

Matthew and Jade Spectre's Apartment, Gotham City, 6:53pm, 25th of April, 2015:

P.O.V: Jade 'Cheshire' Spectre née Nguyen

"Ooh....hmmmm." I groan out in discomfort as I softly rest my hand on my left boob.Pregnancy is a bitch and it's only going to get worse from here....but it will be worthwhile while in the end.Thank God for maternity leave.Real civilian work is a godsend compared to what I used to do, so I can't complain but I do thank the person who invented maternity leave, they are now and forever will be, my hero.This baby was never planned, how could it be.....Matt told me that being the host to Zarathos had caused him to basically be infertile.Getting the answers as to why this happened was an awkward endeavour, especially when the answers came from Zarathos of all people.He told us that since becoming the Ghost Rider, Matt has in a state of being alive and dead, at the same time.He was living and breathing but he couldn't die either, nor pass on life....so to speak.He continued to say that with Matt's resurrection after what happened with Lilith five years ago, the Heavenly Fire had returned to Zarathos and this allowed both him and Matt to return to the 'mortal plane'.This, in turn, had relieved Matt of his undead state and his infertility.Hearing all of this from a feared and terrifying being as he basically explains conception and miracle pregnancy to you was something that I can effectively say as the strangest moment of my life.I break from my thoughts as I relax and rest my head back on the lounge, hoping for the tenderness to dissipate."This is Vicki Vale, reporting love from GCPD headquarters.Earlier tonight, the police were called to a scene in Old Gotham, where the bodies of 27 men were found.The men were identified and had several connections to the Black Mask Crime Syndicate and also the illegal human trafficking ring, simply known as the Orphans.While details of the massacre are still unknown, sources from GCPD have confirmed that the signature mark white skull of the Punisher was sighted at the scene.While other details are still unknown at this current point, Commissioner James Gordon has ordered a press conference to address the people of Gotham of the massacre." My focus is drawn to the TV as I move myself to sit up.I hear the door open as I turn my head and see Matt walk in, I smile lovingly at him as he passes me by."Well, hello, điển trai." I say with a suggestive smile as he returns with a smirk and kisses me."Hello to you too, xinh đẹp.He says before resting his hand on my stomach.His eyes close as I look down and see a light blue flicker of Heavenly Fire."Hmm.....she's holding strong.She's going to be a little spitfire, I promise you." He says jokingly as I playfully swat him."Please.....you are bad enough, two of you.....I shudder at the thought." I say as he laughs and kisses me on the head before walking to the kitchen."How was your day?" He asks before taking out some leftover Chinese and heating it up."It was alright before you did that." I say with a slight frown."What?" He questions back but I roll my eyes and give him a disappointed glare.His eyes shift to the empty leftover box and his eyes widen at my implication."Oh.....I'm sorry, honey.While Vietnamese is alright, Chinese is just slightly better and by the looks of it....you are the last of it." He says as I scowl and grab a pillow and throw it at him."Hey!What was that for?" He asks but I turn away from him and face the TV, ignoring him.

Matt walks over to the couch and stands just outside my peripheral, I roll my eyes as I edge away from him.He sighs and kneels on the floor before me, causing me to turn to face him...what is going on is that head of his?"I'm sorry.....I shouldn't have said that Chinese was better than Vietnamese...that was rude and inconsiderate of me...can you forgive me, em yêu?" He says dramatically but still lovingly as he lowers his head on my hand.I drop my angry gaze and smile happily at him."Of course, I forgive you.I can't sleep without my pillow to keep me company." I say jokingly as he smiles and crashes into the couch and pulls me in close to him.I laugh as he begins plastering me with kisses to my neck and temple."Matt, stoooop." I say with no real heat as he chuckles and continues to do so."How can I stop.....you're too beautiful to let go." He says lovingly as I roll my eyes with mock exasperation and face him."Such a charmer." I say.....we gaze into each other's eyes before softly crashing our lips together passionately.Breaking away, he rests his head on mine as we stare into each other's eyes, lovingly."What would my life be without you?" He says as I smile and peck his lips again."Very boring, I imagine." I say as he laughs."I would guess so, too." He says just as the microwave alarm goes off."Can I please get my Chinese?" He asks as I mock glare at him."Sure....but next time, you're getting more Vietnamese or you're sleeping on the couch." I say as he gets up and walks into the kitchen.A mock look of horror on his face."My God, what could compel you to speak such evil?" He says jokingly as I smile and shake my head at his antics.My focus is back on the TV, which is now showing James Gordon, on a podium before a sea of reporters.

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"Earlier tonight, a terrible scene of violence and murder was found and investigated in Old Gotham.Detectives have reported that 27 individuals have been identified and have been found to have connections to the Black Mask Crime Syndicate and the illegal trafficking group, the Orphans.While details are sparse right now, I can confirm that military grade, armour piercing rounds were used and a white skull was identified as the call sign of the vigilante known as the Punisher." Gordon explains as dozens of reporters begin asking questions over the top of one another."Commissioner.....do these murders have anything to do with the Highway Incident that happened outside of Metropolis in February?" One reporter asks as Matt comes back with his food."The incident near Metropolis was outside of GCPD jurisdiction but we are working with the FBI and Metropolis PD in uncovering and tracing the Punisher's movements." Gordon replies back as I gaze at Matt from the corner of my eye, seeing him eat his food without even acknowledging what is being said on the TV."Not worried?" I ask him as he turns to me."About what?" He says and I huff in annoyance."Don't play me as an idiot, Matt.I know that Frank wasn't the only one involved in what happened tonight.If the police find out that you had a hand in what happened then that's going to find it's way into League hands.....and I don't want the League to come knocking on my door, thank you very much." I say with annoyance as I cross my arms and turn away from him.

He sighs and places his food on the coffee table before moving closer to me, clasping my hand in his."Jade.....I wasn't there tonight.I arrived at the warehouse after Frank was done.He told me that the Shadows were overseeing a transfer out of the city." He says as my eyes and face him.Before I can speak a word, he interrupts me."Don't worry, Frank was able to pick them off without trouble and the Shadows have no idea about your whereabouts, none whatsoever.The only people that know are the ones that we trust completely.....I promise." He says as I wipe the frightened tears out of my eyes.Even years after having my name, history, everything cleared and built up again.....I still hold fear that the Shadows and by extension RA's Al Ghul will find me.....I have nightmares a the thought of them finding me and doing whatever they desire to me.Matt, sensing my distress, pulls me into a comforting hug as I cry."I promise you, Jade.The Shadows have no idea as to where you are and they never will." He says confidently which does ease my worry, but I know....sooner or later, the life always comes back.Whether it's for good...or for worse.

"What about the Ghost Rider?Eyewitness accounts of the figure have dramatically dropped in the last few years.Gotham remembers how the ethereal vigilante ran through criminals and the corrupt a few years ago.Are you, Commissioner, worried that he might be returning, and possibly in league with the Punisher?" I hear Vicki Vale says as I break from Matt and focus back on the press conference."That's a good question, Ms. Vale.While the GCPD has had run-ins with the Ghost Rider in the past, we are unprepared and outmatched by the Ghost Rider meta-abilities and firepower.....and it's my job to report that it's the Justice League's recommendation that classes the Ghost Rider as a Class 4 threat level and should never be, under any circumstances approach, threatened or interacted with.And I'm sorry but that's all I have for now." Gordon finishes and begins to leave, the reporters all clamor to get some more out of him but the police commissioner is already gone.The TV is muted as I turn and see Matt get up and walk his finished plate to the sink..... silently."Matt?" I worriedly question him but he doesn't answer me.The faucet is turned on as running water starts to fill the sink.I get to my feet with some effort and approach him."Người yêu?" I ask a so wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder."Is it the news?About what Gordon said?" I also as he nods his head.I notice the water rising a bit too high as I turn it off and raise my hand to his cheek.Turning him to face me, I see the angry look on his face but also the sadness in them as well."I know that my methods aren't well received.....especially by some of those up tight bastards on the League....but it still hurts to know.....that I'm considered a threat.I know that I'm not the most stable person....but I would have thought that they would see me, not as a monster, but someone that just wants to protect people.Maybe it's wishful thinking.....but it doesn't make the pain any less hurtful." He says as I cup his cheeks and raise his eyes to meet mine."You don't have to prove anything to anyone.....especially not to the League.You are not a monster.You are Matthew Spectre.You are more than just the Ghost Rider.....you are a friend, a brother....a husband and a father to be.The League might think you are a threat but fuck them.....their opinion means jack to me so why should I care.I see you for who you are and I love you for who you are...desperate the flaws." I say lastly with a smirk as he raises an eyebrow and lifts me up onto the counter."Matt...." I say with shock as he softly gropes my hips, his nose is running against my hair as I feel his soft, heavy breath on my face.I feel the tightness in my core.Damn pregnancy hormones...but this one, I don't complain about much.Sometimes it's annoying when it she middle of the night.....but other times.....like these.....it's like our honeymoon all over again.

"Flaws, hmm?" He questions quietly as his left hand drops to my leg and edges up under my shirt.....feeling his rough hands on my skin causes me to softly moan at his touch.I'm getting more worked up by the sending and his suggestive tone and wandering hand is not doing me any favors."Yes....they complete you." I say with a moan as his hand brushes over my breast, the earlier tenderness gone, leaving only hardness and eagerness to be fulfilled."And you love me all the same?" He says as hand drops down from my stomach past my pant line and onto my core.I moan loudly when he gently rubs his thumb through my folds."Yes....right there.Ahh, that's it.....right there.Yes.....I love you all the same." I say as I throw my head back with a crying moan as he lifts me from the counter and lays me on the island, he fits himself in between my thighs as he pulls his shirt off, revealing his honed muscles and scarred body.His gaze down at me, before reaching up and removing my shirt.I lift my arms to better help him pull them off."And I love you.Desperate your flaws...I don't want to love anyone else.....but you." He says....I swoon internally at his declaration but I'm horny and it's his fault, he started it and now he can finish it."That's good to hear.....but I think I'll need a physical demonstration to back that up, just so there can be no doubt...please?" I say seductively as my fingers roam over his toned abs, earning me a growl of pleasure from him.He heaves me up off the counter and carries me to the bedroom, gently placing me on the king size bed."Người yêu, it will be my genuine pleasure." He growls softly.....ah, the sound of his voice sends a euphoric tingle right down my spine.Our neighbours downstairs are going to hate us tomorrow...oh well, tough luck for them.

*Time Jump*

Walmart, Uptown Gotham, 3:47pm, 12th of June, 2015:

I carry a grocery basket as I walk up and down the aisle of the Walmart.While I wish Matt was here to help me out, but he is at work.While we don't technically need money, not since from the many contracts that I took as my time as an assassin, we could technically love our lives without ever working, etc. But Matt was adamant of making something of himself and doing something other than being the Ghost Rider, so he applied to work at a bike and auto repair shop near the apartment.When I asked him why, he simply told me that he wanted to be normal again.I felt that really connect with me because it made me realise that it was him and his help that got me to where I am, free from my past and free to live normally.Matt has been the host of Zarathos for a decade, I can imagine that some sense of normalcy would be appreciated.

I grab some bagels and drop them into the carrier, I go to continue my shopping but I was hit by a massive throbbing in my head...the migraines come and go but when they arrive, they are a pain in the ass.I shake the pain away and continue my hopping but I feel a tingle run down my back and not the good kind.....I haven't felt this in five years, not since I left the life behind.Being an assassin causes you to forge a sixth sense.....a sense of impending danger or threat...and I feel it now.Looking back down the aisle, I just see normal people going about their day, the tingle gets worse as I look around and try to find the source but I come up empty.....it's getting harder to breathe and my heart is pumping a million miles an hour."Miss.....are you ok?" A kind voice calls out as I break from my thoughts and turn to see a young man gazing at me worriedly.I get my breathing back under control and look around, the tingle is gone and I begin to relax from my near panic attack."Yes, I'm sorry.I just thought I saw someone." I say but to the young man, who nods his head at my reasoning."Do you want me to call someone, call the cops or something?" He asks but I shake my head."No thank you, I'm ok now.Thank you for asking, I appreciate your help." I say to him as he smiles gratefully."Ok, hope you have a good day, ma'am." He says before walking off.I breathe deeply before continuing on my way.

I had gotten everything, and I was making my way to the bus stop.I watch as dozens of cars drive about, maybe even a hundred.Hundreds of people going about their day, without even a mere thought of what truly goes on in the world.Being normal is not as easy as it seems, especially not for someone like me.Being normal used to be a dream but now that I'm here...I feel so out of place, like I don't belong."Nice day out, isn't it, little girl?" My eyes widen at hearing his voice, I turn my head slowly and see him sit himself next to me, without a care in the world.I narrow my eyes and carefully place my hand on the concealed sai."What do you want, Crusher?" I growl at him, annoyance and anger lacing my voice."Who said that I want something?" He replies back as I roll my eyes at his deflection."You always want something.....you never don't want something." I say back to him as he chuckles darkly."I taught you too well." He says, almost like he's remembering a good memory, I scoff at the thought and get up... deciding to walk home."Hey.Where do you think you're going?" He says as he quickly grabs my arm, but I pull out the sai and level it against him."Let go.....or I'm going to take something that I know you're going to miss." I say as we both look down and see that I have the sai pointed at his crotch.He lets go of my arms and backs away slowly, I move towards him and level the sai to the underside of his jaw."You ever come near me again.....I'll kill you." I say threateningly and with all of my hate and rage at the man in front of me.He smirks with a cocky smile and steps away."You might have abandoned the life, little girl but it will never leave you.You know it, I know it...and I'm sure your husband knows it too." He says but I had my fill of his talk and walked away."You might want to think about what you want, little girl.The Light isn't done with you yet, and that baby...well, it's only a matter of time.Shadows have to train them young, you know how it goes." He says lastly to me which forces me to stop, my eyes widen at the implication that he knows but how could he?I'm not far enough along to make it obvious that I am pregnant but how could he....my eyes widen at realizing that they are watching me, this whole time.....I thought I got away but they were always here....waiting.I turn my head slowly, almost like I am about to go back and confront him but it would be pointless, he would never talk...never.i shallow my fear about how revelation and continue walking home.

Matthew and Jade Spectre's Apartment:

I get home and hurriedly make my way through the entire until and lock every door, window and cover every vent.I scour the room and to my shock and horror, I find four separate bugs, hidden away.I pace around the living room, w full on panic attack happening.I collapse against the wall as I cry...everything.... everything that me and Matt tried to make work.We hid away from public eye, we didn't draw attention.....Matt and Batman guaranteed that my history and record was purged and that a new identity was made.There is nothing that could have led them to me.....nothing left of Jade Nguyen that could have hinted the Light to my location.I wipe my tears away as I pull my phone and call Matt.The dial echoes in the apartment as I sob in the corner."Hey, honey.What's up?" He calls joyfully and it just brings a new wave of teases out my eyes.He sounds happy, like everything is right with the world and that nothing is wrong in our day to day lives.But it's only now that I realise that it's a lie.The life never left...we didn't leave it behind.I knew that Mate had partnered up with Frank and Blade.....and on occasion meet up with Blake and Raquel, just to see where the League and Team were on their 'mission'.While I don't have anything against him doing that.....it scares me just how much we have lied to ourselves, thinking that everything was fine...but it's not.And it never will.

"Jade....what's wrong?" Matt asks over the line as I sniffle my tears away."Matt.....can....sniff.....can you come home?Please?" I sob to him and not a moment later."Of course.....I'm on my way." I can hear the seriousness in his voice, but also traces of Zarathos in his voice as well.Matt hangs up the phone and I just sob into my knees, holding myself together....my arms and legs feel like jelly...my shoulders tightening, like the weight of the world was put on them.....and in a way, they are.

P.O.V Change: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

As soon as I end the call, I dropped my tools and made my way to the staff room."Spectre!The fuck you doing?" The garage owner shouts at me but I ignore him, grab my jacket and keys and run outside to my bike."Spectre!Get your ass back here, boy!" The owner continues his rant but I kick start the engine and speed off towards home.I feel Zarathos fuel hellfire into the bike to further increase the speed, cutting the time it takes to get home in half.When Jade called, the last thing that went through my mind was that she would be crying and sobbing and asking me to come home.No reason, no hint as too why...but I couldn't care less.She is either going through a mood swing and just wants me to comfort her, and there's nothing wrong with that.....something tells me that something has shook her up.....scared her half to death."Matthew, you got cops." Zarathos tells me as I look over my shoulder and see a squad car blasting it's lifts and sirens, chasing me down the street.I growl in annoyance at the cop and turn sharply to the underground passes."Better put the pedal to the medal then." I say as Zarathos fuels more Hellfire into the bike, while I don't change physically into the Ghost Rider, the bike certainly bursts into flames, leaving scorch marks and small fire trails behind me.Screw keeping a low profile, screw fearing what the League will think....fuck whatever the consequences, Jade needs me and I'll be damned if I let some cops keep me from her.

The tight lanes of the under roads made it easier for me to maneuver through the traffic and harder for the cops to get closer to me.After about ten minutes of driving, the cops finally decide to give up and find something else to do.Got to appreciate the minimum effort that Gotham cops put into their job.....I'm only glad that it wasn't a unit from Major Crimes.....that really would have made my day worse.I arrive at the apartment block and park my bike in my allocated spot.Racing to the lift, I hurriedly press the penthouse button and wait for the lift.The doors open and I race to the door and barge into the apartment."Jade?!" I ask out loud and receive no answer."Jade!Where are you?" I call out again as I pace around the living room and kitchen.As I come out of the kitchen, I notice something weird on the dining table, walking over.....I recognise it as a covert bug....but not one, but three separate bugs.....who the fuck has been in my home?I push the bugs out of my mind and approach the bedroom.Before I open the door, I hear the shower running and I march into the bedroom and to the ensuite, almost dreading what I'll find."Jade?" I call out again as I open the bathroom door and see Jade, fully dressed, sitting in a fetal position as the water rains down onto her.I relax my posture, seeing how sees in no physical danger...I walk over and she shows no indication that she notices me.I turn the shower off and pull the curtain back, still no response."Jade...." I say as I kneel down and take her hand in my own, her eyes break away from the wall and turn to me....her eyes tear up and she just crumbles.I hold her close to comfort her, letting her bawl her eyes out as much as she needs."Shh....it's ok, it's ok.I'm here.....I'm here." I whisper softly to her but she sniffles and shakes her head.

"No....it's not ok.They know, they have always known.They are going to take her from me.He said that they will." She says frantically but I cup her face and raise her eyes to mine."Who?Whose 'he'?Whose 'they'?" I say with an angry growl.Someone has threatened my wife and by what Jade is saying.....take Luna as well.Whoever they are...they made an enemy today, that I promise you."Crusher...Sportsmaster.He found me and told me that I should think about what I want.He told me that it's only a matter of time and that the Light are not finished with me.He.....sniff.....said that the Shadows will take my baby.As soon as I left, I came home and checked the rooms and I found the bugs.....one in the living room, one in the kitchen and the last one in the bedroom.They have been watching us, Matt.....this whole time, they have watching and waiting.They're going to take our baby...please.....sniff.....don't let them take our baby." Jade cries out and I feel my own dam break at seeing this strong woman, the love of my life.... completely break down in fear and terror of what has transpired.I feel the tears stream down my face as I tighten my hold on her, silently telling her that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.While I comfort Jade, I feel the intense rage boiling up within me.It's been years since I have felt that level of rage and hate.Who the fuck does Sportsmaster think he is?To come here, to my home and threaten my wife and my child...this will not be forgiven...nor forgotten.I made a promise to Artemis to leave Sportsmaster be, let him be the League's problem.He's not the League's problem anymore...he is right back to the top of my 'to fucking kill-list'.But if I know Sportsmaster like I do, he'll know that Jade would inform me about what happened.....he'll be on the earliest plane that he can get, and get right on and out of this city.

I break from my thoughts as I left Jade up out of the bathtub."Come on....let's go to your mom's.I think it'll be best if we stay there tonight." I say to her as she nods and walks out of the bathroom.I sigh in tiredness and aggravation of what has happened over the last hour.Finding out that Sportsmaster was here, in Gotham, was bad enough.But to approach Jade and to go as far as to threaten her and Luna.I will not stand for that.And the Shadows....to have to gall to bug my home.Where I sleep, where my wife sleeps...that's too far.....or they have simply forgotten exactly who thee fuck I am."The Shadows have overstepped their bounds.Sportsmaster too.With some time and focus...I might be able to locate their base of operations within the city.They must have base somewhere here if they are keeping a close eye on you and Jade." Zarathos says to me as I raise my head and see him in the sink mirror, gazing back at me."Shadows haven't been on my mind for a few years, the three that me, Tank and Blade ran into were the first in two years.I've been more focused on Lilith, Kurse and their vampire, demon cronies." I say to Zarathos who nods his head in understanding."I understand your reasoning.Logical speaking, Lilith is the more important target and bigger threat.Logically speaking, we should stay focused on her.....but I care not for logic." Zarathos says with a growl as I turn my gaze fully onto him, a little bit surprised by his declaration."They threatened Jade, and her child.The child is innocent, and the League of Shadows dare to think that they can take her and mold her into a slave...I will not have it.Whatever you decide Matt, I'll stand with you, it's your choice in the end." He says as I nod at his offer as I walk out of the bathroom."I just need some time to think." I think back to Zarathos as I help Jade pack some clothes."Take as much time as you need, my friend." He says before retreating back into my subconscious."Got everything." I ask Jade who nods her head and walks out of the room and towards the front door.

Paula Crock's Apartment, Gotham City:

P.O.V: None


Matt knocks on the door, waiting for the occupant to answer.After about a moment, the door opens, revealing Paula Crock.She goes to say something but the downcast look on Mates face and tear streaken face of her daughter, Jade, tells Paula all that needs to be said."Come in, quickly." She says as she opens the door and wheels towards the living room.Jade follows her mother while Matt locks the door and begins closing all the apartment's binds and locking all the windows.He comes back and sees Paula hugging Jade who falls into the embrace."Oh baby, it's going to be ok.We'll sort this out.What you need is a good night's sleep.We'll talk about this in the morning, ok?" Paula says to Jade who nods and hugs her mother again.Matt leans against the wall as he watches Jade head to the guest room and closes the door."I thought we were past this.Why can't they just leave us alone?" Paula asks aloud as she wheels into the kitchen, Matt follows close behind her."I'm sorry Paula.This is my fault." Matt says which causes Paula to turn sharply at him."No....no, my boy.This is not your fault.You have done right by Jade, and I couldn't be more proud of the two of you.This is all Lawrence's fault and his damn Light." Paula growls as she pours tow cups of tea.Passing one to Matt, who thanks her for the cup, the two of them sit in the kitchen as they contemplate."What are you going to do?" Paula says, seeing the fire in Matt's eyes flicker in the darkness."Jade doesn't deserve this.She deserves to live life without looking over her shoulder.I thought.....we thought that we did but it was a lie that we told ourselves.We forgot what and who are past entails.With the baby.....we thought everything was perfect, we were happy and Sportsmaster and the Shadows just have to come in and tear our world apart." Matt says as he looks up at the ceiling and sighs loudly, before looking back at Paula."Please make sure that she's ok." He asks her as she smiles and nod in affirmation.Matt gets up and walks towards the front door."Where are you going?" She asks him which causes him to look over his shoulder."We both know where I'm going.....and what I'm about to do." Matt says back as he continues on his way."Matt...." Paula calls out one more time, Matt turns and faces her as she wheels into the living room."....give them hell." Paula growls out which makes Matt smirk and nods his head.Matt exits the apartment and makes his way to the garage...he has a job to do tonight.....and he won't stop until it's done.

As soon as Matt walked out of the apartment, Paula turned and wheeled herself to the guest rooms, checking up on Jade.Entering the old double bedroom where Jade and Artemis used to sleep as children, Paula holds back a tear as she sees Jade, in her old bed, facing toward the wall where her old Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat poster is still up on.Paula positions herself behind Jade who shows no sign of noticing Paula."Jade....?" Paula begins to say but Jade interrupts her."Matt left, didn't he?" Jade asks which Paula nods her head to."Yes.....please don't be upset with him, honey.He's only trying to look out for you and the baby." Paula reasons to Jade who rolls over and faces Paula."No, I'm not angry.I knew that he was going to go...I'm only mad at the fact that I can't go with him." Jade reasons to Paula as she softly rests her hand over her stomach.The real reason why she didn't go with Matt, clear as day to Paula.

Back on the streets, a Dodge Charger speeds through traffic as it's driver has his eyes focused on the road with a sharp and deadly stare."If we do this.....the League probably won't like it." Zarathos says to Matt who scoffs."The League thinks us a threat.That's fine.....they can think that.But right now, I couldn't give two shits what they like or don't like.This is going to happen.The Shadows might not know it but they have signed their own death wish.If the League has a problem with what I'm about to do.....they can argue with me about it after the fact....but it won't change the outcome nor will it do anything to stop me in the future." Matt replies back to Zarathos, who in the reflection.....smiles in anticipation and eagerly waits to be unleashed.



Matt's phone rings as he looks over and sees, on his dashboard, that it's Bruce Wayne."The fuck does he want?" Matt groans to himself as he answers the call."Bruce." Matt simply answers."Matt.....we need to talk.How quickly can you get to Wayne Manor?" Bruce asks.Matt looks to his left and sees Wayne Manor in the distance."Two minutes.Five, tops." Matt answers before the line is disconnected.Matt makes an angry turn as he makes his way to Wayne Manor... unbeknownst to Bruce Wayne, also known as the hero Batman, Matt is in no mood tonight and he hopes that Bruce doesn't do or say anything to push his buttons...cause he doesn't know whether he be able to keep control if he gets pissed off.....and knowing Batman like he does...that's almost a guarantee.

Paula Crock's Apartment, Gotham City, 7:13pm, June 12th, 2015:

P.O.V: None

It's been about an hour since Matthew left, and Paula has been by Jade's side ever since.The older woman felt sorrow and heartbreak at seeing her first born....her strong free spirit almost crushed under the weight of the day's events.Paula felt every bit of shame and regret at seeing how her daughter is coping with the news that the Shadows and the Light have never left and are watching, maybe even at the this exact moment.Ever since finding out that Sportsmaster didn't adhere to her wishes when she first went to prison, Paula has been doing with what ifs and regrets ever since.What if she had just put the blame on him?What if she was there for her daughters?All these questions and doubts are eating away at the woman.

"It's not your fault, Mom." Jade's voice breaks Paula from her thoughts as she looks up and sees Jade facing her.Paula shakes her head and wipes away a tear."It is.I shouldn't have believed him.I knew that he would but I had faith that he loved me more than himself.But I was wrong...and you paid the price for my failure.A life of crime...living with the weight of a terrible father and a worse mother...how you and Artemis forgave me, I'll never know.And just when all seemed right, we were all happy and at peace.....they come in and ruin it, because of my mistakes, you have to suffer the consequences of them...I'm so sorry, Jade.I'm sorry." Paula breaks down in tears as Jade moves from the bed and kneels in front of Paula, hugging the older woman, comforting her."You made a mistake, Mom.I hated you for it, for a very long time...but Matt made me see.....you did what you thought was right.Crusher broke your trust and he will pay for it, one day.Just like the Shadows and Light will pay for this.None of this is your fault...some of it is mine.I should have known that not everything was going to be alright I became lax and misjudged who I left behind.If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Jade says to Paula, denouncing her words, Paula smiles gratefully at Jade's words but places her hand on her shoulder."It's not yours either.It's theirs.I don't like the idea but they are going to come and when they do...I want you to be ready.All of you." Paula says as she rests her hand on Jade's stomach.Jade nods in understanding what her mother is saying.The Light are never going to give up, the Shadows will never forgive this betrayal and Sportsmaster will never stop until he gets what he wants.It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.Might sound cheesy but the moral of the quote is not.Better to be prepared to fight and die rather than run and get caught off guard."I called your sister, she's going to Zeta here when she gets off school." Paula says which makes Jade's eyes go wide."Artemis is coming here?" Jade questions as Paula smirks."You haven't told her, have you?" She asks with a knowing smile for which makes Jade blush in embarrassment."No....I haven't." Jade says which earns a laugh from Paula."Come on then, we better get some dinner ready and some tissues....just in case." Paula quips before wheeling out of the room.Jade laughs at her mother's antics and follows out into the kitchen.

Wayne Manor, Gotham City:

P.O.V Change: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

Arriving at Wayne Manor was something that I have only ever done once and I told myself to never come here again.While the building has nothing necessarily wrong with it, the atmosphere of the house, mixed with Zarathos's sharp senses allows me to sense the supernatural weight that the building holds...a foreboding sense of dejection and misery.A lot of history has been passed through these walls, a lot of memories...most of them bad.The building has an ominous feel to it, almost like walking into a wolf's den.You see that it looks harmless, almost welcoming, like a cave on a stormy night...only to find yourself that this place is no safe haven, it's a cage.....with an apex predator lurking within its shadows.When I first walked into this house, I felt the sorrow, pain and anguish that this place holds.The burden of fear and anger, mostly from the owner had permeated itself within the very foundations of the house...turning the welcoming, homey feel into one of sorrow and self hate.Zarathos said that places can be tainted or stained when emotions begin to leak out and pollute it.Graveyards are a prime example.It's a place of death and anguish.Many pass through feeling emotions of sorrow, anger, regret...that in turn makes the graveyard feel very heavy, weighed down by those emotions.

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Wayne Manor is like that.This building gives me the creeps.....it's architecture doing no favors in that regard either.Whoever was the main architect that designed this house and the rest of Gotham was an almost madman.....who the hell sees demon-esque gargoyles as something that would be fascinating to see.....and put everywhere.I break from my thoughts as I walk up to the front door and rap my knuckles thrice over.I wait a few minutes before the doors open up, revealing Alfred."Master Spectre?I can say that this is a surprise.It's good to see you." Alfred says with a slight widening of his eyes but he nonetheless greets me happily."Hello Alfred.Sorry, this is an impromptu visit.Bruce said that he wanted to talk to me." I say with a knowing tone as Alfred expression drops into one of recognition and lets me in.I follow the older man through the house.We get to an office space and Alfred presses a few keys on a piano, revealing a secret passageway behind a bookshelf."Can't be a secret base without a secret passageway." Zarathos mentally says to me with a joking tone as I smirk at his joke.To be fair, it is true.Alfred gestures to me in the passage which shows an old, crank, elevator.He closes the guard behind me and cranks the lever, taking us down to the lower levels...which I can only assume to be the legendary Bat Cave.

Alfred pushes the guards open and escorts me into the cave, I look around and my eyes widen at the interior of the cave.While still a cave, a lot of engineering and planning had gone into to make this cave into a base of operations.I walk along the rail and see an assortment of vehicles and tech on the walls to the right side.The left holds an armoury, full of different weapons, armour etc. As I follow Alfred towards the centre of the cave, screeching pierces my ears as an entire colony of bats swarm around us, Alfred walks unbothered by the bats while I seem to get the brunt of the colony.Though I do notice that none of them come near me, almost like they can sense what I am...at least instinctively.We arrive at the centre of the cave and the bats fly off away, into the darkness as I the infamous Bat Computer, the source of Batman's intelligence and information network.I'm not a tech guy....I'm competent at least but not to the level as others but even I can recognize that this computer is on a different level when it comes to its uses.Everything from standard internet, case files, criminal database.If it's on the digital network, then this computer can find it and hack it.But despite all of the Cave's details and features, what catches my attention is the seated figure with their back turned to me.Even without seeing his face, I know exactly who it is."Master Bruce?" Alfred calls out to Bruce who doesn't turn to face us."That'll be all, Alfred.I wish to speak with Matthew alone." Bruce says kindly but with a hint of command in his voice."As you wish, Master Bruce.I shall see if Master Tim needs help with his studies." As soon as Alfred said that, my eyes widen at the name.Tim...who the hell is Tim?

Alfred leaves and heads back to the elevator as I stand, waiting for Bruce to turn and face me.He doesn't.....and simply continues what he is doing on the computer.I mentally growl in aggravation....he is the one that called me, borderline ordering me to get here and now that I'm here.....he's ignoring me."My patience is already on thin ice as it is, Bruce.I don't have time to humor you, so tell me what you want or I'm just going to leave, because I have better things to do." I warn him with a hint of growl in my voice.I hear him sigh, he gets up and faces me....pulling his cowl off in the process."Matt...how are you?" He asks but I shake my head."Either you're deaf or you think I'm stupid for you ask that.Now, What do you want?" I say threateningly, as I make my eyes glow in anger.Bruce nods at seeing that I'm not in the mood for this."I've been running a case on Black Mask's movements for the past year.I was able to track down his operations and deduced that he is aiding the Light." Bruce says which makes me chuckle."Of course he is, he told me." I say with a knowing tone as I cross my arms.I sense Bruce's surprise before his eyes narrow at me."He told you?When?" He demands but I chuckle at his attempt to gain something out of me."You know that it doesn't work like that.I have cut off his operations with the Light, so all your work is moot." I say with a smug smile but Bruce does not share my humour."Where is he?What have you done with him?" He demands again but I shake my head ruefully at his pushing."He is secure and alive....ish." I see with a 'so-so' nod of my head and hand."What....is 'ish'?Is he alive, dead....or worse?" He asks with a disappointed growl in his voice which makes my fist clench."Watch your tone with me, Bruce."

Bruce relents his pushing and nods his head, awaiting my explanation."First off, I've been tracking Black Mask for awhile, at first it wasn't even about him but more to do so with the vampires that he was dealing with." I reveal to Bruce whose eyes widen at the revelation."Vampires?What was Sionis doing with vampires?" He asks as I shrug."Could be anything really.Drugs, weapons, people....vampires typically operate with the same wants and desires that most mob people do but this is more than that.Blade and I were tracking a coven of vampires that has some dealings with the supernatural underworld.....case in point, particularly....with Kurse." I say to Bruce who subconsciously shudders.After the New Year debacle five years ago, the Team had shown footage of the skirmish in the Cave as well as the battle on the Watchtower.....the sight of Kurse had left many of the leaguers in a state of shock and fear.To know that a supernatural demon with the strength to rival Superman, and even Zarathos had left many Leaguers almost complementing retirement."Blade was helping you?Can't say I'm surprised about that fact.Go on." Bruce says."We traced the vampires to Black Mask who were dealing with them...but to our surprise, Shadows as well." I say."If Ra's is dealing with Black Mask, who is then parking with vampires that are in turn working for Kurse..." I openly say as Bruce connects the dots.".....means that Kurse and Lilith are in correspondence with the Light." He says for which I nod."Lilith and Savage left as enemies but the League of Shadows have an almost worship-reverence when it comes to Lilith, if the Shadows and demons are working together then I have no doubt that Ra's and Lilith are chatting....Savage either knows about it and ignores it or he doesn't.Which gives you something to work with." I say to him as he nods."You?Don't you mean 'we'?" He asks but I scoff."No.....not 'we'.It hasn't been 'we' for a long time, Bruce." I say to him with a narrowed gaze."If I remember correctly, it was you that left." He says with a condescending tone."Don't you play that card on me." I say with anger as my eyes glow an ominous orange glow."Don't even dare to think that you wouldn't do the same thing if you were in my position." I growl to him as he raises his hand in a placating manner.....I sigh in a relaxing way before turning my eyes back up to him."I left because it was the best thing that I could do to keep the Team safe.Kurse and Lilith were going to come after me and they would have been at risk for another Cave skirmish.....I couldn't risk that.I spent the first two years in a constant game of cat and mouse.Hunting down anyone that had any lead to where Kurse and Lilith were hiding.Two years, Bruce.....and nothing.So I abandoned my search, nothing I or Zarathos did could find them.....so we turned out attention back to the Light.I called up Blade and Frank to assist with hitting shadow bases, vampire dens.....anything that had a connection to the Light.For five years, I have been trying to fight 'the fight', so don't patronize me, lest you tell your League buddies to up me to a Class 5 Omega." I say to him as he turns and glares at me."That's uncalled for." He says but I scoff at him."No.I think it's entirely called for.I have always been honest with you Bruce, I would have expected you to do the same, considering our history.But forget it.....you and the League are not my problem, but I promise you, if you or your friends try to stop me from doing what I think is right, or you get in my way.....I'll make you my problem and I can promise you, I'll be the only one....to walk away." I say finally before turning to leave, absolutely fed up with being here any longer."I know about Cheshire." He says aloud to me which stops me in my tracks."I know about your marriage.....and her pregnancy." He says but I feel an intense heat buildup in my soul as I turn and speed over to him, he barely had time to react before I lift him above my head and slam him into the computer, almost breaking it in half.

"You've been spying on me?!On my family!" I yell at him, as I feel my skin starting to burn.Bruce gasps for breath as he gazes down at me, his eyes pleading.I relented at seeing him and threw him to the ground."How fucking dare you?" I growl in rage as I stalk towards the bat themed hero."Matt...just hear me out." He tries to say but I drop my knee on his chest, I fuel my muscles...adding to the pressure.Bruce groans as he tries to breathe but the pressure of my knee is getting stronger."You and your fucking League!Putting your noses where they aren't wanted, so please, tell me Bruce....what could you possibly say to me that will make me listen to you?" I say to him as I press a bit more pressure on his throat, he tries to push me off....but his skin is starting to turn a bit blue.....a small part of me begins to revel in watching him struggle."Matt.....he's in the wrong....but let's at least hear him out." Zarathos advises me.The years since regaining his Angel status has shown plenty of changes to Zarathos.Before, he had a devil may care attitude, he would rather fight and kill something before even fathom the idea of talking.Now, he is more patient, offering to slow things down to see the whole picture...very much like a justice seeker.....and he hasn't let me down yet.I huff with annoyance and release the pressure off Bruce.He groans in discomfort and catches his breath back."You better have a good explanation, Bruce.And if I don't like what you say, I'm going to start breaking bones." I say, hoping.....deep down.....that I don't like what he says."Nothing I can say will provide you with satisfaction.Nothing will be reasonable enough for you to see." He says as he gets to his feet and rests against the broken computer console as I stare at him with veiled anger."But I didn't spy at the behest of the League, or even my own concerns.Dick asked me too." He says which surprises me.It's been five years since I last saw Dick.I knew that he was going by Nightwing now and according to Blake was leading the Team.....but to hear from Batman, the Batman, that he was spying on me because Dick asked him too?It wasn't something that I ever thought would be the reason as to why."Dick always trusted you, Matt.Even when you two would differ on certain things, you were teammates, friends.....long before the Team.After you left, Dick was worried about your mental health, especially after it happened with Lilith." Bruce says to me as I feel very guilty.I immediately jumped to conclusions with what he was doing.After hearing the reason and sensing that he is telling the truth, I feel like I've been run over by the guilt train."I'm sorry, Bruce." I say to him but he waves me off."If I was you and I heard that someone was spying on me, I probably would have reacted the same." He says with a slight hint of a joking tone as I smirk.

"I don't like the fact that you spied on me.If you came to me about it, I would have accepted it....begrudgingly." I say to him as he nods."Tell Dick that I'm alright and that I appreciate his worry but it's unnecessary.And don't even think about trying to spy on me or my family again." I say to him with a threat on the end as he nods in agreement."But now that you know...did you know that Sportsmaster was in Gotham today?" I say to him which by liking at him.....he did."Yes." He says which I nod to."Good, saves time explaining his presence.But did you know that the Shadows were here too?And possibly still are?" I tell him and his eyes widen slightly."No.....no, I did not." He says as he hangs his head."You didn't.....so now, we have nothing left to talk about.My wife was threatened by an asshole, my home was bugged, you drag me to this cave for a chat only to find that you have keeping tabs on me for five years.And now, you tell me that you didn't know that the League of Shadows, the very organisation that trained you....were in your city and you didn't know a damn thing." I say to him with disappointment laced in my voice."Jade is pregnant, Bruce.....you told me yourself that you know.She has moved on from the life.....she wants peace but because of the Light and the Shadows, that can't happen.My child is a few months away from being held in my arms, Bruce...and I will not let the Shadows or the Light do anything to jeopardize Jade and the baby....I will do what I must to keep them safe.And I'm sure, that you....as a father.....would understand." I say to him as he nods his head in understanding."What do you plan on doing?" He asks for which I smirk and lean in closer to him."I think we both know the answer to that.The Shadows bugged my home.Sportsmaster threatened Jade and threatened to take my child away when they are born.I can't get to Sportsmaster right now...but the Shadows.....they must have a base of operations here, somewhere...I'm going to find them, and make them pay." I say as I walk past him and head towards the lift."I can't condone that, Matt.Who knows how many the Shadows have in their pocket.I can't let you go and burn anyone you deem." He say as I turn sharply back to him."This is my family, Bruce!" I scream at him as he backs up from my anger."My wife.My child.Tell me, man to man....if you had the power to stop Quinn from what she did to Jason, would you?" I ask him as his eyes widen at my statement."Matt, this isn't the same thi-." He tires to say but I cut him off."Would you?" I interrupt as he lowers his eyes."If I did...I would.But I don't.I'm sorry, Matt.But the amount of violence and death that this may cause, I can't just throw it under the rug.The League will get word of this." He says as I shake my head."Since when have you or I cared about what the League wants.My family is more important than your or their beliefs, Bruce...but hey.....we can't all be the great and indomitable Batman, now can we?" I say sarcastically before walking away from Bruce, leaving him to my words and his thoughts.

I enter the elevator and make my way up and out of the building.As I walk up to my car.Before I get in, I sense a presence behind me.I turn and see a young man, looking down at me from the window, I can't really see any definite features from where I am, but sensing the young man's soul.....I come to the conclusion that it must be the one that Alfred called Tim.Huh...must be the new Robin then, especially if he's living here.I think back to what I said before and it was a dirty move by me to mention Jason, knowing that Bruce is still carrying the weight of what happened to him but to see that he has a prodigy does upset me, slightly.Jason was a good kid, ran into him a few times when he was a kid.He never saw me as the Ghost Rider but when I saw him, he had a mean attitude but I could still sense that he wanted to do some good with his life.I was saddened to hear what happened and how he died but the past is the past and right now....I have a meeting with some very elusive people.....they should have stayed away.

"How the hell am I going to find them?Zarathos?Anything?" I ask the Spirit who hums in contemplation."I can sense every soul in this city.....but for some reason, I can't sense the Shadows.Something is blocking my senses." He says to me, I shallow nervously at that knowledge.If the Shadows have found a way to cut off Zarathos's senses, then they have fundamentally hidden themselves from every source of tracking in the world."Well, that sucks.....guess we're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way." I say knowingly to Zarathos who chuckles darkly at seeing where my thoughts are going."I'm going to enjoy this." He says with a dark promise openly oozing out of his voice.I chuckle and kick the engine over as I let my senses flow out and through the city....anyone who I think eve has a whisper of knowledge pertaining to the Shadows...oof, they are going to have one very, very.....rough night.First things first, though, I just have to find them...lucky for me, that it's Gotham, I know just where to look.Because for some, information is more important than money.....but tonight, it'll be more important than their lives.

GCPD Park Row Station, Gotham, 9:48pm, June 12th, 2015:

P.O.V: None

Park Row...one of the most violent and unnerving districts in Gotham.While many of the higher ups call this place Park Row, many of its denizens, cops and low lives call it by it's more nefarious and chilling alias...Crime Alley.It was here in this district that birthed one of the most feared and respected people that have ever lived, the Batman.When Thomas and Martha Wayne were gunned down in a mugging gone wrong...little Bruce Wayne was left an orphan.The trauma of seeing his parents die right in front of him, set him on a path of vengeance, justice and fear.

While decades have passed since that fateful night, many of the inhabitants of the district remember what happened, and many see the Cape Crusader fly over their homes, his ever watchful gaze holding with veiled anger.As of right now, the Bat is not in sight....pouring rain is filling the streets...but that doesn't stop the dozens of criminals and other scum from making the night their home.Muggings, assaults, robberies are commonplace...though in the shadows of decrepit apartments and shops, the worst of the worst take their pleasure.Knives soaking in red, gun magazines being emptied.....the screams of women.Despite all the horror going on in the darkness, the police station is packed but not with criminals, but crooked cops who decided to leave the district to fend for itself.

"Shouldn't we be on patrol or something?" A young cop asks his partner who sits across from him, drinking a cup of coffee and staring aimlessly at the wall."Look outside, kid.....does it look it we should?" The 'partner' asks as the young man looks towards a nearby window, seeing the glass being pelted by heavy rain."It's just some rain." The man says with a confused tone."Tsk, dumbass." The other man scoffs silently as he turns to the younger man."What's my name, kid?" The man asks the younger who arches an eyebrow in confusion but nonetheless answers him."Sergeant Roger Taylor." The young man as Taylor nods."Correct.....and who are you?" Taylor asks."Officer Ryan Sinclair." Sinclair answers back."Great job, kid.....now, where the hell are we?" Taylor asks with veiled annoyance."Park Ro-let me stop you right there." Sinclair goes to answer but Taylor interrupts him."What you need is to get your head on straight.You're new, so I'll let it go just this once.....so here's a piece of advice.Forget everything that those tight asses told you at the academy.You aren't a hero, or a servant of the people because there are none here.And this....isn't Park Pow....this is Crime Alley.Optimism, and being a goody two shoes are going to get you killed here.....that's if the murderers, rapists and other degenerates don't get to you first.So do yourself a favor, either get with the program, transfer out to Bludhaven or you find a different line of work." Taylor growls to Sinclair who holds his hands tightly together...attempting to hold back the shaking in his bones.He knew that Gotham was bad, everyone knows that Gotham is bad, but he thought, deep down, he might be able to make some small attempt at helping...how wrong he feels now.Taylor rolls his eyes at the younger officer before getting up."Where are you going?" Sinclair asks carefully, not hoping to get another ass tearing from the older man."It's nearly ten o'clock and I ain't wasting my breath on the scum out there...I'm going home, if you're smart.....you will too." Taylor tells Sinclair before putting on an overcoat and heading out of the station, punching out his clock and heading to his car.The cop grumbles in annoyance at the rain and the fact that his new partner is a naive kid who doesn't know hso head from his ass.Turning the engine over, Taylor makes his way down the road...in the opposite direction of his home.Little does he know, he is being watched.....far from sight of the station, a Dodge Charger's engine roars to life and starts to follow the cop, the driver's eyes never drifting from his target.

The rain batters down on the car as Taylor makes his way in the inner confines of the district...the saying in the Alley is that the closer to you get to the filth, the more golf you find.Parking the car on the curb, he quickly gets out and makes his way to a falafel stand."Taylor." The stand worker welcomes Taylor with a slight glimmer of fear and trepidation."Stevens.You know the drill.Sandwich...and my payment." Taylor demands to Stevens who sighs but nonetheless starts making the cop's order."Hurry up, will ya?I don't want to be out in the rain." Taylor growls threateningly to Stevens who begins to speed up.Taylor looks around and sees a few cars passing by on the road and many night time walkers making their way down the street.As he turns back to Stevens, Taylor's eye is caught by a woman who stands on the corner of the block.She is wearing a short, pink dress that is covered in glitter, a large overcoat to protect herself from the cold, and an umbrella to hold against the rain.Taylor licks his lips as his eyes trail down the legs of the woman.The woman, almost sensing Taylor's gaze, turns her eyes towards him...she smiles coyly at him.She holds up her free hand, beckoning Taylor with her finger in a seductive way.Taylor fixes his pants before turning to Stevens, who passes him the sandwich and the money.Taylor, seeing the tip box, grabs a few notes out of it....before training away and heading to the woman."Taylor....I have kids to feed." Stevens calls out to Taylor but the cop turns back an holds his hand over his gun."The fuck you say?" He growls out but Stevens raises his hand in a placating manner."I'm sorry, I'm sorry.I didn't mean it." Stevens begs Taylor who huffs and walks away.....his angry gazing turns to one of lust as he follows the woman.

Through the heavy pelting of rain, and the sea of people along the street, Taylor loses sight of the woman....he growls in annoyance at his hard-on and kicks a trash bag onto the street.He makes his way back to his car, gorging himself on his sandwich but his attention is caught when he looks up and hears a paint can being sprayed.He turns down an alley way heads down into it, he turns a corner and sees a gang of five youth who are spray painting a wall.But what shocks and angers Taylor is the fact that the kids are wearing skull masks and that what they are painting.....is a flaming skull, with chains hanging from the skulls teeth.One of the youth spots the cop who nudges the others.The gang turns to Taylor, who is subtly lowering his hand to his gun as the gang begins to circle him, holding onto bats, and broken pipes."You kids are either dumb or you were dropped on your head one too many times." Taylor says as he pulls out hso gun.....seeing the deadly weapon, the gang cuts their losses and makes a break for it, running past Taylor and out the alley way."That's right, run....you little shits.Fucking stupid." Taylor growls to himself...but before he can do anything else....a chain wraps around his leg.

He grunts in confusion but then screams in terror as he is yanked off his feet and pulled up to the sky.The chain stops moving as Taylor is grabbed roughly by his coat, his eyes widened in horror at seeing Matt Spectre, sitting on a fire escape, holding him by a chain.Matt's eyes glow with fire as parts of his skin start to burn away."Where are the Shadows hidden?!" Matt shouts in fury at the cop who whimpers in terror."I don't know.I don't.....I swear.....I swear to God!" Taylor pleads but Matt ignores his cries, narrowing his eyes at the upside-down cop."Swear to me!" Matt shouts as he loosens his grip on the chain.Taylor screams in terror as he is dropped to the ground, he tries to shield his head from the ground, but he stops just short.....he screams again when he is pulled back up to Matt."Where are they?!" Matt shouts again."I'm telling you, I don't know.I don't know any Shadows.I have no idea what you're going on about!" Taylor shouts again but Matt grabs his right hand."No, no, no...please don't!" Taylor pleads Matt but he breaks his wrist and pulls his fingers open.Taylor screams in agony as Matt shows Taylor his palm.The palm is inked with a figure eight symbol, stylized with swords.The symbol for the League of Shadows."Tell me where they are!" Matt shouts to Taylor who shakes his head."I swear I don't know.They don't tell me anything, I promise." He pleads, again, but Matt is not having it."Excuses!" He shouts as he drops Taylor again.Screaming in terror and believing that he'll die this time, Taylor braces for the ground but is stopped and pulled back up.Matt grabs him by the cost again and grits his teeth."I'm losing my patience.You have three seconds to tell me where they are." Matt tells Taylor as he begins counting as Taylor cries and pleads for mercy."Please, I swear.....I don't know.I never knew...." He whimpers to Matt who sits undeterred." "Two.....thr-." Before Matt can say 'three', Taylor grabs his arm."Ok, ok....I'll tell you what I know.I don't know where they are now, only where they were." Taylor says, his closes his eyes...thinking that he'll be dropped again but Matt ponders."Where?" He questions Taylor who opens his eyes again."Ok...they were at the Steel Mill.I don't know what they were doing or who I was getting involved with.But all they told me to do was to find any recruits.....people that wouldn't be missed or investigated." Taylor explains to Matt."Orphans." Matt says, knowing what kind of the people that the Shadows liked to collect for their army."Yes.....a guy that was in Sionis's pocket told me to find any who could be suitable recruits...I got paid for everyone that I brought...I didn't think twice about it." Taylor whimpers to Matt who growls in aggravation.

"Where are they now?" He demands but Taylor shakes his head."I don't know.I swear I don't." He says but Matt pulls him closer as his eyes, nose and mouth burn away, revealing the skull face of the Ghost Rider."Tell me where they are.....OR I'LL EAT YOUR FUCKING SOUL!" Matt says before Zarathos threatens Taylor who starts to shit himself in fear."Ok, ok, ok!All we were told is that they were moving from the Steel Mill.After Sionis went missing, I heard that they had to move, seeing as the Steel Mill was under Sionis's control...whoever took him could trace his steps back, so they packed up and left.I don't know where they went but what I do know is reports from the sewers.The commissioner set up a taskforce that was to document and track the movements of Killer Croc.And what we got was that he was patrolling the pipelines from the Steel Mill, Iceberg Longue, the Bowery, and Crime Alley.He reported to never have strayed from those places, never heading back into the deeper pipelines of the city centre.....plus a rising count in maintenance workers who turned up dead, the common similarity between, besides being mauled by Croc, was that they all worked in the inner sewer lines.Maybe that's something you can look into.Happy?" Taylor hurriedly tells Matt who growls in annoyance."Killer Croc....." Matt says with a huff as he stares at the whimpering disgrace of a cop.He loosens his other chain and wraps it Taylor's neck."What are you....I told you what you wanted to know.Please....Batman doesn't do this!" Taylor pleads as the rest of Matt's head burns away, leaving only the Ghost Rider."Do I look like Batman?" Zarathos questions sarcastically as he loosens the chain holding Taylor up.The cop screams as he falls to the ground, he tries to pull the chain around his neck, but Zarathos flexes his hand and tightens the tension on the chain.Taylor comes to a sudden stop above the ground, a resounding crack echoes over the battering of rain.Taylor hangs lifelessly from the chain, which loosens and returns to its owner.Zarathos stares down at his latest victim with zero remorse in his action."Good riddance." He growls before turning away.Now with the information that Sionis had a bigger involvement with the Shadows, now coupled with the fact that Killer Croc is steering clear of the inner workings of the sewers gives Matt and Zarathos reason that the Shadows are hidden deep within.They must have made a deal with Croc, for no one goes into the sewers without Croc's permission.But Croc serves no one but himself, even if the Shadows turned him into a glorified guard dog, if he is pushed enough...he'll talk...one way or another.

Sewer Access, Industrial District, Gotham:

P.O.V Change: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

I kick the door off its hinges and make my way down the maintenance shaft.These sewers have always been bad, even during my younger years.But ever since Batman has been here, these sewers became a haven for criminals, a place to hide when the sun goes down.But now, these sewers are a death zone to anyone and everything.....Killer Croc owns these sewers.The Gotham Mayor tells the public that the mutant crocodile is nothing more than a rumor and there is no actual proof.....but everyone knows.Waylon Jones, aka Killer Croc has been seen by most of the police force and criminals of this city to effectively know that he is real.And let's be honest, if a caped vigilante that is dressed like a bat and a man with a flaming skull riding around in a flaming car is confirmed to be real.....why is a mutant man-crocodile outside the realms of possibility."Humans simply are unable to understand what is real and what isn't.They deny because if they do accept that it is real then it's outside of their control.It's a means to hold onto whatever power they have left within their own lives and beliefs, however misguided they may be." Zarathos answers my train of thought as I nod to his reasoning."I can understand that....it took me a while to come to grips with the fact that I had a vengeful spirit bring me back to life.....twice, might I add.Not to mention the fact that he comes from a race of universe hopping and creating beings that have existed long before the universe was even a thought." I point out to Zarathos who hums in agreement."Very true."

I turn down a sewer pipeline, keeping my eye on the water....keeping my guard up just in case Croc comes bursting out of the water."Sense him?" I ask Zarathos as I turn sharply, hearing a slight splash of water behind me."I can sense him.....he is near." He tells me as I reach a crossroads of sorts.I loosen a chain and prepare myself when suddenly.....the water next to me splashes up over me and I'm tackled into the wall.The force of the impact sends us through the worn-out wall, sending the pair of us tumbling over.I push myself up and see that we're in an abandoned subway terminal, but my assessment of my surroundings is cut off when I hear a low snarling coming from nearby, I look up and see Croc a few metres from me.He stands at around 7, maybe 8 feet tall.He is muscled to peak superhuman level, a pair of bandages wrapped lazily around his forearms.He is wearing some plus size pants but his main features are the scale like skin, a short snout like jaw and a wide mouth, filled with sharpened teeth.....he definitely lives up to his name.

"You don't belong down here, Rider.This is my home and you're not welcome." Croc growls throatily to me as I shrug off debris and dust off my jacket."I came down here because I'm looking for some information, Jones.I know that the Shadows are down here and that they have employed you to protect their operations.Tell me where they are and I'll leave you here with a mouth full of teeth." I say to him.Instead of answering yes or no, he roars with fury and charges towards me.I sigh in aggravation."Hard way it is." I say to myself before charging at him as well.Our fists meet in the middle, the collision sends a small shockwave through the entire terminal.

Paula Crock's Apartment, Gotham City:

P.O.V Change: Jade 'Cheshire' Spectre née Nguyen

I carefully sit at the dining table, careful not to hit my baby bump on my way down."You ok, honey?" Mom calls out to me as I look up and see her wheeling over from the door, a bag of Chinese takeout on her lap."I'm fine, and I thought we agreed on Vietnamese." I say to her with some veiled annoyance.I don't like Chinese, never have, never will."I know but I grew up with Vietnamese food.....I want to expand my tastes, and I got you a pizza if you don't notice." She says as I raise my eyebrows and low and behold, in her lap.....below the Chinese.....is a Little Caesar's pizza."Oh.....sorry." I awkwardly apologise.Even after five years of being back together.....it's still hard for me sometimes to apologise or let go of a grudge, especially when it comes to Mom.At first, we were very apprehensive, knowing our history...but Matt and Artemis made it work.Matt because he promised to help out any what he can and Artemis because we're family and now that we are all free...why wouldn't it be worth a sort.The first few months were heard but I eventually came around with Mom...it was trial and error but it was worth it in the end."It's not a problem, honey.Matt has told me of your dislike for Chinese food.....so I knew that I had to get something that would at least put you in a better mood than before." Mom says which I nod to.It's been a few hours since Matt left and I'm starting to feel anxious...I know that he can look after himself and there's not a lot, especially in Gotham, that can pose a threat to him but it doesn't make me any less fearful that something may happen to him."He'll be fine, honey." Mom says which breaks me from my thoughts.I go to say something but I notice the knowing look on her face.I sigh in defeat."I know....it's just....hard sometimes.When he goes out and does what he does.I have no problem with it, if I wasn't pregnant I would go with him.But I feel....like..." I say to her as she nods."That you haven't fully left the life?" She asks me as I nod."Yeah.We said that we wouldn't do this but he does.With Frank and Blade and sometimes Blake.It's frustrating.I shouldn't be complaining because I would be a hypocrite.But with what the Shadows have done and what Dad said to me....did I ever truly leave the life behind.Did any of us really leave?" I say that last part to myself.I lied myself into thinking that everything was alright....that I had moved on from my past but it was always here, waiting and watching."I know what that's like." Mom says which draws my attention back to her.She has a hint of sorrow, regret and melancholy in her eyes as she wheels over to me and takes my hand.

"I thought that after I got out that we would be happy but what I found was your father, brutally training and abusing Artemis and you were long gone.My world was shattered because Lawrence promised me that he would look after you and I believed him.Imagine that, the person that I thought loved me, lied to me.....pushed my eldest daughter to a life of crime and death and my youngest...pushed her to be a living weapon.....I was broken, but Artemis helped me.....helped me push forward.That is what you need to do, Jade.You need to stop blaming yourself, yes.....they never left but to wallow in this guilt is not going to change what has happened.The only thing that you can do is push on, keep living....and if needs be.....fight." Mom says with determination and steel laced in her voice.I feel my eyes starting to well up with tears again, I fall into her embrace..... thanking whatever deity watching down for letting me have this wonderful woman in my life.I was a fool to run and leave my family behind but I am grateful that she has looked past what I have done.I couldn't be more happy to have her as my mother again.The only thing that would make this moment better is if Matt and Artemis were here...now that I think about it, I need to catch up with Artemis sooner or later.....I can't believe that I haven't told her.


We break apart as we turn out eyes to the door.I grab Mom's knife that she was using as I carefully get up and head to the door.Mom grabs my wrist as I look down and see her with a raised eyebrow."Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, genuinely confused as to why see is looking at me like that.She shakes her head and turns to the door."Come in, Artemis." She says as my eyes sharply turn to the door, which opens.....revealing Artemis.I suck in a nervous breath as she comes barreling into the room, crossing over time and hugging me.I'm taken aback by the quick action but nonetheless, wrap my arms around her."I heard what happened.Are you ok?How's Matt?Where is he?" Artemis asks in rapid succession but I grab by the arms and straighten her."Arty.....I'm fine.Matt's fine.We're all ok.He's out dealing with something right now and he'll be back." I say to her as she releases a calming sigh and hugs me again."Thank God....I'm glad you're ok.When Mom called, I feared the worst." Artemis says.I go to say something but I notice Artemis eyes trail downward.....to my baby bump.The silence in the room echoes....the tension could be cut by the sharpest knife."Jade.....are you.....are you pregnant?" She asks in a disbelieving tone.....I fear that she is disapproving and I hang my eyes in shame.Even as the oldest, Artemis has a presence that demands respect and truth.....to lie to her face is like slapping yourself for your own stupidity."Yeah." I say quietly, just waiting her to explode in anger for not telling her or the fact that I am pregnant.The dangers, the risks etc etc. But I'm caught by surprise when I hear her sniffle and she bends down to my bump."Hi little one.I'm your Auntie Arty.....get here soon for me, will ya?You, me, Wally and Brucely are going to have so much fun." She says in what I can only assume to be an attempt at a 'baby voice'."You're....not....mad?" I ask carefully as Artemis straightens up."I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.Seeing how far along you are, I wish that you told me but I can't be mad for long.In a few months time.....I'm going be an auntie.I couldn't be more happy for you....and Matt." She says as I sniffle a tear away."Let's not forget about me." Mom says as we both turn to her, a smug smile on her face."I'm going to be a grandmother." She says happy but he voice cracks slightly as emotions start leak out.Me and Artemis kneel down next to me and all three of us form a group hug.This moment, I will forever remember.My blood family, the only ones that really matter, all here and a family once again.Complete and hopefully, one day.....unburdened."Ok, that's enough.Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold." Mom says as she pats out backs and wheels over to the table.Through she hides it very quickly with a flick of her finger....I can tell that she was beginning to cry.Artemis and I nod and follow her, sitting at the table and enjoying some nice takeout.I look to the window and I hope that Matt is ok and nearly done.I want him back here, just to enjoy the moment.....with family.

Abandoned Subway Terminal, Gotham Sewers:

P.O.V Change: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

"Come on!" I shout out as Croc swings his massive clawed hand at my head, I quickly duck under and land several straight punches to his liver and solar plexus.He grunts in pain but the animalistic instinct and rage has overtaken his common sense.The entire subway is completely destroyed.Large claw marks line the floor and walls, burn marks from my chains are all over the place...even the abandoned train carts are dented and ripped apart.I avoid another swipe from Croc, his fist is driven into the ground, leaving his head wide open and at my level.I run full speed and throw a flying superman punch to his temple.The crocodile mutant is dazed from the hit which gives me the opportunity to charge forward, Croc shakes off his dizziness, but I drive a flying knee into his nose, driving him back.I give him no time to recover as I throw my chains.....one wraps around his head and neck, while the other around his upper torso and shoulder.I pull him towards me, stumbling the massive mutant.He tries to swipe but I maneuver myself under his claws, wrapping my chains tighter around his body.Seeing that his legs are wrapped, I pull and trip him over and falls in a heap.I race over and begin raining bombs to his head.He manages to slip his hand free, punching me before backhanding away.But before I can get far from the backhand, he grabs my foot and pulls me back and slams me to the ground before doing the same thing in reserve."Maybe you stop trying to hold back." Zarathos says sarcastically as I groan in annoyance."If I go all out, I'll run the risk of killing him and like it or not, we need him to tell us where the Shadows are." I say as I get to my feet and pull my chains back around my arms."I'm not saying let me have a go, though I wouldn't be opposed, but this is your mission.....find a way to make him submit." Zarathos advises me as I turn to resume fighting, but I'm grabbed by the head and dragged along the ground, my head making a small trench in the ground.Croc lifts me up and throws me into a wall, the impact forcing me halfway through the brick.I try to pull myself out, but Croc is on me again, he pushes my head further into the brick."Now.....I feast on your corpse!" Croc growls in a hungered tone but I narrow my eyes."Enough." I say as I draw on Zarathos's power, letting the Hellfire flow through me.I release a small piece of Hellfire out of my eyes and ears, the fire burning Croc's hands."Oww!" He shouts in pain as he pulls his hands off me.

Seeing my chance, I pull myself free of the wall and stalk closer to him.My hair is completely singed as my eyes glow with Hellfire and pieces of my skin start to burn off.I tighten my chains around my fists a singer closer to Croc.He growls in fury and swipes at me.....with the added fuel of Hellfire, my reflexes are far beyond most beings, so much so that Croc's hands are almost slown down to an almost complete stop.I duck around the swipe and hand a powerful blow to his stomach.The blow is so strong that a small shockwave is forced out.Croc reels back from the blow as he stumbles, he goes for another swipe but avoid it to the side, standing shoulder to shoulder with him.....I kick the back of his knee forward, bringing him back down to my level....I spin with a picture-perfect spinning back elbow right to the bridge of his nose.The blow cracks the bone as Croc holds on his bleeding nose.....though I do smirk at seeing him spit a few teeth out.He goes to lunge his mouth at me, fully intend on biting my head off but I throw my head forward that connects with his underjaw.He reels back from the headbutt, but I reach up and grab his mouth, pulling him down into my knee.The crack echoes as more teeth fly out.He throws another, desperate swipe but I avoid the swipe and throw the meanest uppercut I have ever thrown.The blow is powerful enough to lift Croc just off his feet but I don't relent.....I reel my right fist back, fueling almost all of the strength of Hellfire into my fist but without the 'soul damning' part.I throw a massive haymaker to Croc's jaw.The impact sends out a massive resounding echo and shockwave.....Croc is sent hurdling across the ground like a ragdoll before landing on his front.....groaning and moaning in pain."Enough games, Croc.Where are they?Where are the Shadows hidden?" I say as I walk over to him.

"Go to hell, Rider." He says as he tries to get up but I level my foot against his head and kick him back.He is sent flying across the ground, earning more groans."Tell me where they are!" I say as I throw a fist into his face, forcing him back down.He tries to get up again but I pull him to his knees and throw a nasty tight hook, the punch making a small shockwave.I throw another hook before kicking back to the ground.He goes to get up again but I boot him in the head, and with him so close to the platform, his head cracks the concrete from the blow of my kick.I wrap my chains around his legs and pull him away from the platform before punching him again.He is bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth.....many of his teeth are missing and he has a lot of cuts along his scaled head."WHERE ARE THEY?!" I shout in fury as I throw another hook.He is on his front as he tries to crawl away but I loosen my chains from my hands and wrap them around his neck.He starts to grunt from his airway getting cut off.I hold both chains with one hand as I drive my foot in between his shoulder blades, forcing him and his neck down into the chains."Tell me where they!Now!" I shout as I lightly heat up the chains.Croc's neck starts to singe as smoke starts to raise from his throat.He continues to try and claw his way out but the heat of the chains is making it difficult for him to grasp onto."I could simply pull and your head will roll from your shoulders....added that your soul will burn and spend the rest of eternity.....in hell.If you don't want that to happen.....YOU'LL TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE HIDING!" I shout as I pull harder on the chains while also heating them up more.Croc continues to claw, cry and try everything to get free but he is starting to sag.....his throat is now getting cut and burned by the chain.....if I pull any harder, I'll kill him....but if he wants to be difficult then tough luck, he wants to be stubborn, he can.....won't stop me from killing him."Ugh...O....ok....I'll....talk." He manages to get out as I feel the Hellfire back in and loosen the chains.He scrambles to get them off and crawls over to the platform wall, testing against it as he runs his burnt throat."Better not be playing me, Croc.....I'm not in the mood." I say to him as I cross my arms, awaiting his response.He chuckles sarcastically before looking up at me."No shit.....ugh.....the Shadows promised me peace.....they asked for permission to use my sewers.I saw no issue, I was glad that they asked me first.It was fine to begin with until they started to bring more people in.I never agreed to more but they wouldn't hear it...they are powerful, they have powers that went far beyond what I could handle.They tortured me you know.....everyday.....they made me guard them under the threat of my life.Everyday I would walk, swim and feast and I would feel them, slicing my skin open, dozens of ways to break me.....eventually, I did.And now I wander the outer reaches of the sewers, all to protect those bastards.In my own home!" Croc roars in fury before smashing his fist on the platform wall, cracking the stone.I stand with zero emotion on my face but I do feel slightly sorry for him.To be tortured and then forced to guard the very people who tortured you.....sounds horrible.Almost makes me regret beating him to a pulp...almost.

"That's sad and all, Croc but right now, I couldn't care less.Tell me where they are and I'll do you a favor....I'll get rid of them and you can go back to roaming the sewer unheeded." I say to him which makes his eyes turn up to me."You would do that?For me?" He says with a slight tinge of hope but I scoff and spit at his feet."I don't give two shits about you, Croc.I have my own problems with the Shadows, and you are the least of my concerns right now.....tell me where they.Now." I demand from him as he nods and lifts his right arm, pointing to the far end of the terminal."They have set up a base of some sort in the old, collapsed streets of Wonder City.I don't know much since it's difficult to navigate but I have a feeling that they have set up in the abandoned city." Croc explains as my eyes widen at his statement.Everyone in Gotham, whether they were poor, rich, young or old knew of the fable and something infamous city known simply as Wonder City.Originally built as a utopia of freedom and democracy, legend had it that the city become a cesspool of crime, rioting and murder...the supposed organization known as the Court of Owls was said have been born in the ruins of Wonder City.Whatever is myth or fact is still up to debate but right now, all I have is Croc's word that they are there then that is all I need.But before I go....I turn to Croc and grab his throat.He grabs from the pain of my thumb digging rough into his scorched flesh."I told you what your wanted." He says, he doesn't try to break free, simply because I have a fine grip and he is also too tired."I know and I thank you for it, but you have killed a lot of people and deserve to burn in hell for it.But you have provided me with the information that I wanted, so I'll let you live...but not without consequence." I say as I pry mouth open, he tries to get free and get me off of him but I have a too strong of a grip.I see that many of his teeth have been knocked out, but there are many more left behind, with one tooth, quite a big one, still standing.The teeth that got knocked out must have hurt but the adrenaline and blood lust that he was feeling most likely meant that he didn't feel it...but he'll fell it now.I grab hold of the tooth roughly as he roars in pain, I slowly pull the tooth free and with a last tug, the tooth comes free.Croc roars in pain as he holds onto his mouth but the blood is pouring from the open hole in his mouth.I throw the tooth at him as he looks up at me."Let that be a reminder of my mercy...don't ever test my patience like you did tonight.....you won't like the result." I say as I walk and away and head in the direction that he pointed out.With him dealt with, I know have an unrestricted path that will take me right to where the Shadows are hiding.I almost salivate a the thought of tearing them all apart.


That was the most tedious thing that I have ever done.Whose bright idea was it to have the base on the other side of collapsed streets.I had to do so much swinging and backtracking because I got lost.Zarathos wouldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes simply because he thought it was funny and I'm sure it was.....from his point of view.Doesn't help when he says that he could sense where the Shadows were and could have helped me with directions, but I said no, I know where I'm going.So yeah.....stands to reason that I'm an idiot and should never, never, ever, ever, ever....refuse help from a billion-eon old deity of Justice.Fucking dumbass."Haha...hoohoo.....you have to admit Matt, that was funny.'Oh no...I'm lost, if only there was a person that was living in my mind that has soul sensing that could point me in the right direction'.Hahahaha." Zarathos laughs again as I growl in annoyance at his heckling."Ok...I get it, ok.Can you just stop?" I say in exasperation as I arrive at what appears to be a structural base.When where I entered the sewer, with the distance that I have covered.....I assume that we are under the old Wonder Tower, an abandoned Tower near the centre of Crime Alley...know that I've thought about it.....that is a lot of distance that I have covered.....damn.I'm definitely teleporting out of here when this is all said and done, fuck backtracking through all that shit.

I make my way through what appears to be an old ride lane.....like something out of an amusement park but with all the signage and posters around....it must have been a welcoming ride that introduced many of the old denizens to Wonder City...the only thing that takes away from the ride lane are the dozens of bodies hanging from the ceiling.Many of them are dressed in clothing that tells me that they are thugs of Two Face, Penguin, Black Mask, Quinn and an assortment of others.I don't feel sorry for any of them but I do recognize the display.....it's one of intimidation, meant to deter anyone, who managed to get past Croc, away from here.I come to a large door and burn a hole for me to step there.I come out to a sort of old marketplace.Old shops for clothing, technology, toys etc...in its hey day.....this must have been a premiere shopping district for the inhabitants.But what catches my attention is the large metal door at the end of the market, a door that depicts the Demon's Head and it's figure eight symbol.My eyes turn to the dozens of pipes that seem to line the walls and originate from the door.....not to mention the green liquid that sends to glow and run down the pipe.My breath hitches when I recognize the colour and glow of the liquid, matching that of Lilith's eyes and magic."A Lazarus Pit.I can sense it's foul magic." Zarathos growls in rage as o turn back to the door."If there is a Lazarus Pit here...." I start to say which is then followed up by Zarathos."Not only is this place important to Ra's Al Ghul and his Shadows but to Lilith as well.We must destroy it." He advises and I completely agree it.Lazarus Pits are not only a way for Lilith to regain power but they serve as method of birthing her 'Children' and portals for which her Children can use to cross dimensions.But for that to happen, she would have to converge on the largest Lazarus Pit which has never been found and spread her magic between all of the remaining ones.That type of energy and power would not be missed by Zarathos or even Doctor Fate and since the world isn't destroyed or overrun with demons, we can safely say that that hasn't happened yet.

We get to the main door and burn a hole through it.I step out and see the interior of a large, ornate chamber.The room is large, definitely capable of holding a hundred or so people, without question.I turn my eyes to another large door a true end of the chamber, even from back here.....I can sense the power and wrongness of the pit within.....it's taking all of my willpower to try and hold Zarathos back, saying that I came here to protect my family and when that's done....we can destroy the pit.He wasn't happy with my order, but he follows it nonetheless.

"You shouldn't have come here." I hear a woman's voice call out to me as I turn and see an Asian woman, dressed in an orange and black bodysuit, she has a sword strapped to her waist and behind stands a dozen or so Shadows.I hear rustling as I gaze around and see dozens, upon dozens, of Shadows making themselves known."They hid from me?Why draw us here then hide?" Zarathos questions as I turn back to the woman who holds her hands behind her back, an unnerving calm expression on her face."O...K, this isn't what I was expecting.May I know the name of the genius that managed to trap me here?" I sarcastically ask the woman who raises as eyebrow."I would have thought that Jade Nguyen would have told you about me...but I'd you must know, my name is Lady Shiva.....I'm the commander of this branch of the League of Shadows." Shiva says to me, I growl at the mention of Jade but nonetheless keep my emotions under Conti and simply nod to Shiva."You displayed your souls so that I could find you and them hid them when I got here.....why?" I ask but my curiosity turns to anger as I hear snarling and growling.I turn and see a dozen or so demons circling me, moving in-between the sea of Shadows."I'm sure you are smart enough to figure out why." Shiva says in a condescending manner."True, true.....but one question." I say which earns a raised eyebrow from her."That all the demons and Shadows you brought?" I say as I start laughing at Shiva, her calm expression turns to one of annoyance."I don't see what's funny." She says but I don't answer her and continue to crack up laughing, losing myself in my humor, though I do take note of Shiva nodding to a demon who pulls a spear out his body and throws it at me.I can feel the power of Lilith imbued with the spear as it punctures halfway through me.I stand shocked at the massive pole of dark energy, impaling halfway through my body...and for some reason, I'm getting a terrible sense of déjà vu.I sense amusement coming from the demons and a deep sense of satisfaction from Shiva."That spear was given to Ripper by the Mother.....that spear is powered by her power and not even you, Ghost Rider, can withstand her strength." Shiva says arrogantly as I gaze down at the spear before staring back up at her...a look of annoyance and amusement on my face.Her eyes widen when my hand starts burning with a gentle, blue flame...all of the demons begin hissing in anger and fear as all of them start to back away.I grip the spear, the Heavenly Fire purging the spear of its dark power as I slowly pull it out.The tip comes out and I drop the spear and roll it to Shiva's feet.The once calm woman is now quivering slightly, subtlety backing away."You asked me what I found funny?Well, I found it funny that you thought you had me surrounded." I say as Hellfire starts to burn away my skin."All I am surrounded by is fear." I say as the fire burns away the rest of my flesh, leaving me as the Ghost Rider.I grip a chain and pull, lightning the chain in a blazing orange."Fear....and dead men."


The ground is scorched beyond recognition.The bodies of dozens of Shadows line the floor, many of the demons had been torn apart by my rage.The chamber was burning, the bodies starting to catch fire.....I gaze around with a look of satisfaction at my handy work.The fear of me made these men and women make rash decisions, and they paid it with their lives.They dared to spy on my fault and now the only thing they'll spy from now on.....is free time in hell...what I would give to see that becoming a thing...not.The demons that I didn't get had found their common sense and high tailed it out of here.....the Shadows weren't so lucky.I hear a groan and I look over and see Shiva pushing a body off of her.Her bodysuit is torn, she is covered in soot and is bleeding profusely.She sees me stalking towards her, she grunts and tries to crawl away...I chuckle at her attempt to preserve her life."Go ahead!Run for it....makes it more fun for me." I say to her as she heaves herself over the ripped in half body of one of her assassins.I loosen my chains and drag them along the concrete, the metal scrapping along and the tinge of Hellfire leaving scorch marks in the ash covered ground.Shiva turns to me as she presses her back against a wall.She stares up at me with an unflinching gaze, but I can sense her dress welling up inside her.

"You'll never defeat us.The Shadows will survive, and the Light will never be extinguished." She says to me with defiance as I chuckle, the sound sending a bone chilling tingle up her spine."My dear...I am immortal....I can fight forever...you can't.....oh, so sad." I say mockingly as I swing my chains at her but to my surprise, the literal shadows around her open up, and she falls in.....but it didn't save her from my chains cutting across her chest and right shoulder...she screams from the pain but the shadow closes up...like a portal."Well.....that was different." I say in confusion before reeling in the fire....letting Matt in control again."That went well." I say as I make my way to the final door.Burning a hole, I see the Lazarus Pit in all it's wrongful glory."Let's get this over with." Zarathos says as I bring forth the Heavenly Fire and send a stream of it into the room, burning it all...the Lazarus Pit vaporizes under the intensity and purity of the Heavenly Fire.I feel the fire in a I gaze at the result."That worked better than expected...done and dusted, let's go home." I say happily for which Zarathos hums."Agreed." He says as I open a portal and step through, I look around and see that I'm in an alley way out the back of Paula's apartment block.

Making my way upstairs, I hear laughter coming from the apartment....I enter and see to my shock and amusement...Paula, Jade and Artemis were playing a game of monopoly on the dining table."No, that's not fair.....you can't say to let her pay you back later when you told me that I have to pay you now." Jade says to Paula who smirks smugly."House rules, honey." Paula smugly says which earns a scoff from Jade and an amused chuckle from Artemis."House rules?What do you mean, 'house rules'?The rules of the game clearly state that rent must be paid to the owner immediately.....not later!" Jade shouts the last part with exasperation which earns a laugh from me.

All three women turn to me as I lean on the apartment door."I should have brought my popcorn with me....this is more entertaining than anything I have ever seen." I say jokingly but none of them laugh.Jade gets up and races over to me, accidentally knocking the table over and sending the game flying.She barrels into me with a hug asi return it, though I am careful with her baby bump."I'm so glad that you're back." She says with a sniffle as I break her from me."I'm glad to back.Back with you....both of you." I say as I rest my head on her stomach.She smiles and hugs me again.A clearing throat catches out attention as I trunk and see Artemis standing there with her arms crossed and a 'I'm waiting' expression on her face."Hey, Arty..." I wave awkwardly to her but she smiles and hugs me.I realise that she was teasing me and I chuckle...hugging her back."I'm glad that my sister isn't widow.....not yet at least...all and all, good to see you, brother." She says with a knowing gaze as I nod."Thank you....I'm glad to be alive....I guess.Thank you for your concern, sister." I say teasingly which earns me a punch to the shoulder."If you three are done.....are we playing or what?" Paula calls out to us as all three of us turn to she her gesturing to the ruined gaming board.We all laugh and make our way over to her."Ok, ok.....FYI, I'm the car.I'm always the car." I say to them which makes them gasp at me in shock."Possessive much?" Artemis questions to which I shrug."Fight me for it, I don't care.....I'm the car, plain and simple." I say to her."Oh you are in so much trouble, mister." Jade says with her arms crossed."Most definitely." Paula follows up which make sth two of them fist bump.I laugh internally at seeing us all having fun and a laugh.....this.....this is what family should be.In a few months, we will be getting anew member and I am counting down the days.