

Abandoned Warehouse, Happy Harbour: 6:48am, December 7th, 2010

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

I open my eyes and just see wild black hair.I focus my eyes and see Jade holding me tightly.I smile a so go to touch her but my hand passes right through her.I pull back in surprise.I see my hand and notice that it's transparent.I can see right through it.I stand up suddenly as I look around, I see a bird in mid flight but the strange thing is that it's almost completely still, it's wings are slowly flapping.I turn back and see myself, an open wound in my chest.Jade holding me close with tears falling down her face.Artemis and Rachel embracing her."Weird, isn't it?" I hear a voice say as I turn and see a blue glow manifest into a man, he steps forward to me.I see his eyes glow with a gentle blue.Long dark hair pulled back into a stylish ponytail.Strong fit build with a Greek toga covering his form."Who are you?What is this?Am I...am I dead?" I say in rapid succession.The man looks down, his eyes turn back up to me."I'm putting sure you know the answers to your questions, Matthew."

The figure says as I recongise his voice.It's not a growl or echoing with the voices of past riders but the distinct voice that always was present."Zarathos?" I say in bewilderment as he smiles."It's nice to finally meet you.Face to face." He says as he approaches me.His light glow encompasses me as I feel at peace in his presence.....safe.I turn my head down to my body and everywhere else."What is this?What's happening?" I ask."Your soul has left your body.What you are seeing is the Astral Dimension.Before souls pass, they pass through the Astral Dimension.To be accepted...or damned." He says as I walk around.Everything seemed normal but it's just unnerving how.....still everything is.It's all on motion but it doesn't seem real."So I'm dead.....it's done." I say as I sit by Jade, Artemis and Rachel, just watching, seeing the hurt and pain etched on their faces."Yes.Your heart has stopped and by the obvious...your soul has left your body." He says as I scoff."I knew that this would happen.Told myself it was for the greater good...we both said that I was needed.And with it done...why does it seem like a failure?" I ask him as he sits beside me."Because you have loved ones.You know that what had happened was necessary but you feel that you have now abandoned your loved ones.You feel like a failure because you feel that you have left them with nothing but grief." He says as I wipe my tears away."I don't want to leave them...I can't." I say as I feel his hand sit comfortingly on my shoulder.I look at him as he smiles."Then don't." He says as I look at him with wide eyes.He stands and walks over to my body."You coming?" He says as I look bewildered."But what about your kin.You have your Angel form back.Why would you stay?Why would you bring me back?" I ask him.He looks down at my body as he points."Because of them.Because of humans.Mankind is young and foolish.The innocent need protecting.I made a promise to protect the innocent and punish the guilty.I won't stop now....and with you.You have been the most willful host that I've ever had.You have made me realise that there are some that deserve second chances.Some that deserve to be helped, regardless of their origin.You have opened my eyes to the things that I turned a blind eye too.I can protect the innocent.....but with you, I can hope to inspire them.....something that I never thought that I could do." He says as I kneel beside him."We're really doing this?" I ask him."Yes...things will be different.The Evil has been purged from my aether but the Hellfire remains.The Heavenly Fire within me has also made its way back to me.When we go back, we'll be both the Spirit of Vengeance and the Angel of Justice." He says as I nod my head."We're going to have a rough time with that, are we?" I ask him as he sighs."Possibly.....but together, we can overcome it."

I nod my head as he holds his hand out to me.I clutch it as his other hand glows with blue flame as he touches my body.The whole world becomes a blurry image of white beofre suddenly.....black.

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P.O.V Change: Rachel Roth

I hug Artemis and the other woman as I feel something.I open my eyes and look at Matt.His eyelid twitches.My own eyes widen as I pull him away from the other woman.She looks up sharply as she pushes me away."Don't touch him!" She shouts as I fall on my butt."Jade." Artemis says as the Wan clams down but the fresh tears begin now."I'm sorry.....but I feel something.Something is happening to him." I say as the woman, Jade, hesitating let's him down.I look him over, I see his wound as I open his jacket and shirt.His skin in knitting back together."He's healing." I say I'm bewilderment."What?What does that mean?" Artemis asks as I hover my handsober him."Azarath Metrion Zinthos." I cast a soul detection spell.My eyes widen, I feel a faint flicker but it's there."He's alive!I can feel his soul." I say as Jade looks down at him and caresses his face."Come back to me." She saysbwith love in her voice.I feel something else coming, the team is coming.....as well as Batman, arrow, Canary and Manhunter."The team is coming.I do to know who you are but you obviously care about him.You need to go." I say to Jade as she shakes her head."No....I won't leave him." She says as Artemis turns her towards herself."Jade, you can't help him while you are here.You know what the team will do.You need to go." She says as Jade wipes a tear and begins to leave.She grabs my arm as I look up at her."Please.....make sure he's alright." She says with fear and a hint of threatening."I promise.He's my friend." I say as she nods and runs off.Taking the sword with her.The team arrives as Artemis holds Matt in her lap."What happened here?Batman asks as I go to say something."Rachel was able to get through to him.But Lilith's hold proves too strong.I stab him in the heart, the shock of the act finally broke him.Rachel put him in a deep sleep." Artemis says as Batman narrows his eyes and looks at me."Is this true?" He asks.Too anyone else, his stare would be intimidating, but to me, who has suffered far worse, it's nothing."Yes....he's in a deep magical induced coma." I say as I subtlety place the necessary magic for that on Matt, just in case Batman calls up Zatanna or M'gann to see if I'm lying.His eyes remain on me and Artemis."I can hear his heartbeat.It's steady." Connor says as Batman looks at him."Alright.Let's get him back to the cave.But he will remain under close watch.We don't know what Lilith has done to him, or want after effects could be in place."

Mount Justice:

Matt had been placed into the Vault.A tight security cell that the League used for capture and interrogation in their early days of the League.It was outfitted with the alien, technology and magical defenses.No one would be able to enter and leave the Vault without proper authorisation.But the Zarathos is a being that is from a plane of existence that is above such things.A single twitch of his finger and the entire mountain will be bathed in Hellfire.These defenses will be useless."How is he?" Artemis asks me as she walks up beside me.We gaze through the window.A single bed with wiring and medical machinery attach to him.I can sense that he is fine.His soul is.....healing, for lack of a better word.Never heard of someone coming back from literal death."He seems to be alright.But coming back from death, it's never happened before.....don't know how well he's going to be when he wakes." I say as I see out of the corner of my eye and see her with a raised eyebrow."Pretty sure this is where you would have said something more optimistic." She says as I turn to her."Would you rather the truth or a lie?I can't answer your question the way you want to hear it so I said the truth." I say back as I turn my attention back to Matt.

"I just hope that when he does wale up, hell be the same as he was before." She says as I turn and head out of the room."I hope so." I say in passing as I walk out of the Vault.I head upstairs and enter the common room.Everyone is sitting around, waiting for any news.Batman, Red Tornado, Superman and Doctor Fate have been within the Vault, updating its warpinary and defensive capabilities.Green Arrow, Canary and Shazam decided to hang around and give the team comfort.Blake walks up to me and signs."How is he?Will he walk up soon?" I take his hand and try to comfort him.I'm not very good at this but I can sense Blake's worry.Blake and Matt are really close friends.The only two that I would closer would be Robin and Wally but I can sense that Blake trusts Matt, very loyal."I don't know.It's too early to tell but his readings, vital and magical, are ok." I say to him as he hangs his head and nods.We walks out of the room and heads to the Vault."How did you incapacitate him?He's not someone that even the Team's heavy hitters can take.Beside you.....how did Artemis incapacitate him?" Red Arrow says conscendingly as everyone turns an anger glare at him."You really want to go there?" Connor growls out."Now's not the time for your constant questioning." Wally growls out but Red Arrow raises an eyebrow."I'm just saying what everyone is thinking.Don't tell me you find it a little bit convenient?" He says."Roy, back off." Green Arrow says."No.I want to know how Artemis and a 10 year old were able to take down a brainwashed Ghost Rider?" He says."I used a powerful neurotoxin." Artemis says as I turn and see he enter the room."Rachel may be going but she's powerful with magic.With his body shutting down from the venom.Rachel was able to break Lilith's hold on Matt and place him within a powerful deep sleep...do I have to go on?" She says as she stands beside me."Ok.That's enough." Canary says as she stands in the middle of the room."It doesn't matter how they did, they did.Matt is out of enemy hands and is recovery, that is all we need to worry about."

Canary says finally as Red Arrow walks off with a scoff.I give him an ugly eye as he walks past me.I hate that guy.....gets under my nerves.I walk towards my room, the last few hours have been a toll on my mind and emotions.I need mediation.

No P.O.V:

Weeks have passed.Christmas had come and gone and now, New Year's has literally right around the corner.The Team has made it their mission to interchange watch of Matt.After weeks, he showed no sign of waking up.Rachel, Artemis and Blake were the most frequent watchers.Matt's health had returned to normal.Doctor Fate had stopped by and do a magical examination and determined that his soul and spirit were in perfect health but he remains in deep slumber.Rachel had tried to reserve the magical induced sleep that she placed within him but Fate decrees to leave him be.Any outside magical influence could react violently with him.The team didn't have any missions and Red Arrow had decided to leave, delcaring that the team wasn't for him.With his attitude lately, no one really gave him a goodbye.Wally was mad for his degrading of Artemis.While the speedster agreed with Roy about the Cheshire and Sportsmaster mess up, he didn't need tos we Roy go to town and complete demoralise Artemis.They might argue and not see eye to eye but she was his friend and he would always sit up for his friends.

Kaldur had left Roy with a few choices words.Basically saying that he is welcome to the cave but his constant questioning about his team would no longer be tolerated.Trying to find the mole was one thing but to completely and balantly attack his teammates and friends was something that the Altantean would not tolerate.Robin was in agreement.The Boy Wonder simply called Roy pathetic and left it say that.Zatanna and Rachel had grown close over he weeks, Zatanna would also be with Rachel whenever either of them were on watch.Zatanna continued to teach Rachel magic and also kept the girl from slipping into a grief depression.Rachel had not gotten right away but she felt responsible for Matt's condition.Felt that she could have done something different, Zatanna was always present to make her see that nothing was her fault.

Blake and Connor were very moody, typical of them but Matt's condition had not improved.Connor was being comforted by M'gann but even she was distraught and worried.Artemis had slipped into a self isolation.Rarely ever coming out of her room, only for dinner and to take watch over Matt.Wally had tried to bring her back into a routine of nomlacy.He even went as far to apologize for his words about the Cheshire and Sportsmaster incident.He ecen got on his knees and begged for her to come out of her room.For the first few days, Artemis wanted nothing to do with him but eventually she accepted his requests and returned back to the team.Artemis had also made sure to meet up with Jade, every few days to inform her about Matt's condition.Jade was estatict about Matt getting better but was still distraught that he wasn't waking up.Jade almost had the intention of marching into the cave to see him.Artemis had to slap her sister for that one.

With Matt out of the picture for now, Artemis had taken up the role of being the listener to Jade's informat details.Artemis had shallowed her courage and approached Batman about what really happened that night and the information that she now possesses.While the Dark Knight wasn't particularly happy that the information of the informat had breached into four people, he accepted that he needed someone to receive Jade's information, he reluctantly accepted Artemis's new role.Jade had informed Artemis that her position within the Light was still secure.Lilith knew who she was and whete her loyalties lie, but she was concerned as to why the demon sorceress hadn't told the Light members or went of her way to actually kill her.It unnerved both Jade and Artemis.The younger of the sisters simply told the older to keep your head down and make sure not to attract any further attention to herself.Besides all that, Balde and Castle were seen around the cave before leaving on their own.Blade told the team that he'll keep on touch, the presence of demons and vampires a working together is not a good sign.....not for anyone.Castle wasn't one for goodbye but did say that he'll keep a look out, him and Blade would be heading to hunt down and interrogate any vampire and other persons for any information of Lilith or the demons movements.

Now, day before New Year's Eve, the team were gathered inside the Hall of Justice as they watched the new Leaguers being inducted.With the hero Icon being inducted, Batman had approached the team about introducing his protege Rocket to the team.The team had decided to handle membership themselves, to give themselves a more sense of responsibility.Blake was adamant about Rocket joining the team.He told the team that having an extra flyer would be vital, plus her force field projection would be a vital defensive option.The team had cracked smiles as Rachel had send the attraction radiating off of Blake.Any Rachel had know the real reason that Blake said yes and have him so much shit when they were alone.Blake would deny it but Rachel would always smile knowing.The team had agreed with Blake's "reasoning" for Rocket to be on the team and one amonimus vote later, the team had its tenth member.

Hall of Justice: 9:16am, December 30, 2010: Blake's P.O.V

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members.Looks like the entire League had shown up to welcome the new blood.Everyone from Batman to Shazam." The news lady says as we see Billy scartch his head nervously, I turn my lip at that.All the clues were there and we whether we're too dumb or too blind to notice....or maybe his personality just seemed very funny and ingnored it."I'm glad they didn't kick Billoy out.And I love the fact that there's a 10 year old on the League." Wally says while munching an apple.I turn my eyes sharply to him to see Robin elbow him in the gut."There is?" Rocket says in surprise.Damn Rachel and her not keeping her business to herself.Yes, Rocket is attractive and I'm not going to lie, I thought that first but she brings a lot to the table.Her abilities would be a vital asset to the team.Flight is always a versatile ability and her shields can be used for offensive and defensive.Rachel just made it a habit of bothering me about my attraction.I'm not going to lie and say that I don't but that doesn't mean that I'm going to tell people about it."Way to keep a secret, genius." Robin says to wally who looks at him bewildered."Hey, she's on the team now, right?" Wally says in his defensive as I mentally slap my forehead.Still doesn't mean that you say it out loud.

"Superman is now starting to hand out League membership cards.Starting with Doctor Fate, The Atom." The lady starts as I notice Zatanna's downcast face, Robin places his hand on her shoulder, contorting her.Those two are so cute...why doesn't Rachel pick on them rather than me."Plastic Man, and Icon." The lady continues as Rocket gets mad."You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a superhero in the first place.I should be outside celebrating with him.Not hidden away in here." She says as I make my way over.She looks at me.She's very beautiful.....get your head out of the gutter, Blake."Welcome to our world.....but nothing is stopping you though." I sign to her as she shakes her head."I'm sorry but I don't know sign." She says a so hang my head embarrassingly.Stupid dumbass, don't presume that everyone knows sign language."He said 'welcome to our world, but none is stopping you though'." M'gann says as I lift my head up.She looks at me, smiles and gazes her eyes up and down me.I blush embarrassingly at her gaze."Thank you...there is an upside in here though.Maybe I'll stick around." She says.....I don't know if she's flirting or just sticking truthfully...damnit l, now I can't even think properly."Uhh, get a room." Wally says as I turn to him and harness the electrons on my forehead.He gets my warning and shuts up.Rocket laughs as I relax and smile.

"Finally, Green Arrow welcomes his former protege Speedy, now going by Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes." The lady continues as I turn my attention back to eh screen."Way to go, Roy." Wally says quietly, while everyone is happy for him, the animosity of his leaving was still fresh on everyone, par Rocket's, mind."At last, he has finally gotten his wish." "First of us to make it.No one will call him a sidekick again." Kaldur and Robin say respectfully as Rocket turns sharply to them."Wait, since when is being a sidekick a bad thing?You guys were my inspiration." She says but Robin looks at her with a reserved look."Well, see, six months ago-" He doesn't finish as we hear a ping as everyone looks to Robin, who is faxing at his watch."Guys, Cheshire was spotted in civilian clothing bordering a flight.The image also had the suitcase from New Orleans." He says as Artemis hops to her feet."You positive?" She questions as Robin nods his head."Then we haven't a moment to lose, we'll zeta to the cave and head off in the Bio-ship." Kaldur orders as we head to the zeta."You guys go ahead, I'll think that I'll wait for Icon.Not sure that I'm.....ready yet." Rocket says nervously as I step up beside her.Robin holds back as he looks between us."You are one of us now.You said that we were your inspiration.This is your moment to shine.....but ultimately, the decision is yours." I sign as Robin translate to her.She ponders for a minute before smiling up at me."Ahh, what the hell.Could be fun." She says happily as she walks right past us.I notice Robin giving me a look, one that I've seen on Rachel many times.I narrow my eyes as I open my mouth slightly, a breath inhaled.Robin's eyes widened as he speeds to the zeta.I close my mouth as I nod my head with authority.That's what you get.

Smokey Mountains: 10:48am, December 30th, 2010.Artemis P.O.V

We fly over the snow covered Smokey Mountains as we approach the signal ping."Robin, you sure it's her?Absolutely sure?" I ask him as he projects his holocomputer to the ships window."See for yourself." The screen shows video of Jade in civilian clothing boarding a plane."This is the security footglage from the Ashfield Regional Airport.Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen.But....you've seen her without her mask.What do you think?" He asks as I gaze up at the image."It's Jade.Cheshire." I say as I lower my eyes."Agreed.But focus on what's she's carrying.Is that the case you saw in New Orleans?The one that got away?" Kaldur asks as I focus on the image.It's most definitely the case."Yes." I answer him as he nods."Ok, I'm guessing from the mug shot that this Cheshire is the bad guy.But what's so important about that case?" Rocket asks as Robin brings up an image of the Injustice League."Remember the Injustice League?" Kaldur asks Rocket."With their annoying plant monsters?Uh, yeah." She says."The Team and the League put them in prison.Well, all except Joker, but that is neither here or there.Even with them put away, their allies still scheme.And whatever is inside that containment case seems important to their plans." Kaldur says as Wally takes over."We had a chance to grab it in New Orleans.But, we weren't able to get hold of it." He says, I can hear sympathy in his voice as I give him a small smile."Approaching Cheahire's jet." M'gann says as we enter a small valley.We all gasp in shock at the sight, the jet is completely destroyed, wrecked beyond any repair.

I look away with hurt wrenching in my heart."Looks like their were no survivors." M'gann says as we hear a ping, we turn to Blake who is pressing buttons on the his side table."Until we see bodies, keep a look out, you never know." The Bio-ship was outfitted with a speaker that allows Blake to communicate within the usage of his sign language.Blake thought that it would be better for everything, especially within the ship."We stop here, keep the ship in flight." Kaldur says M'gann who nods.

We are on the ground as we inspect the wreckage."How come Homeland Security and NTSB aren't all over this?" Wally asks as I step out of the cock pit and into the open."Cheahire's bID was a League alert.Authorities didn't pick it up and her jet didn't follow its flight plan.It flew under the radar.Literally." Robin says as he inspects the black box of the plane."Though, the Watchtower auto tracked the jet and recorded the crash." He says as Rocket speaks up."Then why isn't the League here?" She asks as Zatanna answers with a smile."Because our Boy Wonder has some mighty hacking skills and arranged to get the alert first." She says as Robin perks up and places his hands on his hips, heroically.Simp."And because Cheshire and that case represent our unfinished business." Kaldur says as Blake lifts a broken part of the wing and throws it away before turning to us and signing."Where are the bodies?" I nod my head as I look around."Good question.If it was a crash then there would be bodies, so where are they?" I ask as we all hear a chuckle."Here's one.And it is stunning." We look up and see Jade in her Cheshire gear."I am flora, not fauna." We hear a very annoying voice as we turn and look up to see The Riddler, Mammoth and Shimmer, also backed up by by ninjas with Apocolyptan weapons."I am foliage, not trees.What am I?" He says conscendingly as he snaps his fingers.Pylons shoot out from the cliff face as green energy forms a massive shield around us.The pylons are very similar to the ones that Brain used in India."Come on, you can get this.I am shrubbery, not grass.What am I?I...." He starts as Robin growls out."Ambush." He says as I roll my eyes and load an arrow."Very creative." I drone sarcastically.

"Didn't you think we'd be tipped you were on Cheahire's trail?We're tired of your interference kiddies.This is the end game.Orders from above and executed by their master strategist, Moi." He says annoying as I fire the arrow up at his feet.The arrow explodes, making him fall down the cliff face."Now you can shut up!" I say as I feel a probe in my head."Go." Kaldur mentally commands as we head off.Zatanna chants a spell, a massive blizzard forms within the shield.Wally and Kaldur deal with the ninjas while Superboy tries to deesreoynthe pylons.Mammoth is occupied by Blake who just beats him around.I fire an arrow at Jade who dodges it and pulls out two swords.I fire another, which she just blocks and charges me.I defend against the relentless assault, my bow deflecting every slash and poke."Feels like old times.Dad pitting us against each other." She says, not cool.Not cool at all.I catch one of her swords and maneuver it only the other one before giving her a hard headbutt.With her dazed, I grab her arms and break her hold on one of the swords before kneeing her in the gut.She breaks away from me and lands a spinning heel kick to the side of my face.I get to my knees as I see one of the ninjas fire a dial at Rocket which begins shocking her.Blake flies over and barrels the ninja that shot the disk before grabbing said disk.He scowls in pain but remains silent.He crushes the disk and blasts it with a small beam of energy from his fork.

I see Mammoth punching Superboy but he catches his arm and.....flies up."SB, you're flying?" Robin saying mentally with a shocked tone.I feel a rumbling a few moments later.I shake my head from the hit that Jade gave me."Artemis!" I hear my name being called as someone tackles me to the ground, I see that a small avalanche nearly crushed me.The snow clears as K se that it's Jade that saved me."Thank you." I whisper to her."Any time, little sis." She whispers back as she gets up and walks off.I get my bearings and see that she has disappeared.I see the case half buried under some of the rubble.I grab the case as I see and feel the blizzard die down.We gather back at the jet as we look between each other.""Got the case." I say as Connor pushes Mammoth forward and Zatanna and Rocket drop a bound and gagged Riddler at our feet.Robin puts a bound Shimmer beside Mammoth."We did good here today.Let's get back to the cave and review our findings." Kaldur says as the Bio-ship lowers to us.We head inside, I turn my head and glance back to see Jade on a cliff side a bit far away, I see her give a slight wave as I hold my hand up in a small wave, I head into the ship.I feel a small ping from my phone as I sit at the back of the ship as I see the message."I have to take you to Santa Prisca.Dad wants you to join us, Lex Luthor and Queen Bee will be there.This is the moment we have been waiting for." I smile on the inside.The game has began.

Mount Justice: 3:46pm, December 30th, 2010

"Tell me if this sounds familiar?You hacked League systems, disobeyed protocol, and endangered your lives." Batman rips into all nine of us.We stand emotionless, just waiting for him finish."And your initiative resulted in the captive of 3 escaped felons, providing Warden Strange puns Belle Reve as a cover for criminal activity...well done." He finishes with a small smile as we widen our eyes and look between ourselves."And then there's this." Batman continues as he opens the case.Canary, Tornado and Icon look within.Small red things with red points."Biotechnology intergrates with some form of nano circuitry." He says as Icon lifts one of them."Though I am unfamiliar with this species, the bio component is clearly not of this Earth." He says as he places it back in the case."We'll take it up to the Watchtower for further study." He says as all four Leaguers head through the zeta.Rocket runs ahead and intercepts Icon."Congratulations on the League thing.Sorry that I skipped out." She apologize to him but he just looks back at her."Yes we'll, we both seemed to have found teams that suit us." He says with a small smile.Rocket beams at his response."We should go too.Don't want to miss the League induction party." Canary says to Icon as they head off into the zeta.

As they leave, Robin turns to us."You do know that we were set up, right?" He says as Kaldur answers."Yes.Cheshire and Ridder were 'tipped' and ready for us." I hold my hand up to my face."Not the mole thing again." I say tiredly.This mole thing is annoying and just needs to take a hike."The 'mole thing'?Again?" Rocket asks bewildered as Blake signs."It's a pain in the ass.Damn thing is more trouble than what it should have been." M'gann translates for her."We had intel that there was a traitor on the team." Wally says as Connor shoves his way forward."Mainly Artemis, M'gann or me." He says angrily as Kaldur puts his hand in his shoulder."It's more complicated than that." He says but Connor shoves his hand off and walks away."But your actions today and behaviour now does concern me.Your attack on Mammoth nearly got Artemis killed." He says but Connor doesn't acknowledge him.He holds his head in pain as I narrow my eyes."Connor?" I say as he turns back to us with a reserved frown.

"I....have something to tell you.Last month, on Thanksgiving, I went back to Cadmus and found a few things out.When I was cloned, only half my DNA was Superman's.The other half was human." He says as our eyes widen in shock."It's why I don't have, will never have, full Kryptonian powers." He says but Robin tilts his head with a smile."You sure?Cause you sure had them today." He says but Connor rolls his sleeve up, revealing a black shield, similar to Superman's symbol."I used these.Shields.They suppress my human DNA.I get the flight, heat vision....but I think I also get angry....well, angrier than usual.I'm sorry." He says with a sad look.I notice that Kaldur is looking at him with a stone cold look."Where did you get those?" He asks as Connor takes out a small box."From my human father, Lex Luthor." He says as we are all surprised and shocked by the reveal."Lex...Luthor.....is you dad?!" Robin says with shock."He has summoned me to Santa Prisca.....I think that he wants his weapon completely under control." He says as I feel something deep down inside.I remember what Matt said to me a few months ago."This is your secret, you decide how to handle it."

"Ahh, listen, Connor's not the only one suffering from bad DNA." I say in reservation as I walk over to the computer.No going back now.I put on a few commands as images of Jade, Sportsmaster and my mother from her prime.Words 'active' are on my sister and father's image and 'retired' on my mother."My mother is Huntress, an ex con.The rest of my family aren't even ex. My dad is Sportsmaster.And he's sending my sister, Cheshire, to escort me to Santa Prisca too." I say as I run and see their reactions.Out of everyone, it's Wally I'm focused on."That's why..." He starts as I interrupt him."Yeah.I was so adamant and desperate that none of you found out-." Robin interrupts me as everyone turns to him."I knew." He says knowingly as I wideny eyes at him."Hey, I'm a detective, remember?But it never mattered.You're not your family.....and if Matt was here, he would tell you the same thing." He says as I smile."Thanks Rob but it was Matt that brought me into the team, not Green Arrow.Matt knew from the beginning." I say as Wally slaps his head."Of course Matt would know!How did we not figure that?" He says as everyone par Rocket thinks about it."Yeah, that's messed up.How did we not figure that?Matt can read souls, he knows all of our secrets.That is some serious miscalculation on our part." Robin says as I laugh on the inside of the irony.Robin figured out my identity but couldn't figure out that Matt could have learnt everything from a single gaze.

Wally walks over to me, putting his hand on my unburnt shoulder."So, who's next?" He says jokingly but initice M'gann's downcast look."I am." She says with sadness and acceptance.Wally hold his hands up."I swear I was kidding." M'gann looks between everyone before looking back to ground."Queen Bee has been.....blackmailing me.She wants me in Santa Prisca, too." She says as Kaldur raises an eyebrow."Blackmailing?How?" He asks.It's a good point.How do you blackmail someone who can read your every thought."She knows my.....true Martian form." She says but Robin speaks up."Bald M'gann?So what, we-".He gets interrupted by M'gann."No." She sighs a breath as she hunches over and shifts.Our eyes widen as M'gann grows to a monstrous size.Her skin becomes an ash white, he legs elongate and her arms become gorilla long with three fingers.Her face is shaped like an exposed skull with flimsy skin covering it, her teeth exposed in a frightening smile.Her brain elongates down her back her like a human spine.Everyone par Kaldur, Connor and Blake, step back on fear.M'gann looks at all of us before crossing her arms over her chest, shielding herself from us."I realised you would never accept me for who I really am." I hear her mentally say.Her voice is broken, the pain is tugging at my heart strings.Oh, M'gann..... we're so sorry."M'gann, did we seem so shallow?" Kaldur says but M'gann hanhs her head."I couldn't take the chance.Being a White Martian among the Green on Mars, I faced constant rejection.I couldn't face that from-." She says but Connor interrupts her."From me?" He says as M'gann looks at him, he approaches her and takes her massive white hand.We see the emotion on their faces, the expression.A private conversation.After a while, M'gann reverts back into her original form.Connor embraces her softly, she hugs him back as I smile and join in.Wally soons comes in, followed by Robin, Zatanna, Kaldur, Rocket and Blake."Thank you, all of you." M'gann says as we break from the hug."Don't worry about it, it might be a little freaky but Wally when he eays is much more terrifying." I say to her as she smiles.Wally looks at me with hurt but also amused look.

"Ok....now that all the secrets are out.What are we going to do now?" Zatanna asks as myself, M'gann and Connor look between ourselves.A satisfied smile on our faces."We'll think of something."

Santa Prisca: 5:53pm, December 30th, 2010

I'm sitting in the second pilot seat as Jade flies the helicopter to Santa Prisca.The team had reviewed the mission and decreed that myself, M'gann and Connor will provide the distraction for the team to slip on undetected.Making Luthor, Bee and Sportsmaster believe that we are still playing their games when in reality, were playing then for chumps."It ends tonight." I say to here as the island shows in the distance."This might be your chance to get out.Your information has revealed the Light to Batman, me and Matt.We have them by the balls." I say to her as she smirks at me."You need to watch your mouth." She says as I just laugh.We just sit and laugh as we enjoy which others company.Years of resentment, guilt and hurt just pushed aside as we feel what we were always meant to be...sisters."How is he?" Jade asks me and I hang my head."His condition hasn't changed.As of now, it's just waiting until he wakes up.Nothing we can do for now." I say as Jade nods sadly.Jade hovers over the meet point as I prepare myself for the show.The chopper lands as I open the door.I fake a gasp as I notice him.Both myself and Jade walk shoulder to shoulder as I approach Sportsmaster."The hero thing wasn't working out.You know how it is, no trust.This is where I belong." I say to him as I see the shocked look on his face.I feel Sportsmaster hand rest on my burnt shoulder.I wince slightly but I'm able to reel the pain back in."It's a growing club." Queen Bee says as the Bio-ship flies overhead.I notice that Luthor's secretary, Mercy is also here.Standing behind Queen Bee is a towering shark man with tactical gear on.King Shark.Bane is also present and so are his men.Every one of them has Apocalyptan weapons.

M'gann levitates down as she gasps at sighting me and Connor."Why are they here?You promised." She turns angrily to Bee."I've kept your secret and my promise.Now you keep yours." Bee says as she stares M'gann down.M'gann pulls her cloak closer to herself, slipping into her submissive character."Give me more shields.The ones I have are useless.I know that you have better ones." Connor says as he marches up to Luthor.Luthor smiles as he narrows his eyes."My boy, you're a terrible liar." He says as Connor goes to charge him."Red Sun." Luthor says with a smile as Connor stands perfectly still, like an obedient dog waiting for an order.I walk forward as I stand in the middle of everyone."What do you want us to do?" I ask with a hint of venom.

"You two.Follow me." Sportsmaster says to me and M'gann."What about Superboy?" M'gann asks as I give Sportsmaster a dirty eye."He'll be fine.He just needs a few..... adjustments."Bee says as Luthor walks away from Conno who remains perfectly still.Luthor takes Bee's hand as M'gann approaches me."Bring him along." Luthor orders Kind Shark who nods with a growl.I see M'gann give a subtle nod a so narrow my eyes.I charge forward and level an arrow at the huge sharkman.I fire as my polyurethane foam arrow.The foam explands as it covers King Shark.I turn and pojt an explosive arrows at Sportsmaster and Jade."Sorry, dad.Wanted to play you like you tried to play me but I can't let them mess with Superboy's head." I say but I feel myself being levitated.I see M'gann's eyes glow green as her hand moves me into he arm.I try to move but to no avail.I see M'gann give a subtle telekinetic push which sends Bee flying into a tree.I level out as I fire the arrow in-between Sportsmaster and Jade.The arrow blows as they are sent skidding across the ground."Queen Bee is down.Superboy, your safe from her control." M'gann says as Connor frowns, he begins marching towards Luthor who stands beside Bee's unconscious body.I land safely on the ground as I load another arrow."May not be much of a liar, but I fooled you." Connor says to Luthor who smirks."And I'm so proud.I take it Miss Martian cleaned the Red Sun from your mind." He says as Mercy stands in front of him, protectively.I level the bow at Luthor who glances at me."You move and I drop you." I say."Not only that but they confirmed Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin and Ghost Rider freed my from Cadmus long before you had time to install any further programming." Connor says angrily."All true.Personally, I blame Doctor Desmond.I hate that Ghost Rider left him comatose before I could deal with him." I hear a roar as King Shark breaks from the foam as he charges Connor.The two heavy hitters go at it as Bane and his squad begin firing at us but the Super Cycle levels the playing.I dodge a javelin thrown at me as I turn and see Sportsmaster with his ball and chain out and Jade with her sais at the ready."You have been a very naughty girl." He says conscendingly as I fire an arrow at him.He deflects as they march closer to me."Guys, reinforcement time." I say mentally as Wally speeds against Bane's men.Rocket and Blake fly over and send some of them for a ride.Robin and Zatanna start tearing through the remaining thugs.Aqualad has tried to stop Luthor from leaving with Queen Bee but he is thrown aside by a blast from Mercy.

I turn my attention to Sportsmaster.He swings the ball and chain but I dodge out of the way and fire an arrow into his leg.He groans in pain but manages to break the arrow off and pull it out.Jade thursts her sais but I maneuver her hands away from me as I drive my knee into her mask.He grains in pain and kick her away but she grabs my leg, tripping me.She maneuvers me into a triangle hold but I flip over and force my elbow into her throat.Her leg swoops over my neck and drives the back of my head into the ground.She gets me up and starts to punch me, she hits me twice.The third punch I catch as I knee her in the stomach and hurricrana her into the ground.I turn back to Sportsmaster as I level another arrow but he throws the ball and chain at my bow which shatters on impact.I'm sent to the ground as I see Jade hold one of her swords to my face."You know that I don't tolerate disobedience, Artemis." He says as I turn to him with an angry glare."Sure, dad.Jade and I learnt that the hard way." I say as I glance at her.She is barreled by a black streak.Wally charges towards Sportsmaster but he catches Wally's and throws him into a tree branch.

Sportsmaster keeps up a relentless attack on me as I dodge every strike he sent.The ball and chain is a pain on the ass to deal with."Artemis, now!" Kaldur shouts via the mental link as I jump up and grab a branch.I see Kaldur hit the ground with the Apocolyptan weapons that we salvage from the Smokey Mountains incident.The ground becomes swampy as Sportsmaster is caught in the muck.I drop down onto him as I use my weight to push him further into it.I jump off as I land on solid ground.I turn and see Jade across from me."Jade!" Sportsmaster calls out as he holds up his hand.Jade removes her mask as she smirks."Sorry Dad.In this family, it's every girl for herself.....you should have been a better father...maybe then I might have helped you." She says as she puts her mask back on and slips into the darkness of the jungle."Jade!" Sportsmaster shouts as I stand in front of him, he stares up at me.I scowl my fave on anger and kick him right in the head, knocking him clean out.Wally walks out of the bushes and stands next to me.He picks up Sportsmaster's hockey mask as he hands it to me.I smile and push it back to him."Souvenir." I say as he smiles back.

We all gather around.King Shark is in the same muddy muck that Sportsmaster is in.Bane is knocked out by Robin and Zatanna."It is always like this." Rocket says happily."Told you." Zatanna says as Robin leans closer to the sorceress."Hey, disaster averted.Feeling the aster." He says as Kaldur smiles."Agreed.This has been a good day." He says as Connor and M'gann share lovey dovey eyes and hold hands.Rocket is leaning her arm on Blake who is blushing.I smirk on the inside at that.Blake is one of the most stoic people I know, to see him look that is very funny.....he's going to the brunt of many jokes once we get back to the cave.

Mount Justice: No P.O.V

Meanwhile back at the cave.Rachel is doing her daily meditation within the vault.As she prepares her chant, Matt's machinery starts kicking into overdrive.She drops down on surprise as the machinery blacks out."Matt?" Rachel says as she stands over Matt.His face is twitching as contorting.After a while.....his eyes open....revealing a gentle blue colour forming in his irises.

Mount Justice: 12:14am, December 31st, 2010: Matthew Spectre P.O.V

I open my eyes for the first time in what seems like forever.I sit up and look around.Memory is coming slowly back to me.I look to my left and see a young girl.I feel like that I've seen her somewhere before.She looks so happy and tears in her eyes."Matt!" The girl shouts as she tackles me, hugging me with everything she has.Matt.....yes.That's my name.Suddenly I feel a powerful blast of memory.Everything that I ever went through.My childhood, when Zarathos first came to me, my first kill, the team, Artemis, Jade....Rachel."You're Rachel.I remember." I say as she looks up at me."What do you remember?" She asks as she helps me to my feet."I remember everything.It was slow at first but everything is coming back now.How long was I asleep?What about Artemis?How's Jade?" I ask rapidly a so lose my footing.Rachel was able to catch me, her strength surprising me.I'm 180 pounds, I might have lost a bit of weight but she is 10 years old and she can keep me up."Don't exert yourself.You've been asleep for awhile." She says as I lean against the table."How long have I been out?" I ask her."Today is New Year's Eve." She says as my eyes widen.That long.....it's been weeks!"Damn....I missed a lot." I say as I feel a rush of energy."Calm yourself, Matthew.I have merely gotten used to my old powers.The healing properties of Heavenly Fire will soon heal your body to its original peak condition.It's my recommendation that you rest until you are fully healed." Zarathos says but the voice is different.It's not as angry, the voice isn't echoing but is rather calm, serene...at peace.It worked."I need to rest, my body will be healing soon." I says as I gaze around the room.I recongise this place."I'm in the Vault?" I ask as I turn to her."It was the safest place for you.We didn't know of you would be alright if you woke up, we didn't know if Lilith's influence still affected you.Batman made the call to place you in here." She says.I nod in understanding, yep, sure sounds like Batman.Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.Samer move, logical.Hurts my feelings but what can I do.Rachel helps me out of the Vault as she drops me off at my room."Thank you for helping me, Rach." I say as she helps me in."Don't worry about it.You're friend.....and since no one is here, I'm the only one that can drag your back from the dead ass to your room." She says as I stare at her with a raised eyebrow."Hey, watch your mouth." I say jokingly as she smiles and gives me a soft hug."I'm glad you're back." She says as I hug her back."Me too, Rach.Me too." I say as we break and she heads off.I walk into my phone and limp towards the bed.I hop in and rest my head against the pillow.I turn to my side and see emptiness, no one beside me.I see in my mind's eye, Jade's smiling face, her grey eyes staring into mine.First thing I'm going to when I see her is fall to my knees and apologise so bad, she probably kill me just to shut me up.I feel the worst guilt for what I did.Even after all that, I want to love her and make her happy...its what she deserves and I will march through Hell and back to see her smile.I soon fall asleep, picturing her smile.

A few hours later, I feel the presence of multiple souls.Most of them I recongise with almost picture perfect feel.But one, not one that I have ever encountered.I get up and change into a fresh set of clothes and wrap my new chains around my arms, I make my way through the cave.My muscles, my bones, everything feels so alive.I feel the Heavenly Fire coursing through my spirit, the hellfire is there but it's.....wildness.....it's rage is tempered by the peacefulness of the Heavenly Fire, its purity.The paradox between the two forces is making my head hurt, let's not worry about it for now.I walk towards the zeta hanger as I feel a mystic force, one that doesn't began here.I enter the hanger and see Red Tornado go to place something on Kaldur's neck.My senses read the thing in his hand as extremely dangerous and vile.I whip a chain at Red Tornado and pull him towards me, he skids towards me as he jerks for a second before going limp."Matt!" I hear Artemis's voice as she sppeds over to me.I embrace her in a hug as everyone runs over."Can't believe you're up." "How do you feel?" "Good to have you back." M'gann, Robin and Connor says respectively as they break off of me."I'm alright guys.I feel better than ever.While I wish to continue this reunion, we have things to worry about.What happened to him?" I say as I look down at Tornado.Robin kneels and pulls out his holo computer."He's totally powered down.All functions offline." Robin says as Zatanna holds her hands to her head."Guys, I'm sensing a low level mystic force at play.I don't know if it caused his shut down, but now that I think about it, Batman had the same thing." She says as I nod."I was feeling a mystic force as well.I tracked it to whatever is in his hand." I say as Wally kneels down and picks through Tornado's hand."Batman.He called us kids.He never does that." Robin says as Wally holds up a small red, pointed thing."It's one of those biotech chips we confiscated off Cheshire." He says as I double blink."The what now?" I ask as they turn to me and in that moment, I see the other person that I don't recongise.Blake walks up beside me."While you were alseep, we found that Cheshire had these chips, we didn't know what they were so Batman took them up tot eh Watchtower.And that is Rocket." He signs as I nod and look at the newcomer.She seems nervous but I smile as I approach her."Nice to meet you Rocket.I'm the Ghost Rider but you can call me Matt." I say as I shake her hand."It's nice to meet you too.I heard a lot about you." She says as she does a double take to Blake.I reach out and....oh.I have missed out a lot.You are so getting the brunt of many jokes, Blake.Mark my words."Back to the chips, nothing about this seems right.Tornado's actions, Batman's strange behaviour and the sheer coincidence that a chip is in Tornado's hand." Kaldur says as I scoff."In our line of work, there is no such thing as luck." I say as Kaldur looks betweent he team."Robin, Kid, Zatanna, Rocket, Black Bolt.See if you can get Tornado back online.The rest of us will find Ro-Red Arrow." Kaldur says as I sense hurt and anguish at the mention of Roy.What has happened?

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P.O.V Change: Blake

When half the team leaves, Robin does a scan over Tornado again."The problem is hardware, not software.How the hell do we fix him?" Robin asks.I don't know anything so don't look at me.Zatanna looks up at Red's apartment."I have a thought." She says as she chants a spell to levitate and opens the hatch.Robin grabs Wally and grapples up.Me and Rocket smirk at each other as we simply fly up into the apartment."Show off's." Wally says to us as walk over to the android body."Blake can you take him back down?" Zatanna says as I nod and lift the machine.

After a while, Robin and Zatanna had bought the machinery down to the hanger.Robin and Rocket had loaded the machinery and put Tornado on the table.I had my beam at the ready, just in case.Zatanna had loaded the android body on a second table as Wally attached the wires.Zatanna wanted to transfer Tornado's conscience into a seperate body, hoping that he'll have the details that we need.The transfer was happening, rocket was gazing down at Tornado's android with a look of surprise."So Red made this....to party?" She asks as Zatanna turns to her."More or less." We hear the zeta start up as we turn."Recongise.Black Canary.1-3." The zeta lady said as we see Canary walk out."Hey, guys.I wanted to check in, see how you're handling the-what are you doing to Red Tornado!?" She yells as she notices what we're doing."It's not what it looks like." Wally says a so mentally slap my face."It looks like you're downloading his consciousness into a new body." She says as Wally awkwardly shrugs."Ok, it's exactly what it looks like but-." Wally doesn't finish as the android sits up."Team, get out of the cave, now!" The android screams as we look back and see Canary inhale.She screams her Canary cry as everything but myself is sent back.I grip the ground with my superior strength as I push myself through the pain.I see that the android is torn apart as Robin ducks for cover.I focus a beam at Canary's feet as she dodges.Robin charges her and throughs a Superman punch but is caught and flip onto his back before being thrown away.Canary goes to scream again but a green gas explodes around her as Rocket forms a bubble around her.We see her coughing, she falls unconscious from the gas."Black Canary attacked us?" Zatanna says in shock."Black Canary is the least of our problems.We must abandon the cave." Red says as the android.We hear Sphere beep as she oompens up o to the Super Cycle with added room."Blake, grab Red's body." Robin says as I nod.I rush over and grab his original body and the torn pieces of his android body.Rocket helps Wally wrap Can't up and place her onto the Cycle.

Everyone loads onto the Super Cycle as we hear the zeta opening again."We got to go." I sign to Robin as the Cycle flies out of the cave.I trail behind it as we reach the entrance, as I turn back.I inhale a breath.


I whisper as the rock face of the front entrance is broke apart and collaspes onto the entrance.It might not be enough but it'll do for now.I fly after the Cycle, catching up with quick speed."Stay off your radios.Let the Super Cycle tracks Superboy.Instruxt her to mask all signals.We cannot allow the League to track us." Red says as Wally turns to him."Right, of course.Just one question.Why is the Justice League after us?!" He yells.I agree with him, what's going on, why did Canary attack us?

Washington DC: Matthew Spectre P.O.V

We are in the camouflaged Bio-ship as we fly over the Hall of Justice."Computer logs indicate Red Arrow went to the Hall from the Watchtower.But he could be anywhere by now." Artemis says as I think back to what Kaldur told me.Roy was the mole this whole time and worse... he's a Cadmus clone, pre programmed to infiltrate the League.I was not expecting that when I woke up this morning."After Roy went solo, he installed a equipment caches in several major cities.One is here." Kaldur says as M'gann levels the ship.I jump down with Kaldur onto he roof.We make our way through as I sense Roy in one of the rooms.I silently gesture Kaldur to one room as he nods.He twists the handle, I look at him with an incredulously look.He shrugs his shoulders as I push him out of the way and boot the door down.We step into eh doorway as we see Roy looking at us with an arrow loaded at us."We have not come to harm or apprehend you.But the team requires answers." Kaldur says but Roy points the arrow at me personally."What about him?" He says as I smirk."Trust me.If I wanted.....you would be dead already." I say as I step forward, he shoots the arrow but I catch it and snap it."Wait....let's hear him out." Kaldur says as he steps between us."Alright.But first, tell me something that you've never told anyone else.Who broke your heart?" He asks as Kaldur hangs his head."Tula.The girl I loved chose my best friend Garth over me.While my best friend on the surface world aims an arrow at my chest." He says as I look between the two men.Roy lowers the bow as we approach him."Nice to see you up and walking, Rider." He says to me as I smile."And let's keep it that way, and you too.Come on.We need catch on what happens to you." I say as we head back to he Bio-ship.

The Bio-ship flies away from Washington."We were told you were the mole but we have reason to doubt." Kaldur says but I can feel Roy's guilt.No, we don't."Forget doubt.I was the mole." He says with reserved acceptance and self loathing."Batman and Tornado says that you are a Cadmus clone like me." Connor says as Roy perks his head up."That explains it.I was a sleeper agent, pre-programmes to infiltrate the League.I....I think Sportsmaster was my handler." He says as we pay rapt attention to him."He had a key phrase, Broken Arrow, that could shit me down.Put me in a hypnotic state to steal secrets for his superiors, or incorporate further programming." He says as my eyes widen."That's why you froze in Taipei.I thought it was just shock but it wasn't..... Sportsmaster shut you down.When I pulled younintotbhe water, it broke it's hold over you." I say to him."Yes.I'd carry out all orders subconsciously, completely unaware of what drove me.I.....I think one of those orders was to focus suspicions fell on you three." He says while training to M'gann, Artemis and Connor."I'm sorry." He says as I feel his self hatred and anger.I get up and walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder.He looks up at me."You were taken advantage of.....you were made to be a puppet for someone else.....I promise you, Roy.The ones that did that to you will pay dearly for it." I say with concealed anger.He nods his head as I pat him on the back and sit back down."How did Batman discover this and prevent you from betahing the League?" Kaldur asks as Roy hangs his head."He didn't." He says as M'gann raises another question."I'm sorry, but how is it that you are not enslaved?" She asks carefully."No starotexh, for starters, jaut my Cadmus programming.And once I'd satisfied it's last parameter, my mind began to clear.I'm sure Savage panend to starotech me, but he paused to bask.I escaped." He says as M'gann speaks softly to him."I promise I can clean any residual programming from your mind." She says as her eyes perk to the side.The hatch opens up and the Super Cycle floats in.We watched baffled as we see the rest of the team, with a broken android, Red's original body and a bound Canary."You've been busy." I say to all of them.

We head into an abandoned warehouse as Kaldur explains his plan.He would contact Queen Mera of Atlantis, Dr Roquette and Spence to reserve engineer the starotech.With Mera's magic, Roquette's knowledge of nano robotics and Spence's expert knowledge of gene splicing and bio chemistry.We sit around within the warehouse as Kaldur, Robin and Connor went to get Mera, Roquette and Spence respectively.But something is bugging me.Savage sits up in the Watchtower, thinking that he has won.Well I won't let that happen."I have to get up there." I say as I gesture to the sky."The Watchtower?Forget about it, we need a plan.We need to free the Leaguers." Artemis says as I click my fingers at her."Exactly..... Savage thinks he's won...if he is challenged by someone he thinks inferior, he won't bother.But, men like him dream of gloating, of proving to his enemies that he is better.What's better than the Ghost Rider showing up and surrendering?" I say as everyone looks at me."While I don't agreed with the idea, it's sound in its work.Savage is a megolmanic.He will want to gloat his victory.Ghost Rider can but time for us to complete our mission.Besides, he is the strongest of the group, he could keep the Leaguers from leaving, youll need this." Red says as he hands me a piece of paper with a code on it.The emergency zeta code, I nod my head in thanks."Matt?Against the entire League!Are you crazy?" Zatanna says but I grab her arm."Zatanna, I'll be alright.You guys do what you have to do.I'll give you some time." I say as I walk away from the group, heading back to the Hall of Justice."Wait....you need this." Artemis calls out as I turn around and see her enter the Bio-ship.She comes out late with my motorcycle."I.....felt that I needed you when you were alseep.Felt like you were still here." She says as I grace my hands along the bike."Thank you for keeping her in tip top." I say as I hug her.I gaze at the bike as I feel everyone's eyes on me."Want to give them a show?" Zarathos says as I smile.I sit on the bike as I let him take over.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

The Heavenly Fire takes its rightful panxe and expands over Matt's body.Unlike the violent Hellfire, Heavenly Fire caresses onto existence.Matt's skin fades away as the fire burns over him.The bike beneath me changes aswell.The wheels taking on a gentle blue flame.My transformation this done as I gaze at the team.Everyone is staring wide eyed at my new appearance.

"What the?" Wally says in shock as I smirk."Feast your eyes...get that cure, save the League." I say as I drive off, toward the Hall of Justice.Blue flame is left in my wake as I drive along the snow covered streets of the captial.Arriving at the Hall, I enter through its large double doors and make my way to the authorised access.Arriving at the door, I thurst my hands in and burn the steel door down.I enter the room and head to the private zeta, punching in the emergency code that Tornado have Matthew."Code: 0-5-0-9-2-0-0-2." The zeta says as it opens and scans me."Recongise: Ghost Rider.B-07."

The Watchtower:

I walk out of the emergency zeta hanger.Batman told Matthew, in the case of an incursion or taking of the Tower.The emergency hanger will be a drop off or escape for Leaguers.So instead of dropping me off in the main square of the Tower, where Savage will most likely be, I came out here.I look around and hear nothing but silence.I walk up to the railing and enter the halls.The Watchtower is spectacular, open windows with a invisible, breathable barrier, revealing the void of space and the mighty Sun in the distance.I walk among the halls and turn a corner and come face to face with Hawkman.He stares at me with indifference as he marches towards me, cracking his knuckles along the way."I don't want to hurt you.Stand aside." I say in warning, hoping that he'll heed me but to no avail.He throws a punch but I effortlessly catch his fist.I grab is armour and pull him into a head butt and throw him into the wall.Large cracks form up the walls.Hawkman tries to get to his feet but I kick him in the side of the face as his head bounces off the stone wall, knocking him out.I continue on my way towards the main square.I find the main square as I look down from above.Savage and Klarion are here, Kalrion is operating a techie magic screen.Must be how he operates the starotech."I know that you are there." Savage calls out as I jump down to the main square, the floor cracking undert the force of my impact.Both Savage and Klarion tuentl me but are shocked at my appearance."No...no, no, no, no!That's not possible!You can't be like this!How did this happen?" Klarion shouts in fear as I smile, savouring the Chaos Lord's fear."Must be terrifying.....not knowing nor having all the cards.You're getting lax, Klarion.I thought you of all beings would know what happens when Evil is purged from the aether of an Angel." I say as he whimpers in fear, holding his familiar close to him.I turn my attention to Savage, who is standing by the window.His back turned to the Earth."Finally...after all these years.....we finally meet again." He says as we start circling each other."Yes.What are you doing here, Vandar...what is the endgame?" I ask him, using his original name, he scowls at the mention, but quickly retains his composure."Even after all this time, you think yourself so clever?You believe that the weak and the innoce t need protecting.Like this Justice League, you would peaerve the status quo.The human race needs to evolve, and with me at its head.....it will take its rightful place at the centre of the cosmos." He says calmly as I stare blankly at him

"Heh, heh heh....ha, ha, ha, ha!" I start laughing uncontrollably at the ridiculousness of his mentality."You still don't get it Vandar.Even when I hold you as my host, your dreams of man's survival and it's destiny was nothing more than that.....a dream.Humanity is young, you can't accelerate natural order." I say but he shakes his head."But I can, don't you see.I can.I've done it before.I can certainly do it again." He says but I shake my own head in disbelief."Altantis sunk because of that child behind you.Not because of you, just because Altantean's now exist because of your blood, natural order made sure that the life that sunk beneath the waves evolved to survive.That is the thing that you think is controlled.You think that you can manipulate events, manipulate nature to bend to your view and when it comes to fruition, it was your grand design.Well, let me tell something Vandar, it only happened because my kin allowed to happen.We created all that exists on this universe.We created you, we created Altantis.You are nothing more than an insignificant little boy who thinks he's God." I say a so see him narrow his eyes and clench his fists.I smile as I realise something."You know.....when I found you that night, when you became immortal.I chose you for that reason, your immortality would have been vital for mankind to be protected, even from itself.....when I look back...I should have chosen the bear.At least he would've been less trouble." I say as Savage snaps and charges me.I smirk as I charge him.We collide in a flurry of punches and kicks.Savage's constant regeneration, allows his body to be in peak superhuman condition.His strength, speed and intelluct are pushed to 11.While in physically stronger and faster, he is giving me a run for my money.I catch his fist and flip him to the ground.I pound on him, he deflects and blocks but I slip one through which he dodges, my fist cracks the ground, creating a tiny crater in the floor.Savage pushes me off, I blow a torrent of fire at him but he dodges, I manipulate the fire to change trajectory as the fire clips his side.He yells in agony as he clutches his side.He sees his skin is not healing as usual.I see a look of surprise on his face."That's right, Heavenly Fire can hurt you.And because of its powerful magical properties, that burn is going to take a very, very long time to heal." I say as I form fireballs on my fist as I fire another torrent of flames.

Savage attacks my side as he drives his fist into my gut.I reel back and headbutt him, he kicks me away but I throw my chains at him and pull myself to him, spearing him into the ground.I mount him as I rain bombs down onto him, he blocks and deflects furiously as he manages to reserve the position.He maneuvers himself into a triangle hold.He does as I stare at him blankly.He realises his mistake as I get my feet under me and lift him up.I slam back to he ground which cracks, I lift him up again as I slam him again, this time he breaks the hold as a sharp stone pierces his shoulder.He scream in pain as he rips it out, his injury healing very quickly.I pick him up and land a knee to his nose.As he reels from the knee, I have him intotneh throat.He coughs but is able to get his breathing back.I land two powrful blows to his head and land two body uppercuts to his gut.He backs up and throws a wild haymaker which K deflect and catch.I drive my fist up into his elbow as he pulls back and throws a spinning back kick, I maneuver past his kick and move myself so I'm back to back with him.I reach back and grab his head, pulling his neck against my shoulder."Your were always so arrogant." I say as I snap his neck.He falls to the ground as I turn my attention to Klarion.He is whimpering in dear as I approach him."Shut down the starotech or else.I won't ask a second time." I say threateningly as I feel a tingle up my back.A familiar presence, dark and haunting."You think so?" Klarion mockily asks me as I turn and see Lilith standing before me.Savage pulled himself to the side as his neck started to heal himself.

"Are we going to fight?" I ask with a reserved tone as she approached me."No.....not today.I thought I lost you when that assassin stabbed you.Believe me or not, I do not care but I never wanted you dead Zarathos.....I wanted you with me, by my side for all eternity...like we said at our vows." She says as she takes my hands.I look up at her."I wish we could go back....stop everything before it happened.But that's impossible.You were and always will be the love of my life, Lilith.I never wanted to hurt you....but I can't let you continue down this path.Please.....renounce this path.....come home." I say to her as she shakes her head and breaks from me."It's too late for me, too late for you to make amends.You chose your side Zarathos, these.....humans that you adopted.....if they are so precious to you.....you can mourn them when I kill every last one of them." She says, not with venom, not with anger but with a tone of promise."You promised that you would leave.You promised to leave humans be and return to your own domain." Savage says as his neck cracks into place."50 millennia you have lived.You haven't even graced a single day in the expanse of my existence....you are really naive that I would keep a promise to a low life like you.You fool." She sends a torrent of green energy at Savage but I intercept the energy and form a blue barrier.Lilith heeds her blast as I stand.The blue flame dying down."He is not yours to take.....leave.....while I still allow it." I say with veiled threat as she smirks."It's good to see you again, Zarathos.But.....I liked the Hellfire you instead of....this." She mocks as I swing a chain at her but she teleports away.

I turn back to Savage and level a blue fireball at him but I feel a new presence enter the Tower....this one similar to Lilith but more...wrathful.Kurse.I growl in annoyance, I whip my out and twirl a ring of blue fire, slowly but surely the space between me and Kurse is open as the blue portal forms within the fire.I see Kurse's back as I step through the portal, he turns around and gazes at me.The portal closes behind me as I whip my chain back around my arm."I see that you have broken free of your corruption.Can't say that it looks good on you." He says mockingly as I narrow my eyes."I'm giving you one chance to leave...you are not my problem tonight, but I can guarantee that if you try anything..... I'll rip your face off." I say, not in any mood to deal with his shit.He laughs as he cracks his knuckles."Oh Zarathos, I'm very much your problem." He starts to charge me as I sigh.Might as well.I charge him as we collide in a thunderous collision.Kurse has some of the most raw and powerful strength in the multiverse.Impressive, but makes sense, he was the First Demon, the first child of Lilith.I block his powrful blows as I drove my fist into his solar plexus.I grab him by his horns and throw him into the wall.The force indenting and cracking the steep wall.I charge at him and drop kick him through the wall and out to the Watchtower's garden.I step out of the hole as I feel a punch coming, I turn and catch Blake's fist.I see Kaldur, Blake and Rocket looking at me wide eyed."Zarathos?What happened to you?" Kaldur asks bewildered."Had an upgrade." I say a so let go of Blake's hand."How's everything going?" I ask as Rocket bends down, and I notice Captain Atom lying face down."We got a cure and vaccine for the starotech.We already got Canary, Red Arrow, Tornado, Plastic Man, Hawkman, The Atom and now Captain Atom." She says as I nod."Klarion is controlling the chips with techo sorcery, he most likely already knows that you and the team are here." I say as we hear a stone groaning as we look down into the garden to see Kurse lifting a stone off of him, his wrathful visage staring back at us."What the hell is that?" Rocket says as I throw my chains into the stone floor under me."My problem.Finish the mission, I'll deal with him."

I jump down to the garden, the chains slowly my fall.I hit the ground and pull the chains back around my arms.Kurse scowls at me and throws me the stone that was on him.I catch the heavy rock but feel Kurse's fist drive through it and into my jaw.I'm sent flying across the ground, I gather my bearings and charge him, he charges as well, drawing him fist back.He plants himself and swings his massive fist, I see an opening and slide in-between his legs.He looks down in shock as I draw my fist back and hammer blows his junk.I slide up to my feet as he leans over in agony."Dirty move." I groans as he turns back I'm already on him.Rocketing my knee up to his head, I throw a mean hook into his cheek and nasty kick to his side.He barrels over in pain as I pull his back and wrap my chains around his neck.I draw out the chains and swing him around, his head breaks through a stone wall, I drag him back along the dirt before jumping up, pulling him along with me.Gravity does its job and pulls me back to the ground as I pull Kurse down onto the back of his head and neck.I look at his unmoving body, but experience has taught me to always check to make sure that they're dead, especially demons.

P.O.V Change: Blake

We wait within the second zeta room as Shazam, Icon and Doctor Fate make their arrival.I see M'gann's camouflage as she hovers the cure down to three controlled heroes.M'gann was able to cure Fate but Icon had notice M'gann and blasted her two sides and her.I fly at a quick pace and took out Icon's legs before giving his shoulders and driving him into the ground, cracking the floor under the pressure.Rocket came in and slipped a cure patch onto Icon who list consciousness.Shazam flew Zatanna but she compelled him to speak his name."Shazam!" He yells as a yellow bolt of lightning hit him, turning back onto Billy Batson.He collides with Zatanna.I get up from Icon while turning to Rocket."I'm sorry." I say mentally to her, gesturing to Icon.She smiles as she playfully taps my arm."Don't worry about it.....because of you, he's safe from control." She says as K smile in thanks.

"Too bad curotech doesn't work as fast as starotech.We could have used these guys." Rocket says mentally as Zatanna inspects Fate, and Kaldur helps Billy up."It's a small miracle that Queen Mera, doctors Roquette and Spence were able to re-engineer a cure and vaccine at all." He says as walk over."It's the best we got, we roll the dice that we're given." I say as I hear Wally sound off."Hey, if you guys aren't busy." He says sarcastically as Kaldur walks away."On my way.You three rendezvous with Robin and Superboy." He says as Zatanna class out to us."I'll be right behind you." She says as Me, Rocket and M'gann flew off.

P.O.V Change: Artemis.

I fire an arrow at Flash but he catches it.I throw another one but it was futile.Flash barrels into Wally as he skids across the ground.I draw another and fire an explosive arrows at his feet.Flash is sent flying past Green Arrow and Aquaman.Arrow fires an explosive arrows at me which I dodge out of the way.Me and Wally stand side by side as the three Leaguers March over to us."Amazed that we're still alive." I say mentally to Wally."They're limited by whoever's pulling their strings.The very thing putting us in danger is the only thing giving us a chance." He says to me as we hear Kaldur shout in our heads."Artemis, Kid." We turn and see him close the room off."Now!" I fire a grapple arrow at the wall."Hold on." Kaldur says as Wally wraps his arms around me and holds onto my bow.Kaldur opens the airlock, all the air is sucked out, all the crates and loose cannisters are pulled into eh vaccum of space.The force pulls me off my feet as I feel my hands slipping from the bow.My fingers slip off as I scream in panic."Artemis!" Wally screams as he grabs hold of my arm.We see the three Leaguers pulled towards the vaccum but Kaldur closes the airlock.Arrow, Flash and Aquaman are bashed heavily against the steel wall.Me and Wally drop to the ground as we look at them.Wally speeds over and places the curotech on all three of them.

We stand before them as we gaze down at them."Apologies, my king." Kaldur says as we steady ourselves a stage Watchtower shakes."What the hell was that?" Wally asks as Kaldur looks up to the ceiling."Most likely Zarathos.The demon, Kurse, is within the Tower, Zarathos is keeping him busy.Let's go catch up with the others." He says as I nod and we run off to help the others.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

Kurse drags my face along the stone wall, completely demolishing the wall.Kurse was not happy when he got his bearing together.The Watchtower is shaking from the force of his punches.I'm having a hard time to control him, his rage has completely taken over him, it's a matter of time before the Tower is knocked out of orbit.He throws me to the ground as he begins slamming his fists into me.Just punch after punch after punch.He roars as his fist glows with green energy as he goes to punch me but I blast him with pure Heavenly Fire.His rage let's up as he panics.He moves to avoid the fire but the side of his face is glanced by the fire, burning.He screams in agony as I get to my feet.He holds his face as the Heavenly Fire burns him, he looks at me with rage but I draw a breath in and blow a torrent of fire at him.His eyes widen but a green portal forms over him as he teleports away.I reel the fire back as I look around, I reach out and feel that he is long gone.I growl in frustration.I hear a growl as I turn and see Wolf standing on top of Hawkwoman as Robin places the cure on her neck.Wonder Woman tries to take him with the lasso but Rocket forms a bubble around the Boy Wonder.I wrap my chain around Wonder Woman, pulling her towards me, I kick her in the stomach and punch her squarely in the nose.Her head reels back and head butts me, she flays above me and clashes her bracelets together, the force of clash releases a massive shockwave that sends me through the stone floor and back into the garden.

P.O.V Change: Rocket

My eyes widen in shock.Wonder Woman just wrecked Ghost Rider, O don't know how well he is, seeing the big demon thrash him when I got here it let's not worry about that.The Amazon powerhouse turns back to me and rushes me with blazing speed.I blink and see her before me, going to punch me, I raise my hands to form a shield but a black blur tackles the Amazon and flies her up.I see that it's Black Bolt, he tosses Wonder Woman down to the ground, the strength, making a crater in the stone.Blake floats back down to me as we watch the crater.Are eyes widen as we see Wonder Woman pull herself from the crater.She beaten a little but still standing strong.We back slightly from the killer instinct in her eyes."Can you contain her?" Blake asks to me."Yeah, the bubble is kinetic energy, if she's contained, she'll try and break out which will strengthen the bubble." I say as Wonder Woman pulls out her lasso."Do it." He says as I form a bubble around her.Her eyes widen in surprise as she begins pounding the shield.Blake stands on front of me.He steadies himself."When I tell you....drop the shield and cover your ears." He says a so widen my eyes.....oh, oh damn.Wonder Woman keeps bashing the shield as Blake inhales a breath."Now!" He shouts I'm my head as I drop the shield and cover my ears.Wonder Woman flies at Blake who whispers.

"I'm sorry."

The tiny whisper sends a sound wave which sends Wonder Woman flying along the stone, the floor underneath cracks and breaks from the concussive force.I hold my ears tightly, being told of Blake's power is one thing but to see and hear it...at this low level!That just amazes and scares the shit out of me.The sound wave quietens down as we look and see Wonder Woman getting to her feet slowly.Are you serious?Blake prepares his electron beam as he readies himself.I prepare for another bubble but Wonder Woman falls flat onto her face, blood slowly pooling out of her ears.Blake powers down as he walks over and places the cure at the base of her neck.I walk up to him and see his sorrowful gaze.I grab his arm as he turns to me."You did the right thing." I say as he nods in thanks.

P.O.V Change: Robin

I saw Black Bolt and Rocket deal with Wonder Woman.Sphere and I were able to incapacitate Jon Stewart Green Lantern but I feel a tingling in the base of my spine.I look up and see Batman jumping down to me.I run towards him and throw a spinning kick but he grabs my leg and throws me away.I land on my hands and push off onto my feet.I ready myself for a fight unlike any other that I've had.Batman walks up to me and cracks his knuckles, I shallow my nerves as throw a few smoke bombs at him, he jumps away as he pulls his cape over his face.I jump forward and throw a spinning backdiat but hit nothing but air.Before I land back to the ground, I feel a punch that rocks me and sends me skidding to the floor.I move out of the way of Batman's punches as I hear a crack and see Superboy driven through the floor beside me.I throw a false punch followed by a head kick to Batman but he sees the glass punch, deflects my kick and punches me in the stomach before kicking me away.I land with a groan as I reach back and pull out my batons.I charge him and swing my batons expertly along with throwing a few kicks.Batman expertly deflects and blocks the batons and my kicks.I swing an overhead kick to him but he blocks and catches it, he swings me and throws me away.I land on my feet and don't see him.I turn around and see him uppercut me, I'm sent flying through the hole that Superboy was sent through.

I land on my feet next to Superboy."We're not going to beat them one on one." I say to him."'Plan B' then." He says as we look up and see Batman and Superman jump down to our level.Superboy grabs my arms and twirls me around before throwing me at Batman.I level my feet at him as I force him into the wall.As we fall, I place the curotech as the base of his neck.He falls face flat as I land and kneel beside him."You're going to be alright." I whisper to him as I look up and see Superman.Superboy leaps up and wraps his arms around the Man of Steel, the weight of both of them fall to the ground, denting the wall."You sure about this?" I ask as I run over to the two Kryptonians."Just do it!" Connor shouts as Superman tries to break free.I pull out a small box and open it, revealing a shard of Kyprontie.Both Connor and Superman begin groaning in pain at the exposure.Their strength sapping from them.They fall as Superman collapses, Connor falls to his knees, I walk over and place the curotech on Superman, that should be the last of them."Kryptonite hurts." Connor says as he gets his bearing back."Which is why Batman keeps it in an overwhelmingly impenetrable vault at the Batcave." I say with a smile as I hold my hand out to him.He smiles as he takes my hand as I pull him up."Well.....more like a whelmingly, penetrable vault." I say smartly.We hear chains lodging in the stone as we see a figure pull themself up to the stone floor that we are on, we prepare for a fight but we recognise the white upside down 'U' and the flaming skull.But unlike before, it's blue instead of its usual orange."Matt?" Connor says on surprise as he truns to us."Good to see you two again, but we still have Savage and Klarion to deal with.Let's go." Hs says as we follow after him.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

We run towards the main square, all the combat that I've went through has drained my energy, inabling me from teleporting back to the main square.As we run, we catch up with Blake, Rocket, M'gann and Zatanna.We enter the main hallway as Kaldur, Wally and Artemis join us.I run ahead and barrel through the doors, seeing Savage and Klarion smiling at me, a dark red portal formed behind them.I charge at them with fury as I jump up and swing my fire infused chains at them."Another day, Ghost Rider." Savage says as Klarion pulls the portal over them, my chains hit nothing but air as they make their escape.I growl and huff in annoyance, damn them all to hell.I relax and clam myself.....we set out what we planned to do.Free the Justice League from their mind control.With my job donez I give Matthew back control.

P.O.V Change: Matthew Spectre

The transformation is not a s painful anymore.It's like removing a blanket, simple and easy.The team gathers around the limbless Red Tornado as he looks up at us, Kaldur kneels down beside him."Congratulations, Team.You have won the day." He says in monotone but we all know that he is proud of us.A screen pops up."Happy New Year, Justice League." The computer says as the start of a fresh year begins.Soft, romantic music plays one the P.A sounds.I see Wally lift Artemis up, bridal style."I should have done this a long time ago." He says with a smile."No kidding." She says back as she kisses him.I smile on the inside.In theory, our bet is null and void.She doesn't get my car and she'll still go on a date with Wally.Win win.I look around and see Connor and M'gann kissing.I'm so happy for them, honestly.I see Zatanna pull Robin into a fierce kiss...knew that she would be the one to take the first plunge.Robin is very confident but hopeless when it comes to Zatanna.I see Kaldur looking at me as I give him a widen look."Don't even think about it." I say as he looks away."Liking this team more every day." I hear Rocket say as she places a soft kiss on Blake's cheek.Even though his mask, I can see his blush.His feelings had just skyrocketed but he is able to keep it contained.Lucky bastard."Human customs still allude me." Tornado says as I kneel beside him."You'll get through..... eventually." I say to him.


The Justice League had awoken as we explain to them that they were put under a deep mind control by Vandal Savage and Klarion.I look out the window and see down below Superman talking to Connor.I sense Superman's pride as well as Connor's happiness, it's nice to see them work out their problems.Only took the near end of the Justice League to see it but we'll leave it.I turn and enter the board room and see Batman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Balck Canary, Shazam along with Robin, Kaldur and Roy."Everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie.I'm not a hero or a sidekick.I'm a traitor.A pawn." He says with laothinh, canary tries to comfort him."Roy, it's not your fault.It'll be alright." She says as she tries to take his hand but he pulls away."I'm not Roy.I don't know what I am." He says as I make my way to the table.Everyone looks at me as I look dead into Red Arrow's eyes."Then go out and find something about yourself.You said that your not Roy..... you're right.You're Red Arrow.That is your own identity, you made it, you owned it and made it our name.You say that your not a hero not a sidekick so I say fuck that.You are hero, whether it was because of your programming or not, you helped people, you saved lives.You are your own person.Fuck whatever Savage and his little band of friends think....you are who you deem yourself to be.You decide what to do....not them, not us.....you." I say to him as silence rings in the board room.He looks up at me with a determined look."Then I'll find who I came from.I find Roy.....rescue Speedy." He says as he gets up and nods his head to me.I nod back as he walks out of the room.

"Guardian is searching Cadmus for any less on Roy's whereabouts.If something pops up, we'll know." Batman says."Something else is wrong." Kaldur says as he spots Robin's uneasy look."The entire League was under Savage's control for just over a day.We've accounted for most of that time but these six were unaccounted for 16 hours." He says as images of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter and Jon Stewart Green Lantern are shown."16 hours.....what did we do?" Batman questions."We'll figure it out, we always do." I say to them as they all nod.Batman, along with the Leaguers stand."Because of your actions and what you helped with...the League would like to offer you a position within the League." Batman says to me.My eyes widen, as does Kaldur and Robin's."Alright, Matty." Robin says as he fist bumps me and Kaldur pats me on the back.Inside, in happy but also...conflicted.Joining the he League is a big deal but.....there are dangers out there.....dangers that need to be controlled."I thank you for the offer...but I must refuse." I say which shocks everyone present."Matt, this is the Justice League.....this is the big leagues." Robin says as I smile."Maybe.....but I can't stay.Kurse, Lilith....there are threatens that new to be challenged and contain.Threats that will need my full attention." I say to everyone."It's ok.The team will assist you in anyway." Kaldur says as I shake my head."I'm sorry, my friend.But I can't stay within the team.Lilith wants revenge, she wants blood and she won't stop until she gets it.Demons are powerful foes and I don't want to put my friends at risk like that....I'm afriad that I'll have to leave and go out on my own." I say to them as they hang their heads on sadness."Do not worry.....I'll still be in touch.If you need anything, give me a call...I might not be part of the team anymore but you and them are still my friends...and I would never leave my friends like that." I say as I walk off.Before I leave, I turn back to Kaldur."Please tell them the truth as to why.Don't lie." I say as Kaldur nods.

I head to the zeta hanger as I feel someone coming up behind.I turn and see Blake standing there."What's up?" I ask as he signs."I'm coming with you." I shake my head at him."No....this is something that I must do anyone." I say as I go to walk away but he pulls me back."I wasn't asking.....you are my friend Matt.You were the one that made me believe that I could be more than what I thought I was.You made me into a real hero and I can't thank you enough for that.The team had been so good to me, but I can't let you go alone.These demons are a threat that can't go unchecked.....you need someone to watch your back." He tells me as I shake my head.....an idea pops into my head.I look at him with a wry smile."What about Rocket?Surely she is more interesting than coming with me to hunt demons?" I say as he blushes and narrows his eyes.He takes something out of his back pocket and shows me a small piece of paper, he opens it up.

I raise my eyebrow at reading it."A phone number.....really?" I say which he just shrugs."It's a start.....I can manage." He tells me as I notice his smug look."Alright...I got to do something first.Ill meet you up later." I say to him as I put in Happy Harbour's coordinators into eh zeta.He nods his head as I enter the zeta.

Happy Harbour:

"Recongize.Ghost Rider.B-07." I step out of the phone booth.I walk down the street and head to a familiar looking warehouse.I enter the rundown building as I lift the toolbox and put in my numbers.The ramp opens as I walk down.I'm thinking about everything that I could say, everything that I should say...I made her kill me, plain and simple.I don't know how she handled it or anything.I get to he door as I shallow my nerves and enter.I see Jade sitting in front of the fire.A bottle of wine sitting knew her.I walk up ginderly and shallow my nerves again."Jade." I call out softy, her head turns as she gazes at me.At first, she has no emotion, we are just staring at each other.But after awhile, she smiles as tears well in her eyes.She jumps to her feet as she runs at me, my face widens in a smile as we collide.She jumps and wraps her arms around me, my arms instinctively wrap around her as I lift her off the ground.She cries into my shoulder, I set her down as she stares into my eyes."You're here...you're really here." She says as I cup her cheek."I'm am.....and I'm not leaving you alone ever again." I say as she smiles and gmbri g's my lips to her.I return her passion as I feel everyo ounce of love pass between us.

No P.O.V

"The day has been won.....but our enemies still plot."

Within Cadmus, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Brain and Ra's Al Ghul transport the Kryptonian clone, Match as well as the frozen, dismembered Roy Harper, the unwilling donor of Red Arrow.

"They wait in the darkness.... plotting, planning.....they drew first blood...and started a war that will rattle the Earth."

The team gathers within the cave.Robin and Kaldur explain to Batman that Luthor, Al Ghul and Queen Bee have always been working together.Kaldur explains that he has reasonaanke suspicion that someone in Atlantis may also be with this 'Light".The tentacle creature was cut up and used for their goals, the creature was in Atlantis.

"But all the while, some of us have found love, all the while fighting these shadow enemies."

Jade and Matthew cuddle close after a long session of love making.He had a lot to make up for and Jade tknew that he would do everything he could to make it up to her.Meanwhile, Artemis and Wally are out on a date.Artemis explains to Wally the bet that she made to Matt and M'gann about them.Wally found it hilarious, Artemis figured it pointless because, even through, the bet was null and void, Matt still won.Connor and M'gann are having aobie night within the cave but it seems that the movie is not on their minds.Blake was leaving the cave but he made sure to say goodbye to everyone and especially to Rocket.He promise her that he would call... Rocket said that she will hold him to that.

"Our enemies have gotten smarter, stronger.We might be able to fight the battle's but the next generation will have to be ready, for our enemies will exploit them, they must be ready."

Rachel is standing in front of the Tower of Fate, awaiting is ruler.Nabu floats down from the roof and stands in front of the half demon.A staring contest if the ages.Fate stands aside and gestures her to enter.Rachel smiles and enters the Tower with Fate following close.In San Francisco, Crystal is in an open field as she practices her new control over her duel using of her ice and fire manipulation, it's a beautiful and deadly dance of two very powerful elements.Garfield Logan is experiencing changes, his skin has become green and had grown fur.His mother smiles as he swings around the ceiling, using his newfound tail as another limb.

"But there are some who have to find themselves.Find secrets that we're kept from them.Secrets that could help them understand who they are."

Red Arrow sits in his safe house as he reviews all the information that he has on the original Roy.Information on Cadmus and Luthor's shadowy meets, meets that the public eye doesn't see.An bottle of sleeping pills and anti depressents sit nearby.

"The Light thinks that we think it's over but they are wrong.It's far from over, and the allies we have made will stand beside us, fight with us...tkae the fight into he muck and blood, if needs be."

The vampire hunter, Blade walks away from dozens of corpses of vampires.These ones had links to the station that kept Matthew hostage.Blade discovered that those vampires and these ones had some particular friends on the board of both Lexcorp and Cadmus.Frank Castle is in New York, returning to his hunting ground of killing criminals.He attacks and slaughters a convoy, transporting drugs but also... orphans.Castle inspects them and sees the sword figure out making on their skin.The symbol of the League of Shadows.

"Lilith and her demons have gone underground.Lurking in the darkness, waiting for their moment to strike."

Lilith paces as she waits for Kurse to return.A portal opens and Kurse, with his burnt face steps out.Lilith checks on him and pulls back her hand when she touches his burn.Kurse hangs his head low in failure, Lilith's face scowls as she releases a terrible scream.

"As for me...I search the dark alleys.I protect the innocent a from the those that seek to harm them...I'm the watcher in the shadows."

Matthew Spectre is standing top of a building on Gotham as his eyes focus on a lone woman in an alley.A lower demon is making its way to her.Laughing at her terror.Matt jumps down and lands behind the demon who looks at him with fear.

"My name is Matthew Spectre."

He looks up to the demon as he flashes a wicked smile.His skin fades away as bright, orange fire burns over Zarathos's skull.His chains alight and burning the floor.The demon backs away in terror as Zarathos eyes alight in amusement.

"And I'm the Ghost Rider."

Hell: Domain of the Evil.Time: Unknown