angle.Just in case if Tornado needs assistance.Twister catches Tornado's vortex and send it back to him.Tornado simply raises his arm and breaks the vortex into nothing."We are evenly matched, Twister." Tornado says as he brings up large rocks and blasts them at Twister."No, were not." He says as he slams his fist into the ground and a large blast of air shoots up and breaks the rocks.Twister charges a lightning bolt and blasts it towards Red Tornado.Tornado evades the blasts but is caught when a boat near him explodes, sending him flying.Twister approaches the downed android."Remain still, android.The reprogramming won't take long." He says as he sends cords into Tornado who suddenly moves and catches the cords.Tornado's head changes into M'gann as I smile.Finally."Longer than you think." She mocks as I charge forward as I call my bike.I jump on and fling a chain at Twisters feet and drag him along the ground.Turning the bike, I pull Twister around and fling him towards Kid Flash who is spinning like one of the vortexes.The spin adds to the momentum which sends the machine into Superboy who grips an arm and bashes the side of Twister's body.Superboy sends one last punch into Twister's torso which sends flying into the water.A few seconds after, an explosion happens under water as Twister is sent flying back up and out of the water.I throw my chains and pull him down with authority.M'gann telekinetically lifts him and pulls his arms apart before dropping him.Robin slides under and throws his birdarangs at the falling machine.The rangs explodes as Twister lands with a thud into the ground.He kneels up onto his knees as we gather in front of him.The machine opens up as a man falls out.

"Foul.I call foul." He says as I take the time to read his soul....strange.He doesn't have one.....he's not a real human.M'gann lifts a nearby rock and hovers it over the strange man."M'gann!No!" Aqualad shouts as she crushes the man."Don't know how things work on Mars.But on Earth, we don't kill out captives!" Robin shouts at her as I walk over to the rock."You said you trust me." I hear her say as I lift the rock off the fake man.Everyone gathers as the fake man is revealed to be a machine."That's why, I couldn't read his mind." She says as Kid Flash kneels down and picks up the robotic one."Cool.Souvenir." He says as I glare at him."You're an idiot." I turn my attention back to everyone else."We should have had more faith in you." Aqualad says as he places a hand on her shoulder.She smiles thankfully."Yeah, you rocked this mission.Get it?Rocked?" Kid Flash says as I pull him close to me."Enough....with the jokes." I say threateningly as he nods his head really fast."Forgetting what he said.We're all really turned that you're on the team." Robin says to her as she smiles."Heh.Thanks.Me too." She says as I feel Matthew stirring.I give him back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

The Rider gives up control as I sink to my knees."Matt!You ok?" Robin says as he rushes over to me.I wave him off as I get my breathing back."Yeah.I'm alright." I get back to my feet as I look at everyone."Good job, guys.Job well done." I say as I collapse to the ground, panting up a storm."Boy, he took a lot out of me.I just hear everyone laugh and chuckle.Yeah, laugh it up.

Later that night:

We all gather around the zeta hanger as the parts of the android that controlled Twister are laid out on a table.Red Tornado is present as we give the report."It was clearly designed to sabotage or destroy you." Kaldur states to Tornado as I put my thoughts in."Twister said something about reprogramming.So maybe it was something about turning you either against us or the League and I'm betting my bike that it's more than likely to be about the League." I say."Agreed." Tornado says as M'gann enters the conversation."Is that why you wouldn't help us?" She asks as Tornado turns to her."No, this was your battle.I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you.Not should you solve mine for me." He says as I cross my arms."But if you're in danger-." M'gann starts as I finish."We would want to help you." I say but Tornado waves us off."Consider this matter closed." He says as he walks off."Batman, Aquaman, Flash.They would have jumped right in to fix things." Wally says as Robin follows up."Well since we're gonna have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need." He says as I walk over and slap him upside the head."Oww!What was that for?" He asks as I point to Tornado."Inaccurate.I have a heart.Carbon steel alloy.I also have excellent hearing." He says as he turns back to Robin who laughs awkwardly."Sorry.I'll drive to be more accurate." He says as Kladur walks over."And more respectful." He says as I nod in agreement.

"Speedy was so wrong." "This team thing." "Might just work." Wally, Robin and Kaldur say respectfully as they head to the common area.I notice that Superboy is hesitant before turning back to M'gann."Sorry." He says as she smiles and goes to follow him."You coming, Matt?" She says to before I wave her off.I'm going to take a drive, find some place to rent or something.I'll catch you later." I say as I enter the Charger and head out the front door.

Local Bar:

The Rider took a lot of my energy.I need to rest up but these feelings of injury are bothering me.While there's nothing wrong, it still affects me, the pain is still present like the injury is real.Drinking helps since it numbs the pain but also can't get me drunk.Seems the Rider just burns the effects out of my system.I go to ask for another one when I feel a familiar soul sit beside me.I narrow my eyes in irritation."You either have a death wish or you couldn't find another place to drink." I say as I turn my head and see the familiar grey eyes, slender build and olive skin."Honey, don't be mad.We all deserve a break every now and again." She says as I scoff."The only break you get is when I break your neck." I say as she pouts."You wouldn't do that to little old me, would you?" He teases, I just roll my eyes before ordering two beers.I pass some to her as she thanks me."What do you want, Jade?" I ask, finally getting to the point."Not only to see what has become of you, which is slightly disappointing but also." She says as she takes a deep breath."I need your help." She says as I grin to her."With what?" I say, intrigued as to why an answer would want MY help?"My mother gets out in about a week and I believe that she'll go straight and hope that Artemis will too.Knowing my sister like I do, she will strike out on her own.Which I'm sure will get either the League or your attention." She says as I sit there."I want you to protect her." She says as I take a swig.I sigh as I feel the desperation steaming off of her.While she is a master of hiding it, she can't hide her doubts about her life choices and what she really wants out of said life.....family is the number one thing.Huh...like Artemis."If I can find her.I will." I say as she sighs in relief."This doesn't make us friends, you know that?" I say as she just smiles seductively."Oh, don't worry.This is the start of a professional relationship." She says as she leans in and pecks me on the cheek.Suddenly she grips the scruff of my neck and slams my head into the bar."Fucking goddamn it!" I scream as I shake my head out of the pain .I get up and see the bar owner pointing to the door.I run out and find that she's gone.I rub my head as I feel the Rider laugh."Shut up." I tell him as he settles but still chuckles.This is not how I wanted to spend my night.

P.O.V: None

On the formidable island known as Santa Prisca, the notorious Bane and his men are surrounded by dozens of men and women in red cloaks.Men stands there as his men raise their arms as the rifles cock at them.One of the Reds approaches Bane who communicates in Spanish."Our sublime Master proclaims....he will depart this facility.....if....one of you defeats his champion in single combat." The towering Bane barges his way forward, past his men as he stands in front of the red cloaked speaker."Just make it interesting." Bane delclares as an alarm rings out as the bar door opens.Bane walks in, not realising the smug look on the red speaker's face.In the makeshift arena, Bane narrows his eyes across to the other side as the other door opens.A skinny man with red hair enters with a confident look.A woman next to him, with familiar features, walks him in.

Bane turns back to see the red spraker drop his Venom enchancer in the arena."You give back my greatest weapon?" Bane asks questionly as the red spraker smirks."It would barely test his champions prowess...if you didn't have it." He says as Bane smirks and attaches the enchancer to his wrist and to the back of his skull.Bane grunts in pain as the Venom drug courses through his veins.His eyes narrow in pain as his muscles bulge and expands.The already towering and muscled Bane is enchaned further with huge muscles."Your funeral, little man." Bane says as he turns and looks at the man across from him as he cracks his neck.

The woman, next to the man, injects a purple serum as the man begins constricting and groaning in agony as the serum rushes through him.The man collapses holding his torso as Bane narrows his eyes.The other man behind growling as his teeth sharpen, his skin hardens into something like scales, the right side of his torso and arm split open to revealing the bulging red muscle underneath, but the man shows no sigh of pain.The man is now a huge monster creature with huge muscles, harden skin and a fierce temperate.The monster charges at Bane with incredible speed which surprises the luchador but he quickly shakes it off and shields himself from the massive overhsnd of the bigger opponent.

Bane delivers an uppercut and a straight right hand to the monster's chest but he barely registers any pain, almost like he didn't feel anything.The monster grabs Bane's neck and delivers a powerful short punch to the gut which blows out Bane's air from his lungs.A quick uppercut and right hand, followed by a grab, Bane is thrown into the adjacent wall with a thud.Bane has barely anytime to register what has happened before the monster is on him again.The beast shoulder checks Bane into the wall which makes a few cracks.The raging animal grabs Bane's head and throws him away before jumping and landing a powerful punch to Bane's head.The resulting contact leaves a small crater in the ground."Hail Kobra." The red speaker says as he repeats it.Soon enough, all the present red cloaks begin chanting as a large man with a red snake themed cloak looks down with a satisfied look adorned on his face.

Carribbean Sea: 1:24am, July, 22nd, 2010:

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

It's late at night, as I sit at the back of the bio ship's bridge.We are currently on a mission heading to Santa Prisca.A notorious island nation, known for making and selling the street drug known as 'Venom'.The drug acts as a strength enchancer, capable of making anyone strong enough to lift a truck with relative ease.Batman gathered us to observe and report the findings of the islands activities.The island's heat signatures reveal that more Venom is being made but not shipped.Batman wants us to figure out the why and to report.However, a tension is in the air as Robin asked in the briefing, who's leading?Batman and Red Tornado left the choice to us to figure.I understand the need for a leader but to leave it to us is only going to invite conflict with the group.Especially with this covert mission, where we can't reveal ourselves.

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"We are approaching Santa Prisca." M'gann says as I snap out of my thoughts."Drop zone 'A' in 30." She says as Kaldur stands and presses the insigina on his belt.His red coloured suit turns into a black colour, perfect for concealment."Ready when you are." He says M'gann."Putting bio ship in camouflage mode." She says as the ship cloaks over, leaving us invisible to the naked eye.M'gann moves the ship low to water as the floor opens up.Kaldur dives in as the ship pulls up.First part of plan is going good, so far.

M'gann slows the ship as we wait for Kaldur to complete his part."Heat and motion sensors are patched.Data is now being looped.Move in." He says over the comms as M'gann pushes the ship forward."Drop zone 'B'." M'gann says as we all stand.The seats morp back into the ship.M'gann telepathically lowers cables from the ceiling as I fix my clothing and chains.After being with the team for about two weeks.I decided that I needed an upgrade from my simple jeans and shoes.Batman had outfitted me with a set of combat boots and pants.He also took my jacket's white 'U' design and applied it to an upgraded kevlar jacket.A simple white t shirt was fitted underneath.My gloves were also more tactical and reinforced with padding for extra damage.My chains were still the same as I test the Hellfire on the chain by pulling my hands across it as it lights.I kill the flame as I wrap the chain back around my arm.I notice that both Robin and Wally have connected their cables to their belt buckles.Wally presses his insigina as his yellow and red suit becomes a black and darker red colour.He turns to M'gann with his arms open."How cool is this?" He says flirtatiously as I roll my eyes."Very impressive." She replies as she raises her arms as her skin and clothes become black, leaving only her hand and face green.Her cloak also adds a hood.She stares back at Wally as I notice his bewildered expression."That works, too." He says as I lean over to him."Yours was good...hers was better." I say as he narrows his eyes at me before turning to Superboy."Hey, Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech." He says as Superboy crosses his arms."No capes, no tights.No offense." He says as I feel M'gann's attraction and arousal spike."Totally works for you." She says dreamingly as I look at her surprised."In that you could totally do good in those clothes." She says really quickly as Superboy just turns away.I stand beside and lean into her, she notices my look."Smooth." I say as she pulls her hood up and goes invisible from embarrassment.I chuckle.The ship comes to a stop as the floor opens up.Robin and Wally head down from the cables as I wrap a chain around one of M'gann's command balls.I fall down to the ground, I land and call the chain back to me, it wraps around my arm as I dive away from Superboy who decides to just jump down the ground.

The dust clears as Superboy stands from the crater that he created."Knew that I didn't need a line." He says cockingly as I push through the bush."You plan on alerting everyone on this island?" I ask sarcastically as he simply shrugs.M'gann flies down from the ship as she spots the crater before staring at Superboy.He simply looks away but I can sense his embarrassment from her stare."This covert mission is going off to a great start." Robin says as he walks over, clearing off the dust and shrubbery."Aqualad.Drop 'B' is a go." M'gann says over comms to Kaldur."Head for the factory.I'll track your GPS and rendezvous with you as soon as you get there." He says to everyone as we head into the direction of where the factory is.I tell the Rider to keep his senses sharp, especially in the jungle where so many souls are present.He grumbles at the order but does it nonetheless.We come by a cliff face pass by a waterfall.The Rider is getting upset that he is not doing anything, of importance to himself mind you.I tell him that the mission is covert, I tell him that he might not get a chance to come out tonight.He growls in irritation.

We come to a straight path as the Rider feels something close by."Did you hear that?" Superboy says as we stop."Uh, no.Wait.Is this a super hearing thing?" Wally asks as I nudge him quiet."I feel something coming...a lot of something's." I say."Ok Rob.Now what?" Wally says as we turn and see him gone.I groan in irritation, hate it when he does that."Superboy, Kid.Switch to infrared.Rider, keep your senses sharp.We don't want to be caught by surprise." Kaldur says over comms as I kneel down and focus the Riders senses.

"Got a squad of armed bozos incoming." Wally says."Two squads.They meet in the middle before they notice us." Superboy says as I feel the souls of the hostiles."A lot of blood has been split.....and that goes for both squads." I say to them.Gunfire is heard as M'gann ducks to the ground."No super hearing required for that." Wally quips as Kladur sounds over the comms."Steer clear." Kladur says as Wally moves forward."Yeah, as soon as I find Rob." He says as he runs off."Kid, wait!" I whisper yell but he is long gone.We rush forward to keep up with him or to save him if he blows his cover.Myself and Superboy hear Kid grunt as I mentally slap my face.Of course he tripped and fumbled right into the line of fire."So much for the stealthy." I hear him say over comms."Aqualad.Our cover is blown, I'm moving in." I say as I feel the Rider's anticipation.Gunfire rings out as I let the Rider take control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I burst through the shrubbery with a mighty yell as I swing my chains in a wide arc. Some of the hostiles are incinerated as I land in front of Kid and pick him up."This is why you don't run ahead!" I yell as I push him out of harm's way.I see a big man with a luchador mask rush me and deliver a powerful punch to my gut.The surprise at his speed and force, sends me flying into a tree which breaks off a piece of the trunk.I hear the grunting and screams of fighting as I push myself up.I get up only to find someone punching me across the face.I turn my head back slowly as I watch the man in the red cloak stare in fear at my gaze.Before he can run, I grab his face and twist his neck.The loud crack echoes across the jungle as the man's head nearly turns a full 180.The woman in front of me is wearing the same red cloak as the man I just killed.She turns to flee but I wrap my chains around her and pull her into me.I clothesline her as all her ribs break under the force.I reach the group and see Kid, Superboy and Miss Martian fighting the hostiles.Robin is also in on the action.Nice to see him come back to the group.I see the massive man that punched me into the tree.He is tactically overpowering Superboy's sheer strength with technique.Let's end this.I send a chain at the big man which wraps completely around him, he turns his head to see me as I pull him in."Get over here!" I scream as he is flung off his feet and straight into my clothesline, unlike the woman from before, this man is more resilient.I twist my arms and bring them both down onto his torso with a classic slam, he smashes into the ground with a massive thud as I wrap my chains around his legs and swing him into the adjacent tree behind me.The force cracks the tree, I watch as the masked man gets to his feet, slowly, as he spits out blood."Is.....that....all.....you.....got?" He says as I growl and charge him, he swings tiredly as I duck under and tackle him into the tree.I push my left hand against his face as he tries to push me away, his strength is no match for mine.I clench my right fist and smash it across his jaw which breaks through the trunk of the tree.I push the man down to ground, light snoring can be heard from him.I notice the other hostile leaving as I grip the broken tree and push it with all my might, the broken trunk splits open as the tree falls and lands on the unlucky hostiles that couldn't get away in time.

I turn back to the others who have widen eyes.Not in fear bit in surprise."What?" I growl at them which makes them look at anything besides me.A red cloak that hid away jumps out and makes a run for it, but Aqualad jumps out of nowehere and shocks him with his electricity.The man drops to the ground, completely out of it.Awhile later, after Kid ran back to the ship and gotten some rope, we wrap the hostiles, double wrap the big man that I pummelled.Just in case."I recongize those uniforms.They belong to a cult group known as the Cult of the Kobra." Robin says as we gather around."I'm certain Batman would have informed us if an extremist group of radicals had taken over Santa Prisca's Venom operations." Aqualad points out as I walk in between all the hostiles, those that make eye contact with me, regret it, as I give them a mellow version of the penance stare as they whimper under my gaze."Agreed.And since that there is no love lost between the cultists and those goons.I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out.That's why normal supply lines have been cut off." Robin finishes as I rejoin the group."We get it.Kobra wanted super cultists.Mystery solved.Radio Bats and we'll be home in time-." He doesn't finish as Robin nudges him."These cultists aren't on Venom.And that's the problem.Kobra's hoarding this stuff.We don't leave.Not until I figure out why." He says as I growl at him.Until you figure it out?" I say as I turn to him."This team needs a leader." He says as Kid Flash butts in."And it's you?Dude, you're a thirteen year old kid.Who ducked out on us without a word." He says as Robin laughs."HA HA!And you're a mature 15?You blew our cover the first chance you got." As Robin and Kid argue, I notice Superboy and Miss Martian have a conversation.Hmm.I turn back to Aqualad who is rubbing his face as well as swaying his head slightly, clear annoyance on his face.He looks at me with a knowing look.I nod and walk over and pull the two bickering kids apart."That's enough!" I scream a di shove them on their asses."This bickering is pointless.We are not here to discuss who leads.We are here to figure out what's happening on this island.Robin is right, the cultists aren't on Venom.So we figure out why they are hoarding it." I say as I feel Robin's smugness."But also, Kid is right.You should t have disappeared when you did.If you want to lead than tell your teammates what's the plan.Otherwise, don't bother trying to lead.Also a fact.....your terrible at it." I say as I rip into him.We hear someone talking as we all walk over to the masked man.He starts chuckling as we approach."Such clever ninos.You only know half the story.Let me show you the rest.I can get you into the factory via my secret entrance." He says as Miss Martian kneels down and holds her hand in front of his face."There is a secret entrance.But he's also hiding something." She says as her eyes glow white."Ah, ah, ah, chica.Bane is not that easy." He says arrogantly."He's mentally reciting futbol scores en espanol.This could take awhile." She says as I place my hand on her shoulder and move her out of the way."Mind reading didn't work." I say as I grab his neck and pull him close."Lets try my way." I growl out as I hold my hand up to his face and focus a Hellfire ball in it.The heat form the ball is making Bane sweat as he tries to get away from it, but my strength is keeping his face from moving anywhere."Rider!" Aqualad calls out as I glance at him."We don't torture." He says as I glance at Bane.I disperse the fireball as Bane sighs.I pull in close quickly as I headbutt him, visibly breaking his nose."Ahh!" He screams as he hangs his head low.I get up and walk by Aqualad."You figure it out then, genius." I say to him as he sighs."Look, it's not complicated.Enemy of my enemy is my friend." Bane says as I lean down."You're not our friend....you're a means to an end." I say as I cut his ties.

Bane leads us to a cliff as he points out the massive factory down below.As everyone walks to the edge, I stand close to Bane who keeps giving my the eye.I brighten my eyes with hellfire as he looks away.I always love doing that to people, to make them feel small and insignificant."Look at all that product.A buy is definitely going down.But Kobra is not selling to the usual suspects then-." Robin says as Aqualad interrupts."We need to identity that buyer." Kid Flash stands up as he scartches his head."Yeah, just what I was thinking." He says as Robin laughs."Yeah.You're the thinker." He says as I feel another argument coming."Sarcasm, really?" Kid says as I light a chain on fire.The sound alerts everyone as I stare at them."The next one to start an argument will get a fire chained fist up the ass.So please....keep arguing...I dare you." I growl out as I notice both Kid and Robin gulp in fear.I disperse the fire and I wrap it back around my arm.We hear a grunt as we look and see Bane lifting a large boulder with relative ease, he reveals a tunnel to us."This way." He says as I wrap a chain around him and pull him back.He grunts in surprise as I pull him down to my level."You do anything that I don't like." I start as I lightly apply Hellfire on the chain as Bane grunts in pain."A simple tug and a burning pit in Hell will be your home for the rest of eternity." I threaten as he nods.He walks forward, down the tunnel as I follow close behind, my chains don't have hellfire on them but I made sure that the chains are tightly fitted on Bane's large frame.

Walking doesn't he tunnel, we reach a large steel door with a fingerprint scanner on it.I push Bane forward as he places his thumb on it.The door clicks and opens up."Move it." I say as I push him more roughly this time.We reach another door as Robin walks ahead and opens it slowly.He surveys the room before giving the all clear.We walk in and see that the factory is huge.....with towering cannisters that must mass produce the Venom drug.We walk a bit more until I notice Robin missing."Has the little fool already been caught?" Bane says as I tug the chains tighter as he grunts in discomfort."No...he just does that." I say as Aqualad follows up."Its very annoying." Kid Flash pulls his goggles down."Stay put.I'll get the Intel and be back before the Boy Wonder." Kid says as he speeds away."Wait, Kid." Aqaulad says but Kid is long gone."Great chain of command." Bane says sarcastically as I punch him in the stomach.He grunts in pain and leans over his torso."Shut...up." I say as I pull him up.

We move over to one of the Venom crates and hide as a truck comes."It's a massive shipment." Aqualad says as I move into the shadows, my flaming skull is a dead giveaway for anyone."Yeah, but they're only taking the new product off the line.They aren't touching this Venom." Superboy says as the take cover."Maybe freshness counts?" Miss Martian says but Bane chuckles."Oh, little chica.All my Venom has the same potency.Age doesn't matter." He says as I glance around the corner of the crate."Helicopters coming." Superboy says as he looks up to the window as we follow his gaze."If a chopper's coming then it must be the buyer.Miss Martian?" I say as I turn to her."Go invisible, be by the buyer and report back to us." I say as she nods.Aqualad puts his hand on her shoulder."Don't take any unnecessary risks.Get the Intel and get back to us." He says as she nods again and goes invisible.She feel her soul float above us as he flies outside."Now we wait." Superboy says as I nod.

We move up to a railing above us as to not draw attention.Me and Bane stick to the shadows as I reel in the amount of hellfire I'm spewing out.I notice Aqualad kneeling with his eyes closed."Sportsmaster.He's the buyer?" When Aqualad said that, I perk up.Sportsmaster?Here?I grin in delight.I can finally deliver vengeance down on his head.Aqualad tries to contact Red Tornado but he grunts in fristation."Can't reach the League, Robin, or Kid.Comms jammed.We need a plan now." He says as he looks at me and Superboy."I have a suggestion." Bane says as he punches me across the face andnuooerxuts me towards the others.My mental control over the chains loosen as Bane shoves them off and jumps off the railing to the cultists below.I get up and blast my skull with full hellfire."Now I'm pissed." I growl out.I feel a beast-like soul coming as a large shadow breaks the window and lands on the railing.lt breaks under the weight.We land near Bane as I ready my chains.The beast stands and reveals itself.It's greenish, grayish skin is harden with a split on the right side which shows exposed muscle.The beast has red hair and sharp teeth.I feel it's soul and feel that it was once a man, now it's something else.It's soul signature is very similar to the beast that the doctor at Cadmus turned into but still radically different.A red cloaked man and a redheaded woman walk into the factory with an army of cultists."Destroy them!" The man calls out, the leader, my best guess.Superboy charges the beast who catches him and slams him into the ground.Aqualad forms a shield with his water bearers as myslef and Bane and testing through the cultists.Bane with his brute strength and myself with my chains cutting through the cultists like butter.One cultist gets close enough to fire a machine gun to my head.As he fires, I move my mouth over the muzzle as I devour all the bullets in his magazine.After he is finished.I cough out smoke before blowing pure Hellfire and molten lead at the man which turns him to complete ash.

I swing my chains as I see Sportsmaster.He notices me and even from this distance, I can still see his eyes widen and his fear spike.I grin as I twirl my chains around, taunting him.I notice a slightly transparent figure.Guessing the chaos has made Miss Martian lose slight control over her invisibility.I see the Sportsmaster pulls out one of his collapsible javelins and throws it at Miss Martian.She dodges but it explodes.She is sent flying, Ingo to check on her beige I hear Superboy struggling with the brute.I growl and wrap both my chains around him and with my strength, I swing him around twice beige flinging him at Sportsmaster and the red cloaked man."Miss Martian!Radio is jammed.Link us up!" Aqualad yells as I cut through another cultist.'Everyone online?' I hear her speak in my mind as I pull a cultist up and break his back over my knee.'Yeah.' Superboy thinks.'You know it, beautiful.' Kid thinks as I scream at him mentally.'Shut up and get your head out of your pants and in the game!' Aqualad stops us from arguing.'No time for this.We need to regroup.' He thinks.'Busy now.' Robin thinks as I sense him outside.'Robin, get in here now before I drag you back in.' I think as I feel Matthew stir.'You better listen, Rob.Trust me, he will.' Robin ignores the both of us as Aqualad interjects.'Robin.Now!' He thinks as he turns his water bearers into whips.'Strategic retreat.Kid, clear a path.' Aqualad thinks as Kid Flash rams full speed into the cultists, the force of the impact knocking them out and sending them flying.We retreat back to the door that we entered from.I notice that Superboy is getting overpowered by the beast.But instead of trying to powrr through, Superboy grips the beasts arms and spins him around and throws him at the cultists coming after us.

We run through into the tunnel as Superboy closes the large steel door.We get a few metres beige rthe beast barrels it down."Superboy!Rider!The support beams!" Aqualad shouts as I turn down the tunnel and blow Hellfire onto the floor, ceiling and walls.I hear Superboy breaking the beams as the tunnel collapses.I fling my chain a tsueorboy who catches it and pull me forward, out of the end of the collapsing tunnel.In the darkness, I light a Hellfire ball and which brightens the entire corridor."How could have my first mission as leader go so wrong?" Robin says as he faces the wall."You do have the most experience." Aqualad says as I put my opinion it."And that lies the problem.Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined." I say to him as Aqualad finishes."You two do not need to talk.But this team is new.And a leader should be clear, explicit.He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts to an unknown plan." He says as Robin turns angrily."Oh, so I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands." He says as I walk forward."Yes....a leader is the one responsible for everyone.He or she is the one that looks out for everyone and makes sure that everyone makes it back home safely.If you vanish and someone gets hurt....than that is on you." I say as he hungs his head in shame.He thought about the glory of being leader...not the responsibilities."Who am I kidding?You should lead us Rider." He tells me as I shake my head.I'm too ruthless.You might not know it but I'm a loose cannon that can go off.It's only Matthew's will that keeps my dark.....well, darker tendencies at bay.I'm not fit to lead but I know someone who is." I say as I turn to Kaldur.He looks surprised as we all stare a him."Me?" He ask in disbelief and I nod my head.

"Oh please.I could run circles arou-." Kid Flash starts but a simple look from me shuts him up."He's right Wally.Kaldur is only on that is most fit to lead.We all know it." Robin says as Miss Martian puts her opinion in."Hello M'gann.It's so obvious." She says as Superboy follows up."Could've told ya." He says as we all stare at Kid Flash."Ok." He says after some time.Aqualad approaches Robin."Then I accept the burden....until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders." He says as he places his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder."You were born to lead this team.Maybe not now, but soon." Aqualad says as Robin nods."Now that we have decided.....let's get back to why we are here." I say as I pull everyone back into the mission goal."Alright.Our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island." Aqualad says Robin follows up."I was just thinking the exact same thing." He says cockingly as I breathe fire out my cheeks.Cheeky bastard.

After coming with a plan, we head down an alternative route towards the factory."Sportsmaster's the buyer slash supplier but it still doesn't track.He doesn't have the juice to acquire the Blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work." Robin says as he reads off the formulas from his hologram projector."And neither of them have the brains to mix both formulas and perfect it.That takes some serious nerdage." Kid Flash speaks as I follow up."Someone else is pulling the strings and playing everyone for chumps.I hate being played." I say as we reach the tunnel entrance and see Bane standing there."Halt, ninos.I'm feeling explosive." He says as he holds up a trigger.I loosen a chain as he stares at me."Ah, ah, ah.You move and you go boom." He syasas I growl."I survived the worse kind of Hellfire.A bomb is the least of my concerns." I say as he gestures to everyone else."Do they share your lack of concern?" He says cockily as I growl."You betrayed us.Why?" Aqualad says to him as Bane smirks."I want my factory back." I feel Aqualad talk in my head.'Kid, you'll need a running start.' He thinks as Kid prepare to bolt."So I forced you into a situation where you would have either take down my enemies or die trying.If the latter, the Justice League would certainly have come to avenger their sidekicks.And when the smile clearesd.Santa Prisca would be mine once again.Blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect." He says as he goes to pres the button.A flash of blue and red zooms past him as Bane presses nothing."With what?This trigger thingy." He says teasingly as he holds up the trigger.Bane swings his fist in fury but Miss Martian catches him and lifts him in the air.Myself and Superboy walk forward."Finally." He says as I wrap a chain around my fist."Drop him." Superboy says as Miss Martian drops her hand.Bane acres in panic as he falls into mine and Superboy's double uppercut.Bane drops down, completely knocked out."That was incredibly satisfying...let's do it again." I say as Superboy chuckles but we walk back to the group.