
604. Veronica and Hela

Death is in pursuit of everything.

All beings, even those who appear nearly eternal to humans, those who have transcended the realm of life itself, they too shall die eventually.

Of course, she is not referring to death as understood by ordinary people. Gods are able to crawl back from the void after their fall, and some creatures have no concept of death.

She is talking about the universe and everything in it.

From their emergence to their eventual end, these fundamental particles of their creation will ultimately head towards an inevitable silence and conclusion. Naturally, humans need not worry about this, for the long end is nearly eternal compared to their brief history. Veronica even doubts that the gods have ever worried about this issue.

Unlike most people, she has immersed herself in death from an early age. Not in the literal sense of death, but in humanity's perception of death itself. This is a unique experience that language seems powerless to describe.