
The Return of the Evil God, Shi Siu…!

Shi Siu is just a demon in human form walking his demonic path filled with corpses and blood...

Shi_Siu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 10

" Huo yang ،Do it without regret…!"

Chapter 10

"What the hell is going on here…?"

"Where are the guards….?"

"You...? Who are you...?"

"What are you doing in front of Mr. Shang's house at this time…?"

"What happened..? Why did we hear that demonic scream…?"

"Where the hell have the guards hidden…!"

Several men with a huge and large body rushed out! They had an evil presence as if they were bandits..! Or dangerous criminals....!

"Hu Yang, don't stop, keep moving forward…!" Shi Siyu pushed Huo Yang's small shoulders with a slight touch and said…!

"Don't stop, don't stop...!" Huo Yang said those words stunned and in disbelief of what's going on here…! Everything was strange. As if it were some kind of dream..

"Yes don't stop, you must avenge your elder sister, you must avenge your family…! You must be the one to avenge yourself…!" The devil's voice echoed behind him, urging him to advance without stopping..!

"Hu Yang, you don't know what will happen to you if you stop now right…? Your little sisters, your elder sister will all get involved because of your cowardice…! They will scream in pain and agony, they will always curse you for your weakness, they will call you a coward forever…!" Shi Siyu stood behind Huo Yang and his emotionless words echoed like thunderclaps to Huo Yang's ears…!

At this moment, strangely enough, Huo Yang could see his sisters

Suffering the same torment the guards suffered at the hands of this demon…! He could hear them calling him a coward and screaming at the top of their voices in pain! They have been disappearing without leaving any trace of their existence…!

"Hu Yang, for these people to cry and suffer pain is much better than for your sisters to suffer from it! You don't want to hurt them right….?" Shi Siyu's icy voice echoed in Huo Yang's ears again…!

" No.! Huo Yang swallowed his saliva upon hearing those words…! He shouted at the top of his voice and rushed towards those damned men! He went running as fast as he could to get her out…!

"What is going on here..? Is this man crazy..? What is he talking about..?"

"I don't know, but beware of the knife in the little boy's hand…!"

The men did not understand what happened there, but they quickly prepared themselves, and took out their weapons! They had daggers and swords that shone with a white light so sharply…! Cutting off an adult man's hand with it is not a problem if they put in some effort.

Huo Yang's face turned pale, but he didn't stop, he continued to run and scream in a pitiful scene, feeling that he was being pursued by such a cruel demon!

Even though he and all the men were making noises, Shi Siyu's faint footsteps were audible loudly inside Hue Yang's heart, he felt as if those footsteps belonged to a true demon…!

"Stop, you damned kid, don't go any further… ah!!" A man with a huge figure looked at Huo Yang harshly, but at that moment, he felt pain piercing his entire body! Great pain coursing through his veins and spreading through his arteries…!

He continued to scream loudly and it was only a few moments when his huge body began to shrink! His huge head started to get smaller, and many wrinkles appeared on his face…! Finally all the blood disappeared from his body, he was completely dried up..! It stood there in the form of a skeletal skeleton with a thin layer of skin covering its bones...!

But he still screamed at the top of his voice and that caused his vocal cords to sever, producing even more bizarre, brutal sounds! His feeling of pain did not stop as he felt this thing tearing his bones and crushing his internal organs..!

His body shone with a violet glow and lightning bolts surrounded him like snakes! Suddenly, a strange smell erupted in the place, and all those present smelled it and strange expressions appeared on their faces. This smell was very similar to the smell of grilling meat! The violet glow covered his body more and more until it disappeared, leaving only some ashes that scattered along with the air!

In just a few moments, the man with the huge figure disappeared causing everyone to startle, their hearts shudder as their arrogant expressions turned pale with fear! Their instincts sounded alarm bells. There was a terrible feeling and intense fear closing their chests.!

Everyone looked at this young man who appeared to be in his twenties, he was handsome with devilish facial features! His black hair contrasted with his white skin in a beautiful sight, but not inside these men's eyes! They looked at those eyes emitting a violet glow as if a demon had escaped from among the layers of hell.

The strong men trembled under these eager eyes to kill them..! A terrible feeling of fear erupted within their hearts! They understood that they had hit a wall…! But what a wall, damn it. This wall was steel…!

Simultaneously, the same thought occurred within the minds of the group of guards!

They dispersed at the same instant, perhaps even if they trained for tens of years they wouldn't have such super synchronicity, they all agreed on one idea, which was to run away…! As fast as they can get it out.

In a chaotic scene, more than ten men shot out in all directions!

All they did was turn around where they were standing and shot like arrows into the darkness of the night…!

They cursed their parents for not giving them more feet..!

Huo Yang was still running towards them, he felt as if time was deliberately slowing down, he felt like he wasn't running at all, he looked at these guys moving at an extremely slow speed..! They had a look full of fear on their faces, screaming at the top of their voices in extreme panic..!

Under Huo Yang's gaze, more than ten men suddenly stopped at the same time! They stood in places and their facial expressions began to slowly turn from fear to pain, to extreme pain, to the point where their faces were distorted from the pain. They shouted as loud as they could make, in inhuman screams!

With the passage of a few moments, their bodies began to shrink strangely..! As if they were struck by some kind of plague or a serious epidemic...! In the next moments, they turned into skeletons and their bodies glowed with a dark violet aura…!

They disappeared forever into ashes and scattered with the air as if they had never been there…!

"Lightning maggots, it's a great demonic art!" An evil smile appeared on Shi Siyu's face as he muttered in a low voice!

Hu Yang reached the door of the huge house! It was a two story house!

"What the hell is going on here…?"

"Who are you, child..?"

"Is there a fight...? Why are there screaming sounds outside...?!" Hearing those demonic cries, all of Mr. Shang's workers and servants were on alert, and the expressions of his guests reflected panic! Even his dog's face turned pale with fear when he heard these miserable cries…!

The screams contained an extraordinary amount of pain…!

More than twenty men rushed out from upstairs, making Huo Yang's eyes widen! They were all armed with extremely dangerous weapons…!

"Hu Yang, keep going..! The faster you go, the sooner this nightmare will end!!…!" Shi Siyu looked at this kid standing there trembling..! he said coldly..

"This terrifying nightmare will end quickly..?" Hue Yang was no longer conscious, this hell was too much for a twelve-year-old to bear…! Everything seemed to him like a dream or an evil nightmare...!

He let out a loud, miserable shriek and charged toward the groups of armed men!

All men were surprised by this scene...! But they still push down hard..! They didn't understand if they were under attack at this time...! But those screams were not normal…! What's more, why didn't they prevent this child from entering the house...! But their expressions changed as their eyes fell on that young man in black behind him…!

They stopped rushing, they didn't know who it was but they all understood that he was the one responsible for that shouting…!

"What have you done to our comrades…?"

"Who are you, why are you doing this…?"

"Haaaa..!" Hu Yang's loud shout echoed through the entire house and drowned out everyone's noise…! It was simultaneously answered by a savage scream that was a voice that was oppressed and wracked in pain, slowly the sounds of miserable shrieks came out! It was as if Huo Yang's voice had ignited a yell! Miserable, demonic screams erupted extremely loudly and reverberated through the entire house…!

Mister Shang's guests upstairs trembled and trembled in fear!

These demonic sounds were instilling terror in them!

"What the hell is going on…?" Mister Zhang's expression turned pale..!

He didn't understand where or why these shrieks were coming from, letting his thoughts crash like raging sea waves!

"Master, please be careful…!" Some men stood in the defensive line!

They swallow their saliva out of fear! They were waiting for those who would attack them…! This has never happened before…! Especially when Dog-faced Mister Shang had such a strong connection as a former member of the Silver Tiger Clan...! And his great knowledge of the trainees there.

Never before had any of the villagers dared to fight them, despite their raging anger they were all holding it in their hearts and keeping their heads down.

Whether in front of Mr. Shang or in front of his followers...!

There were some idiots who even caused their death after daring to oppose Mister Shang! This was enough to intimidate the rest of the villagers!

Suddenly, the sounds of rapid steps climbing the stairs echoed, causing the eyes of everyone present upstairs to widen.

Be it the beautiful young women or his followers, his guests and even Mister Shang himself…! Their eyes widened to their limits...!

There were no men in black masks or men with huge, muscular bodies! They were not armed men or youths as they expected! Although the intruder was armed, it was only a weapon used to cut vegetables in the kitchen..!

This intruder was just a little kid!

With short hair that shone like gold, it only reached his neck, which gave him a special touch, along with those green, sapphire-like eyes! He was beautiful and kind, but the expression on his face ruined all his cuteness and beauty! His expression was panicked, as if he had met a demon in the middle of the night when trying to go to the bathroom…!

Huo Yang stood there terrified, staring at everyone! There were dozens of whores, naked and their bodies differed from one to the other, but they were all beautiful! They tremble like leaves on trees…!

Look at those guys! Some of them have a pig-like body and some don't! But all of them were corrupt people to the core! They used to intimidate the weak and seize his money! They used to bully the villagers and rob them in broad daylight! But the villagers had no one to go to complain to..! Even the Lobe Tiger Clan was supporting Master Shang, otherwise they would have stopped him a long time ago…!

The villagers could not believe that the clan had no knowledge of what was happening to them at the hands of the dirty dog.!

Even now, there was still a monstrous scream coming from downstairs! This time there were voices of some women too..! Shi Siyu did not spare anyone, even the workers and servants he exterminated…!

"Dirty dog...!" Huo Yang cried out in anger as his eyes fell on that dog over there! Although he was wearing a luxurious robe, his head still looked like a dog with that prominent nose…! It was ugly and disgusting...!

"You…? You're young lady Huo Yan's brother, right…?" One of Mr. Zhang's guards looked at that blond child and a young woman, Huo Yan, came to his mind..!

"Young Huo Yan..?" Mister Zhang muttered strangely!

"Yes, she's my sister, you bastard...!" Huo Yang angrily shouted and said..!

"What's going on..? What are you doing here...?" Mister Zhang looked at him strangely. He was expecting some people or cultivators to come, but even in his darkest dreams, he did not expect this little boy to come to his house and shout at him in a loud voice…!

"I am here to kill you…! I will avenge my family and my elder sister…!" Huo Yang stared hatefully as his killing intent surged! His bright green eyes turned cold and sharp…! He felt nauseous whenever he saw this dirty dog! For the past three years I've come back times to their house! And he hit his sister or watched his followers beat her... He broke the things of their house, until his older sister gave up trying to buy new things for their house...!

Although they were living in extreme poverty, Hu Yang and his family still lived normally! They lost their mother years ago, and even his memories of his mother were fuzzy and fuzzy! He didn't remember her well.

Their father worked like the rest of the villagers in the rapeseed fields! And he was responsible for his family, but he suffered from illness.. Thus, his sixteen-year-old daughter assumed the responsibility of the family and her sick father.!

The villagers would help them sometimes but they couldn't take care of them all the time, which left Young Huo Yan looking for a job to help her family! She worked in the rapeseed fields, but it was difficult for her to work there, all day long under the scorching sun!

She moved to work as a housemaid, cleaning and cooking, but the wages were low! At that time, she needed money to treat her father!

She took out a small loan of one hundred gold coins from Master Shang! Provided that you return it one hundred and fifty after one month! Young Hu Yan had no choice but to take such a dangerous step!

But after a short time her father died! Which left the money unpaid! And the amount continues to rise unreasonably! She was threatened many times by Mr. Shang's men!

Until the day young Heo Han could no longer gather the money to pay off her family's debts, Mr. Shang finally came specially to see her and upon seeing her young and beautiful he offered her a job in one of his brothels…!

She had no choice but to accept it…! But no matter what she did, she could not pay her debts because she was constantly inflating! Young Huo Yan would even leave her younger brothers without food in order to pay the debt!

The last time Shi Xiu gave her the five hundred gold coins, the young woman felt indescribably happy that she would finally be free from all the suffering she had endured for so long…!

But something happened that surprised her! Her debt was already over a thousand gold coins!

I screamed and protested! She paid every time, but it was as if they had not lost any of the debt! After calculating a bit, young woman Heo Han found that she had been deceived all along…!

She gave the bag of coins to them and decided not to work with them again as she promised Shi Siu! But despite that, the problems did not stop raining down on her and her family! Mr. Shang's men had even come to beat and threaten her daily…!


"Killing me..? You..? Haha." Mister Zhang laughed maniacally at this..! Even if he had returned as a mere mortal, he was still confident in the level of his martial skills and the strength of his refined body! Perhaps even a top martial arts expert would find it difficult to defeat Master Shang in a one-on-one fight.

"Naughty child, looks like that blonde bitch didn't teach you any manners, did she…? I must cut out that tongue of yours as punishment…!" Mister Zhang looked at Huo Yang and said coldly, after all he still had his former apprentice's ego, even now he saw mortals like ants..!

Would a person care if he crushed an anthill under his feet? Even if a group of ants screamed and cried loudly, would he take care of them..?

The answer is no, and the cultivators were also looking at mortals like ants…! But today an ant came, a very small ant threatening to kill a person...! This was really unbelievable and unbelievable in the extreme.!

"Don't say that to my older sister, you filthy dog…!" Huo Yang's green eyes gleamed with anger and he shouted…!

"What..? Just where does your craving come from, you damned child…? I will torture you to the point where you wish for death, but you won't reach it…!" Mister Shang's eyes gleamed with anger, he hated this title more than anything in his life…! Everyone who dared call him that were already dead…

"Right, you wouldn't die even if you wished for that…! Right, Hu Yang..?" Suddenly, a cold and icy voice echoed in everyone's ears…! Hue Yang felt an incredible morale boost as that demonic sound resounded in his ears…!

"That's right…! You filthy dog ​​will suffer for all the trouble you caused us…! I will take revenge on you…." Hue Yang's eyes shone brightly and he said in a loud voice…!

"Who are you..? Why are you doing this…?" Mister Zhang looked strangely at this handsome young man with black hair! It was already apparent that he was a person of high status…!

Everyone's expressions changed as those demonic violet eyes wiped them away, his gaze was cold and indifferent as if he wasn't looking at humans but at corpses…!

"Who am I..? It doesn't matter...!" Shi Siyu's body shone with his dark violet aura, it was indescribably ominous and sinister..!

"Demon cultivator…? What do you want from me…? I'm a cultivator of the Silver Tiger Clan…!" Mister Shang's expression changed as his eyes fell on that sinister aura and recognized him as a demonic cultivator! It was spoken in a strong tone…!

"Silver Tiger Clan apprentice…? Even if I were the Silver Tiger Clan's Clan Chief, I wouldn't forgive you…!" Shi Siyu stared at him and said coldly…!

"Forgive me..? You are who you think you are..? Just an evil demonic cultivator! My clan will not forgive you if you do anything to me, back off now and I will pretend nothing happened…!" Mister Zhang sternly looked at Shi Siyu and said…!

"Pretend nothing happened..? Haha, that's amazing..! Do you know what lightning larvae are..?" Shi Siu laughed as if he heard a good snort and said..!

"Lightning caterpillars..? What are these…?" Mister Zhang looked at him in astonishment, which made his facial features even worse than the first…!

"It's like this...!" Shi Siu said with a snap of his fingers…!

"Ahh….!" Suddenly around fifty people shouted at the same time…! The whole house shook under this loud sound! And it wasn't just an ordinary scream but a loud scream as loud as they could make…!

A scream full of pain and suffering!

About thirty prostitutes screamed at the top of their voices and about twenty men as well…! If they looked down on others like ants, in Shi Siyu's demonic eyes they were far inferior to ants, just annoying parasites...!

Shi Siu's heart turned dark! He no longer had the slightest pity or emotion in his heart…! His assistance to young Huo Yan is not out of love or sympathy, it is just that she reminds him of someone he was dear to his heart even though her image has become blurred in Shi Siyu's mind...! But his heart still holds a vague image of her...!

Si Seo stood there with a smile on his face! He put his hands on Huo Yang's shoulders! Huo Yang's eyes widened in shock at this scene! He couldn't stand the demonic voice and covered his ears with both of his little hands! But Shi Siu's hands took them off..! Force him to listen to this satanic symphony...! It was loud music and a song describing the meaning of pain and extreme torment! Even if Huo Yang grew up to be an old man, he wouldn't forget this infernal scene…! He will remember him forever...!

At the same time, Mister Shang's heart trembled at this scene! He was surrounded by dozens of people standing there with white eyes empty of any irises, their eyes rolled behind their heads, their mouths wide open screaming at the top of their voices, with their vocal cords momentarily snapping making their voice even more eerie and devilish…!

Their bodies slowly began to turn into skeletons, moments later their bodies shone with a violet glow and lightning sparks appeared out of nowhere..! The smell of grilling meat covered the entire upstairs…!

Not even their bones were spared from those sparks of lightning, and they were burned.

Suddenly, ashes fell on the ground and more than fifty people disappeared without leaving a single drop of blood or a piece of clothing..! The floor that was lively and full suddenly became empty…!

"Hu Yang, what do you think…? It's the voice of revenge! Was it cool…?" Shi Siyu leaned in front of Huo Yang's ear and whispered…!

"Yeah, it was great…!" Huo Yang muttered as if he was speaking in his dream…! He couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes. Was my revenge that simple?

"Demon cultivator, don't you dare harm me! The cultivators of my clan have heard of this mess and will be here in an instant…!" Mister Zhang's face turned pale with fright..! But since he was a former apprentice, he still appeared to be strong, keeping his calm in such a situation…!

He was wondering why the cultivators of his clan hadn't come all this time..

"They heard that..? No, you're wrong. I don't think they heard anything...!" Shi Xiu smiled sweetly and said…!

"You..! Don't tell me...?" Mister Shang's eyes widened and reflected how confused his thoughts were…!

"Is the sound isolation that difficult..? Especially when I crush some ants' nest..? Haha…" Shi Siu laughed maniacally and said! His primeval energy was an extremely thin barrier preventing sound from escaping into the area around Mister Shang's house! Since he's not fighting cultivators, he won't issue any loud explosions or powerful blows…! He was like a butcher who entered with his huge knife to slaughter dozens of birds...! It was a one-sided massacre in every sense of the word...!

In this world, a single cultivator could crush a village full of mortals very easily, perhaps if they were experts in martial arts, he would find it a bit difficult!

"You vile demon…!" Mister Zhang's expression turned black upon hearing this matter! He looked around, trying to escape.

"Tell me, do you now know what lightning larvae are…?" Shi Siyu took a step towards Mr. Shang and said very coldly!

"Lightning caterpillars…! You use a demonic art that destroys a human's body from the inside, right…?" Mister Shang's eyes gleamed with fear after this conclusion..!

"Normally lightning caterpillars are useless in fighting high-level cultivators due to their aura defending their bodies, but you, as a mortal, can you tell me if you have a primordial aura to block this little trick…?" Shi Siyu's eyes released a sinister glare and he continued his steps toward Mister Shang.

"Stop..! Tell me how much you need to stop doing this…? I know that a demonic person like you wouldn't work for free, that bitch must have seduced you right…?" Mister Zhang's face turned pale and he quickly cried out in panic!

"You are trying to buy me..? You must be wrong, because someone like you can't buy me..!" Shi Siyu shook his head and said coldly…!

"Brother, nothing is certain in this world, let's communicate for a great solution! Ten thousand gold coins…!" Mister Shang's eyes sparkled at this scene, as a former apprentice he knew very well that the world of demonic apprentices revolved around benefit and benefit, in the demonic path there were no morals or rules…!

"You..! You said you can't buy me..!" Shi Siyu looked at him annoyed and said…!

"I know I can't buy you, but twenty thousand gold coins would be enough to spare my life right…?" After seeing Shi Siyu's hostile expression disappear, Master Shang started to calm down again! Thinking for a moment, Mister Zhang found it strange that this demon would spare his life alone out of all!

"Such a low price is all your life is worth…? I have to kill you then…!" Shi Siyu looked at him angrily and said…!

"Not sure, twenty thousand is just to spare my life and thirty thousand that I will pay later to you…!" Mister Zhang shook his head and said!

"Hundred thousand…!" Shi Siyu's eyes flashed with a dangerous violet glow and he said…!

"You devil..? What are you saying…? Do you want to stop now…?" Suddenly, Huo Yang turned around and shouted angrily…!

"Shut up, you ignorant child…!" With a swing of Shi Siyu's hand, a strong slap echoed across Hue Yang's face, rolling him onto the wooden floor…!

"Master, you can't do this to me! You promised my sister that you would avenge us…!" Huo Yang's tears flowed and he cried out sadly…!

"I told you to shut up..!" Shi Siyu raised his palm towards Huo Yang and shot him with a spear of dark violet lightning…!

"Master… Please don't stop!!" Huo Yang shouted and his body trembled as the lightning spear struck him! His body shone with dark violet sparks and caused his hands and legs to tremble non-stop as he cried out in great pain…!

"Please, brother, let me kill this child with my own hands…!" Master Zhang looked on in disbelief at this scene…! Money really can buy anything...!

"One hundred thousand!" Shi Siyu raised his palm towards Mister Shang and said coldly.

"But brother, here at home I only have forty thousand gold coins..! I will complete the amount for you tomorrow…!"

"A hundred thousand..? It's really an unworthy amount, my life is more valuable than it...!"

Mister Zhang laughed madly in his mind! Damn you, demon apprentice…!

"Forty thousand…? You should know that I don't carry a spatial ring with me…!" Shi Siyu put down his hand and said coldly…!

"Please don't worry, I have a spatial ring that I will give to you as a gift for our friendship..!"

Mister Zhang showed a friendly smile towards Shi Siyu but this caused his face to contort more and more…

"Okay.. I'll accept it..!" Shi Siu nodded and said..!

"Brother, but there is a problem, you know that I can no longer use primeval energy, I will bother you to come with me…!"

"Damn, why should I take him to my treasury..? But it doesn't matter since the barrier still surrounds the village, I will go to the clan for help."

After he gets caught and I get everything back, I will slowly torture him haha…! "

"All I have to do now is stay alive, and all my problems will be solved tomorrow…!" Mr. Zhang was indeed a cunning fox, and he had drawn out plans for the future elaborately in his mind..

"That's not a problem...!" Xie Siyu raised his palm and his dark primordial violet aura sparkled! His primordial energy resonated with each other, causing Hue Yang's body to rise upward, he had already passed out from the pain...!

His hands and feet, his neck and his golden hair hung back…!

"That's fine, even if he wakes up, he can't escape..!" Mister Zhang's eyes flashed with a dangerous glow as he stared at this sweet child who was planning to take special care of him when all these troubles were over…! He was excited to torture him until he screamed out loud!

"Brother, please get out of here…!" Mr. Zhang walked in a casual manner and treated Shi Siyu in a normal and friendly manner, as if they were old friends.!

He had no problem giving away his money, because it was dirty money in the first place, looted from the villagers! Even more, he was sure that he would retrieve it tomorrow, because of the barrier that the Silver Tiger Clan had set up to hold the Demon Wolf, it was impossible for this demonic cultivator to escape without breaking through.

Advance towards Shi Siu, the stairs have descended to the first floor!

Mister Zhang turned his gaze to the empty floor and felt awe! Everyone disappeared without a trace, even the blood and corpses of dozens of people had disappeared! This was an incredible feat...! As a former apprentice, he was aware of the power of demonic cultivators, but they would most likely leave many traces behind, but after looking at the power of this demonic art, Mister Shang understood that it was a perfect technique to hide the crimes of its owner!

"Brother, please get out of here…!" Mister Zhang didn't plan any foolish act like escaping because he already knew about the terrifying speed that the lightning field cultivators had!

In one of the corners of the walls, there was a painting! Mr. Zhang pushed her away and found a hidden button there! Click on the wooden wall and activate the button.

With a crack, part of the wooden floor began to move, and several wooden stairs appeared, which were already leading to his treasury, which is located below..!

Shi Siyu came down behind him, wary of any traps! Huo Yang was still floating unconscious behind him…!

Going down the stairs, Mister Shang pressed again on one of the rocks, which opened a hidden door! He was a cunning and malicious person..!

He stored his things here, away from prying eyes…!

Suddenly, a sea of ​​gold appeared in front of Shi Siyu's eyes! And several artifacts! High-quality vases and several precious items…!

"Brother, a moment I'll bring you a spatial ring…" Mister Shang put a smile on his face, he walked in, when he was a cultivator he possessed several spatial rings, but after suffering a fatal injury his primeval sea was destroyed! He could no longer use his previous rings and treasures…!

Keep them inside a black box, stored in a very hidden place...!

Xie Siyu didn't care about him, he looked at these coins with an expressionless face! He showed no sign of enthusiasm…! As a cultivator, he didn't care about mortal coins! Because it wouldn't be of use to his cultivation!

He knew very well that even if he had millions of gold coins, they wouldn't be able to replenish his primeval essence in a life or death fight.

"Brother, it's here! This will be the token of our friendship, I hope this will be the first step towards a friendship that will last forever...!" Mister Shang smiled sweetly and gave the spatial ring to Shi Siyu…!

"I won't bother taking your stuff, don't worry…!" Shi Siyu smiled upon seeing that hesitating expression on Mister Shang's face and said coldly…

"Brother, I knew you were a trustworthy person..!" Perhaps Mister Zhang was the first person to say such words to a demonic path cultivator...! But he still wants to survive!

Shi Siyu grabbed the spatial ring and poured his primordial aura into it! His primeval essence that belonged to the Lightning Domain flowed in! He pricked his finger and a drop of blood gushed out…!

His primeval essence continued to flow into the ring and his divine sense entered as well, only to find Mister Zhang's will blocking his way..! She was trying to defend against this invader! But with an order from Xie Siyu, his primordial essence directed towards her and in simple attacks, Master Shang's will was crushed, and the spatial ring's new owner was greeted…!

His divine sense entered and just as Shi Siew had expected, it was empty! Of course Mister Zhang wouldn't give him his precious possessions…!

With a wave of Shi Siyu's hand, his dark violet primordial aura erupted and spread towards the sea of ​​gold, slowly starting to devour him and pull him into the spatial ring.

The spatial ring was the gateway to another dimension that was connected to it! And you didn't find a problem storing this sea of ​​gold..!

"Brother, what are you doing…?" Mister Zhang's expression changed after seeing that dark violet aura spreading towards his other possessions and devouring them…!

"What am I doing..? Since you've become my friend, I'm helping you clean up...!" Shi Siyu smiled sweetly and said in a friendly manner!

"Pffffff, haha..!" Suddenly there was a sound of laughter, his voice was gentle but he seemed to have a hard time laughing out loud, in pain.

"You are..!" Mister Shang's face turned black with anger and his eyes released a murderous glare upon seeing this little boy laughing at him…!

"Brother, didn't we agree that I will complete the rest for you tomorrow…? Why must you do this…?" Mister Shang was still speaking respectfully towards Xie Siyu…!

"I changed my mind, I don't want you to bring any more tomorrow.. I'll take these things and our deal will be done…!" Shi Siyu continued to pump out his dark aura and devoured everything, drawing it into his spatial ring!

"This..!" Mister Sang felt very angry, but refrained from saying anything! As he hatefully cursed in his mind, "Alright you bastard, tomorrow your end will be at my hands, you can take everything. It's not a big deal anyway…!"

"What are you doing…? Don't… stop…!!" Mister Shang's eyes suddenly widened and he cried out in pain! He felt as if a bolt of lightning had hit his body, started sucking his blood, gnawing at his bones and eating his flesh very slowly...!

"Ah…!" Mister Zhang's agony lasted many times the time it took the others! But although the bones of his hand and body have turned into a skeleton, his head is still intact without any damage..! Human facial expressions turned more horrible and hideous!

Huo Yang looked at this scene with wide eyes, and stood there staring in amazement! He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, and his eyes also reflected how confused his thoughts were at this moment.

"You dirty kid, how do you feel…?" Shi Siu looked at the little boy staring with wide eyes, sparkling with indescribable happiness…!

"I.. happy, so happy! I am grateful to you, I will never forget your kindness for the rest of my life….! Thank you so much…" Huo Yang regained his wits upon seeing those cold eyes staring at him, in reaction he prostrated on the ground and knocked his head several times.

"Grateful for me..? You should know that I am not a nice person, because kindness is indeed a weakness, and I have no weaknesses like her, you should remember this…!" Shi Siyu coldly looked at him and said…!

"I will remember this…" Huo Yang knocked his little head on the ground and said..!

"Earlier, you acted so well that you convinced me…" Shi Siyu looked at him and said..!

"This… I felt that showing more effort would make the situation more real…" Huo Yang felt ashamed and said… But that slap was too real.. Touching his swollen cheek, it hurt a lot…

"Alright, now as agreed, you will be the one to initiate this revenge

You will be the one to finish him off…!" Shi Siyu stepped towards Mister Shang and his icy voice resounded throughout the entire place…!

"okay..!" Hui Yang stood hesitatingly as his facial features revealed a strange expression upon looking at Mr. Shang's corpse which was making strange sounds... full of pain and agony!

"Take it..!" Shi Siyu held the kitchen knife that Hue Yang had brought with him all the way here and said in a very cold voice!

Huo Yang swallowed his saliva at this scene, he felt a constricting dread in his chest! He extended his trembling hand and grabbed the knife hesitantly! He was the owner of the peace, but he felt that it was strange to him at this moment...!

"You must remember, that others laugh at your own misery and sorrows! The foundation of their happiness is based on that! Therefore, if you want to be happy, you must laugh at their own miseries and sufferings! You must remember this at all costs...!"

"Do you want to laugh..? And be happy..? Then do it without regret. You should feel happy, not regret...!" Shi Siyu cruelly looked at the Huo Yang in front of him and said in his icy voice..!

"I want to laugh! I want my family to live happily! I don't want us to live in fear...!" Huo Yang continued to tremble, but felt a strange feeling upon hearing the words of the demon in front of him and cried out loudly.

"Do it without regret…!" Shi Siyu's eyes released a sinister violet glow and he shoved Hui Yang from behind…!

"Without regrets…!" Huo Yang fell onto Mr. Shang's back, at this moment he was still alive, panting heavily, and having difficulty breathing! His outward appearance was no different from that of a mummy, with a thin layer of skin covering his bones.

"Without regrets..!" Hue Yang's heart trembled at this scene, he felt like he was living in a terrifying nightmare, he was about to do something he had always wanted, that he had even dreamed of! But today, when faced with the matter, he knew about the level of weakness of his will! He didn't have the guts to do that...!

He repeated Xie Siyu's words and his eyes twinkled with a sharp light! He turned his gaze back towards that evil demon and felt indescribably grateful, finally deciding what he wanted to do!

He grabbed the locks of short black hair on Mister Shang's head and pulled them back…! Mister Shang's head was raised as a result and his neck stretched, it was still intact and had not dried up…!

"Please…" Mister Zhang muttered in a very weak voice but these words resonated in the little boy's heart…! He raised his head once more towards that evil demon, and saw his violet eyes shooting out a sinister glow..!

Suddenly remember their previous agreement, if you don't succeed in taking your revenge I will torture your younger sisters as well as your older sister Tum I will kill them in a very gruesome way!

Those words echoed like sounds of lightning in Huo Yang's mind…!

"I don't want to be a coward...!" Huo Yang placed the Shattering Knife on Mister Shang's neck and shouted out loud…!

"Please…" Mister Shang's voice suddenly echoed faintly, causing Huo Yang to pause.

"Coward..? You look like a real coward! I'm so disappointed in you..!" Shi Siyu looked at him coldly, some steps moved away from him…

"No, please wait…!" Hue Yang's heart jumped at those words and he shouted…!

"Sir, please wait…!" Hui Yang shouted again upon seeing Shi Siyu slowly walking away..!

"my lord..?" Hue Yang's expression changed into gloom, he didn't understand why he felt this way, even that person had only seen him this evening, but he felt a great connection with him at this moment! This connection was suddenly severed, leaving him feeling a very strange feeling...!

"You are the cause of everything...!" Huo Yang's gaze turned into hate upon looking at Mister Shang's face!

"Why do you keep making my life hell…? Damn you…" Huo Yang yelled angrily! In this moment of excitement, something warm suddenly touched his little hand...! Huo Yang looked dumbfounded at this scene!

A fountain of crimson water was gushing out from Mister Shang's neck! It flowed non-stop from his body, and made a small puddle under his head..! Mister Zhang let out a sharp snort that still echoed in Huo Yang's ears…!

He looked at the knife in his hand, it was red.

Huo Yang felt that time had stopped at this moment! In astonishment, he turned his head towards the exit of the room and looked at the scene of that young man standing there with his imposing black robe, his dark black hair flowing behind his back like a waterfall…!

"I did it…!" Huo Yang muttered, his voice trembling!

"Well done…! You did a good job!" Shi Siewu turned to look at this little boy, looking at him with his demonic violet eyes and a small smile on his face..!

"Well done, good job...?" Hui Yang muttered in amazement, he felt something inside his heart stir upon hearing those words from the mouth of this evil demon…!

"Hu Yang, bring his dog's head, it is your war booty…!" Shi Siyu turned around again and walked out of the hall…!

"Spoils of war…? The enemy general's head…" Huo Yang wanted to laugh but couldn't, his mind was indescribably muddled and chaotic…!

"Damn it, that's enough, I want my family and I to laugh! You must have laughed at us so much...? But now it's my turn. I want to laugh, but I need you." Huo Yang pulled out the kitchen knife and it was pushed back while muttering in annoyance! He found it difficult to break Mr. Shang's neck bones, but after a while of trying he succeeded!

"Haha, what a strange expression…" Huo Yang laughed strangely upon seeing Master Shang's face, he had an extremely strange expression that no mortal could imitate, his mouth opened and his tongue hung out, wide eyes bordered on

And a huge nose, which gives his face a longitudinal view like that of a dog...!

Huo Yang held the head by the hair and drops of his blood dripped, leaving traces along the way..! When Huo Yang walked away, Master Shang's body had disintegrated into ashes…!

Huo Yang quickly exited and climbed the stairs leading upstairs! And he found Shi Siyu still waiting for him!

"Put it there…!" Shi Siyu's hand sparkled with lightning, causing the neck of Master Shang's head to burn and stop dripping blood…!

"disgusting smell…!" Huo Yang wanted to vomit when this smell reached his nose…! He quickly put Mr. Shang's head in a small fish tank! It was a glass basin...!

"Sir, please look at this expression…!" Hui Yang laughed at this scene, there was a small red fish that entered Mr. Shang's mouth and then came out.

"Dog face…!" Shi Siyu smiled as he pulled on the black window dressing..!

It wasn't too big...! The fish tank is covered…