

SHEN JI YUN, who was standing beside Luo Yan, immediately noticed that single tear drop.  Without much thought, his body moved on its own and cupped the rabbit's face.  When he saw that single tear drop falling down the rabbit's satiny cheek, he felt like something just pierced his heart.  It was a very unpleasant feeling and he didn't like it.  Not one bit.

He wiped the tear drop using his thumb.  "Don't cry.  Don't be sad."

Luo Yan was startled because of Shen Ji Yun's sudden action.  It was only then that he realized that he had cried.  He must be much more affected by the news about his 'death' than he expected him to be.  But he could honestly say right now that he was fine.  The emotions that were almost suffocating him earlier had already vanished.  Now, he only felt refreshed and lighthearted.