
A jealous man (1)

"It's a little suspicious that you aren't riding with me back to my estate. This is your carriage," Scarlet said, suspicious of Ian staying behind.

"So when I come to visit to bring it back, you have to let me in your gates," Ian revealed his plan. "Outsmarted you, didn't I?"

"Not when I can have it left outside my gates. Don't worry, the guards will make sure no one steals it. Try harder," Scarlet said, patting Ian's shoulder to comfort him. "Harry, why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Did someone scare you?"

"Milady, I just remember why this mansion seems a bit familiar. There were murders here in the past," Harry said, placing his hand in his coat to touch his gun.

"I didn't know you were a lover of reading about horrors, Harry. Now I know what to get you for your birthday," Scarlet replied, making note of it.

"Thank you but I don't enjoy reading about horrors throughout the town. This one just happened to caught my eye"