

LUO JIN knew that he would be at a disadvantage in this fight. Not only was his opponent a dragon, a handicap was also sanctioned on him. What's worse was, he had no idea what this handicap would be. But that didn't mean that he was regretting his decision of choosing Dragnar as his opponent.

When the duke had told him the ins and outs of what would happen in the semi-finals, he didn't hesitate to choose Dragnar as his opponent. The fact that the duke told him, and most likely that Winged Tassel guy as well - about the 'heart advantage' meant that they were given a chance to choose whether they would subject themselves to such a handicap or not. It's probably the Carnival's way of being fair. 

But Luo Jin didn't choose the 'fair' way. He freely chose to be at the disadvantaged position. So, he could give Luo Yan the best advantage. Although the other would probably disagree with his decision.