
Battle of Spirit Borns (3)

The rage-filled voice of the order master of Purple Sun could be heard from the top of the hill to the base of it. As soon as he was done dealing with Marcius's technique, his sharp spirit senses enabled him to immediately see what had become of the great elder Tenes.

For an extremely important person, the great elder died a really humiliating death. In his liquid form, he was burned away by Marcius's Judgment Flames enhanced by the spirit energy. The man was not even able to let out cries for help or agony as he simply perished from the realm of Rubrum.

As soon as the last traces of the great elder Tenes was burned away, Marcius was alerted in his mind, about the bounty of the great elder being claimed. However, he paid it no mind as he had more important matters to deal with.

Like the white beam of death currently racing to his face, fired by the extremely pissed-off order master of Purple Sun.
