
The Return of the Evil God, Shi Siu…!

Shi Siu is just a demon in human form walking his demonic path filled with corpses and blood...

Shi_Siu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 2

A beautiful white flower, but withered…

Chapter 2

At this time the darkness of the night was surrounding the forest…! Xie Siyu stood there with a dangerous violet glow in his demonic eyes looking at that silver moon amidst the dark sky…!

The sky was clear like a black carpet embroidered with shiny little stars and smudged with gentle white clouds in a wonderful, unique painting...!

"How does the moon stay luminous when it is surrounded by layers of darkness…?!"

Shi Siyu muttered there with a cold look on his face…! There was a complicated and strange feeling…! After years of not seeing the moon, it gave him an indescribable feeling... The cold breeze made his black hair move!

He already had long hair extending unrestrainedly down his back… Although his hair was still in bad shape, after taking a shower earlier, he looked very lively again…

Shi Siyu sighed, and vanished with a violet glow that looked like a bolt of lightning…! He was no longer the same old Shi Siyu who was unable to climb a single tree… Now, even turning that tree into ashes would only require a single thought from him. Shi Siyu moved at the same speed as lightning, and reappeared on top of a tall tree!

"Where is this place, are you still within the Tie clan's territory…?" Shi Siyu looked at the surface of this vast forest! It was as wide as he could see! His location information was poor, so he couldn't figure out where he was!! But of course, the first place that ventured into his mind was the territory of the Tie clan…! which contains the castle of demons...!

"Damn them ...!" Shi Siyu muttered in a low voice that was vanished with a violet glow…! His destination was north of the forest! Towards those huge mountains that appear behind the forest...!

His speed was unbelievable for mere mortals, as well as for low-ranking cultivators!

In this world, there were several cultivation worlds! What is known as the first world is a "beginner's world" a world where children are trained and taught martial arts and ways to control primordial energy!

The second world is the 'Master Realm' where one becomes an expert in communicating with primordial energy and martial arts..!

The third realm is the "King's Realm!" Where a person has the same power as kings, a mighty force that can crush mountains and fight with incredible strength! The King Realm split into three phases, Martial King, Heavenly King, Sovereign King! Kings were often the elders of the weaker clans…!

The cultivation realms split into three stages! And there was a huge difference between each stage and the next! Each stage had a larger primeval sea area than the previous one! Which conferred more primeval essence on a cultivator and greater combat power!

After breaking through to the cultivation pyramid, the primeval essence would also undergo an obvious change, making it even more powerful, and the techniques of the cultivators would have great power!

For example, if a Fire Domain junior cultivator created a ball of fire the size of a fist, its size and power would be incredible in the hands of a true expert or a Fire Domain King! Just like Shi Siyu's speed as a Martial King! It was unbelievable for cultivators from the weaker realms…!

But even with such divine speed, Shi Siyu had to take a long time to get out of that huge forest and get past its towering trees…!

"finally…!" Shi Siyu looked on with a happy smile as he left the forest, but after a single moment, his expression turned black!

"This…!!" Shi Siyu felt helpless at this scene, and he stood there looking with eyes that reflected how frustrated he was… There was nothing but this endless green prairie, surrounding the forest on all four sides…!

He felt an indescribable gloom when looking at these weeds covering the horizon!

Like a green carpet above the ground.. it extends to infinity..!

This scene in the middle of the night seemed like a terrifying nightmare to Shi Siyu! But even so, Xie Siyu had the strength to cross these wild lands and monster lands, so he wasn't afraid... but the thought of cutting it off... made him tired and weary...

Shi Siyu didn't know where he was going or why he was going! There was nothing waiting for him, nothing urging him to go...! He was literally lost without family or relatives. But in his mind, the idea of ​​moving away from this area burned with a flame of anger...!

He wanted to get out of this cursed land first of all… The place there was extremely desolate…

Before leaving again, Shi Siyu sat down to replenish his primeval sea!

He looked at his dry primeval sea, finding it indescribably uncomfortable, he who was used to having a stockpile full of primeval essence! As a demonic cultivator, he instinctively had the idea of ​​filling up his primeval essence storage and holding it for times of crisis and trouble…! He was keen to fill it in permanently…!

"Curse!" Shi Siyu sighed sadly after seeing the state his primeval sea was in! After filling it up again he opened his violet eyes to meet the sunrise.

On the far horizon, the golden light of dawn pierced the surrounding darkness heralding a new day! Slowly the sun cast its golden strands over the prairie lands, and its warm light shimmered in a beautiful sight!

The sun came out carrying with it hope and optimism for a new day and new dreams! The birds sang! Roses and flowers bloom with dew drops falling from their delicate bodies...! A new page in the life of creatures!

A new day smiles at all existence..! Dreams, adventures, events, everyone is optimistic unlike Shi Siu...! He looked at a grim expression on his weak facial features due to malnutrition! He had already recovered some of his energy due to the primordial energy circulating in his body, but he was still tired and hungry!

Years of brutal torture was not something that could be cured by gaining primordial energy!

"Fuck it all...!" Shi Siyu got up from his seat and disappeared alone with an angry look! He knew he had a long journey ahead of him to cross this cursed land…! So he wasn't interested in seeing the gorgeous sunrise.


Finally, after half a day, Shi Siyu reached the end of this barren grassland… the green grass disappeared, revealing a sea of ​​yellow in his sight!

"Coralcold fields…?" Xie Siyu looked at these vast fields that covered the entire land.

The rapeseed flowers were beautiful in appearance, yellow in color, with a root that went deep into the ground and a branching stem with leaves in a cluster design!

A wonderful scene unfolds under Shi Siyu's eyes...!

"There must be a village nearby! These rapeseed fields didn't appear because of the force of nature...!" Shi Siyu continued to look at this beautiful scene, it was a really relaxing scene! Especially stressful for himself!

This scene was especially contrasting to the damned barbarian lands he had passed through!

Xie Siyu continued walking in the sea of ​​yellow flowers that surrounded him on all four sides…! One of them was over a meter tall! It covers almost half of the body!

He was naked and his skin glowed like a beautiful white flower, single and lonely! Among the yellow rapeseed flowers..! But it was a wilted flower! His bones were prominent due to his thinness and the dilapidated state of his body..!

"These… villagers…?!" Xie Siyu looked at the group of those villagers on the horizon, they were men of different ages, both young and old! They were all marked with machetes in their hands!

Because it's time to harvest the rapeseed...

Rapeseed flowers have unique agricultural characteristics, which is why the villagers had to cut them down a week after opening their leaves because they would wither if not harvested…!

Rapeseed flowers were distinguished by their resistance to heat and cold, but this is when they are transformed into "rapeseed oil!" It was a wonderful ingredient that gave dishes a delicious flavor! Very special…!

Shi Siyu didn't care about these villagers, but unfortunately he needed to get some information…! Dangerous sparks shot out from his demonic eyes, his gaze was as sharp as an eagle's eye, he had finally detected his prey…! There was an old man on the west side of the field, all alone…!


Wuyuan Village!

Wuyuan Village resembled a green pearl amidst mountains and rivers...! The village took on a very special place…! Trapped at the bottom between tall mountains and green meadows, but this contradiction of nature gave it a touch of divine beauty..!

It is also considered one of the largest villages in the Sacred Kingdom of Seni.!

Spring is the best season for the villagers! Because in the spring the village is surrounded by a sea of ​​yellow rapeseed flowers...

When the flowers bloom, the earth appears as if it is covered with a yellow carpet, but its beauty when the rain falls and forms a thin white mist around it makes the village as if it were a paradise full of the magic of beauty...! Indescribable beauty!

With infinite beauty, humans harvest rapeseed because it is considered a useful plant for them because it is characterized by resistance to cold and drought, and the oil extracted from its seeds adds a unique taste to eating! It could be said that rapeseed was the trump card of Mortal Wuyuan Village!

In addition to the scenic landscapes, Wuyuan Village has many cultural scenes, most notably the unique white-coloured residential buildings, which have a very beautiful engineering method. But this applies to the cultivators of the "Silver Tiger Clan!" …!

The Silver Tiger Clan had taken Wuyuan Village under their control and influence a long time ago! Rather, without the Silver Tiger Clan, Wuyuan Village would not exist…!

The Silver Tiger Clan had merged with Wuyuan Village! Mortal humans represented the clan's basement..! She is her servants, but they were satisfied with such a life...! Being in the cultivation lands was safer than other mortal villages…! All they have to do is complete their missions and enjoy a peaceful life without fear of primitive beasts or bandits in the dark nights…!

The people of Wuyuan Village worked in various fields to earn a living! From the rapeseed field to the watery rice field...! Some survive on hunting animals from the forest and fishermen there was no shortage of them…!

The villagers lived a quiet and simple life...! From the merchants in the village market to the women who take care of their homes, take care of the children and the needs of the house, from bringing water to cooking food!

The village was located far west of the kingdom's capital, Lamarack. It was difficult for mere mortals to navigate through the road due to the complex terrain conditions and dangerous primeval beast territory..!

They didn't have the requirements to become "trainees".

Although ordinary humans lived a peaceful and good life within Wuyuan Village, this world centered on strength! A bigger fist is the best argument you can make!

There is still a big difference between the weak and the strong..! It was the law of the jungle that ruled this world...! Such a world will not be without contempt and contempt for the weak...!

There were no major disputes between the Silver Tiger Clan members and the mortal villagers but no organization would be without skirmishes between individuals…!

The clan occupied the center of the village! And it was marked by those great palaces and huge homes that belonged to the higher ranks of the clan! As for

For ordinary villagers, their houses were made of mud and stones, or wooden houses and small huts….!

Wuyuan Village was roughly the size of a small city! One of the largest villages in existence...! Its population was large compared to other villages...! So that it consists of hundreds of mortal human families! And the Silver Tiger Clan!

The village is located in a secluded place from the rest of the cities, so that pastures surround it from all sides, and this is what left the commercial caravans to continue to come to it throughout the year!

Trade caravans trying to cross the prairie treated Wuyuan Village as a resting point! This made the village play a pivotal role in the wilderness! And she was allowed to communicate with aliens continuously! And be very lively on a commercial level!

Huge walls surrounded the village to guard! To prevent surprise attacks...!

With one huge gate as the entrance…!

The Crossing Gate has a checkpoint, which is guarded by the Silver Tiger Clan's cultivators! It was impossible to pass through there without obtaining approval by paying the fee, which consisted of thirty silver coins…!

The equivalent of three gold coins!

Many times the merchants lined up in a long line in front of the gate, some with a chariot and some with huge sacks on their backs! They aspire to sell their goods inside the village, and try to rest and provide food and travel needs..