

Bella comes from a family born with deadly and powerful magic, but after an attack which displaces her, she becomes an orphan forced into a contract marriage with the worst husband, hence her powers keep growing with the CIA and powerful government officials after her, to use her as a weapon of war, but definitely her revenge will come for the people responsible for her family's sad massacre.

Ali_Abdulrazak · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Bella's - [P.O.V]

Chime! Chime! Chime!

The church bell sounded loudly, three times over the Catholic church's enormous building.

As a choir at the top floor of the buildings began singing a hymn while I walked in, with everyone seated in their various seats watching me in my white wedding gown.

"She comes... When no one has come... All hail the bride has come... Her steps are bright as Stars... She comes... The queen has come!..." The choir sang as I walked to the altar, seeing as demons sat in the midst of people and others crawling over the place. As my white wedding gown spread through the ground.

A lot of rich looking people were present too.

Soon I had reached the Altar.

With my face covered with a veil while I looked at the priest before me and then to my right.

My husband wasn't here either.

I was told he's called Kelvin Miken.

An idler, who did nothing but cruise life.

Could it be that he was some old man too?

Shit! I was probably going to end up marrying some orangutan for the rest of my life.

"His family members aren't here, by this time." I heard Helena blowing up and causing a fuss.

"Kelvin is a coward!" She said and the relatives and friends began gossiping immediately.

She was trying to use this medium to shame me too.

Sometimes I wonder why Helena hated me so much and did everything in her power to shame me and abuse me before not just my friends but even her friends as well.

I remember when I entered highschool and it turned out that I did well in my studies more than her... I can still recall how angry she was that she paid some people to disgrace me right before the entire schools congregation and those same people still came to me to confess that she was the one who paid them and sent them to beat and disgrace me.

Sadly, no one knows of my powers and my past.

Even the government is after me.

But I don't have much protection to hide my powers from been used for evil.

I can also still remember how my sister died because she worked with the CIA who used her magic for evil, till she and our entire family became their target.

I had to ran away at a tender age for my survival.

The CIA were out to eliminate my entire family.

This was how I became an Orphan.

I never learnt enough with my powers.

But all I know is that I can communicate with spirits and I have unimaginable powers inside me.

Although all that including that of Helena are all the in the past and I no longer care about the evil that I had faced in her hands before, as a new time has begun now where I would leave them for ever and face my own future so that I can become something better even though I know that I am not definitely going to marry the man of my dreams today.

But damn! Helena really despised me.

She continued cursing, over and over again from behind me and I could see her disordering the entire gathering, as she was becoming a nuisance with her words.

I gathered the courage and turned back to look straight at her, and it was now I expressed my fire.

"Enough of your senseless words Helena! This is my wedding, isn't it?" I asked her with an upset face.

She was shocked.

"Ofcourse it is." She replied.

"Good, I'm doing this for you, now Keep quiet!" I warned her like an angry boss bitch.

She was shocked as she looked at me.

And the entire participants immediately fell silent from hearing the bride's voice sounding on fire.

Suddenly, security operatives flooded the entire arena, scarring me on if it was the CIA which was pretty strange to occur right now, as I had casted spells to hide myself from getting caught by them.

"Ga! Ga! Ga!" Helicopters sound blasting through the air as they were flying over the Catholic church.

Before the Catholic church entrance door opens.

Military officers followed in, arranging at every corner of the church bench designed chairs.

I looked to see him.

Coming in last.

I blinked my eyes twice to confirm this.

He was so handsome that he glittered.

His body was ripped with crazy ass muscles.

I could even see his abs sectioned like irons madly in his inner long sleeve shirt as he bounces straight to me in a suit, with his lips so pink and madly seductive.

Helena takes this opportunity immediately... As always, to snatch him off immediately.

I guess she never expected that the man she was rejecting was going to be this sexy and looking so exclusively wealthy as he came in his entourage.

Helena pointed out her hips to him and was giving out all her sexy poses to Kelvin, but he ignored her and walked away, causing me to see something different about the kind of man that he was.

He soon reached closer to me and he immediately apologised for being late as I looked at him.

His voice sounded like that of a king.

It felt like I had finally met my man.

I could tell... I couldn't help but blush at his good looks.

"Sure, apology accepted, now let's get this done." The priest says before he holds our both hands.

"Have you forgiven him too?" The priest asked me.

"Yes I have." I said back because at least, he was able to counter all of Helena's seductive attacks to flatter him into wanting her instead.

Like she is so unbelievable.

I loved strong men like him.

He looked strong and he is strong too.

But something felt really off about Kelvin Miken.

He carried a really expensive brooch over his suit.

I was very aware of how much it costs.

A whopping... Three billion dollars.

I Began to wonder if he was really the one that was supposed to get married to me because I was not expecting that the person who was going to settle down to with me was going to be someone who would come and see me in with a powerful entourage.

Plus carry this much wealth over himself, only just the brooch on him was worth three billion dollars not to talk off the clothes that he was putting on which was worth millions of Dollars too.

Could it be that this was the man that I was really supposed to married or was is it someone else?

The entire church were now on their feet staring in amazement as he stood by my side.

I turned back to look at this crowd who were all watching us as security operatives had filled the entire Catholic Church making everything seem so grand with Helena's eyes wide open together with my adoptive parents staring from the corner as well.

I almost asked them if it was really him but then even though it wasn't really him... I still was already blushing to be by his side because it was even more handsome than my now ex-boyfriend who cheated on me with Helena so I didn't care much.

All I wanted right now was to ensure that I escaped from that house because I have been enduring a lot lately which is not even healthy for me at this point in time as I could tell that his brooch had to be original with how it glittered and the aura that it carried.

Or was this something else I had with him.

Or something more special about him.

His powerful coming was worth five stars.

Wasn't he some illegitimate idler son?

Coming to his wedding with security operatives on ground and helicopters still surveying the area, it was already worth knowing that Kelvin was a big shot.

I thought he was some useless old nobody.

"Do you at last accept these vows, before God and man, that you will love yourselves in pain and in joy... And in sickness and in health?" The priest asked and we both said yes looking at each other.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest instructs him.