
The Return of the Evil God, Shi Siu…!

Shi Siu is just a demon in human form walking his demonic path filled with corpses and blood...

Shi_Siu · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

Who is stronger, lightning or light? »

Chapter 8

It's been two weeks since Shi Siyu was arrested!

The sun shone majestically in the sky, announcing a new day for Wuyuan Village! Normally it would be a wonderful and beautiful new, quiet morning, but today as usual, Wuyuan Village woke up in a panic! The streets of the village were filled with all of the Silver Tiger Clan's cultivators…!

The barriers broke out, covering the entire village, even a little bird wouldn't be able to get out of this huge barrier…!

Dozens of experts participated in it to achieve it..! It was a defensive barrier with incredible defensive power, but today it was not used to defend against an alien invasion or primitive beasts..! It was even created to blockade the entire village…!

Solemn expressions appeared on the faces of the Silver Tiger Clan's cultivators! Some are angry, some are sad...! And some of them cried with heartbreak and pain...!

The faces of the villagers turned pale today when they woke up, as usual, to go to their fields, and they found dozens of corpses in the streets and alleys of the village! Corpses belonged to cultivators of the Silver Tiger Clan…!

The one thing that all of the victims had in common was their low level, and those wounds formed due to the sharp fangs and claws…! There were even some corpses whose owner they did not know until after an investigation with the records of the Silver Tiger Clan…!

High alert has been declared everywhere, and no one has been allowed to leave their homes! Loud alarms resounded, causing all the villagers young and old to panic…!

Elder Wen Jiabao, in charge of the punishment hall, and dozens of research and investigation teams came out! They surveyed the village several times and searched everywhere, but without any trace of him...!

"It's a vile beast...!" Elder Wen Jiabao yelled angrily, he had the appearance of a monk in Ma Temple because of his loss of hair on his head…! He shone with his purple robe, which symbolized his status as the elder of the clan…!

After being investigated by one of the clan's treasures, the images kept changing non-stop…! Mysterious images began to appear in the atmosphere... it was blurry and blurry.

At last a strange image formed, there was a black shadow! But when you look closely, you can see that this huge shadow does not belong to a human being, but to a beast! werewolf!

"Damn him..! I will kill him at any cost..!" Elder Wen Jiabao's face turned black when he saw this presence that had caused huge troubles for his clan in the past two weeks…!

Stranger things keep happening! First, the two clan apprentices were killed. Many of the clan's juniors disappeared! But this was only the beginning of the terrible things that happened!

Every day, many cultivators' corpses and dozens of villagers' corpses were found! Their bodies had been slashed by the fangs of the Demon Wolf…!

Causing the emergence of an atmosphere of fear hangs over the village! These events caused all the villagers to fear! The energetic and lively village is no longer the same!

"Quickly copy his picture, and hang it everywhere…!" Elder Wen Jiabao looked at the Silver Tiger Clan's cultivators and said in a loud voice…!

" Yes sir! "


"Elder Wen, is there any news…?" Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in Elder Wen Jiabao's ears!

"Commander Mei...!" Elder Wen Jiabao looked at this proud woman, she was as cold as a lotus flower, her snowy hair flowed behind her back like a waterfall in a free and unrestrained manner, her body stood out because of her height, she possessed the perfect body of a young woman in the prime of her life!

Her blue eyes shone with an extremely sharp light that seemed angry…!

"Madam, it is the image of a monster that invaded our lands…!" Elder Wen Jiabao looked at the painting formed from the Primordial Atmosphere Layer's aura and said angrily...!

"I will kill him at any cost…!" Commander Mei Yuyan's gaze turned even fiercer and stern..! She said angrily as her gaze fell on that demonic wolf…!

"Madam, the level of strength he showed is already a third-level primordial beast! As a Beast King! We must be careful fighting him…!" Young Nan Yi Huang looked at the sight of this monster behind Commander Mei Yuyan and said.

"A king-rank beast...?" Elder Wen Jiabao muttered with a complicated expression on his face!

Primal monsters are famous for their horror! Dense forests and towering mountains ruled...! She was famous for her cruelty and tremendous strength...! Primal beasts were not like other predators like ordinary tigers and wolves…!

Primal Beasts can control primordial energy and use it in their deadly attacks, ranging in size from a tiny insect to the size of a towering mountain with its head piercing through the mist and clouds in the sky..!

The primordial beasts in this world split into five different worlds.!

Ordinary first-level primordial beasts...! They were at the bottom of the food pyramid, but when they gathered in groups of hundreds or thousands of members, even the strongest clans would avoid them at all costs…!

Primal Beasts of the second level called Beast Master...! They can lead a group of monsters of the first level...!

Monster King! A title belonging to Level 3 monsters..! They had the ability to control and control hundreds of Level 1 and Level 2 monsters! They have incredibly strong bodies and tremendous physical strength...!

Monster Emperor! From the fourth level! He had the status and strength of an emperor among the primordial beasts and ruled over entire forests…! They have dozens of kings and countless primordial beasts under their rule…!

Level 5 monsters were extremely rare and carried the title of Divine Beasts! With a level of strength that can destroy clans and superpowers...! She could easily crush powerful cultivators..!

In the large forests, there were always one or two Beast Emperors, but they would only appear if they felt their existence threatened…! She lived in unity and peace because it wasn't easy for them to break through to this level! They were very proud of their lives...!!

Forests and mountains were very dangerous for cultivators if they encountered powerful beasts! But if they encountered weak monsters, they would form groups and attack them! The bodies of primordial beasts were extremely valuable! From their blood to their bones and even their flesh! Needless to mention their wonderful fur as high quality clothing...!

But the most valuable thing in them is their primordial marrow..! Cultivators used it to hone and strengthen their bodies...!

The clans always had a hard time catching third-level monsters—beast kings—because they were so powerful, especially if they were in the middle of their monster array!

Primal beasts have been known to follow the law of the jungle! She was famous for her loyalty! Only strength is sanctified! Their main rule is that only the strong are respected...! Where she would rush to her death when the Beast King orders her to launch a suicide attack..!

That was why the experts had to avoid encountering a Beast King with his horde…! Because there will be many casualties among the ranks of experts after the end of the battle..!

The power of primordial beasts was just too great! For the same rank of apprentices! Especially their strong physique, high natural defense class, and use of primordial energy in their attacks! Their strength will become overwhelming…!

Simply put, there are very few experts and geniuses who can take on a monster based on their training alone…!

The presence of a King-rank Primordial Beast free and loose within their clan's territory left even Commander Mei Yuyan's facial expressions changing! This was a real problem! Even greater than having a demonic apprentice within their territory..!

"This damned beast has chosen weak cultivators as its prey, it is truly despicable and deceitful…!" Elder Wen Jiabao sighed sadly and furiously…!

"But how did this demonic wolf infiltrate our clan's territory without the knowledge of the guards…?!" Young Nan Yi Huang didn't understand how such a huge beast could break through the village's defense without being detected…!

"I don't know, but after hunting him down the previous days, we found out that this monster has an innate ability to sneak up!" Elder Wen Jiabao sighed and said! Their pursuit of this wolf was a complete failure! Whenever they got close to trapping him, he would disappear into nothingness!

"This has never happened before within our clan's territory, we must quickly get rid of this despicable beast…!" Commander Mei Yuyan's eyes reflected how annoyed and angry she was about this! She could never have watched her clan members die at the hands of such a damned beast!

"yes, Ma'am…!" Elder Wen Jiabao and young lady Nan Yihuang both nodded!

"Elder Wen, investigate further, all I want from you is to locate this despicable beast and I will make sure to kill it myself…!" Commander Mei Yuyan looked at Elder Wen and said coldly, she was really angry about this..! Killing the younger generation is the same as killing the future of her entire clan…!

"yes, Ma'am.. !" Elder Wen Jiabao held his hand in a respectful salute and said majestically…!

"Elder Wen, I am truly grateful to you for your efforts…" Commander Mei Yuyan looked at this elder who was the youngest member among the clan elders,

During these two weeks, he has been diligently executing his duties and doing his best to contain this chaos that their clan is going through..

Wen Jiabao was a clan elder and the leader of the Punishment Hall..!

He has a strong and muscular body! Lustrous skin of his head because of the loss of hair! He had the guise of a monk in some temple…! There is a simple aura around him, but don't be fooled by appearances! Elder Wen Jiabao was known for his strength level within the clan! So that he stands among the strongest members!

"Madam, I am only doing my duty and it is my duty to help and protect the clan…!" He was not more than forty years old, but he still had the position of Sheikh.! This was enough to show how distinguished and handsome he was, but he didn't dare to be rude in the presence of Clan Chief Mei...! Hold his hand in greeting and speak politely and respectfully.!

"Thank you…" Elder Mei Yuyan took a step forward, and vanished with a faint blue glow belonging to the ice domain…!

Elder Wen Jiabao stood there with a deep look in his black eyes! He was really in awe of this young woman! Despite her young age, she was already stronger than him and took the position of clan chief! This proves her strength, genius, and the most dazzling future that awaits her...


The already lively streets of Wuyuan Village were empty! There were no voices of vendors or whispers of villagers, an eerie silence surrounded the village..!

Only the trainees patrol, their footsteps echoing through the empty streets!

The villagers looked out of the windows of their homes at this matter in fear, they were forbidden to leave their homes, and anyone who went out might be a target for the claws of this ferocious beast!

In the past two weeks, the number of victims of this monster has reached hundreds!

Not even small children were spared from his claws! It was rough and bloody...

All the cultivators searched for him, but there was no trace of him! It was as if he had disappeared and no longer existed… Although the entire village was surrounded by a huge barrier, the divine sense of countless cultivators were unable to locate this demonic wolf!

This matter caused great doubts, as it was an incomprehensible matter by itself! A giant monster penetrates the huge walls that surround the village without anyone seeing it..? He walks the streets and kills freely, he hides without anyone finding him...! This was extremely illogical...


As for Shi Siu..? It's been two weeks since he was arrested! He was interrogated on a daily basis, but there was no progress in the investigation!

Young Investigation Squad Leader Nan Yi Huang had great problems dealing with this demonic cultivator! He was rude and horrible!

Which reflects his identity as an immoral demonic apprentice..!

Commander Mei Yuyan also came again to do some investigations with Xie Siyu, but she also didn't come out with any new information!

Xie Siyu squatted on the floor inside his cell, his long black eyelashes gathered together in a beautiful sight especially with his devilish facial features…! His divine sense within his body flowed right into his primeval sea!

"Damn, why does this keep happening to me…?" Shi Siyu muttered gloomily as he looked at his primeval sea, he was still facing the same problem as before! No matter how hard he tried, he could not fill his primeval sea with primeval essence!

He looked at that field of lightning gloomily!

There was a large field of lightning bolts that coiled around themselves like snakes! Although this lightning field was merely a phenomenon produced by his lightning field primordial essence, the scene seemed very real…!

"Has risen…!" Shi Siyu gave his orders, and his primordial essence started to make loud noises! Small waves began to gather until it became a very large and huge wave…! Like a huge lightning bolt!

" Explosion! With a thought from Xie Siyu, a huge bolt of lightning charged towards the black membrane, and a huge explosion reverberated that shook his entire Primordial Sea.

The black membrane shook for a while as a small amount of black stones began to fall…!

"that's cool..!" Shi Siyu's eyes sparkled upon seeing these vibrations, he was a middle stage Martial King rank! And now, he's about to break through the barrier leading to the upper stage…!

In his excitement, she quickly began drawing primordial energy into his body, attempting to fill up his store of primeval essence…!

But this speed was too slow! Now that Shi Siyu had had time to cultivate, he could feel as if something was preventing him from filling up his store of primeval essence! He found this to be strange but it was the closest description to his current problem...

"can I enter…?" Suddenly a cold voice resounded in Shi Siyu's ear, Shi Siyu recognized the owner of this voice and opened his eyes!

There he found a fairy with hair as white as snow. She stands in front of the door and stares at the process of contemplating it with those beautiful cold blue eyes, and that coldness made them even more beautiful!

And beside her stood the young lady, Nan Yi Huang!

Although Commander Mei Yuyan was only a few years older than her, he was her master and the person who trained her! That is why she did not dare to stand in front of her arrogantly, she always respectfully stood in front of her

"Since you entered, there is no need to ask for permission!" Shi Siyu released a frightening glare from his eyes and said coldly! He couldn't believe his strange fate that saved him from the Devil's Castle to find himself imprisoned here, just how could he not be angry?

"Shuang Weixiu, did you like our hospitality..? Look at your condition, you look better than the first time you came here..!" Commander Mei Yuyan stepped towards the table in the middle of the hall, while her eyes focused on Xie Siyu, she strangely felt his aura became even stronger, as if he was a sword without sheath…

"Hospitality...? Yes, it's good! I'll give it back to you when the time comes!"

Shi Siu smiled sweetly and said! hospitality..? For all the time he's been imprisoned here, he's only been served one meal every three days! It was truly heavenly hospitality! Fit for a demonic apprentice!

"You want it…? Alright, I will be waiting for you!" Commander Mei Yuyan's eyes released a cold glare. She sat down on the chair..!

Young Nan Yi Huang also stood behind her with a disgusted expression upon looking at this shameless person!

"So you won't confess your crime...?" Commander Mei Yuyan tapped her finger on the table and said coldly…!

"My crime…? Do you mean my crime of entering your clan's territory…? Or spending a night inside the Wuyuan Mortal Village…?" Shi Siyu was still sitting in his meditation posture in the corner of the room! At this crucial moment, his primeval sea was dry of essence! He did his best to siphon the primordial energy into his body and fill up his reserves! oh damn...

"Wuyuan Village...? It's just an extension of my clan's territory! It's not an outer territory for demons like you to enter..." Commander Mei Yuyan said as she looked at him! She was strangely feeling his coldness, to continue cultivating in his current state! As their prisoner...?

"I was born free, to live the life I want, I lack regret often. Entering your clan's territory is of no concern to me! You may think that your clan's territory is great, but it is not for me!"

A faint smile appeared on Shi Siyu's features and he said coldly!

"Born free...? But what my eyes see is that your freedom is a thing of the past! After entering our clan's lands you are no longer free but bound by our rules!" Commander Mei Yuyan sneered and said…

"Bound…? Haha, Commander Mei, I've heard a lot about your intelligence but it seems to me that you are a naive woman indeed…!" Shi Siyu suddenly laughed coldly…

"You bastard, how dare you…!" Young Nan Yi Huang yelled angrily, insulting her was one thing but insulting her mistress was another…

A serious expression appeared on her pretty face.

"Nan'er, calm down..!" Commander Mei Yuyan raised her hand and said...

"Shuang Weixiu, tell me how naive a woman I am…? But choose your words wisely because I will kill you if I don't like your words…!" Commander Mei Yuyan looked with a menacing glow in her blue eyes and said...

"Commander Mei, you are a beautiful woman and a genius for your level of strength at this age, I can tell you are a true genius…!" Shi Siyu opened his eyes again and continued in a dull tone… "Your love for your clan and its disciples is such a wonderful thing, an exemplary leader that everyone dreams of having one like, but let me tell you, you are such a stupid person! And so naive…!"

"You…!" Young Nan Yi Huang's aura gushed out like a flood and suffocated the entire room..! A blue aura that belonged to the realm of water surrounded her body..! It was extremely heavy and had a terrible pressure, of the Heavenly King level…! She was at the level of the clan elders at such a young age, and this indicates her genius as well...!

"Nan'er, let him continue…!" Commander Mei Yuyan said as her eyes released a dangerous glow and sparks when looking at Xie Siyu…!

"What I want to tell you is that you are indeed strong and beautiful but that is nothing! You may think that your clan is strong enough to fend off attacks from primordial beasts but that is actually nothing…!"

"You are too weak to provoke others, as my advice to you! Is to stop doing stupid things that may lead you to the path of annihilation….!" Shi Siyu looked at her and spoke very coldly…!

"Shuang Weixiu, you keep talking about extermination…? Do you really think that your Nameless Master is already invincible? This is really strange! It's been two weeks since you were imprisoned here, but why didn't your so-called Master appear to save you..?" Young Nan Yi Huang couldn't help but watch Shi Siyu's arrogant manner and yelled angrily!

"What you're trying to say is that if I kill you here and now, your unknown master will come for revenge right…?" Commander Mei Yuyan looked with an expressionless face and said!

"This thinking of yours only reflects how small your mind is. You cannot see the truth with your eyes..! But when that day comes, make sure that you will regret a lot...!" Shi Siyu closed his eyes again and slowly said..!

"Okay, I will remember this matter…!" Commander Mei Yuyan nodded and said coldly…! Every time I talk to this person I find him crazy, with illogical words...! I looked at him deeply, this person was irrational! No matter how much I continued to talk to him, she found herself spinning in vicious circles all the time...! He was an incomprehensible person...

I got up from the chair, took a step away from it... to leave...

"Commander Mei, I want to ask you a question…" But before she reached the hall door, Shi Siyu's cold voice echoed in her ears! She was curious so she stopped without turning to him...

Have you ever wondered which is stronger, lightning or light? Shi Siyu continued to draw primordial energy while feeling angry at such a slow speed…

"Who is stronger, lightning or light...?" Commander Mei Yuyan and young lady Nan Yi Huang muttered strangely…!

Within the Sacred Kingdom of Astyria, cultivators have always wondered which of the two domains is the stronger...! Is it lightning or light...? When mentioning this idea, an old legend will come to mind.

It says: «In the north there is the Emperor of Light Liu Bei but in the south there is the Emperor of Lightning Liu Bei! »

Although they are twins with the same name and physical appearance, in reality they were the opposite of each other! The first is a savior, who has saved countless cultivators! The second is a demon wreaking havoc in the world!

"Who is stronger, lightning or light...?" This was a single thought between two children who had recently entered the cultivation path, but had caused a dispute that had lasted for more than 300 years!

Although they were twins, they belonged to two different fields, and each wanted to outdo the other, proving that lightning is stronger than light, and vice versa!

In this competition the two emperors shone in their own tracks! Elder Brother Liu Bei possessed a strong sense of justice and a sense of peace, and unlike him, Junior Brother Liu Bei headed towards the path of the devil because of his weak talent, and his lightning sparks shone through the entire kingdom as one of the Emperors of the Underworld!

Commander Mei Yuyan's eyes suddenly sparkled with a frightening glow upon recalling that legend! Her thoughts collided like raging ocean waves!

"Commander Mei, I am a selfish person, I often lack remorse, and I am often told that I am cruel and insensitive but it is my habit to avoid direct conflict with people who may be useful to me in the future…!" Shi Siyu muttered in a low voice but an intense coldness filled him!

"Madam..?" Young Nan Yi Huang looked in complete weirdness at that expression on her mistress's face..!

"Let's go…!" Elder Mi Yuyan took a step and said, she couldn't be sure of her thoughts, she found the percentage of this person to be a liar high, but what if he is honest..? Wouldn't that be like starting a war that will end with the annihilation of her clan...?!

Elder Mei Yuyan and young woman Nan Yi Huang looked one last time at this person as they headed towards the hall door!

Shi Siyu looked at them with an evil smile on his handsome face as they left the hall…! He laughed coldly in his mind and his eyes sparkled with a frightening violet glow…!

"Commander Mai, when are you going to release me..? I'm getting bored of this place…!" Shi Siyu looked at her slowly turning away and said in an annoyed tone…!

"You may leave…!" Commander Mei Yuyan said without turning around and continued on her way…!

"What…? But madam…?" Young Nan Yi Huang cried out in astonishment and said! I felt strange about this decision...! This was a demonic cultivator after all…!

But Commander Mei Yuyan vanished with a blue glow without replying to her…!

"Haha, that's great…! How about having dinner with me…?" Shi Xiu laughed happily and took a quick step. He was in front of young Nan Yihuang and said flirtatiously..! He actually didn't have much expectation of getting out of here but fate was always strange...!

Young Nan Yi Huang looked at this handsome young man. He had violet eyes that sparkled with malicious colors, and his black hair gave a touch of beauty to his white complexion..! Although he was handsome and prettier than many of her clan's cultivators, the impression she had on him was so bad that it left her feeling hate towards him!

"Beautiful young lady, don't worry, nothing will happen between us after dinner…!" Shi Siu smiled sweetly at her and said..

"Shameless…" Young lady Nan Yi Huang snorted angrily and quickly went after her mistress…!

"Ha-ha…!" Shi Siu laughed crazily at this girl's cute expression, a serious look appeared in his violet eyes, they were shining with dangerously bright lights…!! And it also disappeared with a violet glow similar to a spark of lightning...!