

4 months later

Gotham General Hospital, Gotham, September 25th, 2015:

Today is the day!I drive like a madman down the road towars the hospital.I was fixing up a bike at work when I got a call from Artemis, saying that while out with Jade and Paula on a lunch date, Jade's water broke and they are on their way to the hospital.I have never moved so fast in my life.The rules of the road are at the very back of my mind as I speed far over the sped limit.Coming to the hospital's parking lot, I park my Charger and speed into the hospital, though being careful not to barge into anyone or knock anyone over.I get to reception and a lady approaches me."Hello, sir. How can I help you?" She asks as I get my breathing under control."Yes....my wife.....her water broke earlier.Is she here?Her name is Jade Spectre." I hurriedly ask as the woman checks the records."Yes...she is here.The elevator is over there, the maternity ward is the third floor." She says as I nod my thanks.I race over and enter the lift....waiting for it to take me up.I feel sweat starting to fall down my face, my fingers twitching uncontrollably."Matt....you need to relax.Everything will be ok." Zarathos says to me and I feel the relaxing and calm power of Heavenly Fire starting to flow through me."Thanks, Zar." I thank Zarathos, adding my little pet name for him on top.At first he didn't appreciate it but the last few months, it has grown on him."You're welcome." He says with a quiet grumble before going silent.The lift stops and the doors open, I see Artemis pacing in the waiting area with Paula seated next to her.The two-woman spot me as I walk over to them."How is she?" I ask them as Paula takes my hand."She is going strong.Doctors says that she and the bay are healthy and that the labour shouldn't take more than a few hours but that can change.We just need to wait." Paula tells me and I take her at her word.....which I really should, since she went through this twice by my count."Can I see her?" I ask aloud which a nurse overhead."Of course, right this way." The nurse says as I follow her."Are you the father?" She asks which I nod to.It sounds like a ride question but it must just be the fact that they need to know, just in case, maybe....I don't know.

We arrive at a room and the nurse gestures me in.I enter and see Jade, spying on the bed, sweat dripping from her brow....she looks exhausted.....and Paula tells me that it's going to get worse!Yo, childbirth is no joke.....not one bit."Matt....is that you?" Jade calls out as I kneel beside her and take her hand, her eyes opening and finding me, a happy smile spreads across her face."Hey, baby...how are you holding up?" I ask as she exhales deeply."Contractions are a pain in the ass....but I'll manage." She says as I smiles and wipe the hair from her eyes."You're doing great." I say as I stand up and kiss her on the forehead."This is your fault, you know?" She says with a teasingly smile and I smile right back."In all honesty, it probably is...but I wouldn't change it for the world, would you?" I ask her and she smiles a knowing lol back at me."No, I would not."

Hours past and Jade is hanging in, contraction after contraction.....I was starting to feel that her labour was going to go into the night and to next morning.Paula and Artemis had come in and say with us....just being with Jade during this made Jade all the more happy, that her family were with her at this definitive moment in her life.Suddenly, Jade screams as our heads perk up."Jade?Jade!What's wrong?" As I take her hand and she begins squeezing the life out of it."Oh!She's coming.....she's coming!Ahhh!Ohhhh!" She screams out as doctors and nurses come running into the room."Ok, it's happening.I'm really sorry but can you please give us the room, we need as much room as we can use." The head doctor says as I nod.Paula and Artemis walk out as I leave a kiss on Jade's head."I'm just going to step out a while, baby.You got this....you hear me.You got this." I say to her as she whimpers from the pain and nods her head in agreement.I give her one list kids before exiting the room.Paula sits with nervousness as her hands can't seem to sit still, Artemis walks up and down the hallway...trying to find something to distract her from the screams of her sister in labour.As for me.....I stand outside the room, gazing through the small window, watching everything.

The minutes tick by and my patience is wearing thin.Is it suppose to take this long?Before I can barge in and demand anything.....I hear Jade give one last cry of pain...but her cries are quiet compared to the screaming cry of a new born baby.I try to see but try doctors and little visibility of the window is making it difficult.I see a nurse cutting the umbilical cord and I smile with tears as I see a small hand teaching from the sky.A nurse spots me in the window and nods her head.I open the door, as Artemis and Paula trail behind me.I look to Jade who is laying, completely exhausted and tired but in her arms is a small bundle.A happy smile is etched on her face as she turns to me."Come Matt.....come meet your daughter." She says to me as I hitch my breath and approach her.I start to openly eheninsee the small human in her arms.The baby is softly crying but I can't help it.I reach forward and brush my finger along her cheek, earning a louder cry and her tiny hand wepaping around my finger.I sniffle loudly as Jade passes me to her so I can hold her.I hold her up to me as I gaze at her, I see a tuff of hair that is very akin to the lift brown of my own, the babies eyes open slightly and Incan se that she has the grey brown eyes, just like her mother.Paula and Artemis come over as I kneel down to Paula's level.She whimpers softly at seeing her granddaughter and gently tickles the baby.Artemis wipes a tear and a sniffle as she gently plays with the baby's hand."I'm sorry to interrupt the moment.But have you thought of a name?" The doctor asks as I scoot over to Jade who plays with the baby's hand."Yes....yes we have." Jade says as she looks up at me.I nod my head at her unasked question."Luna.Luna Artemis Spectre." Jade says which makes Artemis cry at hearing that her name."That's a beautiful name." The doctors says before nodding to all of us."I'll leave you all to it." He says before leaving.Artemis stands on Jade's other side and hugs her."Thank you." Artemis whispers to Jade who pats her on the back."You are my sister...and I am honoured to have you as my sister and my daughters aunt." Jade says before taking Luna in her arms.Jade looks at me with a smile as I lean over and kiss her lovingly.Paula, Artemis and Jade hug on the birth of our child and the newest member of the Nguyen-Spectre family.Seeing the little baby made me see that this is what I have always strived for.A loving family.After years and years of anger and vengeance.....I have a reason to fully and wholeheartedly...love, again.I lived my sister Luna with all my heart and I never thought that anyone would fill the void that she left behind but Jade has captured my heart.I have a mother figure in Paula and a sister in Artemis.And Jade...Jade is the greatest partner that I could have ever asked for.She and Luna are my whole world.....and no matter the obstacles or the trials ahead.....they are everything to me and I'll defend them to my dying breath.That is the promise of a warrior.....of a protector.....of a husband...of a father.

Matthew and Jade Spectre's Apartment, Gotham City: 10:32am, September 26th, 2015:

P.O.V: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

The doctors told us that we had to stay overnight, just to be safe and make sure that Jade and Luna were in perfect health.Artemis felt it was unnecessary and Zarathos agreed, saying that his abilities could determine when something is amiss but I was ok with it.I knew that Jade and Luna were alright but I just wanted that comfort knowing that they were looked after.It also gave me time to ring up some good friends and tell them the good news."Hey Matt, how are you?What's up?" I hear Raquel's voice over the line as I smile."I'm doing alright, Raquel...hey, I got some good news." I say to hear, even over her line....I can hear her quiet giggle."Ok...what's the news?" She asks with excitement.I smile before thinking about how to make this fun."I don't want to spoil it.....are you, Blake and Luke all good to come over to mine and Jade's place.....and then we'll tell you the good news?" I ask her.I hear her talking to Blake in the foreground, telling him about my invitation...Raquel comes back a few seconds later."Yeah, we'll be there soon." She says before we say our goodbyes and 'see you laters'.I hang up the phone and call two more numbers.....they being Blade and Frank.I told them the same thing that I told Raquel, while Blade is happy to come.....I can hear the slight trepidation in Frank's voice.He is not one for social gatherings or whatnot so he feels sort of out of place with coming but he nonetheless says that he'll be there soon.As much as I hate to admit but I thank Bruce for giving me permission to let Blade and Frank into the Zeta database.While Bruce does have his worries about the both of them, especially Frank, he has told me that he trusts me to be able to handle them and if need be.....bring them in if needed.While I hate Bruce for putting me in that situation, I can't help but acknowledge that I walked right into it.Bruce is a master manipulator, however bad that sounds, it's true.He is able to divert and manipulate people and situations to his advantage.Very well played...doesn't mean that I will bring them in if it comes to that...on the five years since I left the Team....those two men, along with Blake, have been shoulder to shoulder with me as we fought every day and night against the Light, their allies and Lilith and her demons.They have become my friends, my brother's in arms.....and I'll be damned if I betray that trust.The last person I call is Raven.I haven't been able to get as much 'get together and catch up' time with her either simply with her being on the Team and her training under Nabu.But the time we do spend is filled with happy smiles and laughs....though, mostly from me.Raven has always been withdrawn, and training under Fate has left her with showing as little emotion as possible but I do sense, whenever I can, her happiness and appreciation to me being there for her."Hello." Raven answers after dialling her number."Hey Rae.How are you?" I ask, it's been a few months since so what the hell."I'm ok.Just finishing up some study." She replies back as I smile."That's good.Hey, I got something that you're gonna want to see.Are you able to come over?" I ask her."I'll have to wait and see if Nabu will let me.If he does, I'll be over as soon as possible." She says back as I nod."Got it.Well, see you then, hopefully." I say."See you then, bye Matt." I hear her says back before hanging up.I could almost garuntee that I heard her voice fill with slight mirth at my awkward attempt at a 'see you later'.Even with her emotions under control, Raven never passes up an opportunity to be sarcastic...a very dark, dry sense of humour but one that works for her.

After leaving the hospital, we arrived back home, Jade was a little apprehensive at coming back but with some comforting words from Artemis and Paula, she was able to get her nerves under control.Before we can even get to our front door, a whoosh of air is displaced around us, kicking up our hair."Hey!Sorry I'm late, got caught in traffic." I focus my eyes and roll them humorously at seeing who has arrived."Wally!What have I told you about doing that?!And there's a baby here!Did you even think?!" Artemis charges over and pulls Wally by his ear as I laugh at seeing the redhead being reprimanded.Jade and Paula just chuckle at the display."Ow, ow, ow, ow....ok, ok, ok, ok...I get it, I'm sorry.I promise it won't happen again." Wally hurriedly says as Artemis lets go of his ear.....who Wally in turn rubs it to alleviate the pain.Artemis smiles and laughs at Wally before dragging him over to us."Wally." I say welcoming as Wally holds his arms out dramatically."Matty!How you been?" He says with a chuckle as we hug each other, brotherly."I'm doing good....better then good, now....I hope." I say to him but he waves me off."Come on, don't doubt yourself.You're a father now, and I now that you know, that I know, that we both know, that you'll do the best job that you can." Wally says as I realise an eyebrow."Did he really just say that and it made sense?Or am I going crazy?" Jade says as Wally turns to her.Luna is sleeping peacefully in her arms as Wally walks over to her."Jade....how are you?Long night?" He says teasingly to her which earns him a punch to the shoulder."Ow....why are you two so violent?" He says to Jade and Artemis respectively who playfully glare at him.Me and Paula just sit back and chuckle at the banter."Alright, let me see her.....my future niece in law." He asks Jade who in turn pulls a blanket slight off Luna, revealing the child to Wally.His eyes almost go comically wide as he gazes down, lovingly, at the sight of her."Aww.....she is so cute.May I?" He asks Jade as he holds out his arms, asking permission to hold her.Jade smiles and carefully passes her to Wally.I can see that Wally feels awkward in holding her but after some comforting words from Artemis and a pat of the back from me...he is able to hold her comfortably."Aww, she is the cutest and precious thing I have ever seen.She definitely got all her looks from her mother, that's for sure." Wally says as I smirk at seeing an opportunity."I hope for your sake, that was a compliment, Wally.....and not an attempt to hit on my wife?" I say to Wally who eyes widen at realising what he said.He looks around and sees Paula trying desperately not to crack up laughing.Jade has a coy and teasing smile on her face and Artemis is turning an unhealthy shade of red."What?No, no, no....that was a compliment.She....she'll have your tenacity and attitude....I'm sure....just to balance it out." He says hurriedly as we all laugh at his expense.Seeing that he has been made the brunt of the joke....he glowers at us but eventually turn to one of mirth."Oh, ha, ha....laugh at my expense." He says before handling Luna back to Jade.I chuckled one last time before opening the door, letting everyone in."Took you long enough."

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I hear Blade's voice as I turn and see him sitting on a recliner chair, drinking from his on hand bottle."Blade....what have I told you about coming though the window?" I say in exasperation as he laughs and gets to his feet."To not too and I told you.....I don't care." He says before sniffing the air.I see behind his shades that his eyes widen."You got to kidding me?" He says before walking over to Jade.She smiles at him before showing him Luna.The half vampire gazes at the baby before brushing his gloved finger over her forehead.Luna shifts from the touch but she doesn't wake."The truly most beautiful things in the world.....are the most innocent." Blade says before gesturing to hold her, Jade complies as Blade takes her softly.I walk over to them and gaze lovingly at the little bundle of joy."You two have done good and will be great parents." He says to us which we nod our thanks to him.He hands Luna back to Jade.Blade makes his way around the room and introduces himself to everyone.....though, everyone knows who each other, though I do notice that Blade and Paula say 'hi' a tad bit longer then usual.I hear a knock at the door, I walk over and open it up....revealing Blake, Raquel and baby Luke."Hey guys." I say as me and Blake hug brotherly.We break apart as I hug Raquel and Luke carefully."Hey, Matt.It's been a while." Raquel says happily as I let them in.Blake and Raquel are wide eyed when they see that Artemis, Wally, Paula and Blade are here, I smile at seeing their shocked faces."Not that I'm complaining of being here....but you said that you had good news?What is it.....your balls drop finally?" Blade signs humorously at us.I smile smugly before stepping aside, revealing Jade.Blake and Raquel stare wide eyed at the bundle in her arms."Wait.Is that....Jade....?" Raquel asks excitedly as she speeds over to her.The two mother's head towards the kitchen and talk for a moment, Luna sleeping away and Luke being entertained by Jade, this being the first time that either me or Jade have met the little tike.

Artemis wheels Paula over to Jade and Raquel, joining the two women in their conversation.Me, Wally, Blake and Blade hang around to the far side of the room, giving the ladies their privacy."How do you feel?" Blade asks me as I shake my head."About being a father?" I ask him as he nods."How do you feel about it?" I say, turning his question back on him.He nods in understanding, I sense that he feels very nervous and having some doubt as to how good of a parent he'll be.I share his concern.....I became the Rider at 14, I accepted the inevitable of being that I would never have a family, never have children of my own.I accepted that....until Jade.I only was concerned about my vengeance and punishing those who preyed on the innocent, until Jade showed me that life is worth living.When we got married, it was the single happiest day of my life and I hoped that I would be the best partner that Jade could ask for and everyday.....I try to live up to that exception.When Jade told me she was pregnant, I was both over the moon and scared....that I wouldn't live up to being a father, having lived the majority of my life without a proper father figure....nor a real parental figure.....I was scared that I couldn't do it.....scared that I could never live up to being a good parent.You would be scared too if the only semblance of parents you experienced were a riddle obsessed psycho and a drug addict.But seeing my daughter now, she is the most precious thing to me, I made a promise to myself, that I would be a good parent....a great dad, for their sake, they are my entire world, my everything and there isn't a thing I wouldn't give to make sure that they are safe and protected.

"I'm.....worried that I won't be able to do my job properly.But I promise myself that I would do everything in my power to be the best father that I can be." I say to Blake who nods at my reasoning.Wally and Blade nod their heads as well before patting me on the back, showing their support."And we'll be there for you to.We friends, family.....we'll always look out for each other." Wally says as we nod in agreement.I walk over to the girls, with Blade in tow.It's been a while since I have seen Raquel or Blake and of course, I need to introduce myself to little Luke."Ok, you met Luna.....now I need to meet little Luke, properly this time." I say to Raquel and Blake who laugh at my joke.Raquel passes Luke to me, even at nearly a year old, his eyes convey a level of intelligence that surprises me."Hello Luke.I'm your uncle, Matt." I say to him as I wave my finger over his nose.He giggles happily before reaching out and grabbing my finger.My eyebrows go high as I feel the tightness of his grip."God damn, quite a strong grip, little one." I say to him as he giggles again and begins wavering my finger.I feel my muscles contracting to alleviate the slight pain which just surprises me even more.For my own muscles to work in relieving pain and to do so quickly.....for one so young.....little Luke here is going to be something spectacular when he is all grown up."How's Crystal, I forgot to ask.She doing well?" I ask Blake as I entertain Luke.Blake and Raquel glance at each other before looking back at me."She's doing alright....but lately....she's been a bit..." Raquel starts off as Blake follows her up."Quiet, aloof is probably the right word.....she's just not as out going as she used to be." He signs to me, I raise any eyebrow at hearing their words."Is something going on?" I ask them as they shake their heads."No, not really.We've tried to talk to her but she keeps assuring us that everything is alright.She's just be very much to herself these past few months." Raquel says, for which I nod to."You guys are trying to help and that's all you really can go.I hope that everything turns alright in the end." I say which earns a grateful nod from the pair.

"Matt, I'm sensing someone coming via portal." Zarathos says to me as I pass Luke back to Raquel and gaze around the room, everyone is looking at me....wondering what I'm doing.Before anyone can ask, a dark purple and black portal opens up in the room.Everyone par myself, Jade, Blake and Raquel stand on edge and at the ready, Blade reaches for his hidden stake, but I raise my hand and stop him....the sight of my raised hand silently tells everyone to relax.Out of the shadow of the portal, Raven steps through, her eyes widen slightly at seeing everyone staring at her."Raven.You're here, I'm glad that you could make it." I say in a welcoming tone.Everyone relaxes when they realize who is it.I walk over and give her hug which she returns."Glad to be here.....I should have gone to the door?" She asks with a slight embarrassed tone in her voice.Her hood doesn't help hide the obvious red shading on her pale cheeks.I chuckle slightly before nodding."Probably."

We waltz over to where everyone was gathered....Raven, spotting Jade with Luna, walks over to them."Hi, Jade." Rae says as Jade one arm hugs the teen."It's good to see you, Rae.Would you like to meet Luna?" Jade offers to Raven, who nods her head.Raven smiles slightly at the sight of a sleeping Luna."Hi, Luna." Raven says, and I hear her voice starting to leak emotions...Nabu's training never prepared Raven for this, not for Luna.I notice some of the appliances and furniture starting to warp in black energy and shake from an unseen force.I walk over and softly grab Raven by the shoulder.She turns to me and sees my sad expression.Her own eyes see what is happening and the emotions that I sense from her...gone...in an instant, pulled back and suppressed.She pulls her hands back and away from Jade and Luna, letting her cloak cover all but her shoes.She goes to say sorry but I shake my head, silently conveying that it's not her fault.She nods her head and walks away from Jade.Making eyes with Jade, I see the sad and pitying look on her face.I hang my head shamefully at realising just how hard Raven lives.To never feel emotion, to never let any strong emotion out or the consequences could be severe.I would hate to live like that.No one else in the room notices Raven's inner turmoil, she greets everyone but eventually slinks into a corner, her eyes wandering around the room.I walk over and stand beside her.Not saying anything, I drop my hand and find hers through her cloak.I let my feelings of sympathy and support leak out, knowing that she will be able to feel it.She looks up at me and nods her head gratefully.

The night passes with little to no issue.Raquel and Jade found most of their time taken up with each other, talking about play dates for the kids.I smile at that thought.....would do some good, for all of us.Artemis, Wally and Blake were catching up on old times, Blake had just finished saying the League were talking to him and Raquel about membership.Wally and Artemis were obviously very proud of the two of them, saying that they have worked hard and that they deserved to be full Justice League members.As the conversation about the League went on, Blake's eyes would trail to me.A silent conversation was being spoken between us.....our talk from about 2 years ago, coming to the forefront of our minds.Blake's sight is broken when Wally pulls him back into the conversation.Raven was mostly quiet but she was, at least, talking with Blade and Paula.The older Vietnamese woman hadn't talked or known much about Raven the five years since first meeting, but Paula was always welcoming to Raven, she understood the younger woman far more than any of us, that's what I reckon anyway.Raven was always appreciated of what Paula is trying to do, get her to open up.....enjoy life.Raven rarely feels at peace nor 'enjoys' things that most people would be enjoyable.Raven is very anti-social, stemming from her upbringing, training.....and date I say, genetic nature.....I feel terrible saying that.She finds solitude to be favorable to being with people.....which makes this occasion all that more special with her being here.Blade is a comforting presence for her as well.Beside myself, Blade is the only other person that has known her the longest, she is most comfortable either when she is talking with me and if not, then it's Blade.Though judging from the coy looks and flirty smiles between the older woman and the half vampire, I reckon Raven wants to anywhere but beside them right about now.Lastly, there is me.....I just sitting back and watching as everyone mingles and chats with each other.People from all walks of life, the craziest group of people you could bring together.....but we have made it work.Never before have I seen Jade nor Raquel as happy as they are when they are making baby noises at their respective kids...not even to then.Everyone is happy because we are surrounded by people that they care about.Friends, loved ones...family.my eyes stray from everyone as I look out the window, shaping my eyesight, I see a lone figure on the roof of the building across the street.I see a large trench coat, hiding the white skull, I sigh as I get to my feet and make my way to the door."Matt?Is everything alright?" Paula asks me as everyone turns to me."Yeah, everything's alright.I'll just be right back, won't be long." I say as I leave the apartment.I make my way to the emergency stairs.....seeing that no one is around or watching, I pull a chain out and open a portal, stepping out from behind where Frank is sitting.

"You know...you could come over and actually meet with everyone.I know that Jade is actually wanting to introduce you to Luna." I say as the fiery portal closes behind me.Frank sighs and drops from his perch."Luna, huh?Got to say, that's one of the more usual names that I have heard.Could be worse I suppose." He says before gathering his equipment, which I notice are a pair of binoculars, a folded-up sniper rifle and two 1911's."Going somewhere?" I ask as he begins to walk away."Something like that." He says offhandedly as I reach out and grab his arm."Frank.....no one will judge you." I say to him but he yanks his arm away."I couldn't give you shits what they think of me.I just don't want to." He tells me before trying to walk away again but I grab his shoulder and pull him around, I suddenly see the barrel of a one of his 1911's in my face."That's not an answer, Frank.And do you honestly think that a bullet is going to hurt me?" I say to him as he glowers and lowers the gun."I gave you my answer already.I just....don't...want....to." He growls out before trying to leave one last time but I had enough of him dodging the real answer."I'm no letting you leave this rooftop without a proper answer, Frank.Why?What is it that is stopping you?" I ask him as he turns sharply and drops his bag to the floor."Because it reminds me of my family!" He shouts at me, I'm taken aback by his outburst.Frank has already been an angry guy....whether is passing or doing his usual thing.But it often remains a controlled anger, an aimed rage that destroys that it's set and pointed at.But this.....this is something else.He tries away as I sense his inner turmoil and...fear.Fear of seeing Luna's face.....and the memory of his wife, and when she gave birth to his son and daughter.The memory of holding them in his arms, him being happy.It's the memory of his family...how could I have been so blind?

"I'm sorry, Frank." I say as he turns back to me.His eyes convey confusion but he soon nods at realising that I have come to realisation about his real reason, a deep fear."I'm sorry, Matt.I truly do want to meet Luna, I really do....but I can't.No matter how much I tell myself that it's fine.....it's not and never going to be.I.....miss my family.My wife, my son, my daughter.I see their faces, every night.But when I should see joy and hear laughter...all I see and hear is horror and screaming.I'm sorry, Matt.Truly, I am." He says before picking up his bag and walking away.I don't have the guts nor the desire to stop him.In a sort of twisted irony, I understand.After my sister and mother were killed, I was consumed by rage and hate.....after exacting my vengeance.....all I had left were bad nights filled with nothing but fire and death.The sight of their charred bones hadn't left my dreams for a year since the day they day.It wasn't until I started to feel something for Jade that the nightmares begin to alleviate....working with the Team made me see that I'm not a bad person, that what happens was terrible and that I have come to accept it, no matter how hurtful.But even after all this time.....I still remember them, and it's painful....it eats away at my heart.If it wasn't for Jade and now, Luna.....I don't know where I'll be.But that's the thing, I found someone, something to care for.....to break away from my pit of vengeance and anger.Frank doesn't have anyone, he had no one for a very long time.....all he knows now is anger.He is constantly reminded of his family through his nightmares and I feel sorry for him.I pity him.Frank would gut me if he knew that I did but I can't help it.Frank is a broken soul and I don't think there is anything in this world that can help him deal with the loss of his family.I hope that one day, he'll overcome it but today is not that day.

I walk away and open portal but to the staircase, I shake my head and thoughts from what happened and make my way to the apartment.Everyone is still milling about which makes me smile."It was Frank, wasn't it?" Jade whispers to me as I sit beside her."Yeah." I whisper back as she nods her head."He can't see her, Jade.He wants to but he can't bring himself to do so.He's...he's afraid.Afraid of what he is going to be reminded of if he does." I say to her as she shifts closer to me, I maneuver myself so Luna can fit between us but still allow me to hold Jade close."Give him time, honey.I'm sure he'll come around, one day." She says, incidentally repeating my own thoughts back to me I nod silently and kiss the top of her hand."I hope so." I say as she snuggles close, which causes Luna to be awoken.The baby does her eyes slowly but being awoke has made her upset, she starts crying as I playfully coo at her."Aww, I'm sorry, baby.....did we wake you?We are such meanies, aren't we?" I say as I take Luna from Jade's arms and cradle her in my own.I gently sway her which does help in calming her down."She's for sure going to be a daddy's girl." Jade teases me as I turn to her."You know what, I'm not even mad at that.And now it shall it be known....that I, Matthew Spectre....will be Luna Spectre's.... favourite parent.I'll be the fun parent and spoil her rotten." I say dramatically to her which in turn makes her do a mock gag."Please stop, I'm going to to throw up.And like hell you're going to be the fun one.....everyone knows that I'm the one with the wits and sense of humour." She says which makes me laugh....I pull her close as fit Luna in both of our arms."We shall see, won't we?" I say with a teasing smile which she returns."Yeah.....we shall." She says before pecking her lips to mine.After all the hardships, all the pain, the loss and anger...I couldn't be more happy with where I am.My family, my friends..... everyone that I care about, all here.....and Luna, I never thought that I would have a kid, I couldn't really give a damn, but seeing her, holding her in my arms...I am the proudest father and I bow to make sure that this child knows love and knows that her family will always be there for her.

Sewers, Gotham City: 4:16pm, January 1st, 2016:

P.O.V: None

Beneath the busy streets, a lone figure was making his way through the seemingly endless corridors of the sewers, the figure revealed to be Superboy, stops and kneels down, his attention focused solely on a clay-like substance on the ground.He reaches down and presses his gloved covered fingers into the sludge, mixing and pressing it in-between his fingers before flickering them into the water.The half Kryptonian focuses his gaze down the corridor, keeping an eye out for his target and that of Killer Croc....the sewers of Gotham were a dangerous place, no matter who you were.Superboy's ears pick up the sound of water being disturbed as he turns and sees a giant mass of clay shooting towards him.He grunts in surprise and tries to get away but the thick, wet sludge catches him off guard and pulls him into the water.More of the clay is revealed as it rises up and takes the form of a giant humanoid known simply as Clayface.Clayface pulls Superboy up and grips him tightly as Superboy tries to batter the sludge away and get free."Haha....you always fall for this gag." The mutated clay villain laughingly says while pulling Superboy into his body.The hero tries to get away but he is soon enveloped by the clay."Struggle all you want, kid.Even a Kryptonian has to breathe." Clayface continues to say, unaware of two individuals flying towards him.The first is a semi transparent, near invisible woman with green skin and short auburn hair and she is flying towards his front.The other is a red headed young woman with a black stripe along horizontal through her hair, she is wearing a yellow spandex and kevlar suit with black lines.

The woman's eyes flash a fiery orange and gold when her gaze sets on Clayface."Let him go." The invisible figure says as the teen floats behind the criminal."Don't try and do anything funny.....you won't like the outcome." The second woman says as she snaps her fingers, a spark is let out which explodes into a basketball size fireball, which floats at the ready.Clayface, hearing her threat, molds his body to face her.A look of amusement lines his brows."Haha, and what, pray tell, are you going to do, Red?" He taunts the woman, who revealed to be Crystal, sister and protégé to Black Bolt.Before she can answer, the other woman, Miss Martian throws her arms out, her telekinesis pulling the malleable body of Clayface apart, releasing Superboy who lands in the water.He catches his breath back as Clayface turns back to Miss Martian, his mastery of his power allowing him to wrest control back from Miss Martian."Catch this, Greenie." He says as he forms his freed arm into a cannon of sort, unleashing a wild barrage of clay fire, hoping to strike the unseen Martian.

Crystal draws the fireball back, cupping the flame in her hand before pushing it forward, the ball expands into a blast of pure flame and heat.Clayface, seeing the deadly blast, crashing down into the water, just before the fire makes contact.Unaware of what happened, Crystal keeps up her barrage."Crystal!Behind you!" Superboy shouts out to Crystal who turns and sees Clayface throwing his hand up to the young woman.Crystal is caught and sent into the wall of sewer.Clayface laughs at the hero's predicament, but his eyes turn to shock as his clay hand explodes outward.....Crystal's focuses her power on the clay around her, taking control of it and molding them into rock hard spikes, she fires them at Clayface who takes the spikes with zero reaction or pain."That the best you got?We can do this all day." He taunts again to the teen again, but his attention is caught off guard when a wave of water pushes him back, courtesy of Miss Martian."Delta Squad, we found the target.Converge on our signal." Miss Martian says telepathically to the squad."It is pointless to try, nothing you can do will ever hurt me." Clayface boasts arrogantly as he molds his hands into rock maces.He feels something puncture his back as he shifts and sees two birdarangs, unleashing a wave of electricity through him, but the clay villain just laughs."That little trick doesn't works on me anymore." He taunts the shadowy figure of the Boy Wonder, who runs through the darkness, trying to find another angle."Then try this, ugly." Crystal shouts as she forces the water over and through Clayface before letting out a gale of pure ice at the water.Clayface is taken aback by the move as his body is being frozen from the inside out."Crystal." A deep voice calls to Crystal, thus causing the heroine to lose focus and control of the water and ice.Allowing Clayface to swipe at her with one of his rock maces.Crystal is hit hard by the mace and is flung hard into a brick wall."Superboy, now".Miss Martian says via mental link.Superboy nods and pulls out a tiny pull before flicking it to Clayface.The pill sinks into his body which causes the villain to raise an eyebrow, but his confusion is cut short when he feels his insides training to cement.

Clayface is frozen solid by the cement as Superboy walks forward with a smug and satisfied smile."Distraction went off as planned, Robin.Nice work." Superboy compliments the Boy Wonder who steps out of the shadows.Instead of being Dick Grayson, this Robin is Tim Drake the third Robin and latest addition to the Bat Family.Robin holds his staff over his shoulder as he breathes a sigh of relief."Just happy it worked." He says before the other members of the team show up.A green alligator with a red and white collar comes out of a pipe and shifts into a green, monkey like teen in a red and white bodysuit."Oh man, is it over already?I didn't even get a souvenir for the trophy." The green teen complains as another teen, this one older and wearing a blue and black mechanical suit flies above, beetle like wings and rocket thrusters keeping his afloat.The teen, Jaime Reyes also known as Blue Beetle recoiled from the sewer smell coming off the young teen, Garfield Logan also known as Beast Boy."Phew, dude!I think that smell qualifies." Beetle points out to Beast Boy who looks at his clothes and sees the filth.A small figure flies over Blue Beetle's shoulder, and heads over to Miss Martian.The figure flies past Clayface who manages to sneer at the flying figure.The figure enlarges to reveal a dark-skinned woman with short, cropped hair, in a bumblebee themed suit.Her yellow wings fold and mold themselves into the suit.The woman is Karen Beecher, also known as Bumblebee.Bumblebee rushes over to the fallen Crystal as Miss Martian follows her."Crystal.Are you ok?" Bumblebee asks as Crystal comes to.Miss Martian and Bumblebee help Crystal up to her feet."Yeah, I'm ok.....damn, he hits hard." Crystal says groggily as she shakes her head."You got hit hard, that's for damn sure." Bumblebee says teasingly in respond to seeing Crystal groggily set herself."Did we get him?" Crystal says as she raises her head and sees the team and a cement covered Clayface."Yeah, we got him.Are you ok?What happened?" Miss Martian asks as Crystal runs her eyes and head."I-I don't know.I thought I heard something.I don't know, I haven't been getting any sleep lately, maybe I'm just tired." Crystal reasons to Miss Martian who shares a concerning gaze with Bumblebee but neither woman question her further."Just get some rest when we get back to base, ok?" Miss Martian says in which Crystal nods gratefully.Miss Martian pulls her hood back and presses her finger to her earpiece."Delta Squad Leader to Base.We have neutralized the target." Miss Martian says over the line."Good work, Delta, come on home.....Nightwing out." The line cuts as Miss Martian nods to the team who begin making their way out with Clayface in tow.Crystal stops when she hears an eerie whispering coming from the long, dark corridors.The whispering is too quiet for her to make any distinctions as to what is being said but what does catch her attention is a single lightbulb flashing at the end of a corridor.Her eyes focused on the lightbulb and the shadows around the beam of light.She steps back in terror when a pair of bright red eyes stare at her.The position on the eyes are set up so height that even from where she was positioned, the figure that the eyes belong to would be around 7 to 8 feet tall.Crystal turns away and shuts her eyes."It's not real, it's not real...it's not real." She hyperventilates..... desperately trying to bring her breathing back under control and keep her fear in check.After a moment, Crystal breathes in a calming breath and turns back, slowly to the flickering light.The light bulb is now stable and casting a steady beam into the sewer water below, the blood red eyes completely gone and void of ever being there."Crystal!You still with us?!" Bumblebee calls out to Crystal whose focus is broken by the question."Yeah...coming!" Crystal calls out before looking at the corridor and lightbulb one last time before flying after her friends and teammates.Back within the corridor, a pair of red eyes open, revealing that the figure that Crystal believed to have seen was there and hadn't left nor was it a figment of the imagination.The red eyes glow brightly with mirth as the mysterious figure's lips curl slightly, revealing a set of canine like teeth, all of them sharpened to a deadly point."Soon, my child.Very soon." The figure states darkly, before his eyes disappear into the darkness, leaving no evidence that it was ever there.

Mount Justice, Happy Harbour, Rhode Island: 6:18pm, January 1st, 2016:

P.O.V Change: Dick 'Nightwing' Grayson

I duck underneath a wild haymaker from La'gaan.I throw two elbow strikes to his abdomen, he grunts in pain from the strikes but his Atlantean physiology helps withstand the blows.He goes to front kick me to my back, but I roll away and kick back up to my feet.We circle each other before I charge ahead, he is caught off guard from how quick I get I to his comfort zone, so quick that he slightly panics and begins swinging wildly, his training seemingly being forgotten for a split second but it's long enough.I technically move his arm and throw quick technical strikes to the weak points along his arm and ribs.He shrugs off the pain as he throws more punches, instead of blocking, I dodge the blows.....a wide smile on my face.I can see La'gaan getting angrier by the second, but I can also see that he is breathing much heavier, even with his physiology, he still is taking a toll on his breathing.He tries to push me back with a kick but I dodge around and duck underneath a wild backfist, seeing him wide open....I throw a three straight punches to his solar plexus and elbow to his sternum, he stumbles back from the blows but I grip his arm and pull him back, with him off balance and unguarded, I hip toss him over and slam him to the ground.He grunts in pain as the computer signals a hologram image of the fight and La'gaan's loss.He sits up and slams his fist to the ground in frustration."Neptune's Beard!You did to me again." He says with mild frustration before switching to acceptance.

I smile as I offer my arm to help him up."And I don't care how many years you trained as Robin, then Nightwing.....one of these days, I'm going to see that dodge coming, and then....you're mine, chump." La'gaan says jokingly as I pat him on the shoulder."I don't doubt it, Lagoon Boy.Though you will still have to work on getting under breathing under control, managing your movements.....and not to let anger and fear overcome you." I offer to him which makes his slumps his shoulders and rub the back of his head, like a child when they get caught red handed."Yeah, sorry about that." He apologizes but I chuckle and pat him on the shoulder."Don't feel bad about yourself, no one, absolutely no one, has a natural affinity for fighting.It's a taught practice and everyone starts out clueless, you are not clueless...you just have a few tweaks that need tweaking, nothing to worry about." I say to him as he smiles and nods thankfully to me."Though, with that said.Mal, what was the final score?" I called out to the only other person in the room.Malcolm Duncan, more commonly known as Mal, the Team's operations coordinator."Do you want a percentage or...." Mal says jokingly which makes La'gaan groan and I chuckle."Nevermind, it doesn't matter." I say as I turn to La'gaan, seeing him light up, secretly glad to not have to hear the score.I hear the Zeta opening as the computer starts speaking just as La'gaan runs over to the Zeta station, awaiting Delta Squad's and more importantly, M'gann's return.I turn back to Mal and mouth 'later' with a smirk which he returns."Recognized.Super Boy, B-04.Miss Martian, B-05.Bumblebee, B-17.Beast Boy, B-19.Robin, B-20.Blue Beetle, B-22.Crystal, B-23." The computer finishes as me and Mal walk over to greet the squad.Bumblebee.....Karen, enlarges to her proper size and greets Mal."Whoa, slow down there, beautiful.I want to tell what's on for tonight." Mal says to Karen who walks by him with an apologetic look, while removing for mask."Oh, I'm sorry, baby.I'm already late for my sessions with Dr. Plamer and Dr. Connors.Rain check, honey, ok?" She says quickly before running to her dorm."Rain check.Sure." Mal says dejectedly as I walk by him."Maybe next week." I say jokingly as he playfully snarls at me."Not funny, 'Wing." He says as I smile and walk up to M'gann and Connor but M'gann is preoccupied with being welcomed by La'gaan.....in a display that definitely should have been left for the bedroom.Seriously, if their tongues dance with each other any longer, both of them are going to end up on the floor...not that I can talk.....I remember when Bruce would chew my ass out, both as Bruce and as Batman whenever I brought a girl home for the night.He was not happy when that happened the first time, or the second.....or the third...fourth and so on.My thoughts are broken when Connor, Beast Boy and Blue Beetle walk by me.

"I'm hitting the showers." Connor states in an even tone as Wolf gets up from his corner and follows after him.The mutated wolf snorts and growls lightly at M'gann and La'gaan before continuing on his way after Connor.I can only assume that Connor is having the same idea as Wolf, but is keeping it to himself.Good...not in a particular mood to deal with that mess, tonight.Blue Beetle retracts his armour before gazing at Beast Boy."Now that sounds like a plan.Especially for you, hermano." Blue Beetle, Jaime, states to Beast Boy before walking towards his dorm.Beast Boy gazes at himself before flickering his tail of sewer water and sewage."It's not that bad, is it?" Beast Boy, Gar, asks me as I step up to him.....it's only due to being exposed to some messed up smells, and my training that I didn't recoil from the stench coming from him.I give him a comforting smile."Take a good hour.....and scrub.....vicariously." I say jokingly as he nods his head and heads off to the showers, leaving me, Robin, the green couple, Mal and Crystal in the room."Clayface is safely back in his Arkham cell." Robin.....Tim, says to me."Good work." I say to him but he quickly shrugs."I didn't much, I just..." He says, trying to pass me off but I shake my head and hold up my hand."Doesn't matter, not matter if it's something big or something small.....if the mission goes smoothly and without a hitch, then I'm happy." I say to him but I do notice the contemplative look behind his domino mask."What happened?" My joking tone drops into one of seriousness and concern."Oh, nothing to bad, just....." Tim says before his eyes trail to Crystal, who is sitting on some storage boxes in the corner...she holds her head in her hands before breathing deeply.She sits in a meditative position and draws her powers forth.A few pebbles of rock raises from the ground as the air around her starts to get heavier before splitting, one becoming a visible gale of wind and other condensing into a stream of water.A flicker of fire sparks to life before circling her, along with the pebbles, water and wind."What happened?" I ask Tim who shrugs."She did great during the mission, was able to keep Clayface on his toes....but, she said that she heard something when fighting and got distracted.It took her out of the fight and when she came to and we asked her about what happened and all she did was that she heard something and it must have just been her, seeing as no one else heard it.She said that she hasn't gotten enough sleep lately and that might be the reason for being lax.And if I'm being honest, not that it bothers me, but that excuse has been used quite a bit for the last few months.....and I'm starting to get worried about her." Tim says as I nod."Ok, hit the showers, I'll talk to her." I say as he nods and walks off.

I head over to Crystal who is still mediating, she does this a lot.....more so lately, she does it in order to understand for abilities a bit more and to be able to control it more."Crystal." I call out to her as all the elements stop moving and her eyes open."Well, the prodigal son graces me with his presence.How can I help you, sir?" She asks jokingly as I hold my arms behind my back, a small smile etched onto my face."I heard that you performed very well, tonight." I say to her as she smiles mirthfully before pulling back in mock outrage."That is very inconsiderate of you, Mr. Tall, Dark and Funny....and as a matter of fact, I didn't know you worked as a strip club manager on your off days, something you want to talk about?Are you a pimp all of a sudden?" My eyes widened when I heard her statement and I quickly back track when I realised what I said."That's not....uh, sorry, if that came off a bit weird." I say awkwardly as she laughs, pulling her knee up, playing her elbow up and resting her cheek on her fist, an amused smile on her face."Even after being trained by the most feared and intimidating man that has ever lived.....you are still so easy to tease." She jokingly states as I hang my head embarrassingly."Maybe so.....maybe a bit too so.....but we're getting off track.Robin told me about what happened tonight." I say as she drops her knees and looks to the floor."So you know about...?" She says quietly as I nod."About you hearing things, yeah.Wanna talk about it?" I ask her but she shakes her head."It's nothing.I've just been having trouble with sleep, nothing to worry about." She says reassuringly as I stare at her."Crystal....if something is bothering you or something is going on.....them I need to know.Something that affects you, affects the Team and I can't in good faith trust that a situation like this won't happen again.Tonight, you got lucky.....next time, maybe not." I say but she looks away.I walk up and take her hand in mine."You can trust me, you know that right?" I ask her as she turns to face me, a reassuring smile on her face."I know and do you know that you can trust me?"

She says as I smile and cup her cheek in my hand, she leans into it with a relaxing moan."You know that I do." I say as she smiles and takes my hand and unstraps the glove before removing it, she softly places a kiss on my knuckles, leaving small patches of ice along them.....I smile as she heats her fingers and lightly melts the ice, the cold and warm feeling sending tingles up my arm."Then trust me when I say that I'm alright.....I just need to get some rest and in the morning, I'll be right as rain." She says as I nod, taking her for her word."Ok, but let me know when something happens, ok?" I asks as she nods, placing a soft kiss on my cheek."Don't worry, Bird Boy....you'll probably be the first to know." She says with a suggestive tone and smile as my cheeks heat up from her innuendo." I smile and softly kiss her."Ok, how about this?Do you want to go out later?Grab a bite, go to a movie?Ladies choice, of course." I say as I lean forward and place my arms beside her, trapping what on the box.She smiles mischievously and pecks her lips to mine."Why Mr Grayson, are you asking me out on a date?" She questions with a knowing smile as I lean in closer."Maybe.....maybe I plan to steal you away in the night and have my way with you...nice, soft, warm...slow." I say before quieting down to a whisper, my head leans closer, my mouth is mere inches away from her neck, my breath sending small shivers through her.She softly moans and rests her forehead onto my shoulder and collarbone."Dick...." She whispers softly as I leave small love bites on her neck."Movie sounds good." She says in between breaths as I smile and push away from her.Good, catch you later.Love you!" I call out as I run and head back to where Mal is standing.I hear her growl under her breath causing me to smile at getting her back for her joke earlier."You are the most insufferable pain in the ass that I have ever met, Nightwing.Love you, too....jackass!" She shouts out to me as I laugh.M'gann is currently being held from behind by La'gaan and both them and Mal are looking at me with a teasing smile."Don't what you guys are looking at but if you want to step in the spar square than I'm happy to oblige you." I say with mock anger and threat in my voice, they get the clue and look away.....all thoughts of teasing thrown right out the mind window.

Before I can say anything further, the computer pings to life with an emergency alarm as a screen pops up with Caption Atom on it."Emergency alert.United Nations Headquarters is under attack." The Captain tells us as Mal checks the ops screen.I walk up beside him to see what was going on."Beta is only two blocks away." Mal tells me as I look back up to Captain Atom."Caption Atom, Beta Squad is in the vicinity.ETA three minutes." I say which the Captain nods to, the screen disappears as I raise my hand to my ear."Beta, the United Nations Headquarters is under attack, head over and get a read on the situation, help out anyway you can." I say as I await a response."Roger that, Nightwing.Batgirl, out." Barbara answers the affirmative before signing off.Now...we wait.

United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York: 6: 25pm, January 1st, 2016:

P.O.V: None

Smoke raises from one of the upper floors of the UN Headquarters.Within the building, a trail of carnage and destructions left in wake as three UN security guards make their way to the source of the destruction.They cock their shotguns and begin opening fire.The source is undeterred and unscathed by the gunfire.He scoffs and pulls his massive harpoon rifle off his back and fires it at one of the guards.The harpoon detaches as it fired, the sharp point impales the guard in a shower of blood.The guard doesn't have any time to even scream before he is yanked side to side, battering his comrades, the force of the battering is strong enough to send the other two guards into the walls, cracking them on impact.The source presses a button and pulls the harpoon back, dragging the now decreased guard along with it.The source presses his boot roughly against the corpse and pulls the harpoon out, along with the guards' entrails.The source is revealed to be an enormous humanoid alien, with pale white skin and black markings on his face.The alien has clothing that resembles a biker with a leather type material jacket with an unknown alien fur hide and bones stitched into it.Leather like pants with red markings and an alien skull belt buckle complete the look.Blood red eyes full of malice and amusement gaze over the battered and gored bodies of the guards, chuckling at their attempt to stop him.The alien steps on the dead guard beneath him, crushing the skull along with the brain before continuing on towards his target.The alien speaks in an unknown language, scaring the holy shit out of the remaining guards.A man is being held behind them, protectively....the man being Secretary General Tseng.The alien narrows his eyes before pointing his harpoon weapon at the man.A sentence is said darkly and the guards and Tseng can guess that it's not anything nice...or promising.The guards push Tseng into his office, the Secretary General bolts for his desk for some cover.One of the guards tries to barricade the door while the other guards the General but the alien kicks....not the door.....but the entire wall down, crushing the guard underneath.The last remaining guard fires his assault rifle at the alien but still, the alien remains unfazed..... completely unbothered by the belting of gunfire.The alien raises an eyebrow at the attempt and chuckles darkly.....the alien grabs and crushes the barrel end of the rifle and snatches it from the guard's hand...the alien swings the rifle back and hits the guard in the neck and head, the force of the swing and hit, shatters every bone in the guards neck, nearly decapitating the guard.

The alien speaks again but directed to the General is backed up against the wall in terror of the albino terror in front of him."Please!I don't understand!I don't know what you want!" Tseng says to the alien who hmms in contemplation.He presses a button on his belt before gazing up at the General."Translating Intergalactic." A metallic robotic voice sounds as the alien breathes in deeply."So that's how you want to play?Fine.Contract calls for the Main Man to put on a show for the locals.So, last time I ask.....surrender or die." The alien now speaks in perfect English to the General whose eyes widen."Contract?Show?!" Tseng questions in disbelief, causing the alien to growl in irritation."Die, it is." The alien says before walking towards Tseng.....when all of a sudden, a blonde teen in red tights, a black skin tight muscle shirt with a double yellow 'W' printed on it.The alien is caught off guard by the teens arrival....the teen throws a heavy haymaker to the alien's gut, causing a shockwave to reverbrate, shattering all of the glass windows.But to the shock of the teen, the blow only sent the alien to a knee, like he was barely affected or hurt by the blow.Behind the blonde teen, another teen swings her way in from her grapple gun.The teen has red hair, blue eyes and wearing a feminine batsuit.This is Barabara Gordon, AKA the Batgirl."Wonder Girl, keep him busy.Me and Raven will get General Tseng to safety." Batgirl says as another teen makes her way into the room.This one is younger than the other two but her demeanour and presence sends an uncontrolled shiver down all but the alien's spine.The teen has pale grey skin with purple indigo eyes, wearing a full body black leotrad with a dark purple coak that covers her entire body.This is Rachel Roth, more commonly known as Raven.Raven manipulates her mastery of magic and her soul self to hover down and land within the room.

"You got it, Batgirl." Wonder Girl, AKA Cassandra Sandsmark or simply Cassie, says cockily in respond, cracking her knuckles at the downed alien, who growls in irritation at his hunt being distrubed."Who are you people?Where are you taking me?" Tseng questions as Batgirl pulls a tapestry down, revealing a secret elevator."Down." Raven says in passing as she phases through the door.The elevator doors open, revealing Raven standing in the corner, her hood up over her eyes and her cloak keeping anything hidden away, making her resemble a shadowy reaper or a shadowy ghost, Tseng starts to hyperventilate from Ravens presence but Batgirl pushes him into the lift, pressing the button for the UN Chambers.

Back with Wonder Girl, she bops and jumps up and down like a boxer, ready for a fight but the alien scoffs and spits a gob of saliva at her feet."That's just disgusting.....but no matter.Now, let's see how much punishment you can..." Wonder Girl starts to say as she flies forwards and throws a hook to the alien who barely flinched from the hit.Wonder Girl stares shocked as the alien grips her face and throws her into the wall with force.The alien scoffs again and heads toward the lift shaft."Curry?Keasy fem thinks she can take down the Main Man?Curry!" The alien questions to himself as he fires his harpoon at the lift doors and pulls them off.

Back with the others, Raven raises her head slightly, gazing up at the lift roof."He's coming.Prepare yourselves." Raven states to the other two occupants.Beige ethey can say anything, she encases them in her magic and soul self, phasing herself, Batgirl and Tseng through the floor before dropping down in a controlled speed to the bottom.Raven stops before the alst floor and blasts the doors open.All three of them set on the floor as Raven pulls her magic balc to herself, Batgirl shakes the cold feeling of the soul magic while Tseng shivers visible, his breath turning to a cold mist as he tires to warm up."W-w-what w-was that?" Tseng questions but Raven waves him off and pulls him down the corridor."We don't have much time.Wonder Girl won't be take to take that alien much longer and he is coming....we need to go." She states as Batgirl opens a holographic map as she runs beside the duo."We can escape through the General Assembly Hall." Batgirl says as a crash is heard behind them.They gaze back and see the alien crush the elevator lift like a can of soda.Batgirl pulls a metal.ball form her many belt punches and throws it to the aliens feet, unleashing a thick cloud of purple smoke.Batgirl grabs Tseng and pulls toward the Hall.Raven goes to follow but the growl of the alien catches her attention.She turns anck and stands her ground against the behemoth of a creature."Haha....keasy fem thinks it can take the Main Man.Strong fem thought so...strong fem thought wrong." The alien says while pulling his harpoon gun off his back.Raven states back unblinking and raises her hand, purple and black energy is released, resembling a controlled but chaotic purple flame.Instead of blasting the alien, Raven rest Sher hand on the wall beside her, her magic dighing in and travelling through the wall.....Ravens magic imbuing in the pipelines and metal structure of the walls.The pipelines and metal bursts through the wall and begin wrapping the alien.The alien is taken off guard but eh use of magic as he tries to overpower the metal but Raven applies more magjc and focuses it on the floor, more piping and metal burst out and wrap around the alien.Raven reaches forward and slowly closes her fist.The metal begins tighting as the alien grunts and growls in anger as he tries to powert through but the strength of Raven's magic is more then enough to keep the alien from pushing himself free of the magic.With one last crunch of metal, Raven feels her magic back as the alien crashes to the floor in a metal concoon.Flooring slightly, Raven rockets towards the Hall, catching up to Batgirl and Tseng.The alien groans and mumbles under his breath."Basitch." He says before powering through the metal, bending the steel like paper, freeing himself effortlessly from his metal induced prison.

Batgirl and Tseng run throughs hall with Raven flying above them.They hear a whoosh of air and Batgirl and Tseng duck behind a table while Raven forms a shield to deflect the harpoon.The harpoon is pulled back to the alien who growls and begins to run toward Raven but Wonder Girl flies from behind him and takes him out by the legs."Hold it, clown face!We weren't done dancing." Wonder Girl states as the alien stands and growls at her."Keasy Fem!" He shouts as Wonder Girl raises an eyebrow."Yeah, 'keasy fem'.I've been called worse.I think?" Wonder Girl questions to herself before flying towards the alien.He throws a straight right but Wonder Girl ducks and uppercuts the alien before throwing a spinning roundhouse to his jaw, causing his to stumble back.Wonder Girl pulls her lasso out and lasso's the alien but he simply laughs at her attempt and pulls her to him.She yelps in surprise before being battered by the alien.Wonder Girl is sent hurdling to the roof, cracking the stone from the impact.Raven and Batgirl watch as Wonder Girl falls and cracks an oak table upon landing.

Batgirl narrows her eyes and gazes at Tseng."When I tell you, run!" She says before jumping up and towarss the alien.Tseng makes a break for the doors, not seeing that Raven is narrowing her eyes at the retreating general.Batgirl lands on the aliens shoksrt, placing tow small bombs to his shoulder before jumping off.The alien grunts and tries to crush her by folding a table on her but she expertly parkours and escapes danger."Planet of Keasy Fem." The alien says with a dark joking tone, not noticing the two bombs beeping louder.He raises an eyebrow when he finally does but is sent stubling back from the bombs going off.

Hearing Wonder Girl flying towards him, he chuckles and ducks under her wild punch, grabbing her leg in the process and throwing her into Batgirl.The bat themed heroine is given no time to prepare for the collision as both of them are sent to the floor in a heap.The alien turns to see if Raven is going to attack but to the aliens confusion, their eis no sign of her.The alien shrugs and jumps in front of Tseng, cutting off his escape.Tseng yelps in terror as the alien gases down, his blood red eyes filled with anticipation and hunger."Time to die, Krolo." He states as he goes to grab Tseng but a purple and black portal opens up in between the two as the alien steps back from the unexpected interruption.Raven floats up slowly, leveling her eyes up to the most bigger and taller adversary.Raven stares with glowing white eyes and zero emotion on her face.....her cloak billowing from the raw power of her aura.Meanwhile the alien is growling with anger at the one Keasy Fem that managed to be a challenge for him on this hunt.But to his confusion, Raven's hand glows softly with indigo energy as she hovers her fingertips over the aliens pectoral.....she taps him suddenly and a burst of magic is unleashed.....releasing a massive shockwave that sends the alien flying back at near supersonic speeds.He crashes into the wall with a thud, causing the stone wall to break apart and crash down upon him.Raven drops down to the floor, reeling her magic back in."Thank you.You saved me." Tseng says as Raven turns to him.Her eyes convey no emotion as she walks up to him.....Tseng backs up slightly when Raven gazes at him with her steely gaze."What are you?" She questions him, her tone conveying zero patience and demanding an answer that will satisfy her."What?What are you doing?" Tseng confusingly questions but before Raven can answer, the alien begins to move and get back to his feet.Noticing the alien coming to, Raven disappears in a portal and comes out next to a coming too Batgirl and Wonder Girl."What are you doing?You have to get him out of here." Batgirl says as she notices that Tseng is all alone and Raven is just watching."Something is not right." Raven simply states as the alien bursts through the tumble, his eyes gazing around for Raven.Raven subtly casts an Invisibility Spell, making her, Batgirl and Wonder Girl near invisible.The alien grunts at seeing that his prey is gone but he chuckles when he sees his target all alone."All alone, Krolo.Keasy Fem can't save you now." The alien states as the alien grabs Tseng and lifts him but he arm, almost like Jesus on a cross.Wonder Girl and Batgirl go to save Tseng but they are stopped by a shield."What are you doing?!He's going to kill him!" Wonder Girl screams to Raven who is impassive to her cries and concerns."Good." Raven states as Batgirl and Wonder Girl are taken aback by her cold demeanor and gaze at the alien and Tseng.Tseng screams as he is pulled by his arms, to the surprise of Batgirl and Wonder Girl, Tseng is revealed to be a robot, piloted by a smaller, yellowish green alien.The bigger alien picks the smaller one up and out of the fake Tseng, gazing at him with mirth.The smaller alien screeches in panic and tries to get free but the bigger alien tightens his grip."Quit your squirming, Krolo.The Main Man's contract is complete." The alien states as Raven drops her Invisibility Spell and shield, revealing herself, Batgirl and Wonder Girl to the alien.The pale alien presses his skull belt buckle before turning to the trio of heroines.The alien gazes at the trio with zero concern but his gaze lingers on Raven, a hungry gaze enters his eyes.....the gaze of a fighter that wants another round."Until next time, cloaky.Keasy Fem! Your world's your world!" The alien says to Raven before addressing them all as a whole.

The wall behind him is blasted open, luckily Raven was able to put up a shield in time to not let any of them get hit by the debris.The trio of heroines stare shocked at seeing a hovering, flying alien bike outside of the hall.The alien jumps onto the bike and places the smaller alien on the dash, a collar-like cuff locks on its neck.The smaller alien screeches and tries to get free but the bigger alien speaks an alien language which the smaller one seems to understand, so much that it stops squirming.The bike roars to life as bets of fire is blasted out of the engine as the alien rockets towards the night sky.Wonder Girl steps out of the hall, gazing up at the trailing stream of fire and smoke."I-I think....clown face was some kind of.....alien." Wonder Girl states as Raven and Batgirl inspect the fake Tseng."And that's not even the scary part." Batgirl states as Raven follows up."If this robot is an impersonation of the Secretary General.....where is the real Tseng?And what was that smaller alien doing on Earth?" Raven states as all three heroines gaze at each other before gazing down at the destroyed robot chassis......three questions are running through all their minds.Who are they?How are they here?And most importantly, what do they want?

The Jefferson Hotel, Washington D.C: 4:47pm, January 3rd, 2016:

P.O.V: Blake 'Black Bolt' Burton

"Does he have anything better to do with his life then to complain and drone on and on about this?" I signed to my girlfriend, Raquel, as we get ready for our dinner date later tonight."Think of it from his perspective.A big, pale alien lands on Earth unnoticed, raid one of the most secure and guarded headquarters on the planet, kills countless people and rips the Secretary General in half, revealing to the robot to be a robot, operated by a smaller, uglier alien...I think you can cut him some slack for being a bit worried and afraid." Raquel answers back to me as I raise an eyebrow and turn the TV up."You need to understand ladies and gentlemen....our UN Secretary General, one of the highest political positions in the world, is a fake robot being controlled by an invasive alien species.How long has he been a fake?How many others have been replaced by these fake robots and pilot aliens?Better question is.....why hasn't the Justice League come forward and say something about it!?What are they keeping under wraps?Do they have information that they don't want to be public?Do they know who and what these aliens are and what they want?These are the questions that should be asked....no.....demanded!" The subject of mine and Raquel's discussion, G. Gordon Godfrey, states on the news.I turn the TV off and turn to Raquel, a raised eyebrow and smug smile etched on my face.Raquel sighs in defeat before nodding her head."Ok, ok....it's a little much and very annoying.But this is the reality of our work, Blake.Not everyone is going to agree with what we do, and what we keep away.And he'll continue to criticise us until he is either proven hundred percent right or wrong.There is no middle ground with guys like Godfrey." She says to me as she puts on her backless, red dress.I nod at her reasoning and throw the remote away, onto the hotel bed."I don't have a problem with his opinion, it's his own and whatnot.....but there has got to be a limit of how much he can go on and on and repeat the same thing again and again.It's getting old and getting more annoying by the day, doesn't help that what he says hurts deep down.We do a lot good.....we have been doing good for years and yet, he has a problem with it.It's a little upsetting, that's all." I sign back as I back the last of my bags, and put my two piece suit on.Raquel chuckles when she sees me struggling with my tie."Here.Let me." She says as she helps me with my tie.As she is trying, I gaze lovingly at the woman in front of me.I'll admit, first time I saw her...I was smitten.I thought she was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen.....I still remember the embarrassing side eyes and jokes that Dick, Wally and Matt would tease me with.When she joined the Team, I was so looking forward to working with her as a teammate and getting to know her as a friend...hoping that maybe....we could be something more.New Year's might have started out as a nightmare but when that clock struck midnight and she kissed me on the cheek...that hope became even more prevalent.The years since we met have been a wild ride of ups and downs, arguments and wild make ups but we always managed to make it work.I can happily say that I am happy with my life and...tonight, at dinner.....I plan to ask her.Ask her to marry me.

"Not everyone will agree with us, Blake.But we have to take the good with the bad and keep moving forward.The people deserve to have someone to be there and protect them.And that's is, that's what we do.If someone has a problem with that then tough....we are here to stay and to defend.That's the job and I am more than happy to listen to him moan about it then to be deterred by it." She says, bringing me back into our prior conversation but all thoughts of the conversation have exited my mind.....only Raquel will ever, ever, have that effect on me.She fixes my tie as she looks up at me, my eyes conveying love and affection for her and my smile begins to stretch across my face."What?" She chuckles in confusion as I wrap my hand around her bare back and pull her closer to me, she yelps in surprise as I crash my lips against her.She quickly gets with the program and returns the kiss tenfold, her arms reaching up and wrapping around my neck.We break apart and lean our heads against each other."What was that for?" She whispers to me as I pull my feet hand up."You look so beautiful.And it was for you.....for being in my life.I love you, Raquel....with all my heart." I sign as her eyes start teary up."Oh baby.I love you, too." She says as I lightly kiss her again.She moans softly as I get a bit daring and lower my hand a little bit lower.Raquel chuckles as she pulls away with a laugh."None of that now.We have a dinner reservation to get to....but maybe later.....we can continue with this." She says suggestively as I smile and peck her lips one last time before we break apart and exit the hotel room.

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"Do you think that Like will be ok at Matt and Jade's?" Raquel asks me as I nod my head.Ever since Luna was born, Jade an Raquel have agreed with having play dates for the two kids but it was mostly with both of them present.Luke has never really been alone with someone other than the two of us, Crystal or with Icon.While Jade and Raquel had a tough start in their relationship....with Jade being an ex assassin and Raquel with the hero mentality....but after a lot of talks, mainly from me and Matt....the two women came to an agreement and put their differences and distrust aside...and now, five years later.....they are sisters in all but blood.Which is exactly why I trust her and Matt with Luke, especially now, since they have had Luna.....gives Luke someone around his age that he can play and grow with."Of course.Jade was the one that suggested that he stay with them and that we go out.He'll be fine, honey." I sign and hug her closely, she hums in understanding and leans into my embrace."What would I do without your logic?" She says jokingly as I silently Huff and gaze at her."Just my logic, huh?" I sign, causing her to laugh and peck my cheek."Amongst other things." She says as I shake my head with mirth and hug her closer to me.We were about to press the button for the lift, when we got a ring from our league earpiece.We look at each other and quickly make our way back to our room, locking all the doors, shutting all the windows and curtains.

Raquel presses her earpiece."Rocket and Black Bolt reporting." She says in all seriousness as I press my earpiece."Rocket, Black Bolt....this is Caption Atom reporting from the Watchtower.Green Lantern has returned from Oa, he has confirmation on our alien subjects.Rendezvous with Zatanna at the Hall of Justice and report to the Watchtower for debriefing." Captain Atom speaks through the comm as Raquel inhales deeply and nods her head."Affirmative.Rocket and Black Bolt, out." She says in a slightly dejected tone as the Captain signs off.I drop my hand and see Raquel sighing heavily, her shoulders slump and her head hang low.I walk over and pull her into a hug."I'm sorry, Blake....I know you were looking forward to tonight." She says apologetically.She is right, I had been looking forward to this....it's been about 2 and a half months since we last went out, just for ourselves.Of course, having Luke has taken up most of our time but we always managed.While it is a bummer that we can't go out.....there is always going to be another night.I tap her on her shoulder blade, which catches her attention and makes her look up at me."It's ok....there will always be a next time." I sign with a comforting smile as she nods and hugs me tightly.I kiss her on her brow and break away softly."Come on, let's not keep Zatanna waiting." I sign as I begin removing my suit, Raquel nods and does the same with her dress.With our backs to each other, I grab the small box from my inside pocket and open it, gazing sadly at the beautiful diamond ring...I breathe softly in a silent sigh as I close the box and tuck it away in one of my bags.Tonight might be over for Blake Burton, but he has a job to do and Black Bolt needs to be prepared for everything and anything.I pulled out my new and improved armoured suit.With some help from Dick and Batman, my suit has seen some modifications over the years.I first started out, on the Team, with a general idea of a suit, with an insignia to now a full fledged superhero, armoured suit.The suit has extra padding around my joints like my elbows and knees for added protection and for maximum damage from strikes.My torso is more insulated and protected to withstand my super sonic speeds and to protect my vital organs from knives and gunfire.My wings are made from a thin titanium and carbon alloy, allowing them to be lighter and maneuverable in flight, as well as strong to withstand damage and the G's.The lightning 'V' insignia hasn't changed much but it now branches off through the suit and is made from the same titanium carbon alloy as the wings, offering a bit more protection against knives, blunt objects and gunfire.

"Ready?" Raquel asks as I turn and see her in her usual get up that she still had from five years ago.A formfitting blue shirt and partial hood, with a half zipped jumpsuit over the top.Her iconic and technological advance belt wraps around her waist, completing the look.It's not exactly the same as it was five years ago, only a few small changes here and there, like the added elbow and knee pads, as well as the knuckle padded gloves and combat boots.

I nod silently at her question as we make our way to the window and fly out.My fork glows slightly as I focus my abilities on flight, Raquel uses the belt to create a dark pink aura around herself, allowing her to hover and project flight.We speed over to the Hall of Justice, I tap Raquel on the shoulder, catching her attention.I point to the ground and see a crowd of people, most likely need reporters if judging by all the cameras and news vans.....but our focus is drawn away when we spot Zatanna walking along a path up to the Hall.We fly down and intercept her, catching her by surprise."Raq-sorry...Rocket, Black Bolt.....good to see you guys.You get Captain Atom's alert?" Zatanna almost states Raquel's name but she quickly catches herself.Even after all these years, she still can sometimes stumble about with her words.....adds to her character, many would say."Hey Zatanna, good to see you too and yeah, we did." Raquel says with a hint of dejection but not as much as before.Zatanna raises an eyebrow, hearing the dejection in Raquel's voice as I step in."Date night." I sign to Zatanna whose eyes widened in realisation."Oh!Oh, I'm sorry, guys." She says apologetically but we wave her off."Nah, don't be sorry.This is the job after all.Though....Blake did promise that we would have another night....soon, I hope." Raquel says before whispering to Zatanna.....she knows that I can hear her and she doesn't even try to hide her amusement.Zatanna chuckles and pats me on the back."You are such a good boyfriend, Blake.Maybe I should get one like you....the tall, strong, stoic and silent type." Zatanna says jokingly as she and Raquel laugh at her joke and my embarrassment.I shake my head at their humor but secretly but silently, laugh to myself about the joke."Well....let's get a move on, I think we might be late as it is." Zatanna states as we hurry our pace and soon come to the front doors of the hall.

"Thanks, Gordon.This is Cat Grant reporting live from the Hall of Justice." I hear one of the reporters, the infamous Cat Grant, state as the three of us roll up to the double doors.Why is it....that every time the League is getting asked for questions that pertain to our credibility, she is the one that asks the questions?I get it, she is just a reporter, trying to earn a living...but it's too much to just be a coincidence.Like, she was at Taipei for the Peace Summit, five years ago and just earlier this year...she was in San Francisco, doing a story on the metahuman community there.When I saw and heard that report and the number of subtle hints of meta discrimination that was said had left me fuming.....it was only Raquel's words that kept me from flying to San Francisco and doing something drastic."I'm going to try and get a statement from three of the League's newest members, Zatanna, Rocket and Black Bolt." Grant says a she offers her microphone to us but we stroll right past her, though Zatanna does turn to address Grant."No comment." She says kindly as the doors open, revealing the League's public affairs officer and spokesperson, Catherine Cobert."Ms Grant, I told you.The League will issue a statement soon." Cobert states to Grant before closing the doors behind us.I can only imagine what Grant is thinking and the rant that Gordon is going to unleash with our unspoken actions...oh well, add to the list of problems that we deal with on a daily basis.

"I'm sorry about that.I've told those reporters dozens of times that the League will issue a statement soon but they seem to keep badgering me for more.I apologize for that." Cobert apologizes to us but I wave her off."There's nothing to forgive, Ms. Cobert." I sign to her for which Raquel translates to Cobert who nods her head gratefully at me.We enter the secret Zeta platform and co-ordinate to the Watchtower.

Watchtower: 5:08pm, January 3rd, 2016:

"Recognize.Zatanna.25.Rocket.26.Black Bolt.27." The computer states as we step out of the Zeta, into the main arrival room where Batman, Captain Atom, John Stewart Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter are.....and to our surprise....Dick, Connor and M'gann are also here.As we make our way down to the floor to meet with the group, my eyes trail to the other occupant in the room.....someone I don't recognize, a blonder hair man with a lab coat on."Big guy's Lobo.He's an intergalactic bounty hunter." Lantern's report brings me out of my thoughts as I trunk my focus back to him and the screen above him, showing the two unknown aliens.I stand next to Raquel as Dick, M'gann and Connor turn to the three of us and nod their greetings, happy smiles on their faces, as we return our own greetings in kind."Extremely dangerous but not likely to not return.The little guy is another story.That's a Krolotean.And Kroloteans, always travel in packs." Lantern tells in a foreboding tone.....I assume that these Kroloteans don't have the most credible reputation out there.....good to know."Meaning more of them are on Earth." Batman states as he turns to the rest of us."How is that a group of Kroloteans are able to get on Earth to begin with, let alone impersonate the Secretary General?" I sign to the group as Raquel translates for those who don't know sign."Black Bolt is right in his inquiry.Though I believe my friend, may have the answers and vital information that should shine a light on these events." Manhunter states, turning to the unknown man...who steps forward and waves awkwardly to everyone."Some of you have not met Adam Strange of Star Lab's O'Dell Initiative.He is the scientist responsible for maintaining the Zeta beam technology that we use for teleportation." Manhunter states as I cross my arms and nod in understanding.Guess that's why he was allowed up here."I was wondering why a stranger was allowed on the top-secret Watchtower." Connor mentally and sarcastically states as we turn to him.I nod at literally what I just thought about....Connor spoke the words right out of my head."And he has a story to tell." Manhunter continues and finishes as he lets Strange address the room.

"Uh, it's a little involved.Ah, I wish I had some visual aids or something." Strange says as he looks around the room for something that could aid him."I can assist you." Manhunter says as his eyes glow red, Strange grabs his head as if he is having a migraine or headache."We are all linked, Adam.What you remember, we will see." Manhunter mentally states as Strange's eyes widen at hearing Manhunter's voice in his head.We wait for Strange as he comes down from his bewilderment."Uh...great?" He says confusingly before breathing in deeply."Well, I was performing a routine Zeta two upgrade....when something went wrong." Stange mentally says as we all see his memory, of him during repairs and maintenance on a Zeta tube, before it powers up and teleports Strange away."And I found myself transported halfway across the galaxy to a planet called Rann." Stange continues as we see the memory Strange on an unknown and very peculiar world known as Rann.The image changes, the memory Strange is frightened by a humanoid individual in a sort of lab coat."There was a scientist there.Sarath, he was conducting his own experiments in enhanced, very enhanced, Zeta beam technology." Strange explains as more images are shown, of memory Strange and the alien scientist, Sarath."It took weeks to even establish basic communication, but Sardath eventually made me understand that some of his Zeta tech was stolen."

Strange finishes as Manhunter cuts the mental images and connection."Fits the Krolotean M.O. Their entire culture revolves around stolen tech." Lantern explains as I connect the dots.The Kroloteans were able to infiltrate Earth with stolen Zeta tech from a planet called Rann, from a scientist called Sardath.With the stolen tech, they were able to infiltrate Earth without detecting the League to their presence.But what I don't get is why they decided to impersonate the Secretary General.Is it an invasion strategy?A further way to get access to technology?What's the end game with these Kroloteans?My thoughts are broken when Strange speaks up."Sardath detected transmissions between a single location on Rann and multiple locations on Earth.He was attempting to trace those when he teleported me to Rann.He gave me this, though.It detects traces of radiation, specifically Zeta beam radiation." Strange says as he pulls an alien device out of his pocket, the device beeps to life, showing a yellow hologram of Earth with red dots....possibly where the Kroloteans are hidden.

"This device can pinpoint all the locations where the Kroloteans have beamed to Earth." Strange finishes as Atom uncrosses his arms."Then I'm ordering a two-pronged attack.We'll stage simultaneous raids on every Krolotean target on Earth while a small team of Leaguers travels to Rann with Strange to cut off the Kroloteans at the source." Atom orders as he stands Strange, who clears his throat."Ahem, that might be a bit of a problem with that second prong." Strange says as he fiddles with the device.We all stand confused at his worry and concern about the second prong, the device opens up slightly, showing a dim yellow glow."Not entirely sure on the why, but Earthlings are persona non grata in Rann's corner of the galaxy." Stange says as the device shows images of Leaguers.....all of them in an aggressive manner, like they are attacking or destroying something."And these six Leaguers are wanted criminals." Strange says softly as our eyes widen at seeing the six Leaguers being, Batman, Superman, Manhunter, Lantern, Hawkwoman and Wonder Woman.My eyes widen at recognising them as the missing Leaguers from five years ago, during Savage's raid and takeover of the Watchtower and the League.

"What?!" Lantern says in shock as Dick steps forward, turning to Batman."Batman, it's the missing sixteen hours!" Dick exclaims as Strange raises an eyebrow."That what?" He questions as Batman speaks up."Five years ago, Vandal Savage took complete mental control of every member of the League.These exact Leaguers went missing for a full sixteen hours." Batman states as Lantern follows up, his eyes trailing on his image on Strange's device."It never occurred to us that Savage might have sent us into space.I'll alert Hal.....he and Guy are back on Oa.....I'll need to return and try and understand the situation from the Guardians." Lantern states as Atom steps forward."Meanwhile, we have 15 other active Leaguers to send to Rann to investigate." Strange steps forward before anything else can be said.

"You're not understanding how serious the situation is.There's a planetary watch alert for every member of the League.No Leaguer will ever get on Rann." Strange says as he holds up the device, revealing the images of other League members including myself, Raquel, Zatanna, Hawkman, Fate etc. "But not all of us are Leaguers." Dick says as he interjects."I can send a squad to handle the Rann end of things and maybe find out more about the sixteen hours.Meanwhile, the rest of us will deal with the Kroloteans still on Earth." Dick states logically as Atom nods."Do it." He orders as Dick nods as he, M'gann and Connor walk over to us.I do notice that Strange calls out to Connor."Uh, if you're going....you might want to change your shirt." He says as Connor looks at his trademark shirt and raises an eyebrow at Stange before walking away.

"You know the thing about you not being Leaguers.....you three still have an open invitation to-." Zatanna mentally offers to the three of them, but their happy smiles and thankful gazes cuts her off."We know, Zee." Dick says as M'gann follows up."But we're all pretty happy...." Connor finishes M'gann's sentence."....where we are." He says as we nod at their reasoning."Still, there offer is there.Good luck." I sign to them as they nod and head towards the Zeta.

Mount Justice: 8:00pm, January 4th, 2016:

P.O.V Change: Tim 'Robin' Drake

The whole team is called and gathered in the main operations room of the Cave as Dick takes centre stage, a large hologram map of the Earth is projected behind him....with over a dozen red dots shown on the map.Before the Team was gathered, Dick gave everyone a rundown version on what happened on the Watchtower...everyone was very shocked and surprised that the League were on a planetary watch alert across the galaxy, while six of them were considered wanted criminals, not to mention the amount of bases that these Kroloteans have set up across the globe.Safe to say, everyone was a little bit on edge with the whole situation.I stand next to La'gaan as Dick begins his debrief."It's all hands on deck.The League and the Team will hit all 14 Krolotean Zeta locations simultaneously.Your properties are to destroy all Zeta tribes and, or platforms....and search for any humans the aliens may have abducted.As always, Mal is operations manager, coordinating comms from here." Dick says as I hear La'gaan start to mumble to himself."Come on, Alpha.Come on, Alpha." I smirk at his wishing.....I know for a fact that Crystal is already going to be one with Alpha.....guess sleeping with the Team leader has its perks.Not saying it's right, just saying its going to happen.

"Wonder Girl, Crystal.You two and I will be Alpha." Dick says which makes Cassie cheer."Yes!" She tells quietly as she fist bumps.....La'gaan groans and swings his head back in exasperation."Neptune's Beard!" He complains quietly as I laugh silently and glance at Crystal.She doesn't give any outward reaction to the news, only nod her head with her usual seriousness.....seriousness that she for sure got with her brother...I shudder slightly at remembering how that guy stares at you.....like you're a very annoying pest that he can't wait to grab onto, tear apart and throw away into the garbage...before blasting it into oblivion.And I thought Batman was unnerving and intimidating.....Black Bolt is a different breed of intimidation."Assignment, Philadelphia." Dick's voice breaks me from my thoughts, allowing me to hear La'gann's mumbling."Ok.Ok.Give me Beta." He whispers with crossed fingers, but Dick turns to Barbara."Batgirl, Bumblebee, Raven.You three and Wolf are Beta." He says, causing La'gaan to grit in frustration and disappointment."Assignment, Vlatavastok." Dick continues as the three heroines nod at their assignment....Wolf simply snorts and lays down...going to sleep almost immediately.How Wolf, pumped full of Kobra Venom in his system and his metabolism allows him to sleep at any time, anywhere.....I'll never know.How Superboy deals with him.....I'll never know either.

Dick turns to me, La'gaan and Beetle."Robin, La'gann, Beetle....you guys are Gamma.Prep the Bio Ship, you're headed to New Orleans." He says as Beetle nods and heads towards the hanger as La'gaan follows him, moaning in disappointment."Gamma always get the soft gigs." He says as I chuckle and go to follow them but Dick pulls me back by my shoulder."Tim.....you'll be running Gamma." He tells me which makes my eyes widen ever so slightly."What?But Dick....I've never led a squad before." I tell him....cursing myself for letting my secret insecurities come out.People have always told me that I'll be great, that I'm a natural born leader, fighter and thinker.....I'll be great as a squad leader.But.....I'm only the third Robin.....the fourth protege of the great and legendary Batman.....they don't mean to but everyone has always compared me to him....to them.I know that it shouldn't get to me.....but it does."Making this a good opportunity to get your feet wet as a field leader." Dick reasons back but I take a deep breath and narrow my eyes at him."Because it's Gamma and you're not expecting trouble, or because we're stretched thin and you have no choice?" I say with a hint of accusation in my voice.....if this was any other mission....he would have chosen someone else as field leader.There's an assortment of who he could choose from.....so why would he choose me for this?Oh, that's right.....we're running low on good, capable and experienced leaders.

Dick looks away and sighs, before looking back at me."Please.....don't die." He says softly, a hint of sadness laced in his voice.My eyes widen when he says that.Jason was a brother to Dick.About a year after the Team's formation, Batman adopted Jason and trained as the next Robin.Dick and Jason had completely different personalities but from what I've been told, they always got along.A few fights and disagreements here and there.....a few broken noses and fingers here as there.But they were, in all intents and purposes....brothers.When news came of what Harley Quinn did to Jason....how he died...Dick broke.He lost his birth parents to crime, he nearly lost his adoptive father to Savage and the Light and now his brother.Taken away, by a psychotic woman hell-bent on death and torture.Jason was in the wrong place at the wrong time....and Dick hated himself for it.I don't think he ever truly recovered from Jason's death.His relationship with Zatanna strained after Jason's death.....they parted on good terms though, with Dick saying that he needs time to himself and Zatanna, being the supportive person that she is, said ok and broke it off with him.But she never stayed too far away, she always made time to help him out....even to his day, they are still very good friends.But the past year has been different for Dick....better, would be the right term.And that mainly has to do with Crystal.I internally shake my head from my thoughts and nod to Dick, a silent promise to be careful and to not die."And no unnecessary risks to the squad.That's an order.I give one final nod and turn and run after La'gaan and Beetle.....hoping that this mission goes smoothly and without anything too dangerous happening.....why the hell did I just think that?