
The Reincarnated Inventor: A Tale of Time and Knowledge"

In the bustling metropolis of New Horizons, nestled in the year 3000 A.D., lived a brilliant mind named Draven Epsilon. Draven was an esteemed inventor, revered for his groundbreaking technological innovations that had propelled humanity into a new era of advancement and discovery. In this world of awe-inspiring marvels, he stood at the forefront of scientific ingenuity, a beacon of knowledge and creativity.

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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Roman Bricks!

As Draven and Elderius discussed the village's ongoing defense preparations, Draven's mind wandered to his knowledge of ancient technologies. He remembered the remarkable construction methods employed by the Romans, specifically the use of Roman bricks and cement. An idea sparked within him, and he turned to Elderius with excitement.

"Elderius, I've been thinking," Draven began, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "I have method how to make an sturdy wall. It's incredibly durable and can withstand immense pressure. We could use this to reinforce our defenses."

Elderius regarded Draven with curiosity, his wise eyes studying the inventor-turned-magician. "Tell me more, Draven"

Draven took a feathered pen and a scroll and started drawing the display, showcasing detailed images of Roman brick and cement. "This bricks were made of a mixture of clay and additives, creating a sturdy and uniform building material. The secret lies in their firing process, which results in bricks that are resistant to weathering and can withstand great force."

Elderius listened attentively, his fascination evident. "And what about this cement written in the corner? "

Draven smiled, his passion for knowledge evident in his voice. "Cement, also known as Pozzolanic cement, was made by mixing lime, volcanic ash, and water. The volcanic ash acted as a pozzolan, creating a chemical reaction with the lime to form a strong and durable binding agent. It's a revolutionary technique that can greatly enhance the structural integrity of our defenses."

Elderius nodded, his mind processing the possibilities. "It sounds promising, Draven. But where can we find these materials? We are in a remote village, far from the reaches of civilization."

Draven's eyes sparkled with determination. "I believe there's a source nearby. Volcanic ash can often be found in regions with volcanic activity, and I recall hearing tales of an ancient volcano not too far from here. If we venture there, we may discover the key ingredients needed to recreate Roman bricks and cement."

Elderius contemplated the plan, recognizing the potential benefits it could bring to their defense efforts. "Very well, Draven. We shall gather a team and set out in search of this volcano. With your knowledge and our collective efforts, we can obtain the materials needed to reinforce our village's defenses."

Draven and Captain Marcus gathered a group of capable villagers, handpicking those with the necessary skills and strength for the expedition. Equipped with a variety of tools, provisions, and a shared sense of purpose, they set off towards the volcano's loaction.

As the group ventured through the rugged terrain, Draven shared his knowledge about Roman concrete with Captain Marcus and the others. He explained that this ancient building material was composed of several key components: slaked lime, tephra, and water. Slaked lime, a white powder derived from limestone, served as the binder. Tephra, the small particles and rock fragments ejected by volcanic eruptions, provided strength and durability. When mixed with water, these ingredients formed a potent mixture capable of creating sturdy structures.

With each step closer to the volcano, the anticipation among the group grew. They were eager to witness firsthand the volcanic tephra and collect the materials needed to create their own Roman concrete. Draven explained that the volcanic tephra was crucial to the formula, as it was formed through the intense heat and pressure of volcanic activity.

As they approached the mouth of the ancient volcano, the ground trembled beneath their feet. The air grew thick with the scent of sulfur, reminding them of the dormant power within the volcano. Carefully, they navigated the rocky path, ensuring their safety while marveling at the raw beauty surrounding them.

Inside the volcano's crater, they discovered a vast deposit of tephra, remnants of ancient eruptions. The villagers carefully collected the volcanic material, their hands covered in fine ash and dust. Draven's eyes sparkled with excitement as he envisioned the transformative possibilities that awaited them back in the village.

As they made their way back, the group carried the precious tephra, knowing that it held the potential to strengthen their village's structures and create lasting fortifications. Draven explained how the combination of slaked lime, tephra, and water would create a powerful and durable Roman concrete.

Upon returning to the village, the villagers gathered around as Draven and Captain Marcus shared their findings. They marveled at the tephra, understanding its significance in the creation of the ancient Roman concrete. The village blacksmith and masons eagerly prepared for the upcoming construction projects, ready to incorporate this newfound knowledge into their work.

Over the following weeks, the villagers diligently worked alongside Draven and Captain Marcus, mixing slaked lime, tephra, and water to create batches of Roman concrete. Together, they constructed stronger walls, sturdier buildings, and more resilient structures, ensuring the village's safety and longevity.

As the first structure made from Roman concrete took shape, the villagers stood in awe of its strength.

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