"Looks like the two Monsters have split up," I remarked, as Aura and I looked around from atop a building in the Capital.
We'd arrived a couple of minutes ago, and once we left the teleportation facility, we decided to get to a high vantage point to try and get a clear idea of what was going on.
There were plumes of smoke rising up from two directions, one ahead to the north and the other to the west, both within a couple hundred meters of our current position.
Unfortunately, the two of us were the only S-Ranks who were present to respond to the request for help...Aris Befreis and Noine Tinthlett were away on a Quest, and Kalico had returned to Occiden or something.
I don't know about the S-Ranks in the other cities, but apparently, the ones that were here in the Capital had all either been killed or critically injured, so we probably can't count on getting any reliable back up...