
The Restoration Mission for the Fallen Soledad Empire

Tabitha is given the responsibility to use time travelling magic in order to complete her listed missions and generally prevent the destruction of the Sacred Tree that supplements the Empire's growth. [Fusion Fiction]

SoldierWriter · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Exodus Magic Academy (Part 4)

Exodus Magic Academy (Part 4)

It was another school day yet again and my patience had inched away to the verge of exploding every single day.

"There are two types of formula modification methods with the use of the system. One, detailed inscription and Two, adjustment method." Headmaster Weiss walked around the room as he discuss the system.

"Detailed Inscriptions can be used with activating the system as before, during, and even after you cast the spell. You can use a mana string to connect to your magic circle and the system's screen to modify it in real-time. In rare cases, there are talented mages who can use detailed spellcasting modification even without a connection. Just using their relation of their own mana core. Mages such as those are people who have high experiences in a fast-acting usage of spells, usually battle mages."

"The other one, adjustment method, is a simpler concept. It can only be used before or during the spell charge. As its name recommends, using the system to modify your spell to adjust the power, concentration or speed of how your spell comes out of the magic circle and even while it's already out."

"Hmmm… I'll give an example. Watch this book." He went back to his table and presented us a random book on his desk.

"I'll use wind magic." He used wind magic to elevate the book out of his hands and into the air. "If I were to use the adjustment method then I can simply make this book fly higher, lower, left or right." As he said those directions, the book hovered into the air respectively as he stated.

"I can also lightly push it… or literally throw it to the wall." There was a loud clatter as the book was thrown towards the wall as he said so. And he elevated it back in front of him. "That's the adjustment method. Any questions?"

A student raised his hand, "But we can't see you tweaking with your mana screen, sir."

"Well I'm a high-ranking mage, I use the system with my head already unlike the new ones who still type on the system. Okay. I guess I should showcase the manual version too. [Wind Manipulation: 1%: Left]." He did as he told us. Instructor Weiss repeated the same demonstration but there was a visible holographic screen in front of him made out of mana. While he casted spells, his hands also continued to move and typed commands on his system.

The students looked amazed. So was I.

Being aided by this mana system definitely made spellcasting easier although one must learn to handle and use the system. But it was definitely easier than just relying on instincts which usually end up badly.

"Moving on. The Detailed Inscription method is rather complex, far from the adjustment method. Although, I can tell you now that using any of these methods depends on the type of spellcasting you do. If you're the instinct-type of person then you can use the adjustment method however if you like algorithms and know how to stack up your knowledge and experiences well, then I suggest you choose the detailed inscription spellcasting method."

"The detailed inscription method have lesser mages who dwell on it but it's not really that hard. One just needs to gather enough experiences to pull it off. Let's have a demonstration to the many things you can do with this method. Let's say for this book, you want to twist it like a tornado? [Wind Manipulation: Twist Book]" The professor typed on his mana screen and the book floated and spun in the air.

"But what about only wanting an actual tiny tornado above the book? [Wind Manipulation: Tornado: Table]." He placed the book down on his table and a small tornado, only half the size of the book, appeared. The students on the back like me and Vyurian was standing to see the view better.

It danced on top of the book and the book had slowly spun from the force of the wind itself.

"You see this?" We nodded at him, silently focusing on the next part of the demonstration. "The wind magic, tornado, is following my command to spin on top of the book. But, it is influencing its surroundings." We nodded again as we saw some of the papers on his desk slowly fly away from the table.

"This type of magic and the one before are doable even when you use the adjustment method. However, what about this? [Wind Manipulation: Tornado: Self]." Instructor Weiss typed something on his mana screen again and the tornado grew bigger.

The class started to panic as a whole, but then we noticed something weird. Even though the tornado was growing bigger and we can feel the cold winds inside the classroom, we weren't affected. Even the book and papers that was moving from the spell earlier was sitting still on the desk.

"This is Detailed Inscription. Specification on commands through your knowledge core using the system, will make your spell understand you and not the other way around."

It was indeed amazing.

What was even more amazing to think about, which embarrasses me, is the fact that I've subconsciously use this method of casting even without the system.

As I've done with gravity manipulation focusing only on myself and flicking around the magic circle to raise or lower myself at a certain altitude.

I really do use magic like an animal. But hey! In other words, I was like a genius too.

'Tabitha Obiel will only look at the bright when I'm in this timeline!' I declared in my head.

The class finished after a few more demonstrations and Instructor Weiss left us. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. He had finished giving me a gift this week.

"Hey! Let's go on a picnic later! I heard that the Technology department's knight classes are going to train in the forest!" Yuri exclaimed, face was flushed from both excitement and wickedness.

"You just want to ogle at them, no?" Era creased her brow while she ate her guacamole. Yuri, unashamedly, nodded while grinning. Her eyes have emitted heart patterns already.

"Sigh. What time do you want to go? Is it fine to invite my cousin and his friends?" I asked.

"Pft! Your cousin actually have friends? I thought he was just a womanizer." Yuri chuckled.

"But isn't Rakhiel Obiel naturally popular?" Even Clerifa joined the conversation.

"Well he is a womanizer." Honestly is the best policy after all, "But he does have actual friends now… the friends he had from before vanished when he started taking my side."

"I heard Kadrina Lukas was one of those friends, you fine with that?" Era asked me, she was reminding me of the welcome banquet.

"It doesn't matter anymore though. I befriended her last week and she apologized again about what happened."

"Oh my god! Gossip! Tell me what happened!" Yuri's eyes sparkled at the delight of new information especially with what she considers as the juicy ones.

Clerifa who was also at the banquet gave the overview of what had happened.

Yuri's face turned red in anger at what she heard. I was only called a rat who suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Before she could badmouth Kadrina Lukas I stopped her, "Don't say mean things. We've actually patched up and she usually talks to me when I visit the Honors Hall."

"Well whatever." She shrugged in defeat.

"Kana is my indirect tutor for magic formulation, only when I visit the Honors Hall. We got close to the point that we talk about why she even attended the academy when she's already talented."

"You say that when you cold-bloodedly defeat her?" Clerifa joked at me, her usually timid smile turning into a full-on grin.

"It's true she's talented though?"

"Yes. I heard that Kadrina Lukas was a direct heir to the knowledge passed down by her father. Not even their family head got it. She's also talented to boot." Era added.

'Not as much as you, master.'

"Oh! Since we're turning about it, let's share why we want to train as mages!" Yuri declared. Clerifa who usually goes to the bookstore after lunch had stayed when she heard the topic.

"I like that idea." Era who finally finished eating her guacamole in the most sophisticated manner, smiled.

"See? Era's in on it too! I'll go first then." Yuri cleared her throat. "I want to become a strong mage because… well, it's cool. Ahem! As you already probably have predicted in your heads, I wasn't really into responsibilities and even if magic is cool and all, I wasn't into it that much but..."

Yuri trailed off with an embarrassed look on her face, "I started liking magic if it was the Lilith Aurelia. When I first saw her at the birthday banquet of a noble before and she did a demonstration, I was starstruck!" She punched in the air in excitement.

I gave a quick side-glance to Era that just silently listened, and to Clerifa who also gave me a side glance. When Yuri noticed this her face flushed red instantly and corrected her posture "Ahem! And yeah, so that's that."

We chuckled when she averted her gaze.

The next one was Era, who wanted to talk about this topic as well. "You already know that Tabitha and I live underground when we were young. But since she doesn't remember anything yet then I'll carry on as if it was just me."

"So to be honest with you all, the Underground City looks really beautiful. I can still remember the high ceiling that spreads just as high as the sky here in the surface. I can still remember the murky smell of earth and iron that was always there even if it was faint, nothing can really hide the fact that we were living underground." She chuckled and looked at the distance as if truly recalling memories from deep within her.

"Well long-story-short, I love the place. I still do. But as I grew old enough to question my surroundings, I realized that not every pretty and peaceful upbringing stays. As an example, eventually the bright lights of the casinos near my house looked ominous and the people who entered full of smiles, never came back out or maybe a part of their body was missing. My… family was sick. They didn't bat an eye to what was happening and our eldest brother ran away from home. I don't if he's alive or living peacefully somewhere else. My eldest sister and only sibling that stayed was the worst of them all." Era's face that was usually composed were discriminate.

Her brows creased angrily staring off into space and her mouth was moving bitterly. Knowing it was master behind that mask, I wondered to myself if this was really just a made-up story.

It was very detailed.

But then again she never flinched at the lies she told the others about Erazubeth Kalil's origin. Her calm face came back in a heartbeat and looked at us, "And technically, I just vowed to never be like them. Then before I knew it I was bestowed a gift to make a better path for myself and for those around me." She smiled as if her story wasn't all that heavy to bear.

"Wow. That was intense. I don't really know what to say." Yuri scratched her head and Rifa stared worriedly at Era. "Actually I wasn't into the idea of befriending you since you're from a cursed bloodline but you're not so bad, Erazubeth Kalil."

"Ah, thanks?" Era awkwardly chuckled. How unusual of her to look genuinely awkward.

"But even though you're not that bad, I guess it would still sting with what happened to your little bro, huh? Not so close?"

Ah. She was talking about Ginger Kalil.

Lilith Aurelia's sudden announcement of adopting the last golden eye bearer of the cursed bloodline, Gringer Kalil, had been an uproar as I've heard from Khiel.

This Gringer Kalil was the boy that looked to be the same age as Regan and the one who welcomed me when I first came to the Mirror Palace that Master Lilith Aurelia dwells in among the three mansion of the Aurelia duchy.

"Right. He was actually born after I left home. I've been travelling from here and there for years. It was big news that he got adopted by the Aurelia duchy."

"Don't worry. It was a story from ages ago. I don't feel that way anymore but the conviction stayed. Every time I was made to come back home, it just added to the fuel of wanting to find the better future for me and everyone. Although now that Tabitha's here I don't think I'll get to go back there in that similar situation as before…" Era smiled at me.

It gave a genuine sense of relief.

I could only smile back in confusion.

"Then should I go next? What about you Rifa?" I gestured at her who was sitting next to me.

"A-actually… I…" She tried to speak anymore but it seems her own voice clogged up.

"Let's go with Rifa first. She's really timid so she can't talk unless you really tell her to. Hahahaha!" Yuri exclaimed. Clerifa smiled as if telling it was the actual case.

"Then should I start with a question to lighten up the burden of talking?" I gave a reassuring smile to Clerifa and patted her shoulders, she nodded.

"First, Yuri mentioned that the two of you have no interest in being a successor, is that true?"

"Uh yes. We don't want to. I-I especially don't want to take on that responsibility… it doesn't fit me." She answered.

"Then what do you want to do?" It was Era's question that could scrape out the actual reason.

"Ac-actually, I want to study medicine."

"Medicine?" Now that was something we didn't expect. It was an uncommon career since most talented nobles end up becoming leaders of the new era like becoming the head of their clan, building magic towers, becoming a battle mage or anything about fight related livelihoods.

There are also careers that's rising up to the top, Magic Technicians or Researchers and engineers that process new-found technology in creating magic.

"That's… really far away from your household's specialty." The F'yoras Household had bloodline magic. Having bloodline magic meant that the lineage will not be able to use any other type of magic other than theirs and one special affinity that they chose at the age of ten.

I don't know how the selection with special affinity goes but that was it.

As I know both Yuri and Clerifa have superior talent in handling their bloodline magic, Hair Spikes. Even though the name was dull, it was one of the most dangerous and attack-heavy magic abilities in history.

Since I have no bloodline magic, I could never fathom the limitations put on handling situations but I can tell that practicing and developing the same type of magic for years will definitely make anyone in their family be put in a high position.

Just as Clerifa was about to answer, Yuri jumped up and replied instead "It really is! But she's such a nice and timid girl that she's rather not use magic at all if it was only for attacking."

"So you'll become a magic-less doctor?" Era asked genuinely, a brow creased in confusion and agitation. "It's an… hmmm, enigmatic proposition. I don't know what to say." Even the knowledgeable Master couldn't find the words to tell Clerifa how impossible her dream is.

"Well… you could try it. You can just practice and practice…" I started to reassure her and smiled. "Practice and practice… until your hands are as fast as healing magic? But then again, healing magic can be put up a notch too…" My smiled faltered.

Yeah. Her dream seemed realistic.

"Actually my special affinity magic is related to healing magic… Hair Spikes is also something that could be used based on how you tweaked on the formulas too." Clerifa defender herself. Her eyes burned of determination.

It seems she'd been studying about how to use her attack powers for healing in many years already.

Has she resolved herself as young as she could?

"Since you've already found a way for yourself then we trust you to make it work." Era gave a small smile. "May I ask why you don't want to be a successor though? I don't think 'not suited for me' is the only reason."

"As a matter of fact! Clerifa hates fighting!" Yuri declared as if what she said was just nothing.

"Yuri!" Even Rifa raised her voice at her thoughtlessness.

"I'm not wrong, am I?"

"Well no… but…" Clerifa avoided our gazes and buried her attention on her foodless plate, fiddling with the fork.

Yuri ignored her. "Yuri, I don't think you should tell us if she's uncomfortable about it." I stood up for Clerifa.

Vyurian looked flustered for a moment, "Wait! Sorry for that but she's not keeping it a secret to you guys… It's just she doesn't like talking about it with her own mouth that's why I offered."

Rifa nodded, her head was hung low.

This two really understand each other in ways that I couldn't seen. When I think that they'll end up arguing, it meant that they were helping out the other.

Or when they point out each other's weaknesses, they don't listen. I can't comprehend them.

"As I said, Rifa hates fighting, this is the other real reason. She just can't say it because she feels like it undermines the three years of effort of her sisters."

That's right. There was that connection.

Her eldest sister Janiva F'yoras who was already on her last year in this academy and Mauval F'yoras that was a year lower than Janiva, were technically the queens of the F'yoras household.

Those cold-blooded battle mages were known to be caring and nurturing of their youngest sibling, Clerifa F'yoras.

It was to the point that despite being the busiest of the whole lineage, they gave up a lot of time to aid Clerifa in awakening the extent of her magic and earning her special affinity.

That was at least what I've heard from master's detailed information.

"The only reason why she also attended the academy was to lengthen her freedom in choosing her career. Studying medical books at the bookstore was one of them."

Medical books?

Clerifa confessed before that she actually read smut in there. Did she lie?

Her flustered face answered my question. It seems that reading indecent novels was a newfound hobby and even Yuri doesn't know it.

The talk didn't end there.

After a few hours of talking at the canteen, we eventually bought out snacks and moved to the forest area where picnics were allowed.

"Look! There they are!" Yuri gestured hiding behind a tree while we set up the picnic camp. "The only Knights Class!" She really seemed giddy about seeing some of the boys shirtless.

Knights Class.

It was a type of service or career that you don't see much in the Soledad Empire, as it is a continent of magic, becoming the home of powerful mages.

Back in 1173, rather than knights there were bands of mercenaries instead.

The Civil War of 1166 made it clear that knights who used to serve the dukedoms no longer hold any loyalty to us, as we were powerless at the state of the declining mana.

The people were all too familiar and conscious of that.

But even though I knew how they felt, I turned away from them and ignored their plea for change. They just wanted a proper government.

A civilization that readies itself on the future where mana was nonexistent already. I was a child.

A child was supposed to be sensitive to the feelings of others and easily feel sympathy. But I wasn't normal.

It was unfortunate for them that I was a soldier of the dukedom faction.

With these hands that held the plates of sandwiches, I murdered the people who believed in the duchy households and only wanted change. It was security and reassuring statements that they needed.

A child like me could only process their voices in my head but wouldn't understand it.

If only the world wasn't so messed up like right now then for sure there wouldn't have been unnecessary bloodshed.

The weak will be pardoned and the evil shall be purged.

No. Rather than a child or a loyal soldier, I was just selfish. The ambition of being on top was a chain I couldn't get out of.

As someone nurtured with words such as 'talented', 'prophesized ruler', and 'mana-blessed', I wasn't ready to face a future that only consists of the human Tabitha Obiel.

Not the mage Tabitha Obiel.

Or the genius soldier Tabitha Obiel.

Beyond all these blessing given to someone like me, I was only a shell of expectations and curiosity. I–


Her monotone voice lingered in the air instantly pulling me back to reality. Master stared. And I could only look back.

That's right.

If I could save this timeline then there wouldn't be any more bloodshed. I will do my mission with the utmost dedication and delicacy.

"Maybe she didn't sleep properly again? She's been staring into space a lot lately…" Even Yuri came back from her sightseeing and handed me a sandwich.

I could only sigh.

'Utmost dedication and delicacy, my ass'.

For some reason it annoyed me how carefree and casual I've been taking in all these new variables that was thrown at me.

The mission from souls of the past. Learning a new system of magic from scratch. Entering a magic academy. Being targeted by the group that needs to be changed or purged.

If I wreak havoc here, will it all be done?

"Shit." I cursed aloud. Stupid child. Destroying everything should never be an option even if there are people who can make it work and actually, take responsibility for me here.

"Tabitha." A firm grip went to my shoulder. Era shook me lightly and called with her sweet voice. "Earth to Taby? Should I call your cousin about your condition?"

"No!" My hands instantly held on to her shoulders. "Please don't. Khiel had been chewing off my head about this and that take care of yourself talk almost every single time he catches me spacing out."

"Then don't space out. Don't you sleep well?" Era flicked a finger on my forehead. Ouch.

"I do get some sleep but it takes a long time for me to do so…" I made an excuse. To be honest even though I moved here, I was still going out to scout the whole empire.

These recent weeks had been especially hard as the information guild I found only goes to work at midnight.

Since I can't go to their hideout or shop and pretend to be a customer, my guy and I just decided on a rendezvous point at that time before they go to work or home.

But oddly enough, there wasn't any reason to be pessimistic. I wasn't that kind of person.

What the hell were those thoughts?

I should sleep properly from now on. Maybe lack of sleep in this timeline causes one's actual change in psychological health.

"If you need sleeping aids then you should ask Rifa. She also takes them since we were young." Yuri added which made us turn to Clerifa who stopped fiddling with her hair.

"I actually stopped two years ago. I can't remember the name of the pills too." Clerifa pondered on her own, "Should I ask a maid to send you the bottle for the name? I remember it was Sister Janiva who gave it to me."

As soon as she mentioned her eldest sister's name I immediately stopped her.

Her sister, Janiva F'yoras and Mauval F'yoras were the top students in their year levels at Exodus Magic Academy. According to the information guild they had clean records.

They were a saint to those around them.

Even the information guild confirmed that the older sisters were fond of their youngest. There was nothing suspicious at all.

It was a fact based on observation and research. But they had an ominous aura around them.

When I first saw those two when they visited Clerifa after the first week in our room, nothing was amiss. They were popular with the junior students and my classmates too but no matter how Yuri and even Master beckon at me, my body refused to move forward.

"Taby." The familiar sweet husk voice made me jump in surprise. Shit. Did they call him?

By the way they stared at Khiel, it seems he did just wander around here.

"Khiel, did your class finish already?"


"What the hell?" My hand ended up smacking him on the head. Such a foolish thing to cut classes.

"Woah! You're so cool, Rakhiel!" Yuri's eyes glistened once more. It seems she's still feeling awkward with addressing Khiel as just Khiel.

"Hahahaha! It's not cool at all!" Both of them laughed and Khiel eventually bopped a hand on Yuri's head, frowning.

"But Lord Khiel why did you skip class?"

"That's because I finally found him."

The four of us gave each other a questioning gaze as Khiel moved forth. His eyes focused on a single familiar brown-haired boy in the Knights class. It was the friend of Mariah.

"Why? Is Lady Mariah's friend your soulmate?" I teased.

Unexpectedly the serious gaze that looked back had me moving next him, hiding behind a tree. The others went back to eating silently.

"Is he dangerous?" I whispered when a gap was made from my other friends.

"No. He's Mara's boyfriend."

Erazubeth choked while eating her apple pie and I swear she probably used magic to overhear us.

I wanted to turn to her but my cousin's intense obsession and staring at the guy made me stay and focus on him. Something was weird though.

"Lady Mariah has a boyfriend? Isn't Louille York just a friend?"

He turned to me. "You've met him?"

"Yeah. We met him half a month into the school with Lady Mariah. He frequently visits me and we became friends."

"Taby, just call her Mara. She already likes you, she's just a nonverbal type of person. And wait what? He visits you?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "I'm not such a carefree friendly guy like you but he's pretty friendly with the others too. And Lady Mariah doesn't even talk to me when we pass each other by."

"I don't know about that but since she's personally investigating that shitty Ribbons then it means she likes you a bit than you thought. She doesn't like complicated things after all. But anyway that guy, Louille, is he someone trustworthy? I don't think he suits Mara."

I frowned. This guy really…

"You're an idiot." Those words couldn't help but leak out causing Khiel to flinch. I smiled at him, "He's not Mara's boyfriend."

When Yuri first talked about liking both genders in the spectrum openly, I could easily tell that this generation just started to open up about the preferences of dating and marriage.

And according to the intel Vyurian shared to us from her long list of gossip topics, Louille was one of those people.

He was in layman's term, gay.


Never had a girlfriend and also in a relationship with the top student of Magic-Technology junior student Mikhael Geoff.

Mikhael is currently Lady Mariah's classmate. Her right hand man, while Louille had just recently connected with her, he became her left man.

"Are you sure they're not in a relationship? When I asked Rouge for a background research, he clearly said he was in a relationship."

"Did you even specify what he should look into?"

Silence. My dear cousin, Rakhiel Obiel, seems to feel embarrassed about getting in the affairs of a young lady's 'love 'and couldn't directly tell others about it.

"You should have just asked Lord Rouge directly. Or ask Lord Hanzen, since it's his sister he might know…"

He grumbled at my suggestions. "Hanz said he didn't know.. Sister Ingrid only gave with a vague answer. Nessa too! She told me that I should just look into it but it seems like Mara and that guy were truly lovers."

I pondered for a moment.

It was obvious in my eyes that Lady Mariah and Louille had a strictly professional or friendly casual interactions. My cousin should know this since he's dated before.

Was my situation comprehension turned stale?

That doesn't seem to be the case though. But why did all those trustworthy people gave vague answers? There's probably an inside information that I don't know.

The conversation didn't move after that and Khiel ended up having picnic with us. While aggressively eating his hash brown, the Knights class ended and fortunately for us or maybe unfortunately for Louille, he spotted us on his own.


[New Message: Louille]

[I could feel him staring the entire time. Mind filling me in why.]

I smiled at the calm looking Louille on his way to our area.


[You just became Lady Mariah's boyfriend, congratulations. Is your boyfriend aware of that?]

[Sent to: Louille]

I could see him frowning as he read my message, he was almost hear. I bet he's walking slowly while taking in the information and analyzing how to act to us.

"You did well, Louille!" Yuri cheered and shoved an apple pie in his mouth. Yuri and Louille likes gossip. When I mentioned that he goes to our room for me wasn't entirely a lie but it's not the entire truth.

Everything went normal after that.

Khiel looked like he was allergic with something specific sitting next to him and trying to talk about Lady Mariah.

In the end, only Yuri and I's prayers were answered.

She got to watch the Knights class and I received a separate text from Louille went I got home. The inside information that I didn't know.

The reason why everyone gave Khiel a vague answer about Lady Mariah's relationship.

[New Message: Louille]

[Mara likes Khiel.

She never verbally said it but we know.]