
Chapter 14: Back to the past

So we head back, way back when Obi wan and Anakin were about to leave the separatist ship. Unfortunately there is a bit of a problem.

Anakin Skywalker: Master there are three of use and both our ships can hold only one person. What do we do?

Obi Wan: Perhaps there is another ship for use to leave in.

The Senate: I can hear droids coming this way.

Anakin Skywalker: There is no time let me hold them off and-

Obi Wan: No. You must take the Senate to safety, I can find another way out.

Anakin Skywalker: Master, are you sure?

Obi Wan: Trust me, I'll be fine

Anakin Skywalker: Alright, but I will come and rescue you. Come on Senate we must leave.

As Anakin and the Senate leave with the only two ships, Obi Wan is trapped and droids appeared right out of the doors. Obi Wan used the force to push the droids back and closed to door and decided to hide in the vents for a while.

Then Obi Wan hears the hyperdrive being activated and he plans for some way to escape the ship.

After hours of planning he decides to escape the ship by a Vulture Droid it would be extremely risky but would be worth it, that is until he hears the ship landing then Obi Wan changes plans and he would escape by jumping off the ship.

He would continue to fall, but would use the force to slow down his fall until he lands safely and runs far away to find a way to contact to Anakin but he would find it impossible and so he explores this new planet and let the force lead him to the right path.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.