

Blurb: Raymond Blackwood the CEO of Blackwood PLC Bought Brunette Brenton from an Auction House when she was sold out by Her uncle,Mr Smith Brenton. Raymond had always loved Brunette since she was a kid,He lived in The Southern part of the country while Brunette lived in the north with her father. As a young man,Raymond always traveled to the north to hike and then he came across the little Brunette and her father during a hiking trip. But he suddenly had to take over the family’s business so he couldn’t come back to the north as he assumed the position of CEO in Blackwood PLC. He was surprised to see Brunette tied to a pole in an auction when he went to buy a gift for his mother for her upcoming wedding anniversary party. He didn’t waste time to buy his little childhood lover. Characterization (FL): Clary Grey was killed by her best friend,Michelle and Was reborn And reincarnated into another body,Brunette Brenton.Clary’s soul began to live in Brunette’s body and gained Brunette’s memories. Clary Now Brunette,was living with Raymond Blackwood who was a multi Billionaire and the CEO of Blackwood PLC. This life,Brunette was spiced up to get revenge on Michelle who was a renowned Actress and A movie star,But to do this she needed Raymond’s support. After graduating from college she became an actress with the influence of Raymond Blackwood who was in love with her.As time went on They Became official and Lots of incidents too place that bounds them together. Characterization(ML): Raymond Blackwood Is a business tycoon that was known for his shrew and cunning business tactics,He bought brunette Brenton from an auction after getting sold by her uncle after she became an orphan. Will her path and taste for revenge yield a good fruit?? Will her taste of revenge ever be quenched?? Or would something else occur??

NetherLand · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 North Pole

" Brunette you better watch out" Brian barked at brunette with flaring nostrils

Brunette simply stick out her tongue at him while mocking him nonstop

" Can you guys stop bickering and get going" Raymond was so frustrated at the two acting like children

Brunette has really changed but he didn't want to take chances...

Soon enough, brunette and Brian step out of the living room towards the garage with Raymond strolling behind them

Turning towards Raymond,Brian mad a pitiful face as if any moment he was going to tear up

" Brother how about reconsidering??"

" Go" Raymond only spit out those words at him

" Ain't you afraid I'll kidnap your girlfriend and beat the hell out of her out of revenge??" Brian said those words slowly, trying to taste the water

Sure enough, Raymond frowned....

At this rate,Brian was glad, seeing his brother's expression it was like he was already considering his words...Brian didn't want to go shopping with this loathsome girl, never!!

" Ain't you afraid I'll deprive you of your annual salary, confiscate your sport car and...."

Not even allowing Raymond to complete his sentence, Brian immediately went to the mesarati packed in the garage, stood close to the Passenger's seat and open the door for brunette

" Your tour guard will be at your service madam" Brian immediately kowtow for brunette

Truly,his brother was biased

He couldn't live without his baby Lucy( his sport car) and being confiscated a year's salary was like a death sentence to him

At this moment, Brian felt like crying when he saw brunette laughing silently at him, she walked up to the opened Passenger's seat and sat herself inside

The thought of  smacking the door to her face pop into Brian's head but he immediately shook off those thoughts

He had finally understood that,even if it was just a strand of brunette's hair he laid his hands on

He would be doomed....so smacking the door to brunette's face was a  'never will I' option

Brian gently closed the door, walking towards the driver's side,he peered eyes with Raymond and Raymond gave  him a knowing look

Brian immediately understood and got on the driver's seat and turned on the ignition and zoomed out of Raymond's mansion that was located in North Pole

To commoners, North Pole is like a heaven on Earth residence

Commoners could only dream of this place but never had the intention of entering,that was how secured, magnificent and eminent North Pole was

Only the extremely wealthy could have a house here,some rich men can only afford just a storehouse in North Pole and they will be so proud and respected in the society

Due to how costly North Pole was,just few houses could be seen

There was nothing like neighbors,each houses are far from another

It was a ' everybody mind your business' area

But Raymond was different,he had penthouses in another part of North Pole and he didn't see anything peculiar about it

A person who has toured and explored the world wouldn't think of a mere residence as anything worthy

And that was how rich and powerful the blackwoods could be!!

________Shopping complex___________

Brian got down from the car and helped brunette out of the car which didn't come from his mind

" Never thought you would be this thoughtful" brunette tried to taunt him as she got down from the car

" You have the upper hand now but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get back at you" Brian said spitefully as he stood up straight

" The earliest you start kowtowing to me and calling me sister in law,the better for you,you never know what might happen" brunette gave him a cheeky smile while making mockery of him

Brian immediately snorted and asked

" And why is that??"

Brunette narrowed her eyes a little, leaning towards Brian making her face come close to Brian while saying softly

" You haven't thought of a plan to immediately tell your brother that you ran away in his sport car and scratched his car against a pole close to Boston bar,when you went to pick up your sex mate??"

After saying her piece, brunette leaned backward and posed in a relaxed manner with a smirk on her lips

As for the other party,he looked as if he has been poured cold water

Brian just stood there motionless

Of course he knew that,the day he was absent from work,he had already made plans to go on a date with Yolanda but he wanted a change of clothes,cars and everything else

Just then he sighted his brother's expensive sport car and he immediately felt intrigued and knew that was the right choice

He knew that his brother would be so irritated if he found out but he planned to be discreet and return to drop the car before his brother was off from work.

He went to Boston bar to meet up with Yolanda and had fun with her

After the deeds has been done,he dropped Yolanda at her residence and immediately headed to North Pole but just then he almost hit a alongside the road seller because he was slightly tipsy

Just to avoid hitting the young girl,he crashed into a pole..... that was the story but the question was

How did brunette come to know about this??!!

At this moment, Brian was drenched in cold sweat

The car was still at the repairing company,he doesn't have the funds to buy his brother another sport car as that one

" Sister in law, please save a soul" Brian immediately humbled himself and pitifully went close to brunette and in a begging mood

Brunette snared at him,she knew because of the memories she gained from the past brunette

The former owner of the body had happened to see Brian driving out of the house in Raymond's car and overhead his conversation and the spot he was going to meet up with his girlfriend

The maids didn't feel the need to report because Brian was also a resident in the house and the second young master of the Blackwood family

The butler had went for a training of chefs so the maids had to be discreet in their dealings with the blackwoods

" Please help me talk to my brother and I'll do anything for you" Brian made a promise

At the mention of this statement, brunette gave a sly smirk while raising an eyebrow

" Anything??" Brunette asked while smiling devilishly...

At this point Brian felt as if he might have probably sold his soul to the devil


Hello!!! How was the journey so far??

Do I deserve an Oscar??

Pls stay with me throughout the journey,more chapters are coming soon

Pls give your thoughts at the comment section ( ◜‿◝ )♡(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Love ya!!!